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培养的人胃腺癌MGc 80-3细胞经过正丁酸钠处理7天后,生长抑制率达50.7%,约有90%的细胞形态发生分化,其超微结构亦有显著改变。而且,在染色体数目上,超二倍体细胞由对照组的78%增加到实验组的96%,超三倍体和超四倍体细胞则分别从6%和14%下降至2%。同时应用~3H-TdR放射自显影和福尔根细胞光度法测定未标记细胞(G_1期)DNA含量,结果显示实验组比对照组降低了。而且在实验组的同一制片中,未分化细胞DNA含量平均为超六倍体值(DI=3.67和3.56),其中90%的细胞超过6C;分化细胞DNA含量则平均为近四倍体值(DI=2.03和1.99),其中近60%的细胞少于4C。两者差异统计显著,表明形态分化的人胃腺癌细胞的遗传物质含量明显减少,但这些细胞并非就是正常二倍体细胞。  相似文献   

The precise location of the SRY gene on the human Y chromosome has been revealed through studies of sex reversal cases involving deletion, cross-linking and mutations of the SRY gene. Its DNA sequence and mechanism of action are being understood. Similarity of SRY with Sry of mice and its interaction with other genes in male sex determination are discussed.  相似文献   

多胺与激动素对稀脉浮萍离体叶状体衰老的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
多胺与KT 都可抑制暗诱导衰老的稀脉浮萍(Lem na aequinoctialis)离体叶状体的叶绿素损失,且多胺的作用大于KT。KT 还显著抑制蛋白质的损失与蛋白酶活性的上升,而多胺对此却无大的影响。0.05 m m ol/L的甲基乙二醛二脒基-腙(MGBG)轻微促进叶绿素和蛋白质的损失。0.05 m m ol/L的KT 可抑制衰老过程中腐胺(Put)的上升和亚精胺(Spd)的下降,而对精胺(Spm )无明显影响。在稀脉浮萍中,精氨酸脱羧酶(ADC)活性占优势。KT 可轻微促进ADC 活性,而对鸟氨酸脱羧酶(ODC)和S-腺苷甲硫氨酸脱羧酶(SAMDC)活性无显著影响。讨论了多胺与细胞分裂素在抑制植物叶片衰老过程中作用途径的可能关系  相似文献   

Pronounced alterations occur in the biochemical findings in acute poliomyelitis. These are derived from three major mechanisms: (a) inefficient pulmonary gaseous exchange, resulting in respiratory acidosis; (b) profound changes in nitrogen metabolism, resulting in decreased serum albumin, tissue destruction, and increased urinary nitrogen; (c) losses of electrolytes through extrarenal channels such as lung and tracheal secretions, sweating, and gastrointestinal disturbances.The extent of these alterations may be defined by appropriate serum and urinary biochemical determinations. These determinations are valuable both from a therapeutic and a prognostic standpoint. They also contribute to further understanding of physiologic and pathologic conditions in acute poliomyelitis.  相似文献   

1. The published results on protein synthesis during aging are contradictory. Possible sources of error and variability include: an insufficient number of different animal ages used; use of whole organs that are cytologically highly heterogeneous; different animal strains; neglecting to measure the specific activity of the precursor pool for protein synthesis; and inadequate methodology for measurement of in vivo rates of protein synthesis. 2. In general, protein synthesis rates in mammals have been reported to decline 4–70% with age. In insects and other organisms, greater losses (60–90%) have been observed. 3. Limited evidence indicates that in some systems a decline in the rate of protein synthesis may be due to alterations (as yet of unknown nature) in the initiation components of the protein synthetic apparatus. Futhermore, some studies suggest that in some organisms aging affects the expression of specific parts of the genome. 4. The significance of results on protein metabolism obtained from some studies with nematodes is at present unknown, owing to problems associated with age-synchronization methods. Also, the in vitro fibroblast system for the study of human cellular aging has not been met with universal acceptance; it is generally believed that this system has not yet been established as a valid analogy to mammalian aging in vivo. 5. Failure to detect defective enzymes in many old organisms indicates at least that not all proteins are altered during aging. The complete thermal stability of purified enzymes from old organisms suggests that the observed thermolability of the same enzymes in crude cell extracts is not an intrinsic property of those enzymes. Post-translational modifications (partial denaturation) may constitute the primary mechanism for the production of altered cell polypeptides during aging. 6. The available evidence does not support the concept of an age-dependent decline in translational accuracy. The future purification to absolute homogeneity of an altered enzyme and its ‘young’ (unaltered) counterpart, and their sequencing, should resolve the question of translational errors. 7. Some degree of age-related ribosome loss appears to occur in fixed postmitotic cells. In general, the published polyribosomal profiles may represent artefacts due to insufficiently suppressed ribonuclease activity during extraction. 8. The published studies on protein degradation during aging are also contradictory. Some investigators have neglected the possibility of reutilization of labelled amino acid. It is possible that some of the observed age-related alterations in protein degradation rates are due to altered endocrine status of the animals used, rather than to defects in the protein degradative pathways. The studies utilizing cell culture systems are also contradictory, probably due to different experimental designs. 9. Limited evidence suggests that protein degradation may slow down with age in mammals and nematodes. An inefficient protein degradation system in old organisms could provide an explanation for the accumulation of altered macromolecules in some organisms. Virtually nothing is known about regulatory mechanisms of protein degradation during senescence. 10. There is a need to examine which proteins are synthesized and degraded at selectively different rates as a function of age and what their physiological role is. This approach would be more informative than the study of total protein turnover with age. 11. The physiological significance, and the causes of the observed declines in protein synthesis and degradation rates during aging and senescence, remain to be established.  相似文献   

The effects of electroconvulsive shock (ECS; 120 V for 1 s through ear-clip electrodes) or sub-convulsive shocks (70 V for 1 s) on rat brain GABA and met-enkephalin concentration and GABA turnover has been examined 24 h after a single treatment (×1) or once daily for 10 days (×10). ECS × 10 increased GABA concentrations in the N. caudatus and N. accumbens and decreased the synthesis rate of GABA by 40% and 50% respectively in these regions. Sub-convulsive shocks (× 10 × 10) or ECS × 1 had no effect. No consistent changes were seen in the substantia nigra. Met-enkephalin concentrations increased by 50% in the N. caudatus after ECS × 10 but were unchanged in the cortex and pons/medulla. No other shock regimen had any effect on the concentration of this peptide. The results are discussed in relation to the enhanced monoamine-induced responses seen only after ECS × 10.  相似文献   

This communication presents a morphological study of the changes in ribosome content and organization which occur during the maturation of erythroid cells of the phenylhydrazine-treated rabbit. Electron micrographs of thin sectioned nucleated and non-nucleated erythroid cells have been subjected to a quantitative analysis of the distribution of ribosomes as polyribosomes of various sizes and as single ribosomes. The ribosomes of nucleated erythroid cells of marrow are virtually all arranged in the polyribosome configuration consisting of clusters of 2 to 6 individual ribosomes. These cells are the most active in the erythroid series in protein biosynthesis. During maturation to the non-nucleated reticulocyte stage, found in the circulating blood, there is a decrease in protein synthesizing capacity, a fall in total ribosome content, and, more significantly, a decrease in the number and size of polyribosomes. Maturation to the ribosome-free erythrocyte, either under in vitro or in vivo conditions, entails a further decrease in protein synthesis which correlates with a progressive disaggregation of the biosynthetically active polyribosomes into smaller clusters and inactive single ribosomes. Possible models which may account for the stability of the polyribosome and for the mechanism of polyribosome dissociation are discussed.  相似文献   

The circadian pacemaker and sleep homeostasis play pivotal roles in vigilance state control. It has been hypothesized that age-related changes in the human circadian pacemaker, as well as sleep homeostatic mechanisms, contribute to the hallmarks of age-related changes in sleep, that is, earlier wake time and reduced sleep consolidation. Assessments of circadian parameters in healthy young (~20–30 years old) and older people (~65–75 years old)—in the absence of the confounding effects of sleep, changes in posture, and light exposure—have demonstrated that an earlier wake time in older people is accompanied by about a 1h advance of the rhythms of core body temperature and melatonin. In addition, older people wake up at an earlier circadian phase of the body temperature and plasma melatonin rhythm. The amplitude of the endogenous circadian component of the core body temperature rhythm assessed during constant routine and forced desynchrony protocols is reduced by 20–30% in older people. Recent assessments of the intrinsic period of the human circadian pacemaker in the absence of the confounding effects of light revealed no age-related reduction of this parameter in both sighted and blind individuals. Wake maintenance and sleep initiation are not markedly affected by age except that sleep latencies are longer in older people when sleep initiation is attempted in the early morning. In contrast, major age-related reductions in the consolidation and duration of sleep occur at all circadian phases. Sleep of older people is particularly disrupted when scheduled on the rising limb of the temperature rhythm, indicating that the sleep of older people is more susceptible to arousal signals genernpated by the circadian pacemaker. Sleep-homeostatic mechanisms, as assayed by the sleep-deprivation–induced increase of EEG slow-wave activity (SWA), are operative in older people, although during both baseline sleep and recovery sleep SWA in older people remains at lower levels. The internal circadian phase advance of awakening, as well as the age-related reduction in sleep consolidation, appears related to an age-related reduction in the promotion of sleep by the circadian pacemaker during the biological night in combination with a reduced homeostatic pressure for sleep. Early morning light exposure associated with this advance of awakening in older people could reinforce the advanced circadian phase. Quantification of the interaction between sleep homeostasis and circadian rhythmicity contributes to understanding age-related changes in sleep timing and quality. (Chronobiology International, 17(3), 285–311, 2000)  相似文献   

The purpose of the work was to further investigate the effect of zero magnetic field (ZMF) on the concentration of ions in the human blood compared to the effect of the normal geomagnetic field (GMF). We have investigated the total Zn and Cu concentrations in the blood serum during in vitro aging of blood. The investigation was carried out both on blood from healthy donors as well as from chronic bronchial asthma (BA) patients. Blood samples were kept for 48 hours in a Helmholtz coil compensating system to remove the static component of the geomagnetic field, at room temperature. We found that zinc concentrations in the plasma were not significantly influenced by the exposure to ZMF compared to GMF for both healthy and pathological samples. In contrast, copper concentration was found to be significantly sensitive to the magnetic environment. Healthy blood showed a slight loss of copper from the blood serum in GMF, which further increased in ZMF. BA pathology is characterized by four distinct types of disease, which showed both qualitative and quantitative distinctive sensitivity to the magnetic environment, as compared to healthy blood. The aging effect appeared to be slowed down for most of the BA types of pathologies. These results point to the sensitivity of ion binding to serum proteins and/or transport through cell membranes in the magnetic environment, in our case in the absence of the normal geomagnetic field.  相似文献   

The base composition of DNA was determined for individual chromosomes from the dipteran Chironomus tentans and for each one of six different segments of one of the chromosomes. The isolations were carried out by micromanipulation and the DNA purines were first extracted from the isolated components and afterwards separated by means of microelectrophoresis on a cellulose fiber. It was found that DNA from this material has an unusual composition corresponding to a guanine + cytosine content of about 30%. This composition was not a function of the polytenic condition but was also found for DNA from testis tissue. Furthermore Drosophila has a more traditional base composition for the bulk of DNA. Statistically significant variations in base data were found between whole chromosomes as well as between the segments from one of the chromosomes.  相似文献   

人乳头瘤病毒16型亚基因DNA体外转化功能的细胞学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用HZIP16和HZIP16K(见材料和方法)质粒,将人乳头瘤病毒16型(HPV-16)的全早期区基因及其开放读码框架(ORF)E6-E7分别转入ψ2细胞,所产生的重组病毒能诱导NIH3T3细胞发生转化。转化细胞具有恶性细胞的生物学和形态学特征,可在0.3%软琼脂中形成集落,可使裸鼠致瘤。Southern blot证明,HPV-16 E6-E7 ORFs序列以整合形式存在于转化细胞和裸鼠肿瘤细胞DNA中,表明HPV-16 DNA具有体外诱导NIH3T3细胞恶性转化的作用,E6-E7 ORFs是诱导细胞转化的关键基因。  相似文献   

Relative amounts of nuclear DNA were determined in root tip cells of seven species of Astereae: Aster hydrophilus Greene, A. oblongifolius Nutt., A. riparius H.B.K., Machaeranthera boltoniae (Greene) Turner and Home, M. brevilingulata (Sch-Bip.) Turner and Home, M. parviflora Gray, and M. tenuis (S. Wats.) Turner and Home. The results show that A. hydrophilus and M. brevilingulata, with a chromosome number of n = 9, have less nuclear DNA than other closely related species which are either n = 4 or n = 5. Cytological analyses of meiosis in the intergeneric hybrid M. parviflora X A. hydrophilus showed cells with two or more small chromosomes of the latter species pairing with single large chromosomes of the former. Pachytene cells of the hybrids M. parviflora X A. hydrophilus, M. parviflora X A. riparius, and M. boltoniae X M. tenuis showed some unpaired chromosome segments. The significance of these results to chromosome evolution in the tribe Astereae is discussed.  相似文献   

麝香石竹(Dianthus caryophyllussuu beam ’)切花在第4 天开始释放乙烯,1-氨基-环丙烷-1-羧酸(ACC)含量、ACC合酶活性相应增加,乙烯释放第6 天达到高峰,随后逐渐下降。钙调蛋白含量的变化和ACC合酶活性的变化趋势一致。GA、硫代硫酸银(STS)和氨基氧乙酸(AOA)处理的切花中钙调蛋白含量比同期对照的低,乙烯生物合成被抑制,切花衰老被推迟。钙离子促进花瓣乙烯的释放。钙调蛋白抑制剂氯丙嗪(CPZ)对乙烯释放具有抑制作用  相似文献   

真菌老化的研究工作在过去的三十五年中已有了很大的进展,本文综述了几种典型真菌老化的生长特征,以及线粒体 DNA 的部分缺失和部分扩增与老化发生的相关性。并且着重强调了 plDNA 的产生与插入可能是造成老化的一个重要原因。plDNA 的产生与反录酶有关,plDNA 可以自我复制,并能在菌丝中转移。因此,它极相似于在其它植物中被发现的转座子。本文中还介绍了几种老化发生机制的理论,并列举了迄今为止已发现的真菌质粒。  相似文献   

Relative 2C nuclear DNA contents were microphotometrically determined from nuclei isolated from eight species of Microseris, four species of Agoseris, and Phalacroseris Bolanderi. The thirteen species are diploid (2n = 18) western North American members of the subtribe Microseridinae, tribe Cichorieae, of the family Compositae. A 7.7-fold variation in DNA content was detected. Phalacroseris has the highest DNA content and Agoseris heterophylla has the lowest. Within the genera Microseris and Agoseris, a 2.8- and 3.1-fold range in DNA content was detected. The higher values were from perennial species, and the lower values were from annual inbreeding species. Both evolutionary increases and decreases in nuclear DNA content have apparently occurred during the differentiation of the subtribe.  相似文献   

We investigated the activity of aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) in the serum of human blood during in vitro aging in normal and zero magnetic field (ZMF) for up to 72 hr at room temperature. We found a 24–31% apparent decrease of the enzymes' activities in ZMF conditions compared to controls aging in the normal geomagnetic field. The presence of these enzymes in the serum is mainly due to hemolysis. However, hemolysis is stronger in ZMF conditions. Therefore, the amount of enzymes released into the serum is correspondingly higher in these conditions. This leads to the conclusion that AST and ALT activities diminished by ZMF to a much greater extent than the apparent effect. For example, a 72-hr aging leads to a minimum five times reduction in the enzymatic activity in the blood serum. The loss of activity could be explained by denaturation and degradation processes, which proceeded more rapidly in ZMF conditions.  相似文献   

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