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IntroductionInfluenza is one of the diseases with the greatest epidemiological impact and of maximum relevance in the management of health services. The flu vaccine can have great variability each season, so our objective was to find out the effectiveness of the flu vaccine for the 2017/2018 season for the prevention of severe cases of flu in people over 65 years of age in a 385-bed acute general hospital.Material and methodStudy of cases and controls. All hospitalized patients with laboratory-confirmed influenza older than 65 years during the 2017/2018 season were included. Those who met the criteria for a severe case of influenza were considered cases. Those who did not meet the severity criteria were considered controls. Factors associated with the development of severe influenza were calculated.ResultsThe median age was 68 years (SD 91.87). The attack rate was 0.23 per hundred inhabitants and the vaccine effectiveness was 38%. The vaccinated and unvaccinated groups were different in terms of age (p < 0.0481). Vaccination status against severe influenza was found to be an independent protective factor (OR = 0.840; 0.746-0.913).ConclusionsThe effectiveness of influenza vaccination provided greater protection against infection and reduced the severity of influenza in older hospitalized patients. These findings should be taken into account to improve vaccination strategies and achieve better vaccination coverage in the population at risk.  相似文献   

Resumen Se presenta el estudio de la reacción a la Paracoccidioidina de los habitantes de un área de alta incidencia de Micosis de Lutz y Splendore, encontrándose positividad en el 52% de los residentes. Se hizo simultáneamente intradermo-reacciones al P.P.D., Histoplasmina y Esporotriquina, encontrándose cierta correlación de resultados sólo con la Histoplasmina. Con fines de comparación se hizo encuesta en pequeño grupo de habitantes de otra área del pais, encontrándose una diferencia estadisticamente significante con los resultados de la zona en estudio. Se hacen varios comentarios.
Cutaneous sensitivity to paracoccidiodin was tested in 686 persons of an endemic area of Paracoccidioidomicosis in Venezuela. The antigen was prepared in our laboratory according to the technique used byFava Netto (Brasil). Skin-testing such as histoplasmin, sporotrichin and P.P.D. also were performed. Due to the high percentage obtained in the reading of the paracoccidioidin (52%) an inquiry was made in a not endemic area obtaining a percentage of 6,1%; this difference is statistically significant. Significant results are also obtained for the two remaining antigens of mycotic origin.Emphasis is laid on the importance of working with the same antigen used in Brasil.Commentaries are made on the common reactions that occur between paracoccidioidin and histoplasmin, and on the possibility of interpreting them as crossed reactions or that the same person is sensitive to the two agents which are in the environment of the place where they live.No crossed reactions were found between sporotrichin and paracoccidioidin in a significant number of cases, nor between the latter and the P.P.D. and this is considered very important in connection with the active or residual possible pulmonary lesions that could be seen in the persons with negative P.P.D.The appearance of positive reactions to paracoccidioidin was observed by beginning at the age of 10 and becoming more intense at 20 and it is higher in males than in females.

Trabajo realizado con la ayuda económica de la FundaciónJose Maria Vargas.  相似文献   

IntroductionAnimal-assisted therapy is increasingly present in several educational and health areas. The aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness of such interventions in the elderly population living in residential settings.Materials and methodsA 12-week dog-assisted intervention program was designed, with 16 participants from a nursing home divided into an experimental group and a control group.ResultsSeveral physical and psychological variables were assessed before and after the intervention. While there were no significant differences in the control group, the experimental group improved significantly after participating in the program.DiscussionThe results support the hypothesis that animal-assisted interventions may be beneficial for residents in elderly care homes.  相似文献   

We review the scientific evidence available on nutritional recommendations in the distinct stages of life through 10 key questions relating to dietary modifications throughout the life cycle, namely: how long should breast-feeding last? What are the best methods for promoting breast-feeding? Should soya infant formulas be used to prevent allergic diseases in infants at high risk? Is micronutrient supplementation indicated in infants? How should childhood obesity be prevented? Are there any valid strategies for preventing eating disorders in adolescents? Which type of diet should be recommended in pregnant and breast-feeding women? Should nutritional supplements be used in elderly individuals at risk of malnutrition? Should micronutrient supplements be used in the elderly to prevent or treat degenerative diseases?  相似文献   

In the Ecuadorian Andes, populations of 24 anuran species have been reported to be in the process of decline or extinction since the late 1980s. In spite of these reports, quantitative data on population trends on anuran populations in Ecuador are scarce. We compare relative abundance and species composition in surveys conducted between 1967 and 1988 (initial surveys) with surveys conducted between March 2000 and November 2003 (recent surveys) in seven anuran communities in the Andes of Ecuador. A total of 76 anuran species was registered. In 88 populations corresponding to 73 species in seven localities, 56 of them decreased and 27 increased their relative abundances. We observed significant differences in the number of species present in the initial surveys with respect to recent surveys. In six out of seven localities we registered fewer species than previously, even though capture effort was greater in recent surveys. Differences were of higher magnitude for species with aquatic larvae (34 species in initial surveys and 17 in recent surveys). Differences were not significant for species with direct development (genus Eleutherodactylus; 28 species in initial and recent surveys). We registered increases in the upper limit of the altitudinal range for six species and nine new records for six localities.  相似文献   

René Molinier 《Plant Ecology》1959,8(5-6):340-383
Conclusions La Provence apparaît, en définitive, comme un territoire des plus variés aux divers points de vue climatique, édaphique, biotique.C'est une région d'autant plus favorable aux études phytosociologiques que la variété des milieux s'y double d'une brutalité souvent étonnante des contrastes, conduisant à la juxtaposition parfois extrêmement précise d'associations végétales très différentes, dont les limites peuvent alors être cartographiquement figurées avec une très suffisante exactitude.Cette vigueur des contrastes est surtout marquée en Provence calcaire où les divers termes des séries évolutives dérivant du Quercetum ilicis climacique ou y conduisant, se juxtaposent souvent sans transition de quelque importance.Les contrastes sont cependant moins accusés en Provence cristalline et dans la Basse-Vallée du Rhône.En Crau comme en Camargue, les associations végétales se juxtaposent souvent en ceintures parallèles ou concentriques — elles s'individualisent alors facilement —, souvent en mosaïques irrégulières, au grè des variations locales des deux facteurs déterminants: l'eau en Crau, le sel en Camargue.En Provence cristalline, les Maures étant surtout faites de roches se délitant facilement (grès, micaschistes et phyllades) sous un climat chaud et humide, le sol se reconstitue facilement après sa destruction partielle par l'érosion; les contrastes sont moins tranchés; on observe des transitions nombreuses entre les divers termes des séries évolutives, dont les limites ne peuvent être fixées qu'approximativement. Nous y avons notamment abordé le problème de la forêt de chêne-liège dont la signification est loin d'être connue, non seulement en Provence mais sur toute l'étendue de son aire, en Afrique du Nord, en Espagne, au Portugal, en France méridionale, en Italie et dans les Iles de la Méditerranée occidentale.En provence cristalline, il est certain que l'homme en a considérablement assuré l'extension, directement pour l'utilisation du liège, indirectement par la coupe et le feu, et, en bien des points de la Méditerranée occidentale, le chêne-liège se présente comme une essence cultivée.Par ailleurs rien ne permet de mettre en doute son indigénat. Mais, dans les conditions actuelles du milieu en Provence cristalline:le chêne vert est possible partout;dans les conditions naturelles de la concurrence vitale le chêne vert l'emporte sur le chêne-liège.Si, donc, la forêt originelle a comporté le chêne-liège, ce ne peut être qu'à l'état d'essence secondaire et seulement en quelques points où une faible couverture forestière lui permettait de cohabiter avec le chêne vert.Les documents cartographiques au I/20 000e tendent à montrer, d'aileurs que, dans les conditions naturelles de reconstitution de la forêt ou dans le peuplement naturel des sols neufs (Isthme de Giens), c'est la chênaie de chêne vert, non la chênaie de chêne-liège qui s'installe.Les grandes unités phytosociologiques de la Provence paraissent être maintenant convenablement définies floristiquement; il convient donc d'en poursuivre l'étude écologique, dont certains aspects seulement les plus apparents—mais peut-être pas toujours les plus actifs-, ont été abordés.Notons enfin la démonstration faite, au cours de l'excursion, de la parfaite application possible des méthodes phytosociologiques à l'étude des groupements marins et la nécessité, particulièrement apparente en milieu marin, de considérer tout autant les animaux que les végétaux. L'avenir est bien aux biocénoses dont les grands traits ont été mis en évidence, quant à la côte de la presqu'île de Giens, par Roger Molinier.Reçu par la rédaction le 20. XII. 1958.avec la collaboration de ROGER MOLINIER pour la partie marine et G. TALLON pour la Camargue.  相似文献   

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