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Type 4 fimbriae of Pseudomonas aeruginosa are surface filaments involved in host colonization. They mediate both attachment to host epithelial cells and flagella-independent twitching motility. Four additional genes, pilW, pilX, pilY1 and pilY2, are located on Spel fragment E in the 5 kb intergenic region between the previously characterized genes pilV and pilE, which encode prepilin-like proteins involved in type 4 fimbrial biogenesis. The phenotypes of a transposon insertion and other mutations constructed by allelic exchange show that these genes are involved in the assembly of type 4 fimbriae. The PilW and PilX proteins are membrane located, possess the hydrophobic N-terminus characteristic of prepilin-like proteins, and appear to belong to the GspJ and GspK group of proteins that are required for protein secretion in a wide range of Gram-negative bacteria. These findings increase the similarities between the fimbrial biogenesis and the Gsp-based protein-secretion super-systems. PilY1 is a large protein with C-terminal homology to the PilC2 protein of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, thought to be a fimbrial tip-associated adhesin, and which, like PilY1, is involved in fimbrial assembly. PilY1 appears to be located in both the membrane and the external fimbrial fractions. PilY2 is a small protein that appears to play a subtle role In fimbrial biogenesis and represents a new class of protein.  相似文献   

The F-pilus has been implicated in recipient cell recognition during the establishment of a stable mating pair before conjugation as well as forming part of the conjugative pore for DNA transfer. The F-pilus is the site of attachment of the filamentous phages (M13, f1 and fd), which attach to the F-pilus tip, and the RNA phages, R17 and Qbeta, which attach to different sites exposed on the sides of the pilus. R17 has been shown to undergo eclipse, or capsid release, outside the cell on pili attached to cells. New and existing mutants of traA combined with natural variants of F-pilin were assayed for pilin stability and processing, pilus elongation, transfer, phage sensitivity and R17 eclipse. Phenotypes of these mutants indicated that the F-pilin subunit contains specific regions that can be associated with pilus assembly, phage sensitivity and DNA transport. Mutations involving lysines and phenylalanines within residues 45-60 suggest that these residues might participate in transmitting a signal down the length of the pilus that initiates DNA transfer or R17 eclipse.  相似文献   

The Helicobacter pylori cag pathogenicity island (cag PAI) encodes components of a type IV secretion system (T4SS) involved in host interaction and pathogenicity. Previously, seven cag PAI proteins were identified as homologs of Agrobacterium tumefaciens Vir proteins, which form a paradigm T4SS. The T pilus composed of the processed VirB2 pilin is an external structural part of the A. tumefaciens T4SS. In H. pylori, cag-dependent assembly of pili has not been observed so far, nor has a pilin (VirB2) ortholog been characterized. We have here identified, using a motif-based search, an H. pylori cag island protein (HP0546) that possesses sequence and predicted structural similarities to VirB2-like pilins of other T4SSs. The HP0546 protein displays interstrain variability in its terminal domains. HP0546 was expressed as a FLAG-tagged fusion protein in Escherichia coli, A. tumefaciens, and H. pylori and was detected as either two or three bands of different molecular masses in the insoluble fraction, indicating protein processing. As reported previously, isogenic H. pylori mutants in the putative cag pilin gene had reduced abilities to induce cag PAI-dependent interleukin-8 secretion in gastric epithelial cells. Fractionation analysis of H. pylori, using a specific antiserum raised against an N-terminal HP0546 peptide, showed that the protein is partially surface exposed and that its surface localization depended upon an intact cag system. By immunoelectron microscopy, HP0546 was localized in surface appendages, with surface exposure of an N-terminal epitope. Pronounced strain-to-strain variability of this predicted surface-exposed part of HP0546 indicates a strong selective pressure for variation in vivo.  相似文献   

Bacteria use type IV secretion systems (T4SS) to translocate DNA (T-DNA) and protein substrates across the cell envelope. By transfer DNA immunoprecipitation (TrIP), we recently showed that T-DNA translocates through the Agrobacterium tumefaciens VirB/D4 T4SS by forming close contacts sequentially with the VirD4 receptor, VirB11 ATPase, the inner membrane subunits VirB6 and VirB8 and, finally, VirB2 pilin and VirB9. Here, by TrIP, we show that nucleoside triphosphate binding site (Walker A motif) mutations do not disrupt VirD4 substrate binding or transfer to VirB11, suggesting that these early reactions proceed independently of ATP binding or hydrolysis. In contrast, VirD4, VirB11 and VirB4 Walker A mutations each arrest substrate transfer to VirB6 and VirB8, suggesting that these subunits energize this transfer reaction by an ATP-dependent mechanism. By co-immunoprecipitation, we supply evidence for VirD4 interactions with VirB4 and VirB11 independently of other T4SS subunits or intact Walker A motifs, and with the bitopic inner membrane subunit VirB10. We reconstituted substrate transfer from VirD4 to VirB11 and to VirB6 and VirB8 by co-synthesis of previously identified 'core' components of the VirB/D4 T4SS. Our findings define genetic requirements for DNA substrate binding and the early transfer reactions of a bacterial type IV translocation pathway.  相似文献   

The mechanism of assembly of lipoprotein particles in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum is an important but poorly understood biological problem. A knowledge of this process is of great practical importance because possession of elevated levels of lipoproteins is one of the major risk factors for the development of atherosclerosis. This review describes a major advance in the delineation of the mechanisms involved in the assembly and secretion of apolipoprotein-B-containing lipoproteins: the demonstration of a requirement for microsomal triglyceride transfer protein.  相似文献   

An affinity column consisting of gene 8 protein, the major coat protein of fd phage, bound to Sepharose was prepared. Isolated gene 5 protein/single stranded fd DNA complex was found to bind to this column and was eluted with fd phage single stranded fd DNA. pH changes, and 1 M CaCl2 were not effective in eluting the protein from the affinity column. Gene 5 protein/single stranded fd DNA complex from the crude extracts of fd-infected E. coli also bound to the column, as did isolated gene 5 protein; whereas fd single stranded DNA alone did not. These results may be relevant for the illucidation of the molecular events occurring in the early stages of fd phage assembly.  相似文献   

H Xu  Y Wang  J S Bleuit  S W Morrical 《Biochemistry》2001,40(25):7651-7661
The gene 59 protein (gp59) of bacteriophage T4 performs a vital function in phage DNA replication by directing the assembly of gp41, the DNA helicase component of the T4 primosome, onto lagging strand ssDNA at nascent replication forks. The helicase assembly activity of gp59 is required for optimum efficiency of helicase acquisition by the replication fork during strand displacement DNA synthesis and is essential for helicase and primosome assembly during T4 recombination-dependent DNA replication transactions. Of central importance is the ability of gp59 to load the gp41 helicase onto ssDNA previously coated with cooperatively bound molecules of gp32, the T4 ssDNA binding protein. Gp59 heteroassociations with ssDNA, gp32, and gp41 all appear to be essential for this loading reaction. Previous studies demonstrated that a tripartite complex containing gp59 and gp32 simultaneously cooccupying ssDNA is an essential intermediate in gp59-dependent helicase loading; however, the biochemical and structural parameters of gp59-gp32 complexes with or without ssDNA are currently unknown. To better understand gp59-gp32 interactions, we performed fluorescence anisotropy and analytical ultracentrifugation experiments employing native or rhodamine-labeled gp59 species in combination with altered forms of gp32, allowing us to determine their binding parameters, shape parameters, and other hydrodynamic properties. Two truncated forms of gp32 were used: gp32-B, which lacks the N-terminal B-domain required for cooperative binding to ssDNA and for stable self-association, and A-domain fragment, which is the C-terminal peptide of gp32 lacking ssDNA binding ability. Results indicate that gp59 binds with high affinity to either gp32 derivative to form a 1:1 heterodimer. In both cases, heterodimer formation is accompanied by a conformational change in gp59 which correlates with decreased gp59-DNA binding affinity. Hydrodynamic modeling suggests an asymmetric prolate ellipsoid shape for gp59, consistent with its X-ray crystallographic structure, and this asymmetry appears to increase upon binding of gp32 derivatives. Implications of our findings for the structure and function of gp59 and gp59-gp32 complexes in T4 replication are discussed.  相似文献   

We have developed a defective phage system for the isolation and analysis of phage T4 replication origins based on the T4-mediated transduction of plasmid pBR322. During the initial infection of a plasmid-containing cell, recombinant plasmids with T4 DNA inserts are converted into fully modified linear DNA concatamers that are packaged into T4 phage particles, to create defective phage (transducing particles). In order to select T4 replication origins from genomic libraries of T4 sequences cloned into the plasmid pBR322, we searched for recombinant plasmids that transduce with an unusually high efficiency, reasoning that this should select for T4 sequences that function as origins on plasmid DNA after phage infection. We also selected for defective phage that can propagate efficiently with the aid of a coinfecting helper phage during subsequent rounds of phage infection. which should select for T4 sequences that can function as origins on the linear DNA present in the defective phage. Several T4 inserts were isolated repeatedly in one or both of these selective procedures, and these were mapped to particular locations on the T4 genome. When plasmids were selected in this way from genomic libraries constructed using different restriction nucleases, they contained overlapping segments of the T4 genome, indicating that the same T4 sequences were selected. The inserts in two of the selected plasmids permit a very high frequency of transduction from circular plasmids: these have been shown to contain a special type of T4 replication origin.  相似文献   

The opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa produces type 4 fimbriae which promote adhesion to epithelial cells and are associated with a form of surface translocation called twitching motility. Transposon mutagenesis was used to identify loci required for fimbrial assembly or function by screening for mutants that lack the spreading colony morphology characteristic of twitching motility. Six mutants were isolated that contain transposon insertions upstream of the previously characterized gene pilQ. This region contains four genes: pilM-P, which encode proteins with predicted sizes of 37.9, 22.2, 22.8 and 19.0 kDa, respectively, pilM-P appear to form an operon and to be expressed from a promoter in the intergenic region between pilM and the divergently transcribed upstream gene ponA. PilM-P were found to be required for fimbrial biogenesis by complementation studies using twitching motility and sensitivity to fimbrial-specific phage as indicators of the presence of functional fimbriae. This was confirmed by electron microscopy. PilO and PilP did not have homologues in the sequence databases, but the predicted PilN amino acid sequence displayed similarity to XpsL from Xanthamonas campestris, a protein required for protein secretion. PilP contained a hydro-phobic leader sequence characteristic of lipoproteins, while PilN and PilO have long internal hydrophobic domains which may serve to localize them to the cytoplasmic membrane. PilM has shared sequence motifs with the cell division protein FtsA from Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli, as well as the rod-shapedetermining protein MreB from E. coli. These motifs are also conserved in eukaryotic actin, in which they are involved in forming an ATPase domain. Deletion mutants of pilM and pilQ displayed a dominant negative phenotype when transformed into wild-type cells, suggesting that these genes encode proteins involved in multimeric structures.  相似文献   

YscV (FlhA in the flagellum) is an essential component of the inner membrane (IM) export apparatus of the type III secretion injectisome. It contains eight transmembrane helices and a large C-terminal cytosolic domain. YscV was expressed at a significantly higher level than the other export apparatus components YscR, YscS, YscT, and YscU, and YscV-EGFP formed bright fluorescent spots at the bacterial periphery, colocalizing in most cases with YscC-mCherry. This suggested that YscV is the only protein of the export apparatus that oligomerizes. Oligomerization required the cytosolic domain of YscV, as well as YscR, -S, -T, but no other Ysc protein, indicating that an IM platform can assemble independently from the membrane-ring forming proteins YscC, -D, -J. However, in the absence of YscC, -D, -J, this IM platform moved laterally at the bacterial surface. YscJ, but not YscD could be recruited to the IM platform in the absence of the secretin YscC. As YscJ was shown earlier to be also recruited by the outer membrane (OM) platform made of YscC and YscD, we infer that assembly of the injectisome proceeds through the independent assembly of an IM and an OM platform that merge through YscJ.  相似文献   

The flagellar switch proteins of Salmonella, FliG, FliM and FliN, participate in the switching of motor rotation, torque generation and flagellar assembly/export. FliN has been implicated in the flagellar export process. To address this possibility, we constructed 10-amino-acid scanning deletions and larger truncations over the C-terminal domain of FliN. Except for the last deletion variant, all other variants were unable to complement a fliN null strain or to restore the export of flagellar proteins. Most of the deletions showed strong negative dominance effects on wild-type cells. FliN was found to associate with FliH, a flagellar export component that regulates the ATPase activity of FliI. The binding of FliM to FliN does not interfere with this FliN-FliH interaction. Furthermore, a five-protein complex consisting of FliG, His-tagged FliM, FliN, FliH and FliI was purified by nickel-affinity chromatography. FliJ, a putative general chaperone, is bound to FliM even in the absence of FliH. The importance of the C ring as a possible docking site for export substrates, chaperones and FliI through FliH for their efficient delivery to membrane components of the export apparatus is discussed.  相似文献   

The presence of DNA-unwinding elements (DUEs) at eukaryotic replicators has raised the question of whether these elements contribute to origin activity by their intrinsic helical instability, as protein-binding sites, or both. We used the human c-myc DUE as bait in a yeast one-hybrid screen and identified a DUE-binding protein, designated DUE-B, with a predicted mass of 23.4 kDa. Based on homology to yeast proteins, DUE-B was previously classified as an aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase; however, the human protein is approximately 60 amino acids longer than its orthologs in yeast and worms and is primarily nuclear. In vivo, chromatin-bound DUE-B localized to the c-myc DUE region. DUE-B levels were constant during the cell cycle, although the protein was preferentially phosphorylated in cells arrested early in S phase. Inhibition of DUE-B protein expression slowed HeLa cell cycle progression from G1 to S phase and induced cell death. DUE-B extracted from HeLa cells or expressed from baculovirus migrated as a dimer during gel filtration and co-purified with ATPase activity. In contrast to endogenous DUE-B, baculovirus-expressed DUE-B efficiently formed high molecular mass complexes in Xenopus egg and HeLa extracts. In Xenopus extracts, baculovirus-expressed DUE-B inhibited chromatin replication and replication protein A loading in the presence of endogenous DUE-B, suggesting that differential covalent modification of these proteins can alter their effect on replication. Recombinant DUE-B expressed in HeLa cells restored replication activity to egg extracts immunodepleted with anti-DUE-B antibody, suggesting that DUE-B plays an important role in replication in vivo.  相似文献   

We have investigated a large set of interactions from the Helicobacter pylori protein interaction map previously identified by high-throughput yeast two-hybrid (htY2H)-based methods. This study had two aims: i) to validate htY2H as a source of protein-protein interaction complexes for high-throughput biochemical and structural studies of the H. pylori interactome; and ii) to validate biochemically interactions shown by htY2H to involve components of the H. pylori type IV secretion systems. Thus, 17 interactions involving 31 proteins and protein fragments were studied, and a general strategy was designed to produce protein-interacting partners for biochemical and structural characterization. We show that htY2H is a valid source of protein-protein complexes for high-throughput proteome-scale characterization of the H. pylori interactome, because 76% of the interactions tested were confirmed biochemically. Of the interactions involving type IV secretion proteins, three could be confirmed. One interaction is between two components of the type IV secretion apparatus, ComB10 and ComB4, which are VirB10 and VirB4 homologs, respectively. Another interaction is between a type IV component (HP0525, a VirB11 homolog) and a non-type IV secretion protein (HP01451), indicating that proteins other than the core VirB (1-11)-VirD4 proteins may play a role in type IV secretion. Finally, a third interaction was biochemically confirmed between CagA, a virulence factor secreted by the type IV secretion system encoded by the Cag pathogenicity island, and a non-type IV secretion protein, HP0496.  相似文献   

Type 4 fimbriae are produced by a variety of pathogens, in which they appear to function in adhesion to epithelial cells, and in a form of surface translocation called twitching motility. Using transposon mutagenesis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, we have identified a new locus required for fimbrial assembly. This locus contains the gene pilQ which encodes a 77 kDa protein with an N-terminal hydro-phobic signal sequence characteristic of secretory proteins, pilQ mutants lack the spreading colony morphology characteristic of twitching motility, are devoid of fimbriae, and are resistant to the fimbrial-specific bacteriophage PO4. The pilQ gene was mapped to Spel fragment 2, which is located at 0–5 minutes on the P. aeruginosa PAO1 chromosome, and thus it is not closely linked to the previously characterized pilA-D, pilS,R or pilT genes. The pilQ region also contains ponA, aroK and aroB-like genes in an organization very similar to that of corresponding genes in Escherichia coli and Haemophilus influenzae. The predicted amino acid sequence of PilQ shows homology to the PulD protein of Kleb-siella oxytoca and related outer membrane proteins which have been found in association with diverse functions in other species including protein secretion, DNA uptake and assembly of filamentous phage. PilQ had the highest overall homology to an outer membrane antigen from Neisseria gonorrhoeae, encoded by omc, that may fulfil the same role in type 4 fimbrial assembly in this species.  相似文献   

We describe the application of a novel filamentous phage vector system suitable for efficient screening and production of F(ab) antibody fragments. The vector system can concurrently produce free F(ab) fragments and F(ab) displayed on the surface of M13 bacteriophage via a VHCH1-pVIII fusion protein. When expressed in a supO (nonsuppressor) strain of Escherichia coli free F(ab) can be produced. Antibody F(ab) fragments are secreted into culture medium at concentrations up to 0.3 mg/liter and conveniently subjected to detailed analysis with little or no purification. Higher concentrations of F(ab) (approximately 10 mg/liter) were found to accumulate in the periplasmic space. In this report the vector system is shown to produce correctly folded and assembled F(ab) fragments of chimeric L6, a mAb against a tumor-associated Ag expressed by many human carcinomas.  相似文献   

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