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The binding mechanism of Streptomyces subtilisin inhibitor and subtilisin BPN′ was studied kinetically with the stopped-flow method by monitoring the protein fluorescence increase due to complex formation. In the lower concentration range of proteins, the reaction followed the second-order kinetics. The pH dependence of the apparent second-order rate constant, kon, suggested the involvement of the two ionizable groups of pKa of 7.8 and 10 in the binding. The activation parameters were calculated from the temperature dependence of the apparent second-order rate constants. The value of the apparent activation energy (EA = 39.7 kJ · mol?1, 9.50 kcal · mol?1) and insensitivity of kon to the viscosity of the medium suggest that the binding is not a simple diffusion-controlled bimolecular association. Further studies with a much broader range of protein concentrations have revealed that the reaction tends to approach first-order kinetics as the inhibitor concentration increases. The binding reaction is, therefore, reconcilable with a two-step mechanism, in which a fast bimolecular association is followed by a slow unimolecular isomerization step; the dissociation constant of the first step, KL, is estimated to be 1.2 × 10?4m and the rate constant of the second step, k+2, to be 770 s?1. It was also found that the increase of tryptophan fluorescence due to the complex formation occurs solely in the rate-determining unimolecular process.  相似文献   

The structural features of apamin, a natural octadecapeptide from bee venom, enabling binding to its receptor and the expression of toxicity in mice, have been delineated by studying the effects on binding and toxicity of chemical modifications and amino acid substitutions in synthetic analogues. The results obtained indicate that the only hydrophobic residue, leucine at position 10, can be changed to alanine without a significant decrease in the specific activity. The need for a correct conformation has been established and also the importance of Gln-17 and the side chains of Arg-13 and Arg-14 (besides the charge effects). The interaction of apamin with its receptor, a calcium-activated potassium channel, is thus mediated by a precise topology around these three residues. Due to the ability to detect very low specific activities for some of the analogues, it has been shown that, individually, none of these interactions constitute an essential criteria for binding per se, but that their presence is necessary for the high specific activity of the toxin.  相似文献   

F S Lee  B L Vallee 《Biochemistry》1989,28(8):3556-3561
The importance of specific residues in angiogenin for binding to placental ribonuclease inhibitor (PRI) has been assessed by examining the interaction of angiogenin derivatives with PRI. PRI binds native angiogenin with a Ki value of 7.1 X 10(-16) M [Lee, F. S., Shapiro, R., & Vallee, B. L. (1989) Biochemistry 28, 225-230]. Substitution of a Gln for Lys-40 in angiogenin by site-specific mutagenesis decreases the association rate constant 3-fold and increases the dissociation rate constant 440-fold, resulting in a 1300-fold weaker Ki value. The half-life of the mutant.PRI complex is 3.4 h compared to approximately 60 days for the native angiogenin.PRI complex. The magnitude of the change in Ki value suggests that in the complex, Lys-40 forms a salt bridge or hydrogen bond with an anionic moiety in PRI. Carboxymethylation of His-13 or His-114 with bromoacetate increases the Ki value 15-fold, and oxidation of Trp-89 by means of dimethyl sulfoxide and hydrochloric acid increases it 2.4-fold, suggesting that these residues also form part of the contact region with PRI. The changes in Ki value reflect an increase in the dissociation rate constant. On the other hand, dinitrophenylation of either Lys-50 or Lys-60 with 1-fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene does not significantly alter the Ki value, suggesting that these residues are not part of the contact region. These results indicate that PRI inhibition minimally involves the three residues critical for the activity of angiogenin--Lys-40, His-13, and His-114--and to a lesser extent its single tryptophan, Trp-89.  相似文献   

In the course of searching for specific chromogenic substrates which might be useful in screening for protease-deficient mutants of Bacillus subtilis, we have developed a method for the synthesis of N-benzoyl-L-tyrosine thiobenzyl ester (BzTyrSBzl) in good yield. Spontaneous base hydrolysis of this thiol ester is low, but several serine proteases hydrolyze it readily. Spectrophotometric measurement of the hydrolysis of the ester in the presence of 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid) provides a continuous assay for chymotrypsin as sensitive as any assay reported in the literature. Serine proteases which hydrolyze this substrate may be detected in polyacrylamide disc gels by incubation in the presence of nitro blue tetrazolium. Apparent Km values of 0.02 and 7 mM and kcat values of 37 S-1 and 126 S-1 were observed for the hydrolysis of BzTyrSBzl by alpha-chymotrypsin and subtilisin BPN', respectively. Additionally, 5 mM indole was observed to behave as a strict competitive inhibitor of the alpha-chymotrypsin-catalyzed hydrolysis of BzTyrSBzl but was observed to increase the maximal rate of hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl acetate by alpha-chymotrypsin by 30%, as previously described. These data, the published data of other workers, and results from studies with molecular models of trypsin and subtilisin BPN' are used as the basis for describing more fully a secondary hydrophobic binding pocket on alpha-chymotrypsin. The pocket is immediately adjacent to the active site serine and is tentatively suggested to be composed of 4 aliphatic side chain residues and 2 glycine residues.  相似文献   

Theoretical calculations performed on the interactions of acetylcholine with the aromatic gorge of acetylcholinesterase indicate the existence of a number of local minima for the substrate. These minima are clustered in four regions of increasing interactions from top to bottom of the gorge, culminating in the region of the active site. The results allow the delineation of the role of the different aminoacids lining the walls, emphasizing, in particular, that of Trp 279 and Trp 84 while smaller interactions involve tyrosines 70, 121, 130, 334 and Phe 330. The influence of D72 is stressed, as well as the orientating role of A 201 and the strong driving influence of E199.  相似文献   

Binding site of cerulenin in fatty acid synthetase   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
An antibiotic cerulenin, (2R, 3S)-2,3-epoxy-4-oxo-7,10-trans,trans- dodecadienamide, irreversibly inhibits fatty acid synthetase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Three moles of cerulenin were bound to 1 mol of the enzyme with concomitant loss of its activity. Pretreatment of the enzyme with iodoacetamide reduced the amount of cerulenin bound to the enzyme. Since iodoacetamide is known to specifically bind to the cysteine residue on the condensing reaction domain, cerulenin is considered to bind to the same domain. Tryptic digestion of the [3H] cerulenin-treated enzyme gave a radioactive peptide; its amino acid composition was Asx 1, Thr 1, Ser 1, Glx 2, Pro 1, Gly 1, Ala 1, Val 1, Ile 1, and Leu 2. This composition included all the amino acids of the condensing reaction site (Thr-Pro-Val-Gly-Ala-Cys) previously reported by Kresze et al. (Eur. J. Biochem., 79, 181 [1977] except for Cys. When the enzyme was treated with [3H]cerulenin and digested successively with trypsin and carboxypeptidase P, a [3H] cerulenin-cysteine adduct was isolated as the sole product. This was identified with the adduct chemically synthesized from non-labeled cerulenin and cysteine, and its structure was elucidated by 1H-, 13C-NMR, and fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry. These results indicate that cerulenin, forming a hydroxylactam ring, reacts at its epoxide carbon (C-2 position) with the SH-group of the cysteine residue in the condensing reaction domain of yeast fatty acid synthetase.  相似文献   

The dielectric constant in the active site cleft of subtilisin from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens has been probed by mutating charged residues on the rim and measuring the effect on the pKa value of the active site histidine (His64) by kinetics. Mutation of a negatively charged surface residue, which is 12 to 13 A from His64, to an uncharged one Asp----Ser99) lowers the pKa of the histidine by up to 0.4 unit at low ionic strength (0.005 to 0.01 M). This corresponds to an apparent dielectric constant of about 40 to 50 between Asp99 and His64. The mutation is in an external loop that is known to tolerate a serine at position 99 from homologies with subtilisins from other bacilli. The environment between His64 and Asp99 is predominantly protein. Another charged residue that is at a similar distance from His64 (14 to 15 A) and is also in an external loop that is known to tolerate a serine residue is Glu156, at the opposite side of the active site. There is only water in a direct line between His64 and Glu156. Mutation of Glu----Ser156 also lowers the pKa of His64 by up to 0.4 unit at low ionic strength. This change again corresponds to an apparent dielectric constant of about 40 to 50. The pKa values were determined from the pH dependence of kcat/KM for the hydrolysis of peptide substrates, with a precision of typically +/- 0.02 unit. The following suggests that the changes in pKa are real and not artefacts of experimental conditions: Hill plots of the data for pKa determination have gradients (h) of -1.00(+/- 0.02), showing that there are negligible systematic deviations from theoretical ionization curves involving a monobasic acid: the pH dependence for the hydrolysis of two different substrates (succinyl-L-alanyl-L-alanyl-L-prolyl-L-phenylalanyl p-nitroanilide and benzoyl-L-valyl-L-glycyl-L-arginyl p-nitroanilide) gives identical results so that the pKa is independent of substrate; the pH dependence is unaffected by changing the concentration of enzyme, so that aggregation is not affecting the results; the shift in pKa is masked by high ionic strength, as expected qualitatively for ionic shielding of electrostatic interactions.  相似文献   

The structures of two alkylurea inhibitors complexed with murine soluble epoxide hydrolase have been determined by x-ray crystallographic methods. The alkyl substituents of each inhibitor make extensive hydrophobic contacts in the soluble epoxide hydrolase active site, and each urea carbonyl oxygen accepts hydrogen bonds from the phenolic hydroxyl groups of Tyr(381) and Tyr(465). These hydrogen bond interactions suggest that Tyr(381) and/or Tyr(465) are general acid catalysts that facilitate epoxide ring opening in the first step of the hydrolysis reaction; Tyr(465) is highly conserved among all epoxide hydrolases, and Tyr(381) is conserved among the soluble epoxide hydrolases. In one enzyme-inhibitor complex, the urea carbonyl oxygen additionally interacts with Gln(382). If a comparable interaction occurs in catalysis, then Gln(382) may provide electrostatic stabilization of partial negative charge on the epoxide oxygen. The carboxylate side chain of Asp(333) accepts a hydrogen bond from one of the urea NH groups in each enzyme-inhibitor complex. Because Asp(333) is the catalytic nucleophile, its interaction with the partial positive charge on the urea NH group mimics its approach toward the partial positive charge on the electrophilic carbon of an epoxide substrate. Accordingly, alkylurea inhibitors mimic features encountered in the reaction coordinate of epoxide ring opening, and a structure-based mechanism is proposed for leukotoxin epoxide hydrolysis.  相似文献   

S-Adenosylmethionine (AdoMet) synthetase catalyzes the biosynthesis of AdoMet in a unique enzymatic reaction. Initially the sulfur of methionine displaces the intact tripolyphosphate chain (PPP(i)) from ATP, and subsequently PPP(i) is hydrolyzed to PP(i) and P(i) before product release. The crystal structure of Escherichia coli AdoMet synthetase shows that the active site contains four aspartate residues. Aspartate residues Asp-16* and Asp-271 individually provide the sole protein ligand to one of the two required Mg(2+) ions (* denotes a residue from a second subunit); aspartates Asp-118 and Asp-238* are proposed to interact with methionine. Each aspartate has been changed to an uncharged asparagine, and the metal binding residues were also changed to alanine, to assess the roles of charge and ligation ability on catalytic efficiency. The resultant enzyme variants all structurally resemble the wild type enzyme as indicated by circular dichroism spectra and are tetramers. However, all have k(cat) reductions of approximately 10(3)-fold in AdoMet synthesis, whereas the MgATP and methionine K(m) values change by less than 3- and 8-fold, respectively. In the partial reaction of PPP(i) hydrolysis, mutants of the Mg(2+) binding residues have >700-fold reduced catalytic efficiency (k(cat)/K(m)), whereas the D118N and D238*N mutants are impaired less than 35-fold. The catalytic efficiency for PPP(i) hydrolysis by Mg(2+) site mutants is improved by AdoMet, like the wild type enzyme. In contrast AdoMet reduces the catalytic efficiency for PPP(i) hydrolysis by the D118N and D238*N mutants, indicating that the events involved in AdoMet activation are hindered in these methionyl binding site mutants. Ca(2+) uniquely activates the D271A mutant enzyme to 15% of the level of Mg(2+), in contrast to the approximately 1% Ca(2+) activation of the wild type enzyme. This indicates that the Asp-271 side chain size is a discriminator between the activating ability of Ca(2+) and the smaller Mg(2+).  相似文献   

Specific and reversible spin-labeling of trypsin (EC active site was carried out by 'inverse substrate', 3-carboxy-2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-1-pyrrolidinyloxyl and 3-carboxy-2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-1-pyrrolinyloxyl-p-amidinophenyl esters. The paramagnetic resonance spectra of the labeled trypsin in the form of acyl enzyme intermediate were investigated. The 2T value, separation of the outer hyperfine extrema, was observed to be sensitive to pH of the medium. These results are discussed in terms of pH-dependent conformational change at the vicinity of active site.  相似文献   

Two mutant forms of fumarase C from E. coli have been made using PCR and recombinant DNA. The recombinant form of the protein included a histidine arm on the C-terminal facilitating purification. Based on earlier studies, two different carboxylic acid binding sites, labeled A- and B-, were observed in crystal structures of the wild type and inhibited forms of the enzyme. A histidine at each of the sites was mutated to an asparagine. H188N at the A-site resulted in a large decrease in specific activity, while the H129N mutation at the B-site had essentially no effect. From the results, we conclude that the A-site is indeed the active site, and a dual role for H188 as a potential catalytic base is proposed. Crystal structures of the two mutant proteins produced some unexpected results. Both mutations reduced the affinity for the carboxylic acids at their respective sites. The H129N mutant should be particularly useful in future kinetic studies because it sterically blocks the B-site with the carboxyamide of asparagine assuming the position of the ligand's carboxylate. In the H188N mutation at the active site, the new asparagine side chain still interacts with an active site water that appears to have moved slightly as a result of the mutation.  相似文献   

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