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Serum antibody and cellular immune response in mice to dextran B512.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Serum antibodies to dextran started to appear 3 days after immunization of C57BL/6 mice. Synthesis of IgM antibodies was followed by IgG3 and IgGA. Other immunoglobulin classes (IgG1, IgG2b, and IgG2a) were very low or absent. The immune response to dextran was also thymus independent with regard to IgG3 and IgA synthesis as demonstrated by the use of nu/nu mice. CBA and C57BL/6 mice were high responders to dextran with regard to IgM synthesis. C57BL/6 mice produced high levels of IgG3 and IgA antibodies, whereas CBA, A/J, and A.TL only synthesized IgM antibodies. A/J and A.TL strains were most frequently low responders with regard to IgM synthesis and CBA/N mice were completely nonresponders with regard to all immunoglobulin classes. The ability to produce anti-dextran antibodies increased with age in high responder strains. This was most pronounced for IgG3 and IgA antibodies, which reached adult levels 3 months after birth. The affinity of anti-dextran antibodies was high and homogeneous in antisera from C57BL/6 mice. Preimmune matural antibodies and antibodies from immunized low responder strains had a low and variable affinity for dextran.  相似文献   

Biological effects of microwaves (2450 MHz) were studied on cellular immune response of Swiss mouse. The obtained results show an increase of MIF, PFC and Phagocytosis values after microwaves irradiation.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of previous sensitization to C. parvum, by cross-reacting antigens from other bacteria, on the immunostimulatory effects of C. parvum treatment were studied in germ-free and conventional mice. It was found that the development of splenomegaly and specific delayed hypersensitivity following C. parvum injection were similar in both germ-free mice and conventional mice.Supported by U.S. Public Health Service Grant No. 5S07 RR05705 and NIH Grant no. AM 18530Visiting Investigator. Present address: Department of Experimental Immunobiology, The wellcome Research Laboratories Beckenham, Kent, England.Recipient of a post-doctoral fellowship from the National Foundation for Ileitis and Colitis Inc.Recipient of Research Career Development Award No. AM 0073 from the National Institute of Arthritis, Metabolism and Digestive Diseases  相似文献   

The insect cellular immune response   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The innate immune system of insects is divided into humoral defenses that include the production of soluble effector molecules and cellular defenses like phagocytosis and encapsulation that are mediated by hemocytes. This review summarizes current understand- ing of the cellular immune response. Insects produce several terminally differentiated types of hemocytes that are distinguished by morphology, molecular and antigenic markers, and function. The differentiated hemocytes that circulate in larval or nymphal stage insects arise from two sources: progenitor cells produced during embryogenesis and mesodermally derived hematopoietic organs. Regulation of hematopoiesis and hemocyte differentiation also involves several different signaling pathways. Phagocytosis and encapsulation require that hemocytes first recognize a given target as foreign followed by activation of downstream signaling and effector responses. A number of humoral and cellular receptors have been identified that recognize different microbes and multicellular parasites. In turn, activation of these receptors stimulates a number of signaling pathways that regulate different hemocyte functions. Recent studies also identify hemocytes as important sources Of a number of humoral effector molecules required for killing different foreign invaders.  相似文献   

An effective anti-Thy-1 response requires at least three conditions to be simultaneously fulfilled--1) The responder has to share an H-2 haplotype, or at least K and D alleles, with the donor of the Thy-1 disparate thymocytes, 2) The responder has to differ from the donor by some non-H-2 cell-surface antigens, and 3) The responder has to possess functionally capable T cells. All these requirements are consistent with the hypothesis that Thy-1 antigens and the non-H-2 antigen(s), the latter serving as carrier, form a complex that is viewed as a variant of self and then recognized in the context of the H-2 molecules by the responder's T cells. An attractive feature of the proposed hypothesis is that it could be applicable to a variety of cell-surface and also exogenous antigens.  相似文献   

Relative capabilities of lymph node and thymus cells from (C57BL/6J) × Balb/cJ) F1-hybrid mice and from (C57BL/6J × 129J)F1—hybrid mice 6, 20, and 30 mo of age to respond in the mixed lymphocyte reaction were assessed. Both the direct response and the ability to synergize with partner lymph node or thymus cells were studied. Lymph node cells demonstrated an age-related decline both in responding directly to stimulation by allogeneic cells, and in ability to synergize with syngeneic thymocytes. Thymus cells showed an age-related increase in response to direct stimulation, and no clear-cut age-related change in synergizing capability. In these long-lived mouse strains at least one cause of the age-related decline in cellular immunity relates to developing deficiencies in the recirculating lymphoid pool, probably T2 cells.  相似文献   

Lymphocyte response to phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and concanavalin A (Con A) mitogen stimulation was measured in a pair of pigtailed (M. nemestrina) monkey infants that had been raised together as peers since early infancy. at the age of 27 weeks, and following 3 baseline weekly blood samples, the infants were separated from each other for an 11 day period, and then reunited. A depression of lymphocyte stimulation by both PHA and Con A was noted during the latter part of separation and early reunion in both infants. The data support the notion that the disruption of an attachment bond produced by peer separation may impair these measurements of cellular immune function, and may be related to the increase in morbidity and mortality seen after bereavement.  相似文献   

Cholera immunization schedules were investigated in mice, with emphasis placed on obtaining an immune response in the intestine. The most effective schedule for producing a good local response was found to be several orally-given priming doses of the organism followed after 14 days by an intravenous boosting dose. Major differences between the immune responses in the spleen and the intestine were noted.  相似文献   

The genetic origin of both the functional lymphoid cell and progenitor cell populations of germ-free mouse radiation chimeras was assessed by indirect immunofluorescence (IIF), anti-H-2 cytotoxicity, and survival of lethally x-irradiated secondary recipients of chimera cell populations. These studies demonstrated that germ free C3H/He mice given 1000 R and 107 DBA/2 bone marrow cells express H-2 antigens on their lymphoid and bone marrow cell populations characteristic of the DBA/2 donor. These cells persist for at least 14 months postirradiation and bone marrow transplantation. However, these allogeneic mouse radiation chimeras have a reduced humoral immune response to sheep erythrocytes (SRBC). This decreased humoral immune capacity as assessed by kinetic studies of the spleen plaque-forming cell (PFC) response is present throughout the life span of the chimera. The γ1 PFC response shows extreme depression. The reduced humoral immune responsiveness to the thymusdependent SRBC antigen is considered to be due to the absence or malfunctioning of a thymocyte population.  相似文献   

In vitro immunomodulatory properties of gangliosides have been well characterized such as the ganglioside-induced modulation of CD4 on T lymphocytes and inhibition of lectin-induced proliferative response of lymphocytes. These findings have led to an interesting suggestion that gangliosides play a role as in vivo immune modulators, although this possibility is not clearly defined yet. We then first confirmed in vitro effects of gangliosides on murine immunocytes and examined in vivo effects of gangliosides on immune response in mice. Murine spleen cells that were treated with a ganglioside mixture (GS) purified from bovine brain exhibited a marked decrease in CD4 expression, while CD8 expression was slightly suppressed. Transplantation of GS-untreated control immunocytes that were isolated from syngeneic mice into the immune suppressed mice by X-ray irradiation restored in vivo immune responses, while GS-treated cells could not. Immune response was assayed by the evaluation of footpad swelling which was induced by immunization with sheep erythrocytes as antigens. Moreover, intramuscular administration of gangliosides into mice suppressed both immediate (Arthus)-type and delayed-type allergic reactions. These results suggest that gangliosides would be potential in vivo immune modulators.  相似文献   

The potential existence of down-regulation of cytotoxic immune response against an autologous human melanoma line was investigated as a possible explanation for cytotoxic unresponsiveness against the autologous melanoma cells. The melanoma cell line, PJ-M, was established and lymph node resident lymphocytes (LNL) were isolated from a lymph node which was partially infiltrated with the melanoma cells. Autologous peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) were sensitized in in vitro co-culture (IVC) against radiated PJ-M cells in the presence or absence of PJ-M-sensitized LNL and enriched suppressor (OKT8+) or inducer (OKT4+) LNL populations, and were assayed for cytotoxicity in a 4-hr 51Cr-release microcytotoxicity assay. Significant cytotoxic response against PJ-M could be generated in the PBL, but not in the LNL. The addition of sensitized, unfractionated LNL, OKT8+, or OKT4+ LNL populations abrogated cytotoxic response in the PBL against PJ-M. The suppression of cytotoxic response was induced selectively against the PJ-M targets, because IVC of PBL in the presence of the sensitized LNL did not affect the generation of polyclonal cytotoxic alloreactivities, nor did they abrogate the generation of cytotoxic response against allogeneic targets in IVC against the corresponding allogeneic targets. These results suggest the possibility that cytotoxic immune response against the autologous melanoma cells might have been suppressed by the individual's own immunoregulatory circuit.  相似文献   

In experiments on CBA and C57BL/6 mice the generation of antibody-forming cells respectively either in the popliteal lymph nodes or spleen as well as a rate of delayed type hypersensitivity response (DTHR) on the background of subcutaneous (into foot) or intraperitoneal injection of different doses of sheep erythrocytes (from 10(4) to 10(8)) have been studied. In so doing two types of immune response can be isolated on the dependence upon the sensitivity threshold to antigen of DTHR and humoral immunity. Thus in C57BL/6 mice the antigen threshold for DTHR is of one time (in intraperitoneal immunization) or of a two times (in subcutaneous) lower order than for antibody response. In CBA line mice under subcutaneous immunization there can be seen quite an opposite picture while intraperitoneal immunization causes exact correlation of antigen threshold for cellular and humoral immune response.  相似文献   

Mice F1(CBA X C57BL/6) were immunized intraperitoneally with a single injection of L-1210 cells preincubated in interferon or control "false" preparation. CBA mice were injected with MX-11 cells: similarly treated according to the same scheme. Injection of interferon-treated cells was accompanied by the enhancement of the cellular immune response. The greatest cytotoxic activity was possessed by the lymphocytes of mice to which M-11 cells were administered together with interferon in which the cells were formerly incubated.  相似文献   

The immune status of the host plays a crucial role in controling the process of carcinogenesis. General or selective activation of various immunocompetent cells and their secretory function to maintain a healthy immune status may help in cancer prophylaxis, as well as therapy. The present study focused on the effect of Ipomoea obscura and Ipobscurine on cell-mediated immune response. In this study we evaluated the effect of I.?obscura and an indole alkaloid fraction from I. obscura on effector mechanisms of cell-mediated immune response by analyzing cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) activity, natural killer (NK) cell activity, antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC), and antibody-dependent complement-mediated cytotoxicity (ACC). The effect of I. obscura and Ipobscurine on interleukin-2 (IL-2) and interferon-γ (IFN-γ) levels was also analyzed. In the in vitro and in vivo systems, I. obscura and Ipobscurine treatment augmented cell-mediated immune response by enhancing the killing activity of CTL and NK cells from splenocytes in normal as well as tumor-bearing mice. ADCC and ACC were also enhanced significantly in both normal and tumor-bearing animals after drug administration, compared with untreated control. Administration of I. obscura and Ipobscurine significantly enhanced the production of IL-2 and IFN-γ in normal as well as tumor-bearing animals. This study reveals that both I. obscura and Ipobscurine have the potential to augment immune response through the enhanced secretion of IL-2 and IFN-γ by T cells and thereby inhibit tumor growth and as an alternative medicine for cancer treatment.  相似文献   

The effects of in vivo cocaine administrations on cellular cytotoxicity were studied. Cocaine induced a dose-related immunosuppression of natural killer cell activity, with maximal depression at 1-5 mg/kg. In addition, the degree of inhibition following a single intraperitoneal (i.p.) or intravenous cocaine dose (acute treatment, 1 mg/kg) was similar to that after repeated administration (subchronic treatment: 1 mg/kg/day i.p. for 7 consecutive days or subcutaneous administration by Alzet 2001 osmotic minipumps). T cells from cocaine-treated mice failed to generate cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) in mixed lymphocyte cultures and acute or subchronic cocaine treatment also inhibited CTL generation in vivo. On the other hand, acute administration induced a very rapid (24-hour) inhibition of natural cytotoxicity, with a return to normal within 72 h after treatment. By contrast, repeated doses led to more protracted immunologic consequences and a delayed recovery (144 h). The effect of cocaine on susceptibility to influenza virus (PR8) infection was also investigated. Both acute and subchronic treatment significantly decreased resistance to PR8 infection. The results clearly indicate that cocaine has a potent suppressive effect on cellular immunity and that abuse can adversely affect the outcome of infectious diseases.  相似文献   

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