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When an excess of human cystatin C or chicken cystatin was mixed with papain, an enzyme-inhibitor complex was formed immediately. The residual free cystatin was then progressively converted to a form with different electrophoretic mobility and chromatographic properties. The modified cystatins were isolated and sequenced, showing that there had been cleavage of a single peptide bond in each molecule: Gly11-Gly12 in cystatin C, and Gly9-Ala10 in chicken cystatin. The residues Gly11 (cystatin C) and Gly9 (chicken cystatin) are among only three residues conserved in all known sequences of inhibitory cystatins. The modified cystatins were at least 1000-fold weaker inhibitors of papain than the native cystatins. An 18-residue synthetic peptide corresponding to residues 4-21 of cystatin C did not inhibit papain but was cleaved at the same Gly-Gly bond as cystatin C. When iodoacetate or L-3-carboxy-trans-2,3-epoxypropionyl-leucylamido-(4-guanidin o)butane was added to the mixtures of either cystatin with papain, modification of the excess cystatin was blocked. Papain-cystatin complexes were stable to prolonged incubation, even in the presence of excess papain. We conclude that the peptidyl bond of the conserved glycine residue in human cystatin C and chicken cystatin probably is part of a substrate-like inhibitory reactive site of these cysteine proteinase inhibitors of the cystatin superfamily and that this may be true also for other inhibitors of this superfamily. We also propose that human cystatin C and chicken cystatin, and probably other cystatins as well, inhibit cysteine proteinases by the simultaneous interactions with such proteinases of the inhibitory reactive sites and other, so far not identified, areas of the cystatins. The cleavage of the inhibitory reactive site glycyl bond in mixtures of papain with excess quantities of cystatins is apparently due to the activity of a small percentage of atypical cysteine proteinase molecules in the papain preparation that form only very loose complexes with cystatins under the conditions employed and degrade the free cystatin molecules.  相似文献   

The isolated reactive site beta-hairpin loop of Bowman-Birk-type proteinase inhibitors has become a widely studied proteinomimetic because it retains the three-dimensional structure and much of the inhibitory potency of the corresponding region of the complete protein. Here we analyse the role of the P1' Ser residue which is highly conserved and intramolecularly hydrogen bonded in the complete proteins. A combined kinetic and structural analysis of variant proteinomimetic peptides demonstrates that the hydrogen-bond potential of the side-chain oxygen atom of the P1' Ser is not essential for the integrity of the reactive site loop and that it provides only a small contribution to the trypsin affinity and no apparent contribution to the stability against tryptic turnover. We conclude that the potential of the P1' side chain to engineer improved inhibition and selectivity for serine proteinases is best explored further in concert with the side chains of the P2 and P5' residues which may interact or compete for the same space.  相似文献   

Oryzacystatin, a cysteine proteinase inhibitor occurring in rice seeds, contains a particular glycine residue (Gly5) near the NH2-terminal position, and the sequence Gln53-Val54-Val55-Ala56-Gly57 in a central part of the molecule. Both are conserved among most members of the cystatin superfamily. We have found from Escherichia coli expression studies that the NH2-terminal 21 residues of oryzacystatin are not essential for its papain-inhibitory activity, and that the conserved pentapeptide region may be indispensable [Abe, K., Emori, Y., Kondo, H., Arai, S., & Suzuki, K. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 7655-7659]. Here we present more detailed data based on quantitative analyses of the inhibitory activities of NH2- and COOH-terminally truncated oryzacystatin and site-directed mutants at the Gln-Val-Val-Ala-Gly region. The data indicate the following results. (1) The truncated mutants lacking the NH2-terminal 21 residues or the COOH-terminal 11 residues exhibit potent papain-inhibitory activity equivalent to the activity of wild oryzacystatin. (2) However, neither the mutant lacking the NH2-terminal 38 residues nor that lacking the COOH-terminal 35 residues is completely able to inhibit papain. (3) Site-directed mutants at the Gln residue of the Gln-Val-Val-Ala-Gly region have drastically reduced papain-inhibitory activities: the Gln----Pro mutant is completely inactive and the Gln----Leu mutant has an approximately 150 times higher Ki value than wild-type oryzacystatin.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Evidence that cysteine 298 is in the active site of tryptophan indole-lyase   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Escherichia coli tryptophan indole-lyase (tryptophanase) mutants, with cysteine residues 294 and 298 selectively replaced by serines, have been prepared by site-directed mutagenesis. Both mutant enzymes are highly active for beta-elimination reactions measured with both L-tryptophan and S-(o-nitrophenyl)-L-cysteine. The Cys-294----Ser mutant enzyme is virtually identical to the wild type with respect to pyridoxal phosphate binding (KCO = 2 microM), cofactor absorption spectrum (lambda max = 420 and 337 nm) and pH dependence (pK alpha = 7.3), pH profile for catalysis, and rate of bromopyruvic acid inactivation. In contrast, the Cys-298----Ser mutant enzyme exhibits a reduced affinity for pyridoxal phosphate (KCO = 6 microM), a shift in the cofactor absorption spectrum to 414 nm and an altered pK alpha = 8.5, an alkaline shift in the pH profile for catalysis, and resistance to inactivation of the apoenzyme by bromopyruvic acid. The C298S mutant enzyme (wherein cysteine 298 is altered to serine) also undergoes an isomerization to an unreactive state upon storage at 4 degrees C. These results demonstrate that the sulfhydryl groups of Cys-294 and Cys-298 are catalytically nonessential. However, these data suggest that Cys-298 is located within or very near the active site of the enzyme and is the reactive cysteine residue previously observed by others.  相似文献   

Lutein, a dihydroxy beta, epsilon-carotenoid, is the predominant carotenoid in photosynthetic plant tissue and plays a critical role in light-harvesting complex assembly and function. To further understand lutein synthesis and function, we isolated four lutein-deficient mutants of Arabidopsis that define two loci, lut1 and lut2 (for lutein deficient). These loci are required for lutein biosynthesis but not for the biosynthesis of beta, beta-carotenoids. The lut1 mutations are recessive, accumulate high levels of zeinoxanthin, which is the immediate precursor of lutein, and define lut1 as a disruption in epsilon ring hydroxylation. The lut2 mutations are semidominant, and their biochemical phenotype is consistent with a disruption of epsilon ring cyclization. The lut2 locus cosegregates with the recently isolated epsilon cyclase gene, thus, providing additional evidence that the lut2 alleles are mutations in the epsilon cyclase gene. It appears likely that the epsilon cyclase is a key step in regulating lutein levels and the ratio of lutein to beta,beta-carotenoids. Surprisingly, despite the absence of lutein, neither the lut1 nor lut2 mutation causes a visible deleterious phenotype or altered chlorophyll content, but both mutants have significantly higher levels of beta, beta-carotenoids. In particular, there is a stable increase in the xanthophyll cycle pigments (violaxanthin, antheraxanthin, and zeaxanthin) in both lut1 and lut2 mutants as well as an increase in zeinoxanthin in lut1 and beta-carotene in lut2. The accumulation of specific carotenoids is discussed as it pertains to the regulation of carotenoid biosynthesis and incorporation into the photosynthetic apparatus. Presumably, particular beta, beta-carotenoids are able to compensate functionally and structurally for lutein in the photosystems of Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

T Koide  S Odani 《FEBS letters》1987,216(1):17-21
A new member of the cystatin superfamily is introduced. Human plasma histidine-rich glycoprotein (HRG) was found to contain 2 cystatin-like sequences in tandem in the N-terminal region. Domain 1 (residues 1-112) was most homologous to domain 1 of the heavy chain of human kininogen and domain 2 (residues 113-225) was most homologous to human cystatin S as well as other cystatins and domain 3 of the heavy chain of kininogen, suggesting that the cystatin domains of HRG may represent a hitherto unknown binary form (or intermediate molecule) composed of 2 cystatin domains, and evolutionarily intermediate between the cystatin and the kininogen families.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways are very important signal transduction modules that regulate various cellular processes. Although eukaryotic cells possess a number of MAP kinase pathways, normally the MAPKKs selectively activate their cognate MAPK. Recent studies suggest that the MAPK-docking site in MAPKK facilitates this specific recognition and activation. However, the role of the docking site under in vivo conditions has not been demonstrated. In yeast external high osmolarity activates HOG (high osmolarity glycerol) MAPK pathway that consists of MAPKKK (Ste11p or Ssk2p/Ssk22p), MAPKK (Pbs2p), and MAPK (Hog1p). Previously, we have isolated a Pbs2p homologue (Dpbs2p) from osmo-tolerant and salt-tolerant yeast Debaryomyces hansenii that complemented pbs2 mutation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Here we show, for the first time, the presence of a MAPK-docking domain in Dpbs2p that is essential for its function in vivo. Mutation in this motif completely abolished its binding to Hog1p in vitro.  相似文献   

To investigate the functional and structural roles of the proximal thiolate ligand in cytochrome P450cam, we prepared the C357H mutant of the enzyme in which the axial cysteine residue (Cys357) was replaced with a histidine residue. We obtained the unstable C357H mutant by developing a new preparation procedure involving in vitro folding of P450cam from the inclusion bodies. The C357H mutant in the ferrous-CO form exhibited the Soret peak at 420 nm and the Fe-CO stretching line at 498 cm-1, indicating a neutral histidine residue as the axial ligand. However, another internal ligand is coordinated to the heme iron as the sixth ligand in the ferric and ferrous forms of the C357H mutant, suggesting the collapse of the substrate-binding site. The C357H mutant showed no catalytic activity for camphor hydroxylation and the reduced heterolytic/homolytic ratio of the O-O bond scission in the reaction with cumene hydroperoxide. The present observations indicate that the thiolate coordination in P450cam is important for the construction of the heme pocket and the heterolysis of the O-O bond.  相似文献   

We have reinvestigated the recent proposal that the multicatalytic proteinase, together with other components of reticulocyte lysate, may become incorporated into a very large, "26 S" proteinase complex via an ATP-dependent process. Different from these published results, we consistently isolate the multicatalytic proteinase as a 650,000 Da "20 S" multisubunit proteinase. Analysis on nondenaturing polyacrylamide gels of reticulocyte fractions containing the putative complexed form of the multicatalytic proteinase reveal that activity against succinyl-Leu-Leu-Val-Tyr-7-amino-4-methylcoumarin is associated with two groups of protein of different molecular mass. One migrates like multicatalytic proteinase purified to homogeneity, displays, on sodium dodecyl sulfate gels, a set of protein species in the range of 23,000-32,000 Da, characteristic of the multicatalytic proteinase, and is recognized by a monospecific antibody to the enzyme. In contrast, the activity associated with the higher molecular mass (26 S) proteinase complex lacks the typical multicatalytic proteinase subunits and is devoid of antigenic material, when tested with the antibody. These results confirm and extend our recent findings in mouse liver by showing that the multicatalytic proteinase is not a constituent of a 26 S proteinase complex.  相似文献   

The single tryptophan residue Trp-104 of chicken cystatin was modified with a 2-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzyl group. The change of the absorption spectrum of this group on binding of the modified cystatin to papain indicated a decreased environmental polarity of the probe. The modified inhibitor had about a 10(5)-fold lower affinity for papain than had intact cystatin, this being due to a higher dissociation rate constant. These results show that Trp-104 of cystatin is located in or near the proteinase-binding site of the inhibitor, in agreement with a model proposed from computer docking Experiments.  相似文献   

Ribulose-5-phosphate kinase from spinach was rapidly inactivated by N-bromoacetylethanolamine phosphate in a bimolecular fashion with a k2 of 2.0 M-1 S-1 at 2 degrees C and pH 8.0. Ribulose 5-phosphate had little effect on the rate of inactivation, whereas complete protection was afforded by ADP or ATP. The extent of incorporation as determined with 14C-labeled reagent was about 1 molar equivalent per subunit in the presence of ATP with full retention of enzymatic activity, and about 2 molar equivalents per subunit in the completely inactivated enzyme. Amino acid analyses of enzyme derivatized with 14C-labeled reagent reveal that all of the covalently incorporated reagent was associated with cysteinyl residues. Hence two sulfhydryls are reactive, but the inactivation correlates with alkylation of one cysteinyl residue at or near the enzyme's nucleotide binding site. The kinase was also extremely sensitive to the sulfhydryl reagents 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid) and N-ethyl-maleimide. The reactive sulfhydryl groups are likely those generated by reduction of a disulfide during activation.  相似文献   

To study the possible stabilization of the oxyanion of the tetrahedral intermediate formed in the course of the catalyses by cysteine proteinases, papain, chymopapain, papaya peptidase A, and ficin, we synthesized N-(benzyloxycarbonyl)phenylalanylthioglycine O-ethyl ester and compared its hydrolysis with that of the corresponding oxygen ester, a highly specific substrate of the above enzymes. It was found that the substitution of sulfur for the carbonyl oxygen hardly affected the second-order rate constant of acylation and diminished catalytic activity by about 1 order of magnitude in deacylation. These results contrast with those obtained with serine proteinases [Asbóth, B., & Polgár, L. (1983) Biochemistry 22, 117-122], where the hydrolysis of thiono esters could not be detected. From the results the following conclusions can be drawn. Stabilization of the tetrahedral intermediate at an oxyanion binding site is not essential with cysteine proteinases. Therefore, and because of the lack of general base catalysis, cysteine proteinases have a less constrained transition-state structure than serine proteinases.  相似文献   

The Salmonella/microsome mutagenesis assay was used to determine the effect of cysteine (alpha-amino-beta-mercaptopropionic acid) on the mutagenic actions of several carcinogens: N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine. N-acetoxy-2-acetylaminofluorene, N-hydroxy-2-acetylaminofluorene, 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide, methyl methanesulfonate, 5-nitro-2-furaldehyde semicarbazone, 2-(2-furyl)-3-(5-nitro-2-furyl) acrylamide, aflatoxin B1 and the nitrosation products of methylurea and methylguanidine. Cysteine, at non-toxic concentrations, significantly decreased the frequency of reversion to histidine prototrophy when it was added to treatment mixtures. The extent of the inhibition of mutagenic action by cysteine depended on the carcinogen studied as well as the doses of cysteine and carcinogen employed. Cysteine (2.5--10 mM) completely inhibited the mutagenic actions of N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine and methylguanidine nitrosation products while only partially preventing the mutagenic effects of the other carcinogens assayed. Inhibition of 5-nitro-2-furaldehyde semicarbazone-induced mutagenesis occurred only with higher cysteine concentrations (20--200 mM).  相似文献   

Mutation of Arg(117), an autocatalytic cleavage site, is the most frequent amino acid change found in the cationic trypsinogen (Tg) of patients with hereditary pancreatitis. In the present study, the role of Arg(117) was investigated in wild-type cationic Tg and in the activation-resistant Lys(15) --> Gln mutant (K15Q-Tg), in which Tg-specific properties of Arg(117) can be examined selectively. We found that trypsinolytic cleavage of the Arg(117)-Val(118) bond did not proceed to completion, but due to trypsin-catalyzed re-synthesis an equilibrium was established between intact Tg and its cleaved, two-chain form. In the absence of Ca(2+), at pH 8.0, the hydrolysis equilibrium (K(hyd) = [cleaved Tg]/[intact Tg]) was 5.4, whereas 5 mm Ca(2+) reduced the rate of cleavage at Arg(117) at least 20-fold, and shifted K(hyd) to 0.7. These observations indicate that the Arg(117)-Val(118) bond exhibits properties analogous to the reactive site bond of canonical trypsin inhibitors and suggest that this surface loop might serve as a low affinity inhibitor of zymogen activation. Consistent with this notion, autoactivation of cationic Tg was inhibited by the cleaved form of K15Q-Tg, with an estimated K(i) of 80 microm, while no inhibition was observed with K15Q-Tg carrying the Arg(117) --> His mutation. Finally, zymogen breakdown due to other trypsinolytic pathways was shown to proceed almost 2000-fold slower than cleavage at Arg(117). Taken together, the findings suggest two independent, successively functional trypsin-mediated mechanisms against pathological Tg activation in the pancreas. At low trypsin concentrations, cleavage at Arg(117) results in inhibition of trypsin, whereas high trypsin concentrations degrade Tg, thus limiting further zymogen activation. Loss of Arg(117)-dependent trypsin inhibition can contribute to the development of hereditary pancreatitis associated with the Arg(117) --> His mutation.  相似文献   

The three-membered ring of aziridine-2-carboxylic acid, which is susceptible to opening by nucleophiles, has been analyzed as a potential useful handle for the design of specific irreversible inhibitors of cysteine proteinases. For this thiol-reactive amino acid, an imino analogue of proline, a second-order rate constant of 17.07 M-1.s-1 for inactivation of papain was determined. Thus, the aziridine moiety proved to be remarkably more reactive than activated double bonds, e.g. N-ethylmaleimide, or halides such as alpha-iodopropionic acid or chloroacetic acid. Since it does not alkylate histidine under conditions in which quantitative alkylation occurs with N-ethyl-maleimide, it could represent an interesting reactive amino acid unit for the synthesis of a new class of irreversible inhibitors, at least in terms of specificity of the chemical reaction involved in the inactivation process.  相似文献   

The maize cysteine protease complex, which required SDS for its activation in vitro, is a 179 kDa trimeric complex (P-I)3 of a cysteine protease (P) [EC 3.4.22] and a cysteine protease inhibitor (I), cystatin [Yamada et al. (1998) Plant Cell Physiol. 39: 106, Yamada et al. (2000) Plant Cell Physiol. 41: 185]. Here, we show the mechanism of the SDS-dependent activation of the trimeric (P-I) complex and stabilization of the activated protease by its specific substrates. The cystatin-free cysteine protease isolated by preparative SDS-PAGE was still specifically activated by SDS, and its profile of SDS-dependency was exactly the same as that of the trimeric (P-I) complex. It is, therefore, evident that an SDS-dependent conformational change of the protease itself, rather than the release of cystatin from the complex, is crucial for the activation. Pre-treatment analysis with SDS revealed that SDS was required for the initiation of the activation of the trimeric (P-I) complex. Furthermore, we found that once the protease was activated, if there was no substrate, it was rapidly inactivated under optimum conditions of proteolysis, and showed that such inactivation was not due to autolysis of the protease. In contrast, addition of specific substrates prevented the inactivation, and thus we presumed that the activity of the cysteine protease is regulated by both activation by conformational change and rapid inactivation after consumption of substrates.  相似文献   

Selected channel-lining cysteine mutants from the M2 segment of rat alpha1 gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) type A receptor subunit, at positions 257, 261, 264, and 272 were co-expressed with beta1 and gamma2 subunits in Xenopus oocytes. They generated functional receptors displaying conductance and response to both GABA and picrotoxinin similar to the wild type alpha1beta1gamma2 receptor. Three chemically reactive affinity probes derived from non-competitive blockers were synthesized to react with the engineered cysteines: 1) dithiane bis-sulfone derivative modified by an isothiocyanate function (probe A); 2) fiprole derivatives modified by an alpha-chloroketone (probe B) and alpha-bromoketone (probe C) moiety. These probes blocked the GABA-induced currents on all receptors. This blockade could be fully reversed by a washing procedure on the wild type, the alpha1T261Cbeta1gamma2 and alpha1L264Cbeta1gamma2 mutant receptors. In contrast, an irreversible effect was observed for all three probes on both alpha1V257Cbeta1gamma2 and alpha1S272Cbeta1gamma2 mutant receptors. This effect was probe concentration-dependent and could be abolished by picrotoxinin and/or t-butyl bicyclophosphorothionate. These data indicate a major interaction of non-competitive blockers at position 257 of the presumed M2 segment of rat alpha1 subunit but also suggest an interaction at the more extracellular position 272.  相似文献   

Extracellular xylanase produced in submerged culture by a thermotolerant Streptomyces T7 growing at 37-50 degrees C was purified to homogeneity by chromatography on DEAE-cellulose and gel filtration on Sephadex G-50. The purified enzyme has an Mr of 20,463 and a pI of 7.8. The pH and temperature optima for the activity were 4.5-5.5 and 60 degrees C respectively. The enzyme retained 100% of its original activity on incubation at pH 5.0 for 6 days at 50 degrees C and for 11 days at 37 degrees C. The Km and Vmax. values, as determined with soluble larch-wood xylan, were 10 mg/ml and 7.6 x 10(3) mumol/min per mg of enzyme respectively. The xylanase was devoid of cellulase activity. It was completely inhibited by Hg2+ (2 x 10(-6) M). The enzyme degraded xylan, producing xylobiose, xylo-oligosaccharides and a small amount of xylose as end products, indicating that it is an endoxylanase. Chemical modification of xylanase with N-bromosuccinimide, 2-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzyl bromide and p-hydroxymercuribenzoate (PHMB) revealed that 1 mol each of tryptophan and cysteine per mol of enzyme were essential for the activity. Xylan completely protected the enzyme from inactivation by the above reagents, suggesting the presence of tryptophan and cysteine at the substrate-binding site. Inactivation of xylanase by PHMB could be restored by cysteine.  相似文献   

To analyze proteolytic processing of foamy (spuma) retroviruses, two mutations were generated in the presumed active-site triplet Asp-Ser-Gly in the predicted proteinase (PR) region of the human foamy virus (HSRV). The mutations changed either the presumed catalytic aspartic acid residue to a catalytically incompetent alanine or the adjacent serine to a threonine found in most cellular and retroviral proteases at this position. Both mutations were cloned into the full-length infectious HSRV DNA clone. Wild-type and S/T mutant genomes directed the synthesis of particles with similar infectious titers, while the HSRV D/A PR mutant was noninfectious. Immunoblot analysis of transfected cells revealed identical patterns for the wild-type and for the S/T PR mutant. HSRV D/A mutant-transfected cells expressed only a single Gag polyprotein of 78 kDa instead of the 78-kDa-74-kDa doublet found in HSRV-infected or wild-type-transfected cells. Analysis with pol-specific antisera yielded a protein of approximately 120 kDa reactive with antisera against pol- but not gag-specific domains. No Gag-Pol polyprotein was detected in this study. Electron microscopy analysis of transfected cells showed heterogeneous particle morphology in the case of the D/A mutant, with particles of normal appearance and particles of aberrant size and shape. These results indicate that foamy viruses have an aspartic PR that is essential for infectivity but not for formation of the 120-kDa Pol polyprotein.  相似文献   

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