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The receptor-mediated adhesion of cells to ligand-coated surfaces is important in many physiological and biotechnological processes. Previously, we measured the detachment of antibody-coated spheres from counter-antibody- and protein A-coated substrates using a radial-flow detachment assay and were able to relate mechanical adhesion strength to chemical binding affinity (Kuo and Lauffenburger, Biophys. J. 65:2191-2200 (1993)). In this paper, we use "adhesive dynamics" to simulate the detachment of antibody-coated hard spheres from a ligand-coated substrate. We modeled the antibody-ligand (either counter-antibody or protein A) bonds as adhesive springs. In the simulation as in the experiments, beads attach to the substrate under static conditions. Flow is then initiated, and detachment is measured by the significant displacement of previously bound particles. The model can simulate the effects of many parameters on cell detachment, including hydrodynamic stresses, receptor number, ligand density, reaction rates between receptor and ligand, and stiffness and reactive compliance of the adhesive springs. The simulations are compared with experimental detachment data, thus relating measured bead adhesion strength to molecular properties of the adhesion molecules. The simulations accurately recreated the logarithmic dependence of adhesion strength on affinity of receptor-ligand recognition, which was seen in experiments and predicted by analytic theory. In addition, we find the value of the reactive compliance, the parameter which relates the strain of a bond to its rate of breakage, that gives the best match between theory and experiment to be 0.01. Finally, we analyzed the effect of varying either the forward or reverse rate constants as different ways to achieve the same affinity, and showed that adhesion strength depends uniquely on the equilibrium affinity, not on the kinetics of binding. Given that attachment is independent of affinity, detachment and attachment are distinct adhesive phenomena.  相似文献   

A theoretical analysis of the detachment of bacteria adhering to substratum surfaces upon the passage of an air-liquid interface is given, together with experimental results for bacterial detachment in the absence and presence of a conditioning film on different substratum surfaces. Bacteria (Streptococcus sobrinus HG1025, Streptococcus oralis J22, Actinomyces naeslundii T14V-J1, Bacteroides fragilis 793E, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa 974K) were first allowed to adhere to hydrophilic glass and hydrophobic dimethyldichlorosilane (DDS)-coated glass in a parallel-plate flow chamber until a density of 4 x 10(6) cells cm(-2) was reached. For S. sobrinus HG1025, S. oralis J22, and A. naeslundii T14V-J1, the conditioning film consisted of adsorbed salivary components, while for B. fragilis 793E and P. aeruginosa 974K, the film consisted of adsorbed human plasma components. Subsequently, air bubbles were passed through the flow chamber and the bacterial detachment percentages were measured. For some experimental conditions, like with P. aeruginosa 974K adhering to DDS-coated glass and an air bubble moving at high velocity (i.e., 13.6 mm s(-1)), no bacteria detached upon passage of an air-liquid interface, while for others, detachment percentages between 80 and 90% were observed. The detachment percentage increased when the velocity of the passing air bubble decreased, regardless of the bacterial strain and substratum surface hydrophobicity involved. However, the variation in percentages of detachment by a passing air bubble depended greatly upon the strain and substratum surface involved. At low air bubble velocities the hydrophobicity of the substratum had no influence on the detachment, but at high air bubble velocities all bacterial strains were more efficiently detached from hydrophilic glass substrata. Furthermore, the presence of a conditioning film could either inhibit or stimulate detachment. The shape of the bacterial cell played a major role in detachment at high air bubble velocities, and spherical strains (i.e., streptococci) detached more efficiently than rod-shaped organisms. The present results demonstrate that methodologies to study bacterial adhesion which include contact with a moving air-liquid interface (i.e., rinsing and dipping) yield detachment of an unpredictable number of adhering microorganisms. Hence, results of studies based on such methodologies should be referred as "bacterial retention" rather than "bacterial adhesion".  相似文献   

Phenotypic switching of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) is known to play a key role in the development of atherosclerosis. However, the mechanisms that mediate VSMC phenotypic switching are unclear. We report here that TIPE2, the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) α-induced protein 8-like 2 (TNFAIP8L2), plays an atheroprotective role by regulating phenotypic switching of VSMCs in response to oxidized low-density lipoprotein (ox-LDL) stimuli. TIPE2-deficient VSMCs treated with ox-LDL expressed lower levels of contractile proteins such as SMαA, SM-MHC and calponin, whereas the proliferation, migration and the synthetic capacity for growth factors and cytokines were increased remarkably. Furthermore, TIPE2 inhibited VSMCs proliferation by preventing G1/S phase transition. Interestingly, these effects of TIPE2 on VSMCs were dependent on P38 and ERK1/2 kinase signals. As a result, neointima formation was accelerated in the carotid arteries of TIPE2-deficient mice. These results indicate that TIPE2 is a potential inhibitor of atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

The kinetics of protein adsorption are studied using a generalized diffusion approach which shows that the time-determining step in the adsorption is the crossing of the kinetic barrier presented by the polymers and already adsorbed proteins. The potential of mean-force between the adsorbing protein and the polymer-protein surface changes as a function of time due to the deformation of the polymer layers as the proteins adsorb. Furthermore, the range and strength of the repulsive interaction felt by the approaching proteins increases with grafted polymer molecular weight and surface coverage. The effect of molecular weight on the kinetics is very complex and different than its role on the equilibrium adsorption isotherms. The very large kinetic barriers make the timescale for the adsorption process very long and the computational effort increases with time, thus, an approximate kinetic approach is developed. The kinetic theory is based on the knowledge that the time-determining step is crossing the potential-of-mean-force barrier. Kinetic equations for two states (adsorbed and bulk) are written where the kinetic coefficients are the product of the Boltzmann factor for the free energy of adsorption (desorption) multiplied by a preexponential factor determined from a Kramers-like theory. The predictions from the kinetic approach are in excellent quantitative agreement with the full diffusion equation solutions demonstrating that the two most important physical processes are the crossing of the barrier and the changes in the barrier with time due to the deformation of the polymer layer as the proteins adsorb/desorb. The kinetic coefficients can be calculated a priori allowing for systematic calculations over very long timescales. It is found that, in many cases where the equilibrium adsorption shows a finite value, the kinetics of the process is so slow that the experimental system will show no adsorption. This effect is particularly important at high grafted polymer surface coverage. The construction of guidelines for molecular weight/surface coverage necessary for kinetic prevention of protein adsorption in a desired timescale is shown. The time-dependent desorption is also studied by modeling how adsorbed proteins leave the surface when in contact with a pure water solution. It is found that the kinetics of desorption are very slow and depend in a nonmonotonic way in the polymer chain length. When the polymer layer thickness is shorter than the size of the protein, increasing polymer chain length, at fixed surface coverage, makes the desorption process faster. For polymer layers with thickness larger than the protein size, increases in molecular weight results in a longer time for desorption. This is due to the grafted polymers trapping the adsorbed proteins and slowing down the desorption process. These results offer a possible explanation to some experimental data on adsorption. Limitations and extension of the developed approaches for practical applications are discussed.  相似文献   

Isolation of temperature sensitive mammalian cells by selective detachment   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Temperature sensitive cells have been isclated from Syrian and Chinese hamster cells using a method based on selective detachment from a glass substrate. The Syrian hamster isolates occurred at a high frequency (about 1 in 103) and reverted rapidly; polyoma virus transformation conferred on cells the ability to grow, perhaps abnormally, in agar suspension. A slightly modified isolation technique was applied to Chinese hamster cultures and resulted in the isolation of at least one mutant (from a starting population of 5 × 108 cells) with a spontaneous reversion rate of less than one in 6 × 107. Treatment of the mutant with ethyl methane sulphonate induced reversion. It was concluded that selective detachment provided a useful method for the isolation of conditional lethal mutants of mammalian cells.  相似文献   

A simple, rapid, physicochemical treatment for the removal of viable bacteria from the surface of raw and cooked beef is described. The detachment method was linked to a differential centrifugation step which removed large amounts of particulate food matter and concentrated the detached bacteria. The method increased the numbers of bacteria released from beef surfaces and increased the numbers detected by at least one and a half orders of magnitude, when compared to the traditional 'stomaching' technique. This 1-h separation and concentration method produced cleaner suspensions of bacteria and improved the sensitivity of detection by DEFT and direct plate count.  相似文献   

Controlling accumulations of unwanted biofilms requires an understanding of the mechanisms that organisms use to interact with submerged substrata. While the substratum properties influencing biofilm formation are well studied, those that may lead to cellular or biofilm detachment are not. Surface-grafted stimuli-responsive polymers, such as poly (N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAAm) release attached cells upon induction of environmentally-triggered phase changes. Altering the physicochemical characteristics of such polymeric systems for systematically studying release, however, can alter the phase transition. The physico-chemical changes of thin films of PNIPAAm grafted from initiator-modified self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of ω-substituted alkanethiolates on gold can be altered by changing the composition of the underlying SAM, without affecting the overlying polymer. This work demonstrates that the ability to tune such changes in substratum physico-chemistry allows systematic study of attachment and release of bacteria over a large range of water contact angles. Such surfaces show great promise for studying a variety of interactions at the biointerface. Understanding of the source of this tunability will require further studies into the heterogeneity of such films and further investigation of interactions beyond those of water wettability.  相似文献   

Gastric mucosal injury is a less well known complication of obesity. Its mechanism remains to be further elucidated. Here, we explored the protective role of lipocalin 2 (LCN2) against endoplasmic reticulum stress and cell apoptosis in gastric mucosa in patients and mice with obesity. Through molecular and genetic analyses in clinical species, LCN2 secreted by parietal cells expression is elevated in obese. Immunofluorescence, TUNEL, and colorimetry results show that a more significant upregulation of pro-inflammatory factors and increased amount of apoptotic cells in gastric tissue sections in obese groups. Loss- and gain-of-function experiments in gastric epithelial cells demonstrate that increased LCN2 protected against obesity associated gastric injury by inhibiting apoptosis and improving inflammatory state. In addition, this protective effect was mediated by repressing ER stress. Our findings identify LCN2 as a gastric hormone could be a compensatory protective factor against gastric injury in obese.Subject terms: Apoptosis, Stomach diseases  相似文献   

Soluble inhibitors find widespread applications as therapeutic drugs to reduce the ability of eukaryotic cells, bacteria, or viruses to adhere to surfaces and host tissues. Mechanical forces resulting from fluid flow are often present under in vivo conditions, and it is commonly presumed that fluid flow will further add to the inhibitive effect seen under static conditions. In striking contrast, we discover that when surface adhesion is mediated by catch bonds, whose bond life increases with increased applied force, shear stress may dramatically increase the ability of bacteria to withstand detachment by soluble competitive inhibitors. This shear stress-induced protection against inhibitor-mediated detachment is shown here for the fimbrial FimH-mannose-mediated surface adhesion of Escherichia coli. Shear stress-enhanced reduction of bacterial detachment has major physiological and therapeutic implications and needs to be considered when developing and screening drugs.  相似文献   

Gas-filled microbubbles attached to cell surfaces can interact with focused ultrasound to create microstreaming of nearby fluid. We directly observed the ultrasound/microbubble interaction and documented that under certain conditions fluorescent particles that were attached to the surface of live cells could be removed. Fluorescently labeled liposomes that were larger than 500 nm in diameter were attached to the surface of endothelial cells using cRGD targeting to αvβ3 integrin. Microbubbles were attached to the surface of the cells through electrostatic interactions. Images taken before and after the ultrasound exposure were compared to document the effects on the liposomes. When exposed to ultrasound with peak negative pressure of 0.8 MPa, single microbubbles and groups of isolated microbubbles were observed to remove targeted liposomes from the cell surface. Liposomes were removed from a region on the cell surface that averaged 33.1 μm in diameter. The maximum distance between a single microbubble and a detached liposome was 34.5 μm. Single microbubbles were shown to be able to remove liposomes from over half the surface of a cell. The distance over which liposomes were removed was significantly dependent on the resting diameter of the microbubble. Clusters of adjoining microbubbles were not seen to remove liposomes. These observations demonstrate that the fluid shear forces generated by the ultrasound/microbubble interaction can remove liposomes from the surfaces of cells over distances that are greater than the diameter of the microbubble.  相似文献   

The inflammatory response in the brain is closely associated with the pathogenesis of degenerative neurological disorders. A role for the p38 stress-activated protein kinase/MAPK-activated protein kinase 2 (MK2) axis in inflammation and apoptosis is well documented. Here, we provide evidence that neurodegeneration can be prevented by eliminating MK2. In primary mesencephalic neuron-glia co-cultures dopaminergic neurons from MK2-deficient (MK2−/−) mice were significantly more resistant to lipopolysaccharide-induced neurotoxicity compared with cells from wild-type mice. This neuroprotection in MK2-deficient cultures was associated with a reduced inflammatory response, especially with reduced production of the inflammatory mediators tumor necrosis factor alpha, keratinocyte-derived chemokine, interleukin-6, and nitric oxide (NO). Interestingly, in primary neuron-enriched cell cultures p38 MAPK, but not MK2, also participates in NO-mediated neuronal cell death. In the MPTP mouse model for Parkinson's disease, MK2-deficient mice show a reduced neuroinflammation and less degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra after MPTP lesion compared with wild-type mice. In conclusion, our results reveal that MK2 does not directly participate in neuronal cell death, but indirectly contributes to neurodegeneration by the production of neurotoxic substances, such as NO or tumor necrosis factor alpha, from activated glia cells.  相似文献   

Fixed spherical swollen human red blood cells of blood type B adhering on a glass surface through antigen-antibody bonds to monoclonal mouse antihuman IgM, adsorbed or covalently linked on the surface, were detached by known hydrodynamic forces created in an impinging jet. The dynamic process of detachment of the specifically bound cells was recorded and analyzed. The fraction of adherent cells remaining on the surface decreased with increasing hydrodynamic force. For an IgM coverage of 0.26%, a tangential force on the order of 100 pN was able to detach almost all of the cells from the surface within 20 min. After a given time of exposure to hydrodynamic force, the fraction of adherent cells remaining increased with time, reflecting an increase in adhesion strength. The characteristic time for effective aging was approximately 4 h. Results from experiments in which the adsorbed antibody molecules were immobilized through covalent coupling and from evanescent wave light scattering of adherent cells, imply that deformation of red cells at the contact area was the principal cause for aging, rather than local clustering of the antibody through surface diffusion. Experiments with latex beads specifically bound to red blood cells suggest that, instead of breaking the antigen-antibody bonds, antigen molecules were extracted from the cell membrane during detachment.  相似文献   

Label-fracture of cell surfaces by replica staining   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We introduce replica-staining label-fracture, a method for the cytochemical mapping of membrane surfaces. This method is a corollary of the rationale of label-fracture (Pinto da Silva and Kan, 1984: J Cell Biol 99:1156). After freeze-fracture the exoplasmic halves of the membrane remain attached to the replica. We show that cytochemical labeling of cell surfaces can be performed by direct post-fracture staining of freeze-fracture replicas. This new variant of label-fracture leads to miniaturization of labeling procedures and allows standardization of labeling conditions and simultaneous processing of different specimens.  相似文献   

A method for fabricating biomimetic surfaces from intact cell membranes is described. A monolayer of alkanethiol on gold is covered by a second layer derived from the components of erythrocyte membranes either by self-assembly or by Langmuir-Blodgett methods. The resulting asymmetric hybrid layer was characterized by ellipsometry, surface plasmon resonance (SPR), contact angle, capacitance, voltammetry, and electron and atomic force microscopy. The erythrocyte membrane layer was measured to be approximately 30-40 A in thickness. Using SPR, the presence of erythrocyte components on the surface was demonstrated by their selective removal by enzymatic action. The uniform deposition of membranous material on the substrate was shown by electron and atomic force microscopy. Demonstration of acetylcholinesterase (AChase) activity, a membrane-anchored enzyme, on the surface for at least 8 days, suggests that the outer leaflet of the erythrocyte membrane is present in its native form. Cyclic voltammetry demonstrates that enhanced electron transport from a solution redox species accompanies formation of the erythrocyte layer at the surface. This enhanced electron transport is blocked by 4,4'-diisothiocyanate stilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid, a well known blocker of anion transport, suggesting that an erythrocyte anion transporter protein is incorporated into the surface layer in an active conformation.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster ovary cells were examined ultrastructurally following several detachment procedures. Alterations in the surface glycoproteins were observed by using ruthenium red in the fixation procedure. Trypsin removed a major portion of the cells glycocalyx and formed spherical cellular configurations. EGTA detached cells were also spherical, however, their glycocalyx appeared to remain although redistributed over the cell surface. Kinetic studies showed no alterations in subsequent population doubling times following either detachment procedure. EGTA may thus represent the current method of choice for cell detachment if preservation of the surface glycoproteins is of interest.  相似文献   

Aims:  To assess the ability of Listeria monocytogenes to form biofilm on different food-contact surfaces with regard to different temperatures, cellular hydrophobicity and motility.
Methods and Results:  Forty-four L. monocytogenes strains from food and food environment were tested for biofilm formation by crystal violet staining. Biofilm levels were significantly higher on glass at 4, 12 and 22°C, as compared with polystyrene and stainless steel. At 37°C, L. monocytogenes produced biofilm at significantly higher levels on glass and stainless steel, as compared with polystyrene. Hydrophobicity was significantly ( P  < 0·05) higher at 37°C than at 4, 12 and 22°C. Thirty (68·2%) of 44 strains tested showed swimming at 22°C and 4 (9·1%) of those were also motile at 12°C. No correlation was observed between swimming and biofilm production.
Conclusions:  L. monocytogenes can adhere to and form biofilms on food-processing surfaces. Biofilm formation is significantly influenced by temperature, probably modifying cell surface hydrophobicity.
Significance and Impacts of the Study:  Biofilm formation creates major problems in the food industry because it may represent an important source of food contamination. Our results are therefore important in finding ways to prevent contamination because they contribute to a better understanding on how L. monocytogenes can establish biofilms in food industry and therefore survive in the processing environment.  相似文献   

S Gallik  S Usami  K M Jan  S Chien 《Biorheology》1989,26(4):823-834
We employed a static-incubation assay to determine the intensity of wall shear stress (tau) needed to detach human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (HPMNs) from human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVE) monolayers. Confluent monolayers of HUVE were placed in a parallel-plate flow chamber which was mounted on the stage of an inverted tissue culture microscope, attached to a perfusion system and maintained at 37 degrees C. All events in the selected fields were recorded using videomicroscopy. HPMNs were co-incubated for 15 minutes with the HUVE monolayers under control conditions or in the presence of 10(-7) M formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (FMLP). Following this static incubation, a series of five individual flows, each 1 minute in duration, were driven through the flow channel, exposing the cells to 1.0, 2.0, 3.8, 7.6 and 14.8 dyn/cm2 wall shear stresses. Under control conditions, the percentage of HPMNs remaining attached to the HUVE monolayers following exposure to each shear stress was 61, 38, 25, 12 and 5, respectively. In the FMLP-treated condition, the percentage of HPMNs remaining attached to the monolayers was significantly greater than control at all five levels of tau. Thus, under control conditions, adherent HPMNs can be detached from endothelial cell monolayers in vitro with levels of shear stress normally found in the microcirculation (18). In the presence of FMLP, the level of shear stress needed to overcome the adhesions is increased significantly.  相似文献   

Growth and detachment of cell clusters from mature mixed-species biofilms.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Detachment from biofilms is an important consideration in the dissemination of infection and the contamination of industrial systems but is the least-studied biofilm process. By using digital time-lapse microscopy and biofilm flow cells, we visualized localized growth and detachment of discrete cell clusters in mature mixed-species biofilms growing under steady conditions in turbulent flow in situ. The detaching biomass ranged from single cells to an aggregate with a diameter of approximately 500 microm. Direct evidence of local cell cluster detachment from the biofilms was supported by microscopic examination of filtered effluent. Single cells and small clusters detached more frequently, but larger aggregates contained a disproportionately high fraction of total detached biomass. These results have significance in the establishment of an infectious dose and public health risk assessment.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of Con A on the surface morphology of cultured cells of Drosophilia melanogaster growing on coverglasses was examined by scanning electron microscopy. With low lectin concentrations (5–10g/ml) surface filaments disappeared and the cells flattened and spread against the glass surface. Cytoplasmic fusion bridges were observed in areas where cells made contact. Concentrations of Con A ranging between 50–500 g/ml caused cell shrinkage and surface distortions without cell flattening and filament loss. These morphologic effects were not apparent if Con A binding sites were blocked by preincubation with -methyl-D-mannopyranoside before application to the cell cultures. However, once the Con A-mediated changes were in effect, the cells failed to show recovery when they were returned to growth medium and a majority of the cells on the coverglasses degenerated. Presumably the cells whose morphology appears unaffected by Con A treatment are the survivors that repopulate cultures returned to growth medium.Supported by Grants CA-12600 and CA 16619 awarded by the National Cancer Institute, DREW and in part by NIH Biomedical Sciences Grant No. RR-07050. CAA's participation in this project was supported by Training Grant No. 5T01-GM-71-17We wish to thank Dr. Imogene Schneider for providing the cell lines  相似文献   

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