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Reproductive organs of four botryllid ascidians, Botryllus primigenus, Botryllus schlosseri, Botrylloides violaceus and Botrylloides leachi, were studied histologically. In every species, the egg follicle consisting of an egg and its inner and outer follicles, is attached to the follicle stalk, the vesicle being composed of a flat epithelium, which in its turn is connected to the atrial epithelium or to the brood pouch specialized from it. In B. schlosseri, the egg is ovulated into the atrial cavity and remains there held by the brood cup, of which the inner epithelium is derived from the follicle stalk and the outer one from the atrial epithelium. In B. primigenus, the brood pouch develops as a diverticulum of the atrial cavity, around the entrance of which a fold differentiates from the atrial epithelium and closes the pouch during embryogenesis. In both species of Botrylloides, the brood pouch is formed by the outgrowth of the thickened atrial epithelium into the blood space, the entrance of which is closed during embryogenesis. The discarded outer follicle completely disintegrates soon after ovulation in B. schlosseri, but part of it remains throughout embryogenesis in the blood space in B. primigenus or projecting into the interior of the brood pouch in Botrylloides. In primigenus, the testis, when it accompanies the egg follicle, is placed at the bottom of the brood pouch and the sperm is shed through the pouch prior to ovulation. In B. schlosseri and the Botrylloides species, the testis is located independently from the egg follicle and the sperm matures after ovulation.  相似文献   

脊椎动物循环系统的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程红 《生物学通报》2000,35(8):16-18
脊椎动物的循环系统是一个封闭的管道系统 ,分为心血管系统和淋巴系统。心血管系统包括心脏、动脉、毛细血管、静脉和血液 ;淋巴系统包括毛细淋巴管、淋巴管、淋巴导管、淋巴结和淋巴液 (本文略 )。循环系统是体内物质运输和维持体内环境即细胞外液稳定的重要系统。循环系统还是重要的免疫系统 ,并参与体温的调节。1 心脏和血液循环脊椎动物的血液在管道内按一定方向不断地流动 ,即在身体背部从前向后 ,而在腹部是从后向前。但在最低等的脊索动物即尾索动物(urochordates)海鞘中的血液循环属于开管式 ,而且血液不沿固定的方向流动 ,定期改…  相似文献   

A morpho‐functional study of the colonial ascidian Botrylloides leachi haemocytes was carried out to propose their classification, relationships and specializations. This characterization was obtained by (i) investigations of both living and aldehyde‐fixed cells by light and electron microscopy; (ii) cytochemical and cytoenzymatic assays; (iii) lectin‐affinity assays; (iv) phagocytosis and haemagglutination assays; and (v) anti‐CD34 immunocytochemical assay for vertebrate haematopoietic stem cells. Results indicate that the haemoblast is a circulating stem cell and there are at least five haemocyte differentiation pathways, the last two of which have never been described in botryllids: (i) phagocytic line (hyaline amoebocytes and macrophage‐like cells) share ultrastructural features, the same hydrolytic enzymes and WGA lectin binding, and are involved in yeast phagocytosis and erythrocyte rosette formation; (ii) cytotoxic line (granular amoebocytes and morula cells) with vacuoles containing oxidative enzymes and polyphenolic substrates; (iii) vacuolated cell line (pigment cells and nephrocytes) involved in catabolite storage; (iv) compartment cell line (compartment amoebocytes and compartment cells) able to agglutinate erythrocytes and characterized by vacuoles with a moderately electron‐dense content, positive to arylsulphatase activity and binding DBA, UEA‐I, HPA lectins; and (v) granular cell line includes trophic cells, able to infiltrate the gut epithelium, showing a cytoplasm filled of PAS‐positive vacuoles with arylsulphatase, chloroacetylesterase and β‐glucuronidase activities.  相似文献   

The studies were carried out in 14 dogs in which two different ventilation techniques were used under the general anaesthesia: HFIV and IPPV. Functioning of the cardio-vascular system was evaluated, basing on the measurements of pulse rate, pressure in the peripheral vessels, pulmonary artery and central venous pressure and calculation of the stroke volume, cardiac index, and pulmonary vessels resistance index. It was found that both techniques of ventilation did not exert any effect on the functioning of cardio-vascular system. Stroke volume was lower during IPPV than that during HFIV ventilation.  相似文献   

We re-investigated the behavior of hemocytes during the non-fusion (rejection) reaction between genetically incompatible colonies of the ascidian Botryllus schlosseri. In the course of the reaction, hemocytes - mainly morula cells - crowd inside the blind ends of marginal vascular vessels (known as ampullae) of the colonial leading edge (LE) facing the foreign colony which suggests the occurrence of chemotactic attraction of circulating hemocytes towards the ampullar lumen. Then, cells migrate, through the ampullar tips, into the partially fused tunics and contribute to the formation of the necrotic spots along the contact borders which characterize the reaction. Studies on histological sections clearly indicate that, although morula cell concentration is always higher in ampullae of the LE than in those of the lateral (L) part of the colony, their frequency significantly increases in LE ampullae of rejecting colonies with respect to LE ampullae of both fusing and isolated colonies. In addition, in vitro chemotaxis experiments demonstrated that blood plasma from incompatible colonies can stimulate morula cell migration through polycarbonate filters and this passage is inhibited by antibodies raised against mammalian pro-inflammatory cytokines. The possible nature and role of molecules recognized by anti-cytokine antibodies in hemocyte migration are discussed.  相似文献   

Gametogenesis of a compound ascidian Botryllus primigenus was studied histologically. On either side of the zooid (stage 9), in the gonadal space between the epidermis and the atrial epithelium, either a single testis or a complex of an egg follicle and a testis can be formed. The egg follicle consists of a single ovum (occasionally two ova) and its accessory cells and is connected with the atrial epithelium by the follicle stalk. The egg follicle is always accompanied by the brood pouch, a diverticulum of the atrial cavity. The testis is equipped with a vestigial spermiduct and is attached to the atrial epithelium. Buds of stage 8 comprise, besides the developing testes and, egg follicles, loose aggregations of hemoblasts and oocytes of early developmental stages, which are already accompanied by primary follicular cells. Both the oocytes and the primary follicular cells seem to arise from the hemoblasts. The young oocytes are isolated in the gonadal space of the buds nnd are transferred to buds of the succeeding generations until they finally mature. In the bud of stage 3, a compact mass of cells appears, attaching to tbe inner vesicle on either side of the body. It is derived from the hemoblasts lodged there in the preceding generation and presumably also from the circulating hemoblasts. When the cell mass receives a large oocyte derived from the preceding generation, part of the cell mass differentiates into egg envelopes, forming an egg follicle, and a follicle stalk and the remainder into a testis. When the cell mass receives no oocyte, it differentiate as a whole into a testis. In the egg follicle thus formed the outer and inner follicular cells increase in number by mitotic division. Subsequently, initial test cells are derived from the inner follicle by migration across the developing chorion; then they increas2 in number by mitosis. In the testis, meiosis and spermiogenesis take place.  相似文献   

Morphology and life history of a new species of the genus Botryllus belonging to the family Botryllidae were described in detail. This ascidian was collected from the stony shore in the vicinity of Shimoda (Shizuoka prefecture, Japan). The arrangement of ovary and testis in this ascidian was the same as that in other species of the genus Botryllus, while the embryo developed in a brood pouch formed from the invagination of peribranchial epithelium, as in the other genus Botrylloides. The processes and features of the allorecognition reaction of this ascidian were observed. The reaction showed the same processes as that in the species of the genus Botrylloides. Therefore, this ascidian has both features of the two genera of the family Botryllidae, which strongly suggests the necessity of reconsidering on the classificatory criteria of botryllid ascidians.  相似文献   

We present data on the haemolymph vascular system (HVS) in four representatives of the major amphipod lineages Gammaridea, Hyperiidea and Caprellidea based on corrosion casting and three‐dimensional reconstructions of histological semi‐thin sections. In all these species the HVS comprises a dorsal pulsatile heart, which is continued in the body axis by the anterior and posterior aortae. The heart is equipped with three pairs of incurrent ostia. The number of cardiac arteries that lead off the heart varies among species: in the studied Gammaridea four pairs occur, in Hyperia galba only the three posterior pairs of cardiac arteries occur, while in Caprella mutica cardiac arteries are absent. In all the studied species the posterior aorta leads as a simple tube into the pleon attached to the dorsal diaphragm. The anterior aorta runs from its origin in the anterior part of the second thoracic segment into the cephalothorax. Both pairs of antennae have an arterial supply off the anterior aorta. An overview of previously studied species including our present findings shows the amphipod HVS to be relatively uniform and the gammarid form is discussed as being closest to the ground pattern of Amphipoda.  相似文献   

Saito Y  Okuyama M 《Zoological science》2003,20(9):1153-1161
The morphology and life history of a strange and unidentified botryllid ascidian were investigated. This ascidian was first collected from the stony shore of Ebisu Island in Shimoda, a city on Izu peninsula in central Japan. Unlike other botryllid ascidians, whose colonies are flat and smooth, this ascidian's colonies are rugged. In each colony, zooids are arranged into several oval systems, each of which has a thick part containing zooids and very thin parts that do not. The arrangement of ovary and testis in this species is the same as in other species of the genus Botryllus; the ovary is situated anterior to the testis. The embryo of this ascidian develops in the peribranchial cavity of its mother zooid without any brooding organs, as is the case with Botryllus scalaris and Botryllus puniceus. Meanwhile, the results of cut colony assay experiments did not show the existence of colony specificity in this ascidian. Even when two syngeneic colonies were brought into contact at their growing edges, none fused together. On the other hand, when two colonies were brought into contact with each other at their cut surfaces, they always fused into a single colony, regardless of their origin. Therefore, this species may be the only species that lacks colony specificity among the botryllids studied so far.  相似文献   

Nick Aldred 《Biofouling》2014,30(3):259-270
Globally, ascidians are a significant contributor to benthic marine fouling communities, but have remained poorly studied in this context. In some cases, such as in shellfish and finfish aquaculture, ascidians are the most problematic of all fouling organisms. The disproportionate impact of ascidian fouling in some specific geographic locations has been related directly to anthropogenic translocation of these organisms around the globe. In the case of ascidians, therefore, the economic issue of biofouling and the ecological ramifications of invasion are inextricably linked. This mini-review briefly discusses the introduction of non-native ascidians to areas where they have subsequently proven to be a significant fouling pest. The elements of ascidian reproductive ecology that support their aggressive fouling character are discussed and the scant information pertaining to their adhesion and adhesives is presented. Finally, strategies for mitigating ascidian fouling are examined. It is suggested that sufficient working knowledge currently exists to support the inclusion of one or more common ascidian species as ‘standard’ test organisms used for evaluation of novel fouling-resistant surfaces.  相似文献   

Summary The intracellular distribution of visual pigments in the retinular cells of compound eyes of a butterfly (Papilio), a moth (Actias), a water scorpion (Ranatra), a dragonfly (Pantala), a crayfish (Procambarus), and a crab (Hemigrapsus) were investigated.The experiments measured the total surface area of rhabdom membrane in single compound eyes by light and electron microscopy, the densities of intramembrane particles in rhabdoms of compound eyes by freeze-fracture methods, and the quantities of chromophore molecules in compound eyes by high pressure liquid chromatography.Four species (moth, water scorpion, dragonfly, and crayfish) contain more than 75% of total chromophore probably as visual pigments in their rhabdoms, but the butterfly and the crab contain only 28.6% and 39.2%, respectively.The remainder of the chromophore molecules (Papilio 71.4%,Actias 5.7%,Ranatra 18.9%,Pantala 23.2%,Procambarus 24.3%, andHemigrapsus 60.8%) are supposed to exist mostly in the cytoplasm of the retinular cells. The localizing sites of such extrarhabdomeric chromophores are discussed in relation to the cytoplasmic membrane systems such as endoplasmic reticulum and lysosomal elements.In view of the results of the present experiment, it seems clear that the butterfly,Papilio, possesses a very large extra-rhabdomeric pool of chromophore that is available for rapid regeneration of visual pigment.Abbreviations HPLC high pressure liquid chromatography - ROR ratio of rhabdom to retinulae volume  相似文献   

During vitellogenesis, oocytes of Botryllus schlosseri always exhibit an unusual system scattered in the cytoplasm. It consists of an association between a single fenestrated endoplasmic reticulum cisterna and one or a few smooth vesicles (cisterna vesicle association: CVA) containing a dense core facing the cisterna itself. The latter is smooth and perforated by numerous small pores (about 25 nm in diameter) in the area of association; towards the periphery, it extends into several branches with ribosomes bound to their membranes. In the vesicles, fibrillar material radiates from the dense core and is sometimes organized into a long, dense lamina. The membranes of both cisterna and vesicles appear to be coupled, but are in fact separated by a constant narrow space occupied by short densities. The presence in B. schlosseri of this unusual fenestrated membrane system contrasts with the absence of a typical porous cytoplasmic organelle, the annulate lamellae (ALs), which is widely distributed in female gametes. However, as in other animals, B. schlosseri oocytes possess intranuclear annulate lamellae (IALs) and vesicles. Comparative observations extended to the oocytes of the ascidian Ciona intestinalis have shown that the latter species exhibits typical ALs and IALs, but not the CVA. The morphology of the CVA is analysed here in detail, and similarities and differences with ALs are pointed out. Hypotheses regarding CVA function are discussed in terms of possible relations with ALs.  相似文献   

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