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采用大孔树脂、硅胶、ODS RP-18和Sephadex LH-20柱从雪白睡莲的干燥花蕾中分离得到7个酚类成分,通过理化性质和波谱学方法鉴定化合物的结构,分别为:isostrictiniin(1)、老鹤草素(2)、鞣花酸(3)、短叶苏木酚(4)、Annulatin 3’-O-β-D-xyloside(5)、短叶苏木酚酸甲酯(6),1,2,3,4,6-五没食子酰基葡萄糖(7)。这些化合物均为首次从该植物中分离得到,化合物1,2,5和6首次从该属植物中分得。 相似文献
正通常说到睡莲,基本上是睡莲科睡莲属(Nymphaea)植物的泛称,根据Flora of China记载,世界睡莲属植物约50种,分布在全球的温带及热带地区,目前主要作为观赏植物而广泛栽培于池沼或庭园水景中。从花色上讲,睡莲属植物可能是水生植物中颜色最为丰富的一类植物,雪白、粉色、黄色、粉红色、玫瑰红色、橙色、蓝色、蓝紫色等等,妖娆万分,让人眼花 相似文献
为了解睡莲花朵的致香物质,利用气相色谱-质谱法对62个栽培种花朵的挥发性成分进行了研究。结果表明,共检测出72种挥发性成分,以烯烃类(26种)、烷烃类(11种)和醇类(9种)较多,其中花香成分有53种(73.60%)。40个热带睡莲花朵中共检测出56种挥发性成分,其中花香成分39种;22个耐寒睡莲品种花朵共检测出37种挥发性成分,其中花香成分27种。花香成分中主要致香物质有乙酸苄酯、顺式-罗勒烯、苯甲醇、金合欢烯、月桂烯、柠檬烯、苯甲醛、α-异松油稀、α-蒎烯、肉桂醇和β-丁香醇等。利用组内联接余弦的方法,分别根据挥发性成分和花香成分,62个睡莲栽培种(品种)可分成3和4组。这为睡莲香气物质的开发利用及与传粉动物的协同进化研究提供了基础资料。 相似文献
采用静态顶空气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)联用技术研究报春石斛(Dendrobium primulinum)花香气成分及香气释放的日变化规律,检测并分析一天内六个时间点(6:00、9:00、12:00、15:00、18:00、21:00)报春石斛花的香气成分。各时间点占总香气释放量排序为:6时(35.26%)>9时(22.78%)>12时(19.35%)>21时(7.86%)>15时(7.59%)>18时(7.17%)。共检测出202种香气物质,包括酯类、烯萜类、醇类、醛类、烷类等,其中6:00有93种,9:00有87种,12:00有68种,15:00有61种,18:00有63种,21:00有65种。各个时间点共有的化合物21种。报春石斛花香气释放量6:00最高,18:00最低,主要香气成分是醋酸辛酯。 相似文献
不同光照条件下3种冬青属植物的光合特征日变化研究 总被引:19,自引:3,他引:16
以冬青、绿冬青、全缘枸骨为材料,运用光生理生态研究方法,对不同遮荫条件下,3种冬青属植物的光生理变化进行了研究。结果表明:3种冬青在全光照下的净光合速率高于透光率45%下的,透光率45%的高于透光率20%的,且全光照处理的净光合速率日变化均为双峰曲线,反映3种冬青均为中性树种。但从午休程度和午休后光合恢复情况来看,全缘枸骨对强光的适应能力好于绿冬青,绿冬青好于冬青。叶片光合色素和比叶重变化进一步证明,全缘枸骨适应能力最好,绿冬青次之,冬青相对较差。该研究对揭示各树种光适应特性和合理的园林配置有指导意义。 相似文献
C_3植物光合效率的日变化 总被引:52,自引:0,他引:52
多种田间C_3植物在晴天的光合效率常有明显的日变化,中午前后光合效率降低。C_3植物大豆叶片光合效率中午降低的主要原因,不是空气CO_2浓度和气孔导度及光呼吸的变化,而可能是光抑制。因为:1.在饱和CO_2中测定仍可观测到这种中午降低;2.光合作用的饱和光强远低于晴天中午的太阳光强;3.用纱布预遮阴可以提高叶片的光合效率;4.阴天时叶片光合效率不发生中午降低。 相似文献
乌拉尔甘草花部特征和开花结荚特性的研究 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1
通过田间观测和室内数据分析,对内蒙古杭锦旗乌拉尔甘草的花部特征和开花结荚特性进行了研究.结果表明,在甘草群体中,花颜色性状存在变异.对甘草的开花习性研究发现,一日内,以10:00-16:00开花最多,占开花总量的38.9%;20:00至第2天早晨6:00次之,占开花总量的35.3%.小花数和单荚应结种子数服从近似正态分布.供试花序中单个花序的平均结荚率为30.8%,一个花序表现的种子生产能力约为196粒,实际一个花序的种子生产能力约为41粒.本研究表明,甘草小花具备闭花授粉的自交条件,花序小花数和单荚应结种子数都属于数量性状遗传,可以通过多种措施提高种子产量,为揭示甘草的有性生育规律和甘草杂交育种提供科学依据. 相似文献
三种林-茶复合林分中环境因子和茶的光合特征参数的日变化规律 总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6
对栾树-茶(Koelreuteria paniculata-Camellia sinensis)、香樟-茶(Cinnamomum camphora-Camellia sinensis)和枫香-茶(Liquidambar formosana-Camellia sinensis)3种林-茶复合林分中环境因子的日变化及茶[Camellia sinensis (L. ) O. Ktze. ]的光合特征参数日变化和相关性进行了分析研究.结果显示,在3种林-茶复合林分中,光合有效辐射强度和气温的日变化呈单峰曲线,均在12:00达到最高值;空气相对湿度和大气CO2浓度呈先降后升的日变化趋势,分别在10:00和14:00达到最低值;各环境因子在全天不同时刻均有极显著差异(P<0.01).3种林-茶复合林分中茶的净光合速率日变化均表现为不对称的双峰型曲线,峰值分别出现在10:00和14:00,其中枫香-茶复合林分中茶的净光合速率日均值最高(0.80 μmol·m-2·s-1);茶的气孔导度与蒸腾速率均在每日的早、晚较低,并在10:00达到最高;胞间CO2浓度日变化整体呈W型曲线,每日的早、晚较高,在10:00最低,其中栾树-茶复合林分中茶的胞间CO2浓度的日均值最高;茶的净光合速率和蒸腾速率日均值在3种林-茶复合林分间有极显著差异(P<0.01),气孔导度和胞间CO2浓度日均值差异不显著.除气温与茶的净光合速率,以及光合有效辐射强度与茶的胞间CO2浓度、气温和空气相对湿度间相关性不显著外,其余环境因子与茶的净光合速率以及两两指标之间的相关性均达显著或极显著水平.综合分析结果表明,枫香-茶复合林分可改善茶的生长环境,促进茶生长,适合在安徽芜湖推广种植. 相似文献
2004年5月-2006年4月采用拾遗法、粪便内容物分析法及实地观察对广州地区常见的食果蝙蝠-犬蝠(Cynopterus sphinx)进行了食性研究。对26份食物残留物和粪便样品的分析结果表明:犬蝠的食物包含13科21种的植物果实,3科3种的植物叶片,如:蒲桃(Syzygium jambos)、蒲葵(Livistona subglobosa)及龙眼(Dimocarous longan)的果实。其食性随果实的成熟季节而出现明显的季节性变化,夏秋两季大量食用各种水果,而在食物欠缺的春冬两季则主要食用棕榈科蒲葵的种子。广州地区犬蝠的繁殖期在每年的5-10月。 相似文献
Aims Floral nectar plays a vital role in plant reproductive success by attracting pollinators. Nectar traits of a flower can depend directly on plant characteristics other than environmental factors and exhibit extensive flower- and plant-level variations. Studies on nectar traits frequently focused on intraplant variation for dichogamous plants, but few have paid attention to both intra- and interplant nectar variations in relation to plant characteristics. Revealing within- and among-plant variation and its relative magnitude is important for our understanding of how pollinator-mediated selection can act on nectar traits and evolution of nectar traits.Methods Through investigating protandrous Aconitum gymnandrum populations at the Alpine Meadows and Wetland Ecosystems Research Station of Lanzhou University, we examined the relationships between nectar production per flower and plant characteristics (e.g. flower position within inflorescences, floral sexual phases, flowering time, inflorescence size and floral attractive traits).Important findings A. gymnandrum exhibited a declining gradient in the nectar volume along inflorescences, with more nectar in basal flowers than distal ones. Protandrous flowers of A. gymnandrum did not show gender-biased nectar production while the nectar volume varied with different stages of floral sexual phases. The significant correlation between the first flowering date of individuals and the mean nectar volume per flower was positive in 2013, but became negative in 2014, suggesting complex effects of biotic and abiotic factors. The mean nectar volume per flower was not related to inflorescence size (the number of total flowers per plant). Furthermore, nectar production was weakly associated with floral attractive traits (the petal width and the galea height), even if the effect of flowering time of individuals was removed, suggesting that the honesty of floral traits as signals of nectar reward for pollinators is not stable in this species. 相似文献
濒危植物夏蜡梅花的形态变异 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
研究了不同地理位置的3个夏蜡梅自然种群间以及种群内花部形态变异,并对3个种群进行聚类分析。结果表明:夏蜡梅花部表型性状在种群间和种群内都存在一定程度的变异;各性状总的平均变异系数在6.293(内瓣长)~46.90(花柄长)之间,种群间总的平均变异系数在13.430(DMS)~15.720 8(DLS),因此认为夏蜡梅花的表型性状无论是在物种水平还是在种群水平都具有较丰富的表型多样性,其中又以大雷山种群最高;单因素方差分析显示:部分指标分化显著或极显著,13个指标在种群内的变异占了总变异的82.9%,这说明夏蜡梅种群内变异是表型变异的主要来源,由此可以推测遗传上的多样性是形成夏蜡梅花部形态变异的主导因素;种群间平均变异组分占了17.1%,表明花部形态在种群间存在一定程度的表型分化;聚类分析显示距离较近的大明山种群和龙须山种群先聚在一起,表型差异与地理距离之间存在显著正相关,经分析认为微生境的异质性和种群隔离以及遗传漂变均可能导致夏蜡梅种群间的表型分化;相关性分析显示部分性状之间存在显著的相关性。 相似文献
《Chronobiology international》2013,30(4):411-416
The present research examined diurnal variation in the severity of symptoms of experimentally-induced colds and influenza. Nasal secretion was greatest in the morning, decreased over the day, and then showed a slight increase in the late evening. Colds did not change the average temperature, nor did they alter the temperature rhythm. Similar, negative results were found with alertness ratings.Influenza B illnesses produced an increase in nasal secretion and systemic effects. The average temperature increased during this illness and subjects reported that they felt more drowsy. Diurnal variation in the severity of local and central symptoms was observed, with nasal secretion and the temperature increase being greatest in the early morning. These results have important implications for the assessment and treatment of the illnesses. 相似文献
Andrew Smith David Tyrrell Kieran Coyle Peter Higgins John Willman 《Chronobiology international》1988,5(4):411-416
The present research examined diurnal variation in the severity of symptoms of experimentally-induced colds and influenza. Nasal secretion was greatest in the morning, decreased over the day, and then showed a slight increase in the late evening. Colds did not change the average temperature, nor did they alter the temperature rhythm. Similar, negative results were found with alertness ratings.
Influenza B illnesses produced an increase in nasal secretion and systemic effects. The average temperature increased during this illness and subjects reported that they felt more drowsy. Diurnal variation in the severity of local and central symptoms was observed, with nasal secretion and the temperature increase being greatest in the early morning. These results have important implications for the assessment and treatment of the illnesses. 相似文献
Influenza B illnesses produced an increase in nasal secretion and systemic effects. The average temperature increased during this illness and subjects reported that they felt more drowsy. Diurnal variation in the severity of local and central symptoms was observed, with nasal secretion and the temperature increase being greatest in the early morning. These results have important implications for the assessment and treatment of the illnesses. 相似文献
《Chronobiology international》2013,30(4):344-351
As heart-rate variability (HRV) is under evaluation in clinical applications, the authors sought to better define the interdependent impact of age, maximal exercise, and diurnal variation under physiologic conditions. The authors evaluated the diurnal changes in HRV 24-h pre- and post-maximal aerobic exercise testing to exhaustion in young (19–25 yrs, n?=?12) and middle-aged (40–55 yrs, n?=?12) adults. Subjects wore a portable 5-lead electrocardiogram holter for 48?h (24?h prior to and following a maximal aerobic capacity test). Time-, frequency-, time-frequency-, and scale-invariant-domain measures of HRV were computed from RR-interval data analyzed using a 5-min window size and a 2.5-min step size, resulting in a different set of outputs every 2.5?min. Results were averaged (mean?±?SE) over four prespecified time periods during the morning, afternoon, evening, and night on Day 1 and Day 2. Diurnal changes in HRV in young and middle-aged adults were compared using a two-way, repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA). Young adults demonstrated higher HRV compared to middle-aged adults during periods of wakefulness and sleep prior to maximal exercise stress testing (i.e., high-frequency power during Day 1: young adults: morning 1862?±?496?ms2, afternoon 1797?±?384?ms2, evening 1908?±?431?ms2, and night 3202?±?728?ms2; middle-aged adults: morning 341?±?53?ms2, afternoon 405?±?68?ms2, evening 469?±?80?ms2, and night 836?±?136?ms2) (p < .05). Exercise resulted in reductions in HRV such that multiple measures of HRV were not significantly different between age groups during the afternoon and evening periods. All measures of HRV demonstrated between-group differences overnight on Day 2 (p < .05). Young adults are associated with higher baseline HRV during the daytime. Sleep increases variability equally and proportionally to daytime variability. Given the higher baseline awake HRV and equal rise in HRV during sleep, the change in HRV from sleep to morning with exercise is greater in younger subjects. These physiologic results have clinical significance in understanding the pathophysiology of altered variability in ill patients. (Author correspondence: aseely@ohri. ca) 相似文献
在黄土丘陵区,以3年生文冠果苗木为材料,测定其在不同土壤水分条件下的气体交换和荧光参数日变化,分析其光合作用与不同土壤水分的定量关系,以指导文冠果这一能源树种在半干旱地区的推广种植。结果表明:(1)文冠果叶片的净光合速率(Pn)、水分利用效率(WUE)、光下最大荧光(Fm)、PSⅡ最大光量子产量(Fv/Fm)、PSⅡ实际量子效率(ΦPSⅡ)、光化学猝灭系数(qP)均随土壤相对含水量(Wr)降低呈先升高后降低趋势,其最小荧光(Fo)先降后升,而其NPQ持续升高,当Wr为44.7%~81.2%时各参数都维持在较高水平。(2)文冠果叶片日净光合累计量(PD)和WUE在Wr为58.6%~81.2%时都处于较高水平,当Wr为66.6%时WUE达到最大值,过高或过低的土壤水分含量均不利于文冠果叶片光合作用的进行和水分的利用。(3)气体交换参数分析表明,文冠果中午光合作用的下降在Wr为38.1%~81.2%时是由气孔因素导致,而在Wr低于31.8%时转为非气孔限制;当Wr低于73.9%时,文冠果中午会出现光抑制,光合机构受到破坏。研究认为,在黄土丘陵区,适宜文冠果栽培的土壤相对含水量在58.6%~81.2%之间,低于38.1%时则无法正常生长。 相似文献
《Chronobiology international》2013,30(2):145-149
Human pregnancy introduces a diurnal variation of fasting plasma glucose concentrations, with significantly lower values found after a daytime fast of eight hours compared with a night-time fast of the same duration. The diurnal variation of plasma glucose clearance, found in nonpregnant subjects, is not demonstrable during pregnancy. Insulin tolerance does not exhibit a circadian valuation but is substantially decreased during pregnancy. 相似文献
温州蜜柑(Citrus unshiu Marc.)叶片光合效率的日变化 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在5~10月的晴天,以最大表观量子产量Φi表示的温州蜜柑光合效率上午从测定开始时起持续下降,下午逐渐回升,与光强和叶温的日变化大致是镜象反相关。这与净光合速率峰谷交替的日变化明显不同。自然条件下遮荫或控制测定时的叶温得到的Φi的日变化主要取决于测定时的对温,叶温高则Φi低。不同时间在相近叶温下测得的Φi;没有显著差异。测定前叶片的光照强度对Φi不起决定作用。低O2可以消除升温的不利影响。光呼吸相对于光合的增强是升温导致Φi下降的主要原因。光合效率日变化的生理原因也部分地提供了对净光合日变化的解释。 相似文献