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Mesenchymal stem cells(MSCs) possess immunomodulatory properties, which confer enormous potential for clinical application. Considerable evidence revealed their efficacy on various animal models of autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus and uveitis. MSCs elicit their immunomodulatory effects by inhibiting lymphocyte activation and proliferation, forbidding the secretion of proinflammatory cytokines, limiting the function of antigen presenting cells, and inducing regulatory T(Treg) and B(Breg) cells. The induction of Treg and Breg cells is of particular interest since Treg and Breg cells have significant roles in maintaining immune tolerance. Several mechanisms have been proposed regarding to the MSCs-mediated induction of Treg and Breg cells. Accordingly, MSCs induce regulatory lymphocytes through secretion of multiple pleiotropic cytokines, cell-to-cell contact with target cells and modulation of antigen-presenting cells. Here, we summarized how MSCs induce Treg and Breg cells to provoke immunosuppression.  相似文献   

The adaptive immune system of a vertebrate may attack its own body, causing autoimmune diseases. Regulatory T cells suppress the activity of the autoreactive effector T cells, but they also interrupt normal immune reactions against foreign antigens. In this paper, we discuss the optimal number of regulatory T cells that should be produced. We make the assumptions that some self-reactive immature T cells may fail to interact with their target antigens during the limited training period and later become effector T cells causing autoimmunity, and that regulatory T cells exist that recognize self-antigens. When a regulatory T cell is stimulated by its target self-antigen on an antigen-presenting cell (APC), it stays there and suppresses the activation of other naive T cells on the same APC. Analysis of the benefit and the harm of having regulatory T cells suggests that the optimal number of regulatory T cells depends on the number of self-antigens, the severity of the autoimmunity, the abundance of pathogenic foreign antigens, and the spatial distribution of self-antigens in the body. For multiple types of self-antigen, we discuss the optimal number of regulatory T cells when the self-antigens are localized in different parts of the body and when they are co-localized. We also examine the separate regulation of the abundances of regulatory T cells for different self-antigens, comparing it with the situation in which they are constrained to be equal.  相似文献   

To examine the effects of gamma irradiation on Tregs, changes in phenotype and suppression function in Tregs treated with or without gamma ray were analyzed. Purified CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells were irradiated at different dosages with a 137Cs source gamma ray at 4.8 Gy/min. After culture, the phenotype and function changes were determined by flow cytometry and [3H]-thymidine incorporation, respectively. A dose-dependent reduction of Tregs proliferation in response to gamma irradiation was noted, which paralleled the apoptosis induction of Tregs. Gamma irradiation downregulated the Tregs expression of CD45RO, CD62L, FOXP3, membrane TGF-β, but upregulated Bax and GITR. High dose gamma irradiation (30 Gy) significantly abolished the suppression of Tregs on CD4+CD25 T cells proliferation. Thus Tregs not only influences the phenotype but also alters their suppressive capacities. Our findings suggest that radiotherapy may be an important strategy to alter the immunologic balance of Tregs and effector cells in cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Regulatory CD4+CD25+ T cells play a major role in natural tolerance to body components and therefore are relevant to understand the self-non-self discrimination by the immune system. The most pressing theoretical question, regarding the fact that these regulatory cells perform their function through linked recognition of the APCs, is how this "non-specific" mechanism permits a proper balance between tolerance and immunity that is compatible with an effective self-non-self discrimination. To tackle this issue, we develop a numerical simulation, which extends a previous mathematical model of T-cell-mediated suppression to include the thymic generation and the peripheral dynamics of many T cell clones. This simulation can mimic the capacity of the immune system to establish natural tolerance to self-antigens and reliably mount immune responses to foreign antigens. Natural tolerance is based on ubiquitous and constitutive self-antigens, which select and sustain clones of specific regulatory cells. Immune responses to foreign antigens are only achieved if they displace the self-antigens from the APCs, leading to a loss of the regulatory cells, and/or if the foreign antigen introduction entails a sharp increase in the total number of APCs. Meaningful behavior is obtained even if differentiation of regulatory cells in the thymus is antigen non-specific, but requires that a minimum number of new T cells enter the periphery per unit of time, and that the repertoire is selected so that anti-self-affinities are within a proper interval. We conclude that positive selection is required to generate a sufficiently high frequency of self-antigen specific regulatory cells that reliably mediate natural tolerance. Negative selection is required to avoid the emergence at the periphery of very high affinity anti-self-regulatory cells that will make the tolerant state so robust that it could no be broken by the introduction of a foreign antigen. This result highlights the importance of repertoire selection in dominant tolerance proposing a novel role for the processes of positive and negative selection within this framework.  相似文献   

目的:探讨哮喘患者外周血调节性T细胞(Treg)以及辅助性T细胞(Th1/Th2)的比例的变化,探讨其在哮喘的临床治疗中的作用。方法:80例哮喘患者(哮喘组)按临床表现分为急性发作期组(54例)和缓解期组(26例),同时选择50例健康体检者。应用流式细胞仪检测上述各组外周血CD4+CD25+Foxp3+Treg、CD4+IFN-γ+Th1和CD4+IL-4+Th2细胞水平,并进行统计学分析。结果:哮喘组CD4+CD25+Foxp3+Treg水平亦明显低于正常对照组(P〈0.05。其中急性发作期组Treg水平明显低于缓解期组和正常对照组(P〈0.05)。而哮喘组Th1/Th2比值显著低于对照组(P〈0.05),且在哮喘急性发作组中Th1/Th2比值显著低于缓解期组和正常对照组(P〈0.05)。结论:提示Treg和Th在哮喘的发生和发展中起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

Engagement of glucocorticoid-induced TNFR-related protein (GITR) enables the costimulation of both CD25CD4+ effector (Teff) and CD25+CD4+ regulatory (Treg) cells; however, the effects of GITR-costimulation on Treg function remain controversial. In this study, we examined the effects of GITR ligand (GITRL) binding on the respective functions of CD4+ T cells. GITRL-P815 transfectants efficiently augmented anti-CD3-induced proliferation and cytokine production by Teff cells. Proliferation and IL-10 production in Treg were also enhanced by GITRL transfectants when exogenous IL-2 and stronger CD3 stimulation was provided. Concomitant GITRL-costimulation of Teff and Treg converted the anergic state of Treg into a proliferating state, maintaining and augmenting their function. Thus, GITRL-costimulation augments both effector and regulatory functions of CD4+ T cells. Our results suggest that highly activated and increased ratios of Treg reverse the immune-enhancing effects of GITRL-costimulation in Teff, which may be problematic for therapeutic applications using strong GITR agonists.  相似文献   

目的:探讨哮喘患者外周血调节性T细胞(Treg)以及辅助性T细胞(Th1/Th2)的比例的变化,探讨其在哮喘的临床治疗中的作用。方法:80例哮喘患者(哮喘组)按临床表现分为急性发作期组(54例)和缓解期组(26例),同时选择50例健康体检者。应用流式细胞仪检测上述各组外周血CD4+CD25+Foxp3+Treg、CD4+IFN-γ+Th1和CD4+IL-4+Th2细胞水平,并进行统计学分析。结果:哮喘组CD4+CD25+Foxp3+Treg水平亦明显低于正常对照组(P<0.05。其中急性发作期组Treg水平明显低于缓解期组和正常对照组(P<0.05)。而哮喘组Th1/Th2比值显著低于对照组(P<0.05),且在哮喘急性发作组中Th1/Th2比值显著低于缓解期组和正常对照组(P<0.05)。结论:提示Treg和Th在哮喘的发生和发展中起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

Paclitaxel, a representative of taxanes, exhibits cytotoxic effects against a broad range of tumors. Strikingly, an emerging body of data suggests that paclitaxel also exerts effects on immune system by stimulating anti-tumor and anti-autoimmunity effects, supporting the idea that paclitaxel suppresses tumor through several mechanisms and not solely through inhibiting cell division. Based on the accumulating data, we hypothesized that paclitaxel may inhibit autoimmune diseases by sparing or actively increasing the number of CD4(+) CD25(+) Treg cells. The hypothesis, if proved to be correct, will significantly improve our understanding of the tumor immunity, autoimmunity and its related pathological effects. It will influence our choice on immunosuppressive drugs for cancer patients with autoimmune diseases. It will also impact the immunotherapy for tumors.  相似文献   

Despite the immunogenicity of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), immune-mediated eradication of these tumors remains deficient. Regulatory T cells (Tregs) in the blood and within the tumor microenvironment of GBM patients are known to contribute to their dismal immune responses. Here, we determined which chemokine secreted by gliomas can preferentially induce Treg recruitment and migration. In the malignant human glioma cell lines D-54, U-87, U-251, and LN-229, the chemokines CCL22 and CCL2 were detected by intracellular cytokine analysis. Furthermore, tumor cells from eight patients with GBM had a similar chemokine expression profile. However, only CCL2 was detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, indicating that CCL2 may be the principal chemokine for Treg migration in GBM patients. Interestingly, the Tregs from GBM patients had significantly higher expression levels of the CCL2 receptor CCR4 than did Tregs from healthy controls. Glioma supernatants and the recombinant human chemokines CCL2 and CCL22 induced Treg migration and were blocked by antibodies to the chemokine receptors. Production of CCL2 by glioma cells could also be mitigated by the chemotherapeutic agents temozolomide and carmustine [3-bis (2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea]. Our results indicate that gliomas augment immunosuppression by selective chemokine-mediated recruitment of Tregs into the tumor microenvironment and that modulating this interaction with chemotherapy could facilitate the development of novel immunotherapeutics to malignant gliomas. Justin T. Jordan and Wei Sun are contributed equally to this work. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Elderly humans over 65 years old are at great risk to pathogenesis by influenza virus infection. However, although influenza vaccines provide effective protection in healthy young adults, protection of elderly adults is substantially lower even with a good match between the vaccine and the circulating influenza virus. To gain insight of the underlying mechanism for the reduced immunogenicity of influenza vaccines in the aged population, we investigated immunogenicity of influenza virus-like particle vaccines in aged mice, which represent a useful model for studying aging associated impairment in immune responses. Specifically, we investigated the effect of inhibiting regulatory T cells in aged mice on induction of protective immune responses by influenza vaccines. Our results showed that injecting anti-CD25 antibodies could down-regulate CD25 on the surface of regulatory T cells and significantly increase the levels of antibody responses induced by VLP immunization in aged mice. Further, the profiles of antibody responses were also changed towards Th1 type by regulatory T cell blockage in aged mice. Moreover, aged mice that were treated by anti-CD25 antibodies prior to vaccination were more effectively protected against lethal influenza virus challenge.  相似文献   

CD4+ T cell activation is controlled by signaling through the T cell receptor in addition to various co-receptors, and is also affected by their interactions with effector and regulatory T cells in the microenvironment. Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are caused by the persistent activation and expansion of auto-aggressive CD4+ T cells that attack intestinal epithelial cells. However, the molecular basis for the persistent activation of CD4+ T cells in IBD remains unclear. In this study, we investigated how the CD98 heavy chain (CD98hc, Slc3a2) affected the development of colitis in an experimental animal model. Transferring CD98hc-deficient CD4+CD25 T cells into Rag2−/− mice did not cause colitis accompanied by increasing Foxp3+ inducible regulatory T cells. By comparison, CD98hc-deficient naturally occurring regulatory T cells (nTregs) had a decreased capability to suppress colitis induced by CD4+CD25 T cells, although CD98hc-deficient mice did not have a defect in the development of nTregs. Blocking CD98hc with an anti-CD98 blocking antibody prevented the development of colitis. Our results indicate that CD98hc regulates the expansion of autoimmune CD4+ T cells in addition to controlling nTregs functions, which suggests the CD98hc as an important target molecule for establishing strategies for treating colitis.  相似文献   

Experimental autoimmune thyroiditis (EAT), a model for Hashimoto's thyroiditis, is a T cell-mediated disease inducible with mouse thyroglobulin (mTg). Pretreatment with mTg, however, can induce CD4+ T cell-mediated tolerance to EAT. We demonstrate that CD4+CD25+ regulatory cells are critical for the tolerance induction, as in vivo depletion of CD25+ cells abrogated established tolerance, and CD4+CD25+ cells from tolerized mice suppressed mTg-responsive cells in vitro. Importantly, administration of an agonistic CD137 monoclonal antibody (mAb) inhibited tolerance development, and the mediation of established tolerance. CD137 mAb also inhibited the suppression of mTg-responsive cells by CD4+CD25+ cells in vitro. Signaling through CD137 likely resulted in enhancement of the responding inflammatory T cells, as anti-CD137 did not enable CD4+CD25+ T cells to proliferate in response to mTg in vitro.  相似文献   

Most cell surface markers for CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) are also expressed by activated non-regulatory T cells. Recently, CD127 down-regulation was found to identify functional Tregs in healthy individuals, but there are no data from patients with inflammatory conditions. We examined peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from rheumatoid arthritis patients with active inflammation and from healthy controls, and found that CD4+ T cells contained an equal proportion of CD25+CD127/low cells in both groups. In patients, not all these cells expressed intracellular FOXP3. Upon activation by anti-CD3/anti-CD28, PBMC rapidly down-regulated CD127, while FOXP3 up-regulation was transitory and occurred in fewer cells. The activated cells were not anergic to restimulation and had no suppressive effects. The distinct kinetics indicate that the FOXP3CD127/low cells in rheumatoid arthritis patients most likely represent activated non-regulatory T cells. This complicates the use of CD127 for identification of Tregs in inflammatory diseases.  相似文献   

The immune system has evolved a variety of mechanisms to achieve and maintain tolerance both centrally and in the periphery. Central tolerance is achieved through negative selection of autoreactive T cells, while peripheral tolerance is achieved primarily via three mechanisms: activation-induced cell death, anergy, and the induction of regulatory T cells. Three forms of these regulatory T cells have been described: those that function via the production of the cytokine IL-10 (T regulatory 1 cells), transforming growth factor beta (Th3 cells), and a population of T cells that suppresses proliferation via a cell-contact-dependent mechanism (CD4+CD25+ TR cells). The present review focuses on the third form of peripheral tolerance - the induction of regulatory T cells. The review will address the induction of the three types of regulatory T cells, the mechanisms by which they suppress T-cell responses in the periphery, the role they play in immune homeostasis, and the potential these cells have as therapeutic agents in immune-mediated disease.  相似文献   

Regulatory T cells produce TGF-β that contributes to IgA induction by intestinal commensal bacteria but their importance in IgA responses to pathogens has not been determined. Immunity against the enteropathogen, rotavirus, is dependent on intestinal IgA, but whether FoxP3+ regulatory T cells contribute to this IgA is unknown. Infection with rotavirus increased the numbers of intestinal FoxP3+ regulatory T cells. Depletion of FoxP3+ regulatory T cells altered leukocyte activation but did not significantly alter rotavirus clearance or specific antibody levels. These data suggest FoxP3+ regulatory T cells are not critical for the early antibody response to rotavirus infection.  相似文献   

We previously reported that retrovirally mediated gene expression of Ig fusion proteins leads to specific immunologic tolerance and successful treatment of autoimmune conditions. Thus, a single dose of GAD65-IgG- or (Pro) Insulin-IgG-transduced B cells delays the onset and decreases the incidence of diabetes in young (7-12 weeks old) NOD female mice. Herein, we tested the role of regulatory T cells by in vivo treatment with anti-CD25 before B-cell gene therapy or by in vitro ablation of CD25+ cells from tolerized hosts in an adoptive transfer model. Our results demonstrate that anti-CD25 treatment, like cyclophosphamide, partially blocks the efficacy of gene therapy for tolerance. Moreover, B-cell therapy is effective at preventing diabetes transfer by female T cells (from older diabetic mice) into intact male recipients with normal islets, but failed to do so in NOD-scid recipients. This is due in part to homeostatic proliferation but also to the absence of CD25+ T cells in the latter hosts. Tolerance induced in younger NOD females can be stably transferred to NOD-scid recipients. However, physical removal of CD25+ cells abrogates the transfer of tolerance. Therefore, we conclude that CD4+, CD25+ regulatory T cells are required for the induction as well as maintenance of tolerance in this gene therapy model. The phenotype of these induced regulatory T cells is under investigation.  相似文献   

The small GTPase Rap1A has a critical role in regulating cell-matrix and cell-cell adhesion. In T lymphocytes, Rap1A mediates LFA-1 activation and LFA-1-mediated adhesion. LFA-1 reduces the threshold of TCR signals for low affinity ligands. Previously, we determined that mice expressing constitutively active Rap1A on T cells have increased frequency of CD103+ T regulatory cells (Treg). We hypothesized that Rap1A-GTP might affect the differentiation of Treg by regulating LFA-1 activation. Using Foxp3-GFP-KI, LFA-1-KO and Rap1A-GTP-Tg mice we determined that Rap1A has an active role in the development of thymic Treg but LFA-1 is not mandatory for this function. Rap1A is also involved in the generation of peripheral Treg and this effect is mediated via LFA-1-dependent and LFA-1-independent mechanisms. Identification of the signaling pathways via which Rap1-GTP contributes to the differentiation of Treg will provide new insights to the function of Rap1A and to designing targeted approaches for generation of Treg for therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

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