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Aposematic theory has historically predicted that predators should select for warning signals to converge on a single form, as a result of frequency‐dependent learning. However, widespread variation in warning signals is observed across closely related species, populations and, most problematically for evolutionary biologists, among individuals in the same population. Recent research has yielded an increased awareness of this diversity, challenging the paradigm of signal monomorphy in aposematic animals. Here we provide a comprehensive synthesis of these disparate lines of investigation, identifying within them three broad classes of explanation for variation in aposematic warning signals: genetic mechanisms, differences among predators and predator behaviour, and alternative selection pressures upon the signal. The mechanisms producing warning coloration are also important. Detailed studies of the genetic basis of warning signals in some species, most notably Heliconius butterflies, are beginning to shed light on the genetic architecture facilitating or limiting key processes such as the evolution and maintenance of polymorphisms, hybridisation, and speciation. Work on predator behaviour is changing our perception of the predator community as a single homogenous selective agent, emphasising the dynamic nature of predator–prey interactions. Predator variability in a range of factors (e.g. perceptual abilities, tolerance to chemical defences, and individual motivation), suggests that the role of predators is more complicated than previously appreciated. With complex selection regimes at work, polytypisms and polymorphisms may even occur in Müllerian mimicry systems. Meanwhile, phenotypes are often multifunctional, and thus subject to additional biotic and abiotic selection pressures. Some of these selective pressures, primarily sexual selection and thermoregulation, have received considerable attention, while others, such as disease risk and parental effects, offer promising avenues to explore. As well as reviewing the existing evidence from both empirical studies and theoretical modelling, we highlight hypotheses that could benefit from further investigation in aposematic species. Finally by collating known instances of variation in warning signals, we provide a valuable resource for understanding the taxonomic spread of diversity in aposematic signalling and with which to direct future research. A greater appreciation of the extent of variation in aposematic species, and of the selective pressures and constraints which contribute to this once‐paradoxical phenomenon, yields a new perspective for the field of aposematic signalling.  相似文献   

In this paper I argue that the nature of mimetic relationships remains contentious because there are insufficient data to enable full evaluation of theoretical models. There is, however, a growing appreciation of the need to draw together empirical studies to provide foundations for theoretical work. I review some recent data that considers the responses of predators to changing numbers of defended prey items and the nature of mimicry along a palatability spectrum. A simple model of predator behaviour is constructed which combines assumptions from Pavlovian learning studies with traditional ‘number dependent’ learning models. This model has two important properties. First it shows that Pavlovian assumptions can be represented in a simple model which generates interesting predictions. Second it indicates some areas that still need detailed empirical study – most importantly perhaps is the way that predators respond to prey with different levels of edibility. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Sol D  Bartomeus I  Griffin AS 《Oecologia》2012,169(2):553-564
Why can alien species succeed in environments to which they have had no opportunity to adapt and even become more abundant than many native species? Ecological theory suggests two main possible answers for this paradox: competitive superiority of exotic species over native species and opportunistic use of ecological opportunities derived from human activities. We tested these hypotheses in birds combining field observations and experiments along gradients of urbanization in New South Wales (Australia). Five exotic species attained densities in the study area comparable to those of the most abundant native species, and hence provided a case for the invasion paradox. The success of these alien birds was not primarily associated with a competitive superiority over native species: the most successful invaders were smaller and less aggressive than their main native competitors, and were generally excluded from artificially created food patches where competition was high. More importantly, exotic birds were primarily restricted to urban environments, where the diversity and abundance of native species were low. This finding agrees with previous studies and indicates that exotic and native species rarely interact in nature. Observations and experiments in the field revealed that the few native species that exploit the most urbanized environments tended to be opportunistic foragers, adaptations that should facilitate survival in places where disturbances by humans are frequent and natural vegetation has been replaced by man-made structures. Successful invaders also shared these features, suggesting that their success is not a paradox but can be explained by their capacity to exploit ecological opportunities that most native species rarely use.  相似文献   

The delineation of the beta-globin locus control region has led to a new understanding of the developmental regulation of the beta-globin gene cluster. It now seems that globin gene switching is effected through the sequential and mutually exclusive interaction of the locus control region with the embryonic, fetal and adult stage specific globin genes.  相似文献   

M Cohn 《Biochimie》1985,67(1):9-27
Two concepts of the evolution and regulation of expression of the combining site repertoire of the immune system, are compared. One view is based on the Associative Recognition Theory as formulated by the author and the other is based on the Idiotype Network Idea as conceived by Jerne. The two concepts are analyzed from the point of view of their logic, internal consistency and factual support.  相似文献   

Learning and memory in mimicry: II. Do we understand the mimicry spectrum?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The evolution of mimicry is driven by the behaviour of predators. However, there has been little systematic testing of the sensitivity of evolutionary predictions to variations in assumptions about predator learning and forgetting. To test how robust mimicry theory is to such behavioural modifications we combined sets of rules describing ways in which learning and forgetting might operate in vertebrate predators into 29 computer predator behaviour systems. These systems were applied in simulations of simplified natural mimicry situations, particularly investigating the nature of density-dependence and the benefits and losses conferred by mimicry across a spectrum of payabilities. The classical Batesian-Muellerian spectrum was generated only by two of our 29 predator behaviour systems. Both of these ‘classical predators' had extreme asymptotes of learning and fixed rate, time dependent forgetting. All edible mimics were treated by them as Batesian in that they parasitized their model's protection and had positive monotonic effects of density on model-mimic attack rates. All defended mimics were treated as Muellerian (Mullerian) in that their presence benefited their Model's protection, and showed negative monotonic density effects on attack rates. With the remaining 27 systems Batesian or Muellerian relationships extended beyond their conventional edibility boundaries. In some cases, Muellerian mimicry extended into the edible region of the ‘palatability spectrum’ (we term this quasi-Muellerian mimicry), and in others Batesian mimicry extended into the ‘unpalatable’, defended half of the spectrum (quasi-Batesian mimicry). Although most of the 29 behaviour systems included at least some regions of true Batesian and Muellerian mimicries, if forgetting was triggered by avoidance events (as suggested by J.E. Huheey) rather than by the passage of time then the mimicry spectrum excluded Mullerian mimicry altogether, and was composed of Batesian and quasi-Batesian mimicries. In addition the classical prediction of monotonic density-dependent predation was shown not to be robust against variations in the forgetting algorithm. Time based forgetting which is retarded by observations of prey, or which varies its rate according to the degree of pleasantness or unpleasantness of a prey generates non-monotonic results. At low mimic densities there is a positive effect on attack rates and at higher densities a negative effect. Overall, the mode of forgetting has a more significant effect on mimetic relationships than the rate of learning. It seems to matter little whether learning and forgetting are switched or gradual functions. Predictions about mimetic evolution are therefore sensitive to assumptions about predator behaviour, though more so to variations in forgetting than learning rate. Based on findings from animal psychology and mimetic populations, we are able to rule out a number of predator behaviour systems. We suggest that the most credible of our 29 predators are those which generate results which incorporate Batesian, quasi-Batesian and Muellerian mimicries across the ‘palatability spectrum’.  相似文献   

Cai YD 《Proteins》2001,43(3):336-338
The paradox recently raised by Wang and Yuan (Proteins 2000;38:165-175) in protein structural class prediction is actually a misinterpretation of the data reported in the literature. The Bayes decision rule, which was deemed by Wang and Yuan to be the most powerful method for predicting protein structural classes based on the amino acid composition, and applied by these investigators to derive the upper limit of prediction rate for structural classes, is actually completely the same as the component-coupled algorithm proposed by previous investigators (Chou et al., Proteins 1998;31:97-103). Owing to lack of a complete or near-complete training data set, the upper limit rate thus derived by these investigators might be both invalid and misleading. Clarification of these points will further stimulate investigation of this interesting area.  相似文献   

Disease is one of the main driving forces of biological evolution. Parasites cause natural selection for disease resistance in populations of their hosts. Why then are all organisms susceptible to some parasites? One explanation is that resistance to disease is costly, reducing the fitness of the host in the absence of disease. A recent article shows that such costs might have helped to maintain polymorphism at a resistance locus. Other work, however, has questioned whether the costs of resistance are indeed necessary to account for polymorphism in host–parasite interactions.  相似文献   



The terms used to describe care at the end of life (EoL), and its definitions, have evolved over time and reflect the changes in meaning the concept has undergone as the field develops. We explore the remit of EoL care as defined by experts in EoL care, from across Europe and beyond, to understand its current usage and meanings.


A qualitative survey attached to a call for expertise on cultural issues in EoL care was sent to experts in the field identified through the literature, European EoL care associations, and conferences targeted at EoL care professionals. Respondents were asked to identify further contacts for snowball recruitment.The responses were analysed using content and discourse analysis.


Responses were received from 167 individuals (33% response rate), mainly from academics (39%) and clinical practitioners working in an academic context (23%) from 19 countries in Europe and beyond. 29% of respondents said explicitly that there was no agreed definition of EoL care in practice and only 14% offered a standard definition (WHO, or local institution). 2% said that the concept of EoL care was not used in their country, and 5% said that there was opposition to the concept for religious or cultural reasons. Two approaches were identified to arrive at an understanding of EoL care: exclusively by drawing boundaries through setting time frames, and inclusively by approaching its scope in an integrative way. This led to reflections about terminology and whether defining EoL care is desirable.


The global expansion of EoL care contributes to the variety of interpretations of what it means. This complicates the endeavour of defining the field. However, when diversity is taken seriously it can open up new perspectives to underpin the ethical framework of EoL care.  相似文献   



Human alveolar echinococcocosis (AE) is a highly pathogenic zoonotic disease caused by the larval stage of the cestode E. multilocularis. Its life-cycle includes more than 40 species of small mammal intermediate hosts. Therefore, host biodiversity losses could be expected to alter transmission. Climate may also have possible impacts on E. multilocularis egg survival. We examined the distribution of human AE across two spatial scales, (i) for continental China and (ii) over the eastern edge of the Tibetan plateau. We tested the hypotheses that human disease distribution can be explained by either the biodiversity of small mammal intermediate host species, or by environmental factors such as climate or landscape characteristics.


The distributions of 274 small mammal species were mapped to 967 point locations on a grid covering continental China. Land cover, elevation, monthly rainfall and temperature were mapped using remotely sensed imagery and compared to the distribution of human AE disease at continental scale and over the eastern Tibetan plateau. Infection status of 17,589 people screened by abdominal ultrasound in 2002–2008 in 94 villages of Tibetan areas of western Sichuan and Qinghai provinces was analyzed using generalized additive mixed models and related to epidemiological and environmental covariates. We found that human AE was not directly correlated with small mammal reservoir host species richness, but rather was spatially correlated with landscape features and climate which could confirm and predict human disease hotspots over a 200,000 km2 region.


E. multilocularis transmission and resultant human disease risk was better predicted from landscape features that could support increases of small mammal host species prone to population outbreaks, rather than host species richness. We anticipate that our study may be a starting point for further research wherein landscape management could be used to predict human disease risk and for controlling this zoonotic helminthic.  相似文献   

If the cestodes are excluded, then the parasitic platyhelminths of fishes divide neatly into the external and monoxenous Monogenea and the internal and heteroxenous Digenea. Both groups have apparently had long associations of coevolution, host switching and adaptation with fishes and have become highly successful in their respective habitats. Current estimates of species richness for the two groups suggest that they may be remarkably similar. Here we consider the nature of the diversity of the Monogenea and Digenea of fishes in terms of richness of species and higher taxa to determine what processes may be responsible for observed differences. The Monogenea includes at least two super-genera (Dactylogyrus and Gyrodactylus) each of which has hundreds of species; no comparable genera are found in the Digenea. Possible reasons for this difference include the higher host specificity of monogeneans and their shorter generation time. If allowance is made for the vagaries of taxonomic 'lumping' and 'splitting', then there are probably comparable numbers of families of monogeneans and digeneans in fishes. However, the nature of the families differ profoundly. Richness in higher taxa (families) in the Digenea is explicable in terms of processes that appear to have been unimportant in the Monogenea. Readily identifiable sources of diversity in the Digenea are: recolonisation of fishes by taxa that arose in association with tetrapods; adoption of new sites within hosts; adoption of new diets and feeding mechanisms; adaptations relating to the exploitation of ecologically similar groups of fishes and second intermediate hosts; and adaptations relating to the exploitation of phylogenetic lineages of molluscs. In contrast, most higher- level monogenean diversity (other than that associated with the subclasses) relates principally to morphological specialisation for attachment by the haptor.  相似文献   

Vascular cell biology in vivo: a new piscine paradigm?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Understanding how blood vessels form has become increasingly important in recent years yet remains difficult to study. The architecture and context of blood vessels are difficult to reproduce in vitro, and most developing blood vessels in vivo are relatively inaccessible to observation and experimental manipulation. Zebrafish, however, provide several advantages. They have small, accessible, transparent embryos and larvae, facilitating high-resolution imaging in vivo. In addition, genetic and experimental tools and methods are available for functional manipulation of the entire organism, vascular tissues or even single vascular- or non-vascular cells. Together, these features make the fish amenable to 'in vivo vascular cell biology'.  相似文献   

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