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To investigate the mechanisms regulating the initiation of floral development in Arabidopsis, a construct containing beta-glucuronidase (GUS) gene driven by APETALA1 promoter (AP1::GUS) was introduced into emf fwa and emf ft double mutants. GUS activity was strongly detected on shoot meristem of emf1-1 single mutants harboring AP1::GUS construct just 5 d after germination. By contrast, GUS activity was undetectable on emf1-1 fwa-1, emf1-1 ft-1, emf2-1 fwa-1, emf2-3 fwa-1 and emf2-3 ft-1 double mutants harboring AP1::GUS construct 10 d after germination. GUS activity was only weakly detected on the apical meristem of 20-day-old emf1-1 fwa-1 and emf2-1 fwa-1 seedlings. During this time, only sessile leaves were produced. Further analysis indicated that AP1 was strongly expressed in 10-day-old emf1-1 and emf2-1 single mutants. Its expression was significantly reduced in all emf1-1 or emf2-1 late-flowering double mutants tested. Similar to AP1, the expression of LEAFY (LFY) was also high in emf1-1 and emf2-1 single mutants and reduced in emf1-1 or emf2-1 late-flowering double mutants. Our results indicate that the precocious expression of AP1 and LFY is dependent not only on the low EMF and FWA activities but also on the expression of most of the late-flowering genes such as FT, FCA, FE, CO and GI. These data also reveal that most late-flowering genes may function downstream of EMF or in pathways distinct from EMF to activate genes specified floral meristem identity during shoot maturation in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

To investigate the genetic mechanisms regulating the transitionfrom vegetative to reproductive phase in Arabidopsis, doublemutants between two embryonic flower (emf) and 12 differentlate-flowering mutants were constructed and analyzed. Doublemutants in all combinations displayed the emf phenotypes withoutforming rosettes during early development; however, clear variationsbetween different double mutants were observed during late development,fwa significantly enhanced the vegetative property of both emfmutants by producing a high number of sessile leaves withoutany further reproductive growth in emf1 fwa double mutants.It also produced numerous leaf-like flower structures similarto those in leafy ap1 double mutant in emf1 fwa double mutants.Nine late-flowering mutants, ft, fca, ld, fd, fpa, fe, fy, fha,and fve, caused different degrees of increase in the numberof sessile leaves, the size of inflorescence, and the numberof flowers only in weak emf1 and emf2 mutant alleles background.Two late-flowering mutants, co and gi, however, had no effecton either emf1 and emf2 mutant alleles in double mutants. Ourresults suggest that FWA function in distinct pathways fromboth EMF genes to regulate flower competence by activating geneswhich specify floral meristem identity. CO and GI negativelyregulate both EMF genes, whereas the other nine late-floweringgenes may interact with EMF genes directly or indirectly toregulate shoot maturation in Arabidopsis. 1 To whom correspondence should be addressed.  相似文献   

Huala E  Sussex IM 《The Plant cell》1992,4(8):901-913
In the leafy mutant of Arabidopsis, most of the lateral meristems that are fated to develop as flowers in a wild-type plant develop as inflorescence branches, whereas a few develop as abnormal flowers consisting of whorls of sepals and carpels. We have isolated several new alleles of leafy and constructed a series of double mutants with leafy and other homeotic mutants affecting floral development to determine how these genes interact to specify the developmental fate of lateral meristems. We found that leafy is completely epistatic to pistillata and interacts additively with agamous in early floral whorls, whereas in later whorls leafy is epistatic to agamous. Double mutants with leafy and either apetala1 or apetala2 showed a complete loss of the whorled phyllotaxy, shortened internodes, and suppression of axillary buds typical of flowers. Our results suggest that the products of LEAFY, APETALA1, and APETALA2 together control the differentiation of lateral meristems as flowers rather than as inflorescence branches.  相似文献   

The genes controlling the timing of the transition from vegetative to reproductive growth are likely candidates for regulators of genes initiating floral development. We have investigated the interaction of one particular gene controlling flowering time, FCA, with the meristem identity-genes TERMINAL FLOWER 1 (TFL1), APETALA 1 (AP1) and LEAFY (LFY) and the floral repression gene EMBRYONIC FLOWER 1 (EMF1). Double mutant combinations were generated and the phenotypes characterized. The influence of strong and intermediate fca mutant alleles on the phenotype conferred by a 35S-LFY transgene was also analysed. The results support a model where FCA function promotes flowering in multiple pathways, one leading to activation of LFY and AP1, and another acting in parallel with LFY and AP1. Only the latter pathway is predicted to be non-functional in the intermediate fca-4 allele. The results are also consistent with AP1 and TFL1 negatively regulating FCA function. Combination of Columbia fca and emf1 mutant alleles confirmed that FCA is required for the early flowering of emf1. EMF1 and FCA are therefore likely to operate in different floral pathways.  相似文献   

To understand the genetic regulation of vegetative to reproductive transition in higher plants, further characterization of the Arabidopsis mutant embryonic flower1, emf1, was conducted. Using three flowering symptoms, we showed that emf1 mutants could only grow reproductive and not rosette shoots under five different growth conditions. The mutant embryos did not produce the typical tunica–corpus shoot apical structures at the heart-, torpedo-, and mature stages. The divergent shoot apical development during mutant and wild-type embryogenesis indicated that the wild-type EMF1 gene was expressed in early embryogenesis. Mutations in the EMF1 gene affected the embryonic shoot apical development and caused the germinating embryo and regenerating callus to grow inflorescence, instead of rosette, shoots. Our results support the hypothesis that the EMF1 gene regulates the switch between vegetative and reproductive growth in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

The inflorescence meristem produces floral primordia that remain undifferentiated during the first stages of flower development. Genes controlling floral meristem identity include LEAFY (LFY), APETALA1 (AP1), CAULIFLOWER (CAL), LATE MERISTEM IDENTITY 1 (LMI1), SHORT VEGETATIVE PHASE (SVP) and AGAMOUS-LIKE24 (AGL24). The lfy mutant shows partial reversions of flowers into inflorescence shoot-like structures and this phenotype is enhanced in the lfy ap1 double mutant. Here we show that combining the lfy mutant with agl24 and svp single mutants or with the agl24 svp double mutant enhances the lfy phenotype and that the lfy agl24 svp triple mutant phenocopies the lfy ap1 double mutant. Analysis of the molecular interactions between LFY, AGL24 and SVP showed that LFY is a repressor of AGL24 and SVP, whereas LMI1 is a positive regulator of these genes. Moreover, AGL24 and SVP positively regulate AP1 and LFY by direct binding to their regulatory regions. Since all these genes are important for establishing floral meristem identity, regulatory loops are probably important to maintain the correct relative expression levels of these genes.  相似文献   

LEAFY controls floral meristem identity in Arabidopsis.   总被引:96,自引:0,他引:96  
The first step in flower development is the generation of a floral meristem by the inflorescence meristem. We have analyzed how this process is affected by mutant alleles of the Arabidopsis gene LEAFY. We show that LEAFY interacts with another floral control gene, APETALA1, to promote the transition from inflorescence to floral meristem. We have cloned the LEAFY gene, and, consistent with the mutant phenotype, we find that LEAFY RNA is expressed strongly in young flower primordia. LEAFY expression procedes expression of the homeotic genes AGAMOUS and APETALA3, which specify organ identify within the flower. Furthermore, we demonstrate that LEAFY is the Arabidopsis homolog of the FLORICAULA gene, which controls floral meristem identity in the distantly related species Antirrhinum majus.  相似文献   

A new fld mutant allele, fld-2, which significantly delayed flowering, was isolated and characterized in Arabidopsis thaliana. Even under long-day conditions after more than 100 days in the greenhouse, the majority of fld-2 mutant plants had not bolted. In addition, mutant inflorescences produced more than 10 co-florescences that were subtended by a high number of rosette-like leaves before giving rise to flowers. The late-flowering phenotype of the fld-2 mutation could be partially overcome by both vernalization and GA treatment but it was not influenced by 5-azaC treatment. Phenotypic analyses of double mutants indicated that fld-2 is epistatic to early flowering mutants elf1, elf2 and elf3. In addition, fld-2 could enhance vegetative characteristics in embryonic flower 1 (emf1) mutants by causing many small sessile leaves in fld-2 emf1 double mutants. The relief of the terminal flower 1 (tfl1) mutant phenotype in fld-2 tfl1 double mutants, and the enhancement of leafy (lfy) and apetala1 (ap1) mutant phenotypes in fld-2 lfy and fld-2 ap1 double mutants, suggest that FLD is also likely to be involved in the floral transition. Our results strongly suggest that the FLD gene plays a key role in regulating the reproductive competence of the shoot and results in different developmental phase transitions in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

The seed maturation programme occurs only during the late phase of embryo development, and repression of the maturation genes is pivotal for seedling development. However, mechanisms that repress the expression of this programme in vegetative tissues are not well understood. A genetic screen was performed for mutants that express maturation genes in leaves. Here, it is shown that mutations affecting SDG8 (SET DOMAIN GROUP 8), a putative histone methyltransferase, cause ectopic expression of a subset of maturation genes in leaves. Further, to investigate the relationship between SDG8 and the Polycomb Group (PcG) proteins, which are known to repress many developmentally important genes including seed maturation genes, double mutants were made and formation of somatic embryos was observed on mutant seedlings with mutations in both SDG8 and EMF2 (EMBRYONIC FLOWER 2). Analysis of histone methylation status at the chromatin sites of a number of maturation loci revealed a synergistic effect of emf2 and sdg8 on the deposition of the active histone mark which is the trimethylation of Lys4 on histone 3 (H3K4me3). This is consistent with high expression of these genes and formation of somatic embryos in the emf2 sdg8 double mutants. Interestingly, a double mutant of sdg8 and vrn2 (vernalization2), a paralogue of EMF2, grew and developed normally to maturity. These observations demonstrate a functional cooperative interplay between SDG8 and an EMF2-containing PcG complex in maintaining vegetative cell identity by repressing seed genes to promote seedling development. The work also indicates the functional specificities of PcG complexes in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

In higher plants, developmental phase changes are regulated by a complex gene network. Loss-of-function mutations in the EMBRYONIC FLOWER genes (EMF1 and EMF2) cause Arabidopsis to flower directly, bypassing vegetative shoot growth. This phenotype suggests that the EMF genes play a major role in repression of the reproductive program. Positional cloning of EMF2 revealed that it encodes a zinc finger protein similar to FERTILIZATION-INDEPENDENT SEED2 and VERNALIZATION2 of Arabidopsis. These genes are characterized as structural homologs of Suppressor of zeste 12 [Su(z)12], a novel Polycomb group gene currently identified in Drosophila. In situ hybridization studies have demonstrated that EMF2 RNA is found in developing embryos, in both the vegetative and the reproductive shoot meristems, and in lateral organ primordia. Transgenic suppression of EMF2 produced a spectrum of early-flowering phenotypes, including emf2 mutant-like phenotype. This result confirms the role of EMF2 in phase transitions by repressing reproductive development.  相似文献   

Gregis V  Sessa A  Colombo L  Kater MM 《The Plant cell》2006,18(6):1373-1382
Loss-of-function alleles of AGAMOUS-LIKE24 (AGL24) and SHORT VEGETATIVE PHASE (SVP) revealed that these two similar MADS box genes have opposite functions in controlling the floral transition in Arabidopsis thaliana, with AGL24 functioning as a promoter and SVP as a repressor. AGL24 promotes inflorescence identity, and its expression is downregulated by APETALA1 (AP1) and LEAFY to establish floral meristem identity. Here, we combine the two mutants to generate the agl24 svp double mutant. Analysis of flowering time revealed that svp is epistatic to agl24. Furthermore, when grown at 30 degrees C, the double mutant was severely affected in flower development. All four floral whorls showed homeotic conversions due to ectopic expression of class B and C organ identity genes. The observed phenotypes remarkably resembled the leunig (lug) and seuss (seu) mutants. Protein interaction studies showed that dimers composed of AP1-AGL24 and AP1-SVP interact with the LUG-SEU corepressor complex. We provide genetic evidence for the role of AP1 in these interactions by showing that the floral phenotype in the ap1 agl24 svp triple mutant is significantly enhanced. Our data suggest that MADS box proteins are involved in the recruitment of the SEU-LUG repressor complex for the regulation of AGAMOUS.  相似文献   

Flowering in Arabidopsis thaliana is promoted by long-day (LD) photoperiods such that plants grown in LD flower earlier, and after the production of fewer leaves, than plants grown in short-day (SD) photoperiods. The early-flowering 3 ( elf 3) mutant of Arabidopsis , which is insensitive to photoperiod with regard to floral initiation has been characterized. elf 3 mutants are also altered in several aspects of vegetative photomorphogenesis, including hypocotyl elongation. When inhibition of hypocotyl elongation was measured, elf 3 mutant seedlings were less responsive than wild-type to all wavelengths of light, and most notably defective in blue and green light-mediated inhibition. When analyzed for the flowering-time phenotype, elf 3 was epistatic to mutant alleles of the blue-light receptor encoding gene, HY 4. However, when elf 3 mutants were made deficient for functional phytochrome by the introduction of hy 2 mutant alleles, the elf 3 hy 2 double mutants displayed the novel phenotype of flowering earlier than either single mutant while still exhibiting photoperiod insensitivity, indicating that a phytochrome-mediated pathway regulating floral initiation remains functional in elf 3 single mutants. In addition, the inflorescences of one allelic combination of elf 3 hy 2 double mutants form a terminal flower similar to the structure produced by tfl 1 single mutants. These results suggest that one of the signal transduction pathways controlling photoperiodism in Arabidopsis is regulated, at least in part, by photoreceptors other than phytochrome, and that the activity of the Arabidopsis inflorescence and floral meristem identity genes may be regulated by this same pathway.  相似文献   

We have identified a novel petunia MADS box gene, PETUNIA FLOWERING GENE (PFG), which is involved in the transition from vegetative to reproductive development. PFG is expressed in the entire plant except stamens, roots and seedlings. Highest expression levels of PFG are found in vegetative and inflorescence meristems. Inhibition of PFG expression in transgenic plants, using a cosuppression strategy, resulted in a unique nonflowering phenotype. Homozygous pfg cosuppression plants are blocked in the formation of inflorescences and maintain vegetative growth. In these mutants, the expression of both PFG and the MADS box gene FLORAL BINDING PROTEIN26 (FBP26), the putative petunia homolog of SQUAMOSA from Antirrhinum, are down-regulated. In hemizygous pfg cosuppression plants initially a few flowers are formed, after which the meristem reverts to the vegetative phase. This reverted phenotype suggests that PFG, besides being required for floral transition, is also required to maintain the reproductive identity after this transition. The position of PFG in the hierarchy of genes controlling floral meristem development was investigated using a double mutant of the floral meristem identity mutant aberrant leaf and flower (alf) and the pfg cosuppression mutant. This analysis revealed that the pfg cosuppression phenotype is epistatic to the alf mutant phenotype, indicating that PFG acts early in the transition to flowering. These results suggest that the petunia MADS box gene, PFG, functions as an inflorescence meristem identity gene required for the transition of the vegetative shoot apex to the reproductive phase and the maintenance of reproductive identity.  相似文献   

Polycomb group (PcG) proteins regulate major developmental processes in Arabidopsis. EMBRYONIC FLOWER 2 (EMF2), the VEFS domain-containing PcG gene, regulates diverse genetic pathways and is required for vegetative development and plant survival. Despite widespread EMF2-like sequences in plants, little is known about their function other than in Arabidopsis and rice. To study the role of EMF2 in broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica cv. Elegance) development, we identified two broccoli EMF2 (BoEMF2) genes with sequence homology to and a similar gene expression pattern to that in Arabidopsis (AtEMF2). Reducing their expression in broccoli resulted in aberrant phenotypes and gene expression patterns. BoEMF2 regulates genes involved in diverse developmental and stress programs similar to AtEMF2 in Arabidopsis. However, BoEMF2 differs from AtEMF2 in the regulation of flower organ identity, cell proliferation and elongation, and death-related genes, which may explain the distinct phenotypes. The expression of BoEMF2.1 in the Arabidopsis emf2 mutant (Rescued emf2) partially rescued the mutant phenotype and restored the gene expression pattern to that of the wild type. Many EMF2-mediated molecular and developmental functions are conserved in broccoli and Arabidopsis. Furthermore, the restored gene expression pattern in Rescued emf2 provides insights into the molecular basis of PcG-mediated growth and development.  相似文献   

We present the initial phenotypic characterization of an Arabidopsis mutation, terminal flower 1-1 (tfl1-1), that identifies a new genetic locus, TFL1. The tfl1-1 mutation causes early flowering and limits the development of the normally indeterminate inflorescence by promoting the formation of a terminal floral meristem. Inflorescence development in mutant plants often terminates with a compound floral structure consisting of the terminal flower and one or two subtending lateral flowers. The distal-most flowers frequently contain chimeric floral organs. Light microscopic examination shows no structural aberrations in the vegetative meristem or in the inflorescence meristem before the formation of floral buttresses. The wild-type appearance of lateral flowers and observations of double mutant combinations of tfl1-1 with the floral morphogenesis mutations apetala 1-1 (ap1-1), ap2-1, and agamous (ag) suggest that the tfl1-1 mutation does not affect normal floral meristems. Secondary flower formation usually associated with the ap1-1 mutation is suppressed in the terminal flower, but not in the lateral flowers, of tfl1-1 ap1-1 double mutants. Our results suggest that tfl1-1 perturbs the establishment and maintenance of the inflorescence meristem. The mutation lies on the top arm of chromosome 5 approximately 2.8 centimorgans from the restriction fragment length polymorphism marker 217.  相似文献   

Interaction of Polycomb-group proteins controlling flowering in Arabidopsis   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
In Arabidopsis, the EMBYRONIC FLOWER2 (EMF2), VERNALISATION2 (VRN2) and FERTILISATION INDEPENDENT ENDOSPERM2 (FIS2) genes encode related Polycomb-group (Pc-G) proteins. Their homologues in animals act together with other Pc-G proteins as part of a multimeric complex, Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 (PRC2), which functions as a histone methyltransferase. Despite similarities between the fis2 mutant phenotype and those of some other plant Pc-G members, it has remained unclear how the FIS2/EMF2/VRN2 class Pc-G genes interact with the others. We have identified a weak emf2 allele that reveals a novel phenotype with striking similarity to that of severe mutations in another Pc-G gene, CURLY LEAF (CLF), suggesting that the two genes may act in a common pathway. Consistent with this, we demonstrate that EMF2 and CLF interact genetically and that this reflects interaction of their protein products through two conserved motifs, the VEFS domain and the C5 domain. We show that the full function of CLF is masked by partial redundancy with a closely related gene, SWINGER (SWN), so that null clf mutants have a much less severe phenotype than emf2 mutants. Analysis in yeast further indicates a potential for the CLF and SWN proteins to interact with the other VEFS domain proteins VRN2 and FIS2. The functions of individual Pc-G members may therefore be broader than single mutant phenotypes reveal. We suggest that plants have Pc-G protein complexes similar to the Polycomb Repressive Complex2 (PRC2) of animals, but the duplication and subsequent diversification of components has given rise to different complexes with partially discrete functions.  相似文献   

Liu Z  Franks RG  Klink VP 《The Plant cell》2000,12(10):1879-1892
The carpel is the female reproductive organ of flowering plants. In Arabidopsis, congenital fusion of two carpels leads to the formation of an enclosed gynoecium. The margins of the two fused carpels are meristematic in nature and give rise to placentas, ovules, septa, abaxial repla, and the majority of the stylar and stigmatic tissues. Thus, understanding how the marginal tissues are specified and identifying genes that direct their development may provide important insight into higher plant reproductive development. In this study, we show that LEUNIG and AINTEGUMENTA are two critical regulators of marginal tissue development. Double mutants of leunig aintegumenta fail to develop placentas, ovules, septa, stigma, and style. This effect is specific to the leunig aintegumenta double mutant and is not found in other double mutant combinations such as leunig apetala2 or aintegumenta apetala2. Additional analyses indicate that the absence of marginal tissues in leunig aintegumenta double mutants is not mediated by ectopic AGAMOUS. We propose that LEUNIG and AINTEGUMENTA act together to control the expression of common target genes that regulate cell proliferation associated with marginal tissue development.  相似文献   

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