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The platinum-based drugs, cisplatin and carboplatin, represent major agents in the chemotherapeutic treatment of a variety of types of cancer. Novel, "third-generation" agents aimed at broadening the clinical activity of this class of drug are currently undergoing clinical evaluation. These include oxaliplatin, ZD0473 and BBR3464. Clinical trials and preclinical studies are also being conducted with liposomal (SPI-077 and L-NDDP) and polymeric platinum complexes (linked to HPMA or albumin). Combination studies of cisplatin/carboplatin with other anticancer drugs such as gemcitabine and UCN-01 (7-hydroxystaurosporine) and agents designed to reduce platinum drug toxicities (e.g., BNP-7787, DIMESNA) are ongoing. Preclinically, there is interest in trans platinum complexes, terpyridine platinum(II) complexes and other metal-containing agents (ruthenium and gold).  相似文献   

Malaria continues to kill some two million people a year, half of whom are young children. We have no vaccine, the parasite has become resistant to the most effective drugs, and elimination of the mosquito vector through spraying with insecticide is being questioned. Yet research on malaria is — at last — being funded reasonably well. What has been achieved? Scientists gathered at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in New Delhi from 13-15 February 2003 to discuss these issues. Because many antima-larial strategies work at the cell surface (see the abstract on Membranes as future therapeutic targets) it seems appropriate to give readers of Bioscience Reports: Molecular and Cellular Biology of the Cell Surface an opportunity to catch a glimpse of the current situation through the (unedited) abstracts of the invited speakers.  相似文献   

The 9th International Symposium on Tardigrada took place in Tampa, Florida, USA from 28 July to 1 August 2003. Fifty-four participants representing thirteen countries attended and there were fifty-two presentations of which fourteen were chosen for the publication in these proceedings. Topics include cryptobiosis, ecology, taxonomy and systematics of tardigrades. * This symposiumvolume is dedicated to Nigel Marley (Fig. 4) for his courage and persistence in pursuing research on tardigrades, despite ongoing medical challenges. His optimism and positive attitude are an inspiration to all of us, and his willingness to help other tardigradologists is gratefully acknowledged and appreciated.  相似文献   

The identification and clinical use of more sensitive and specific biomarkers in the field of solid organ transplantation is an urgent need in medicine. Solid organ transplantation has seen improvements in the short-term survival of transplanted organs due to recent advancements in immunosuppressive therapy. However, the currently available methods of allograft monitoring are not optimal. Recent advancements in assaying methods for biomolecules such as genes, mRNA and proteins have helped to identify surrogate biomarkers that can be used to monitor the transplanted organ. These high-throughput ‘omic’ methods can help researchers to significantly speed up the identification and the validation steps, which are crucial factors for biomarker discovery efforts. Still, the progress towards identifying more sensitive and specific biomarkers remains a great deal slower than expected. In this article, we have evaluated the current status of biomarker discovery using proteomics tools in different solid organ transplants in recent years. This article summarizes recent reports and current status, along with the hurdles in efficient biomarker discovery of protein biomarkers using proteomics approaches. Finally, we will touch upon personalized medicine as a future direction for better management of transplanted organs, and provide what we think could be a recipe for success in this field.  相似文献   

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