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Summary Phloem tissues ofMicrosorium scolopendria (Polypodiaceae) andPsilotum nudum (Psilotaceae) were examined with light and electron microscopes. The characteristic refractive spherules in the sieve elements ofM. scolopendria apparently develop from endoplasmic reticulum-derived cytoplasmic vesicles. In both taxa they have not been observed to be spatially related to plastids or mitochondria. Refractive spherules contain protein and often occur in the peripheral cytoplasm of mature sieve elements. InM. scolopendria they also occur in pericycle cells. Significant differences in refractive spherule substructure occur between the two taxa studied.  相似文献   

NAYAR  B. K. 《Annals of botany》1963,27(1):89-100
Morphology of eleven epiphytic and rupicaulous species of Microsoriumis described. The paleae in the genus are either peltate withthe basal region developing secondarily as a hood over the stalk,or basally attached with auricles on either side of the stalk.The auricles in M. hancockii and M. pteropus develop from singleinitial cells adjacent to the stalk, while in the others nospecialized initial cells occur. Marginal and terminal glandularhairs occur on the paleae, except in M. hancockii and M. pteropusin which marginal hairs are absent. Slender sclerenchyma strands are scattered profusely in theground tissue of the rhizome. The stelar cylinder is dictyostelicand is dissected by lacunae into cylindrical vascular bundles.Leaf traces are multiple strands originating as branches fromthe dorsal median vascular bundle of the stelar cylinder andthe one next to it on each side. Two or three closely placedvascular bundles of the rhizome constitute the vascular connexionto each branch of the rhizome. Venation of the leaf lamina is reticulate with most of the free-endingveinlets entering foliar hydathodes. The juvenile leaves bearhairs similar to the pro-thallial hairs and are spatulate witha medianly placed forked vein. Sori are generally punctiform,but in M. hancockii and M. pteropus spread slightly over theveins, often forming elongated coenosori. Uniseriate (multiseriatein M. rubidum), multicellular paraphyses occur in all speciesexcept M. scolopendria. The spores are monolete and either psilateor granulate. The prothalli develop from 3-5 cells long germ filaments inwhich the anterior cells divide longitudinally and form an ameristicprothallial plate. An apical meristematic cell is formed later,and a cordate prothallus is developed, except in M. hancockiiand M. pteropus in which a definite meristem is never formedand the prothalli are ribbon-shaped and branched. The cordateprothalli possess polypodiaceous hairs: the ribbon-shaped onesare more or less naked and devoid of any midrib. The chromosome number in the species is n = 36 (zn = 72).  相似文献   

SAHA  BISWAMBHAR 《Annals of botany》1963,27(2):269-279
In very young sporophytes of Dryopteris and Osmunda, the leafprimordia originate very close to the shoot apical cell andshow early differentiation of an apical cell, rapid growth,and an early transition from distal to marginal growth. In successively older primordia of adult Dryopteris, a gradualelaboration in the size of the leaf apical cell takes placeand the greatest size is attained before lateral pinnae beginto be formed. With the formation of lamina, the apical cellgradually decreases in size and is transformed into the marginaltype of meri-stematic cell, when the leaf unrolls. In ferns with a homogeneous marginal meristem, which consistsof a uniform layer of cells with an equal capacity for growth,a simple, entire leaf is formed, e.g. Phyllitis and Platyceriumand where an initially homogeneous marginal meristem becomesheterogeneous, with a consequential differentiation of areasof unequal growth, a lobed or pinnate configuration, as in Blechnumand Lomnaria, or a compound leaf, as in Dryopteris, results. There are some indications of the inception of vascular elementsbeing due to the activity of functioning meristems, the processbeing a basipetal one.  相似文献   

Periclinal cell divisions in vegetative shoot apices of Pisumand Silene were recorded from serial thin sections by mappingall the periclinal cell walls formed less than one cell cyclepreviously. The distribution of periclinal divisions in theapical domes corresponded to the distributions subsequentlyoccurring in the apices when the young leaf primordia were forming.In Pisum, periclinal divisions were almost entirely absent fromthe I1 region of the apical dome for half a plastochron justafter the formation of a leaf primordium and appeared, simultaneouslyover the whole of the next potential leaf site, about half aplastochron before the primordium formed. In Silene periclinaldivisions seemed to always present in the apical dome at thepotential leaf sites and also round the sides of the dome wherethe ensheathing leaf bases were to form. Periclinal divisionstherefore anticipated the formation of leaf primordia by occuring,in Pisum about one cell cycle and in Silene two or more cellcycles, before the change in the direction of growth or deformationof the surface associated with primordial initiation. Pisum, Silene, planes of cell division, orientation of cell walls, leaf primordia, shoot apical meristem, plastochron  相似文献   

Angle meristems are mounds of meristematic tissue located atdorsal and/or ventral branch points of the dichotomising stemaxes of many species of Selaginella (Lycophyta). The presentstudy examined the development of ventral angle shoots of S.martensii in response to removal of distal shoot apices (decapitation).Scanning electron microscopy of sequential replicas of developingangle meristems and angle shoots revealed that for the firsttwo pseudowhorls of leaf primordia, particular leaves are notattributable to particular merophytes of the angle meristemapical cell. Individual leaf primordia of the first (outer)pseudowhorl often form from more than one merophyte. Neitherthe shape of the angle meristem apical cell nor the directionof segmentation has any effect on the development of the angleshoot. Additionally, the apical cell of the angle meristem doesnot necessarily contribute directly to either of the new shootapices of the developing angle shoot. The first bifurcationof the angle shoot shows a remarkably consistent relationshipto the branching pattern of the parent shoot. The strong branchof the first angle shoot bifurcation typically occurs towardthe weak side branch of the parent shoot. Anatomical studiesshowed that bifurcation of the young angle shoot involved theformation of two new growth centres some distance away fromthe original angle meristem apical cell; new apical cells subsequentlyformed within these. These results provide additional supportfor the view that cell lineage has little or no effect on finalform or structure in plants.Copyright 1994, 1999 Academic Press Selaginella martensii Spring, Lycophyta, angle meristem, apical cell, shoot apical meristem, leaf primordium, branching, dichotomy, morphogenesis, determination, competence, development, mould and cast technique, replica technique, scanning electron microscopy  相似文献   

DIXON  PETER S. 《Annals of botany》1958,22(3):353-368
The apical structure and the development of the thalli of allthe British species of Gelidium and Pterocladia have been investigated;the development of G. pulchellum is described in detail. Eachaxis is terminated by one or more apical cells, which by theirsegmentation form the tissues of the thallus. An axial filamentis distinct for a short distance behind each apical cell, butsecondary pit-connexions develop rapidly so that in sectionthe mature axis has the appearance of a multi-axial structure. Lateral branches of the frond develop by the segmentation ofthe lateral branch apical cells, which are formed by the transformationof superficial cortical cells, either in the meristematic ormature parts of the axes. The extreme variability of externalappearance is due principally to the indeterminate origin ofall lateral branches. The thallus in the British species of Gelidium and Pterocladiaconsists of erect fronds borne on creeping axes. The relativeproportions of the frond and creeping axes in various speciesand their survival through adverse conditions are discussed.  相似文献   

Barlow  P. W.; Luck  H. B.; Luck  J. 《Annals of botany》2001,88(6):1141-1152
A map-L-system is described which simulates the developmentof the two-dimensional patterns of cell walls displayed at thesurfaces of shoot apices of Psilotum nudum. The simulation ofthese cellular patterns commences with the division of a triangularcell and continues until a complete set of ten different cells,including new triangular cells, is formed amongst the descendantsof each merophyte. The triangular cells generated by means ofthis division pathway, P1, are, in their three-dimensional aspect,four-sided apical cells. In the plant, they have the potentialityto support the development of a shoot apex. The generation ofnew triangular cells by pathway P1 therefore seems to be a preconditionfor the branching of the shoot. Observed variations upon thecellular pattern developed by pathway P1 have also been analysed.Two of these variant pathways, P2 and P3, suggest the typesof controls which are required to bring about all three (P1–P3)patterns of cells. These controls may involve the participationof the plant cytoskeleton and may also require an influencefrom the apical cell itself. The triangular shoot apical cellsof Psilotum are autoreproductive cells: that is, at each division,one of the daughters is a new triangular cell, the other daughterhas some other shape. This example of triangular cell autoreproductionand self-maintenance and its relation to organogenesis is discussedin light of the views on reproduction and self-maintenance expressedby Agnes Arber (1950) in her book The natural philosophy ofplant form(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). Copyright2001 Annals of Botany Company Agnes Arber, apical cell, cell division patterns, computer simulation, cytoskeleton, L-systems, Living Systems Theory, meristems, Psilotum, shoot apex, stem cell  相似文献   

The ontogeny of the air pores and air chambers of Marchantiapaleacea begins with the schizogenous development of protodermalintercellular spaces of the initial apertures, and is completedwith the formation of the air pores and giant sub-epidermalair chambers bearing numerous photosynthetic filaments. Intercellularspace formation commences from the thallus surface and proceedsinwards to the first internal layer of cells. The cells amongwhich spaces develop do not originate from one mother cell.Spaces are formed only in the regions of the intersection ofthe anticlinal walls of three, four, or sometimes more successivederivatives of S1, S3 and S4 segments of the apical cell, oneor two of which have been divided periclinally and the restanticlinally. Protodermal intercellular spaces appear in mostor all the corners of these cells, the anticlinal walls of whichexhibit an opposite disposition. The S1, S2, S3 and S4 segmentsare produced by definite divisions of a five-sided apical celland by a series of divisions give rise to initial cells of theinternal layers of the thallus and initial cells of the protodermaland sub-protodermal layers. The concept of a quiescent apicalcell cannot be accepted, since dividing apical cells have beenobserved, and the pattern of wall disposition of the thallusapex cannot be explained without the active participation ofthe apical cell. The air chambers are apparently of exogenous origin. They resultfrom the broadening of the bottom of the initial apertures bythe coordination of the rate of anticlinal divisions and growthof the protodermal and sub-protodermal cells surrounding theintercellular spaces of the initial apertures. The ontogenyof the pore rings starts at an advanced stage of air chamberformation not from a mother cell but from the cells which surroundthe closed entrance of the air chamber, by a shift of the planeof division from anticlinal to periclinal. Before the periclinaldivisions a new axis of growth perpendicular to the thallussurface is established in the mother cells of the pore. By a polarized growth into the air chamber followed by periclinaldivisions, the cells of the floor form initial cells of thephotosynthetic filaments. The latter divide again to form singleor branched photosynthetic filaments. Marchantia paleacea, air pore, air chamber  相似文献   

Although GA3 doubled the numbers of cells in dwarf pea internodes,it caused no significant acceleration of cell division ratesin the apical meristem, estimated using cell doubling times,mitotic indices, or percentage labelled mitoses data. Increasedcell numbers in GA3-treated pea stems must be generated withinthe extending internodes. Key words: Cell division cycle, gibberellin, pea, Pisum, shoot apical meristem  相似文献   

Impedance of renal vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) cultured on microelectrodes was measured by electric cell-substrate impedance sensing. Changes in measured impedance as a function of frequency were compared with the calculated values obtained from an extended cell-electrode model to estimate the junctional resistance, distance between the ventral cell surface and the substratum, and apical and basolateral membrane capacitances of renal VSMCs. This cell-electrode model was derived to accommodate the slender and rectangular shape of VSMCs. The calculated changes in impedance (Zcal) based on the model agreed well with the experimental measurement (Zexp), and the percentage error defined as |(ZcalZexp)/Zexp| was 1.0%. To test the sensitivity of the new model for capturing changes in cell-cell and cell-substrate interactions induced by changes in cellular environment, we then applied this model to analyze timpedance changes induced by an integrin binding peptide in renal VSMCs. Our result demonstrates that integrin binding peptide decreases junctional resistance between cells, increases the distance between the basolateral cell surface and substratum, and increases the apical membrane capacitance, whereas the basolateral membrane capacitance stays relatively stable. This model provides a generic approach for impedance analysis of cell layers composed of slender, rectangular cells. electric cell-substrate impedance sensing; cell attachment; cell adhesion; extracellular matrix; integrin  相似文献   

It is not knownif, in polarized cells, desensitization events can be influenced by thedomain on which the receptor resides. Desensitization was induced by5'-(N-ethylcarboxamido)adenosine (NECA) and wasquantitated by measurement of short-circuit current (Isc) in response to adenosine. NECA addedto either the apical or basolateral compartments rapidly desensitizedreceptors on these respective domains. Although apical NECA had noeffect on the basolateral receptor stimulation, basolateral NECAinduced a complete desensitization of the apical receptor. Wehypothesized that desensitization of apical receptor by basolateraldesensitization could relate to a trafficking step in which A2breceptor is first targeted basolaterally upon synthesis and transportedto the apical surface via vesicular transport/microtubules. Becausedesensitization is associated with downregulation of receptors, apicaladenosine receptor can thus be affected by basolateral desensitization. Both low temperature and nocodazole inhibited Iscinduced by apical and not basolateral adenosine. In conclusion:1) a single receptor subtype, here modeled by the A2b receptor,differentially desensitizes based on the membrane domain on which it isexpressed, 2) agonist exposure on one domain can result indesensitization of receptors on the opposite domain, 3)cross-domain desensitization can display strict polarity, and4) receptor trafficking may play a role in thecross-desensitization process.


In vitro mammary epithelial cell models typically fail to form a consistently tight barrier that can effectively separate blood from milk. Our hypothesis was that mammary epithelial barrier function would be affected by changes in luminal ion concentration and inflammatory cytokines. Bovine mammary epithelial (BME-UV cell line) cells were grown to confluence on permeable supports with a standard basolateral medium and either high-electrolyte (H-elec) or low-electrolyte (L-elec) apical medium for 14 days. Apical media were changed to/from H-elec medium at predetermined times prior to assay. Transepithelial electrical resistance (Rte) was highest in monolayers continuously exposed to apical L-elec. A time-dependent decline in Rte began within 24 h of H-elec medium exposure. Change from H-elec medium to L-elec medium time-dependently increased Rte. Permeation by FITC-conjugated dextran was elevated across monolayers exposed to H-elec, suggesting compromise of a paracellular pathway. Significant alteration in occludin distribution was evident, concomitant with the changes in Rte, although total occludin was unchanged. Neither substitution of Na+ with N-methyl-D-glucosamine (NMDG+) nor pharmacological inhibition of transcellular Na+ transport pathways abrogated the effects of apical H-elec medium on Rte. Tumor necrosis factor alpha, but not interleukin-1 nor interleukin-6, in the apical compartment caused a significant decrease in Rte within 8 h. These results indicate that mammary epithelium is a dynamic barrier whose cell-cell contacts are acutely modulated by cytokines and luminal electrolyte environment. Results not only demonstrate that BME-UV cells are a model system representative of mammary epithelium but also provide critical information that can be applied to other mammary model systems to improve their physiological relevance. transepithelial electrical resistance; apical cation concentration; paracellular permeability; mastitis; inflammatory cytokines; occludin  相似文献   

In order to quantify the structural differences between celltypes of leaves from a ‘ window’ plant, an ultrastructuralmorphometric analysis was made of the epidermal, window andchlorenchyma tissues of Frithia pulchra. Epidermal cells arethe largest cells found in Frithia leaves and are characterizedby the presence of a thick outer tangential cell wall and numerousvacuolar inclusions. Epidermal tissue has an optical densityof 0.30. The transparent window tissue (i.e. optical density= 0.08) has a uniform ultrastructure throughout the length ofthe leaf. The vacuome comprises aproximately 97 per cent ofthe protoplasmic volume of window cells. Chlorenchyma cellspossess thin cell walls and are surrounded by numerous intercellularspaces. Cells of the apical chlorenchyma tissue possess approximately30 plastids per cell. These chloroplasts have an average individualvolume of 220 µm2. Cells of the basal chlorenchyma tissuecontain chloroplasts that are five to six times smaller andmore numerous than those in cells of the apical chlorenchyma.The increased volume of chloroplasts in the apical comparedwith basal chlorenchyma cells (i.e. 31.4 and 20.2 per cent ofthe protoplasm, respectively) is positively correlated withtheir optical densities of 1.46 and 0.97, respectively. Frithia pulchra, stereology, leaf, light absorption, window plant  相似文献   

The Life History of Scaberia Agardhii Greville   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Scaberia agardhii is an endemic species in southern Australia.Growth is initiated by means of a three-sided apical cell whichsegments and forms the meristoderm, the cortex, and the medulla.Slender, scale-like, and verruciform segments occur. The plantis monoecious and the conceptacles are bisexual. On germinationtwo primary rhizoids are formed. Scaberia is included withinthe Cystoseiraceae.  相似文献   

In previousstudies, our laboratory has utilized a cell line derived from the ratinner medullary collecting duct (IMCD) as a model system for mammalianrenal epithelial cell acid secretion. We have provided evidence, from aphysiological perspective, that acute cellular acidification stimulatesapical exocytosis and elicits a rapid increase in proton secretion thatis mediated by an H+-ATPase. Thepurpose of these experiments was to examine the effect of acutecellular acidification on the distribution of the vacuolar H+-ATPase in IMCD cells in vitro.We utilized the 31-kDa subunit of theH+-ATPase as a marker of thecomplete enzyme. The distribution of this subunit of theH+-ATPase was evaluated byimmunohistochemical techniques (confocal and electron microscopy), andwe found that there is a redistribution of these pumps from vesicles tothe apical membrane. Immunoblot evaluation of isolated apical membranerevealed a 237 ± 34% (P < 0.05, n = 9) increase in the 31-kDa subunitpresent in the membrane fraction 20 min after the induction of cellularacidification. Thus our results demonstrate the presence of this pumpsubunit in the IMCD cell line in vitro and that cell acidificationregulates the shuttling of cytosolic vesicles containing the 31-kDasubunit into the apical membrane.  相似文献   

Stress relaxation properties of the cell wall of growing intact plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The cell wall of dark-grown Avena coleoptiles and the epidermisof light-grown mungbean hypocotyls was subjected to stress-relaxationanalysis and the following results were obtained. 1. Actively growing apical regions of the organs, either coleoptilesor hypocotyls, had certain threshold values of minimum stress-relaxationtime, TO, 0.04 sec for coleoptile cell wall and 0.03 sec forthe epidermal cell wall of hypocotyls. The cell wall of thebasal region of the organs, which were mature and not growing,had a higher value of To. 2. When the apical regions of the organs, either coleoptilesor hypocotyls, ceased to grow, their cell walls showed TO valuesabove these thresholds. 3. The relaxation rate, b, was small in the cell wall of activelygrowing regions of the organs, compared with that of non-growingregions. 4. The maximum relaxation time, Tm, was variable and no significantrelationship with growth capacity was found. 5. The extensibility, mm/gr, was large not only in activelygrowing regions of the organs but also in fully grown regions,suggesting that the value represents complex properties of thecell wall including the history of cell wall extension. From these results, we concluded that biochemical modificationsoccur in the cell wall matrix of actively growing organs ofeither monocots or dicots, and these are the bases of the capacityof the cell wall to extend and are represented chiefly by Toand possibly by b. (Received August 12, 1974; )  相似文献   

We examined the regulation of theNa+/H+exchangers (NHEs) NHE2 and NHE3 by expressing them in human intestinalC2/bbe cells, which spontaneously differentiate and have little basalapical NHE activity. Unidirectional apical membrane22Na+influxes were measured in NHE2-transfected (C2N2) and NHE3-transfected (C2N3) cells under basal and stimulated conditions, and their activities were distinguished as the HOE-642-sensitive and -insensitive components of5-(N,N-dimethyl)amiloride-inhibitableflux. Both C2N2 and C2N3 cells exhibited increased apical membrane NHEactivity under non-acid-loaded conditions compared with nontransfected control cells. NHE2 was inhibited by 8-(4-chlorophenylthio)adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate and thapsigargin, was stimulatedby serum, and was unaffected by cGMP- and protein kinase C-dependent pathways. In contrast, NHE3 was inhibited by all regulatory pathways examined. Under acid-loaded conditions (which increase apical Na+ influx), NHE2 and NHE3exhibited similar patterns of regulation, suggesting that the secondmessenger effects observed were not secondary to effects on cell pH.Thus, in contrast to their expression in nonepithelial cells, NHE2 andNHE3 expressed in an epithelial cell line behave similarly toendogenously expressed intestinal apical membrane NHEs. We concludethat physiological regulation and function of epithelium-specific NHEsare dependent on tissue-specific factors and/or conditionalrequirements.


cAMP-sensitive endocytic trafficking in A6 epithelia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Blocker-induced noise analysis and laser scanning confocalmicroscopy were used to test the idea that cAMP-mediated vesicle exocytosis/endocytosis may be a mechanism for regulation of functional epithelial Na+ channels (ENaCs) at apical membranes of A6epithelia. After forskolin stimulation of Na+ transport andlabeling apical membranes with the fluorescent dyeN-(3-triethylammoniumpropyl)4-(6-4 diethylaminophenyl)hexatrienyl pyridinium dibromide (FM 4-64), ENaC densities(NT) decreased exponentially (time constant~20 min) from mean values of 320 to 98 channels/cell within 55 minduring washout of forskolin. Two populations of apical membrane-labeledvesicles appeared in the cytosol within 55 min, reaching mean valuesnear 18 vesicles/cell, compared with five vesicles per cell in control,unstimulated tissues. The majority of cAMP-dependent endocytosedvesicles remained within a few micrometers of the apical membranes forthe duration of the experiments. A minority of vesicles migrated to >5µm below the apical membrane. Because steady states require identicalrates of endocytosis and exocytosis, and because forskolin increased endocytic rates by fivefold or more, cAMP/protein kinase A acts kinetically not only to increase rates of cycling of vesicles at theapical membranes, but also principally to increase exocytic rates.These observations are consistent with and support, but do not prove,that vesicle trafficking is a mechanism for cAMP-mediated regulation ofapical membrane channel densities in A6 epithelia.


This paper describes the ontogenetic sequence of cell divisionsand associated DNA synthetic patterns observed in sectionedspores of Lygodium japonicum (Thunb.) Sw., collected at differentstages of germination. Following exposure to a saturating doseof red light, the spore undergoes an asymmetric division toform a basal cell, which retains nearly all of the storage inclusions,and an apical cell which expands and protrudes from the rupturedsporoderm. Division of the apical cell results in formationof a protonemal cell and an intermediate cell. Subsequently,the latter cell divides to form the primary rhizoid and a wedgecell adjacent to the protonemal cell. Secondary rhizoids mayarise from later divisions of either the basal cell or the wedgecell. In addition, the wedge cell appears to have the capacityto form a secondary prothal-lial filament. Histochemical localizationof cell constituents indicates an increasing concentration ofcytoplasmic RNA and protein in the presumptive protonemal regionof the spore cell prior to division. Autoradiography of 3H–thymidineincorporation has shown that synthesis of nuclear DNA precedeseach cell division. Although strictly nuclear DNA synthesisoccurs during early stages of germination, extra-nuclear DNAsynthesis increases greatly following division of the sporecell. The results are discussed in relation to earlier studieson cell division patterns seen in whole mount preparations ofgerminating spores of different species of Lygodium. Lygodium japonicum, spore germination, cell division, DNA synthesis  相似文献   

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