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We describe a novel immunohistochemical technique which permits the detection of specific binding of human monoclonal antibodies (MAb) to cryostat sections of human tissues. The technique overcomes the problem of background staining caused by the presence of endogenous immunoglobulins in tissue sections. This is achieved by the formation of a molecular complex of the primary antibody (a human MAb), horseradish peroxidase-conjugated goat anti-human immunoglobulin, and normal human serum. This complex is then incubated with cryostat sections of human tissue, and binding of the complex is demonstrated using diaminobenzidine/hydrogen peroxide. The method is suitable for immunohistochemical screening of small samples of tissue culture supernatant for the presence of human MAb of potential interest, and for determining the pattern of binding of such MAb to a wide range of normal and pathological human tissues.  相似文献   

pH may act as a crucial signal In both animal and plant cells. It Is very difficult to monitor pH signals and this has largely hindered progress in the investigation of pH signaling, particularly systematic pH signaling. Here, we report the development of a confocal technique to monitor leaf apoplastic pH in intact plants, which Is particularly suitable for the studies on root to shoot signaling. A variety of different pH indicators and plant species were tested. It was found that different pH indicators, for example, 2',7'-Bis-(2-carboxyethyl)-5-(and-6)-carboxyfluoresce (BCECF), SNARF-4F 5-(and-6). carboxylic acid (SNARF) and DM-NERF (NERF), were of different properties, and to successfully monitor pH at a sub-cellular level, the comparability between the pH indicator and plant species must be involved according to their suitable pH range and loading characteristics. The loading characteristics of different pH indicators differ with different plant species, cell types and their developing stages. No matter what methods were adopted, BCECF and SNARF could not be loaded specifically in the leaf apoplast in sunflower, tomato, and Comelina communis L. In contrast, regardless of the methods adopted, NERF could be loaded efficiently and specifically in the leaf apoplast in C. communis, but not in other plants. In Co comrnunis, the determination coefficient for In vitro and in situ calibration of NERF was very high, which was respectively 0.9951 and 0.991 6, and therefore, the adoption of NERF together with C. communis could construct an ideal experimental system that Is suitable for the investigation of pH systematic signaling. Ratio image analysis demonstrated that the leaf apoplastic pH was about 5.5 in non-stressed conditions, and water deficit could trigger an increase in pH by about half a pH unit, which is the first evidence to directly indicate that pH Is able to act as a systematic signal under water deficit conditions.  相似文献   

The relationship of cell surface changes to proliferative decline of human diploid fibroblasts was investigated using the concanavalin A-mediated red blood cell adsorption assay. The amount of the red blood cells adsorbed to human diploid fibroblasts via concanavalin A increased continuously from the early phases of cell passage up through cell senescence, while the amount of 3H-concanavalin A binding did not change to a significant extent. The red blood cell adsorption is not a function of cell cycle phase and time spent in culture. Cocultivation of young cells with old cells also did not affect the adsorption capacity of respective cells. Thus, the concanavalin A-mediated red blood cell adsorption can be expected to serve as a new cell surface marker for aging in vitro. Using this marker, it was revealed that transient cell size or 3H-thymidine incorporating capacity di not have a direct relationship with the division age of a cell. Small rapidly dividing cells in old populations resemble large slowly dividing or nondividing cells of the same populations and differ from small rapidly dividing cells in young populations, in terms of cell surface properties.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical staining of tissues is a powerful tool used to delineate the presence or absence of an antigen. During the last 30 years, antigen visualization in human brain tissue has been significantly limited by the masking effect of fixatives. In the present study, we have used a new method for antigen retrieval in formalin-fixed human brain tissue and examined the effectiveness of this protocol to reveal masked antigens in tissues with both short and long formalin fixation times. This new method, which is based on the use of citraconic acid, has not been previously utilized in brain tissue although it has been employed in various other tissues such as tonsil, ovary, skin, lymph node, stomach, breast, colon, lung and thymus. Thus, we reported here a novel method to carry out immunohistochemical studies in free-floating human brain sections. Since fixation of brain tissue specimens in formaldehyde is a commonly method used in brain banks, this new antigen retrieval method could facilitate immunohistochemical studies of brains with prolonged formalin fixation times.  相似文献   

A lead method for demonstrating alkaline phosphatase is described. The method is based on direct precipitation of lead as lead phosphatase at pH 9.5, the pH optimum of the enzyme. Stable incubation medium was achieved by using tartrate, instead of maleate, as chelating for lead. The method was found to be suitable for visualization of alkaline phosphatase in different types of tissues.  相似文献   

S H Brand  J D Castle 《The EMBO journal》1993,12(10):3753-3761
Secretory carrier membrane proteins (SCAMPs) are widely distributed as components of post-Golgi membranes that function as recycling carriers to the cell surface. In fibroblasts, SCAMPs are concentrated in compartments involved in the endocytosis and recycling of cell surface receptors while in neurons and other cell types having regulated transport pathways, SCAMPs are also components of regulated carriers (synaptic vesicles, secretion granules and transporter vesicles). Their presence in multiple pathways distinguishes them from proteins (e.g. recycling cell surface receptors and synaptic vesicle proteins) which are concentrated in selected pathways. The SCAMPs also do not appear to reside beyond the boundaries of these pathways. This distribution suggests that SCAMPs are general markers of membranes that function in cell surface recycling. The primary sequence of SCAMP 37 reveals a novel polypeptide containing a series of structural motifs, including a calcium binding domain, a leucine zipper and two zinc fingers. The very broad tissue distribution, subcellular localization and sequence analysis all predict that SCAMPs play a fundamental role in cell surface recycling.  相似文献   

Summary Mucous cells in the basal disk of hydra contain a peroxidase-like enzyme allowing specific staining of these cells with substrates for peroxidases. The peroxidase activity provides an excellent marker for foot mucous cell, differentiation and was used to follow the reappearance of footspecific cells during foot regeneration after amputation. By choosing the appropriate either soluble or precipitable substrate the peroxidase reaction was used both for a qualitative and for a quantitative evaluation of foot-specific differentiation in hydra. For histological studies diaminobenzidien was found to be a suitable substrate which forms a dark brown precipitate within the cells containing the peroxidase activity. For a quantitative evaluation of foot regeneration the soluble substrate 2,2-azino-di(3-ethyl-benzthiazoline-sulfonic acid-6) ammonium salt was used which after reaction with the enzyme gives rise to a diffusible green reaction product the concentration of which can be measured by its specific absorption at 415 nm. Based on the diffusible enzyme product a new quantitative assay for foot regenration was developed and applied to confirm the effect and specificity of morphogenetic substances which either inhibit or activate foot or head regeneration in hydra.  相似文献   

Cell block sections serve as an important diagnostic annex for cytological smears, liquid-based SurePath cytology and the Liquid-based Thin-prep Cytology Test (TCT). A variety of methods for the preparation of cell blocks are described in the literature and the techniques in cell blocks are in continuous improvement. A new technique for making cell blocks was introduced in the present study. We first used pregelatinized starch as the frame for the cell block, which is a really simple and economic method, because it can be carried out at room temperature without additional special instruments. We have performed hematoxylin and eosin (HE) staining, immunohistochemistry analysis and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in the cell block sections in 122 cytological specimens. The results demonstrated in this article show that pregelatinized starch is a useful frame for cell blocks. The pregelatinized starch can effectively collect even a few cells with powerful adhesiveness. Therefore, this new technique for making cell blocks is especially useful for cytologic samples with low cellularity, such as cerebrospinal fluid specimens.  相似文献   

Summary The immunohistochemical demonstration of oestrogen receptor (OR) was performed on 32 randomly selected and routinely processed breast carcinomas after wet autoclave pretreatment of sections. The autoclave method was compared to the OR status found on frozen sections as well as to alternative pretreatment methods such as enzymatic predigestion and microwave irradiation. Using four different monoclonal antibody clones (H222, LH1, CC4-5, ID5.26), the OR status was evaluated for each of the various pretreatment methods applied. All cases with a high OR content on frozen sections (n = 11) also showed a high OR status on wet autoclave-pretreated paraffin tissues using antibody clones 1D5.26 and CC4-5; in cases with low OR content on frozen sections, no false-negative cases were recorded using only the antibody 1D5.26 neither after wet autoclave nor microwave pretreatment. In addition, with this antibody, OR was detectable after autoclave pretreatment in two cases which were considered to be OR-negative even on frozen sections. When the primary antibody was omitted, no false-positive cases were observed after wet autoclave pretreatment. Thus, in our hands, wet autoclave pretreatment, in combination with the antibody 1D5.26, offers a highly sensitive method for the immunohistochemical demonstration of OR in routinely formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections of breast carcinomas.  相似文献   

Two fluorophores, Solophenyl Flavine 7GFE 500 and Pontamine Fast Scarlet 4B, not heretofore reported upon are described as useful dyes of fungal cell walls, septa and bud scars examined microscopically. The dyes, depending on the filter sets used, yield fluorescently stained material generally in the blue to green and yellow to red wavelengths for Solophenyl Flavine 7GFE 500 and Pontamine Fast Scarlet 4B, respectively. They provide an excellent alternative to the more commonly used fluorophore, Calcofluor White M2R. The two fluorophores, in addition to being used at various spectral wavelengths from mercury arc sources, can be used with laser sources providing 488 nm and 543 nm line wavelengths, common to most scanning confocal microscopes. Unlike Calcofluor, Solophenyl Flavine 7GFE 500 and Pontamine Fast Scarlet 4B do not fade quickly when exposed to selected light wavelengths; however, like Calcofluors they are compatible with living fungal cells.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanical response of the brain to external loadings is of critical importance in investigating the pathological conditions of this tissue during injurious conditions. Such injurious loadings may occur at high rates, for example among others, during road traffic or sport accidents, falls, or due to explosions. Hence, investigating the injury mechanism and design of protective devices for the brain requires constitutive modeling of this tissue at such rates. Accordingly, this paper is aimed at critically investigating the physical background for viscohyperelastic modeling of the brain tissue with scrutinizing the elastic fields pertinent to large, time dependent deformations, and developing a fully nonlinear multimode Maxwell model that can mathematically explain such deformations. The proposed model can be calibrated using the simple monotonic uniaxial deformation of the sample extracted from the tissue, and does not require additional information from relaxation or creep experiments. The performance of the proposed model is examined using the experimental results of two different studies, which reveals a desirable agreement. The usefulness, limitations, and future developments of the proposed model are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

The lysosomal enzyme, beta-hexosaminidase (Hex), was studied in full-term human placentas and in renal tissue using monoclonal antibodies raised against Hex purified from human placentas. The immunohistochemical reaction for Hex was pronounced in trophoblastic cells and macrophages of the basal plate and the smooth chorion, but was faint or negative in the amnion as well as in the syncytiotrophoblast and Hofbauer cells of the chorionic villi. The maternal decidual cells of the basal plate were negative. Biochemical enzyme analysis showed the highest activity in basal plate cells (containing trophoblast, decidual cells, macrophages and neutrophils) and a low activity in the chorionic villi. Placental tissue was less positive with monoclonal antibodies specific for Hex A, compared with antibodies reacting with both Hex A and Hex B. Epithelial cells of the renal proximal tubules were positive to the same degree with antibodies recognizing both Hex A and Hex B as well as those recognizing only Hex A.  相似文献   

Two assay protocols are described for enzyme activities known to reside in the endoplasmic reticulum of a wide variety of species and tissue types, with the intent that they be used as marker enzyme assays in subcellular fractionations. The enzyme activities assayed are choline phosphotransferase and dolichol-P-mannosyl synthase, both of which result in synthesis of lipid products. The assays are constructed to make them easy to perform and sensitive enough to detect enzyme activity even using microgram quantities of cell protein. The assay methodologies are effective not only in vertebrate cells, but in insect cells and yeast cells as well. This implies that these assays should be useful as marker enzyme assays for a wide variety of eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

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