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The potential of crude enzyme extracts, obtained from solid state cultivation of four white-rot fungi (Trametes versicolor, Bjerkandera adusta, Ganoderma applanatum and Phlebia rufa), was exploited to modify wheat straw cell wall. At different fermentation times, manganese-dependent peroxidase (MnP), lignin peroxidase (LiP), laccase, carboxymethylcellulase (CMCase), avicelase, xylanase and feruloyl esterase activities were screened and the content of lignin as well as hydroxycinnamic acids in fermented straw were determined. All fungi secreted feruloyl esterase while LiP was only detected in crude extracts from B. adusta. Since no significant differences (P > 0.05) were observed in remaining lignin content of fermented straw, LiP activity was not a limiting factor of enzymatic lignin removal process. The levels of esterified hydroxycinnamic acids degradation were considerably higher than previous reports with lignocellulosic biomass. The data show that P. rufa, may be considered for more specific studies as higher ferulic and p-coumaric acids degradation was observed for earlier incubation times.  相似文献   

White rot fungi (Coriolus hirsutus, Coriolus zonatus, and Cerrena maxima from the collection of the Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences) and filamentous fungi (Mycelia sterilia INBI 2-26 and Trichoderma reesei 6/16) were grown on oat straw-based liquid and solid media, as well as in a bench-scale reactor, either individually or as co-cultures. All fungi grew well on solid agar medium supplemented with powdered oat straw as the sole carbon source. Under these conditions, the mould Trichoderma reesei fully suppressed the growth of all basidiomycetes studied; conversely, Mycelia sterilia neither affected the development of any of the cultures, nor did it show any substantial susceptibility to suppression by their presence. Pure solid cultures of basidiomycetes, as well as the co-culture of Coriolus hirsutus and Cerrena maxima caused a notable bleaching of the oat straw during its consumption. When grown on the surface of oat straw-based liquid medium, the basidiomycetes consumed up to 40% polysaccharides without measurable lignin degradation (a concomitant process). Under these conditions, Mycelia sterilia decomposed no more than 25% lignin in 60 days, but this was observed only after polysaccharide exhaustion and biomass accumulation. In contrast, during solid state straw fermentation, white rot fungi consumed up to 75% cellulose and 55% lignin in 83 days (C. zonarus), whereas the corresponding consumption levels for co-cultures of Mycelia sterilia and Trichoderma reesei equaled 70 and 45%, respectively (total loss of dry weight ranged from 55 to 60%). Carbon dioxide-monitored solid-state fermentation of oat straw by the co-culture of filamentous fungi was successfully performed in an aerated bench-scale reactor.  相似文献   

Summary Seventee white-rot and brown-rot fungi were screened for their ability to fractionate the lignocellulose structure of oat straw through the preferential attack of lignin or cellulose. Fermentations were carried out under solid-state conditions with 25 g quantities of straw. The fermented straw was analyzed for weight loss, Klason lignin loss and cellulase digestion. All the fungi attacked both lignin and carbohydrate fractions causing 3–28% weight losses and 26–34 g/100 g enzymatic digestibility. Polyporus tulipiferae, Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Polyporus sp. were tested for the effects of various nitrogen, phosphate and carbon levels, incubation temperatures and incubation time. The three fungi had different responses to these factors.  相似文献   

Summary Lignin biodegradation, carbon loss and in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) have been investigated during the solid state fermentation of wheat straw by eight previously selected strains of white-rot fungi. A mathematical model of the degradation kinetics is presented. [The time period required to reach maximum rates of 14CO2 and unlabeled CO2 release from (14C)-lignin-labelled wheat straw and from whole wheat straw, respectively, was generally short (6–10 days).] High rates of 14C-lignin degradation were achieved by Pycnoporus cinnabarinus (2.9% 14CO2 evolved/day), an unidentified strain Nancon (3.0%/day), Sporotrichum pulverulentum Nov. (3.4%/day), Bjerkandera adusta (2.4%/day), and Dichomitus squalens (2.3%). However, only the latter two strains degraded whole wheat straw slowly and Bjerkandera adusta was not able to degrade more than 23% of the 14C-lignin. Cyathus stercoreus and Dichomitus squalens facilitated the highest improvement in IVDMD (68% against 38% for the sound straw) after 20 and 15 days of cultivation respectively, with low dry matter losses (15–20%). A study of the fate of 14C-lignin during fermentation using these two fungal strains showed that maximal levels of (14C)-water-soluble compounds are reached before peak levels of 14CO2 evolution suggesting that these compounds are intermediates in lignin degradation. A possible relationship between water-soluble lignins and IVDMD improvement is discussed.  相似文献   

Out of 13 species ofBasidiomycetes growing on wheat straw, 9 species enhanced thein vitro dry matter digestibility of the substrate. The detergent fiber content (acid and neutral) of the substrate was significantly reduced by most of the fungi tested. Hemicellulose showed the largest proportionate loss, whereas lignin the smallest one.  相似文献   

Two strains of Pleurotus spp., grown in solid state fermentation on sugar-cane straw, degraded the dry matter by 50% after 60 days. The rate of substrate consumption and the dry weight of fruiting bodies decreased in consecutive flushings. Both strains vigorously attacked hemicellulose (80% of total degradation) and lignin (70%). Fruiting bodies were rich in protein and lipids, and had a low content of carbohydrates and ash.  相似文献   

Ligninolytic properties of different white-rot fungi   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Seven white-rot fungi were examined for the production of ligninase, manganese peroxidase and laccase. All these enzymes were found inTrametes gibbosa andTrametes hirsuta. Only manganese peroxidase and laccase were produced byPycnoporus cinnabarinus,Coriolopsis polyzona,Stereum hirsutum,Dichomitus squalens andGanoderma valesiacum. All fungi decolorized Poly B-411 and Indulin AT plates with low-N medium. The differences in enzyme pattern indicate that different species of fungi may employ different modes of lignin metabolism.  相似文献   

Summary Supplementing oat straw in SSF by Polyporus sp A-336 with xylose, mannose, glucose and arabinogalactan at levels of 5 and 10% of straw weight stimulated lignin degradation and cellulose hydrolysis. Degradation of lignin, hemicellulose and cellulose was monitored for 30 days in plain straw, and straw plus xylose and showed that xylose shortened the lag in lignin breakdown and slowed hemicellulose utilization. At 24 days, similar polymer losses occurred in both systems and enzymatic cellulose hydrolysis had reached a maximum of 47% weight loss.  相似文献   

Cellulolytic fungi, such as Trichoderma reesei, T. lignorum, and Chaetomium cellulolyticum reach a low packing density of mycelia when grown on straw under conditions of solid substrate fermentation. The low packing density is shown to be caused partially by the geometric limitation of the growth of mycelia in the substrate and particularly in its pores, but the exact contribution of this limitation and other limitations such as mass transfer and substrate availability cannot be easily distinguished. The combined effect of such limitations is called steric hindrance. This steric hindrance is associated with and may be the principal cause of low biomass concentration in SSF.  相似文献   

Summary Quantitative differentiation of microbial activity and saprophytic colonisation in wheat straw substrate during SSF is described. Wheat straw contains an active indigenous microbial flora. In both untreated and heat pretreated substrates a peak of microbial respiratory activities occurs generally after 24 h of fermentation; addition of actidione and streptomycin has no marked inhibitory effect. Quantitative differences between endogenous microbial respiration and respiration byPleurotus during the initial four days of SSF are least in the heat pretreated substrates and greater when microbiological pretreatment is used. In treatments subjected to 48 h anaerobic fermentation at 50°C, saprophytic colonization similar to that observed in sterile substrates is obtained.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out on detoxification of coffee husk in solid state fermentation using three different strains of Rhizopus, Phanerochaete, and Aspergillus sp. Fungal strains were selected by their ability to grow on a coffee husk extract-agar medium. Using R. arrizus LPB-79, the best results on the degradation of caffeine (87%) and tannins (65%) were obtained with pH 6.0 and moisture 60% in 6 days. When P. chrysosporium BK was used, maximum degradation of caffeine and tannins were 70.8 and 45%, respectively, with coffee husk having 65% moisture and pH 5.5 in 14 days. The Aspergillus strain, isolated from the coffee husk, showed best biomass formation on coffee husk extract-agar medium. Optimization assays were conducted using factorial design, and surface response experiments with Aspergillus sp. The best detoxification rates achieved were 92% for caffeine and 65% for tannins. The results showed good prospects of using these fungal strains, in particular Aspergillus sp., for the detoxification of coffee husk.  相似文献   

Summary Penicillin was produced by a non-sterile solid state fermentation (SSF) on bagasse impregnated with culture medium. The use of concentrated media greatly enhanced the antibiotic production in this system. It was observed that adequate initial moisture content (70%) of the impregnated solid medium results in higher production. A comparison between solid and liquid fermentation showed superior yield and productivity.  相似文献   

Aspergillus oryzae CCT 3940, Aspergillus awamori NRRL 3112 and a Trichoderma sp.) were compared for their capacity to produce endo-polygalacturonase (endo-PG) in solid state fermentation. Maximum pectinolytic activity was reached in 72 h of growth, the best two fungal strains being A. niger T0005007-2 and A. oryzae CCT 3940. Three types of commercial purified pectin and four of unprocessed pectin (tangerine, orange, Tahiti lime and sweet lime rind) were used to assess the effect of pectin on the production of endo-PG by A. niger T0005007-2. Maximum pectinolytic activity was achieved using 6 and 10% (w/w) of purified pectin as inducer. Depending on the origin of the commercial pectin used as inducer, maximum endo-PG levels varied from 223 to 876 units per gram of dry medium (one endo-PG unit (U) was defined as the quantity of enzyme which caused a reduction in viscosity of 50% in a 1% w/v solution of pectin in 30 min), indicating that care should be taken when choosing this component of the medium. When the crude pectins were used as inducers at the same concentration as purified pectin, maximum endo-PG activities were 250-300 units/g. However, by increasing the amount of Tahiti lime rind to 50% (w/w) maximum endo-PG was 919 U/g, thus opening up the possibility of a low cost medium for endo-PG production.  相似文献   

Forty-two white-rot fungi in submerged cultures were tested to determine their dye decolorization capacity and the optimal conditions for the decolorization process. Trametes pubescens Cui 7571 was found to be the most effective strain in terms of decolorization performance on the azo dye Congo Red, and it exhibited excellent reusability as well as persistence in sequential decolorization experiments. Optimization of the decoloration process was also conducted to evaluate the effects of a number of chemical compounds, metal salts, inducers, and mediators on the dye decolorization rate. On the seventh day, a highest dye removal of 98.83 % was observed with addition of copper at 2.5 mmol L?1, Tween 80 at 1.0 % (v/v), and ferulic acid at 0.50 μmol L?1, respectively. The adsorption of mycelia to dyes was not a significant contributor to dye removal, and decolorization by the functional fungus T. pubescens depended on biodegradation by enzymes, as evidenced by the results of the moist heat sterilization treatment (121°C for 20 min), induction of extracellular enzymes, and scanning electron microscopy. Four dye degradation metabolites, i.e., naphthalene amine, biphenyl amine, biphenyl ,and naphthalene diazonium, were identified by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The phytotoxicity tests indicated that degraded metabolites had almost a negligible effect on the plant seeds as compared to that of dye, which is indicative of the less toxic nature of the metabolites. Our results suggest that white-rot fungus T. pubescens could be developed into a novel azo dye bioremediation strategy.  相似文献   

Degradation of styrene by white-rot fungi   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Degradation of styrene in the gaseous phase was investigated for white-rot fungi Pleurotus ostreatus (two strains), Trametes versicolor, Bjerkandera adusta and Phanerochaete chrysosporium. Fungi were grown in liquid culture and the gas/mycelium contact surface was enhanced with the help of perlite. The influence of various inducers on styrene degradation was studied. The best inducers for styrene degradation were lignosulphonate for P. ostreatus and T. versicolor and wood meal for B. adusta and P. chrysosoporium. Under these conditions all fungi were able to degrade styrene almost completely in 48 h at a concentration of 44 μmol/250 ml total culture volume; one strain of P. ostreatus was able to remove 88 μmol styrene under these conditions. Three transformation products of [14C]styrene in cultures of P. ostreatus were identified: phenyl-1,2-ethanediol, 2-phenylethanol and benzoic acid; 4% of the styrene was metabolised to CO2 in 24 h and no other volatile products were found. Received: 16 July 1996 / Received revision: 23 September 1996 / Accepted: 29 September 1996  相似文献   

Feasibility of bioremediation by white-rot fungi   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
The ligninolytic enzymes of white-rot fungi have a broad substrate specificity and have been implicated in the transformation and mineralization of organopollutants with structural similarities to lignin. This review presents evidence for the involvement of these enzymes in white-rot fungal degradation of munitions waste, pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, bleach plant effluent, synthetic dyes, synthetic polymers, and wood preservatives. Factors relating to the feasibility of using white-rot fungi in bioremediation treatments for organopollutants are discussed.  相似文献   

Feeding value of water hyacinth biomass colonized by three species of white rot fungi during solid-state fermentation was investigated. All three organisms proved to be efficient degraders and enhanced dry matter digestibility. Loss of organic matter was maximum (23.6+/-0.1% dry wt) after 48 days by P. ostreatus. C. indica showed maximum cellulose degradation (18.5+/-0.1% dry wt) than other two fungi after 48 days of incubation. In all cases, an extensive removal of hemicellulose at the initial growth period and a delayed degradation of lignin were observed. Hemicellulolysis was maximum (46.3+/-0.1% dry wt) by C. indica, but delignification (14.2+/-0.2% dry wt) by P. sajor-caju after 48 days. The amount of reducing sugar in the degraded biomass decreased at early stages, but increased as degradation progressed in all three cases (maximum 1.1+/-0.05% dry wt after 48 days by C. indica). Soluble nitrogen content increased only during 16-32 days of incubation (highest 1.1+/-0.1% dry wt after 32 days by P. sajor-caju). Crude protein of the bioconverted biomass increased gradually up to 32 days but decreased thereafter (maximum 10.3+/-0.1% dry wt after 32 days by P. sajor - caju). Per cent change in in vitro dry matter digestibility of degraded substrates enhanced gradually after 8 days and reached maximum after 32 days but thereafter decreased (highest + 20.4+/-0.3% dry wt by P. sajor-caju). The results demonstrated the efficient degrading capacity of the test fungi and their potential use in conversion of water hyacinth biomass into mycoprotein-rich ruminant feed, more so by P. sajor-caju.  相似文献   

Summary A protocol for the extraction and detection of pyrazines produced by fungi in Solid State Fermentation that gave good recovery of these compounds was devised together with specific techniques for detection by Gas Chromatography (GC). The protocol involved solid-liquid and liquid-liquid extractions, concentration of the extracts and GC analysis. Extraction yields were measured from a model system in which synthetic pyrazines were added. Extracts were analysed with a gas chromatograph equipped with a thermo-ionic detector to allow specific pyrazine detection.  相似文献   

Summary Twenty two basidiomycetes, mostly white rot fungi, were grown on wheat straw. Lignin-, cellulose-, and hemicellulose-degradation was recorded in order to find a species growing on lignin preferably. The oyster-mushroomPleurotus sp. florida showed fastest delignification of all tested fungi.Straw pretreated by this fungus was fermented anaerobically to biogas. The gas yield produced from myco-straw is twice the amount from untreated straw.  相似文献   

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