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The population of Daphnia galeata Sars from the fish pond Velký Pálenec (Blatná, Czechoslovakia) living in high food conditions (7 mgC l–1) was characterized by a small size of the filtering comb on the thoracic limb 3, measured as seta length, length of the base of the comb and number of setae (population 1). One month cultivation of this population in low food conditions (1.5 mgC l–1) in the laboratory resulted in twofold increase in size of the filtering comb (population 2). Filtering and ingestion rates of both populations were measured at eight concentrations of food (approximately 0.025–3.2 mgC l–1) using 14C labeled Scenedesmus acutus. The results show that size of the filtering combs influences considerably feeding behavior of Daphnia. The comparison of animals with the same body length suggests that the population with a large comb feeds at concentration of food below 0.4 mgC l–1 more intensively and reaches the maximum of the filtering rate at a lower concentration than the population with a small comb. The situation is opposite at concentration above 0.4 mgC l–1. The higher values of theoretical flow in population with a small projection of filtering area suggest that this population has to compensate disadvantage of a small comb with the higher appendages beat frequency.  相似文献   

UV-B (290 nm) tolerance of Daphnia pulex, conditioned to four different food levels (Chlorophyta), was tested under standardized conditions with an artificial radiation source. Parameters measured were survival, percentage of egg bearing Daphnia and the number of juveniles produced after irradiation. UV-B tolerance of Daphnia pulex was found to be significantly improved with increasing food concentrations at all three parameters. The impact of the four different food concentrations on the photoreactivation system was tested with simultanous UV-B and white-light irradiation of Daphnia. Survival rate improved significantly with increasing food levels compared to solely UV-B irradiation. Photoreactivation had no effect on the reproductive parameters.  相似文献   

Summary It has been proposed that morphological defenses against predation have demographic costs. We measured the cost of a predator-induced morphological defense, using predaceous phantom midge larvae Chaoborus americanus (Insecta, Diptera) and the prey species Daphnia pulex (Crustacea, Cladocera). The induced defense is a neck tooth (and other pleiotropic structures) developed in juvenile D. pulex in the presence of C. americanus. Laboratory life table experiments, in the absence of predation, indicated the population growth rate of typical D. pulex was 11% to 39% greater than that of D. pulex exposed to C. americanus extract, or C. americanus-conditioned water. The reduction in population growth rate was most frequently associated with an increase in the time between birth and first reproduction. Induced individuals required twenty more hours at 23°C, and twenty five more hours at 20°C, to develop to the age of first reproduction. Under limiting food conditions age-specific survivorship and the number of offspring produced per female by the induced form were reduced relative to the typical form. As a result, the difference in population growth rates among forms was greater at the low food level as indicated by a highly significant food by form interaction effect. In addition to neck teeth and lowered reproductive rates, the offspring of induced form individuals had significantly longer tail-spines (7.2–7.5%), and primiparous adults from the induction treatment were significantly shorter than controls (3–8%).  相似文献   

The effects of chemicals released by fish and Chaoborus larvae on some life history traits in Daphnia pulex were studied in an in situ enclosure experiment. The mean size of Daphnia individuals was smaller in the presence of fish-released cues. Also the minimal size of an egg bearing female in the presence of fish exudates was smaller than in the population exposed to the chemicals released by Chaoborus larvae as well as in the control population. Fish-released chemicals caused the increase in clutch size in Daphnia. There were no statistically significant differences between the studied life history parameters of the control and Chaoborus treatments. The results are discussed in reference to recent laboratory research.  相似文献   

The content of phosphorus in individual Daphnia pulex and the rates at which the element turns over are functions of the P contents of algal cells fed to the zooplankton. Chlamydomonas and Ankistrodesmus were grown in semi-continuous cultures containing 2 µM and 10 µM PO4 to produce differences in cellular P of the algae. Animals reared on the cultures high in P contained 60 percent more P than did animals of equal size that were fed low P cells. Daphnia with high body contents of P turned over that P faster than did the animals fed low P algae. Measured turnover rates imply that large differences exists between rates of gross P assimilation and P excretion for animals fed high and low P sources.  相似文献   

R. G. Stross 《Hydrobiologia》1996,320(1-3):107-117
Eukaryote cells traverse the cell cycle, or become growth-arrested at one of two blockpoints, as in an engine of energy conversion. Diapause describes that growth arrest in the cell cycle(s), of single and multicellular individuals. Its temporal position in an annual cycle is an evolved response to the external environment, which is also responsible for sending the necessary signal(s) to receptors in the cell, or to the neural integrator of multicellular individuals.The diapause syndrome, common to protists and Crustacean waterfleas, includes the cell cycle arrest, as well as the induction of mating types, gametogenesis, packaging of the diapaused stage, and the duration of the diapause. The cell-/ life-cycle may be interrupted in a variety of seasonal patterns, which are triggered by one or more identified external signals and are integrated by cell and circadian clocks. Daphnia pulex displays four distinct seasonal patterns of embryonic diapause in four putative genotypes.The ecological implications of diapause in life cycles may be sought in such questions as 1, environmental control of temporal and spatial boundaries in sessile populations; 2, application of knowledge of diapause/dormancy cycles to redesigning ecological communities; and 3, integration of mechanistic and biosystematic approaches in ecology.  相似文献   

The impact of parasitism by Thelohania sp., an intracellular microsporidian, on Daphnia pulex inhabiting a vernal pond was studied for three years. Three issues were considered: the distribution of parasites among hosts, the effect of parasites on individuals, and the impact of parasitism on population growth. Each year, Thelohania infected members of at least half of the generations of Daphnia produced in the pond. When the frequency of infection was low, parasites were found only in large adults. As infection frequency increased, parasitism spread downward through host size classes. However, parasites were rarely found in juveniles. Parasitism reduced clutch size drastically, increased mortality to a variable extent, had little impact on egg size or on per instar growth and none on molt frequency. Interaction with other stresses, such as food limitation, exacerbated some of these effects. Parasitism reduced instantaneous birth rate much more than it elevated instantaneous death rate. Population growth was reduced significantly but it is unlikely that Thelohania alone regulates the growth of this Daphnia population.  相似文献   

Crowding is known to have a major influence on reproduction in the freshwater microcrustacean Daphnia pulex. We analyzed reproductive output of six different D. pulex genotypes under two different density regimes in the laboratory. Four of these genotypes reproduce via obligate parthenogenesis, allowing thorough analysis of the life history strategies of some asexual lines. Among 30,109 neonate offspring and 1041 resting egg ephippia collected, several trends were evident. Crowding induced increased resting egg production and reduced neonate offspring production among all genotypes. Offspring sex ratios grew more male-biased with maternal age. The extent, but not direction, of each of these trends varied among genotypes. Offspring sex ratios, and the very direction in which they changed in response to crowding, differed significantly among genotypes with some genotypes producing more and others fewer males in response to crowding. Obligately parthenogenetic genotypes seemed to respond to the crowding stimulus in similar ways as the facultatively parthenogenetic genotypes, as expected from the sexual origins of their genomes. The inter-genotype variation in life-history traits observed in this and other investigations calls into question the common practice of extrapolating results from a single Daphnia genotype to an entire species. Our findings are considered in the context of other research in the field of environmental influences on Daphnia reproduction with a review of representative literature.  相似文献   

Embryology of Chaoborus-induced spines in Daphnia pulex   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Ken Parejko 《Hydrobiologia》1992,231(2):77-84
Daphnia pulex (Crustacea: Cladocera) embryos were found to be sensitive to a chemical cue (kairomone) in an extract of the predator Chaoborus americanus (Insecta:Diptera). Sensitivity of embryos to the kairomone remains throughout embryonic development. Apparently declining sensitivity as development proceeds may be due to the amount of time the embryos are exposed to the kairomone. Male embryos were also found to be sensitive to the kairomone. The smallest eggs within a brood produced small offspring, which showed the antipredator morphology to a significantly lower degree than largest eggs. The production of the neckteeth is described, at the developmental stage in the maturation of the Daphnia coinciding approximately with the escape of the embryos from the brood chamber.  相似文献   

L. J. Weider 《Oecologia》1987,73(2):251-256
Summary Laboratory life table experiments were conducted using nine clones of obligately parthenogenetic Daphnia pulex that were collected from a site in the Canadian low-arctic. Two of the nine clones were diploids, while the other seven clones were polyploids. Significant clonal differences in age at first reproduction, size at first reproduction, number of offspring in each of the first three broods, offsrring sizes for the first two broods, and intrinsic rates of natural increase were detected. Differences in life histories were evident between polyploids and diploids. Generally, polyploid clones reached maturity at later ages, matured at larger sizes, produced smaller broods, and larger offspring than the diploid clones. The data are discussed in reference to potential biotic (i.e. invertebrate predation) and abiotic factors (i.e. physicochemical gradients) that may influence life history variation in this clonal assemblage.  相似文献   

Summary Evidence has previously been presented on the occurrence spontaneous variations in the electrophoretic mobility (EM) of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD E.C. in laboratory clones of parthenogenetically reproducing Daphnia (Ruvinsky et al. 1983). The present study is concerned with a natural population of Daphnia living under the extreme conditions of shallow, dessicating pond. The number of individuals having the slow (S) variant of the EM of G6PD increased sharply during their 1.5 month life span. This increase is suggested to result from alternational variability related to activation of latent genetic material.  相似文献   

Ralph Tollrian 《Oecologia》1995,101(2):151-155
Juvenile Daphnia pulex form neckteeth in reponse to chemicals released by predatory Chaoborus crystallinus larvae. Formation of neckteeth is strongest in the second instar followed by the third instar, whereas only small neckteeth are found in the first and fourth instar of experimental clones. Predation experiments showed that body-size-dependent vulnerability of animals without neckteeth to fourth instar C. crystallinus larvae matched the pattern of neckteeth formation over the four juvenile instars. Predation experiments on D. pulex of the same clone with neckteeth showed that vulnerability to C. crystallinus predation is reduced, and that the induced protection is correlated with the degree of neckteeth formation. The pattern of neckteeth formation in successive instars is probably adaptive, and it can be concluded that neckteeth are formed to different degrees in successive instars as an evolutionary compromise to balance prediation risk and protective costs.  相似文献   

Although the Chaoborus-induced spined morph of Daphnia pulex survives attacks by Chaoborus over twice as frequently as the typical morph, the spined morph is never found in the absence of Chaoborus. This implies that a disadvantage is associated with the spined morph in the absence of Chaoborus predation. The present study tested the hypothesis that the typical morph has a higher intrinsic rate of increase than the spined morph, by measuring several life history characteristics in controlled laboratory experiments at constant temperature and unlimited food.The results suggest that the spined morph of D. pulex takes longer to reach maturity, is smaller at maturity, but has similar egg number and egg size as the typical morph. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the Chaoborus-induced spined morph is reproductively inferior to the typical morph.  相似文献   

After examining numerous water samples of 19 lakes and reservoirs in Venezuela, only two species of Daphnia were found: D. laevis (in colder, high altitude lakes) and D. gessneri. This observation supports the theory of the scarcity of Daphnia species in tropical inland waters.  相似文献   

Mitchell  Suzanne E. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,442(1-3):145-156
Sex induction is environmentally stimulated in Daphnia and involves a cue-dependent response for sex determination. Somatic growth was shown to be similar in males and females during juvenile instars, but divergent due to a reduction in male somatic growth, at about the time that females produce ovaries. At this time, males appeared morphologically adult with respect to secondary sex characteristics. Intersex was rare and is unlikely to be important in natural populations. Intersex could be induced in both sexes, and observed more frequently after longer exposure to high temperature, or in the second generation following a temperature change. This indicates an impact on the ability of mothers to determine the sex of the offspring. It may be possible to use intersex characteristics for manipulative investigation of sex-determination mechanisms in Daphnia. Although sex-determination is initiated before birth, intersex occurrence suggests that development of male characters requires an additional process, probably involving hormone activity, during juvenile development and maturation.  相似文献   

Michal Pop 《Hydrobiologia》1991,225(1):169-176
The changes of selected parameters of the filtering comb of the third thoracic limb were studied in a natural population of Daphnia pulicaria Forbes, as well as in experimental enclosures and in lab cultures, including individual life history. Two hypotheses were tested: 1. either these changes are related to the succession of clones coexisting within one population, or 2. the size of the filtering area changes gradually as an individual adaptation during the moulting. No evidence supporting the clonal hypothesis was found. On the contrary, the adaptability of the filtering comb is the same in a natural population as it is in a clone and in individuals.  相似文献   

Summary We examined the demographic costs of Chaoborus-induced defensive spine structures in Daphnia pulex. Our aim was to assess the role of resource limitation and the interaction effects of limiting food level and antipredator structures on fitness of D. pulex and to pinpoint those life stages that are most sensitive to changes in the defence regime. Chaoborus-induced and typical morphotypes of D. pulex were reared at high and low food concentrations. Instar-based matrix population models were used to quantify the effects of predator-induction, food and their interaction on fitness of D. pulex. Predator-induction caused a statistically significant reduction in fitness at low food levels, but not at high food levels. Sensitivity analyses revealed that the fitness effects were primarily due to changes in the growth rate in instars 1–5, and secondarily to small reductions in the fertility of instars 5–10. The interaction between Chaoborus exposure and low food concentration was negative, and mediated through growth and fertility components. Both these components were reduced more in the Chaoborus-exposed, low food treatment than would be expected in the absence of interaction.  相似文献   

Competition in natural populations of Daphnia   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Maarten Boersma 《Oecologia》1995,103(3):309-318
I investigated the competitive relationships between two species of Daphnia, D. galeata and D. cucullata, and their interspecific hybrid. The term hemispecific competition was introduced to describe competition between parental species and hybrids. In eutrophic Tjeukemeer both parental species were found to compete with the hybrid, whereas competition between D. galeata and D. cucullata seemed limited. Although the effect of competition on life history traits of daphnids may be profound, the influence of the competitors on the seasonal dynamics of the Daphnia species seems limited.  相似文献   

We report diurnal changes in vertical distribution ofDaphnia longispina andD. magna in shallow (25–60 cm) rock-pools on Baltic islands, southern Finland. During the daytime shallow rock-poolDaphnia reside in water layers close to the sediment while at midnight they either are evenly distributed throughout the water column, or have a modal peak of distribution in the surface water. Contrary to this pattern, no changes were observed in vertical distribution ofD. longispina at noon and at midnight in a 150 cm deep pond. We suggest that the pattern ofDaphina vertical migration in shallow rock-pools is not satisfactorily explained by predation.  相似文献   

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