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As new technologies come within reach for the average cytogenetic laboratory, the study of chromosome structure has become increasingly more sophisticated. Resolution has improved from karyotyping (in which whole chromosomes are discernible) to fluorescence in situ hybridization and comparative genomic hybridization (CGH, with which specific megabase regions are visualized), array-based CGH (aCGH, examining hundreds of base pairs), and next-generation sequencing (providing single base pair resolution). Whole genome next-generation sequencing remains a cost-prohibitive method for many investigators. Meanwhile, the cost of aCGH has been reduced during recent years, even as resolution has increased and protocols have simplified. However, aCGH presents its own set of unique challenges. DNA of sufficient quantity and quality to hybridize to arrays and provide meaningful results is required. This is especially difficult for DNA from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues. Here, we compare three different methods for acquiring DNA of sufficient length, purity, and “amplifiability” for aCGH and other downstream applications. Phenol–chloroform extraction and column-based commercial kits were compared with adaptive focused acoustics (AFA). Of the three extraction methods, AFA samples showed increased amplicon length and decreased polymerase chain reaction (PCR) failure rate. These findings support AFA as an improvement over previous DNA extraction methods for FFPE tissues.  相似文献   

As emerging novel DNA-based methodologies are adopted, nucleic acid-based assays depend critically on the quality and quantity of extracted DNA. Formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue samples provide an invaluable resource for subsequent molecular studies of clinical phenotypes, but high-quality DNA extraction from archival FFPE tissue specimens remains complex and time-consuming. To address this challenge, we have developed a reliable rapid DNA extraction method for FFPE tissue specimens. It is based on deparaffinization at high temperature coupled with relieving crosslink in a pressure cooker. The DNA yield by this rapid method resulted in an average 1.8-fold increase in comparison with the commercial kit and OD 260/280 ratios between 1.87 and 1.95. The DNA obtained by the rapid method was suitable for methylation analyses in colon cancer patients. These data suggest that this new DNA extraction method coupled with methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction can be used for epigenetic studies with the advantages of rapidity and high quality and may contribute to the development of biomarkers in clinical studies.  相似文献   

A proper extraction method from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) blocks is essential to obtain DNA of satisfactory quality/quantity. We compared the effectiveness of eight commercially available kits for DNA extraction based on 10 FFPE tissues. Kits differed significantly in terms of DNA yield, purity, and quality. Using the QIAamp DNA FFPE Tissue Kit (Qiagen) and the ReliaPrep FFPE gDNA Miniprep System (Promega), we obtained DNA of the highest quality and acceptable quantity. We also demonstrated that overnight digestion of samples usually improved DNA yield and/or purity. For precious or limited material, double elution is recommended for obtaining up to 42% higher amount of DNA.  相似文献   

Two extraction methods for the isolation of DNA from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue samples from colonic carcinomas were compared. The processed DNAs were compared with DNAs from fresh specimens of the same tumors. The two extraction methods gave similar results. Formalin-fixation and paraffin-embedding irreversibly denatured DNA and consequently decreased the extraction yield and interfered with the quantitative measurement of DNA. Southern blot and dot blot analysis of processed and native DNA was performed using a c-myc and an actin probe. The results show that for Southern analysis processed DNA can be used but, due to the generation of random breaks, the restriction fragments have to be small. Furthermore, the fixation-induced crosslinking of DNA appears to hamper hybridization. For these reasons processed DNA can be analyzed better by dot blot rather than Southern blot hybridization.  相似文献   

Two extraction methods for the isolation of DNA from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue samples from colonic carcinomas were compared. The processed DNAs were compared with DNAs from fresh specimens of the same tumors. The two extraction methods gave similar results. Formalin-fixation and paraffinembedding irreversibly denatured DNA and consequently decreased the extraction yield and interfered with the quantitative measurement of DNA. Southern blot and dot blot analysis of processed and native DNA was performed using a c-myc and an actin probe. The results show that for Southern analysis processed DNA can be used but, due to the generation of random breaks, the restriction fragments have to be small. Furthermore, the fixation-induced crosslinking of DNA appears to hamper hybridization. For these reasons processed DNA can be analyzed better by dot blot rather than Southern blot hybridization.  相似文献   

A formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) sample usually yields highly degraded DNA, which limits the use of techniques requiring high-quality DNA, such as Infinium Methylation microarrays. To overcome this restriction, we have applied an FFPE restoration procedure consisting of DNA repair and ligation processes in a set of paired fresh-frozen (FF) and FFPE samples. We validated the FFPE results in comparison with matched FF samples, enabling us to use FFPE samples on the Infinium HumanMethylation450 Methylation array.  相似文献   

A formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) sample usually yields highly degraded DNA, which limits the use of techniques requiring high-quality DNA, such as Infinium Methylation microarrays. To overcome this restriction, we have applied an FFPE restoration procedure consisting of DNA repair and ligation processes in a set of paired fresh-frozen (FF) and FFPE samples. We validated the FFPE results in comparison with matched FF samples, enabling us to use FFPE samples on the Infinium HumanMethylation450 Methylation array.  相似文献   

Based on the antigen retrieval principle, our previous study has demonstrated that heating archival formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues at a higher temperature and at higher pH value of the retrieval solution may achieve higher efficiency of extracted DNA, when compared to the traditional enzyme digestion method. Along this line of heat-induced retrieval, this further study is focused on development of a simpler and more effective heat-induced DNA retrieval technique by testing various retrieval solutions. Three major experiments using a high temperature heating method to extract DNA from FFPE human lymphoid and other tissue sections were performed to compare: (1) different concentrations of alkaline solution (NaOH or KOH, pH 11.5–12) versus Britton and Robinson type of buffer solution (BR buffer) of pH 12 that was the only retrieval solution tested in our previous study; (2) several chemical solutions (SDS, Tween 20, and GITC of various concentrations) versus BR buffer or alkaline solution; and (3) alkaline solution mixed with chemicals versus BR buffer or single alkaline solution. Efficiency of DNA extraction was evaluated by measuring yields using spectrophotometry, electrophoretic pattern, semiquantitation of tissue dissolution, PCR amplification, and kinetic thermocycling-PCR methods. Results showed that boiling tissue sections in 0.1 M NaOH or KOH or its complex retrieval solutions produced higher yields and better quality of DNA compared to BR buffer or chemical solutions alone. The conclusion was that boiling FFPE tissue sections in 0.1 M alkaline solution is a simpler and more effective heat-induced retrieval protocol for DNA extraction. Combination with some chemicals (detergents) may further significantly improve efficiency of the heat-induced retrieval technique.  相似文献   

Most of the archived pathological specimens in hospitals are kept as formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues (FFPE) for long-term preservation. Up to now, these samples are only used for immunohistochemistry in a clinical routine as it is difficult to recover intact protein from these FFPE tissues. Here, we report a novel, short time-consuming and cost-effective method to extract full-length, non-degraded proteins from FFPE tissues. This procedure is combined with an effective and non-toxic deparaffinisation process and an extraction method based on antigen-retrieval, high concentration of SDS and high temperature. We have obtained enough intact protein to be detected by Western blotting analysis. This technique will allow utilising these stored FFPE tissues in several applications for protein analysis helping to advance the translational studies in cancer and other diseases.  相似文献   



Retrospective studies of archived human specimens, with known clinical follow-up, are used to identify predictive and prognostic molecular markers of disease. Due to biochemical differences, however, formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) DNA and RNA have generally been extracted separately from either different tissue sections or from the same section by dividing the digested tissue. The former limits accurate correlation whilst the latter is impractical when utilizing rare or limited archived specimens.

Principal Findings

For effective recovery of genomic DNA and total RNA from a single FFPE specimen, without splitting the proteinase-K digested tissue solution, we optimized a co-extraction method by using TRIzol and purifying DNA from the lower aqueous and RNA from the upper organic phases. Using a series of seven different archived specimens, we evaluated the total amounts of genomic DNA and total RNA recovered by our TRIzol-based co-extraction method and compared our results with those from two commercial kits, the Qiagen AllPrep DNA/RNA FFPE kit, for co-extraction, and the Ambion RecoverAll™ Total Nucleic Acid Isolation kit, for separate extraction of FFPE-DNA and -RNA. Then, to accurately assess the quality of DNA and RNA co-extracted from a single FFPE specimen, we used qRT-PCR, gene expression profiling and methylation assays to analyze microRNAs, mRNAs, and genomic DNA recovered from matched fresh and FFPE MCF10A cells. These experiments show that the TRIzol-based co-extraction method provides larger amounts of FFPE-DNA and –RNA than the two other methods, and particularly provides higher quality microRNAs and genomic DNA for subsequent molecular analyses.


We determined that co-extraction of genomic DNA and total RNA from a single FFPE specimen is an effective recovery approach to obtain high-quality material for parallel molecular and high-throughput analyses. Our optimized approach provides the option of collecting DNA, which would otherwise be discarded or degraded, for additional or subsequent studies.  相似文献   

A method was developed for fast and efficient isolation of DNA from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections for subsequent use in PCRs and DNA hybridization assays. The method relies on the use of a sonicating water bath to disrupt tissue samples to which a small amount of micro-sized glass beads have been added. The sonicating glass beads provide fast and efficient physical shearing of fixed tissue sections, allowing for quick release and solubilization of the DNA. The extraction process from paraffin section to amplifiable target DNA takes 30 minutes. The method eliminates the need for repetitive solvent extractions and exhaustive proteinase K digestion. PCR amplification of human genomic and viral target sequences was successfully carried out on DNA isolated from a number of different types of normal and infected tissues.  相似文献   

Flow cytometric analysis of DNA content was performed on nuclear suspensions prepared from fresh and from paraffin-embedded, formalin-fixed lymphoid tissues. We confirmed previous reports that it is possible to obtain nuclear suspensions from deparaffinized, formalin-fixed tissues, suitable for DNA analysis by flow cytometry. We observed a tendency for a larger coefficient of variation (CV) of the DNA measurements in the fixed tissues than in the unfixed material causing abnormalities in 2 of 19 lymphomas to become undetectable. Furthermore, samples from different paraffin blocks of a single tumor with an extra G1 (hyperdiploid) peak showed marked differences in the CV of the hyperdiploid peak while the CV of the diploid peak was similar in all samples. In both benign and malignant lymphoid tissues, the S-phase fraction was higher in paraffin-embedded tissues than in unfixed cells. This difference could be attributed to 4', 6'-diamidino-2-phenylindole dihydrochloride (DAPI), a DNA-binding dye commonly used in this technique. Nevertheless, intermediate and high grade lymphomas from paraffin-embedded tissues generally showed a greater S-fraction than low grade lymphomas, a similar observation as with unfixed tissues. Therefore, DNA content analysis of nuclei extracted from paraffin sections may be inadequate to resolve slight aneuploidy, but the measurement of S-fraction size may remain diagnostically or prognostically valuable. Large retrospective studies will be necessary to determine the clinical impact of this technique in the analysis of lymphomas.  相似文献   

Formalin fixation has been the standard method for conservation of clinical specimens for decades. However, a major drawback is the high degradation of nucleic acids, which complicates its use in genome-wide analyses. Unbiased identification of biomarkers, however, requires genome-wide studies, precluding the use of the valuable archives of specimens with long-term follow-up data. Therefore, restoration protocols for DNA from formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples have been developed, although they are cost-intensive and time-consuming. An alternative to FFPE and snap-freezing is the PAXgene Tissue System, developed for simultaneous preservation of morphology, proteins, and nucleic acids. In the current study, we compared the performance of DNA from either PAXgene or formalin-fixed tissues to snap-frozen material for genome-wide DNA methylation analysis using the Illumina 450K BeadChip. Quantitative DNA methylation analysis demonstrated that the methylation profile in PAXgene-fixed tissues showed, in comparison with restored FFPE samples, a higher concordance with the profile detected in frozen samples. We demonstrate, for the first time, that DNA from PAXgene conserved tissue performs better compared with restored FFPE DNA in genome-wide DNA methylation analysis. In addition, DNA from PAXgene tissue can be directly used on the array without prior restoration, rendering the analytical process significantly more time- and cost-effective.  相似文献   

张国彦  翟保平 《昆虫学报》2009,52(3):345-352
高质量的基因组DNA样品是分子生态学研究的先决条件。本研究目的在于探索从东方粘虫Pseudaletia separata (Walker)成虫自然种群的乙醇保存标本中分离高质量基因组DNA的有效方案。在2 mL微型离心管中进行4种提取方案的实验比较,结果发现采用传统的苯酚抽提方法的2种方案提取腹部中段组织的基因组DNA,样品合格率只有7.69%~40%。但是,如果在苯酚抽提以前加入高浓度盐和十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTAB),就会使DNA样品合格率达到68.42%~95.28%,而且DNA平均产量达到5.59~10.04 mg/g,明显高于前者的2.83~5.78 mg/g (统计检验表明,在不同种群中差异显著或不显著)。研究结果还证明腹部组织比胸部组织更适宜提取DNA。对来自一个自然种群的99头东方粘虫DNA合格样品的统计分析表明,DNA提取总量(μg)与组织样品用量(mg)之间存在弱的正相关关系,平均DNA提取量(mg/g)与组织样品用量(mg)之间存在中度负相关关系。总之,在2 mL微型离心管中,用10~20 mg腹部组织,利用CTAB+苯酚抽提方法可以获得高纯度和高含量的基因组DNA样品。用该方案提取的基因组DNA能够顺利地进行微卫星位点的分离和基因分型。  相似文献   

Formalin-fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tumor tissue provides an opportunity to perform retrospective genomic studies of tumors in which chromosomal imbalances are strongly associated with oncogenesis. The application of comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) has led to the rapid accumulation of cytogenetic information on osteosarcoma (OS); however, the limited resolving power of metaphase CGH does not permit precise mapping of imbalances. Array CGH allows quantitative detection and more precise delineation of copy number aberrations in tumors. Unfortunately the high cost and lower density of BACs on available commercial arrays has limited the ability to comprehensively profile copy number changes in tumors such as OS that are recurrently subject to genomic imbalance. In this study a cDNA/EST microarray including 18,980 human cDNAs (which represent all 22 pairs of autosomal chromosomes and chromosome X) was used for CGH analysis of eight OS FFPE. Chromosomes 1, 12, 17, and X harbored the most imbalances. Gain/amplification of X was observed in 4/8 OS, and in keeping with other recent genomic analyses of OS, gain/amplification of 17p11.2 was often accompanied by a distal deletion in the region of the p53 gene. Gain/amplification of the X chromosome was verified using interphase FISH carried out on a subset of OS FFPE sections and OS tissue arrays.  相似文献   

Hospital tissue repositories host an invaluable supply of diseased samples with matched retrospective clinical information. In this work, a recently optimized method for extracting full-length proteins from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues was evaluated on lung neuroendocrine tumor (LNET) samples collected from hospital repositories. LNETs comprise a heterogeneous spectrum of diseases, for which subtype-specific diagnostic markers are lacking. Six archival samples diagnosed as typical carcinoid (TC) or small cell lung carcinoma (SCLC) were subjected to a full-length protein extraction followed by a GeLC-MS/MS analysis, enabling the identification of over 300 distinct proteins per tumor subtype. All identified proteins were categorized through DAVID software, revealing a differential distribution of functional classes, such as those involved in RNA processing, response to oxidative stress and ion homeostasis. Moreover, using spectral counting for protein abundance estimation and beta-binomial test as statistical filter, a list of 28 differentially expressed proteins was generated and submitted to pathway analysis by means of Ingenuity Pathway Analysis software. Differential expression of chromogranin-A (more expressed in TCs) and stathmin (more expressed in SCLCs) was consistently confirmed by immunohistochemistry. Therefore, FFPE hospital archival samples can be successfully subjected to proteomic investigations aimed to biomarker discovery following a GeLC-MS/MS label-free approach.  相似文献   

We describe a novel antigen-retrieval method using a micro-sized chamber for mass spectrometry (MS) analysis to identify proteins that are preferentially eluted from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples. This approach revealed that heat-induced antigen retrieval (HIAR) from an FFPE sample fixed on a glass slide not only improves protein identification, but also facilitates preferential elution of protein subsets corresponding to the properties of antigen-retrieval buffers. Our approach may contribute to an understanding of the mechanism of HIAR.  相似文献   

福尔马林固定铜鱼基因组DNA的提取与扩增   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
铜鱼(Coreius heterodon)作为长江中、上游的重要经济鱼类是研究三峡大坝阻隔效应的重要材料之一。然而,过去的铜鱼标本都保存在福尔马林溶液中,有必要探讨从福尔马林固定的铜鱼标本中有效提取基因组DNA的方法以及这些DNA用于微卫星和线粒体分析的可行性。本实验通过改进的酒精梯度浸泡法去除标本中的甲醛,然后用酚-氯仿抽提法成功地提取到了铜鱼标本的基因组DNA;设计引物后进行了线粒体和微卫星的PCR扩增,扩增产物经银染检测。微卫星扩增结果显示只有部分个体可以扩出目的带,而线粒体控制区部分区段在所有个体中均能稳定重复的扩出;mtDNA SSCP分析显示带型一致。结果表明,福尔马林固定的铜鱼标本可以被用来开展短片段的扩增和遗传变异分析等方面的相关研究。  相似文献   

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