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上海市农业科学院的科学家近日表示,已育成两种优质超高产晚粳新品种,最高666.6m^2产量高达770kg。据介绍.新品种米质优,分别有8-9项指标达到农业部颁布的优质食用米一级标准,其中决定稻米口感的直链淀粉含量、糊化温度、胶稠度等3项关键指标表现最为突出。已通过上海市作物品种审定委员会的审定。据统计,两个新品种在苏浙沪3地目前已累计推广近8.67万hm^2,共增产优质稻谷5600多万kg。  相似文献   

黑龙江省近年审定水稻品种基于SSR标记的遗传多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为评估黑龙江省水稻品种的遗传基础,利用24个用于水稻DNA指纹图谱构建的SSR标记以及其他均匀分布于水稻12条染色体的38个SSR标记,对黑龙江省近年审定的73个水稻常规稻品种进行遗传多样性分析。结果表明,在62个SSR标记位点中,共检测到142个等位基因,平均每个标记2.3个,多态性比率平均为71.0%,多态性频率变幅为0~0.775,平均值为0.246。供试品种间两两遗传相似系数的平均值为0.759,变幅为0.622~0.966,且96.4%的品种间遗传相似系数在0.66~0.86之间,表明供试的73个品种亲缘关系较近。通过SSR标记基因型聚类分析将这些品种划分为6个类群,与系谱分析趋势一致,类群间的差异主要表现在生育期和米质方面。综上所述,黑龙江省近年审定的水稻品种遗传基础狭窄,在育种中需要导入新的种质资源,加强种质资源创新,以期丰富水稻品种的遗传多样性,进一步提高水稻产量和抗性。  相似文献   

正葡萄是一种多年生木本作物,实生苗第一次开花结果需要3~5年的时间,经过优系初选、优系复选、品系的区试到品种的成功审定,传统新品种选育过程历时长,耗费大,效率低。通常,一个鲜食葡萄品种从配制杂交组合到品种审定,需要12~20年,而酿酒品种则至少需要15~25年。育种家为了提高育种效率,必须要了解葡萄的各种性状,如品质、产量、抗病虫害等遗传特点,才能够更有针对性  相似文献   

宁夏水稻选育品种遗传多样性和亲缘关系分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选择31份宁夏近年来育成或审定的水稻品种(系),利用分布于12条染色体的36对SSR引物进行遗传多样性和遗传距离分析.共检测到159个等位基因,品种间不同位点等位基因数目不等,平均4.4个.Nei基因多样性指数变幅为0.031 7~0.844 4,平均为0.508 8.按育成或审定年份,把31份水稻分为3组,SSR分析...  相似文献   

豫麦36号种子萌发和幼苗期一些抗旱生理指标检测资料   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
豫麦 36号是河南农业大学小麦育种研究室用 (百农 32 1 7×豫麦 1号 )×陕农 785 9杂交选育而成的半冬性抗旱耐瘠小麦新品种 ,1 995年经河南省作物品种审定委员会审定命名。经多年旱地试验显示 ,该品种具有抗旱、耐瘠薄、抗病 (条绣、叶枯病 )、产量高的优势 ,在河南省生产实验  相似文献   

应用简单重复序列(SSR)标记方法对辽宁省近15年的14个大面积种植的水稻品种进行遗传多样性分析的结果表明,17对引物共产生43个位点,其中多态性位点17个,平均每对SSR引物检测到2.53个,占位点总数的39.53%。用Nei’s公式计算水稻品种间的遗传距离,并以算术平均非加权聚类(UPGMA)法进行聚类分析并结合系谱分析结果表明,辽宁省近15年的水稻主栽品种遗传多样性不够丰富,多数品种间的亲缘关系较近,欲进一步提高产量还需拓宽遗传基础。  相似文献   

浙江是水稻种植小省,但培育出众多大品种和骨干亲本,及时总结浙江的水稻育种经验和成果,有助于了解育种历史,对育种家选择亲本具有参考价值。基于VBA,编写程序,分析"中国水稻品种及其系谱数据库"中收录的浙江育成和审定水稻品种。1980-2019年,浙江省育成品种655个、审定品种514个,生产上大面积应用品种291个。分析发现审定品种的平均单产逐步提高,蒸煮食味品质有改善,外观品质的垩白度和透明度也有改进,白叶枯病抗性没有明显变化,稻瘟病抗性有所下降,但优于同期同稻区全国平均水平。  相似文献   

308个糯玉米审定品种SSR标记遗传多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着中国糯玉米产业的蓬勃发展,每年通过审定的糯玉米品种逐渐增多,为了解其育成品种的遗传多样性和亲缘关系,本研究以308个糯玉米审定品种为材料,利用SSR标记从审定年份和适宜种植区2个角度分析近年来糯玉米审定品种遗传多样性特点和发展趋势.结果 表明,308份糯玉米审定品种在40个SSR标记上共检测出529个等位基因、14...  相似文献   

分析了1982-2012年江苏省审定的62个油菜品种的亲本系谱、品种特性以及主要农艺性状和经济性状特点。结果表明,江苏省审定的甘蓝型油菜品种的原始亲本为胜利油菜,低芥酸性状主要源自Zephyr、Primor、Midas和荣山等,低硫苷性状主要源自Tower、Wesroona、Marnoo和Wesbrook等。江苏省审定的油菜品种的主要农艺性状中,生育期逐步缩短,并基本稳定在243 d左右;株高变化较大,因品种而异。4个产量(产油量)构成因素中,含油量年平均增幅最大,尤其是在2003-2012年间,年平均增幅达到0.65%;单株角果数和每角粒数有上升趋势,而千粒重则变化相对较小。受双低性状对产量性状的负效应影响,产量及产油量在1982-2012年间的年平均增幅均不大,但优质常规品种的产量与产油量的年平均增幅较大,分别为23.10 kg/hm2和13.20 kg/hm2。研究结果可为江苏省油菜新品种的选育与推广提供参考。  相似文献   

新疆长绒棉品种(系)的灰色关联度分析与综合评价   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
本文利用灰色关联度方法,把棉花产量和品质的15个性状指标集为一体进行分析,对参试品种(系)进行全面直观的综合评价,为新品种审定和大面积生产应用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Factors Influencing Diversity of Farmers’ Varieties of Sweet Potato in Uganda: Implications for Conservation. There is increasing concern that agricultural intensification is causing loss of crop biodiversity due to displacement of traditional farmers’ varieties by a small number of improved cultivars. Using ethnobotanical surveys, we assessed the implication of adoption of new sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) cultivars on the maintenance of farmers’ varieties in Uganda. Other factors influencing varietal diversity were also assessed. A total of 102 farmer households distributed in the top three sweet potato production agro-ecological zones were interviewed. With the exception of released cultivars, very few varieties appeared in more than one region. The majority of the respondents indicated that they continue to plant some of the existing varieties when they adopt new cultivars. Loss of planting materials due to drought was a major constraint to maintaining varietal diversity for this vegetatively propagated crop. Limited land and lack of access to best management practices were also key constraints to maintenance of farmers’ varieties. The primary criteria for adopting new cultivars were higher yield, taste, and duration to maturity. Yield stability, tolerance to native biotic and abiotic stresses, and good taste were important for maintenance of currently grown varieties. Overall, criteria for variety selection varied with household characteristics including farmer age and gender, uses of the crop, micro-climatic conditions in the farmers’ fields, and level of access to agricultural extension. The observed heterogeneity in selection criteria, influence of social ties, and the role of environment in varietal maintenance have important implications for establishing breeding priorities and preservation of crop diversity.  相似文献   

Modern agricultural technology and the introduction of new high-yielding varieties are largely eliminating the wide range of crop genetic diversity that has evolved during the five to ten thousand years since food plants were first domesticated. Related wild species are also on the decline because of new land use policies. These gene pools (or what is left of them) are generally spoken of as genetic resources, and are vitally needed in the creation of new crop varieties by plant breeders. Wild species and land races often furnish genes conferring resistance to diseases and pests and adaptation to environmental stresses which cannot be found in the modern crop varieties.
The study of genetic diversity of crops, its storage in gene banks or in natural reserves, its evaluation and enhancement, are briefly described. The genetic resources work of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) and other international agencies such as the International Board for Plant Genetic Resources (IBPGR) is outlined.  相似文献   

Replacement of crop landraces by modern varieties is thought to cause diversity loss. We studied genetic erosion in maize within a model system; modernized smallholder agriculture in southern Mexico. The local seed supply was described through interviews and in situ seed collection. In spite of the dominance of commercial seed, the informal seed system was found to persist. True landraces were rare and most informal seed was derived from modern varieties (creolized). Seed lots were characterized for agronomical traits and molecular markers. We avoided the problem of non-consistent nomenclature by taking individual seed lots as the basis for diversity inference. We defined diversity as the weighted average distance between seed lots. Diversity was calculated for subsets of the seed supply to assess the impact of replacing traditional landraces with any of these subsets. Results were different for molecular markers, ear- and vegetative/flowering traits. Nonetheless, creolized varieties showed low diversity for all traits. These varieties were distinct from traditional landraces and little differentiated from their ancestral stocks. Although adoption of creolized maize into the informal seed system has lowered diversity as compared to traditional landraces, genetic erosion was moderated by the distinct features offered by modern varieties.  相似文献   

In recent years, an increasing number of papers has been published on the genetic diversity trends in crop cultivars released in the last century using a variety of molecular techniques. No clear general trends in diversity have emerged from these studies. Meta analytical techniques, using a study weight adapted for use with diversity indices, were applied to analyze these studies. In the meta analysis, 44 published papers were used, addressing diversity trends in released crop varieties in the twentieth century for eight different field crops, wheat being the most represented. The meta analysis demonstrated that overall in the long run no substantial reduction in the regional diversity of crop varieties released by plant breeders has taken place. A significant reduction of 6% in diversity in the 1960s as compared with the diversity in the 1950s was observed. Indications are that after the 1960s and 1970s breeders have been able to again increase the diversity in released varieties. Thus, a gradual narrowing of the genetic base of the varieties released by breeders could not be observed. Separate analyses for wheat and the group of other field crops and separate analyses on the basis of regions all showed similar trends in diversity.  相似文献   

中国玉米遗传单一性的经济影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
广泛采用少数优良种质资源,可能会引起作物遗传多样性下降,降低品种的抗病和抗逆能力,影响作物的产量。本研究采用系谱分析方法,研究了我国20个主产省玉米遗传单一性的变化及其对我国玉米生产的影响。结果表明,遗传单一性与玉米单产之间呈显著的负相关关系:遗传单一性每增加1%,玉米平均单产将降低13%;研究同时也表明遗传单一性和品种单一性是两个相互独立的变量,品种单一性不一定导致遗传基础的单一性。政府应从调节育种人员行为上制定相应的政策,防止遗传基础单一化,在增加作物遗传多样性的同时,选育优质高产的品种。  相似文献   

Yunnan is well known as a "Kingdom of Plant". Yunnan is also rich in natural resources of crop. Lots of studies on collection, conservation, protection, evaluation and utilization of crop genetic resources have been done in recent years. But there are some unfavourable factors, too. With the agricultural intensity, some new problem such as decreasing diversity, simplifying varieties and narrowing genetic basis of crop have arisen to restrict the development of agriculture in Yunnan. The only way to achieve a sustainable agriculture in Yunnan is doing our utmost to protect the crop diversity, develop new crop or new varieties and widen the genetic basis of crop varieties.  相似文献   

中国作物种质资源多样性   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:12  
本文综述了中国作物种质资源的物种多样性和遗传多样性。按农艺学和用途可将中国作物分为8大类即粮食作物、经济作物、蔬菜作物、果树作物、饲用和绿肥作物、花卉作物、药用作物和林木作物。汇集了中国作物总计有840种(类),涉及栽培物种1251个和野生近缘植物物种3308个,它们隶属176个科和619个属,这充分说明中国作物种质资源物种多样性相当丰富。依据中国作物的类型或变种多和性状变异幅度大,阐明了中国作物种质资源遗传多样性十分丰富。为中国作物种质资源的收集、保护、高效利用、创新、分类和遗传研究奠定了坚实基础,为生物多样性保护提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Increased plant diversity in cropping systems can play an important role in agriculture by enhancing arthropod‐mediated ecosystem services, including biological control and pollination. However, there is limited research investigating the concurrent influence of plant functional diversity within cultivated systems on different arthropod functional groups, the provision of multiple ecosystem services, and crop yield. During a field experiment, repeated over 2 years, we measured the effect of increasing plant functional diversity on community structure of arthropod visitors, the abundance of multiple pests and induced crop damage, and fruit production in two varieties of tomato. Plant resources (floral and extra‐floral nectar and pollen) were included within experimental plots in four levels, with each level increasing the plant functional group richness, based on floral morphology and availability of resources, in a replacement series. The presence of sown flower mixtures in experimental plots was associated with increased abundance and diversity of natural enemy functional groups and an enhanced abundance of bees (Hymenoptera: Apiformes). However, we only detected relatively small variability in arthropod visitors among types of mixtures, and increased abundance of natural enemies did not translate into stronger pest suppression or reduced crop damage. Lepidoptera pest damage was significantly higher in plots adjacent to wildflower strips, an ecosystem disservice, but a significantly higher crop productivity was recorded from these plots. Our results provide evidence that inclusion of non‐crop plant resources in agroecosystems can improve the conservation of beneficial arthropods and may lead to increased crop productivity.  相似文献   

Maintaining crop diversity on farms where cultivars can evolve is a conservation goal, but few tools are available to assess the long-term maintenance of genetic diversity on farms. One important issue for on-farm conservation is gene flow from crops with a narrow genetic base into related populations that are genetically diverse. In a case study of avocado (Persea americana var. americana) in one of its centers of diversity (San Jerónimo, Costa Rica), we used 10 DNA microsatellite markers in a parentage analysis to estimate gene flow from commercialized varieties into a traditional crop population. Five commercialized genotypes comprised nearly 40% of orchard trees, but they contributed only about 14.5% of the gametes to the youngest cohort of trees. Although commercialized varieties and the diverse population were often planted on the same farm, planting patterns appeared to keep the two types of trees separated on small scales, possibly explaining the limited gene flow. In a simulation that combined gene flow estimates, crop biology, and graft tree management, loss of allelic diversity was less than 10% over 150 yr, and selection was effective in retaining desirable alleles in the diverse subpopulation. Simulations also showed that, in addition to gene flow, managing the genetic makeup and life history traits of the invasive commercialized varieties could have a significant impact on genetic diversity in the target population. The results support the feasibility of on-farm crop conservation, but simulations also showed that higher levels of gene flow could lead to severe losses of genetic diversity even if farmers continue to plant diverse varieties.  相似文献   

Bacterial Blight of Cotton   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Bacterial blight of cotton is potentially one of the most damaging diseases of cotton.
2. Its symptoms and adverse effect on yield are described.
3. Control measures include: (i) cultural techniques of crop sanitation, and the destruction of crop residues, as well as close seasons and crop rotation; (ii) chemical seed treatments and foliar sprays; (iii) the breeding of resistant varieties.
4. Techniques are described for the breeding of resistant varieties, and sources of useful genetic plant resistance identified.
5. The complex nature of the interactions between host genetic resistance, variation in the pathogen and environment is emphasized.
6. Successful resistance-breeding programmes in Africa and the USA are reviewed, and attention is drawn to the pressing need for resistant varieties in India and Pakistan.
7. Continued success in the control of bacterial blight will require integrated programmes that include cultural methods, the use of chemicals (particularly as seed treatments) and the cultivation of resistant varieties with durable resistance.  相似文献   

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