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Life cycle assessment (LCA) was used to compare the current water supply planning in Mediterranean Spain, the so‐called AGUA Programme, with its predecessor, the Ebro river water transfer (ERWT). Whereas the ERWT was based on a single interbasin transfer, the AGUA Programme excludes new transfers and focuses instead on different types of resources, including seawater and brackish water desalination and wastewater reuse, among others. The study includes not only water supply but the whole anthropic cycle of water, from water abstraction to wastewater treatment. In addition to standard LCA impact categories, a specific impact category focusing on freshwater resources is included, which takes into account freshwater scarcity in the affected water catchments. In most impact categories the AGUA Programme obtains similar or even lower impact scores than ERWT. Concerning impacts on freshwater resources, the AGUA Programme obtains an impact score 49% lower than the ERWT. Although the current water planning appears to perform better in many impact categories than its predecessor, this study shows that water supply in Spanish Mediterranean regions is substantially increasing its energy intensity and that Mediterranean basins suffer a very high level of water stress due to increasing demand and limited resources.  相似文献   

Goal, Scope and Background The goal of this study is to determine the environmental impact of using one cubic metre of water in the Walloon Region. The whole anthropogenic water cycle is analysed, from the pumping stations to the wastewater treatment plants. The functional unit has been defined as one cubic metre of water at the consumer tap. This study was carried out in the context of the EU Water Framework Directive. It is part of a programme called PIRENE launched by the Walloon Region to fulfil the requirements of this Directive. Methods A model of the whole anthropogenic water cycle in the Walloon Region was developed. The model is mainly based on site-specific data given by the companies working in the field of water production and wastewater treatment. It was used to assess the environmental impact from the pumping station to the wastewater treatment plant using the Eco-Indicator 99 methodology. Eco-Indicator 99 has been adapted in order to better take into account environmental impact of acidification and eutrophication. Characterisation factors have been calculated for COD, nitrogen and phosphate emissions. From the reference model, different scenarios have been elaborated. Results and Discussion On the basis of the inventory, the environmental impact of five scenarios has been evaluated. Acidification and eutrophication is the most important impact category. It is mainly caused by the wastewater that is discharged without any treatment, but also by the effluent of the wastewater treatment plant. So, this impact category has the lowest environmental load when the wastewater treatment rate is high. For the other impact categories, the impact generally increases with the wastewater treatment rate. During wastewater treatment, energy and chemicals are indeed consumed to improve the quality of the final outputs, and thus to reduce the environmental impact related to acidification and eutrophication. A comparison between the scenarios has also shown that the building of the sewer network has a significant contribution to the global environmental load and that the stages before the tap contribute less to the environmental impact than the stage after the tap. Conclusions The three stages that contribute significantly to the global environmental load are: water discharge, wastewater treatment operation and, to a lesser extent, the sewer system. The results show that the wastewater treatment rate must be as high as possible, using either collective or individual wastewater treatment plants. Even a small water discharge without any treatment has a significant environmental impact. Operation of the wastewater treatment plants must also be improved to reduce the environmental impact caused by the effluent of the plants. For new wastewater treatment plants, building plants treating nitrogen and phosphorus should be encouraged. A sensitivity analysis was conducted and showed that the results of the study were not very affected by a modification of key parameters. Impact assessment using the CML methodology has confirmed the results obtained with Eco-Indicator 99.  相似文献   

- Preamble. This series of two papers analyses and compares the environmental loads of different water production technologies in order to establish, in a global, rigorous and objective way, the less aggressive technology for the environment with the present state of the art of the technology. Further, it is also presented an estimation of the potential environmental loads that the considered technologies could provoke in future, taking into account the most suitable evolution of the technology. - Part 1 presents the assessment of most commercial desalination technologies which are spread worldwide: Reverse Osmosis, Multi Effect Desalination and Multi Stage Flash. Part 2 presents the comparative LCA analysis of a big hydraulic infrastructure, as is to be found in the Ebro River Water Transfer project, with respect to desalination. - DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1065/lca2004.09.179.1 - Intention, Goal and Background. In this paper, some relevant results of a research work are presented, the main aim of which consists of performing the environmental assessment of different water production technologies in order to establish, in a global, rigorous and objective way, the less aggressive technology for the environment of potable water supply to the end users. That is, the scope of this paper is mostly oriented to the comparative Life Cycle Assessment of different water production technologies instead of presenting new advancements in the LCA methodology. In Part 1, the environmental loads associated with the most widespread and important commercial desalination technologies all over the world - Reverse Osmosis (RO), Multi Effect Desalination (MED) and Multi Stage Flash (MSF) – are compared. The assessment technique is the Life Cycle Analysis (LCA), which includes the entire life cycle of each technology, encompassing: extraction and processing raw materials, manufacturing, transportation and distribution, operation and final waste disposal.- Methods and Main Features. The software SimaPro 5.0, developed by Dutch PRé Consultants, has been used as the analysis tool, because it is a well known, internationally accepted and validated tool. Different evaluation methods have been applied in the LCA evaluation: CML 2 baseline 2000, Eco-Points 97 and Eco-Indicator 99. Data used in the inventory analysis of this Part 1 come from: a) existing plants in operation; b) data bases implemented in the SimaPro 5.0 software -BUWAL 250, ETH-ESU 96, IDEMAT 2001. Different scenarios have been analyzed in both parts in order to estimate, not only the potential of reduction of the provoked environmental loads with the present state of the art of technology, but also the most likely future trend of technological evolution. In Part 1, different energy production models and the integration of desalination with other productive processes are studied, while the effect of the most likely technological evolution in the midterm, and the estimation of the environmental loads to the water transfer during drought periods are considered in Part 2. Results and Discussion The main contribution to the global environmental impact of desalination technologies comes from the operation, while the other phases, construction and disposal, are almost negligible when compared to it. Energy is very important in desalination, for this reason the environmental loads change a lot depending on the technology used for providing the energy used in the desalination process. Among the different analyzed technologies, RO is the least aggressive desalination technology (one order of magnitude lower than the thermal processes, MSF and MED) for the environment. When integrating thermal desalination with other productive processes taking advantage of the residual heat, the environmental loads of thermal desalination technologies is highly reduced, obtaining similar loads to that of RO. The environmental loads of desalination technologies are significantly reduced when an energy model based on renewable energies is used. Taking into account the technological evolution, which is experiencing the RO, a reduction of its environmental load by about 40% is to be expected in the mid-term. Conclusion The main conclusion of Part 1 is that, with the present state of the art of the technology, RO is clearly the desalination technology with a reduced environmental load (one order of magnitude lower than the thermal processes, MSF and MED). In the case of thermal desalination technologies, their environmental load can be highly reduced (about 1,000 times less) when integrated with other industrial processes. In the case of RO, the scores and the airborne emissions obtained from an electricity production model based on renewable energies are about 65-70 times lower than those obtained when the electricity production model is mainly based on fossil fuels. Recommendations and Outlook Although desalination technologies are energy intensive and provoke an important environmental load, they present a high potential in being reduced since: a) in the mid-term, it is to be expected that the different technologies could improve their efficiency significantly, b) the environmental loads would be highly reduced if the energy production models were not mainly based on fossil fuels and c) the energy consumption, particularly in the case of thermal desalination, can be drastically reduced when integrating desalination with other productive processes. The results presented in this paper indicate that a very interesting and promising field of research is available in order to reduce the environmental load of these vigorous and increasing desalination technologies.  相似文献   

- Preamble. This series of two papers analyses and compares the environmental loads of different water production technologies in order to establish, in a global, rigorous and objective way, the less aggressive technology for the environment with the present state of the art of technology. Further, an estimation of the potential environmental loads that the considered technologies could provoke in future is also presented, taking into account the most suitable evolution of the technology. - Part 1 presents the assessment of most commercial desalination technologies which are spread worldwide: Reverse Osmosis, Multi Effect Desalination and Multi Stage Flash. Part 2 presents the comparative LCA analysis of a big hydraulic infrastructure, as is to be found in the Ebro River Water Transfer project, with respect to desalination. - Intention, Goal and Background. In this paper some relevant results of a research work are presented, the main aim of which consists of performing the environmental assessment of different water production technologies in order to establish, in a global, rigorous and objective way, the less aggressive technology for the environment for supplying potable water to the end users. The scope of this paper is mostly oriented to the comparative Life Cycle Assessment of different water production technologies instead of presenting new advancements in the LCA methodology. Based on the results obtained in Part 1 (LCA of most widespread commercial desalination technologies), the particular case of a big hydraulic project, which is the Ebro River Water Transfer (ERWT) considered in the Spanish National Hydrologic Plan, versus the production by desalination of the same amount of water to be diverted, is compared in Part 2. The assessment technique is the Life Cycle Analysis (LCA), which includes the entire life cycle of each technology, encompassing: extraction and processing raw materials, manufacturing, transportation and distribution, operation and final waste disposal. Methods and Main Features. The software SimaPro 5.0, developed by Dutch PRé Consultants, has been used as the analysis tool, because it is a well known, internationally accepted and validated tool. Different evaluation methods have been applied in the LCA evaluation: CML 2 baseline 2000, Eco-Points 97 and Eco-Indicator 99. Data used in the inventory analysis of this Part 2 come from: a) desalination: data obtained for existing plants in operation; b) ERWT: Project approved in the Spanish National Hydrologic Plan and its Environmental Impact Evaluation and; c) data bases implemented in the SimaPro software – BUWAL 250, ETH-ESU 96, IDEMAT 2001. Different scenarios have been analyzed in both parts in order to estimate not only the potential of reduction of the provoked environmental loads with the present state of the art of technology, but also the most likely future trend of technological evolution. In Part 1, different energy production models and the integration of desalination with other productive processes are studied, while the effect of the most likely technological evolution in the midterm, and the estimation of the environmental loads to the water transfer during drought periods are considered in Part 2. Results and Discussion As proven in Part 1, RO is a less aggressive desalination technology for the environment. Its aggression is one order of magnitude lower than that of the thermal processes, MSF and MED. The main contribution to the global environmental impact of RO comes from the operation, while the other phases, construction and disposal, are almost negligible when compared to it. In the case of the ERWT, the contribution of the operation phase is also the most important one, but the construction phase has an important contribution too. Its corresponding environmental load, with the present state of the art of technology, is slightly lower than that provoked by the RO desalination technology. However, the results obtained in the different scenarios analyzed show that the potential reduction of the environmental load in the case of the ERWT is significantly lower than that in the case of the RO. The effect of drought periods in the assessed environmental loads of the water transfer is not negligible, obtaining as a result an increasing environmental load per m3 of diverted water. Conclusion The environmental load associated with RO, with the present state of the art of technology, is slightly higher than that provoked by the ERWT. However, considering the actual trend of technological improvement of the RO and the present trend of energy production technology in the address of reducing the fossil fuels\ contribution in the electricity production, the environmental load associated with RO in the short mid-term would be likely to be lower than that corresponding to the ERWT. Recommendations and Outlook Although desalination technologies are energy intensive and provoke an important environmental load, as already explained in Part 1, they present a high potential of reducing it. In respect to ERWT, the results indicate, when the infrastructure of ERWT is completed (by 2010–2012), that the LCA of RO will be likely to be against the water transfer. With the present technological evolution of water production technologies and from the results obtained in this paper, it seems, from an environmental viewpoint, that big hydraulic projects should be considered the last option because they are rigid and long-term infrastructures (several decades and even centuries of operation) that provoke important environmental loads with only a small margin for reducing them.  相似文献   

Goal, Scope, and Background The main goal of the study is a comprehensive life cycle assessment of kerosene produced in a refinery located in Thessaloniki (Greece) and used in a commercial jet aircraft. Methods The Eco-Indicator 95 weighting method is used for the purpose of this study. The Eco-Indicator is a method of aggregation (or, as described in ISO draft 14042, 'weighting through categories') that leads to a single score. In the Eco-indicator method, the weighing factor (We) applied to an environmental impact index (greenhouse effect, ozone depletion, etc.) stems from the 'main' damage caused by this environmental impact. Results and Discussion The dominant source of greenhouse gas emissions is from kerosene combustion in aircraft turbines during air transportation, which contributes 99.5% of the total CO2 emissions. The extraction and refinery process of crude oil contribute by around 0.22% to the GWP. This is a logical outcome considering that these processes are very energy intensive. Transportation of crude oil and kerosene have little or no contribution to this impact category. The main source of CFC-11 equivalent emissions is refining of crude oil. These emissions derive from emissions that result from electricity production that is used during the operation of the refinery. NOx emissions contribute the most to the acidification followed by SO2 emissions. The main source is the use process in a commercial jet aircraft, which contributes approximately 96.04% to the total equivalent emissions. The refinery process of crude oil contributes by 2.11% mainly by producing SO2 emissions. This is due to the relative high content of sulphur in the input flows of these processes (crude oil) that results to the production of large amount of SO2. Transportation of crude oil by sea (0.76%) produces large amount of SO2 and NOx due to combustion of low quality liquid fuels (heavy fuel oil). High air emissions of NOx during kerosene combustion result in the high contribution of this subsystem to the eutrophication effect. Also, water emissions with high nitrous content during the refining and extraction of crude oil process have a big impact to the water eutrophication impact category. Conclusion The major environmental impact from the life cycle of kerosene is the acidification effect, followed by the greenhouse effect. The summer smog and eutrophication effect have much less severe effect. The main contributor is the combustion of kerosene to a commercial jet aircraft. Excluding the use phase, the refining process appears to be the most polluting process during kerosene's life cycle. This is due to the fact that the refining process is a very complicated energy intensive process that produces large amounts and variety of pollutant substances. Extraction and transportation of crude oil and kerosene equally contribute to the environmental impacts of the kerosene cycle, but at much lower level than the refining process. Recommendation and Perspective The study indicates a need for a more detailed analysis of the refining process which has a very high contribution to the total equivalent emissions of the acidification effect and to the total impact score of the system (excluding the combustion of kerosene). This is due to the relative high content of sulphur in the input flows of these processes (crude oil) that results to the production of large amount of SO2.  相似文献   

Practitioners of life cycle assessment (LCA) have recently turned their attention to social issues in the supply chain. The United Nations life cycle initiative's social LCA task force has completed its guidelines for social life cycle assessment of products, and awareness of managing upstream corporate social responsibility (CSR) issues has risen due to the growing popularity of LCA. This article explores one approach to assessing social issues in the supply chain—life cycle attribute assessment (LCAA). The approach was originally proposed by Gregory Norris in 2006, and we present here a case study. LCAA builds on the theoretical structure of environmental LCA to construct a supply chain model. Instead of calculating quantitative impacts, however, it asks the question “What percentage of my supply chain has attribute X?” X may represent a certification from a CSR body or a self‐defined attribute, such as “is locally produced.” We believe LCAA may serve as an aid to discussions of how current and popular CSR indicators may be integrated into a supply chain model. The case study demonstrates the structure of LCAA, which is very similar to that of traditional environmental LCA. A labor hours data set was developed as a satellite matrix to determine number of worker hours in a greenhouse tomato supply. Data from the Quebec tomato producer were used to analyze how the company performed on eight sample LCAA indicators, and conclusions were drawn about where the company should focus CSR efforts.  相似文献   

Goal, Scope and Background Calculating LCA outcomes implies the use of parameters, models, choices and scenarios which introduce uncertainty, as they imperfectly account for the variability of both human and environmental systems. The analysis of the uncertainty of LCA results, and its reduction by an improved estimation of key parameters and through the improvement of the models used to convert emissions into regional impacts, such as eutrophication, are major issues for LCA. Methods In a case study of pig production systems, we propose a simple quantification of the uncertainty of LCA results (intra-system variability) and we explore the inter-system variability to produce more robust LCA outcomes. The quantification of the intra-system uncertainty takes into account the variability of the technical performance (crop yield, feed efficiency) and of emission factors (for NH3, N2O and NO3) and the influence of the functional unit (FU) (kg of pig versus hectare used). For farming systems, the inter-system variability is investigated through differentiating the production mode (conventional, quality label, organic (OA)), and the farmer practices (Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) versus Over Fertilised (OF)), while for natural systems, variability due to physical and climatic characteristics of catchments expected to modify nitrate fate is explored. Results and Conclusion For the eutrophication and climate change impact categories, the uncertainty associated with field emissions contributes more to the overall uncertainty than the uncertainty associated with emissions from livestock buildings, with crop yield and with feed efficiency. For acidification, the uncertainty of emissions from livestock buildings is the single most important contributor to the overall uncertainty. The influence of the FU on eutrophication results is very important when comparing systems with different degrees of intensification such as GAP and OA. Concerning the inter-system variability, differences in farmer practices have a larger effect on eutrophication than differences between production modes. Finally, the physical characteristics of the catchment and the climate strongly affect the results for eutrophication. In conclusion, in this case study, the main sources of uncertainty are in the estimation of emission factors, due both to the variability of environmental conditions and to lack of knowledge (emissions of N2O at the field level), but also in the model used for assessing regional impacts such as eutrophication. Recommendation and Perspective Suitable deterministic simulation models integrating the main controlling variables (environmental conditions, farmer practices, technology used) should be used to predict the emissions of a given system as well as their probabilistic distribution allowing the use of stochastic modelling. Finally, our simulations on eutrophication illustrate the necessity of integrating the fate of pollutants in models of impact assessment and highlight the important margin of improvement existing for the eutrophication impact assessment model.  相似文献   

Goal, Scope and Background Whilst initially designed for industrial production systems, environmental life cycle assessment (LCA) has recently been increasingly applied to agriculture and forestry projects. Several authors suggested that the standard LCA methodology needs to be refined to cover the particularities of agri- and silvicultural production systems. Until now, water quantity received little attention in these methodological revisions, notwithstanding the well-known impact of agriculture and forestry on issues like water availability, drought and flood risk. This paper proposes an add-on to existing LCA methods in the form of an indicator set that integrates water quantity impacts of agri- and silvicultural production. Method First, system boundaries are discussed in order to identify the water flows between the production system and the environment. These flows are attributed to impact categories, linked to environmental burdens and to the areas of protection. Appropriate indicators are selected for each potential burden. Results and Discussion At the present, two input related impact categories deal with water quantity: Abiotic resource depletion and land use. The list of output related impact categories presented by Udo de Haes et al. (1999) does not include water quantity impacts like flood and drought risk. A new impact category “regional water balance” is introduced to cover these risks. Exceedance probabilities are used as indicators for these temporal variations in streamflow. Conclusion and Outlook The method presented in this paper can bring a life cycle assessment closer to real world concerns. The main drawback, however, is the increasing data requirement that might hinder the feasibility of the method. Future research should focus on this problem, for instance by applying a relatively simple numerical model that can calculate the indicator scores from more easily accessible data.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to help confront uncertainty in life cycle assessments (LCAs) used for decision support. LCAs offer a quantitative approach to assess environmental effects of products, technologies, and services and are conducted by an LCA practitioner or analyst (AN) to support the decision maker (DM) in making the best possible choice for the environment. At present, some DMs do not trust the LCA to be a reliable decision‐support tool—often because DMs consider the uncertainty of an LCA to be too large. The standard evaluation of uncertainty in LCAs is an ex‐post approach that can be described as a variance simulation based on individual data points used in an LCA. This article develops and proposes a taxonomy for LCAs based on extensive research in the LCA, management, and economic literature. This taxonomy can be used ex ante to support planning and communication between an AN and DM regarding which type of LCA study to employ for the decision context at hand. This taxonomy enables the derivation of an LCA classification matrix to clearly identify and communicate the type of a given LCA. By relating the LCA classification matrix to statistical principles, we can also rank the different types of LCA on an expected inherent uncertainty scale that can be used to confront and address potential uncertainty. However, this article does not attempt to offer a quantitative approach for assessing uncertainty in LCAs used for decision support.  相似文献   

Water footprints traditionally estimate water lost as a result of evapotranspiration (or otherwise unavailable for downstream uses) associated with producing a certain good, and the same embodied in trade across regions is used to estimate regional and national water footprints. These footprints, however, do not address risk posed to city energy supplies characterized by insufficient streamflow to support energy production, such as cooling water intake (e.g., withdrawals) at thermoelectric power plants. Water withdrawal intensity factors for producing goods and services are being developed at the national scale, but lack sufficient spatial resolution to address these types of water‐energy challenges facing cities. To address this need, this article presents a water withdrawal footprint for energy supply (WWFES) to cities and places it in the context of other water footprints defined in the literature. Analysis of electricity use versus electricity generation in 43 U.S. cities highlights the need for developing WWFES to estimate risks to transboundary city energy supplies resulting from water constraints. The magnitude of the WWFES is computed for Denver, Colorado, and compared to the city's direct use of water to offer perspective. The baseline WWFES for Denver is found to be 66% as large as all direct water uses in the city combined (mean estimate). Minimum, mean, and maximum estimates are computed to demonstrate sensitivity of the WWFES to selection of water withdrawal intensity factors. Finally, scenario analysis explores the effect of energy technology and energy policy choices in shaping the future water footprint of cities.  相似文献   

Steam is an important utility that is required in nearly all industrial process chains and hence needs to be modeled in life cycle assessment studies. Industrial steam systems are often very complex, with different steam flows varying in pressure and temperature and being transported over different distances. This should be accounted for when calculating the energy requirements related to steam supply. In this article, we constructed a generic model that allows estimating final energy requirements (i.e., gate‐to‐gate energy required to generate the steam) of various types of single‐fuel steam systems without turbines (i.e., open and closed cycles) with or without flash steam and expressed per tonne (t) of steam supplied to a process (before heat exchange) or per gigajoule (GJ) heat delivered within the process (after heat exchange, i.e., as useful energy). The model focuses on steam provided for covering process heat requirements and hence excludes cogeneration schemes with steam turbines. Based on the final energy requirements estimated with our generic model, primary energy requirements and environmental impacts can be calculated for various circumstances. Depending on the conditions chosen, final energy requirements for natural gas–fueled systems, as estimated in this study, are 2.71 to 3.44 GJ/t produced steam or 1.33 to 1.78 GJ/GJ delivered heat.  相似文献   

Background, Goal and Scope The ecoinvent database is a reference work for life cycle inventory data covering the areas of energy, building materials, metals, chemicals, paper and cardboard, forestry, agriculture, detergents, transport services and waste treatment. Generic inventories are available for freight and passenger transport including air, rail, road, and water transport. The goal of freight transport modelling is to provide background data for transport services, which occur between nearly any two process steps of a product system. This paper presents and discusses the model structure, basic assumptions and results for selected freight transport services.Main Features Transport services are divided into several datasets referred to as transport components. In addition to vehicle operation (comprising vehicle travel and pre-combustion), infrastructure processes such as vehicle maintenance, manufacturing and disposal, as well as transport infrastructure construction, operation and disposal, are also modelled. In order to link the various transport components to the functional unit of one tonne kilometre (tkm), so-called demand factors are determined. In the case of transport infrastructure that is not exclusively used by freight transport, allocation is essential. The respective allocation parameters employed for line infrastructure construction/disposal and operation datasets (including land use) are yearly Gross-tonne kilometre performance (Gtkm) and kilometric vehicle/train performance. Results are presented for selected environmental exchanges related to gaseous emissions (climate change gases, nitrogen oxides, and hydrocarbons), heavy metal (zinc and cadmium) emissions to soil and air, as well as BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand), and land use. Particle emissions are further distinguished into fine (PM2.5) and coarse (diameter between 2.5 and 10 µm) particles. The results presented comprise both an intra- and inter-modal comparison.Results and Discussions A comparison of Swiss and European rail transport reveals considerably lower emissions from Swiss rail transport due to the almost exclusive use of hydropower as traction energy. For gaseous emissions, freight transport by water or rail exhibits considerably better performance than road transport (65-92% less gaseous emissions). As far as zinc and cadmium emissions to soil are concerned, water and rail transport produce less than 1% of the emissions resulting from road transport for either pollutant. For zinc and cadmium emissions to air, road transport has the highest emissions; however, the emissions due to water and rail transport range from 2 to 18% of the emission levels arising from road transport. Particle emissions show a more diverse pattern. Whilst fine particle emissions due to water and rail transport are considerably lower than road transport, rail transport with respect to coarse particles performs worse than road transport. Dominance analysis reveals the importance of infrastructure processes. For instance, the NMHC-emissions of infrastructure processes account for 40%, 30% and 50% of emissions for road, rail and barge transport, respectively. For the demand factor of infrastructure operation, a sensitivity analysis of the employed allocation factor was performed, revealing no sensitivity for gaseous emissions and particles. On the other hand, considerable changes in both emission levels and in the ranking of transport modes is observed for land occupation. Finally, we varied selected operation parameters for road transport, resulting in considerable reductions of CO2 and NOX emissions of up to 60%. In one extreme case (load factor: 100%), NOx emissions for vehicle operation of a lorry are lower than for inland water transport. Only as a result of the considerably higher NOx emissions occurring in infrastructure processes does road transport score worse than water transport, with the ranking remaining the same as for the generic data presented in ecoinvent 2000.Conclusions and Perspectives The provided datasets allow for a preliminary screening of the importance of transport processes within a product life cycle. In the cases for which transport processes are identified as sensitive for the overall outcome of certain product life cycle or for transport specific comparisons, the modular structure and transparent documentation of demand factors allows for an easy and transparent integration of more case-specific data for selected transport components.  相似文献   

Sustainability assessment standards are currently being developed for a range of building products. This activity has been stimulated through the considerable success of the U.S. Green Building Council's (USGBC) LEED? standard. Transparent life cycle–based standards can guide manufacturers to design products that have reduced environmental impact. The use of a sustainability standard can certify performance and avoid green washing. In this article we present a logical framework for designing a sustainability assessment standard through the creation of tables that award points in the standard to be consistent with life cycle information. Certain minimum principles of consistency are articulated. In the case that the life cycle impact assessment method maps the life cycle inventory to impact through a linear weighting, two design approaches—impact category and activity substitution—are constructed to be consistent with these principles. The approach is illustrated in a case study of a partial redesign of a carpet sustainability assessment standard (NSF/ANSI‐140).  相似文献   

There is a growing concern over the security and sustainable supply of raw material among businesses and governments of developed, material‐intensive countries. This has led to the development of a systematic analysis of risk incorporated with raw materials usage, often referred as criticality assessment. In principle, this concept is based on the material flow approach. The potential role of life cycle assessment (LCA) to integrate resource criticality through broadening its scope into the life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA) framework has been discussed within the LCA communities for some time. In this article, we aim at answering the question of how to proceed toward integration of the geopolitical aspect of resource criticality into the LCSA framework. The article focuses on the assessment of the geopolitical supply risk of 14 resources imported to the seven major advanced economies and the five most relevant emerging countries. Unlike a few previous studies, we propose a new method of calculation for the geopolitical supply risk, which is differentiated by countries based on the import patterns instead of a global production distribution. Our results suggest that rare earth elements, tungsten, antimony, and beryllium generally pose high geopolitical supply risk. Results from the Monte Carlo simulation allow consideration of data uncertainties for result interpretation. Issues concerning the consideration of the full supply chain are exemplarily discussed for cobalt. Our research broadens the scope of LCA from only environmental performance to a resource supply‐risk assessment tool that includes accessibility owing to political instability and market concentration under the LCSA framework.  相似文献   

This work contributes to the development of a dynamic life cycle assessment (DLCA) methodology by providing a methodological framework to link a dynamic system modeling method with a time‐dependent impact assessment method. This three‐step methodology starts by modeling systems where flows are described by temporal distributions. Then, a temporally differentiated life cycle inventory (TDLCI) is calculated to present the environmental exchanges through time. Finally, time‐dependent characterization factors are applied to the TDLCI to evaluate climate‐change impacts through time. The implementation of this new framework is illustrated by comparing systems producing domestic hot water (DHW) over an 80‐year period. Electricity is used to heat water in the first system, whereas the second system uses a combination of solar energy and gas to heat an equivalent amount of DHW at the same temperature. This comparison shows that using a different temporal precision (i.e., monthly vs. annual) to describe process flows can reverse conclusions regarding which case has the best environmental performance. Results also show that considering the timing of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduces the absolute values of carbon footprint in the short‐term when compared with results from the static life cycle assessment. This pragmatic framework for the implementation of time in DLCA studies is proposed to help in the development of the methodology. It is not yet a fully operational scheme, and efforts are still required before DLCA can become state of practice.  相似文献   

Goal, Scope and Background Life cycle inventories (LCIs) of agricultural products, infrastructure, inputs and processes are required to optimise food supply chains. In the past, the use of LCA was hindered by the limited availability of databases with LCIs for such agricultural inputs, processes and products in combination with LCIs of other major economic sectors. The ecoinvent database covers this need for the Swiss, and to an extent, the European context. A suitable approach had to be outlined for defining representative datasets for products from arable crops, since there was no comprehensive survey of agricultural production.Methods No single data source was available for defining representative datasets for arable crops. It was therefore decided to define model crops on the basis of a variety of sources in collaboration with experts on the crops in question. The datasets were validated by experts and by comparison with literature. Field emissions were calculated using a set of models taking into account situation-specific parameters. Data defined by this procedure are more generally usable, but their definition is also more laborious. Results and Discussion Selected results (inventories and impact assessment) are presented for infrastructure (buildings, machinery), work processes, fertilisers, pesticides, seed and arable crop products. Infrastructure has a higher share of environmental impacts than in typical industrial processes, often due to low utilisation rates. Energy use is dominated by mechanisation, the use of mineral fertilisers (particularly nitrogen) and grain drying. Eutrophication is caused mainly by nitrogen compounds. In general, field emissions are of decisive importance for many environmental impacts. Conclusion and Outlook The ecoinvent database provides representative agricultural data for the Swiss, and to an extent, the European context. It also provides the meta-information necessary for deciding whether a dataset is suitable for the purpose of a particular LCA study. To further improve the representativeness of the datasets, an environmental farm monitoring network is required.  相似文献   

Goal, Scope and Background The energy systems included in the ecoinvent database v1.1 describe the situation around year 2000 of Swiss and Western European power plants and boilers with the associated energy chains. The addressed nuclear systems concern Light Water Reactors (LWR) with mix of open and closed fuel cycles. The system model ‘Natural Gas’ describes production, distribution, and combustion of natural gas. Methods Comprehensive life cycle inventories of the energy systems were established and cumulative results calculated within the ecoinvent framework. Swiss conditions for the nuclear cycle were extrapolated to major nuclear countries. Long-term radon emissions from uranium mill tailings have been estimated with a simplified model. Average natural gas power plants were analysed for different countries considering specific import/export of the gas, with seven production regions separately assessed. Uncertainties have been estimated quantitatively. Results and Discussion Different radioactive emission species and wastes are produced from different steps of the nuclear cycle. Emissions of greenhouse gases from the nuclear cycle are mostly from the upstream chain, and the total is small and decreasing with increasing share of centrifuge enrichment. The results for natural gas show the importance of transport and low pressure distribution network for the methane emissions, whereas energy is mostly invested for production and long-distance pipeline transportation. Because of significant differences in power plant efficiencies and gas supply, country specific averages differ greatly. Conclusion The inventory describes average worldwide supply of nuclear fuel and average nuclear reactors in Western Europe. Although the model for nuclear waste management was extrapolated from Swiss conditions, the ranges obtained for cumulative results can represent the average in Europe. Emissions per kWh electricity are distributed very differently over the natural gas chain for different species. Modern combined cycle plants show better performance for several burdens like cumulative greenhouse gas emissions compared to average plants. Recommendation and Perspective Comparison of country-specific LWRs or LWR types on the basis of these results is not recommended. Specific issues on different strategies for the nuclear fuel cycle or location-specific characteristics would require extension of analysis. Results of the gas chain should not be directly applied to areas other than those modelled because emission factors and energy requirements may differ significantly. A future update of inventory data should reconsider production and transport from Russia, as it is a major producer and exporter to Europe. The calculated ranges of uncertainty factors in ecoinvent provide useful information but they are more indications of uncertainties rather than strict 95% intervals, and should therefore be applied carefully.  相似文献   

Background, Aims and Scope Life cycle assessment (LCA) is used as a tool for design for environment (DfE) to improve the environmental performance of the Mercedes Car Group products. For the new S-Class model a brochure including an environmental certificate and comprehensive data for the product was published for the first time. The paper explains the use of LCA for these applications and presents exemplary results. Methods The environmental certificate brochure reports on processes, data and results based on the international standards for life cycle assessment (ISO 14040, ISO 14041, ISO 14042, ISO 14043), for environmental labels and declarations (ISO 14020, ISO 14021) and for the integration of environmental aspects into product design and development (ISO 14062), which are accepted by all stakeholders. Results and Discussion The compliance with these international standards and the correctness of the information contained in the certificate were reviewed and certified by independent experts. The global warming potential (GWP 100 years) of the new S-Class vehicle was reduced by 6%, the acidification potential by 2%, the eutrophication potential by 13% and the photochemical ozone creation potential by 9%. In addition, the use of parts made from renewable materials was increased by 73 percent to a total of 27 parts with a weight of about 43 kilograms. A total of 45 parts with a weight of 21.2 kilograms can be manufactured using a percentage of recycled plastics. Conclusion The application of LCA for DfE is fully integrated as a standard function in the vehicle development process. The DfE/LCA approach at the Mercedes Car Group was successful in improving the environmental performance of the new S-Class. It is shown that the objective of improving the environmental performance of the new S-Class model, compared to the previous one, was achieved. Recommendation and Outlook Vehicles are complex products with very complex interactions with the environment. Therefore, simple solutions, e.g. pure focus on fuel economy or light weighting or recycling or single material strategies, are bound to fail. It is a main task of DfE and LCA to take this fact into account and come up with more intelligent solutions. The application of LCAs for DfE and their integration as standard practice in the product development process is both the most demanding and the most rewarding. It requires a substantial effort to acquire the know-how, the data, the experience and the tools needed to generate meaningful results just in time. However, this is the way how LCA and DfE can add value – they have to be 'built' into the product.  相似文献   

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