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中国蠓科昆虫(双翅目)区系分布概况   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
虞以新 《生物学通报》2003,38(12):17-18
至今已查知全国共有蠓类4亚科39属1011种。叙述了我国各省区已知蠓类及其区系分布概况,鄂豫交界地带是东洋界和古北界蠓类种群的交汇带。吸血蠓类中,细蠓多见于西北荒漠地区,蠛蠓是南方湿润地区的优势种群。库蠓种类繁杂,南北方各有不同优势种群,北方蠓类群落构成的种群较简单,而优势种突出。南方蠓类群落构成的种群复杂,优势种不很突出。  相似文献   

Following the bluetongue (BT) outbreaks in Tunisia from 1999 to 2002, BTV (bluetongue virus) serotype 2 was isolated; however, no entomological investigation was performed. In the study presented here, we assessed the Culicoides species populations (particularly C. imicola) in proximity to the BT outbreaks locations, both as a retrospective analysis and to update the list of Culicoides species present in Tunisia. The insects were caught using light traps and the species identification was performed according to the standard entomological methods. This study reveaaled the presence of significant numbers of C. imicola in all the tested locations. In addition, we reported a new Culicoides species for the Tunisian fauna C. punctatus.  相似文献   

A new Neotropical species of biting midge Culicoides (Haematomyidium), C. kampa Felippe-Bauer, Veras & Castellon, is described and illustrated based on female specimens from the Amazonian Region.  相似文献   

海南岛蠛蠓属二新种(双翅目:蠓科)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
报道采自海南岛琼中县黎母岭的蠛蠓属Lasiohelea2新中为小溪蠛蠓La.ripa,sp.nov.和鹤吻蠛蠓La.sirycta,sp.onv.模式标本保存于北京医学昆虫标本馆。  相似文献   

A checklist of the family Ceratopogonidae (Diptera) recorded from Finland is provided.  相似文献   

2003年8月中旬在晋陕接壤地带进行医学昆虫调查时,在山西永济境内普救寺花园内采集到若干蠓类,经分类研究,发现1毛蠓新种,命名为普寺毛蠓Dasyhelea pusi Yu and Yan sp.nov.,本文描述了该新种两性成虫的形态特征.模式标本收藏于医学昆虫标本馆.  相似文献   

All published records for the 49 species of moth flies known from North Africa are reviewed and discussed: Morocco (27 species), Algeria (33 species), Tunisia (18 species) and Egypt (five species). In addition, records of seven species of Psychodinae new to the fauna of Morocco are added, of which three are new mentions for North Africa (Table (Table1)1) and one is a new record for Egypt. Telmatoscopus squamifer Tonnoir, 1922 is transferred to the genus Iranotelmatoscopus Ježek, 1987, comb. n. Satchelliella reghayana Boumezzough & Vaillant, 1987 is transferred to the genus Pneumia Enderlein, 1935, comb. n. Pneumia aberrans Tonnoir, 1922 is transferred to the subgenus Logima.

Table 1.

Species (in alphabetical order) of Psychodinae known from the North African countries. Libya has been omitted because no information exists in the literature from Libya.
Bazarella atra (Vaillant, 1955)X*X
Berdeniella lucasii (Satchell, 1955)X
Clogmia albipunctata (Williston, 1893)X**XX
Clytocerus kabylicus Wagner, 1987X
Iranotelmatoscopus numidicus (Satchell, 1955)X
Iranotelmatoscopus squamifer (Tonnoir, 1922)X
Lepiseodina tristis (Meigen, 1830)X
Mormia tenebricosa (Vaillant, 1954)X*XX
Mormia riparia (Satchell, 1955)X
Mormia similis Wagner, 1987X
Panimerus goetghebueri (Tonnoir, 1919)XX
Panimerus thienemanni (Vaillant, 1954)XXX
Paramormia ustulata (Walker, 1856)X*XX
Pericoma barbarica Vaillant, 1955X*XX
Pericoma blandula Eaton, 1893XXX
Pericoma diversa Tonnoir, 1920X*
Pericoma exquisita Eaton, 1893XXX
Pericoma granadica Vaillant, 1978X*
Pericoma latina Sarà, 1954X*X
Pericoma maroccana Vaillant, 1955X*
Pericoma modesta Tonnoir, 1922XX
Pericoma pseudexquisita Tonnoir, 1940X***
Philosepedon beaucournui Vaillant, 1974XX
Philosepedon humerale (Meigen, 1818)X**X
Pneumia nubila (Meigen, 1818)X***
Pneumia pilularia (Tonnoir, 1940)XX
Pneumia propinqua (Satchell, 1955)X**X
Pneumia reghayana (Boumezzough & Vaillant, 1986)X
Pneumia toubkalensis (Omelková & Ježek 2012)X*
Psychoda aberrans Tonnoir, 1922X
Psychoda (Falsologima) savaiiensis Edwards, 1928X
Psychoda (Logima) albipennis Zetterstedt, 1850XX
Psychoda (Logima) erminea Eaton, 1893X
Psychoda (Psycha) grisescens Tonnoir, 1922XXX
Psychoda (Psychoda) phalaenoides (Linnaeus, 1758)X
Psychoda (Psychoda) uniformata Haseman, 1907X
Psychoda (Psychodocha) cinerea Banks, 1894X**XX
Psychoda (Psychodocha) gemina (Eaton, 1904)X***
Psychoda (Psychomora) trinodulosa Tonnoir, 1922X
Psychoda (Tinearia) alternata Say, 1824X*XXX**
Psychoda (Tinearia) efflatouni Tonnoir, 1922X
Psychoda (Tinearia) lativentris Berden, 1952X
Telmatoscopus advena (Eaton, 1893)X
Thornburghiella quezeli (Vaillant, 1955)XX
Tonnoiriella atlantica (Satchell, 1953)XX
Tonnoiriella paveli Ježek, 1999X
Tonnoiriella pulchra (Eaton, 1893)XX
Vaillantodes fraudulentus (Eaton, 1896)XX
Vaillantodes malickyi (Wagner, 1987)X
Open in a separate windowX***: new species for North Africa; X**: new species for Morocco or Egypt; X*: new species for the Rif Mountains.  相似文献   

2009年10月在江西井冈山进行蠓科昆虫调查,共采到蠓类标本176余头,包括阿蠓Alluaudomyia、库蠓Clicoides、毛蠓Dasyhelea、铗蠓Forcipomyia和柱蠓Stilobezzia等5属,其中发现柱蠓属一新种,命名为井冈山柱蠓Stilobezzia jinggangshana Yu, Liu & Ma sp. nov..该新种模式标本收藏于北京军事医学科学院微生物流行病研究所医学昆虫标本馆.  相似文献   

New Ceratopogonidae from the Early Cretaceous amber of Hammana (Central Lebanon) are studied. Five new species (Lebanoculicoides daheri sp. nov., Protoculicoides krzeminskii sp. nov., Archiaustroconops annae sp. nov., Archiaustroconops hammanensis sp. nov., and Archiaustroconops dominiakae sp. nov.) are characterized, described, illustrated, and compared with other Cretaceous taxa. New keys for species of the three genera Lebanoculioides, Protoculicoides, and Archiaustroconops, but also for all genera of Lebanese fossil biting midges, are proposed.  相似文献   

A new species of Culicoides of the subgenus Diphaomyia, Culicoides jurbergi Felippe-Bauer, is described and illustrated based on female specimens collected biting man and with light traps in Peruvian Amazonia. The species is compared with its similar congener mirsae Ortiz.  相似文献   

根据1987年以来野外调查资料,分析了西藏已知蠓类种类、地理分布及区系特点。目前已知西藏蠓科昆虫4亚科14属31亚属151种,占我国已知蠓类(约1100种)的13.73%。其中,仅在西藏有分布并以西藏为模式产地的特有种为99种,占西藏已知蠓种的65.56%。区系分析表明,在所报道的西藏蠓科151种中,古北界15种,占西藏蠓种总数的9.93%,均分布于青藏区青海藏南亚区;东洋界131种,占西藏蠓种总数的86.75%,有105种分布于西南区喜马拉雅亚区,有18种分布于西南区西南山地亚区,有8种分布于喜马拉雅亚区和西南山地亚区;两界均有分布的有5种,占西藏蠓种总数的3.31%。  相似文献   

本文列出了我国已知贝蠓的名表,并描述了发现于香港的贝蠓属2新种:大潭贝蠓新种Bezzia datana Yu,Chen and Liang sp.nov.和鹿颈贝蠓Bezzia lujingi Yu,Chen and Pan sp.nov.  相似文献   

记述采自云南芒市(24.4°N, 98.5°E)的蠓科昆虫2新种,分别命名为叉茎裸蠓Atrichopogon diandrous sp. nov. 和芒市毛蠓Dasyhelea mangshi sp.nov.,并予描述和绘制了形态特征图,所有模式标本都保存于医学昆虫标本馆.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. A survey of Culicoides breeding places was made around Salisbury. Out of forty species caught in light traps, only nineteen were reared from breeding places.
2. The seven most abundant species with their characteristic sites were C.pycnostictw in mud around water bodies, especially dams; C.nivosus very prevalent around puddles rich in organic matter: C. distinctipennis along drainage canals intermediate in organic matter; C.gulbenkiani in cow dung especially on damp soil; Caccraensis gp. only in rot holes and tree forks; Cschultzei gp. along streams and drainage canals in mud rather poor in organic matter; C.tropi-calis in drainage canals very low in organic matter; C.imicola possibly breeds widely dispersed mainly in a rich mixture of organic matter and damp soil, with cow pats and edges of water bodies being marginal.
3. The prevalent species are believed to breed all year round. Preponderance of females in the breeding places was found in C.pycnostictus, C.nivosus and C.accraensis gp. while the reverse was true in C.distinctipennis and C.gulbenkiani. The preponderance of males as indication of proximity to breeding sites is thus probably questionable.  相似文献   

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