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为了解秸秆覆盖下作物群体对土壤水分和小麦产量的影响,于2012年6月至2013年6月在渭北旱塬研究秸秆覆盖与常规耕作模式下播种密度对土壤储水量、冬小麦群体动态变化、小麦产量及水分利用效率的影响。秸秆覆盖与常规耕作相比休闲期在0~3.6 m土层多蓄水105 mm,主要于小麦拔节后利用。不同播种密度主要影响小麦抽穗前的群体大小,抽穗后群体差异不显著。小麦籽粒产量为2 841~3 496 kg/hm, 不同密度水平或覆盖均没有显著影响小麦产量,但是高密度处理较中、低密度显著降低小麦收获指数。另外,秸秆覆盖小麦较常规增加20%耗水量,小麦水分利用效率降低11%。因此,在休闲期降雨丰富,生育期特旱的气候条件下播种密度对秸秆覆盖小麦产量没有影响,显著增加耗水量,降低水分利用效率。播种密度、秸秆覆盖及其交互效应还有待于在其他气候年型下进一步研究观测以便综合评价这些因素的影响效应,进而建立旱地小麦高产高效用水的管理措施。  相似文献   

 在自动控制的遮雨棚中,用盆栽法研究了不同水分条件下春小麦(Triticum aestivum)根系耗碳过程及与籽粒产量的关系。设高(W)、中(M)、低(S)3个水分处理,试验品种为`陇春8139-2'(L)和`定西24'(D)。在开花期及之前,根系的日生物量碳、日呼吸耗碳和日分泌耗碳量占根系日总耗碳量的比例平均为26%、58%和16%。在成熟期,W、M处理的根日生物量碳的下降(负值)在两品种之间没有显著差异,而在S处理中,D品种根生物量碳日下降幅度显著高于L品种,日呼吸耗碳量和日分泌耗碳量也最低,致使其根日生物量碳下降超过根总耗碳量的100倍,而根日呼吸耗碳量和日分泌耗碳量分别是根日总耗碳量的7.89倍和3.75倍,与其它处理/品种形成了鲜明对比。以根系日呼吸和日分泌耗碳之和占日光合固碳量的百分比来看,L品种在W、M和S处理中分别为53%、52%和83%,D品种分别为58%、49%和55%。两个品种根系碳消耗比例最低的是M处理,S处理的D品种远低于L品种。两品种产量水平接近,湿润条件下,L品种产量略高于D品种。籽粒产量与平均产量之比(Y/Ym)L品种在3个处理中分别为1.34, 1.14和0.53;D品种分别为1.04, 1.06和0.90。干旱条件下D品种保持了良好的产量稳定性。对D品种而言,中、重度干旱条件下光合固碳的相对稳定和根系耗碳量的降低是植物既能提高水分利用效率又能保持较高籽粒产量的主要原因。  相似文献   

To investigate root respiration and carbohydrate status in relationto waterlogging or hypoxia tolerance, root respiration rateand concentrations of soluble sugars in leaves and roots weredetermined for two wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes differingin waterlogging-tolerance under hypoxia (5% O2) and subsequentresumption of full aeration. Root and shoot growth were reducedby hypoxia to a larger extent for waterlogging-sensitive Coker9835. Root respiration or oxygen consumption rate declined withhypoxia, but recovered after 7 d of resumption of aeration.Respiration rate was greater for sensitive Coker 9835 than fortolerant Jackson within 8 d after hypoxia. The concentrationsof sucrose, glucose and fructose decreased in leaves for bothgenotypes under hypoxia. The concentration of these sugars inroots, however, increased under hypoxia, to a greater degreefor Jackson. An increase in the ratio of root sugar concentrationto shoot sugar concentration was found for Jackson under hypoxicconditions, suggesting that a large amount of carbohydrate waspartitioned to roots under hypoxia. The results indicated thatroot carbohydrate supply was not a limiting factor for rootgrowth and respiration under hypoxia. Plant tolerance to waterloggingof hypoxia appeared to be associated with low root respirationor oxygen consumption rate and high sugar accumulation underhypoxic conditions.Copyright 1995, 1999 Academic Press Oxygen consumption rate, sugar accumulation, Triticum aestivum L., waterlogging tolerance  相似文献   

土壤-根系界面水分调控措施对冬小麦根系和产量的影响   总被引:27,自引:4,他引:23  
李运生  王菱  刘士平  王吉顺 《生态学报》2002,22(10):1680-1687
以冬小麦田间试验为基础,研究根-土界面不同水分调控措施,包括不同深度灌水(地面、30cm、50cm、100cm)、同一深度保持不同田间持水量(田持80%、65%、50%),共计12个水分处理的土壤水分分布对根系和产量影响。研究表明:根长密度分布与灌水方式息息相关,地面灌水的根长密度随土层深度呈指数下降趋势,主要分布于地表层(0-10cm);不同深度渗灌,根系分布有两个峰值,第1峰值分布在地表以下15cm左右,第2峰值分布在灌水深度处。通过水分调控措施,局部改变根系形态,对节水增产是有利的。耗水量与营养生长(叶面积、根系)成正比关系,与经济产量呈二次多项式(抛物线型)关系,最大产量的耗水量比最大耗水量少约80-100mm。  相似文献   

本文报道了两种土壤水分条件下羊草明呼吸速率与光照和温度的关系,以及暗呼吸速率与温度的关系。结果表明,羊草的明呼吸速率与光强呈非线性函数关系。在低光强下,明呼吸速率随光强升高而有较快的增加;随着光强的增高,其增加速度减慢。在温度低于羊草光合的高温补偿点的条件下,明呼吸速率在一定温度范围内随温度升高而增大;当温度达到一定限度时,有一个下降阶段,而后又回升,羊草的暗呼吸速率随温度增加而升高,且在一定限度内,其升高速度随温度增高而加快。当土壤干旱时,明呼吸速率显著降低,而暗呼吸速率仅略有减小。  相似文献   

The aims of this research were to test the influence of surface soil drying on photosynthesis, root respiration and grain yield of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum), and to evaluate the relationship between root respiration and grain yield. Wheat plants were grown in PVC tubes 120 cm in length and 10 cm in diameter. Three water regimes were employed: (a) all soil layers were irrigated close to field water capacity (CK); (b) upper soil layers (0–40 cm from top) drying (UD); (c) lower soil layer (80–120 cm from top) wet (LW). The results showed that although upper drying treatment maintained the highest root biomass, root respiration and photosynthesis rates at anthesis, the root respiration of the former was significantly (P < 0.05) lower than the latter at the jointing stage. There were no differences in water use efficiency or harvest index between plants from the upper drying and well-watered treatment. However, the grain weight for plants in the upper drying treatment was significantly (P< 0.05) higher than that of in well-watered control. The results suggest that reduced root respiration rate and the amount of photosynthates utilized by root respiration in early season growth may also have contributed to improve crop production under soil drying. Reduced root activity and root respiration rate, in the early growth stage, not only increased the photosynthate use efficiency (root respiration rate: photosynthesis ratio), but also grain yield. Rooting into a deeper wet soil profile before grain filling was crucial for spring wheat to achieve a successful seedling establishment and high grain yield.  相似文献   

土壤水分对单性木兰幼苗光合特性的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
2001年夏季(7月15-19日)和秋季(10月20-25日)分别测定了在3组土壤水分条件下(高WH、中WM和低WL3种土壤水分处理)单性木兰(Kmeriaseptentrionalis)叶片净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、潜在水分利用效率(IntrinsicWUE)和叶绿素含量等特性。夏季和秋季土壤水分的减少均引起单性木兰叶片单位面积干重和叶绿素含量的降低。夏季,单性木兰的Pn均在上午900达到峰值,其日进程为鞍型格式,WH、WM和WL处理组的Pn分别为4.41±1.10、4.28±1.23和1.89±0.94μmolm-2s-1,土壤水分的降低限制了单性木兰叶片的Pn,它们的Gs和IntrinsicWUE的日进程与Pn相似。秋季,WH组的Pn在上午1200达到峰值,WM和WL组在900达到峰值,3组的Pn的日进程相似,都为单峰曲线格式。3组的Pn、Gs和IntrinsicWUE的日平均值都是秋季比夏季高。不管夏季和秋季,凡土壤水分低的,其Pn、Gs和IntrinsicWUE都低。因此,调节土壤水分将有助于促进单性木兰的生长和有效提高单性木兰的迁地保护。  相似文献   

在麦棉套种的条件下,研究了共生期土壤水分对冬小麦旗叶比叶重(LSW)、水分利用效率(WUE)和产量的影响,并对旗叶干物质衰减速率(DM DR)、叶绿素含量和旗叶的籽粒贡献率做了测定.试验结果表明,共生期土壤水分条件明显影响了比叶重的下降速度,土壤水分高时比叶重的下降速度较小.不同土壤水分条件的旗叶水分利用效率(LWUE)在共生期均经历了先上升后下降,接近成熟期又上升3个阶段.在共生后期,土壤含水量高的冬小麦具有较高的比叶重和叶绿素含量,但其产量和产量水平水分利用效率(YWUE)则显著下降(P<0.01).  相似文献   

The four electron transfer energy metabolism systems, photosynthesis, aerobic respiration, denitrification, and sulfur respiration, are thought to be evolutionarily related because of the similarity of electron transfer patterns and the existence of some homologous proteins. How these systems have evolved is elusive. We therefore conducted a comprehensive homology search using PSI-BLAST, and phylogenetic analyses were conducted for the three homologous groups (groups 1–3) based on multiple alignments of domains defined in the Pfam database. There are five electron transfer types important for catalytic reaction in group 1, and many proteins bind molybdenum. Deletions of two domains led to loss of the function of binding molybdenum and ferredoxin, and these deletions seem to be critical for the electron transfer pattern changes in group 1. Two types of electron transfer were found in group 2, and all its member proteins bind siroheme and ferredoxin. Insertion of the pyridine nucleotide disulfide oxidoreductase domain seemed to be the critical point for the electron transfer pattern change in this group. The proteins belonging to group 3 are all flavin enzymes, and they bind flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) or flavin mononucleotide (FMN). Types of electron transfer in this group are divergent, but there are two common characteristics. NAD(P)H works as an electron donor or acceptor, and FAD or FMN transfers electrons from/to NAD(P)H. Electron transfer functions might be added to these common characteristics by the addition of functional domains through the evolution of group 3 proteins. Based on the phylogenetic analyses in this study and previous studies, we inferred the phylogeny of the energy metabolism systems as follows: photosynthesis (and possibly aerobic respiration) and the sulfur/nitrogen assimilation system first diverged, then the sulfur/nitrogen dissimilation system was produced from the latter system.  相似文献   

CO2浓度升高和干旱对春小麦生长和水分利用的生态效应   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用开顶式气室对春小麦进行了一个生长季的CO2倍增盆栽实验,土壤水分控制为3个水平(分别为田间持水量(FWC)的80%,60%,40%)。结果显示,CO2倍增显提高小麦的光合速率。但在相同的CO2测定浓度下,生长在加倍CO2浓度下的小麦的光合速率比当前CO2浓度下小麦低22%。高CO2浓度显促进小麦生长,相对增加幅度在适宜水分下最大为14.8%。80%FWC水分条件下高CO2使植株的干重/高度比增加15.7%,高CO2条件下,小麦的蒸腾速率降低,累积耗水量减少,水分利用效率(WUE)提高,WUE的提高幅度在适宜水分下最大,为30%。干旱(40%FWC)使小麦地上干重和WUE在当前CO2条件下分别降低72%和19%,加倍CO2条件下降低幅度较大,分别为76%和23%。根据以上结果得出结论:(1)高CO2条件下,小麦的光合速率,地上生物量和水分利用效率提高;(2)植物长期生长于高CO2浓度导致光合能力降低;(3)高CO2对植物侧向生长的促进作用大于垂直生长,即高CO2下植株将相对粗壮;(4)高CO2对植物的生态效应依赖于土壤水分,在适宜水分下相对较大;(4)在未来高CO2条件下,干旱引起的减产和水分利用效率减低幅度将会更大。  相似文献   

四个水稻(Oryza sativa L.)品种"IR72"、"特三矮2号"、"桂朝2号"和"Ⅱ优4480"在田间栽于含35 μmol/mol 和60 μmol/mol CO2的塑料大棚中,自然光照.高浓度CO2下供试水稻品种的光合速率变化表现为提高型("IR72"、"特三矮2号")、稳定型("桂朝2号"的Pn几无变化)和下调型("Ⅱ优4480").生长速率、穗重、由Δ13C计算而得的长期水分利用效率和清除DPPH@自由基的能力皆增加.除"Ⅱ优4480"外,其他3个品种明显增高总生物量.供试品种的穗重/总生物量比不同程度地受到高浓度CO2的改变.叶片段经PEG渗透胁迫后,不同的生长于高浓度CO2者的电解质渗漏率较小.结果表明高浓度CO2可改变水稻的光合作用和水分关系特性,品种间不同的响应显示了选育适于未来高浓度CO2下具有高产和抗逆性品种的可能性.  相似文献   

The effects of different salinities ranging from 7–68‰ on the internal inorganic and organic solute concentrations, and on the photosynthesis and respiration have been investigated in the green alga Bladingia minima (Näg. ex Kütz.) Kylin. The levels of the main osmotic solutes K+, sucrose and proline increased with increasing salinities and vice versa, while Na+, Mg2+, Cl? and PO3–4 played a minor role in the osmotic acclimation. In contrast to related Enteromorpha species, B. minima exhibited high NO?3 concentrations, which decreased under hypo- and hypersaline conditions. B. minima differs also from Enteromorpha by accumulating the tertiary sulphonium compound DMSP in osmotically significant amounts under gentle hypersaline conditions. B. minima revealed typical characteristics of a “sun-plant” having a high light compensation point together with a saturation of photosynthesis at high photon flux densities. The alga showed a broad photosynthetic stability under osmotic stress; only with extreme hypersaline conditions was photosynthesis partly inhibited. The rate of respiration remained constant in hypersaline media, and was stimulated under hyposaline conditions.  相似文献   

Shirke  P.A. 《Photosynthetica》2001,39(2):305-311
P. juliflora trees produce leaves during two growth periods. The first cohort of leaves is produced during spring in cool conditions, while the second cohort is produced during monsoon under warm conditions. I studied photosynthetic characteristics of young, mature, and old leaves of the previous season (monsoon) in the spring season. Maximum net photosynthetic rate of a young leaf was lower than that of the mature and old leaves. The total CO2 fixed per day by the young leaves was just 36 % of that in the mature leaves while the old leaves fixed 76 % of that of the mature leaf. The total transpiration rate and water use efficiency (WUE) were similar in the mature and old leaves, while they were much lower in the young leaves. Dark respiration rate was maximal in the young leaves as compared to the mature and old leaves. About 92 % of the total CO2 fixed per day were respired by the young leaves. The diurnal fluorescence characteristics (F/Fm, q p, and q N) of the young, mature, and old leaves showed that photochemical efficiency of photosystem 2 during midday decreased more in the young and old leaves than in the mature ones. However, the fluorescence characteristics showed that in all the three leaf types there was complete recovery of the photochemical efficiency at sunset from the midday depression. Fv/Fm in the young and mature leaves also confirmed this. Hence the young and old leaves were photosynthetically less efficient than mature leaves, but they were well adapted to withstand the harsh environmental conditions.  相似文献   

利用开顶式气室对春小麦进行了一个生长季的CO2倍增盆栽实验,土壤水分控制为3个水平(分别为田间持水量(FWC)的80%、60%、40%).结果显示,CO2倍增显著提高小麦的光合速率.但在相同的CO2测定浓度下, 生长在加倍CO2浓度下的小麦的光合速率比当前CO2浓度下小麦低22%.高CO2浓度显著促进小麦生长,相对增加幅度在适宜水分下最大,为14.8%.80%FWC水分条件下高CO2使植株的干重/高度比增加15.7%.高CO2条件下,小麦的蒸腾速率降低、累积耗水量减少、水分利用效率(WUE)提高,WUE的提高幅度在适宜水分下最大,为30%.干旱(40%FWC)使小麦地上干重和WUE在当前CO2条件下分别降低72%和19%,加倍CO2条件下降低幅度较大,分别为76%和23%.根据以上结果得出结论: (1) 高CO2条件下, 小麦的光合速率、地上生物量和水分利用效率提高;(2) 植物长期生长于高CO2浓度导致光合能力降低;(3) 高CO2对植物侧向生长的促进作用大于垂直生长,即高CO2下植株将相对粗壮;(4) 高CO2对植物的生态效应依赖于土壤水分,在适宜水分下相对较大;(5) 在未来高CO2条件下,干旱引起的减产和水分利用效率减低幅度将会更大.  相似文献   

Inoue  T.  Inanaga  S.  Sugimoto  Y.  El Siddig  K. 《Photosynthetica》2004,42(1):99-104
We investigated the relative importance of pre-anthesis assimilates stored in plant parts, mainly in the stem, and post-anthesis photosynthesis to drought resistance in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars Hongwangmai (drought resistant) and Haruhikari (drought sensitive) subjected to two soil moisture regimes: irrigated and non-irrigated. In the irrigated treatment, soil moisture was maintained near field capacity throughout the growing season, while in the non-irrigated treatment water was withheld from 81 d after sowing until maturity. Drought stress reduced grain yield of Hongwangmai and Haruhikari by 41 and 60 %, respectively. Remobilization of pre-anthesis assimilates to the grain (remobilization) was reduced by drought in Hongwangmai but increased in Haruhikari. The contribution of pre-anthesis assimilates to the grain decreased under non-irrigated treatment in Hongwangmai. However, under water stress, Hongwangmai maintained a higher net photosynthetic rate in the flag leaf than Haruhikari. These results indicated that maintenance of post-anthesis photosynthetic rate was related to drought resistance in Hongwangmai rather than to remobilization under drought stress.  相似文献   

The loss of carbon through root respiration Is an Important component of grassland carbon budgets. However, few data are available concerning the contribution of root respiration to total soil respiration in grasslands in China. We Investigated seasonal variations of soil respiration rate, root blomaaa, microbial blomaaa C and organic C content of the soil In a semi-arid Leymus chinensis (Trin.) Tzvel. grassland of northeast China during the 2002 growing season (from May to September). The linear regression relationship between soil respiration rate and root blomaaa was used to determine the contribution of root respiration to total soil respiration. Soil respiration rate ranged from 2.5 to 11.9 g C/m^2 per d with the maximum in late June and minimum In September. The microbial blomaaa C and organic C content of the soil ranged from 0.3 to 1.5 g C/m^2 and from 29 to 34 g C/kg respectively. Root blomaaa had two peaks, In early June (1.80 kg/m^2) and mid-August (1.73 kg/m^2). Root respiration rate peaked In mid-August (6.26 g C/m^2 per d), whereas microbial respiration rate peaked In late June (7.43 g C/m^2 per d). We estimated that the contribution of root respiration to total soil respiration during the growing season ranged from 38% to 76%.  相似文献   

增强UV-B辐射和干旱对春小麦光合作用及其生长的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在室外盆栽条件下研究了UV-B辐射和土壤干旱对春小麦 '和尚头'生长和光合作用的影响.结果显示:(1)干旱、UV-B辐射、干旱+UV-B(复合)处理均可使叶片类黄酮含量增加,且干旱+UV-B处理增加显著高于其他处理(P<0.05).UV-B辐射和干旱单独处理均能显著降低叶片光合色素含量,但UV-B辐射的副作用大于干旱,复合处理对光合色素的影响介于UV-B和干旱之间.(2)各处理间的光合速率日均值大小次序为:对照>UV-B+干旱>UV-B>干旱;增强UV-B对净光合速率的抑制作用大于干旱,而UV-B+干旱处理的抑制作用较二者单独处理有所减轻.(3)UV-B辐射和干旱单独处理后总生物量比对照减少15%,且抑制作用为:干旱>UV-B>复合处理; UV-B辐射和干旱胁迫不但影响春小麦的生物量,而且影响小穗特征和产量.研究表明,UV-B辐射和干旱之间存在交互作用,说明一种胁迫可以减缓(轻)另外一种胁迫对春小麦的抑制作用.  相似文献   

不同粒级土壤团聚体呼吸特征及其对碳排放的贡献   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
王菁  陈防  刘毅 《植物科学学报》2014,32(6):586-593
通过土盆培养试验研究了不同粒级黄棕壤团聚体呼吸特征及其对碳排放的贡献,结果表明:各粒级土壤团聚体及原状土在培养初期土壤呼吸速率较高,之后逐渐降低。在整个培养期间原状土保持了最大的土壤呼吸速率;土壤团聚体类型对土壤呼吸速率影响较大,3种粒级团聚体土壤呼吸速率大小表现为(5 mm)(1 mm)≈(1~5 mm),其中以5 mm团聚体对土壤碳排放的贡献最大。相关性分析表明,指数模型能较好地描述不同粒级团聚体的土壤呼吸对温度变化的响应;Q10值介于2.53~5.11之间且与土壤有机碳、全氮含量的变化规律基本一致,表现为1 mm团聚体有机碳、全氮含量和Q10值较大,5 mm、1~5 mm团聚体有机碳、全氮含量和Q10值相对较低,说明土壤团聚体粒级越小,其呼吸速率对温度越敏感。土壤有机碳、氮含量与土壤结构是影响土壤呼吸温度敏感性的重要因素。  相似文献   

This review concerns ear photosynthesis and its contribution to grain filling in C3 cereals. Ear photosynthesis is quantitatively important to grain filling, particularly in dry areas where source (i.e., assimilate) limitations can occur. Compared to the flag leaf, ear photosynthesis exhibits higher water stress tolerance. Several factors could be involved in the ear's “drought tolerance.” First, although degree of C4 metabolism in ear parts has been reported, current evidence supports only typical C3 metabolism. Second, recycling of respired CO2 (i.e., refixation) could have considerable impact on final crop yield by preventing loss of CO2. Because refixation of CO2 is independent of atmospheric conditions, water use efficiency (measured as total ear photosynthesis divided by transpiration) could be higher in the ear than in the flag leaf. Moreover, ear parts (in particular awns) show higher relative water content and better osmotic adjustment under water stress compared to the flag leaf. This capacity, in addition to persistence of photosynthetic components under drought (delayed senescence), might help the ear to continue to fix CO2 late in the grain filling period.  相似文献   

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