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A materialist construction of semiosis requires system embodiment at particular locales, in order to function as systems of interpretance. I propose that we can use a systemic model of scientific measurement to construct a systems view of semiosis. I further suggest that the categories required to understand that process can be used as templates when generalizing to biosemiosis and beyond. The viewpoint I advance here is that of natural philosophy—which, once granted, incurs no principled block to further generalization all the way to pansemiotics—nearer to Peirce’s own very general perspective. This project requires a hylozooic framework, which I present in the form of a specification hierarchy, whereby physical dynamics subsume all other transactions at more highly developed integrative levels. The upshot of the paper is a proposal that meanings can be assimilated most generally to final causes.  相似文献   

In this essay I describe my personal journey from reductionist to systems cell biology and describe how this in turn led to a 3-year sea voyage to explore complex ocean communities. In describing this journey, I hope to convey some important principles that I gleaned along the way. I realized that cellular functions emerge from multiple molecular interactions and that new approaches borrowed from statistical physics are required to understand the emergence of such complex systems. Then I wondered how such interaction networks developed during evolution. Because life first evolved in the oceans, it became a natural thing to start looking at the small organisms that compose the plankton in the world's oceans, of which 98% are … individual cells-hence the Tara Oceans voyage, which finished on 31 March 2012 in Lorient, France, after a 60,000-mile around-the-world journey that collected more than 30,000 samples from 153 sampling stations.  相似文献   

Darwinism is defined here as an evolving research tradition based upon the concepts of natural selection acting upon heritable variation articulated via background assumptions about systems dynamics. Darwin's theory of evolution was developed within a context of the background assumptions of Newtonian systems dynamics. The Modern Evolutionary Synthesis, or neo-Darwinism, successfully joined Darwinian selection and Mendelian genetics by developing population genetics informed by background assumptions of Boltzmannian systems dynamics. Currently the Darwinian Research Tradition is changing as it incorporates new information and ideas from molecular biology, paleontology, developmental biology, and systems ecology. This putative expanded and extended synthesis is most perspicuously deployed using background assumptions from complex systems dynamics. Such attempts seek to not only broaden the range of phenomena encompassed by the Darwinian Research Tradition, such as neutral molecular evolution, punctuated equilibrium, as well as developmental biology, and systems ecology more generally, but to also address issues of the emergence of evolutionary novelties as well as of life itself.  相似文献   

The principles that govern the emergence of life from non-life remain a subject of intense debate. The evolutionary paradigm built up over the last 50 years, that argues that the evolutionary driving force is the Second Law of Thermodynamics, continues to be promoted by some, while severely criticized by others. If the thermodynamic drive toward ever-increasing entropy is not what drives the evolutionary process, then what does? In this paper, we analyse this long-standing question by building on Eigen's "replication first" model for life's emergence, and propose an alternative theoretical framework for understanding life's evolutionary driving force. Its essence is that life is a kinetic phenomenon that derives from the kinetic consequences of autocatalysis operating on specific biopolymeric systems, and this is demonstrably true at all stages of life's evolution--from primal to advanced life forms. Life's unique characteristics--its complexity, energy-gathering metabolic systems, teleonomic character, as well as its abundance and diversity, derive directly from the proposition that from a chemical perspective the replication reaction is an extreme expression of kinetic control, one in which thermodynamic requirements have evolved to play a supporting, rather than a directing, role. The analysis leads us to propose a new sub-division within chemistry--replicative chemistry. A striking consequence of this kinetic approach is that Darwin's principle of natural selection: that living things replicate, and therefore evolve, may be phrased more generally: that certain replicating things can evolve, and may therefore become living. This more general formulation appears to provide a simple conceptual link between animate and inanimate matter.  相似文献   

Wing shedding or de-alation is a common phenomenon among crickets. Its significance and effects on other traits were examined based on the results from experiments using artifical or natural de-alation. Artificial de-alation at adult emergence induces rapid egg production and flight muscle histolysis in several species examined. However, natural de-alation does not always shorten the pre-ovipositional period because it does not occur immediately after adult emergence and because oviposition starts before de-alation. In some cases, naturally de-alated females produce more eggs than to intact females during early adult life, but peak ovipositing activity occurs before de-alation. Therefore, retention of the hindwings does not suppress high ovipositing activity in such cases. It appears that de-alation is a result rather than a causal factor in ending migration. Ovarian development and flight muscle histolysis, which can be stimulated by de-alation, are controlled by the jevenile hormone, but the mechanism inducing de-alation remains unknown. The possible factors leading to the evolution of de-alation are discussed.  相似文献   

A variety of macromolecules and small molecules-(oligo)nucleotides, proteins, lipids and metabolites-are collectively considered essential to early life. However, previous schemes for the origin of life-e.g. the 'RNA world' hypothesis-have tended to assume the initial emergence of life based on one such molecular class followed by the sequential addition of the others, rather than the emergence of life based on a mixture of all the classes of molecules. This view is in part due to the perceived implausibility of multi-component reaction chemistry producing such a mixture. The concept of systems chemistry challenges such preconceptions by suggesting the possibility of molecular synergism in complex mixtures. If a systems chemistry method to make mixtures of all the classes of molecules considered essential for early life were to be discovered, the significant conceptual difficulties associated with pure RNA, protein, lipid or metabolism 'worlds' would be alleviated. Knowledge of the geochemical conditions conducive to the chemical origins of life is crucial, but cannot be inferred from a planetary sciences approach alone. Instead, insights from the organic reactivity of analytically accessible chemical subsystems can inform the search for the relevant geochemical conditions. If the common set of conditions under which these subsystems work productively, and compatibly, matches plausible geochemistry, an origins of life scenario can be inferred. Using chemical clues from multiple subsystems in this way is akin to triangulation, and constitutes a novel approach to discover the circumstances surrounding the transition from chemistry to biology. Here, we exemplify this strategy by finding common conditions under which chemical subsystems generate nucleotides and lipids in a compatible and potentially synergistic way. The conditions hint at a post-meteoritic impact origin of life scenario.  相似文献   

Deep-sea hydrothermal systems provide ideal conditions for prebiotic reactions and ancient metabolic pathways and, therefore, might have played a pivotal role in the emergence of life. To understand this role better, it is paramount to examine fundamental interactions between hydrothermal processes, non-living matter, and microbial life in deep time. However, the distribution and diversity of microbial communities in ancient deep-sea hydrothermal systems are still poorly constrained, so evolutionary, and ecological relationships remain unclear. One important reason is an insufficient understanding of the formation of diagnostic microbial biosignatures in such settings and their preservation through geological time. This contribution centers around microbial biosignatures in Precambrian deep-sea hydrothermal sulfide deposits. Intending to provide a valuable resource for scientists from across the natural sciences whose research is concerned with the origins of life, we first introduce different types of biosignatures that can be preserved over geological timescales (rock fabrics and textures, microfossils, mineral precipitates, carbonaceous matter, trace metal, and isotope geochemical signatures). We then review selected reports of biosignatures from Precambrian deep-sea hydrothermal sulfide deposits and discuss their geobiological significance. Our survey highlights that Precambrian hydrothermal sulfide deposits potentially encode valuable information on environmental conditions, the presence and nature of microbial life, and the complex interactions between fluids, micro-organisms, and minerals. It further emphasizes that the geobiological interpretation of these records is challenging and requires the concerted application of analytical and experimental methods from various fields, including geology, mineralogy, geochemistry, and microbiology. Well-orchestrated multidisciplinary studies allow us to understand the formation and preservation of microbial biosignatures in deep-sea hydrothermal sulfide systems and thus help unravel the fundamental geobiology of ancient settings. This, in turn, is critical for reconstructing life's emergence and early evolution on Earth and the search for life elsewhere in the universe.  相似文献   

Sayer RM 《Bio Systems》2007,90(1):121-138
Standard theories suggest that the first informational replicator involved RNA molecules (or a more primitive analogue) and that a preliminary step for the development of such replicating systems may have been the emergence of subunits capable of forming chains and interchain pairings. Following these hypotheses, this discussion describes various abstract simulations designed to investigate the structures resulting from such interactions for generalised subunits. Three classes of pairing strategy were considered for a range of subunit concentrations. The resulting dynamic self-organization of the systems produced high levels of structural complexity (some at low subunit concentrations and in the presence of disruptive subunits) and a significantly increased percentage of complementary base pairing (particularly in the more substantial structures). These properties of the systems, which did not require pre-existing replicators, templates or functional catalysts, were shown to be sensitive to the form of pairing strategy, subunit concentrations and various conditions that could theoretically be altered by products of the systems. Though no systems behaved as a replicator, some possessed collections of properties from which a replicating system might theoretically be constructed without requiring the introduction of additional classes of properties. The implications of such systems were considered with respect to the origin of life.  相似文献   

Erwin Schrödinger defined life not only as a “self-reproducing” aperiodic crystal of DNA coding for proteins but within the context of living entities increasing their order by dissipating matter/energy gradients to maintain themselves away from equilibirium. Since then most definitions of life have focused on the former. But living cells do more than replicate their DNA. Cells also have membrane barriers across which metabolites must move, via which energy transduction as well as information processing occurs, and within which metabolic transformation occurs. An approach of complex systems dynamics, including nonequilibrium thermodynamics, may provide a more robust approach for defining life than a “naked replicator” at the origin of life. The crucial issue becomes the process of emergence of life from pre-biotic chemistry, concomitant with the emergence of function, information, and semiosis. Living entities can be viewed as bounded, informed autocatalytic cycles feeding off matter/energy gradients, exhibiting agency, capable of growth, reproduction, and evolution. Understanding how life might have emerged should sharpen our definition of what life is.  相似文献   

张宇凡  王小艺 《生态学报》2024,44(11):4478-4488
当昆虫类群表现为长生命周期k(k > 1)年时,成虫的羽化表现为非周期性、周期性和过渡周期性3种形式。非周期性即为成虫每年均羽化,周期性即为成虫每k年才羽化1次,过渡周期性为非周期昆虫逐渐进化为羽化周期性的必经阶段,不同年份羽化的同生群在密度上产生了显著差异,形成了小同生群和优势同生群。自然界中表现出完全羽化周期性的昆虫种类是较少的,但由于其高种群密度的成虫同步性羽化现象,对比非周期性昆虫更易暴发成灾。为明确周期性昆虫演化进程并为林区虫害防控提供理论指导,总结了周期性昆虫的种类和生活特性,不同年间的气候异质性、自然灾害、扩散到未分布区域、天敌、种间和种内竞争等因素均有可能成为过渡周期现象形成的最初驱动力,生活史延长、寄主-天敌互作、低温驱动效应、天敌不敏感-捕食者饱足效应、种间和种内竞争等是促使昆虫羽化周期性形成的可能机制。在林区管理实践中,应提前评估害虫羽化周期性产生的趋势和程度。当成虫表现出完全羽化周期性,应在集中羽化年份内采取见效快的综合防控策略,降低唯一同生群密度至经济阈值以下。当成虫表现出过渡周期性,应加大优势同生群防治力度、降低小同生群防治频率,以及采取天敌林间释放和保育技术以平衡天敌对目标害虫的不同发育阶段种群的控制作用大小,遏制或减缓天敌-寄主互作驱动下的周期性演化进程,逐渐实现由过渡周期阶段向非周期性的逆转。当成虫表现出非周期性,应减少专化性天敌的释放和针对害虫特定阶段的防治措施使用频率,优先选择作用于所有发育阶段且致死率不存在显著差异的防治手段,避免因人为干扰产生的周期性演化和进一步的成灾。  相似文献   

Contemporary textbooks often define evolution in terms of the replication, mutation, and selective retention of DNA sequences, ignoring the contribution of the physical processes involved. In the closing line of The Origin of Species, however, Darwin recognized that natural selection depends on prior more basic living functions, which he merely described as life’s “several powers.” For Darwin these involved the organism’s capacity to maintain itself and to reproduce offspring that preserve its critical functional organization. In modern terms we have come to recognize that this involves the continual generation of complex organic molecules in complex configurations accomplished with the aid of persistent far-from-equilibrium chemical self-organizing and self-assembling processes. But reliable persistence and replication of these processes also requires constantly available constraints and boundary conditions. Organism autonomy further requires that these constraints and co-dependent dynamics are reciprocally produced, each by the other. In this paper I argue that the different constraint-amplifying dynamics of two or more self-organizing processes can be coupled so that they reciprocally generate each other’s critical supportive boundary conditions. This coupling is a higher-order constraint (which can be distributed among components or offloaded onto molecular structures) that effectively constitutes a sign vehicle “interpreted” by the synergistic dynamics of these co-dependent self-organizing process so that they reconstitute this same semiotic-dynamic relationship and its self-reconstituting potential in new substrates. This dynamical co-dependence constitutes Darwin’s “several powers” and is the basis of the biosemiosis that enables evolution.  相似文献   

Combined top-down and bottom-up research strategies and the principle of biological continuity were employed in an attempt to reconstruct a comprehensive origin of life theory, which is an extension of the coevolution theory (Lahav and Nir, Origins of Life Evol. Biosphere (1997) 27, 377-395). The resulting theory of emergence of templated-information and functionality (ETIF) addresses the emergence of living entities from inanimate matter, and that of the central mechanisms of their further evolution. It proposes the emergence of short organic catalysts (peptides and proto-ribozymes) and feedback-loop systems, plus their template-and-sequence-directed (TSD) reactions, encompassing catalyzed replication and translation of populations of molecules organized as chemical-informational feedback loop entities, in a fluctuating (wetting-drying) environment, functioning as simplified extant molecular-biological systems. The feedback loops with their TSD systems are chemically and functionally continuous with extant living organisms and their emergence in an inanimate environment may be defined as the beginning of life. The ETIF theory considers the emergence of bio-homochirality, a primordial genetic code, information and the incorporation of primordial metabolic cycles and compartmentation into the emerging living entities. This theory helps to establish a novel measure of biological information, which focuses on its physical effects rather than on the structure of the message, and makes it possible to estimate the time needed for the transition from the inanimate state to the closure of the first feedback-loop systems. Moreover, it forms the basis for novel laboratory experiments and computer modeling, encompassing catalytic activity of short peptides and proto-RNAs and the emergence of bio-homochirality and feedback-loop systems.  相似文献   

Synthetic biologists come in two broad classes. One uses unnatural molecules to reproduce emergent behaviours from natural biology, with the goal of creating artificial life. The other seeks interchangeable parts from natural biology to assemble into systems that function unnaturally. Either way, a synthetic goal forces scientists to cross uncharted ground to encounter and solve problems that are not easily encountered through analysis. This drives the emergence of new paradigms in ways that analysis cannot easily do. Synthetic biology has generated diagnostic tools that improve the care of patients with infectious diseases, as well as devices that oscillate, creep and play tic-tac-toe.  相似文献   

Submarine hydrothermal systems on the early Earth may have been the sites from which life emerged. The potential for Strecker synthesis to produce biomolecules (amino and hydroxy acids) from starting compounds (ketones, aldehydes, HCN and ammonia) in such environments is evaluated quantitatively using thermodynamic data and parameters for the revised Helgeson-Kirkham-Flowers (HKF) equation of state. Although there is an overwhelming thermodynamic drive to form biomolecules by the Strecker synthesis at hydrothermal conditions, the availability and concentration of starting compounds limit the efficiency and productivity of Strecker reactions. Mechanisms for concentrating reactant compounds could help overcome this problem, but other mechanisms for production of biomolecules may have been required to produce the required compounds on the early Earth. Geochemical constraints imposed by hydrothermal systems provide important clues for determining the potential of these and other systems as sites for the emergence of life.  相似文献   

Although research into the biosemiotic mechanisms underlying the purposeful behavior of brainless living systems is extensive, researchers have not adequately described biosemiosis among neurons. As the conscious use of signs is well-covered by the various fields of semiotics, we focus on subconscious sign action. Subconscious semiotic habits, both functional and dysfunctional, may be created and reinforced in the brain not necessarily in a logical manner and not necessarily through repeated reinforcement. We review literature that suggests hypnosis may be effective in changing subconscious dysfunctional habits, and we offer a biosemiotic framework for understanding these results. If it has been difficult to evaluate any psychological approach, including hypnosis, this may be because contemporary neuroscience lacks a theory of the sign. We argue that understanding the fluid nature of representation in biological organisms is prerequisite to understanding the nature of the subconscious and may lead to more effective of treatments for dysfunctional habits developed through personal experience or culture.  相似文献   

Most experimental work on the origin of life has focused on either characterizing the chemical synthesis of particular biochemicals and their precursors or on designing simple chemical systems that manifest life-like properties such as self-propagation or adaptive evolution. Here we propose a new class of experiments, analogous to artificial ecosystem selection, where we select for spontaneously forming self-propagating chemical assemblages in the lab and then seek evidence of a response to that selection as a key indicator that life-like chemical systems have arisen. Since surfaces and surface metabolism likely played an important role in the origin of life, a key experimental challenge is to find conditions that foster nucleation and spread of chemical consortia on surfaces. We propose high-throughput screening of a diverse set of conditions in order to identify combinations of “food,” energy sources, and mineral surfaces that foster the emergence of surface-associated chemical consortia that are capable of adaptive evolution. Identification of such systems would greatly advance our understanding of the emergence of self-propagating entities and the onset of adaptive evolution during the origin of life.  相似文献   

Industrial ecology rests historically—even in a short lifetime of 15 years or so—on the metaphorical power of natural ecosystems. Its evolution parallels the rise of concerns over unsustainability, that is, the threats to our world's ability to support human life the emergence of sustainability as a normative goal on a global scale. This article examines the relationships between industrial ecology and sustainability and argues that, in its historical relationship to classical ecology models, the field lacks power to address the full range of goals of sustainability, however defined. The classical ecosystem analogy omits aspects of human social and cultural life central to sustainability. But by moving beyond this model to more recent ecosystem models based on complexity theory, the field can expand its purview to address sustainability more broadly and powerfully. Complexity models of living systems can also ground alternative normative models for sustainability as an emergent property rather than the output of a mechanistic economic model for society's workings.  相似文献   

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