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Like those in mammals, heterotrimeric G protein complexes have been implicated in signal transduction pathways in plants; however, the subunits themselves have not been isolated. In this study, the rice heterotrimeric G protein subunits α (Gα) and β (Gβ) were purified by affinity chromatography using anti-Gα and -Gβ antibodies and SDS-PAGE. Six and seven peptides, respectively, were identified by mass spectrometry and identified as the translation products of the Gα gene RGA1 and Gβ gene RGB1. During purification, the subunits dissociated easily from the G protein complex.  相似文献   

A large number of tropomyosin (Tm) isoforms function as gatekeepers of the actin filament, controlling the spatiotemporal access of actin-binding proteins to specialized actin networks. Residues ∼40–80 vary significantly among Tm isoforms, but the impact of sequence variation on Tm structure and interactions with actin is poorly understood, because structural studies have focused on skeletal muscle Tmα. We describe structures of N-terminal fragments of smooth muscle Tmα and Tmβ (sm-Tmα and sm-Tmβ). The 2.0-Å structure of sm-Tmα81 (81-aa) resembles that of skeletal Tmα, displaying a similar super-helical twist matching the contours of the actin filament. The 1.8-Å structure of sm-Tmα98 (98-aa) unexpectedly reveals an antiparallel coiled coil, with the two chains staggered by only 4 amino acids and displaying hydrophobic core interactions similar to those of the parallel dimer. In contrast, the 2.5-Å structure of sm-Tmβ98, containing Gly-Ala-Ser at the N terminus to mimic acetylation, reveals a parallel coiled coil. None of the structures contains coiled-coil stabilizing elements, favoring the formation of head-to-tail overlap complexes in four of five crystallographically independent parallel dimers. These complexes show similarly arranged 4-helix bundles stabilized by hydrophobic interactions, but the extent of the overlap varies between sm-Tmβ98 and sm-Tmα81 from 2 to 3 helical turns. The formation of overlap complexes thus appears to be an intrinsic property of the Tm coiled coil, with the specific nature of hydrophobic contacts determining the extent of the overlap. Overall, the results suggest that sequence variation among Tm isoforms has a limited effect on actin binding but could determine its gatekeeper function.  相似文献   

Although estrogen action is indispensable for normal bone growth in both genders, the roles of estrogen receptors (ERs) in mediating bone growth are not fully understood. The effects of ER inactivation on bone growth are sex and age dependent, and may differ between the axial and appendicular regions. In this study, the spatial and temporal expression of ERα and β in the tibial and spinal growth plates of the female and male rats during postnatal development was examined to explore the possible mechanisms. The level of mRNA was examined and compared with quantitative real-time PCR. The spatial location was determined by immunohistochemical analysis. The 1-, 4-, 7-, 12- and 16-week age stages correspond to early life, puberty and early adulthood after puberty, respectively. Gender- and region-specific differences in ERα and β expression were shown in the growth plates. Mainly nuclear staining of ERα and β immunoreactivity was demonstrated in the spinal and tibial growth plate chondrocytes for both genders. Moreover, our study indicated significant effect of gender on temporal ERα and β expression and of region on temporal ERα/ERβ expression ratio. However, spatial differences of region-related ERα and β expression were not observed. Gender-related spatial changes were detected only at 16 weeks of both spine and limb growth plates. ERα and β immunoreactivity was detected in the resting, proliferative and prehypertrophic chondrocytes in the early life stage and during puberty. After puberty, ERα expression was mainly located in the late proliferative and hypertrophic chondrocytes in female, whereas the expression still extended from the resting to hypertrophic chondrocytes in males. Gender- and region-specific expression patterns of ERα and β gene might be one possible reason for differences in sex- and region-related body growth phenotypes. Gender, age and region differences should be taken into consideration when the roles of ERs in the growth plate are investigated.  相似文献   

1. Chick embryos with primary circulation, up to about 3 days of development, show no hemoglobin-mediated transport of oxygen. 2. In embryos with secondary circulation, between 3 and 6 days of incubation, the vascular area acts as the respiratory organ. Its efficiency in the oxygen uptake is less than that of the chorioallantois of later embryos. On the contrary, oxygen release to the tissues is highly efficient. 3. A full efficient hematic uptake of oxygen is reached at about the 6th incubation day, when chorioallantois acts as the embryonic respiratory organ. 4. The different respiratory mechanisms of developing chick embryo are closely related to the functional properties of the various hemoglobins which are produced during the embryonic life.  相似文献   

Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), abundant in bone tissue, has been reported to stimulate mesenchymal cell proliferation and migration. To elucidate the functional roles of PDGF during fracture healing, we investigated the expression of PDGF-A and -B chain proteins and receptor α and β mRNAs in fractured mouse tibiae. Twelve-week-old male BALB/c mice were operated on to make a closed fracture on the proximal tibia. On days 2, 4, 7, 10, 14, 21, and 28 after the operation, the fractured tibiae were excised, fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde, decalcified with 20% EDTA, and embedded in paraffin to prepare 7-μm sections. Immunohistochemistry using polyclonal antibodies against human PDGF-A and -B chains was carried out by the avidin-biotin-peroxidase method. For in situ hybridization, we used digoxigenin-labeled single-stranded DNA probes specific for mouse PDGF receptors α and β generated by unidirectional polymerase chain reaction. In the inflammatory phase on days 2–4 after the fracture, mesenchymal cells gathering at the fracture site expressed the PDGF-B chain and β receptor mRNA. At the stage of cartilaginous callus formation on day 7, the immunoreactivity for PDGF-A and -B chains on proliferating and hypertrophic chondrocytes and the signals of α and β receptor mRNAs on proliferating chondrocytes became manifest. At the stage of bony callus and bone remodeling on days 14–21, the predominant expression of the PDGF-B chain and β receptor was observed on both osteoclasts and osteoblasts. On day 28, signals for PDGF ligand proteins and receptor mRNAs diminished. The coincidental localization of PDGF ligands and their receptors implies a paracrine and autocrine mechanism. Our data suggested that PDGF contributed in part to the promotion of the chondrogenic and osteogenic changes of mesenchymal cells from the early to the midphase of fracture healing; the functions mediated by the β receptor, including cell migration, might be prerequisites to the recruitment of mesenchymal cells in the initial step and to the interaction between osteoclasts and osteoblasts in the bone remodeling phase. Accepted: 2 June 1999  相似文献   

Summary The different patterns of keratin formation that have evolved in the class Reptilia are all variations of a common process. In Squamata (snakes and lizards), a sequence of layers composed of or keratin is formed periodically, after which the old epidermal generation is shed. In Chelonia (turtles and tortoises), the epidermis of the shell is composed of only keratin, whereas the skin of the neck and leg is composed exclusively of keratin. Molting in toto does not occur and shedding is a continuous process comparable to that in avian and mammalian epidermis. In Crocodilia (crocodiles, caimans, alligators) there is only a single layer of cornified cells, but the composition of the layer varies in different parts of the scale. The hinge regions have many of the morphological characteristics of and keratin whereas the center resembles keratin. The living cells beneath contain accumulations of keratohyalin.There are four ultrastructural characteristics of a keratinized layer: 1) cellular outlines remain distinct, 2) a thickened plasma membrane forms during keratinization, 3) 80 Å filaments embedded in an amorphous matrix can be seen, and 4) PAS-positive material accumulates in extracellular spaces between the desmosomes.The layer exhibits none of these features. Instead the cells more or less (depending on species) coalesce into a compact layer which becomes attenuated in the hinge regions. A 30 Å filament pattern can be seen.The mesos layer of squamates resembles the hinge region of crocodilians, exhibiting a combination of the characteristics of both and keratin.This study constitutes publication No. 464 from the Oregon Regional Primate Research Center, supported in part by NIH Grant No. FR-00163.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical studies were performed to explore the distribution of S-100 protein and its α,β subunits in 76 adenoid cystic carcinomas (ACC) of the salivary glands. Histopathologically, ACC was divided into cribriform, tubular, basaloid and trabecular types which could be mixed in the same tumor. S-100 protein was usually positive in tumor cells forming cribriform structures; foci of strongly positive tumor cells were also distributed in the luminal layer of tubular structures, and in areas transitional between cribriform and tubular patterns. S-100 α staining was confined to some tumor cells in cribriform areas, to luminal tumor cells in tubular structures and to few tumor cells in basaloid structures. S-100β reaction was usually localized to luminal surfaces in a fine granular pattern in tubular and microtubular structures in a distribution somewhat similar to that in the normal salivary gland. Great heterogeneity in the immunohistochemical distribution of S-100, S-100 a and S-100β proteins was found in the various histologic types of ACC and the pattern was different from that seen in pleomorphic adenomas. It is possible that the ACC tumor cells positive for S-100 protein may be closely related to true or modified myoepithelial cells.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the relationships between the expression of v, 1, 3, 5, and 6, integrin subunits and clinical parameters in ovarian cancers. Ovarian surface epithelium (OSE) from five donors and tumour samples from 39 patients with an epithelial ovarian cancer (39 primary tumours and 21 associated peritoneal metastases) were analysed using immunohistochemistry on paraffin-embedded or frozen tissue sections. The v and 5 integrin subunits were always present in normal OSE and in tumours. 1 and 3 subunit expression was significantly less frequent in grade 3 than in grade 1–2 tumours. The proportion of stage IV tumours expressing 3 was significantly lower as compared to other stages. The 6 subunit was undetectable in OSE but was expressed in about 40% of primary tumours. For all integrin, there was a strong relationship between the expression in primary tumours and in associated peritoneal metastases. Survival analyses restricted to patients receiving platinum-based chemotherapy did not reveal any relationship between integrin subunit expression and 3-year survival rate, in this limited series of patients. In conclusion, the expression of the various integrin subunits was differentially altered in ovarian carcinoma, evocative of complementary roles of v integrins during tumour development.  相似文献   

Estrogen replacement therapy could play a role in the reduction of injury associated with cerebral ischemia in vivo, which could be, at least partially, a consequence of estrogen influence of glutamate buffering by astrocytes during hypoxia/ischemia. Estrogen exerts biological effects through interaction with its two receptors: estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) and estrogen receptor beta (ERβ), which are both expressed in astrocytes. This study explored effects of hypoxia and glucose deprivation (HGD), alone or followed by 1 h recovery, on ERα and ERβ expression in primary rat astrocyte cultures following 1 h exposure to: a) 5 % CO(2) in air (control group-CG); b) 2 % O(2)/5 % CO(2) in N(2) with glucose deprivation (HGD group-HGDG); or c) the HGDG protocol followed by 1 h CG protocol (recovery group-RG). ERα mRNA expression decreased in HGDG. At the protein level, full-length ERα (67 kDa) and three ERα-immunoreactive protein bands (63, 60 and 52 kDa) were detected. A significant decrease in the 52 kDa band was seen in HGDG, while a significant decrease in expression of the full length ERα was seen in the RG. ERβ mRNA and protein expression (a 54 kDa single band) did not change. The observed decrease in ERα protein may limit estrogen-mediated signalling in astrocytes during hypoxia and recovery.  相似文献   

The immunohistochemical expression of the alpha and beta subunits of S-100 protein in reactive, modified and transformed of myoepithelial cells, salivary pleomorphic was investigated using monoclonal antibodies. With S-100 alpha, normal salivary glands showed strong staining in serous acinar cells and moderate to slight staining in ductal segments, and with S-100 beta staining was slight or negative in acinar cells, but strong in nerve fibres. In pleomorphic salivary adenomas, the immunohistochemical distribution of S-100 alpha and beta proteins indicated great variation in the tumour cells. Some neoplastic cells gave similar staining for both S-100 alpha and beta, others were strongly positive for S-100 alpha and stained only slightly for S-100 beta, or vice versa. Yet other cells were positive for S-100 alpha and negative for S-100 beta, or vice versa. Pleomorphic salivary adenomas were classified both by histopathological criteria and by their staining pattern for S-100 alpha and beta proteins. Great heterogeneity in S-100 alpha and beta protein expression was found in individual tumour cells of both ductal and myoepithelial origin, and no regular pattern was identified. The cellular origin of salivary pleomorphic adenomas is discussed in terms of S-100 alpha and beta protein immunohistochemistry. Pleomorphic adenoma cells may be transformed from reserve cells into tumour cells displaying biologic properties of myoepithelial cells, ductal cells, or a mixture of both.  相似文献   

Estrogen signaling is considered to play an important role in spermatogenesis, spermiogenesis and male fertility. Estrogens can act via the two nuclear estrogen receptors ESR1 (ERα) and ESR2 (ERβ) or via the intracellular G-protein-coupled estrogen receptor 1 (GPER, formerly GPR30). Several reports on the localization and expression of all three receptors in the human testis have been published but are controversial particularly in case of ERα. Contrary to previous studies, we decided therefore to evaluate expression of all three receptors in the testis by a number of different methods and in comparison with MCF-7 cells. Using qPCR, we could show that mRNA expression of ERα is considerably lower and expression of ERβ and GPER much higher in the testis than in MCF-7 cells. RT-PCR after laser-assisted microdissection of tubular and interstitial compartments from normal and Sertoli cell only syndrome testes plus in situ hybridization and immunohistochemical analyses of the same samples demonstrated that there is very low expression of ERα in germ cells and in single interstitial cells, very high expression of ERβ in germ cells and Sertoli cells and high expression of GPER in interstitial cells and less in Sertoli cells.  相似文献   

Tropomyosins are widespread actin-binding proteins that influence numerous cellular functions including actin dynamics, cell migration, tumour suppression, and Drosophila oocyte development. Synaptopodin is another actin-binding protein with a more restricted expression pattern in highly dynamic cell compartments such as kidney podocyte foot processes, where it promotes RhoA signalling by blocking the Smurf1-mediated ubiquitination of RhoA. Here, we show that synaptopodin has a shorter half-life but shares functional properties with the highly stable tropomyosin. Transgenic expression of synaptopodin restores oskar mRNA localization in Drosophila oocytes mutant for TmII, thereby rescuing germline differentiation and fertility. Synaptopodin restores stress fibres in tropomyosin-deficient human MDA-MB 231 breast cancer cells and TPMα-depleted fibroblasts. Gene silencing of TPMα but not TPMβ causes loss of stress fibres by promoting Smurf1-mediated ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation of RhoA. Functionally, overexpression of synaptopodin or RhoA(K6,7R) significantly reduces MDA-MB 231 cell migration. Our findings elucidate RhoA stabilization by structurally unrelated actin-binding proteins as a conserved mechanism for regulation of stress fibre dynamics and cell motility in a cell type-specific fashion.  相似文献   

Distributions of α and β regions in globular proteins among clusters containing different numbers of adjacent α-helices, adjacent β regions, and “overlapping” βαβ units are considered. It is shown that these distributions do not differ greatly from what can be expected for random distributions of α and β regions along protein chains. In particular, it is shown that the amounts of relatively long α, β and βαβ clusters (which provide the basis for the conventional classification of globular proteins or domains into α, β, or α/β types) in random sequences also do not differ very much from those in real globular proteins. It follows that the possibility of structural classification of globular proteins (domains) does not imply the existence of a correlation in protein primary structure. This possibility exists even in random sequences of amino acid residues and therefore may not be the result of biological evolution.  相似文献   

The free volume in the active site of human HbA plays a crucial role in governing the bimolecular rates of O(2), CO, and NO binding, the fraction of geminate ligand recombination, and the rate of NO dioxygenation by the oxygenated complex. We have decreased the size of the distal pocket by mutating Leu(B10), Val(E11), and Leu(G8) to Phe and Trp and that of other more internal cavities by filling them with Xe at high gas pressures. Increasing the size of the B10 side chain reduces bimolecular rates of ligand binding nearly 5000-fold and inhibits CO geminate recombination due to both reduction of the capture volume in the distal pocket and direct steric hindrance of Fe-ligand bond formation. Phe and Trp(E11) mutations also cause a decrease in distal pocket volume but, at the same time, increase access to the Fe atom because of the loss of the γ2 CH(3) group of the native Val(E11) side chain. The net result of these E11 substitutions is a dramatic increase in the rate of geminate recombination because dissociated CO is sequestered close to the Fe atom and can rapidly rebind without steric resistance. However, the bimolecular rate constants for binding of ligand to the Phe and Trp(E11) mutants are decreased 5-30-fold, because of a smaller capture volume. Geminate and bimolecular kinetic parameters for Phe and Trp(G8) mutants are similar to those for the native HbA subunits because the aromatic rings at this position cause little change in distal pocket volume and because ligands do not move past this position into the globin interior of wild-type HbA subunits. The latter conclusion is verified by the observation that Xe binding to the α and β Hb subunits has little effect on either geminate or bimolecular ligand rebinding. All of these experimental results argue strongly against alternative ligand migration pathways that involve movements through the protein interior in HbA. Instead, ligands appear to enter through the His(E7) gate and are captured directly in the distal cavity.  相似文献   

Gene fusions, yielding the formation of multidomain proteins, are evolutionary events that can be utilized as phylogenetic markers. Here we describe a fusion gene comprising the α and β subunits of succinyl-coA synthetase, an enzyme of the TCA cycle, in Pezizomycotina fungi. This fusion is present in all Pezizomycotina with complete genome sequences and absent from all other organisms. Phylogenetic analysis of the α and β subunits of succinyl-CoA synthetase suggests that both subunits were duplicated and retained in Pezizomycotina while one copy was lost from other fungi. One of the duplicated copies was then fused in Pezizomycotina. Our results suggest that the fusion of the α and β subunits of succinyl-CoA synthetase can be used as a molecular marker for membership in the Pezizomycotina subphylum. If a species has the fusion it can be reliably classified as Pezizomycotina, while the absence of the fusion is suggestive that the species is not a member of this subphylum.  相似文献   

A comparison was made of post and simultaneous azocoupling procedures for β glucosidase localization on unfixed and fixed root tips ofZea mays. Using this object, more detailed studies of β glucosidase distribution were undertaken, concerning the time course of enzyme reaction, its pH dependence, the effect of various buffers, the comparison of several diazonium salts and the use of different naphtholic substrates. The indigogenic reaction was also applied. Attempts were made by means of azocoupling procedures to localize a and β glucosidase in root tips ofCucurbita pepo, Lupinus albus, Piswm sativum andVicia faba in comparison withZea mays. In addition to certain technical problems, the questions of constitutive and adaptive enzymes, sugar distribution and histogenesis versus function are discussed in relation to the presence and distribution of ß glucosidase in the studied objects.  相似文献   

Protein kinase CK2 is a serine/threonine kinase expressed in organisms from yeast to human and is composed of a catalytic subunit (α or α’) and a regulatory subunit (β) forming a holoenzyme with the possible subunit combinations α2β2, α’2β2, or αα’β2. This kinase has been shown to be involved in embryonic development and gametogenesis. We have studied the expression of the CK2α’ and CK2β subunits during the first wave of spermatogenesis and in adult testis in the rat. Western blot analyses have demonstrated that both CK2α’ and CK2β are expressed in testes from birth to adulthood. A more detailed study of the protein localization of CK2α’ and CK2β by immunohistochemistry suggests that CK2α’ and CK2β are localized in the nuclei of Sertoli cells in 5-day-old rats, whereas they appear to have a cytoplasmic localization in older animals. In adult testes, CK2α’ and CK2β subunits are present in spermatocytes. Both subunits exhibit a similar expression pattern with the highest level in spermatocytes at stages VIII-XIV. Interestingly, CK2β is highly expressed in spermatogonia, whereas CK2α’ is barely detectable. Mature epididymal spermatozoa express CK2α’ in the acrosome and CK2β in the flagellum. This new evidence therefore indicates that protein kinase CK2 has a possible role at various stages during mammalian spermatogenesis, a process that involves proliferation, meiosis, apoptosis, and differentiation. CK2 might thus emerge as a new pivotal control enzyme at various levels in mammalian spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

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