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Evidence is presented here confirming the identification of guanosine 3′: 5′-monophosphate (c GMP) in the tissue of higher plants. The c GMP activity detected in fruits of Zizyphus jujuba was separated from the c AMP activity also present. The separated sample was extensively purified by Bio-Rad AG 1 × 4 and aluminium oxide CC, and by TLC. The purified sample showed the same physicochemical properties as authentic c GMP by TLC using different solvents and by UV spectroscopy, and was decomposable by cyclic nucleotide-specific phosphodiesterase. The identification was further supported by HPLC. The amount of c GMP present increases 90-fold during fruit ripening.  相似文献   

The polyamines are ubiquitous in nature and appear to fulfil several important functions, mostly related to growth, in the cell. The first, and often rate-limiting, step in the biosynthesis of the polyamines is catalysed by ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), which is subject to a variety of control mechanisms. The polyamines exert a strong feedback regulation of the expression - as well as the degradation of the enzyme. The regulation of ODC expression appears to occur at the translational level. The ODC mRNA contains a long GC-rich 5 untranslated region (UTR), which has been demonstrated to hamper the translation of the mRNA. However, it has not yet been conclusively established whether this part of the mRNA fulfils any function in relation to the polyamine-mediated control of ODC synthesis. In the present study, we have used stable transgenic CHO cells, expressing either full-length ODC mRNA or 5 UTR-truncated ODC mRNA, to elucidate the role, if any, of the 5 UTR in the translational regulation of the enzyme by polyamines. No differences in regulatory properties were observed between the cells expressing the full-length ODC mRNA and those expressing the ODC mRNA devoid of most the 5 UTR. The cell lines down-regulated ODC (synthesis as well as activity) to the same extent upon exposure to an excess of polyamines, demonstrating that the feedback control of ODC mRNA translation occurs by a mechanism independent of the major part of the 5 UTR of the ODC mRNA.  相似文献   

The polymerase chain reaction was used to detect polymorphisms in a (CGG) trinucleotide repeat sequence in the 5 region of the human HHR6B DNA repair gene on chromosome 5q23-31  相似文献   

Guanosine 3′:5′-monophosphate has a slight hydroosmotic effect on toad urinary bladder. Furthermore, this nucleotide strongly inhibits the responses to 3′:5′-adenosine monophosphate and oxytocin. The response to an increase in medium tonicity is not modified by the guanosine nucleotide. A role for guanosine 3′:5′-monophosphate in the regulation of water permeability in toad urinary bladder is proposed.  相似文献   

Genomic clones encompassing the Huntington disease (HD) mutation were used to isolate a probe that detects size changes in the restriction fragments that contain the HD trinucleotide repeat (TNR). This probe also detects a frequent Sau3A polymorphism (allele sizes 1.8kb and 2.7kb), which maps approximately 950bp from the TNR. Examination of a number of HD families established that the frequency of the Sau3A alleles did not differ significantly between control and HD populations; however, the HD expansion was always present on a chromosome that contained the 1.8-kb Sau3A allele. This association between a specific allele and the HD TNR expansion was significant and could provide a clue to the chromosomal elements that produce the trinucleotide expansion on the Huntington disease chromosome.  相似文献   

To learn if an mRNA·18S rRNA interaction or a special secondary structure in the mRNA start region is essential for translation in eukaryotic cells, we constructed recombinant plasmids with the SV40 early promoter 5 to part of the Escherichia coli tuf B-lacZ gene. Deletion of bases potentially complementary to the 18S rRNA highly increased the transient -galactosidase expressed in transfected CHO cells. Deletion of bases that fostered formation of potential hairpins with the mRNA 5-terminus or altered the structure of the coding region reduced -galactosidase activity suggesting that these features of the mRNA secondary structure may be essential for initiation of translation. Computer aided analysis of the potential structure of 290 mRNAs suggests these are conserved features of the initiation region.  相似文献   

In the kidney a striking parallel exists between the expression of ecto-5-nucleotidase and of erythropoietin by renal fibroblasts. It was therefore hypothesized that the expression of ecto-5-nucleotidase in fibroblasts might be controlled by oxygen tension. In order to test this hypothesis, we examined the distribution of the enzyme in a tissue which displays a defined zonation in respect to oxygen tension, namely in the liver; anaemia was used in order to exaggerate this zonation. The distribution of ecto-5-nucleotidase was investigated by light and electron microscopy using enzyme and immunohistochemical methods in the livers of healthy and of anaemic rats. Anaemia was produced by haemolysis combined with X-ray irradiation. The enzyme was detected in the bile canaliculi, in the connective tissue of the portal triads and of the central veins, and in fat-storing cells probably corresponding to a special form of fibroblasts. In healthy animals the perisinusoidal ecto-5-nucleotidase activity was slightly higher in the pericentral than in the periportal area of the acinus whereas the inverse was observed for the staining of bile canaliculi. Anaemia provoked an increase of ecto-5-nucleotidase in fat-storing cells in the pericentral zone of the acinus and in fibroblasts around the central veins, resulting in steepended gradients along the sinusoids. The intralobular gradient of ecto-5-nucleotidase in perisinusoidal cells and the effect thereon of anaemia suggest that the expression of the ecto-5-nucleotidase might be directly or indirectly controlled by local oxygen tension.  相似文献   

The human POLH gene is responsible for the variant form of xeroderma pigmentosum (XP-V), a genetic disease highly susceptible to cancer on sun-exposed skin areas, and encodes DNA polymerase η (polη), which is specialized for translesion DNA synthesis (TLS) of UV-induced DNA photolesions. We constructed polη-deficient mice transgenic with lacZ mutational reporter genes to study the effect of Polh null mutation (Polh−/−) on mutagenesis in the skin after UVB irradiation. UVB induced lacZ mutations with remarkably higher frequency in the Polh−/− epidermis and dermis than in the wild-type (Polh+/+) and heterozygote. DNA sequences of a hundred lacZ mutants isolated from the epidermis of four UVB-exposed Polh−/− mice were determined and compared with mutant sequences from irradiated Polh+/+ mice. The spectra of the mutations in the two genotypes were both highly UV-specific and dominated by C  T transitions at dipyrimidines, namely UV-signature mutations. However, sequence preferences of the occurrence of UV-signature mutations were quite different between the two genotypes: the mutations occurred at a higher frequency preferentially at the 5′-TCG-3′ sequence context than at the other dipyrimidine contexts in the Polh+/+ epidermis, whereas the mutations were induced remarkably and exclusively at the 3′-cytosine of almost all dipyrimidine contexts with no preference for 5′-TCG-3′ in the Polh−/− epidermis. In addition, in Polh−/− mice, a small but remarkable fraction of G  T transversions was also observed exclusively at the 3′-cytosine of dipyrimidine sites, strongly suggesting that these transversions resulted not from oxidative damage but from UV photolesions. These results would reflect the characteristics of the error-prone TLS functioning in the bypass of UV photolesions in the absence of polη, which would be mediated by mechanisms based on the two-step model of TLS. On the other hand, the deamination model would explain well the mutation spectrum in the Polh+/+ genotype.  相似文献   

In crown-gall tumor tissue obtained from leaves of Bryophyllum daigremontianum an adenosine 3:5-cyclic phosphate (3:5-cyclic-AMP) degrading activity increases up to 2.5 fold until the fifth day after inoculation with Agrobacterium tumefaciens, declining to the value of the control in the solid tumor. Theophylline up to 1 mmol l–1 given to wounded leaves of Bryophyllum daigremontianum has no effect on the number of tumors. The effect of higher concentrations given over extended periods can be explained otherwise. Therefore it seems likely that the 3:5-cyclic-AMP phosphodiesterase (EC has no effect on transformation and growth of crown-gall tumors in Bryophyllum daigremontianum.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of the undersulfated proteoglycan found in brachymorphic mouse (bm/ bm) cartilage has been investigated. Similar amounts of cartilage proteoglycan core protein, as measured by radioimmune inhibition assay, and comparable activity levels of four of the glycosyltransferases requisite for synthesis of chondroitin sulfate chains were found in cartilage homogenates from neonatal bm/bm and normal mice, suggesting normal production of glycosylated core protein acceptor for sulfation. When incubated with 35S-labeled 3′-phosphoadenosine 5′-phosphosulfate (PAPS), bm/bm cartilage extracts showed a higher than control level of sulfotransferase activity. In contrast, when synthesis was initiated from ATP and 35SO42?, mutant cartilage extracts showed lower incorporation of 35SO42? into endogenous chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan (19% of control level) and greatly reduced formation of PAPS (10% of control level). Results from coincubations of normal and mutant cartilage extracts exhibited intermediate levels of sulfate incorporation into PAPS and endogenous acceptors, suggesting the absence of an inhibitor for sulfate-activating enzymes or sulfotransferases. Degradation rates of 35S]PAPS and of 35S-labeled adenosine 5′-phosphosulfate (APS) were comparable in bm/bm and normal cartilage extracts. Specific assays for both ATP sulfurylase (sulfate adenylyltransferase; ATP:sulfate adenylyltransferase, EC and APS kinase (adenylylsulfate kinase; ATP:adenylylsulfate 3′-phosphotransferase, EC showed decreases in the former (50% of control) and the latter (10–15% of control) enzyme activities in bm/bm cartilage extracts. Both enzyme activities were reduced to intermediate levels in extracts of cartilage from heterozygous brachymorphic mice (ATP-sulfurylase, 80% of control; APS kinase, 40–70% of control). Furthermore, the moderate reduction in ATP sulfurylase activity in bm/bm cartilage extracts was accompanied by increased lability to freezing and thawing of the residual activity of this enzyme. These results indicate that under-sulfation of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan in bm/bm cartilage is due to a defect in synthesis of the sulfate donor (PAPS), resulting from diminished activities of both ATP sulfurylase and APS kinase, although the reduced activity of the latter enzyme seems to be primarily responsible for the defect in PAPS synthesis.  相似文献   

4 antiviral drugs 5-hydroxymethyldeoxyuridine (HMUdR), 5-trifluorothymidine (F3TdR), 5-methoxymethyldeoxyuridine (MMUdR) and 5-ethyldeoxyuridine (EtUdR) have been evaluated for mutagenic activity in the Ames Salmonella/microsome test. The antimetabolites F3TdR and HMUdR were mutagenic in a dose-dependent manner in strain TA100. F3TdR also was mutagenic in strain TA1535. Rat-liver post-mitochondrial supernatant (S9) was not required for mutagenicity.  相似文献   

Plant actins are encoded by complex and highly divergent multigene families. Despite the general lack of intron conservation in animal, fungal and protist actin genes, evidence is presented which indicates that higher plant actin genes have an untranslated leader exon with structural similarity to that found in vertebrate actin genes. All functional higher plant actin genes sequenced to date contain a potential intron acceptor site in the 5 untranslated region 10 to 13 nucleotides upstream of the initiator ATG. A leader specific cDNA probe hybridized to sequences over 1.0 kbp upstream from the coding region confirming the presence of an upstream exon. Primer extension of mRNA with gene-specific oligonucleotides was used to analyze the 5 untranslated exon and leader intron from four divergent soybean actin genes, SAc3, 4, 6 and 7. The 5 ends of all four mRNAs are heterogeneous. The consensus promoter elements of the SAc7 actin promoter were identified. Gene specific primer extension sequencing of actin mRNAs indicated that splicing of the 5 leader intron occured at the predicted acceptor site in SAc6 and SAc7. The SAc6 and SAc7 5 untranslated exons are small (88–111 nt) and the leader introns are relatively large (844–1496 nt). The presence of an intron within the 5 RNA leader and an intron which splits a glycine codon at position 152 in all plant actin genes and all vertebrate muscle actin genes suggests that these structures may have been conserved due to a functional role in actin expression. The 5 regions of these two soybean actin genes contain many unusual features including (CT) repeats and long stretches of pyrimidine-rich DNA. The possible roles of the upstream exon/intron and the C + T-rich regions are discussed.  相似文献   

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