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We investigated the relationship between antibody response to the major Paracoccidioides brasiliensis antigen, a 43-kDa glycoprotein, and the two paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) clinical presentations, the juvenile and the adult forms. Total immunoglobulin G (IgG), IgG isotypes, and IgA anti-gp43 antibodies were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in patients'sera. Juvenile PCM patients had higher (P =.003) IgG anti-gp43 levels than adult form patients. IgG1 subclass levels, however, were comparable between the two clinical forms. Patients with the juvenile form had higher (P <. 001) IgG4, but lower (P =.03) IgG2 levels than patients with the adult form. The IgG4 isotype, regulated by interleukin 4, was found in all juvenile form patients but in only 12% of the adult form patients. In contrast, high levels of the IgG2 isotype, regulated by interferon-gamma, were found in 41% of the adult PCM patients, mainly those with a more benign disease, but in only 12% of the juvenile patients. IgG3 was either absent or detected at low levels. These results demonstrate, for the first time, specific IgG4 antibodies in the humoral immune response of patients with an endemic deep mycosis and suggest that the switch to the IgG subclasses in PCM is regulated by the patients' T-helper subset (Th-1 or Th-2) dominant cytokine profile. A possible role for IgG4 in the immunopathogenesis of the juvenile, more severe form of the disease is discussed. Finally, IgA was found mainly in adult form patients, probably as a result of the chronic mucosal antigenic stimulation characteristic of this form.  相似文献   

Mild to severe cognitive impairments are frequently observed symptoms in chronic alcoholics. Decline of cognitive function significantly affects patients' recovery process and prognosis. The hippocampal region is sensitive to the effects of alcohol and it has been suggested that alcohol-induced hippocampal damage and/or changes in neuronal circuitry play an important role in generating these symptoms. Although various hypotheses have been proposed, molecular mechanisms underlying these alterations in the hippocampus are largely unknown. In the present study, we employed a 2DE-based proteomics approach to compare the protein expression profiles of the hippocampus in human alcoholic and healthy control brains. In the alcoholic hippocampus, 20 protein spots were found to be differentially regulated, 2 increased and 18 decreased. Seventeen proteins were identified using mass spectroscopy and were subcategorized into three energy metabolic proteins, six protein metabolic proteins, four signalling proteins, two oxidative stress-related proteins, one vesicle trafficking protein and one cytoskeletal protein. Some of these proteins have been previously implicated in alcohol-induced brain pathology. Based upon the results, several hypotheses were generated to explain the mechanisms underlying possible functional and/or structural alterations induced by chronic alcohol use in this brain region.  相似文献   

Mineral-binding proteoglycans of fetal porcine calvarial bone   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To provide a more definitive characterization of the hydroxylapatite-associated proteoglycans (HAPG) of bone, proteins were extracted from the mineralized matrix of fetal porcine calvaria with 0.5 M EDTA in the absence of guanidine HCl. The small proteoglycans obtained in the extract were fractionated by gel filtration on Sepharose CL-6B, purified by ion-exchange chromatography on Polyanion matrix (fast protein liquid chromatography), and then separated into three major populations of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans by chromatography on hydroxylapatite, all in the presence of 7 M urea. Based on immunological and chemical properties, two classes of bone proteoglycan were resolved. In one class (HAPG1), the proteoglycan and specific CNBr-derived peptides cross-reacted with three monoclonal antibodies that recognize different epitopes of the protein core of bovine skin proteodermatan sulfate. The other class of proteoglycan included two species (HAPG2, HAPG3) which were not recognized by these antibodies. In addition, these proteoglycans did not stain with Coomassie Blue R-250 nor with silver stain nor did they bind to nitrocellulose membranes used in Western blots. However, the cationic dye Stains-all stained both HAPG2 and HAPG3; the protein cores of these proteoglycans were stained a characteristic turquoise blue, whereas the protein core of HAPG1 was stained pink. The average Mr values of the bone proteoglycans, from gradient sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis were: HAPG1, 120,000, with a protein core (chondroitinase AC-digested) of 45,000; HAPG2 and HAPG3, 110,000, with protein cores of 37,000-38,000. On 15% polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the protein cores of HAPG2 and HAPG3 migrated with an Mr 30,000, while HAPG1 protein core was unchanged (Mr 45,000). Based on amino acid analysis, the protein chains of HAPG2 and HAPG3 appear to be identical, although minor differences in the relative amount of glucosamine were evident. In contrast, the composition of HAPG1 was quite different, with higher relative amounts of hydrophobic and aromatic residues and lower amounts of Asx and Glx. The presence of 360 residues/1,000 of Asx and Glx in HAPG2 and HAPG3 may in part explain the characteristic staining and immunotransfer properties of these proteoglycans. The unique amino-terminal sequence of HAPG2 (Asn-Pro-Val-Ala-Arg-Tyr-Gln), together with the immunological and chemical properties, would indicate that HAPG2 and HAPG3 are novel proteoglycans and, unlike HAPG1, could be unique to mineralized tissues.  相似文献   

As the geriatric population and life expectancy increase, the interest in preventing geriatric diseases, such as sarcopenia, is increasing. However, the causes of sarcopenia are unclear, and current diagnostic methods for sarcopenia are unreliable. We hypothesized that the changes in the expression of certain miRNAs may be associated with the pathophysiology of sarcopenia. Herein, we analyzed the miRNA expression profiles in the blood of young (3-months-old) healthy rats, old sarcopenic (17-months-old) rats, and age-matched (17-months-old) control rats. The changes in miRNA expression levels were analyzed using Bowtie 2 software. A total of 523 miRNAs were detected in the rat serum. Using scatter plots and clustering heatmap data, we found 130 miRNAs that were differentially expressed in sarcopenic rats (>2-fold change) compared to the expression in young healthy and age-matched control rats. With a threshold of >5-fold change, we identified 14 upregulated miRNAs, including rno-miR-133b-3p, rno-miR-133a-3p, rno-miR-133c, rno-miR-208a-3p, and rno-miR434-5p among others in the serum of sarcopenic rats. A protein network map based on these 14 miRNAs identified the genes involved in skeletal muscle differentiation, among which Notch1, Egr2, and Myocd represented major nodes. The data obtained in this study are potentially useful for the early diagnosis of sarcopenia and for the identification of novel therapeutic targets for the treatment and/or prevention of sarcopenia.  相似文献   

The ability of immature animals and newborns to orchestrate successful calvarial reossification is well described. This capacity is markedly attenuated in mature animals and in humans greater than 2 years of age. Previous studies have implicated the dura mater as critical to successful calvarial reossification. The authors have previously reported that immature, but not mature, dural tissues are capable of elaborating a high expression of osteogenic growth factors and extracellular matrix molecules. These findings led to the hypothesis that a differential expression of osteogenic growth factors and extracellular matrix molecules by immature and mature dural tissues may be responsible for the clinically observed phenotypes (i.e., immature animals reossify calvarial defects; mature animals do not). This study continues to explore the hypothesis through an analysis of transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta3, collagen type III, and alkaline phosphatase mRNA expression. Northern blot analysis of total RNA isolated from freshly harvested immature (n = 60) and mature (n = 10) dural tissues demonstrated a greater than three-fold, 18-fold, and nine-fold increase in TGF-beta3, collagen type III, and alkaline phosphatase mRNA expression, respectively, in immature dural tissues as compared with mature dural tissues. Additionally, dural cell cultures derived from immature (n = 60) and mature dura mater (n = 10) were stained for alkaline phosphatase activity to identify the presence of osteoblast-like cells. Alkaline phosphatase staining of immature dural cells revealed a significant increase in the number of alkaline phosphatase-positive cells as compared with mature dural tissues (p < 0.001). In addition to providing osteogenic humoral factors (i.e., growth factors and extracellular matrix molecules), this finding suggests that immature, but not mature, dura mater may provide cellular elements (i.e., osteoblasts) that augment successful calvarial reossification. These studies support the hypothesis that elaboration of osteogenic growth factors (i.e., TGF-beta33) and extracellular matrix molecules (i.e., collagen type III and alkaline phosphatase) by immature, but not mature, dural tissues may be critical for successful calvarial reossification. In addition, these studies suggest for the first time that immature dural tissues may provide cellular elements (i.e., osteoblasts) to augment this process.  相似文献   

Summary Bone sialoprotein (BSP) and osteopontin (OPN) are two major non-collagenous proteins in bone that have similar biochemical properties and can mediate cell attachment through an RGD (Arg-Gly-Asp) motif that recognizes the vitronectin receptor. To facilitate evaluations of the biological functions of BSP and OPN in bone formation, affinity-purified rabbit polyclonal antibodies against porcine BSP and OPN were used, together with a high-resolution protein A-gold immunocytochemical technique to reveal the ultrastructural localization of these proteins in undermineralized sections of 50-day fetal porcine calvarial bone. In addition,35S-labelled antisense riboprobes were prepared to demonstrate the cellular expression of BSP and OPN in the same tissues usingin situ hybridization. Immunolocalization for both BSP and OPN revealed the highest density of gold particles associated with electron-dense organic material found at the mineralization front and in ‘cement lines’. Labelling was also observed in the mineralized matrix over electron-dense material between collagen fibrils. In the osteoid of newly-formed bone, immunogold labelling for BSP and OPN was associated with loci of mineralization, which were often characterized by feathery clusters of fine needle-like crystals. Results ofin situ hybridization on the same tissues demonstrated that BSP mRNA expression was restricted to differentiated osteoblasts with particularly strong signals evident at sites ofde novo bone formation. More moderate expression of BSP was observed in ‘older’ osteoblasts and in some of the newly-entrapped osteocytes. Although expression of OPN mRNA was also observed in osteoblasts and osteocytes, the level of hybridization was similar for most bone cells and not markedly stronger than the signal observed in some stromal cells. While it is evident from these and other studies that both BSP and OPN are associated with bone formation, the differences observed in cellular expression indicate distinct roles for these proteins in bone formation.  相似文献   

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