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Based on materials of plankton surveying carried out in May–October 2008, the species composition, distribution, and density of pelagic larvae of bivalves of the Ussuriysky Bay (Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan) were studied. Larvae of 66 taxa were revealed and identified. The Bivalvia larvae occurred in the plankton during the entire period of study. Two areas, the inner and open part of the bay, which vary in the composition, concentration, and terms of larva occurrence in the plankton were distinguished. The larvae of Mytilus coruscus, Mactra chinensis, Modiolus kurilensis, Ruditapes philippinarum, Mya uzenensis and Teredo navalis were the most numerous and widespread. It was shown that despite high taxonomic diversity, the density of Bivalvia larvae in the Ussuriysky Bay was an order of magnitude lower, even in terms of their maximum number, than in other studied areas of the Peter the Great Bay.  相似文献   

Larvae of 63 Bivalvia taxa were found in Amursky Bay. Of these, 47 were identified to the species level. Larvae of 55 taxa were found throughout the bay. The highest species diversity was recorded in the northeastern part and in the center of the southern part of the bay, as well as at the exit from it. Larvae of Mactra chinensis, Mytilus coruscus, Crassostrea gigas, Teredo navalis, Mya japonica, and Mysella ventricosa were widely distributed in the bay. The maximum numbers of species were observed in July and September. A comparison of species lists using the set-theory method showed that the species complexes typical of different parts of Amursky Bay are formed under the influence of the Razdolnaya River runoff flow from the north and marine waters coming from the south. The mean density of larvae during the observation period was 1100 specimens/m3 in the northern and 735 specimens/m3 in the southern part of the bay. The highest density of larvae in Amursky Bay was observed at the end of June, the beginning of July, and in September; the minimal larval density occurred in April, May, and August. While the species diversity was similarly high, the density of larvae was significantly higher in Amursky Bay than in the nearby Ussuriisky Bay.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of three hydrochemical surveys performed in October 2000 and May and July 2001 and microbiological monitoring performed in June, July, and August 2001 in Vostok Bay (Sea of Japan), which is a favorite recreation area for the inhabitants of Primorye and the Russian Far East. It is shown that at the height of recreation occurs during late summer, as determined by the concentration of water-dissolved oxygen, the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), the concentration of detergents, and the number of colony-forming enterobacteria in 1 ml of water. However, in autumn, especially by October, the anthropogenic pressure decreases and the quality of the water environment in the bay improves.  相似文献   

The phospholipid compositions of organs and tissues were determined in representatives of two phyla of marine invertebrates: Echinodermata [Asteroidea: Aphelasterias japonica (Bell, 1881), Evasterias echinosoma Fisher, 1926, Distolasterias nipon (Doderlein, 1902), Asterias amurensis Lutken, 1871; Echinoidea: Strongylocentrotus intermedius (A. Agassiz, 1863); Holothurioidea: Cucumaria frondosa japonica (Semper, 1868), Eupentacta fraudatrix (Djakonov et Baranova, 1958), Apostichopus japonicus (Selenka, 1867)], and Tunicata [Ascidia: Halocynthia aurantium (Pallas, 1787), H. roretzi (Drasche, 1884), and Styela clava (Herdman, 1881)]. The specificity of phospholipid distribution was shown to be related to the taxonomic position of marine invertebrates and the functional properties of their organs and tissues. Ceramide aminoethylphosphonate was found only in the digestive organs of all holothurians and the starfishes D. nipon and A. amurensis, suggesting its exogenous origin. Phosphatidylglycerol was found in all organs and tissues of the holothurians C. frondosa japonica and E. fraudatrix, as well as in the gastrointestinal tract of ascidians; its origin is unclear.  相似文献   

A general list of the flora of Vostok Bay (Sea of Japan) compiled on the basis of original and literature data includes 161 species, among them 25 green algae, 42 brown algae, 90 red algae, and 4 species of seagrass. In the period from 2000 to 2004, 114 species of macrophytes (19 green algae, 29 brown algae, 63 red algae, and 3 species of seagrass) were found in Vostok Bay; 19 species of algae were first records for this bay. On the whole, the flora of Vostok Bay is dominated by warm-water species, among which Asian low-boreal species occupy the leading position. The flora of Vostok Bay is changing under the influence of global climatic and local anthropogenic factors. In recent years, there is a tendency for the proportion of warm-water species to increase. The local anthropogenic influence on the flora of Vostok Bay has caused changes in the species composition of plant communities.  相似文献   

The Salton Sea, California's largest inland water body, is an athalassic saline lake with an invertebrate fauna dominated by marine species. The distribution and seasonal dynamics of the benthic macroinvertebrate populations of the Salton Sea were investigated during 1999 in the first survey of the benthos since 1956. Invertebrates were sampled from sediments at depths of 2–12 m, shallow water rocky substrates, and littoral barnacle shell substrates. The macroinvertebrates of the Salton Sea consist of a few invasive, euryhaline species, several of which thrive on different substrates. The principal infaunal organisms are the polychaetes Neanthes succinea Frey & Leuckart and Streblospio benedicti Webster, and the oligochaetes Thalassodrilides gurwitschi Cook, T. belli Hrabe, and an enchytraeid. All but Neanthes are new records for the Sea. Benthic crustacean species are the amphipods Gammarus mucronatus Say, Corophium louisianum Shoemaker, and the barnacle Balanus amphitrite Darwin. Neanthes succinea is the dominant infaunal species on the Sea bottom at depths of 2–12 m. Area-weighted estimates of N. succinea standing stock in September and November 1999 were two orders of magnitude lower than biomass estimated in the same months in 1956. During 1999, population density varied spatially and temporally. Abundance declined greatly in offshore sediments at depths >2 m during spring and summer due to decreasing oxygen levels at the sediment surface, eventually resulting in the absence of Neanthes from all offshore sites >2 m between July and November. In contrast, on shoreline rocky substrate, Neanthes persisted year round, and biomass density increased nearly one order of magnitude between January and November. The rocky shoreline had the highest numbers of invertebrates per unit area, exceeding those reported by other published sources for Neanthes, Gammarus mucronatus, Corophium louisianum, and Balanus amphitrite in marine coastal habitats. The rocky shoreline habitat is highly productive, and is an important refuge during periods of seasonal anoxia for Neanthes and for the other invertebrates that also serve as prey for fish and birds.  相似文献   

The effect of some environmental factors on the composition and spatial distribution of the meiobenthos were studied in Vostok Bay. The spatial density of the meiobenthos significantly positively correlated with ground type and was maximum in fine- grained sands. The eumeiobenthos was dominated by harpacticoids in coarse-grained ground and by nematodes in ground with a high silt content. The pseudomeiobenthos was dominated by polychaetes and bivalve mollusks in all ground types. The depth distribution of the meiobenthos was highly heterogenous, harpacticoids being the only group whose distribution correlated significantly with depth.  相似文献   

This is the first survey of the composition and seasonal density dynamics of the pelagic polychaete larvae in Amurskii Bay. This is a summary of the results of two years of observations (1996–1998). The larvae of 14 polychaete families have been recorded. The greatest number of species have been found in the family Spionidae. The most common were the larvae of Harmothoe imbricata (family Polynoidae) and Paraprionospio sp. (family Spionidae). The larvae of polychaetes have been found in plankton throughout the year and have two density peaks. The first peak was due to the spawning of H. imbricata; the second one was provided by representatives of several species of the family Spionidae, mostly Paraprionospio sp., Polydora ciliata, and P. caeca.  相似文献   

The ratios between the indices of relative abundance for different trophic life forms have been used to characterize bionomical types of a rocky intertidal zone. It has been shown that the distribution of life forms is determined by the geomorphological peculiarities of the surveyed intertidal areas. A brief critical historical review has been provided of the terms bionomy and bionomical type.  相似文献   

Fauna and systematics of sipunculans inhabiting Vostok Bay, Sea of Japan, are discussed. A revision of the local species of sipunculans is performed for the first time. On the basis of study of outer and inner morphology, some species are reduced to synonyms. Extended diagnoses are proposed for all registered species. An identification key is presented for the sipunculans of Vostok Bay.  相似文献   

Features of the morphology, longevity, and growth of the gastropod mollusk Nucella heyseana collected in different seasons in 2000–2001 in Vostok Bay (Sea of Japan) were investigated. Shell surface features such as grooves and spurs of the axial sculpture have proven to be unhelpful in the estimation of individual age and growth rate of this species. Concentric rings on the outside of the operculum formed yearly in the cold season are useful for these purposes. The longevity of N. heyseana in southern Primorye is 10 years; this value is similar to the life span of mollusks from the southern Kuril Islands. Local differences in longevity, growth allometry, and age changes in the body size and mass of N. heyseana in relation to habitat conditions are discussed.  相似文献   

During November and December 1992, plankton samples were collected using a ring net of mesh size 200 m vertically hauled through a 600 m water column, at five stations along a transect running north from the Allison Peninsula in the Bellingshausen Sea. Three stations were located over the continental shelf; two of these were ice bound, whilst the third was at the ice edge. Two other stations were in deeper, ice-free water. Sixteen different larval and juvenile types were found representing seven phyla: Echinodermata, Nemertea, Coelenterata, Mollusca, Annelida, Arthropoda and Bryozoa, of which the first two were the most abundant. Larval numbers and types decreased with distance offshore and away from permanent sea ice. The presence of many stages of nemertean larval development within a short time scale, in an area where developmental tends to be slow, suggests that reproduction occurs over an extended period and that the larvae have a long planktonic phase. The increased size of later developmental stages of the nemertean larvae indicates they obtain nutrition within the water column during winter, when little particulate food is present.  相似文献   

Hydromedusae (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) are one of the most common and widely spread plankton organisms. Due to their low quantities in the plankton and complicated species identification, they are poorly observed in zooplankton research works, especially in the Northwestern part of the Sea of Japan. The subjects of the present work are the seasonal dynamics of the spatial distribution and abundance of hydromedusae that inhabit Vostok bay (Peter the Great bay of the Sea of Japan), which were observed from April to November in 2002–2004. The timing of mature specimens was studied for different species. Eighteen species were found. Of these, Coryne sp., Tiaropsis multicirrata (Sars, 1835) and Neoturris breviconis (Murbach et Shearer, 1903) are the first records for Peter the Great Bay; the last two species are the first records for the Northwestern part of the Sea of Japan.  相似文献   

The reproduction and development of the prosobranch gastropodAlaba vladivostokensis Bartsch were studied. In Vostok Bay,A. vladivostokensis reproduces in the warmest season at water temperatures of 19–23°C. The females lay egg masses in the shape of flat, coiled bands on eelgrass leaves and on sargosso thalluses. The total period of development from egg laying to larval settling takes 25–27 days. The reproduction and development patterns and larval morphology ofA. vladivostokensis are similar to that ofAustralaba picta (A. Adams), which inhabits the coast of Japan. It is suggested that the population ofA. vladivostokensis in Peter the Great Bay should considered as part of the wide geographical range ofA. picta.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of the analysis of density dynamics of the larvae of the Pacific mussel in plankton, and experimental data on their settling on collectors in Vostok Bay, Sea of Japan, obtained in May–September 1989. It was found that, in the summer-autumn season, complex demographic processes occur on the suspended anthropogenic substrata. These processes are caused by the primary settling of pelagic larvae and by the secondary settling of juvenile mussels.  相似文献   

The occurrence, distribution and summer variation of pelagic larvae of benthic gastropods in the shallow coastal area of Admiralty Bay were determined for the summers of 1993/1994, 1994/1995 and 1996/1997 from plankton samples taken at 15- to 30-m depths in 12 stations. Significant differences were found among years at the end of January and February. Results of Principal Component Analysis showed the inverse relation of high wind speed and abundance of gastropod larvae in the three austral summers sampled, and suggested that environmental conditions prevalent during 1994/1995 and 1995/1997 were similar and differed from those of 1993/1994, which may have influenced the number of larvae observed.  相似文献   

The abundance, weight, and age structure of aggregations of the Far East trepang Apostichopus japonicuswere studied in Vostok Bay, Sea of Japan, during the first part of September 2000. The highest density of aggregations (8.3 ± 0.5 ind/m2) and biomass (131.88 ± 10.50 g/m2) of animals was characteristic for coastal sites at the depth 0.5–1.5 m. With anincrease in depth the biomass and density of A. japonicusreduced 1.5 and 3 (depth 5–6 m), 220 and 830 times (depth 8–15 m) respectively. The ratio of large animals concurrently increased in the aggregation structure. The specifics of the distribution and spatial variability of the aggregation structure are discussed in relation to uncontrolled fishing of holothurians of large sizes.  相似文献   

The qualitative and quantitative composition of free-living marine nematodes have been studied in Vostok Bay (Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan). It is found that the population density of nematodes in the bottom sediments of Vostok Bay shows an uneven distribution. The mean population density equaled 56800 ± 23400 specimens/m2. A correlation has been revealed between the population density of nematodes and the substrate type. Altogether, 85 species of nematodes have been found; they were dominated by Sabatieria palmaris, Rhabdodemania orientalis, Araeolaimus parvibulbosus, Oncholaimium paraolium, Doryolaimopsis peculiaris, and Metachromadora itoi. Six taxocenoses of nematodes were distinguished, taking into account the species dominating in the population density and using cluster analysis of the obtained data. The dominating trophic assemblage of nematodes was “scrapers.” In general, the species composition of nematodes in Vostok Bay is characterized by the relatively great similarity with that in other areas of Peter the Great Bay (Sea of Japan).  相似文献   

Seasonal dynamics of population densities and the qualitative composition of meiobenthos were studied in a strait between Popova and Reineke islands in Amurskii Bay (Sea of Japan). Two peaks of population density were revealed: a spring-summer peak and an autumn peak. No correlation was found between the depth, qualitative characteristics of the ground, and population density of meiobenthos.  相似文献   

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