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The following species of the gregarine genus Lankesteria were found in a study of ascidians from Monterey Bay, on the central California coast of the Pacific Ocean: L. abbotti n. sp. in Clavelina huntsmani, L. aplidii n. sp. in Aplidium solidum, L. ascidiae in Ciona intestinalis, L. diaphanis n. sp. in Archidistoma diaphanes, L. euherdmaniae n. sp. in Euherdmania claviformis, L. montereyensis n. sp. in Archidistoma molle, L. pescaderoensis n. sp. in Ritterella rubra, L. pittendrighi n. sp. in Ascidia ceratodes, L. psammii n. sp. in Archidistoma psammion, L. ritterellae n. sp. in Ritterella pulchra, L. ritterii n. sp. in Archidistoma ritteri, L. synoici n. sp. in Synoicum parfustis, and Lankesteria sp. in Botrylloides sp. No gregarines were seen in the following ascidians: Aplidium californicum, A. propinquum, Botryllus tuberatus, Diplosoma macdonaldi, Perophora annectens, and Polyclinum planum.  相似文献   

Keys for the identification of the presently known species of the genus Leptosagitta (fam. Sagittidae) are presented. Four new species of this genus found in shallow waters of Vostok Bay, Amursky Bay (Peter the Great Bay), and Kievka Bay (all of the Sea of Japan) are described in detail: L. kiyashkoi sp. n., L. latyshevi sp. n., L. magna sp. n., and L. pauca sp. n.  相似文献   

The first marine fish digeneans recorded from Shark Bay, Western Australia are described from the flatfish Pseudorhombus jenynsi. Macvicaria dampieri n. sp. differs from the other members of the genus in its undivided, straight, saccular seminal vesicle, and the definition of the genus is extended to include this feature. The following new combinations are made: Macvicaria branchiostegi (Yamaguti, 1937) [originally Plagioporus] and M. cynoglossi (Madhavi, 1975) [originally P.]. Cainocreadium alanwilliamsi n. sp. is distinguished by the variable anterior extent of its excretory vesicle, which reaches to a level ranging between the posterior margin of the ventral sucker and just into the forebody, and by its relatively short forebody.  相似文献   

The monocotylid monogenean Empruthotrema dasyatidis n. sp. is reported from the olfactory sacs of the brown stingray, Dasyatis fluviorum Ogilby, 1908, from Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia. This is the first record of Empruthotrema from the family Dasyatidae. E. dasyatidis n. sp. differs from other species of Empruthotrema by possessing eye pigment, which may be scattered, and by its small size. The generic diagnosis for Empruthotrema is amended.  相似文献   

The morphological characters used to differentiate species in the genus Labiostrongylus Yorke & Maplestone, 1926, parasitic in macropodid and potoroid marsupials, are discussed. The genus is divided into three subgenera Labiostrongylus (Labiostrongylus), L. (Labiomultiplex) n. subg. and L. (Labiosimplex) n. subg. on the basis of the presence or absence of interlabia and the morphology of the oesophagus. A key to the subgenera is given and a detailed revision of two of the subgenera is presented. Keys to each of the subgenera are given, the species discussed being: L. (L.) labiostrongylus) (type-species) (syn. L. (L.) insularis, L. (L.) grandis, L. (L.) macropodis sp. inq. and L. (L.) nabarlekensis n. sp., in the subgenus Labiostrongylus, and L. (Lm.) eugenii, L. (Lm.) novaeguineae, L. (Lm.) onychogale, L. (Lm.) uncinatus, L. (Lm.) billardierii n. sp., L. (Lm.) constrictis n. sp., L. (Lm.) kimberleyensis n. sp., L. (Lm.) thylogale n. sp., and L. (Lm.) potoroi, n. sp., in the subgenus Labiomultiplex.  相似文献   

Ethmolaimus hailuotoensis n. sp. from Bothnian Bay, northern Baltic Sea, is described and illustrated. Ethmolaimus hailuotoensis n. sp. has a strongly sclerotized luminal lining of the terminal esophageal bulb and esophagus. The most characteristic feature is a lateral series of large concentric, sclerotized rings with a fine, internal longitudinal oval sclerotization. In addition, E. hailuotoensis n. sp. is distinguished from other Ethmolaimus species by its smaller body size, fewer number of precloacal supplements (7-8), conical tail, and the position of amphid posterior to the buccal cavity. Females of E. hailuotoensis n. sp. studied were hermaphroditic. Ethmolaimus hailuotoensis n. sp. coexisted with E. pratensis. Ethmolaimus pratensis from Bothnian Bay has a characteristic row of sublateral hypodermal glands, a character not before seen in Ethmolaimidae.  相似文献   

New species of angiosperms are described as members of the genus Macclintockia from the Ugol’naya Bay area, in northeastern Russia: M. barykovensis Moiseeva, sp. nov., M. gigantea Moiseeva, sp. nov., and M. terranea Moiseeva et Herman, sp. nov. Leaves of this genus are considerably variable, which hampers differentiation between particular species. The study of new material has allowed the author to trace the morphological variability of these species and revised on this ground the composition of the species M. ochotica Vachr. et Herman and M. beringiana Herman. The composition of Macclintockia is discussed, as well as its occurrence during the Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Three species of monstrilloids were collected in the plankton beneath the ice in December at Resolute Bay, Cornwallis Island in the Canadian Arctic. The species are determined as Monstrilla arctica n. sp., M. nasuta n. sp. and M. bernardensis (WILLEY, 1920). They are described and figured in detail.  相似文献   

Lysmata rafa n. sp. is described from freshly collected specimens from the Keys West Lakes, Florida Keys, and from a museum specimen collected at Bear Cut, Biscayne Bay, Florida. The new species is morphologically most similar to the western Atlantic Lysmata rathbunae Chace, 1970 and the eastern Pacific Lysmata gracilirostris Wicksten, 2000, but can be distinguished from them by the number of carpal segments in the second pereiopod; the length and dentition of the rostrum; the shape and number of spines on the dactylus of the third to fifth pereiopods; and the absence of a tooth on the pterygostomial margin of the carapace. Despite being a shallow-water species, L. rafa n. sp. has extremely elongate walking legs and third maxilliped that are more typical to deep-water or cave dwelling carideans.  相似文献   

Empruthotrema kearni n. sp. and Thaumatocotyle pseudodasybatis Hargis, 1955 (Monogenea: Monocotylidae) are reported from the nasal fossae of the spotted eagle ray, Aetobatus narinari Euphrasen, 1790, from Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia. The discovery of E. kearni n. sp. is the first record of this genus from the Myliobatidae and a new geographical record for the genus. A comparison of T. pseudodasybatis from Florida, USA and from Queensland, Australia revealed morphometrical and microhabitat differences. The discovery of T. pseudodasybatis in Australian waters is a new geographical record for this species.  相似文献   

The occurrence of Actinophrys sol, a planktonic heliozoan, in Chesapeake Bay was monitored over a four-year period (1988–1991). Actinophrys sol was widely-distributed throughout Chesapeake Bay and could exceed densities of 5,000 cells liter ?1. It was most abundant during the warmer months. Feeding experiments were conducted with field populations of heliozoa using 1-μm fluorescent microspheres to label ciliate prey. Two ciliates, a small Strobilidium sp. (30 μ in diameter) and a Pleuronema sp. (45 μ length), were the primary ciliate-prey items in the water column when the experiments were conducted, although a wide range of ciliate taxa was ingested. Two other ciliates not present in situ, a Cyclidium sp. (20 μ length) and a Uronema sp. (40 μ length), were also labeled and added at various concentrations to field populations of plankton containing A. sol. Heliozoan ingestion rates on in situ prey at concentrations of 30 Strohilidium and one Pleuronema ml?1 were 0.2 to 0.3 prey heliozoan?1 hour?1. Ingestion rates increased to a maximum of 1.2 prey heliozoan ?1 hour?1 with additions of 100 Uronema ml?1. A mean clearance rate of 0.15 ml heliozoan?1 day?1 did not change with increasing prey abundance. The abundance and distribution of A. sol suggests that these sarcodines may exert strong grazing pressure on the planktonic ciliate populations of Chesapeake Bay at certain times of the year, and may be important in shaping the ciliate community composition and distribution.  相似文献   

Bay n 7133 and Bay L 9139 (Bayer AG, Wuppertal, Fed. Rep. Germany) are new, orally absorbable, antifungal imidazole derivatives. In vitro, Bay n 7133 was comparable to ketoconazole and miconazole when tested against isolates of Candida albicans and Cryptococcus neoformans. Bay L 9139 also was active against these organisms but to a lesser degree than the other imidazoles. LY 121019, an analog of echinocandin B, was also tested. It proved to be the most active antimycotic against C. albicans but the least active against C. neoformans. Optimal results were obtained in tests employing Kimmig's agar, a medium previously described for use in susceptibility tests with antifungal agents.  相似文献   

Four new species of Ceratomyxa were found during parasitological studies of fish caught in shallow areas of Peter the Great Bay, Russia. Two of them (C. aspera n. sp. and C. durusa n. sp.) were found in the gall bladders of the flounders Limanda aspera and L. herzensteini. The third species (C. azonusi n. sp.) infected the gall bladder of the greenling Pleurogrammus azonus, and the fourth (C. lianoides n. sp.) was found in the gall bladder of Stichaeus grigorjewi. Ceratomyxa spp. have not been previously described from P. azonus or S. grigorjewi.  相似文献   

Several felt scale (Eriococcidae) lineages show deep, phylogenetically constrained, host use. The most diverse of these host‐constrained lineages is Australian, associated with plants in the family Myrtaceae, and the most diverse sublineage within this group is associated with Eucalyptus. Here we use Bayesian analysis of morphological data to estimate relationships among the eucalypt‐feeding species of this group. We identify an unusual species for which we erect the monotypic genus Heathcotia Hardy & Beardsley gen.n. , with type species Heathcotia crypta Hardy & Beardsley sp.n. , and recover a clade comprised of six new species closely related to Lachnodius hirtus Maskell. We erect the genus Lobimargo Hardy & Gullan gen.n. for the latter clade, designate Lobimargo sagittisetus Hardy & Beardsley sp.n. as its type species, transfer Lachnodius hirtus to the genus as Lobimargo hirtus (Maskell) comb.n. and describe the five other new species: Lobimargo brookesae Hardy & Beardsley sp.n., Lobimargo donaldsoni Hardy & Gullan sp.n. , Lobimargo latrobeus Hardy & Beardsley sp.n. , Lobimargo rhipidotrichus Hardy & Gullan sp.n. and Lobimargo williamsi Hardy & Gullan sp.n. A lectotype is designated for L. hirtus. The adult female of each species, the first‐instar nymph of L. sagittisetus, the second‐instar female of L. hirtus and the adult male of L. williamsi are described and illustrated. A key is provided to the adult females of all eriococcid genera found on eucalypts and of all Lobimargo species. Adult females of Lobimargo have been found on stems, sometimes causing shallow pits, and on foliage or under bark, but may move to the latter habitat for oviposition.  相似文献   

Two undescribed species of polychaetes in Mediomastus (Annelida: Capitellidae) were collected from intertidal to shallow habitats in Tokyo Bay, Japan. These are M. duobalteus sp. n. and M. hanedaensis sp. n. Mediomastus duobalteus sp. n. is distinguishable from all congeners by the following characters: 1) segments 3, 4, 8–11 stainable with methyl green, 2) thoracic capillary chaetae unilimbate, 3) abdominal capillary chaetae absent, 4) paddle-like chaetae in the thorax absent, and 5) abdominal hooded hooks not flared. Mediomastus hanedaensis sp. n. is similar to M. warrenae Green, 2002, but differs from the latter in the shapes of the thoracic capillary chaetae and the abdominal hooded hooks, and the staining pattern with methyl green. In addition, a key to all Mediomastus species is provided.  相似文献   


Eighteen monocotylid species were collected from elasmobranchs during surveys of the parasites of fishes of Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia. Two new species, Calicotyle cutmorei n. sp. (Calicotylinae) from Carcharhinus sorrah (Valenciennes) (Carcharhiniformes) and Dendromonocotyle raiae n. sp. (Monocotylinae) from Hemitrygon fluviorum (Ogilby) and Neotrygon trigonoides (Castelnau) (both Myliobatiformes) are described and illustrated. Six new faunal records for Moreton Bay are reported: Thaumatocotyle australensis Beverley-Burton & Williams, 1989 (Merizocotylinae) from Maculabatis toshi (Whitley) (Myliobatiformes); Monocotyle corali Chisholm, 1998 (Monocotylinae) from Pastinachus ater (Macleay) (Myliobatiformes); Neoheterocotyle rhynchobatis (Tripathi, 1959) Chisholm, 1994 (Heterocotylinae) from Glaucostegus typus (Anonymous [Bennett]) and Aptychotrema rostrata (Shaw) (both Rhinopristiformes); and Decacotyle elpora Marie & Justine, 2005 (Decacotylinae), Dendromonocotyle torosa Chisholm & Whittington, 2004 (Monocotylinae), and Clemacotyle australis Young, 1967 (Monocotylinae) from Aetobatus ocellatus (Kuhl) (Myliobatiformes). Maculabatis toshi is a new host record for T. australensis, and A. rostrata is a new host record for N. rhynchobatis. Ten species previously recorded from Moreton Bay were collected: Monocotyle caseyae Chisholm & Whittington, 2005 (Monocotylinae) and Heterocotyle whittingtoni Chisholm & Kritsky, 2020 (Heterocotylinae) from M. toshi; Monocotyle sp. A of Chisholm (1998a) (Monocotylinae) from H. fluviorum; Dendromonocotyle kuhlii Young, 1967 and Monocotyle kuhlii Young, 1967 (both Monocotylinae) from N. trigonoides; Thaumatocotyle cf. pseudodasybatis Hargis, 1955 (Merizocotylinae), Empruthotrema kearni Whittington, 1990 (Merizocotylinae) and Decacotyle octona Young, 1967 (Decacotylinae) from A. ocellatus; and Mycteronastes icopae (Beverley-Burton & Williams, 1989) Kearn & Beverley-Burton, 1990 (Merizocotylinae) and Troglocephalus rhinobatidis Young, 1967 (Dasybatotreminae) from G. typus.


The gregarine Lecudina longissima Hoshide, 1944 is described from the intestine of the marine polychaete Lumbrineris zonata (Johnson, 1901) from Santa Catalina Island, Calif. L. catalinensis n. sp. is described from the intestine of L. inflata Moore, 1911 from the same island. L. pherusae sp. n. and L. zimmeri sp. n. are described from the intestine of the marine polychaete Pherusa capulata (Moore, 1909) off Santa Catalina Island.  相似文献   

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