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Summary It has been known for many years that when a wing disc ofDrosophila is bisected, and the fragments cultured in adult females, regulation occurs and either a complete disc is regenerated or the fragment is duplicated. We have investigated how this regeneration process occurs. To establish which cells contribute to the regenerate, and thus determine if regeneration is the result of epimorphic regulation, fragments of discs, after culture in an adult for one to five days, were exposed to3H-thymidine to label replicating cells. Imaginal discs, both whole and as regenerating fragments, undergo some DNA replication which is distributed throughout the disc, but cut discs frequently show clusters of labelled cells around the wound, indicating that regeneration is probably epimorphic.  相似文献   

Biological traits, such as body size, fecundity and fertility, of egg parasitoids are strongly influenced by host species, and the use of a single‐host species for consecutive generations has been showed to be detrimental for egg parasitoid biology. Besides biological traits, behaviour of egg parasitoids is also an important parameter for implying their performance in the field, but information about the effect of host on the behaviour of egg parasitoids is still scarce. Thus, this work aimed at determining the influence of host species on the short‐range flight capacity of three egg parasitoids Trichogrammatoidea annulata De Santis, Trichogramma atopovirilia Oatman and Platner and Trichogramma bruni Nagajara reared on Anagasta kuehniella (Zeller), Corcyra cephalonica (Stainton) and Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier), for first, 10 and 28 consecutive generations. Trichogrammatids emerged inside a tubular dark flight chamber, under controlled conditions, and short‐range flying response was based on the proportions of adults trapped to the sticky top of the chamber and the ones found on the bottom, which were checked for defective wings. Our data clearly demonstrate that trichogrammatid short‐range flight depends on the fasctidious host species. All three egg parasitoids had their flight capacity significantly reduced when emerged from S. cerealella. The highest flying capacity of T. annulata was registered when reared on C. cephalonica, while for T. atopovirilia was on A. kuehniella and T. bruni on both C. cephalonica and A. kuehniella. Parasitoid flight capacity is affected when reared on the same host over generations; however, it was not possible to define a pattern for any of the trichogrammatids. Our findings are of great relevance for quality control of mass‐reared egg parasitoids because measuring only behavioural traits with use of flight chambers can be more practical and less time‐consuming than assessing biological parameters.  相似文献   

Abstract. The plant and sediment dynamics in salt marshes are strongly interrelated, but few data are available to document their interaction. Puccinellia maritima is a perennial grass that occurs widely in salt marshes and this study examines its role in the stabilization or trapping of sediment in the pioneer zone and its response to burial, a characteristic phenomenon in accreting salt marshes. Puccinellia not only appears to limit erosion but also to significantly enhance accretion. The functional role of this species is largely dependent on the local disturbance regime. The response of Puccinellia to burial was studied in a series of burial treatments. Growth performance of Puccinellia was stimulated by burial of 4 mm sediment and reduced by burial of 8 mm/month. Burial under 12 mm of sediment led to high mortality of up to 97%. Response was determined by the instantaneous thickness of sediment rather than by the total quantity. Morphological response to burial consisted mainly of stem elongation. Plants collected from accretion zones in the field also produced tillers with adventitious roots at successive soil layers. The range of burial tolerances found for Puccinellia fits well with its occurrence in locations with up to 8 mm sediment accretion per tidal cycle, a common situation in the salt marsh studied.  相似文献   

Kinetochores can form and be maintained on DNA sequences that are normally non‐centromeric. The existence of these so‐called neo‐centromeres has posed the problem as to the nature of the epigenetic mechanisms that maintain the centromere. Here we highlight results that indicate that the amount of CENP‐A at human centromeres is tightly regulated. It is also known that kinetochore assembly requires sister chromatid cohesion at mitosis. We therefore suggest that separation or stretching between the sister chromatids at metaphase reciprocally determines the amount of centromere assembly in the subsequent interphase. This reciprocal relationship forms the basis of a negative feedback loop that could precisely control the amount of CENP‐A and faithfully maintain the presence of a kinetochore over many cell divisions. We describe how the feedback loop would work, propose how it could be tested experimentally and suggest possible components of its mechanism.  相似文献   

Nearly all decapod crustaceans found in Antarctic waters south of the Antarctic Convergence are caridean shrimps (Natantia) while the group of Reptantia is largely absent in this area. Progress in the development of a physiological hypothesis is reported, which explains this distribution pattern based on differences in the regulation of magnesium levels in the haemolymph ([Mg2+]HL) and on the Mg2+ dependence of threshold temperatures below which cold-induced failure of cardiac and ventilatory performance occurs. Previous studies had shown that an increase in oxygen consumption and activity levels in the cold can be induced by experimental reduction of [Mg2+]HL in different reptant decapod species. In the present study, we tested the potential of these experimental findings for predicting the effect of low [Mg2+]HL in nature, and investigated temperature-induced changes in oxygen consumption in two species with low but different [Mg2+]HL from southern Chile, Halicarcinus planatus and Acanthocyclus albatrossis ([Mg2+]HL=10.7 and 21.6 mmol l-1, respectively). In accordance with previous findings, low [Mg2+]HL levels were associated with a reduction of thermal sensitivity and a higher metabolic rate in the cold. A model is developed which describes how [Mg2+]HL reduction caused a threshold temperature (pejus temperature, Tp) to fall, which characterises the onset of cold-induced failure in oxygen supply to tissues. This threshold temperature is interpreted, not only to indicate the limits of cold tolerance, but also of geographical distribution. Tp is shifted towards lower temperatures in Natantia, which are efficient [Mg2+]HL regulators. In contrast, Reptantia, which are poor [Mg2+]HL regulators, appear unable to colonise the permanently cold water of the Antarctic due to insufficient capacity of cardiac performance and, therefore, largely reduced scope for activity at high [Mg2+]HL.  相似文献   

The skeleton: the new controller of male fertility?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Smith LB  Saunders PT 《Cell》2011,144(5):642-643
Sex steroids, including testosterone, regulate the development and function of the male skeleton. Oury et al. (2011) identify a surprising new connection between the skeleton and the testis, which has implications for male fertility. They show that testosterone production in the testis is directly influenced by the bone-derived hormone osteocalcin.  相似文献   

Babin V  Roland C  Sagui C 《Proteins》2011,79(3):937-946
The α-sheet has been speculated to play a role as a toxic conformer in amyloid diseases. However, except for relatively short fragments, its detection has remained elusive. Here, we present molecular dynamics simulations that support the existence of the α-sheet as a stable, metastable, or long-lived secondary structure in polyglutamine and, to a lesser extent, in polyasparagine aggregates.  相似文献   

Plant species in fire‐prone environments possess specific traits which allow them to survive fire. Species are commonly classified according to whether they survive fire and resprout or whether they are killed by fire and regenerate from seed. However, different populations of the same species have been shown to vary in their responses. Therefore, the classification of a species into a single category based on fire‐response traits may not necessarily be representative of every population under every circumstance. This study examined the extent of within‐species variation in fire‐response traits of woody plants in south‐eastern Australia after the 2003 fires. Species were then classified using two approaches: (i) using data from a field survey of fire‐response traits, taking into account within‐species variation; and (ii) using species' fire responses listed in a pre‐existing fire‐response database compiled from a variety of primary sources. Field data showed that the majority of species in the study area resprouted after fire with around one in 10 species variable in their resprouting response. Almost half of all species varied from site to site according to whether they regenerated from seed, either solely or in addition to resprouting. The numbers of species classified as resprouters and seed regenerators varied according to the classification method used. Differences were also found between the classification method when calculating the mean proportion of resprouters and seed regenerators across sites. The fire‐response traits for some species from the database were found to differ from the observed field responses. This study demonstrated that the application of a fire‐response trait, reported in a trait database, to an entire species, may not adequately represent the actual fire responses of the populations of interest. Rather than considering the fire‐response traits of a species, accurate prediction may be better achieved by considering how different populations of plants will respond to fire.  相似文献   

Trade-offs are a core component of many evolutionary models, particularly those dealing with the evolution of life histories. In the present paper, we identify four topics of key importance for studies of the evolutionary biology of trade-offs. First, we consider the underlying concept of 'constraint'. We conclude that this term is typically used too vaguely and suggest that 'constraint' in the sense of a bias should be clearly distinguished from 'constraint' in the sense of proscribed combinations of traits or evolutionary trajectories. Secondly, we address the utility of the acquisition-allocation model (the 'Y-model'). We find that, whereas this model and its derivatives have provided new insights, a misunderstanding of the pivotal equation has led to incorrect predictions and faulty tests. Thirdly, we ask how trade-offs are expected to evolve under directional selection. A quantitative genetic model predicts that, under weak or short-term selection, the intercept will change but the slope will remain constant. Two empirical tests support this prediction but these are based on comparisons of geographic populations: more direct tests will come from artificial selection experiments. Finally, we discuss what maintains variation in trade-offs noting that at present little attention has been given to this question. We distinguish between phenotypic and genetic variation and suggest that the latter is most in need of explanation. We suggest that four factors deserving investigation are mutation-selection balance, antagonistic pleiotropy, correlational selection and spatio-temporal variation, but as in the other areas of research on trade-offs, empirical generalizations are impeded by lack of data. Although this lack is discouraging, we suggest that it provides a rich ground for further study and the integration of many disciplines, including the emerging field of genomics.  相似文献   

The honeybee has an invaluable economic impact and is a model for studying immunity, development and social behavior. The recent sequencing and annotation of the honeybee genome facilitates the study of its hemolymph, which reflects the physiological condition and mediates immune responses. We aimed at making a proteomic reference map of honeybee hemolymph and compared gel‐free and gel‐based techniques. One hundered and four 2‐DE spots corresponding to 62 different proteins were identified. Eight identical 2‐DLC experiments resulted in the identification of 32 unique proteins. One repeat was clearly not representative for the potential of the given 2‐DLC setup. Only 27% of the identified hemolymph proteins were found by both techniques. In addition, we found proteins of three different viruses which creates possibilities for biomarker design. Future hemolymph studies will benefit from this work.  相似文献   

The hydraulic conductivity of the leaf vascular system (Kleaf) is dynamic and decreases rapidly under drought stress, possibly in response to the stress phytohormone ABA, which increases sharply in the xylem sap (ABAxyl) during periods of drought. Vascular bundle‐sheath cells (BSCs; a layer of parenchymatous cells tightly enwrapping the entire leaf vasculature) have been hypothesized to control Kleaf via the specific activity of BSC aquaporins (AQPs). We examined this hypothesis and provide evidence for drought‐induced ABAxyl diminishing BSC osmotic water permeability (Pf) via downregulated activity of their AQPs. ABA fed to the leaf via the xylem (petiole) both decreased Kleaf and led to stomatal closure, replicating the effect of drought. In contrast, smearing ABA on the leaf blade, while also closing stomata, did not decrease Kleaf within 2–3 h of application, demonstrating that Kleaf does not depend entirely on stomatal closure. GFP‐labeled BSCs showed decreased Pf in response to ‘drought’ and ABA treatment, and a reversible decrease with HgCl2 (an AQP blocker). These Pf responses, absent in mesophyll cells, suggest stress‐regulated AQP activity specific to BSCs, and imply a role for these cells in decreasing Kleaf via a reduction in Pf. Our results support the above hypothesis and highlight the BSCs as hitherto overlooked vasculature sensor compartments, extending throughout the leaf and functioning as ‘stress‐regulated valves’ converting vasculature chemical signals (possibly ABAxyl) into leaf hydraulic signals.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Flight-song displays usually include distinctive vocalizations and behaviors that are probably energetically expensive and also likely to attract the attention of aerial predators. We observed flight songs performed by Dusky Flycatchers ( Empidonax oberholseri ) in two breeding populations. During 15 yr at Tioga Pass, California, we observed the display twice and, during 9 yr at Steamboat Mountain, British Columbia, we observed 21 flight-song displays. These displays were generally observed later in the breeding season, suggesting that they were not used for courtship, mate attraction, or territory defense. However, for 83% of these displays, a raptor was observed to be present, usually either an American Kestrel ( Falco sparverius ) or a Sharp-shinned Hawk ( Accipiter striatus ). We hypothesize that these displays, like stotting or other pursuit-deterrent signals, may be directed at small raptors that represent a greater threat to Dusky Flycatchers and might deter attack by signaling awareness. However, because only males were observed performing flight-song displays, it is also possible that these displays serve to alert mates and offspring about the presence of an aerial predator and reduce their vulnerability to attack.  相似文献   

In spite of the advances in our knowledge of cancer biology, most cancers remain not curable with present therapies. Current treatments consider cancer as resulting from uncontrolled proliferation and are non-specific. Although they can reduce tumour burden, relapse occurs in most cases. This was long attributed to incomplete tumour elimination, but recent developments indicate that different types of cells contribute to the tumour structure, and that the tumour's cellular organization would be analogous to that of a normal tissue, with a main mass of differentiating cells sensitive to anti proliferative agents, together with a small percentage of quiescent, resistant stem cells responsible for replenishing the tumour: the Cancer Stem Cells (CSCs). Anti-CSCs targeted therapeutic agents would prevent tumour regeneration. New mouse models tailored to exploit this novel concept will be critical to develop CSC-based anti-cancer therapies. Here we review the biological basis and the therapeutic implications of the stem-cell model of cancer.  相似文献   

A gene for speed? The evolution and function of α‐actinin‐3   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The alpha-actinins are an ancient family of actin-binding proteins that play structural and regulatory roles in cytoskeletal organisation and muscle contraction. alpha-actinin-3 is the most-highly specialised of the four mammalian alpha-actinins, with its expression restricted largely to fast glycolytic fibres in skeletal muscle. Intriguingly, a significant proportion ( approximately 18%) of the human population is totally deficient in alpha-actinin-3 due to homozygosity for a premature stop codon polymorphism (R577X) in the ACTN3 gene. Recent work in our laboratory has revealed a strong association between R577X genotype and performance in a variety of athletic endeavours. We are currently exploring the function and evolutionary history of the ACTN3 gene and other alpha-actinin family members. The alpha-actinin family provides a fascinating case study in molecular evolution, illustrating phenomena such as functional redundancy in duplicate genes, the evolution of protein function, and the action of natural selection during recent human evolution.  相似文献   

The mechanisms that regulate skin pigmentation have been the subject of intense research in recent decades. In contrast with melanin biogenesis and transport within melanocytes, little is known about how melanin is transferred and processed within keratinocytes. Several models have been proposed for how melanin is transferred, with strong evidence supporting coupled exo/endocytosis. Recently, two reports suggest that upon internalization, melanin is stored within keratinocytes in an arrested compartment, allowing the pigment to persist for long periods. In this commentary, we identify a striking parallelism between melanin processing within keratinocytes and the host‐pathogen interaction with Plasmodium, opening new avenues to understand the complex molecular mechanisms that ensure skin pigmentation and photoprotection.   相似文献   

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