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Mycoplasma putrefaciens is a causative agent of contagious agalactia in goats. Reported herein is the complete genome sequence of the M. putrefaciens type strain KS1.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma hyorhinis is generally considered a swine pathogen yet is most commonly found infecting laboratory cell lines. An increasing body of evidence suggests that chronic infections with M. hyorhinis may cause oncogenic transformation. Here, we announce the complete genome sequence of M. hyorhinis strain HUB-1.Mycoplasma hyorhinis is generally considered to be a swine pathogen causing lung lesions, inflammation in the chest and abdominal lining, and arthritis (8). This agent also frequently contaminates laboratory cell cultures, impinging on many aspects of biological research (3). Recent studies have demonstrated that M. hyorhinis infections induce a malignant phenotype in human prostate (7) and gastric (4) cells, suggesting that M. hyorhinis infections are associated with oncogenic transformation. These properties of M. hyorhinis have increased its profile to researchers. The complete genome sequence of this microbe has yet to be determined.We sequenced the genome of M. hyorhinis strain HUB-1, a pathogenic strain isolated from the respiratory tract of swine. Whole-genome sequencing was performed by combining GS FLX (6) and Solexa paired-end sequencing technologies (1). Genomic libraries containing 3-kb inserts were constructed, and 308,604 reads (79.7% paired end) were produced using the GS FLX system, giving 65.9-fold coverage of the genome. About 93.4% of reads were assembled into one large scaffold using Newbler software (454 Life Sciences, Branford, CT). A total of 822,579 reads were generated using an Illumina Solexa Genome Analyzer IIx and were mapped to the scaffold using the Burrows-Wheeler alignment (BWA) tool (5). Gaps were filled by local assembly of the Solexa/Roche 454 reads or by sequencing PCR products by using an ABI 3730 capillary sequencer. Open reading frames containing more than 30 amino acid residues were predicted using Glimmer 3.0 (2) and verified by comparison with six other closely related genome sequences.The complete genome of M. hyorhinis HUB-1 consists of an 839,615-bp single circular chromosome with an average G+C content of 25.88%. A total of 654 protein-encoding genes are predicted. The average protein size is 364 amino acids, and the mean coding percentage is 85.2%. The genome includes 30 tRNA genes, and only a single copy of the 16S-23S rRNA operon can be found. The 5S rRNA operon is separate from the 16S-23S rRNA operon. Protein secretion occurs through a truncated membrane protein secretion system, consisting of SecA, SecD, SecY, PrsA, DnaK, Tig, and LepA. Additionally, 20 pseudogenes, which become truncated or inactivated, are identified in the genome.M. hyorhinis contains a special variable lipoprotein (Vlp) system that constitutes its major coat protein (9) and provides a mutational strategy for evasion of the host immune system. Different M. hyorhinis strains carry a variable number of vlp genes (9). M. hyorhinis HUB-1 is characterized to contain seven vlp genes displayed in the order 5′-vlpD-vlpE-vlpF-insertion sequence (IS)-vlpG-vlpA-IS-vlpB-vlpC-3′.This is the first complete genome sequence of M. hyorhinis, and its availability will provide a better-defined genetic background for future studies of gene expression and regulation.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae is associated with chronic nonprogressive pneumonia in both sheep and goats. Studies concerning its molecular pathogenesis, genetic analysis, and vaccine development have been hindered due to limited genomic information. Here, we announce the first complete genome sequence of this organism.  相似文献   

Guo Z  Chen P  Ren P  Kuang S  Zhou Z  Li Z  Liu M  Shi D  Xiao Y  Wang X  Zhou R  Jin H  Bi D 《Journal of bacteriology》2011,193(20):5883-5884
Mycoplasma anatis, a member of the class Mollicutes, is the causative agent of a contagious infectious disease of domestic ducklings, wild birds, and eggs. Increasing reports show that coinfection of M. anatis with Escherichia coli results in substantial economic impacts on the duck farms in China. Here, we announce the first genome sequence of M. anatis.  相似文献   

The complete genome of Mycoplasma hyorhinis strain MCLD has been sequenced and annotated. This genome differs by the inversion of a 14.4-kb and a 3.7-kb fragment and the deletion of a 9.9-kb fragment from M. hyorhinis strain HUB-1, isolated from swine respiratory tract. The genome revealed 778 coding sequences (CDSs), with a limited number of vlp genes encoding variable surface lipoproteins.  相似文献   

Shu HW  Liu TT  Chan HI  Liu YM  Wu KM  Shu HY  Tsai SF  Hsiao KJ  Hu WS  Ng WV 《Journal of bacteriology》2011,193(16):4302-4303
Mycoplasma fermentans is a microorganism commonly found in the genitourinary and respiratory tracts of healthy individuals and AIDS patients. The complete genome of the repetitive-sequence-rich M. fermentans strain M64 is reported here. Comparative genomics analysis revealed dramatic differences in genome size between this strain and the recently completely sequenced JER strain.  相似文献   

Chu Y  Gao P  Zhao P  He Y  Liao N  Jackman S  Zhao Y  Birol I  Duan X  Lu Z 《Journal of bacteriology》2011,193(21):6098-6099
Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. capripneumoniae is the causative agent of contagious caprine pleuropneumonia, a devastating disease of goats listed by the World Organization for Animal Health. Here we report the first complete genome sequence of this organism (strain M1601, a clinically isolated strain from China).  相似文献   

Pantoea agglomerans is a gram-negative bacterium that grows symbiotically with various plants. Here we report the 4.8-Mb genome sequence of P. agglomerans strain IG1. The lipopolysaccharides derived from P. agglomerans IG1 have been shown to be effective in the prevention of various diseases, such as bacterial or viral infection, lifestyle-related diseases. This genome sequence represents a substantial step toward the elucidation of pathways for production of lipopolysaccharides.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas mandelii is a cold-adapted bacterium that can grow at 4°C but not at 37°C. Here we report the draft genome sequence of P. mandelii strain JR-1.  相似文献   

Genome sequence of herpes simplex virus 1 strain KOS   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) strain KOS has been extensively used in many studies to examine HSV-1 replication, gene expression, and pathogenesis. Notably, strain KOS is known to be less pathogenic than the first sequenced genome of HSV-1, strain 17. To understand the genotypic differences between KOS and other phenotypically distinct strains of HSV-1, we sequenced the viral genome of strain KOS. When comparing strain KOS to strain 17, there are at least 1,024 small nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and 172 insertions/deletions (indels). The polymorphisms observed in the KOS genome will likely provide insights into the genes, their protein products, and the cis elements that regulate the biology of this HSV-1 strain.  相似文献   

We have determined the nucleotide (nt) and deduced amino acid (aa) sequence of a unique 115-kDa Mycoplasma hyorhinis protein (P115) with an N-terminal region containing a highly conserved consensus sequence characteristics of nt-binding domains of several ATPase and GTPase enzymes. However, P115 lacked additional conserved features characteristic of some classes of nt-binding proteins. Based on the hydropathy profile of the deduced aa sequence, the absence of a leader peptide, its exclusive partitioning into the hydrophilic phase during Triton X-114 phase fractionation of M. hyorhinis, and immunofluorescence analysis indicating no surface-exposed domains, it was concluded that P115 is a cytoplasmic protein lacking intrinsic membrane interaction. M. hyorhinis P115 appears to be a species-specific protein, since it was not detected in any other mycoplasmal or bacterial species examined with specific antibody or genomic probes. Since genetic systems for direct mutational analysis are currently unavailable in this organism, sequence analysis provides critical information in establishing the possible function of this protein. Moreover, the nt sequence encoding P115 reported here supports a previously proposed model, based on synthesis of P115-related proteins in Escherichia coli, suggesting that multiple polypeptide products can be generated from mycoplasma genes by promiscuous translation initiation in this heterologous expression system.  相似文献   

Li Y  Zheng H  Liu Y  Jiang Y  Xin J  Chen W  Song Z 《PloS one》2011,6(6):e20999
Infection by Mycoplasma bovis (M. bovis) can induce diseases, such as pneumonia and otitis media in young calves and mastitis and arthritis in older animals. Here, we report the finished and annotated genome sequence of M. bovis strain Hubei-1, a strain isolated in 2008 that caused calf pneumonia on a Chinese farm. The genome of M. bovis strain Hubei-1 contains a single circular chromosome of 953,114 bp with a 29.37% GC content. We identified 803 open reading frames (ORFs) that occupy 89.5% of the genome. While 34 ORFs were Hubei-1 specific, 662 ORFs had orthologs in the M. bovis type strain PG45 genome. Genome analysis validated lateral gene transfer between M. bovis and the Mycoplasma mycoides subspecies mycoides, while phylogenetic analysis found that the closest M. bovis neighbor is Mycoplasma agalactiae. Glycerol may be the main carbon and energy source of M. bovis, and most of the biosynthesis pathways were incomplete. We report that 47 lipoproteins, 12 extracellular proteins and 18 transmembrane proteins are phase-variable and may help M. bovis escape the immune response. Besides lipoproteins and phase-variable proteins, genomic analysis found two possible pathogenicity islands, which consist of four genes and 11 genes each, and several other virulence factors including hemolysin, lipoate protein ligase, dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase, extracellular cysteine protease and 5'-nucleotidase.  相似文献   

Wei S  Guo Z  Li T  Zhang T  Li X  Zhou Z  Li Z  Liu M  Luo R  Bi D  Chen H  Zhou R  Jin H 《Journal of bacteriology》2012,194(2):547-548
Mycoplasma iowae is associated mainly with reduced hatchability in turkeys and is well known for the unusual ability of phenotypic variation in the Mycoplasma surface components as well as a relative resistance to heat, bile salts, and many antimicrobials. A subset of unique genes and a gene cluster responsible for these characteristics could be identified from the genome. Here, we report the first genome sequence of this species.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine if a gentamicin-resistant strain of mycoplasma could be developed for use in validating current mycoplasma detection methods for biologic product harvest cell culture fluid (CCF) containing gentamicin. A strain of gentamicin-resistant Mycoplasma hyorhinis was isolated and characterized. The study showed that this organism was similar to the wild-type strain in all ways examined except gentamicin resistance. Both strains of mycoplasma (the gentamicin resistant and the wild-type) exhibited comparable growth patterns and showed 100% homology based on DNA sequencing and analysis of a 464-bp PCR product. Also, analysis using species-specific antisera identified both strains as M. hyorhinis. Two commonly used lot release mycoplasma detection methods (culture and DNAF) consistently detected mycoplasmas in spiked biologic product harvest CCF containing gentamicin but not in unspiked samples. This study demonstrates the first isolation and characterization of a gentamicin-resistant M. hyorhinis that can be used to validate mycoplasma detection methods for biologic product harvest CCF containing gentamicin.  相似文献   

Haemophilus parasuis is a member of the family Pasteurellaceae and is the etiologic agent of Glässer’s disease in pigs, a systemic syndrome associated with only a subset of isolates. The genetic basis for virulence and systemic spread of particular H. parasuis isolates is currently unknown. Strain 29755 is an invasive isolate that has long been used in the study of Glässer’s disease. Accordingly, the genome sequence of strain 29755 is of considerable importance to investigators endeavoring to understand the molecular pathogenesis of H. parasuis. Here we describe the features of the 2,224,137 bp draft genome sequence of strain 29755 generated from 454-FLX pyrosequencing. These data comprise the first publicly available genome sequence for this bacterium.  相似文献   

Tang H  Yu H  Tai C  Huang K  Liu Y  Wang L  Yao Y  Wu G  Xu P 《Journal of bacteriology》2012,194(13):3553-3554
A newly isolated bacterium, Pseudomonas geniculata N1, can efficiently degrade nicotine. Here we present a 4.51-Mb assembly of its genome, which is the first sequence of the P. geniculata group. The sequence contains the genes related to nicotine catabolism and may provide insights into its molecular mechanism for N-heterocyclic degradation.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma haemocanis is a blood pathogen that may cause acute disease in immunosuppressed or splenectomized dogs. The genome of the strain Illinois is a single circular chromosome with 919,992 bp and a GC content of 35%. Analyses of the M. haemocanis genome will provide insights into its biology and in vitro cultivation requirements.  相似文献   

Complete genome sequence of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae strain 168   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Liu W  Feng Z  Fang L  Zhou Z  Li Q  Li S  Luo R  Wang L  Chen H  Shao G  Xiao S 《Journal of bacteriology》2011,193(4):1016-1017
Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae strain 168, a pathogenic strain prevalent in China, was isolated in 1974. Although this strain has been widespread for a long time, the genome sequence had not been determined. Here, we announce the complete genome sequence of M. hyopneumoniae strain 168.  相似文献   

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