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Exposure to fast-rise-time ultra-wideband (UWB) electromagnetic pulses has been postulated to result in effects on biological tissue (including the cardiovascular system). In the current study, 10 anesthetized Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed to pulses produced by a Sandia UWB pulse generator (average values of exposures over three different pulse repetition rates: rise time, 174–218 ps; peak E field, 87–104 kV/m; pulse duration, 0.97–0.99 ns). Exposures to 50, 500 and 1000 pulses/s resulted in no significant changes in heart rate or mean arterial blood pressure measured every 30 s during 2 min of exposure and for 2 min after the exposure. The results suggest that acute UWB whole-body exposure under these conditions does not have an immediate detrimental effect on these cardiovascular system variables in anesthetized rats. Bioelectromagnetics 19:330–333, 1998. Published 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Zhang X  Zhu CB  Shu H  Liu J  Wang YY  Wang Y  Liu HY 《生理学报》1999,51(5):580-584
孤啡肽(OrphaninFQ,OFQ)是1995年底发现的内阿片肽,一级结构与强啡肽A很相似,但生物学作用与其它内阿片肽有所不同。本工作采用侧脑室及核团微量注射的方法,观察了中枢OFQ对大鼠心血管活动的影响。结果表明:侧脑室注射1、10μgONQ可明显降低大鼠平均动脉压(MAP)及心率(HR);侧脑室预先注射4μg纳洛酮不影响1μgOWQ的降压及减慢心率的效应。下丘脑视前区(POA)微量注射1μgOFQ也可降低血压、减慢心率。结果表明,中枢OFQ与其它内阿片肽相似,可抑制心血管活动,且其抑制作用不是通过μ、δ、κ阿片受体介导。POA为中枢OFQ抑制心血管活动的靶区之一。  相似文献   

急性低氧对家兔血压心率微血管反应性及自由基的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
目的 :探讨不同急性低氧下的血压、心率、微血管反应性和自由基的影响。方法 :实验采用家兔人工吸入含氧量为 12 .5 %和 8.5 %氮氧混合气体 (模拟 4 0 0 0m和 6 5 0 0m高原急性低氧 )。急性低氧时间分别为 5、10、15、2 0min ,观察血压、心率、微血管反应性和自由基影响。结果 :①急性低氧 5min时收缩压略有升高 ,以后变为降低 ;舒张压在急性低氧 2 0min后明显降低 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;②心率随急性低氧时间的延长变慢 ,尤其含氧量 8.5 %急性低氧组明显 (P <0 .0 5 )。③眼结膜微血管管径随急性低氧时间延长呈现扩张 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,血细胞流速减慢 (P <0 .0 5 ,P <0 .0 1)。④急性低氧 2 0min后SOD活力明显降低 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,MDA含量升高 (P <0 .0 5 )。结论 :急性低氧可使血压降低 ,心率减慢 ,微血管管径变大和血细胞流速减慢 ,同时体内自由基产生增加。  相似文献   

We studied the effects of an electromagnetic field (EMF) as emitted by a 902 MHz mobile phone on human short term memory. This study was a replication with methodological improvements to our previous study. The improvements included multi-centre testing and a double blind design. A total of 64 subjects (32 men) in two independent laboratories performed a short term memory task (n-back) which poses a varying memory load (0-3 items) on the subjects' memory. They performed the task twice, once each under EMF and sham exposure. Reaction times (RTs) and accuracy of the responses were recorded. The order of exposure and memory load conditions were counterbalanced across subjects and gender. There were no statistically significant differences in performance between the two laboratories. We could not replicate our previous results: the EMF had no effect on RTs or on the accuracy of the subjects' answers. The inability to replicate previous findings could have been caused by lack of actual EMF effects or the magnitude of effects being at the sensitivity threshold of the test used.  相似文献   

This study investigated (i) blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), and their relation to urinary NOx and eNOS protein expression in male and female spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR), as well as (ii) gender-dependent cardiovascular effects of nebivolol (NEB) in comparison to metoprolol (MET) in SHR. BP and HR were measured telemetrically after a single intraperitoneal application of NEB or MET at 07.00 and 19.00 h in male rats and at 19.00 h in proestrus female rats. The two β-blockers varied in time of decreasing BP and HR and also in duration. In males, MET decreased BP and HR for few hours exclusively when applied at the onset of the activity phase (i.e., at 19.00 h), while after its application at 07.00 h, BP and HR were unchanged. In females, MET also caused a short-lasting BP and HR reduction, with the effect being more pronounced than in males. In males, NEB at either dosing time decreased HR and BP to a greater extent than did MET. This effect was evident both during the activity and rest periods and persisted for at least five days. In females, NEB provoked a similar, but more pronounced, effect on BP and HR in comparison to males. These findings demonstrate that significant gender-dependent differences in the circadian profile of BP and HR exist. BP and urinary NOx as well as eNOS expression are inversely correlated, and the cardiovascular effects of NEB and MET vary, depending on the time of application as well as gender.  相似文献   

We attempted a new approach based on a modern dynamical system theory to reconstruct the arterial blood pressure signals in relation to heart rate fluctuations of developing chick embryos. The dynamical systems approach in general is to model a phenomenon that is presented by a single time series record and approximate the dynamical property (e.g. heart rate fluctuations) of a system based only on information contained in a single-variable (arterial blood pressure) of the system. The time-series data of the arterial blood pressure was reconstructed in 3-dimensional space to draw characteristic orbits. Since the reconstructed orbits of the blood pressure should retain information contained in the pressure signals, we attempted to derive instantaneous heart rate (IHR) from the reconstructed orbits. The derived IHR presenting HR fluctuations coincided well with the IHR obtained conventionally from the peak-to-peak time intervals of the maximum blood pressure. Movements of the reconstructed orbits of the arterial blood pressure in 3-dimensional space reflected HR fluctuations (i.e. transient decelerations and accelerations).  相似文献   

目的建立健康树鼩的心率、血压正常值参考范围,并探讨不同来源、不同性别、不同年龄树鼩心率、血压的差异。方法随机挑选实验树鼩180只,按来源分为野生成年组、F1代自繁成年组和青幼年组三个组,每组雌雄各半,共60只。采用智能无创血压计(鼠仪)逐只测定HR(心率)、SBP(收缩压)、DBP(舒张压)和MBP(平均动脉压)。结果野生成年树鼩、自繁成年树鼩和青幼年树鼩心率分别为394.33±37.74 BPM、351.61±72.76 BPM和378.19±69.04 BPM,野生和自繁成年树鼩组差异有显著性(P〈0.05)。自繁成年树鼩收缩压、舒张压和平均动脉压均明显低于青幼年树鼩,差异有极显著性(P〈0.01)。野生成年树鼩和自繁成年树鼩相比,收缩压、舒张压和平均动脉压差异均无显著性(P〉0.05)。结论大鼠无创血压计适合于树鼩的血压、心率的测量。通过测定,获得了野生成年树鼩、F1代自繁成年树鼩和青幼年树鼩的心率和血压参考值范围,丰富了树鼩基础生理数据,可为相关研究提供科学参考。  相似文献   

Photoplethysmography is a well‐established technique for the noninvasive measurement of blood pulsation. However, photoplethysmographic devices typically need to be in contact with the surface of the tissue and provide data from a single contact point. Extensions of conventional photoplethysmography to measurements over a wide field‐of‐view exist, but require advanced signal processing due to the low signal‐to‐noise‐ratio of the photoplethysmograms. Here, we present a noncontact method based on temporal sampling of time‐integrated speckle using a camera‐phone for noninvasive, widefield measurements of physiological parameters across the human fingertip including blood pulsation and resting heart‐rate frequency. The results show that precise estimation of these parameters with high spatial resolution is enabled by measuring the local temporal variation of speckle patterns of backscattered light from subcutaneous skin, thereby opening up the possibility for accurate high resolution blood pulsation imaging on a camera‐phone.

Camera‐phone laser speckle imager along with measured relative blood perfusion maps of a fingertip showing skin perfusion response to a pulse pressure applied to the upper arm. The figure is for illustration only; the imager was stabilized on a stand throughout the experiments.  相似文献   

A large-scale in vitro study focusing on low-level radiofrequency (RF) fields from mobile radio base stations employing the International Mobile Telecommunication 2000 (IMT-2000) cellular system was conducted to test the hypothesis that modulated RF fields affect malignant transformation or other cellular stress responses. Our group previously reported that DNA strand breaks were not induced in human cells exposed to 2.1425 GHz Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (W-CDMA) radiation up to 800 mW/kg from mobile radio base stations employing the IMT-2000 cellular system. In the current study, BALB/3T3 cells were continuously exposed to 2.1425 GHz W-CDMA RF fields at specific absorption rates (SARs) of 80 and 800 mW/kg for 6 weeks and malignant cell transformation was assessed. In addition, 3-methylcholanthrene (MCA)-treated cells were exposed to RF fields in a similar fashion, to assess for effects on tumor promotion. Finally, the effect of RF fields on tumor co-promotion was assessed in BALB/3T3 cells initiated with MCA and co-exposed to 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA). At the end of the incubation period, transformation dishes were fixed, stained with Giemsa, and scored for morphologically transformed foci. No significant differences in transformation frequency were observed between the test groups exposed to RF signals and the sham-exposed negative controls in the non-, MCA-, or MCA plus TPA-treated cells. Our studies found no evidence to support the hypothesis that RF fields may affect malignant transformation. Our results suggest that exposure to low-level RF radiation of up to 800 mW/kg does not induce cell transformation, which causes tumor formation.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the impact of endogenous and exogenous factors for the expression of the daily rhythms of body temperature (BT), blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR). One hundred and seventy-three young adults (YA), 17–24 years old (y.o.), of both genders were studied under a modified constant-routine (CR) protocol for 26 h. Participants were assigned randomly to groups with different lighting regimens: CR-LD, n = 77, lights (>400 l×) on from 09:00 to 17:00 h and off (<10 l×) from 17:00 to 09:00 next morning; CR-LL, n = 81, lights on (>400 l×) during the whole experimental session; CR-DD, n = 15, constant dim light (<10 l×) during the whole experiment. Systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) BP, HR and BT were measured every 2 h. For comparison, the results of the former studies performed under conditions of regular life with an activity period from 07:00 to 23:00 h and sleep from 23:00 till 07:00 h (Control) were reanalyzed. Seven-day Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM) records from 27 YA (16–38 y.o.) and BT self-measurement data from 70 YA (17–30 y.o.) taken on ≥ 3 successive days at 08:00, 11:00, 14:00, 17:00, 20:00, 23:00 and 03:00 were available.

The obtained daily patterns were different between Control and CR-DD groups, due to effects of activity, sleep and light. The comparison of Control and CR-LD groups allowed the effects of sleep and activity to be estimated since the lighting conditions were similar. The activity level substantially elevated SBP, but not DBP. Sleep, on the other hand, lowered the nighttime DBP, but has no effect on SBP. HR was affected both by activity and sleep. In accordance with previous studies, these results confirm that the steep BP increase in the morning is not driven by the circadian clock, but rather by sympathoadrenal factors related to awakening and corresponding anticipatory mechanisms. The effect on BT was not significant.

To investigate the impact of light during the former dark time and darkness during the former light time, the CR-LL and CR-DD groups were each compared with the CR-LD group. Light delayed the evening decrease of BT, most likely via a suppression of the melatonin rise. Besides, it had a prominent arousal effect on SBP both in the former light and dark phases, a moderate effect on DBP and no effect on HR. Darkness induced decline in BT. BP values were decreased during the former light time. No effects on HR were found. Altogether, the results of the present paper show that BT, BP and HR are affected by exogenous factors differently. Moreover, the effect was gender-specific. Especially, the response of BT and BP to ambient light was evident only in females.

We suppose that the distinct, gender-specific responses of SBP, DBP and HR to activity, sleep and ambient light do reflect fundamental differences in the circadian control of various cardiovascular functions. Furthermore, the presented data are important for the elaboration of updated reference standards, the interpretation of rhythm disorders and for personalized chronotherapeutic approaches to prevent adverse cardiovascular events more effectively.  相似文献   


Hyperphosphatemia is a common complication of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and is associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD), which has contributed to an increase in mortality of CKD patients. The onset of CVD often varies by time-of-day. Acute myocardial infarction or ventricular arrhythmia occurs most frequently during early morning. Blood pressure (BP) and heart rate circadian rhythms account for the diurnal variations in CVD. Preservation of normal circadian time structure from the cardiomyocyte level to the whole organ system is essential for cardiovascular health and CVD prevention. Independent risk factors, such as reduced heart rate variability (HRV) and increased BP variability (BPV), are particularly prevalent in patients with CKD. Analysis of HRV is an important clinical tool for characterizing cardiac autonomic status, and reduced HRV has prognostic significance for various types of CVD. Circadian BP rhythms are classified as extreme dipper, dipper, non-dipper or riser. It has been reported that nocturnal riser BP pattern contributes to cardiovascular threats. Previous studies have indicated that the circadian rhythm of serum phosphate in CKD patients is consistent with the general population, with the highest diurnal value observed in the early morning hours, followed by a progressive decrease to the lowest value of the day, which occurs around 11:00 am. Rhythm abnormalities have become the main therapeutic target for treating CVD in CKD patients. It has been reported that high levels of serum phosphate are associated with reduced HRV and increased BPV in CKD patients. However, the mechanisms related to interactions between hyperphosphatemia, HRV and BPV have not been fully elucidated. This review focuses on the evidence and discusses the potential mechanisms related to the effects of hyperphosphatemia on HRV and BPV.  相似文献   

Diet quality can influence many aspects of digestion, but the links between diet quality and resting metabolism are poorly understood. In nature, it might be beneficial to reduce energy expenditure when only poor quality diets are available. Alternatively, animals might increase the processing capacity of the gut to more thoroughly extract energy. If maintaining the processing capacity of the gut is energetically expensive, then increasing gut size or function might result in higher resting metabolism. In ectotherms, most digestive functions are temperature dependent, thus another strategy to maintain energy balance might be to alter selected body temperatures. We tested whether differing concentrations of dietary fiber affected the resting metabolic rate or body temperatures selected by chuckwallas (Sauromalus obesus) – lizards that naturally experience marked variation in dietary fiber. Resting metabolic rates measured at two temperatures and over three time intervals did not differ between groups of lizards force-fed low- (30% neutral-detergent fiber; NDF) and high-fiber (45% NDF) diets, nor did these diet differences influence body temperatures selected in a thermal gradient. We conclude that ecologically relevant differences in diet quality may have negligible effects on resting metabolic rates and body temperatures selected by chuckwallas. Accepted: 5 January 1998  相似文献   

Population-based epidemiology and clinical case studies document a prominent 24-hour pattern in the occurrence of silent and non-silent angina pectoris (AP), acute myocardial infarction (AMI), and sudden cardiac death (SCD). When the data are summarized per 3 - 6 hour intervals of the 24 hours, the temporal pattern of these ischemic heart disease (IHD) events shows a single morning peak between 06:00 and 12:00 h in incidence. However, when the occurrence of such events is examined according to the hour of their occurrence, several studies reveal a second late-afternoon/early-evening minor peak. The true day - night pattern in AP, AMI, and SCD is unknown because the data represent nothing more than the recorded “time of day” of the events. It has been postulated that the day - night pattern in IHD events is at least in part dependent on endogenous circadian rhythms, which are synchronized by the daily routine of sleep in darkness/activity in light. Approximately 20% of the working population is involved in night and rotating shift employment; thus, “time of day” studies are not likely to accurately represent the actual “chronorisk” of vulnerable individuals to IHD events. Moreover, it is likely that the events in the persons comprising the population and clinical case studies were influenced by ongoing treatment with antihypertensive, anticoagulant, and antianginal medications. Details regarding the class, dose, and schedule of such medications are rarely if ever reported in accounts of IHD events. Many of the investigations were conducted decades ago, when short-acting antihypertensive and cardiovascular medications required twice or thrice-a-day dosing, and thus the observed day - night variations could be significantly affected by such multiple treatment timings each day. Thus, the magnitude and nature (single versus multiple peaks) of the reported day - night patterns in AP, AMI, and SCD are suspect, as are their geneses. Presently, it is hypothesized that multiple cyclic exogenous triggers (e.g. posture, physical exertion, emotional stress, and medication scheduling) superimposed upon an endogenous 24-hour susceptibility-resistance pattern that arises from circadian rhythms in heart rate, blood pressure, rate-pressure product, and haemostasis, are major contributory factors.  相似文献   

A pressure to voltage transducer is used along with a cuff, in a PC-based blood pressure and pulse rate monitoring system for human body. During the blood pressure measurement cycle, the output voltage of the pressure to voltage transducer is recorded digitally using a data acquisition system. The recorded data are then analyzed using software routines to determine the blood pressure and pulse rate of the person under test. However, it is difficult to identify the points of systole and diastole correctly from the recorded data. This paper presents the technique that may be used to determine the systolic and diastolic pressure from the collected data.  相似文献   

Small mammals that are specialists in homeothermic thermoregulation reduce their self-maintenance costs of normothermy to survive the winter. By contrast, heterothermic ones that are considered generalists in thermoregulation can lower energy expenditure by entering torpor. It is well known that different species vary the use of their strategies to cope with harsh winters in temperate zones; however, little is still known about the intraspecific variation within populations and the associated external and internal factors. We hypothesized that yellow-necked mice Apodemus flavicollis decrease their resting metabolic rate (RMR) from autumn to winter, and then increase it during spring. However, since the alternative for seasonal reduction of RMR could be the development of heterothermy, we also considered the use of this strategy. We measured body mass (mb), RMR, and body temperature (Tb) of mice during 2 consecutive years. In the 1st year, mice decreased whole animal RMR in winter, but did not do so in the 2nd year. All mice entered torpor during the 2nd winter, whereas only a few did so during the first one. Mice showed a continuous increase of mb, which was steepest during the 2nd year. The relationship between RMR and mb varied among seasons and years most likely due to different mouse development stages. The mb gain at the individual level was correlated positively with RMR and heterothermy. This indicates that high metabolism in winter supports the growth of smaller animals, which use torpor as a compensatory mechanism. Isotope composition of mice hair suggests that in the 1st year they fed mainly on seeds, while in the 2nd, they likely consumed significant amounts of less digestible herbs. The study suggests that the use of specialist or generalist thermoregulatory strategies can differ with environmental variation and associated differences in developmental processes.  相似文献   

We examined physiological and morphological responses of reproductively active male White-plumed Honeyeaters Lichenostomus penicillatus to exogenous testosterone (T). Birds used in the experiment were held in captivity for two weeks and then were given subcutaneous implants which were either empty (controls) or T-filled silastic capsules (T-treated). Basal metabolic rates (BMR) measured just prior to implantation and again 4-weeks later were not affected by treatment and were indistinguishable from BMR measured in free-living White-plumed Honeyeaters, averaging 3.2 ml O2/g/h. Plasma T levels measured at the time of the final BMR evaluation were 1.2, 1.8, and 5.5 ng/ml in free-living, control, and T-treated birds, respectively. Body mass was unaffected by T treatment. All captive birds used in the experiment displayed Haemoproteus sp. infection, but blood parasite loads did not differ temporally between T-treated and control birds during their 6-week captivity. Corticosterone secretion during a 60-min capture-handling protocol did not differ between control and T-treated birds, but corticosterone levels at each sampling period in captive birds were significantly lower than those of free-living males. Three morphological variables of White-plumed Honeyeaters were affected by T treatment: T-treated birds had significantly higher haematocrits and larger testes than control birds and also showed no change in bill colour. Control birds, by contrast, showed substantial lightening of the proximal half of their bills. We conclude that BMR, resistance to Haemoproteus infection, and stress responsiveness are not directly affected by T levels in male White-plumed Honeyeaters.  相似文献   

These experiments were designed to investigate the effects of sub-resonant microwave (MW) exposure (350 MHz, E orientation, average power density 38 mW/cm2, average whole-body specific absorption rate 13.2 W/kg) on selected physiological parameters. The increase in peripheral body temperature during 350 MHz exposure was greater than that in earlier experiments performed at 700 MHz (resonance). Heart rate and mean arterial blood pressure were significantly elevated during a 1 °C increase in colonic temperature due to 350 MHz exposure; respiratory rate showed no significant change. The results are consistent with other investigators' reports comparing sub-resonance exposures with those at resonance and above. Bioelectromagnetics 18:335–338, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Large elastic artery compliance is reduced and arterial blood pressure (BP) is increased in the central (cardiothoracic) circulation with aging. Reactive oxygen species may tonically modulate central arterial compliance and BP in humans, and oxidative stress may contribute to adverse changes with aging. If so, antioxidant administration may have beneficial effects. Young (Y; 26 +/- 1 yr, mean +/- SE) and older (O; 63 +/- 2 yr, mean +/- SE) healthy men were studied at baseline and during acute (intravenous infusion; Y: n = 13, O: n = 12) and chronic (500 mg/day for 30 days; Y: n = 10, O: n = 10) administration of ascorbic acid (vitamin C). At baseline, peripheral (brachial artery) BP did not differ in the two groups, but carotid artery compliance was 43% lower (1.2 +/- 0.1 vs. 2.1 +/- 0.1 mm(2)/mmHg x 10(-1), P < 0.01) and central (carotid) BP (systolic: 116 +/- 5 vs. 101 +/- 3 mmHg, P < 0.05, and pulse pressure: 43 +/- 4 vs. 36 +/- 3 mmHg, P = 0.16), carotid augmentation index (AIx; 27.8 +/- 7.8 vs. -20.0 +/- 6.6%, P < 0.001), and aortic pulse wave velocity (PWV; 950 +/- 88 vs. 640 +/- 38 cm/s, P < 0.01) were higher in the older men. Plasma ascorbic acid concentrations did not differ at baseline (Y: 71 +/- 5 vs. O: 61 +/- 7 micromol/l, P = 0.23), increased (P < 0.001) to supraphysiological levels during infusion (Y: 1240 +/- 57 and O: 1,056 +/- 83 micromol/l), and were slightly elevated (P < 0.001 vs. baseline) with supplementation (Y: 96 +/- 5 micromol/l vs. O: 85 +/- 6). Neither ascorbic acid infusion nor supplementation affected peripheral BP, heart rate, carotid artery compliance, central BP, carotid AIx, or aortic PWV (all P > 0.26). These results indicate that the adverse changes in large elastic artery compliance and central BP with aging in healthy men are not 1). mediated by ascorbic acid-sensitive oxidative stress (infusion experiments) and 2). affected by short-term, moderate daily ascorbic acid (vitamin C) supplementation.  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of local dehydration on heart rate and blood pressure during static exercise, six healthy male subjects performed exercise of the calf muscles with different extracellular volumes of the working muscles. Exercise consisted of 5 min of static calf muscle contractions at about 10% of maximal voluntary contraction. The body position during exercise was identical in all tests, i.e. supine with the knee joint 90 degrees flexed. During a 25-min pre-exercise period three different protocols were employed to manipulate the calf volume. In test A the subjects rested in the exercise position; in test B the body position was the same as in A but calf volumes were increased by venous congestion [cuffs inflated to 10.67 kPa (80 mmHg)]; in test C the calf volumes were decreased by lifting the calves about 40 cm above heart level with the subjects supine. To clamp the changed calf volumes in tests B and C, cuffs were inflated to 300 mmHg 5 min before the onset of exercise. This occlusion was maintained for 1 min after the termination of exercise. Compared to tests A and B, the reduced volume of test C led to significant increases in heart rate and blood pressure during exercise. Oxygen uptake did not exceed resting levels in tests B and C until the cuffs were deflated, indicating that only calf muscles contributed to the neurogenic peripheral drive. It is concluded that extracellular muscle volume plays a significant role in adjusting heart rate and blood pressure during static exercise.  相似文献   

An in vitro study focusing on the effects of low-level radiofrequency (RF) fields from mobile radio base stations employing the International Mobile Telecommunication 2000 (IMT-2000) cellular system was conducted to test the hypothesis that modulated RF fields act to induce phosphorylation and overexpression of heat shock protein hsp27. First, we evaluated the responses of human cells to microwave exposure at a specific absorption rate (SAR) of 80 mW/kg, which corresponds to the limit of the average whole-body SAR for general public exposure defined as a basic restriction in the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) guidelines. Second, we investigated whether continuous wave (CW) and Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (W-CDMA) modulated signal RF fields at 2.1425 GHz induced activation or gene expression of hsp27 and other heat shock proteins (hsps). Human glioblastoma A172 cells were exposed to W-CDMA radiation at SARs of 80 and 800 mW/kg for 2-48 h, and CW radiation at 80 mW/kg for 24 h. Human IMR-90 fibroblasts from fetal lungs were exposed to W-CDMA at 80 and 800 mW/kg for 2 or 28 h, and CW at 80 mW/kg for 28 h. Under the RF field exposure conditions described above, no significant differences in the expression levels of phosphorylated hsp27 at serine 82 (hsp27[pS82]) were observed between the test groups exposed to W-CDMA or CW signal and the sham-exposed negative controls, as evaluated immediately after the exposure periods by bead-based multiplex assays. Moreover, no noticeable differences in the gene expression of hsps were observed between the test groups and the negative controls by DNA Chip analysis. Our results confirm that exposure to low-level RF field up to 800 mW/kg does not induce phosphorylation of hsp27 or expression of hsp gene family.  相似文献   

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