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The capacity of staphylococcal enterotoxins to stimulate all T cells bearing certain T cell receptors has recently generated a great deal of interest. These toxins are believed to bind directly both to the TCR:CD4 complex via its V beta domains and to class II MHC molecules on accessory cells prior to T cell activation. Previous studies from this laboratory have demonstrated that staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) is capable of inducing multiple T suppressor cell populations which can inhibit in vitro antibody responses. Additional studies have demonstrated that the suppressive activity of these cells is mediated, at least in part, by an I-J-restricted suppressor factor. Efforts to characterize the inhibitory activity of this factor have demonstrated that the suppressive element is capable of activating both early and late acting suppressor cell populations in vitro. Analysis by both positive and negative selection shows that cells bearing the Lyt1-2+ surface marker phenotype are active early, whereas Lyt1+2+ cells are active both early and late in the antibody response. Additional experiments using various strains of mice as sources of suppressor factor and of naive splenocyte populations have demonstrated that activation of suppressor-effector cells by this suppressor factor is restricted at the I-J, but not Igh, gene locus. These studies suggest that this SEB-induced suppressor factor alone provides the signals necessary for the induction and activation of suppressor-effector cell activity.  相似文献   

Staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) binds specifically to major histocompatibility complex class II molecules on the surface of accessory cells and stimulates virtually all T cells bearing certain, but not all, T cell-receptor V beta alleles. We have previously shown that this superantigen is a potent inducer of multiple regulatory T cell populations. In the present report we show that SEB induces a population of suppressor T cells which inhibits the generation of alloantigen-induced cytotoxic T cell activity. Using both negative- and positive-selection analysis, we found that this suppressor population is a CD4- CD8- CD5+ IL-2R+ T cell. This cell population inhibited both syngeneic and allogeneic cytotoxic T lymphocyte activity, but the cell population which inhibited allogeneic CTL activity was radiation sensitive. In addition, allogeneic SEB-primed cells appeared to develop cytolytic activity as a result of the additional stimulation in the mixed-lymphocyte reaction culture. The relationship of the SEB-primed CD4- CD8- CD5+ T cells to related regulatory T cell populations is discussed.  相似文献   

Modulation of pathogenic egg-induced hepatic granuloma formation in chronically Schistosoma mansoni-infected mice is an immunoregulatory process. Adoptive transfer and in vitro studies have demonstrated that this suppression involves various T lymphocyte circuitries, and the participation of soluble suppressor factors has recently been noted in these systems. The present study has partially characterized a soluble suppressive activity extracted from the thymus glands of chronically infected mice (SmTsF) that modulates granuloma formation in acutely infected mice. The suppressive effect of SmTsF could be administered by multiple i.v. injections or by slow release from osmotic minipumps implanted i.p. Homologous and reciprocal transfers of SmTsF prepared from B10.A(3R) and B10.A(5R) donors indicated that SmTsF-induced suppression required homology between the donor and recipient at the I-J subregion of the major histocompatibility complex. Furthermore, the use of immunoabsorbents prepared with anti-I-Jk and anti-I-Jb sera demonstrated that CBA/J (H-2k) SmTsF was retained by, and could be recovered from, anti-I-Jk insoluble columns, but was unaffected by parallel treatment with anti-I-Jb sera. Subsequent immunoabsorbent studies showed that SmTsF did not bind to soluble egg antigenic (SEA) columns, and thus demonstrated a lack of idiotype, anti-antigen activity. However, columns prepared by using anti-SEA IgG from chronically infected syngeneic mice retained SmTsF suppressive activity, and it could be recovered by alkaline elution. These data are compatible with an interpretation that the suppressive activity expressed anti-idiotypic reactivity. Thus a thymus extract obtained from chronic, modulated, S. mansoni-infected mice can induce granuloma suppression in acutely infected mice. This activity is associated with an I-J determinant-bearing, possibly anti-idiotypic moiety or moieties. These observations further implicate some of the Ts cascades reported in other systems in the regulation of cell-mediated pathogenesis in chronic experimental schistosomiasis.  相似文献   

Previous studies demonstrated that the first-order T-suppressor factor (TsF1) requires the presence of antigen to induce idiotype-specific Ts cells which readily suppress phenyltrimethylamino (TMA) hapten-specific delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) responses when transferred into already immune recipients. In this study we show that TsF1 in the absence of antigen induces a splenic population which limits DTH in recipient mice only when an additional accessory lymphoid population was also cotransferred. Neither of these populations alone was sufficient to mediate suppression and depletion of T cells in either population's abrogated suppression, indicating the T-cell dependency of the complementing cell types. Moreover, suppression was seen only when TMA-TsF1-induced and not normal spleen cell lysate-induced cells were cotransferred with the antigen-induced population, suggesting the requirement for a specific signal to induce the factor-induced population. Further experiments showed that the antigen-induced lymphoid population could be replaced by either heterologous antigen-induced or adjuvant alone-induced splenic populations, indicating the lack of specificity of this secondary population. Further analysis showed that the cell complementation between TMA-TsF1-induced and the nonspecific accessory lymphoid population resulted in antigen-specific and genetically restricted immune suppression. The TsF1-induced lymphoid population was not responsible for the genetic restriction, and furthermore, there was no restriction observed between the two complementing populations. However, matching of the nonspecific accessory cell with the recipient host at the I-J subregion of the H-2 complex was essential for immune suppression. Finally, the activity of complementing cells was found to be independent of cyclophosphamide-sensitive Ts populations of the recipient mice. The ramifications of these findings with reference to the existing suppressor pathways are discussed.  相似文献   

This article describes the evaluation of immunomodulatory activity of Mollugo verticillata L. (Molluginaceae), a weed plant common in warm and/or wet regions of the American continent. Nitric oxide (NO) release was evaluated in mice peritoneal cell cultures treated in vivo using the ethanolic extract of M. verticillata with and without BCG. The plant extract showed immunostimulatory activity when peritoneal cells were stimulated in vitro with BCG antigen only. However, mice peritoneal cells treated with M. verticillata plus BCG showed a drastic reduction in NO production when they received the additional stimulus in vitro with BCG. Ethanolic extracts of M. verticillata could directly increase NO release by peritoneal cells, but suppress the immune response of these cells when treated with BCG antigen and Mycobacterium tuberculosis whole antigen (TB). Preliminary phytochemical tests allowed the detection of quercetin and triterpenoid glycosides in the ethanolic extract of M. verticillata, and those compounds are probably responsible for the effect of this plant material on the immune system.  相似文献   

Many viral infections are associated with the development of immunopathologies and autoimmune diseases, which are of difficult treatment and for which no vaccines are yet available. Obtaining compounds that conjugate both antiviral and immunomodulatory activities in the same molecule would be very useful for the prevention and/or treatment of these immunopathologies.The compound (22S,23S)-22,23-dihydroxystigmast-4-en-3-one (compound 1) displays anti-Herpes simplex virus type 1 activity in vitro and reduces the incidence of herpetic stromal keratitis (HSK) in mice, a chronic inflammatory syndrome induced by ocular HSV-1 infection.In the present study, compound 1 showed opposite immunomodulatory properties in vitro. It induced the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines in HSV-1-infected epithelial cells of ocular origin, and significantly reduced the production of these cytokines in LPS-activated macrophages. RNA microarrays revealed various overexpressed and repressed genes in compound 1 treated infected epithelial cells and activated macrophages, many of which are associated with innate immune responses and inflammatory processes. These immunomodulatory properties of compound 1, together with its previously reported antiviral activity, make it a potential drug for the treatment of HSK and many other immunopathologies of viral and non-viral origin.  相似文献   

Cultures of normal spleen cells with anti-idiotypic antibody (anti-Id) or antigen B (AgB)-specific T suppressor factor (Tsf1) in mini-Marbrook chambers for 4 days at 37 degrees C lead to the in vitro induction of AgB-specific T suppressor (TS) cells. These TS cells significantly suppress a secondary AgB-specific IgE response, but they do not affect a secondary AgB-specific IgG response. Depletion of both B cells and macrophages from normal spleen cells by panning on anti-Ig-coated petri dishes provides an enriched T cell population. These enriched T cells when cultured with anti-Id or Tsf1 in mini-Marbrook chambers do not produce AgB-specific TS cells, and mice treated with cells harvested from the mini-Marbrook chambers have normal secondary AgB-specific IgG and IgE responses. The addition of as few as 1000 bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDM) to cultures of the enriched T cells with anti-Id, or Tsf1 restores the ability of these cultures to produce significant levels of AgB-specific TS cells. Further studies reveal that the macrophage population must be histocompatible and express a cell surface I-J antigen. Attempts to pulse BMDM with anti-Id or Tsf1 at 4 degrees C and to culture in mini-Marbrook chambers 10(3) pulsed BMDM with enriched T cells were unsuccessful in producing AgB-specific TS cells. However, pulsing BMDM with anti-Id or Tsf1 at 37 degrees C, and adding 10(3) of these pulsed BMDM to enriched T cells in culture led to the formation of significant levels of AgB-specific TS cells.  相似文献   

D Pugh  R A Cawson 《Microbios》1979,24(96):73-79
The formation of germ tubes in Candida albicans can be initiated by variations in the growth medium and in other environmental factors. Cell-to-cell interaction can also be an essential factor in cell morphogenesis. The crowding together of blastopores of some strains of C. albicans stimulates the development of germ tubes without the addition of extrinsic factors.  相似文献   

A 26-nt sequence from the 3' UTR of the yeast GAL7 mRNA directs accurate and efficient cleavage and polyadenylation to form the 3' end of the GAL7 mRNA in vivo and in vitro. Here we asked whether this polyadenylation signal can function within the context of a tRNA. Insertion of the GAL7 signal into the intron of the dominant SUP4 nonsense suppressor allowed us to judge the effect of the insert on SUP4 function by observation of nonsense suppression efficiency in vivo. The GAL7 signal impairs the function of SUP4 in an orientation-dependent manner in vivo, consistent with its ability to specify cleavage and polyadenylation in this context in vitro. Mutation of a UA repeat within the GAL7 signal restores SUP4 function partially, consistent with the role of this repeat as an efficiency element in polyadenylation. Mutations that impair the mRNA 3' end-processing factors Rna14p and Rna15p restore suppressor function partially. Northern blot analysis, PCR amplification, and DNA sequence analysis show that the GAL7 signal directs polyadenylation within the body of pre-SUP4 and within the terminator, suggesting that polyadenylation inhibits 5' and 3' end processing, as well as removal of the pre-tRNA intron. These findings indicate that the GAL7 polyadenylation signal is capable of targeting a pre-tRNA to the mRNA processing pathway.  相似文献   

《Cellular immunology》1986,103(1):147-159
We have previously shown that staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) is a potent inducer of suppressor T cells which function to inhibit antibody production in vitro. In the present paper we extend these studies and show that the SEB-induced suppressor cells also inhibit the development of cytotoxic lymphocytes in mixed-lymphocyte reaction (MLR) cultures. Since further analysis also showed that the level of interleukin 2 (IL-2) in cultures of SEB-primed cells was significantly reduced, experiments were carried out to determine the role of IL-2 in the inhibition of cytotoxic cell activity. Attempts to neutralize the suppression by supplementing MLR cocultures with delectinated supernatants from concanavalin A (Con A)-stimulated rat splenocytes were not successful. In addition, MLR cocultures supplemented on Day 0 with 50 units of affinity-purified IL-2 were also suppressed. Further analysis showed that the IL-2 activity in the supplemented MLR cocultures containing suppressor cells were significantly reduced by Day 3. However, repeated supplementation of the MLR cocultures with exogenous IL-2 was successful in achieving (and maintaining) “normal” levels of IL-2. The cytotoxic cell activity in these MLR cocultures remained suppressed. These results suggest that the inhibition of cytotoxic cell activity by SEB-induced suppressor cells is independent of IL-2 levels in the MLR coculture.  相似文献   

Staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA), a protein isolated from culture supernatants of Staphylococcus aureus, is a potent T-cell mitogen and an inducer of interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma). We report here that SEA exhibits a number of significant in vitro immunomodulatory functions. In vitro treatment of human peripheral blood monocyte-depleted lymphocytes with SEA resulted in significant augmentation of their natural killer cytotoxicity against target cells from hemopoietic (K562, Daudi) or solid (melanoma, lung, colon) human tumor cell lines. SEA was found to be more effective than interferons-alpha (natural or Escherichia coli-derived) in augmenting natural killer (NK) cytotoxicity of peripheral blood lymphocytes. Studies on the kinetics of the augmentation revealed a significant increase of NK within 3 hr of in vitro treatment with SEA at 37 degrees C. A neutralizing monoclonal antibody specific for human IFN-gamma did not affect the augmentation of natural killer cytotoxicity by SEA, suggesting that SEA augmented natural killer cytotoxicity primarily by a mechanism not involving induction of interferon-gamma. Furthermore, in vitro treatment with SEA resulted in significant augmentation of antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity and of natural killer-like cytotoxicity, generated in mixed lymphocyte culture, against the K562 targets. Induction of suppressor cells to proliferative responses of autologous or allogeneic mononuclear cells to phytohemagglutinin (PHA) or to allogeneic cells in mixed lymphocyte culture was observed after in vitro treatment of peripheral blood mononuclear leukocytes with SEA for 24 or 48 hr at 37 degrees C. In addition, the presence of SEA in mixed lymphocyte cultures (MLC) resulted in significant inhibition of the generation of specific T-cell-mediated cytotoxicity in MLC. These results suggest that SEA, which may be involved in S. aureus infections and in treatment with extracorporeal perfusion systems over S. aureus columns, can regulate a number of significant lymphoid functions.  相似文献   

The synthetic polymers L-glutamic acid60-L-alanine30-L-tyrosine10 (GAT) and L-glutamic acid50-L-tyrosine50 (GT) stimulate specific suppressor T cells in certain strains of mice. Extracts from these T cells contain factors (TsF) that inhibit GAT- or GT-specific antibody responses by normal spleen cells or proliferative responses by primed T cells. We constructed T cell hybridomas that constitutively produce GAT-TsF or GT-TsF, which functionally and serologically are identical to factors extracted from suppressor T cells. In this report we demonstrate that monoclonal GT-TsF can induce specific unresponsiveness in vivo or in vitro and that this unresponsiveness is due to development of second-order antigen-specific suppressor T cells. T cell hybridomas were constructed by fusion of BW5147 with GT-TsF1 induced second-order suppressor T cells and clones that produced suppressor factor (GT-TsF2) were isolated and characterized. GT-TsF2 differs from the GT-TsF1 used to induce it in that GT-TsF1 acts across allogeneic barriers whereas GT-TsF2 does not. This restriction is controlled by genes in the H-2 gene complex and maps to the I-J subregion. GT-TsF2 is antigen-specific in suppressive activity and also in its antigen-binding site(s). Thus, GT-TsF2 closely resembles the carrier-specific, I-J+, genetically restricted factor described by Tada and his colleagues. Because GT-TsF2 was induced by GT-TsF1, we suggest cells producing GT-TsF1 are an early cell in the pathway of suppression, and that this cell is required for the activation of antigen-specific, MHC-restricted TsF.  相似文献   

It was observed that when normal mouse spleen cells were cultured alone in vitro (precultured) for 3 to 7 days, these cells lost the ability to generate cell-mediated cytotoxicity (CML) during subsequent in vitro sensitization with allogeneic spleen cells, trinitrophenyl (TNP)-modified syngeneic spleen cells, or syngeneic tumor cells. These precultured cells, which were themselves unable to generate CML, were also shown in mixing experiments to suppress, actively, the generation of CML by freshly explanted spleen cells. Suppression occurred at the sensitization phase of CML, and not at the effector level; supernatants from suppressive precultured cells were not suppressive. Suppression was totally abrogated by the treatment of spleen cells with a T cell-specific rabbit anti-mouse brain serum and complement (RalphaMB+C) either before or after preculturing, suggesting that a T cell eas essential both to the generation of suppressor activity and to its expression. Suppressor activity was entirely absent in precultured nylon wool column-nonadherent spleen cells, a T cell-enriched population containing most of the RalphaMB+C-sensitive cells in the spleen. Precultured nylon column-adherent cells (T cell-depleted) did have suppressive activity, and a mixture of nylon-adherent and nylon-non-adherent cells was a suppressive after preculture as the precultured unseparated spleen. Moreover, the ability of nylon-adherent spleen cells to generate suppressive activity during preculturing was abrogated by treatment with RalphaMB+C. Thus, the "spontaneous" generation of CML-suppressive activity was dependent upon a limited subpopulation of splenic T cells isolated in the nylon column-adherent fraction. The relationship of these data to a previously described synergy between subpopulations of normal spleen in the generation of CML is discussed, and the findings related to other suppressor systems described in the literature.  相似文献   

Comparison of staphylococcal clumping factor and protein A.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Spleen mononuclear cells of C3H/HeN mice were cultivated with mitomycin C-treated tumor cells, X5563, MH134, MM48, MM46, and FM3A/R, all of which were of syngeneic origin, in a medium containing normal syngeneic mouse serum but not FCS. There was a proliferative response to X5563, MH134, and MM48, but not to the two other tumor cells, MM46 and FM3A/R. The responder spleen cells were found to be nonadherent cells with a phenotype of Thy-1-L3T4-Lyt2-Ig-Macl-, which were neither mature T and B cells nor mature macrophage/granulocytes. It was also found that the proliferation of these nonadherent no-marker cells was mediated by tumor cell-derived soluble factors but not by direct stimulation with tumor cells. The responsible factor was a molecule(s) with a Mr of 23 to 25 kDa, which had a CSF activity inducing granulocyte (G)-, macrophage (M)- and G + M-colonies in the bone marrow cells. Neutralization tests of this factor-induced proliferation of spleen cells revealed that a major part of the factor may be GM-CSF or a molecule closely related to it. Incubation of spleen mononuclear cells with these GM-CSF-like tumor cell factors resulted in induction of myeloblastic/promyelocytic cells with a phenotype of Mac-1+2+Ia+ Thy-1-L3T4-Lyt2-Ig- in the spleen cell cultures, which could suppress mitogenic responses of the spleen cells to T and B cell mitogens. GM-CSF-like activity could also be detected in the serum of mice bearing X5563, MH134, and MM48, but not in those bearing MM46 and FM3A/R. Subcutaneous inoculation of C3H/HeN mice with these X5563, MH134, and MM48 tumor cells generated massive metastasis in the lung and lymph nodes, whereas MM46 and FM3A/R produced no macroscopic tumor cell metastasis. These results strongly suggest the possibility that in some tumor cell-host systems, a GM-CSF-like factor(s) produced constitutively by the tumor cells may play an important role in the development of tumor metastasis, mediating through suppression of lymphoid tissues of the host.  相似文献   

Progesterone-treated pregnancy lymphocytes release an immunologic blocking factor. The mode of action of this substance was investigated. The supernatant of progesterone-treated pregnancy lymphocytes was highly suppressive of natural cytotoxicity toward human embryonic fibroblast target cells as well as of natural killer cell activity. The effect was not observed when progesterone induction was performed in the presence of RU 486, a progesterone receptor blocking agent. The factor was able to inhibit mixed lymphocyte reactions (MLRs), and transfer coculture experiments revealed that this effect was dependent on major histocompatibility complex nonspecific, nonrestricted suppressor T cells. The activation/expansion of suppressor inducer and suppressor effector T cells was further proved by fluorescence-activated cell sorter analysis of the populations from MLRs cultured in the presence of the inhibitory factor. These changes were not observed with MLRs performed in the presence of supernatants from progesterone + RU 486-treated peripheral blood lymphocytes. The inhibitory material, on the other hand, did not affect either production or function of IL-2. We conclude that in the presence of high local concentrations of progesterone, a suppressive pathway dependent on specific progesterone-CD8+ lymphocyte interaction might be established. This mechanism might play an important role in the maintenance of pregnancy.  相似文献   

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