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The normal ventral and dorsal prostatic lobes of the young adult Syrian hamster were examined at the light and electron microscopic levels. Each lobe is composed of branched tubular secretory units separated from each other by loose interacinar connective tissue and draining into the urethra. The lumen of each acinus is lined by a simple epithelium composed of columnar secretory cells with occasional small basal cells. The epithelial layer, with the thin underlying lamina propria, forms a mucosa that is often highly folded. The whole acinus is bounded by a thick muscular stroma. In each of the ventral lobes, there are three main ducts, each one formed of tubular branched tributary secretory units. The walls of the secretory acini are moderately folded. Microvilli dominate the lumenal surface of the secretory epithelial cells. The Golgi complex is very extensive and shows dilated cisternae and secretory vesicles and vacuoles of various sizes. Membrane-bounded secretory granules populate the Golgi and apical areas and are released into the acinar lumen by exocytosis. The rough endoplasmic reticulum is dispersed throughout the cytoplasm, except in the region of the Golgi apparatus. In each of the dorsal lobes, there are several main tubular ducts that open into the urethra. Both proximal (ductal) and distal portions of the glandular tree are secretory in nature. Microvilli and cytoplasmic bulges and blebs dominate the lumenal surface of the secretory cells. The cells are also characterized by highly dilated cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum. The secretory cells show heterogeneity in the degree of dilation and distribution of rough endoplasmic reticulum, and this heterogeneity may reflect location in the glandular tree.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A. H. Cawood 《Chromosoma》1981,83(5):711-720
The BrdU/Hoechst 33258/Giemsa method for sub-dividing S-phase in asynchronous cell populations has been re-evaluated and modified to give better definition and more even distribution of sub-phases. A reference pattern of early-relicating euchromatic bands is given for all chromosomes at Sk2 in primary cultures of skin fibroblasts. The overall band patterns at each sub-phase have allowed more objective definitions of early and late replication for these cells, and show that in both classes of chromatin light G-bands preceed dark G-bands. Asynchrony between homologous bands is observed at all stages of S, albeit with a variable frequency. The observed in vitro replication patterns and programme for the chromosomes of skin fibroblasts does not appear to be affected by the age or sex of the source.  相似文献   

Using BrdU/Hoechst 33258/Giemsa methods for detecting replicating chromosome bands, a method is described by which the DNA synthesis phase may be sub-divided on the basis of distinctive patterns displayed by certain chromosomes. — Applied to asynchronous populations successively sampled through one cell cycle, cells in S can be unscrambled and replaced in their correct time sequence. — This helps to overcome the sampling-time variable inherent in such populations, and allows a clearer picture of the progression of events both qualitatively and quantitatively.  相似文献   

Male Syrian hamsters exposed to short photoperiods of 6 h light/day (6L:18D) show regression of the testes within 12 weeks. Chromosome preparations of the meiotic stages (pachytene, metaphase I (MI) and metaphase II (MII)), testicular weights relative to body weights, sperm counts, seminiferous tubule diameter and histological appearance were examined at intervals during regression and subsequent recovery in a long photoperiod (14L:10D). The fall of testicular weight was associated with the decrease in tubule diameter. Spermatogenesis and sperm count were reduced rapidly and finally ceased after 10 weeks in short days. The numbers of MI and MII cells relative to 100 pachytene cells progressively decreased during the short-day treatment, although the ratio of MI:MII stayed constant whenever there was meiotic activity (except in the first week of the recovery phase). This suggests that an increasing proportion of pachytene cells did not progress to MI with increased time in short days, but cells which did reach MI progressed to MII in the same proportions as in the control testes. Meiosis ceased after 10 weeks in short days. Recovery in the long days was marked by a peak in the number of MI and MII cells/100 pachytene cells soon after the return to long days. This preceded the return (to control values) of the sperm count by 10 weeks. Initial recovery in the first 3 weeks was very rapid in all the determined values.  相似文献   

A. H. Cawood 《Chromosoma》1981,84(3):365-372
The sub-division of S-phase in Syrian hamsters, on the basis of BrdU/Hoechst 33258/Giemsa banding, has allowed a quantitative comparison of the replication of individual chromosome bands within defined subphases of S. This analysis has shown that in hamsters, as has been reported in humans, there are distinct patterns of early replication in vitro in the early X, the late X in fibroblasts, and the late X in lymphocytes. In addition, it has been possible to show that, although the pattern of replication of the late X in fibroblasts differs from that in lymphocytes, the time in S at which bands first appear on this chromosome is the same in the two cell types. — No significant heterogeneity can be ascribed to differences between individuals, adult or embryonic sources, culture media, or time of exposure to BrdU. — The absence of any detectable heterogeneity in the replication band frequencies in autosomal heterochromatic arms suggests that the cell-specific variability of the late-replicating X is a feature of facultative rather than constitutive heterochromatin.  相似文献   

Corticotropin-releasing factor and urocortin belong to a superfamily of neuropeptides that includes the urotensins-I in fishes and the insect diuretic peptides. Sequence analysis suggests that urocortin is the mammalian ortholog of urotensin-I, although the physiological role for this peptide in mammals is not known. Within the Rodentia, hamsters belong to a phylogenetically older lineage than that of mice and rats and possess significant differences in hypothalamic organization. We have, therefore, cloned the coding region of the Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) corticotropin-releasing factor and urocortin mature peptide by polymerase chain reaction. Hamster urocortin was prepared by solid-phase synthesis, and its pharmacological actions on human corticotropin-releasing factor R1 and R2 receptors were investigated. The deduced hamster corticotropin-releasing factor amino acid sequence and cleavage site is identical to that in rat, whereas the urocortin sequence is unique among the urocortin/urotensin-I/sauvagine family in possessing asparagine and alanine in positions 38 and 39, respectively. The hamster urocortin carboxy terminus sequence bears greater structural similarity to the insect diuretic peptide family, suggesting either retrogressive mutational changes within the mature peptide or convergent sequence evolution. Despite these changes, human and hamster urocortin are generally equipotent at cAMP activation, neuronal acidification rate, and R1/R2 receptor affinities.  相似文献   

The authors have studied the activity rhythm of Syrian hamsters exposed to square LD cycles with a 22-h period (T22) with the aim of testing the effects of the previous history on the rhythmic pattern. To do so, sequential changes of different lighting environments were established, followed by the same LD condition. Also, the protocol included T22 cycles with varying lighting contrasts to test the extent to which a computational model predicts experimental outcomes. At the beginning of the experiment, exposure to T22 with 300 lux and dim red light occurring respectively at photophase and scotophase (LD300/dim red) mainly generated relative coordination. Subsequent transfer to cycles with approximately 0.1-lux dim light during the scotophase (LD300/0.1) promoted entrainment to T22. However, a further reduction in light intensity to 10 lux during the photophase (LD10/0.1) generated weak and unstable T22 rhythms. When, after that, animals were transferred again to the initial LD300/dim red cycles, the amplitude of the rhythm still remained very low, and the phases were very unstable. Exposure to constant darkness partially restored the activity rhythm, and when, afterwards, the animals were submitted again to LD300/dim red cycles, a robust T22 rhythm appeared. The results demonstrate history-dependent changes in the hamster circadian system because the locomotor activity pattern under the same T22 cycle can show relative coordination or unstable or robust entrainment depending on the prior lighting condition. This suggests that the circadian system responds to environmental stimuli depending on its previous history. Moreover, computer simulations allow the authors to predict entrainment under LD300/0.1 cycles and indicate that most of the patterns observed in the animals due to the light in the scotophase can be explained by different degrees of coupling among the oscillators of the circadian system.  相似文献   

Melatonin is produced and secreted by the pineal gland in a rhythmic manner; circulating levels are high at night and low in the day. Leptin is a hormone secreted by adipocytes as a product of the obese gene and plays an important role in regulating body energy homeostasis and reproductive function in rodents and humans. The present study was conducted to examine daily fluctuations in serum levels of melatonin and leptin in Syrian hamster. We measured serum leptin and melatonin levels by ELISA in (a) intact and pinealectomized (pinx) male hamsters kept under long daylight conditions [14 h of light (14L)]; (b) intact and pinx hamsters under short daylight (10L); and (c) intact hamsters in constant light (24L). Blood samples were obtained every 2 h throughout a 24-h period. Statistically significant circadian variations were found in both melatonin and leptin profiles. Their relationship was inverse, i.e. when melatonin was high in the serum, leptin was comparably low. These results suggest that there is a rhythm in leptin levels in the adult male Syrian hamster and this rhythm is pineal gland (melatonin) and/or photoperiod dependent.  相似文献   

External ear of male and female Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) were extracted with hexane and separated by class on thin-layer chromatography (TLC). Separated lipid classes were eluted and saponified, and non-saponifiable lipids further characterized by TLC, gas-liquid chromatography (GLC), UV and IR spectroscopy and functional group analyses. Many sex differences were observed, most notably the presence of sex-specific sterols of males and females. Mature animals were found to have greater quantities of ear sebum, but the characteristic qualitative lipid profiles of each sex were apparent in immature animals.  相似文献   

Summary In the present study, synaptic ribbons were studied morphologically and quantitatively in hamster pineal gland. The number of ribbons and spherules of hamster pinealocytes was counted over a 24-h period. The 24-h variations in the quantity of synaptic ribbons were found to parallel fluctuations in pineal melatonin concentrations. No significant circadian changes were observed for synaptic spherules, indicating different roles for these two structures.  相似文献   

A new experimental model was developed in hamsters for amoebic abscess caused by Entamoeba histolytica. E. histolytica trophozoites were cultured in a liquid axenic medium, and then injected intradermally into the cheek pouch of the Syrian golden hamster, Mesocricetus auratus. Inoculation consistently resulted in abscess formation at the site in 20 of 22 (91%) study animals. The amoebic nature of the abscesses was confirmed by light microscopy and histopathologic examination. Abscess formation was maximal at day 12 post-inoculation. Potential applications of this simple and reliable model include further elucidation of the pathogenesis of invasive amoebiasis, studies of the host response to amoebae, and in vivo evaluation of chemotherapeutic agents that show in vitro efficacy against E. histolytica.  相似文献   

Spontaneous activity has been demonstrated in the lumbar dorsal roots of isolated spinal cord preparations taken from animals ranging in age from 2 to 65 days. Peaks of activity were recorded at 2 and 5 weeks of age, with mean firing frequencies of 33 Hz and 28 Hz respectively. The firing frequency in weeks 3 and 4 was lower (15 Hz) as was the frequency in cords taken from animals older than 6 weeks. The pattern of the spontaneous dorsal root activity changed during the first 5 weeks of life. In cords taken from animals less than 10 days old, the roots fired single action potentials, producing a single broad peak in Inter Spike Interval plots (ISI). Dorsal root recordings made from cords taken from animals in weeks 2 and 3 of life exhibited both single spikes and bursts of action potentials. By the end of the third week of life, individual spike activityhad declined and the bursts of action potentials characteristic of the adult pattern had become dominant, producing a bimodal ISI plot. Cross correlation analysis of dorsal root and dorsal horn activity in lumbar segments up to five segments apart, revealed an increasing degree of correlation developing over the first 4 weeks of postnatal life. Dorsal horn responses to dorsal root stimulation in cords taken from young animals were prolonged, lasting in excess of 250 msec. In the third week of life, the duration of the excitatory component of the response was reduced to approximately 50 msec by the development of an inhibitory phase.  相似文献   

Vitamin A levels in tissues of 20 normal adult hamsters on a standard diet were measured colorimetrically. No significant difference between male and female animals was found for any of the tissues sampled. The mean vitamin A value for blood plasma in 20 animals was 53.4 micrograms/dl. Mean values for liver, kidneys, flank skin and cheek pouch were 813, 1.29, 1.84 and 1.31 mg/g wet weight, respectively. The vitamin assay was less suitable for small organs such as trachea.  相似文献   

To augment the limited work reported in the literature regarding testing of the hormonal temporal synergism hypothesis in Syrian hamsters (Joseph MM, Meier AH. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med. 1974;146:1150-5), a large experiment with female hamsters was conducted. Forty-eight received corticosterone at 18:00 h on January 21, 23, 25, 27, and 29 and ovine prolactin at one of six times of day beginning January 22 for 8 days; 36 received saline (at 18:00) and prolactin at one of the six times of day for 8 days; 35 received only prolactin at one of the six times of day for 8 days; and 16 received no injections. Twelve hamsters receiving corticosterone and prolactin and eight uninjected hamsters were on running wheels. The corticosterone and prolactin group not on wheels had a body weight gain and no circadian rhythm of weight gain, but did have circadian rhythms of response in organ weight, per 100 g of body weight, and in weights of fat pads and uteri. The corticosterone and prolactin group with access to running wheels gained in body weight and had larger ovaries and smaller fat pads. Hamsters receiving saline and prolactin had a body weight gain, but had no circadian rhythms of response in organ weights. The hamsters receiving only prolactin gained in body weight but had no rhythms of response, except for unexpected circadian rhythms in body weight gain and weights of fat pads. The uninjected hamsters had a modest weight gain. Most or all hamsters with access to running wheels freeran, and the corticosterone injections did not appear to synchronize the locomotor activity rhythms. In conclusion, corticosterone does interact with the injection time effect of prolactin on weights of fat pads, paired ovaries, and uteri. The mechanism of that effect, in terms of circadian rhythm theory, is unclear.  相似文献   

The Harderian glands in Syrian hamsters exhibit a striking sexual dimorphism. Male Harderian glands show two cell types and low levels of porphyrins and melatonin. Of the enzymes involved in the synthesis of melatonin, N-acetyltransferase (NAT) and hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase (HIOMT) show high and low activity levels, respectively. Female Harderian glands show but one cell type and have high porphyrin and melatonin levels, low NAT activity, and high HIOMT activity. In castrated males, the Harderian glands exhibit a female pattern of morphology, porphyrin levels, and indoleamine metabolism. In an attempt to determine whether prolactin in involved in this sexually dimorphic response of the Harderian glands, intact and castrated male and intact female hamsters were injected daily with 500 micrograms of bromocriptine, a dopamine agonist. Bromocriptine led to reduced serum prolactin levels in all groups. It had no apparent effect on the Harderian glands of intact males. In contrast, in castrated males bromocriptine prevented the postcastrational rise in porphyrin levels but had no effect on NAT or HIOMT activities. In females, bromocriptine treatment had no effect on porphyrin concentrations or HIOMT activity; it led to a statistically significant increase in NAT activity. We propose that testosterone inhibits Harderian porphyrin synthesis while dopamine or prolactin stimulates it.  相似文献   

To augment the limited work reported in the literature regarding testing of the hormonal temporal synergism hypothesis in Syrian hamsters (Joseph MM, Meier AH. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med. 1974;146:1150-5), a large experiment with female hamsters was conducted. Forty-eight received corticosterone at 18:00 h on January 21, 23, 25, 27, and 29 and ovine prolactin at one of six times of day beginning January 22 for 8 days; 36 received saline (at 18:00) and prolactin at one of the six times of day for 8 days; 35 received only prolactin at one of the six times of day for 8 days; and 16 received no injections. Twelve hamsters receiving corticosterone and prolactin and eight uninjected hamsters were on running wheels. The corticosterone and prolactin group not on wheels had a body weight gain and no circadian rhythm of weight gain, but did have circadian rhythms of response in organ weight, per 100 g of body weight, and in weights of fat pads and uteri. The corticosterone and prolactin group with access to running wheels gained in body weight and had larger ovaries and smaller fat pads. Hamsters receiving saline and prolactin had a body weight gain, but had no circadian rhythms of response in organ weights. The hamsters receiving only prolactin gained in body weight but had no rhythms of response, except for unexpected circadian rhythms in body weight gain and weights of fat pads. The uninjected hamsters had a modest weight gain. Most or all hamsters with access to running wheels freeran, and the corticosterone injections did not appear to synchronize the locomotor activity rhythms. In conclusion, corticosterone does interact with the injection time effect of prolactin on weights of fat pads, paired ovaries, and uteri. The mechanism of that effect, in terms of circadian rhythm theory, is unclear.  相似文献   

The secretory cell types of the hamster Harderian glands were studied in both male and female Syrian hamsters. As previously demonstrated, female hamsters showed a single secretory cell type (type I), while male hamsters displayed two secretory cell types (type I and type II). Type-II cells were observed after the first month of age correlating with the increase in testosterone levels. The administration of testosterone to adult female hamsters resulted in a marked increase in the percentage of type-II cells without a significant increase in the number of mitotic figures. Very low levels of serum testosterone were able to maintain the percentage of type-II cells. Castration of male hamsters produced a decrease in the percentage of type-II cells. This drop correlated with the reduction in serum testosterone levels. The chronic administration of a luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone agonist to male Syrian hamsters induced a significant reduction in both serum luteinizing hormone and testosterone. However, the percentage of type-II cells was similar to that of control hamsters suggesting that very low levels of circulating testosterone are able to maintain the percentage of type-II cells. In a final experiment male Syrian hamsters were treated with the antiadrogen cyproterone acetate. No changes were observed in the percentage of type-II cells, whereas serum luteinizing hormone and testosterone levels were significantly modified. We concluded that (1) type-II cells differentiate from type-I cells; (2) gonadal androgens are the major factor controlling this differentiation; and (3) the disappearance of type-II cells after androgen deprivation occurs through holocrine and apocrine mechanisms. The possible implication of 5-reductase in the regulation of secretory cell types in the Harderian glands of hamsters is discussed.  相似文献   

Corynebacterium kutscheri was isolated from the oral cavities of 12 male Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) which were about 12 months old. At 1, 5, and 9 months after initial isolation of C. kutscheri from the oral cavity, hamsters were euthanatized, and attempts were made to culture C. kutscheri from 13 additional sites. Corynebacterium kutscheri was isolated from nine hamsters, and regardless of the hamsters' ages, the organisms were most frequently isolated from the oral cavity (100%), esophagus (100%), cecal content (100%), and colon and rectum (88.9%). Isolation rates in the nasal cavity were 66.7%, followed by 55.5% in the trachea and 33.3% in the submaxillary lymph nodes. The number of the organisms found in the submaxillary lymph nodes and esophagus was 10(3) to 10(4) CFU/g. The number found in the cecal content and in the colon and rectum was 10(2) to 10(5) CFU/g. The organisms were not isolated from lung, stomach, kidney, spleen, and mesenteric lymph node tissues. The hamsters had neither clinical signs nor lesions. However, 7 of 12 animals had low agglutinating antibody titers. The Syrian hamster can therefore be an asymptomatic carrier of C. kutscheri.  相似文献   

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