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Abstract 273 Strains of Escherichia coli isolated from diarrhoeic and healthy control cattle and buffalo calves in Sri Lanka, were tested for Verocytotoxin (VT) and for heat-stable (ST) and heat-labile (LT) enterotoxins. VT and ST toxigenic E. coli were significantly associated with diarrhoea, accounting for 28% and 18% of diarrhoeic episodes, respectively. LT toxigenic E. coli were not significantly associated with diarrhoea.  相似文献   

A total of 1572 isolates of Escherichia coli obtained from the faeces of young farm animals with diarrhoea over the period 1980–1983 were screened for resistance to trimethoprim (Tp). Resistance to Tp was detected in263/954 (28%) of bovine isolates,59/441 (13%) of porcine isolates and15/177 (9%) of ovine isolates. Seventy-five resistant isolates from separate outbreaks of infection on farms within a 25 mile radius of Nottingham were examined in detail. Sixty-eight (91%) of the 75 isolates were resistant to > 1024 mg Tp/1 and 34 (50%) of these 'highly resistant' isolates (45% of total resistant isolates) transferred their Tp resistance to E. coli K12. A further 13 (17%) isolates were demonstrated to carry non-self-transferable plasmids which were capable of being mobilized to E. coli K12 by the broad host range plasmid RP4. Thirty-one self-transferable Tp R plasmids were divided between the following incompatibility groups: IncB (14 plasmids), IncF***H (4 plasmids), IncH2 (1 plasmid), IncIaP (10 plasmids), IncIdT (1 plasmid) and IncP (1 plasmid). In terms of antibiotic resistance patterns and incompatibility properties, many of these plasmids closely resembled those isolated from human patients in the same area, suggesting that there may be a common pool of Tp R plasmids.  相似文献   

Serotypes and antibiotic resistance of 51 Verotoxigenic (VTEC) and 33 Necrotizing (NTEC) bovine Escherichia coli strains were determined and compared with those shown by 205 non-VTEC non-NTEC strains isolated from the same batch of calves. E. coli untypable for O-antigen represented 47% of the VTEC, 12% of the NTEC and 8.8% of the non-VTEC non-NTEC. Typable VTEC belonged to serotypes 02:K?, 0103:K-, 0104:K?, 0128:K?, 0153:K- and O157:K-:H7, whereas typable NTEC were of serotypes 08:K87, 015:K14, 015:K-, 054:K?, 076:K-, 078:K(80), 088:K?, 0123:K-, 0139:K- and 0153:K-. Non-VTEC non-NTEC showed a wide variety of serotypes which were generally unrelated to those found in VTEC and NTEC. VTEC were resistant to antibiotics at higher rates than NTEC and non-VTEC non-NTEC, and showed also the highest multidrug-resistant pattern. Our results show that bovine VTEC strains belonged to O-groups usually found in human VTEC causing sporadic diarrhoea, haemorrhagic colitis and/or haemolytic uraemic syndrome, such as 02, 0103, 0104, 0153 and especially 0128 and O157. In contrast, bovine NTEC strains belonged to serotypes different from those previously found in necrotizing E. coli strains of human origin.  相似文献   

The resistance to several drugs was determined in 29 pathogenic strains of Escherichia coli (026, 055 and 0111) isolated from infant diarrhoea and 18 non-pathogenic E. coli strains isolated from the same individuals. Both pathogenic and nonpathogenic strains were resistant to at least 1 to 10 drugs, but only in four cases resistance patterns of the pathogenic strains were identical with those of non pathogenic ones. The majority of the strains were resistant to sulfonamide, tetracycline, ampicillin, carbenicillin, neomycin and kanamycin. The drug resistance (except the resistance to nalidixic acid and rifampicin) was associated with conjugative R-plasmids. Some of the tested strains carried two R-plasmids in one cell, being in hetero R-state.  相似文献   

AIMS: To characterize a number of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) isolates from sheep and to discuss the potential of these isolates as human pathogens. METHODS AND RESULTS: Twelve different O-groups and seven different H-types were identified by standard serotyping methods. The most common serotypes were O5:NM, O6:H10, O91:NM and O128:NM. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used for the detection of virulence factor genes. Of 102 isolates, 86.3% carried stx1 and 83% of these were also positive in the stx1OX3-specific PCR. stx2 was carried by 55.9% of the isolates and 77.2% of these were also positive in the stx2d-specific PCR. The Vero cell assay showed high toxin production in 70.6% of the isolates. None of the isolates carried eae. CONCLUSIONS: The study supports the animal-host relationship suggested in other studies with STEC serogroups O5, O91 and O128 strongly associated with sheep. Most sheep STEC carry stx1OX3 (except O91) and the dominating stx2 variant is stx2d. One stx profile clearly dominates within a serotype. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: In spite of the predominance of certain sheep-associated STEC, sheep cannot be excluded as carriers of human pathogenic STEC.  相似文献   

Several drug resistance patterns were determined in 170 pathogenic strains of E. coli isolated in 6 Polish towns from infant diarrhoea. The most frequent were strains resistant to 5 different drugs: ampicillin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol, streptomycin and sulfonamide. Conjugative R factors of 30 strains of the same resistance pattern (Ap Tc Cm Sm Su) were characterised by determining their Fi(F) character, incompatibility and molecular weight.  相似文献   

Aims: To investigate the prevalence of traditional and emerging types of enteropathogenic (EPEC) and enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) strains in stool samples from children with diarrhoea and to characterize their virulence genes involved in the attaching and effacing (A/E) phenotype. Methods and Results: Serological and PCR‐based methods were used for detection and isolation of EPEC and EHEC strains from 861 stool samples from diarrhoeic children. Agglutination with traditional EPEC and EHEC O‐group‐specific antisera resulted in detection of 38 strains; 26 of these carried virulence factors of EPEC or EHEC. PCR screening for the eae gene resulted in isolation of 97 strains, five carried genes encoding Shiga toxins (stx), one carried the bfpA gene and 91 were atypical EPEC. The 97 EPEC and EHEC strains were divided into 36 O‐serogroups and 21 H‐types, only nine strains belonged to the traditional EPEC O‐groups O26, O55, O86 and O128. In contrast, EPEC serotypes O28:H28, O51:H49, O115:H38 and O127:H40 were found in multiple cases. Subtyping the virulence factors intimin, Tir and Tir‐cytoskeleton coupling effector protein (TccP)/TccP2 resulted in further classification of 93·8% of the 97 strains. Conclusions: Our findings show a clear advantage of the eae‐PCR over the serological detection method for identification of EPEC and EHEC strains from human patients. Significance and Impact of the Study: Molecular detection by the eae‐PCR followed by serotyping and virutyping is useful for monitoring trends in EPEC and EHEC infections and to discover their possible reservoirs.  相似文献   

Seventy verocytotoxigenic (VTEC) and sixty-three non VTEC haemolytic Escherichia coli isolated from recently weaned piglets were examined by the colony hybridization assay using gene probes for three verocytotoxins: Edema disease principle (EDP) and Shiga-like toxins I and II (SLTI and SLTII). The results with the EDP and SLTII probes were identical. All VTEC hybridized with these two probes, while non VTEC did not. All 133 E. coli were negative for the SLTI probe. Hybridization of the plasmid content of 14 VTEC did not show any evidence for plasmid localization of the genes coding for the EDP. The 70 VTEC were also assayed with gene probes for heat-stable (STaP, STb) and heat-labile (LT, LTIIa) enterotoxins. Only the STb probe was hybridized by 36 of them. Most STb-positive isolates belonged to serotype O141: K85 biotypes 9 and 13 PC.  相似文献   

AIMS: Strains of Verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli (VTEC) from Scottish beef cattle on the same farm were isolated during four visits over a period of eight months. Characteristics of these strains were examined to allow comparisons with strains of VTEC associated with human infection. METHODS AND RESULTS: Strains were characterized to investigate the relationship between these bovine isolates with respect to serotype, Verocytotoxin (VT) type, intimin-type, and presence or absence of the enterohaemolysin genes. VT genes were detected in 176 of 710 (25%) faecal samples tested using PCR, although only 94 (13%) VTEC strains were isolated using DNA probes on cultures. Forty-five different serotypes were detected. Commonly isolated serotypes included O128ab:H8, O26:H11 and O113:H21. VTEC O26:H11 and O113:H21 have been associated with human disease. Strains harbouring the VT2 genes were most frequently isolated during the first three visits to the farm and those with both VT1 and VT2 genes were the major type during the final visit. Of the 94 strains of non-O157 VTEC isolated, 16 (17%) had the intimin gene; nine had the gene encoding beta-intimin and seven strains had an eta/zeta-intimin gene. Forty-one (44%) of 94 strains carried enterohaemolysin genes. CONCLUSIONS: Different serotypes and certain transmissible characteristics, such as VT-type and the enterohaemolysin phenotype, appeared to be common throughout the VTEC population at different times. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Detailed typing and subtyping strains of VTEC as described in this study may improve our understanding of the relationship between bovine VTEC and those found in the human population.  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate whether epilithic biofilms in freshwater streams in a mixed UK agricultural river catchment harbour Escherichia coli O157, and if so, whether they demonstrate an association with those excreted by grazing farm animals. METHODS AND RESULTS: Flint shingle, native to the study site, was used as a surface for biofilm development within cages of metal lath set into a stream bed at four locations on a chalkland farm. Shingle was collected from all sites once a month, as were pooled faecal samples from five farm animal populations. Subpopulations of E. coli, including E. coli O157 that demonstrated significant phenotypic and genotypic similarity with animal faecal isolates (t-test, P = 0.05) were isolated. Of 1002 E. coli isolates from biofilms and animal faeces, 48 were confirmed as the O157 strain by latex agglutination. The presence of five virulence traits associated with incidence of human disease was tested using PCR. Stx(2) was the most frequently isolated single gene (30 isolates), while stx(1) was the least frequently recovered (four isolates). CONCLUSION: Escherichia coli O157, expressing up to four virulence factors associated with human disease, reside within freshwater biofilms in this agricultural environment. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Aquatic biofilms may potentially act as a reservoir for these pathogens, and the implications of the findings for the protection of drinking water resources should be further investigated.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the production of bacteriocin by Shigella flexneri strains, to relate their production to the presence of dysenteric diarrhoea and to asses the genetic determination of the bacteriocin. METHODS AND RESULTS: One hundred and sixteen strains of Sh. flexneri were isolated from patients with diarrhoea and 49 of them produced bacteriocin active against several Escherichia coli and abacteriocinogenic Sh. flexneri strains. The extrachromosomal DNA isolated from bacteriocinogenic Sh. flexneri strains were used as a substrate to transform E. coli HB-101 cells by means of electroporation. CONCLUSIONS: Only the Sh. flexneri strains isolated from dysenteric diarrhoea produced bacteriocin. It was demonstrated that a plasmid of approx. 3 kb was responsible for the genetic determination of these anti-bacterial substances. Significance and IMPACT OF THE STUDY: A 3-kb plasmid that harboured information for the production of bacteriocin by Sh. flexneri strains was described. The production of this bacteriocin may be related to dysenteric diarrhoea produced by these bacterial strains.  相似文献   

Aims: This study estimated the incidence of non‐O157 verocytotoxigenic Escherichia coli (VTEC) in farm pasture soils and investigated the survival of non‐O157 VTEC in clay and sandy loam soils. Methods and Results: Twenty farms were tested over a 12‐month period by sample enrichment in tryptone soya broth plus vancomycin, followed by PCR screening for the presence of vt1 and vt2 genes. Of the 600 soil samples, 162 (27%), across all farms, were found to contain vt1 and/or vt2 genes. The enrichment cultures from the 162 PCR‐positive samples were plated onto Chromocult tryptone bile X‐glucuronide agar (TBX), presumptive VTEC colonies recovered, confirmed as VTEC by PCR and serotyped. Samples of the two predominant soil types in Ireland (clay and sandy) were homogenized, characterized in terms of pH, boron, cobalt, copper, potassium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc and organic matter content, inoculated with washed suspensions of eight non‐O157:H7 soil isolates and six bovine faecal isolates and stored at 10°C for up to 201 days. Inoculum survival rates were determined at regular intervals by recovering and plating soil samples on TBX. All inoculated non‐O157 serotypes had highest D‐values in the sandy loam soil with D‐values ranging from 50·26 to 75·60 days. The corresponding range in clay loam soils was 31·60–48·25 days. Conclusions: This study shows that non‐O157 VTEC occur widely and frequently in pasture soils and can persist in such environments for several months, with considerable opportunity for recycling through farm environments, and cattle, with clear potential for subsequent transmission into the human food chain. Significance and Impact of the Study: This is the first such study of non‐O157 VTEC in farm soils and found that these VTEC are frequent and persistent contaminants in farm soils. In light of recent epidemiological data, non‐O157 VTEC should be seen as an emerging risk to be controlled within the food chain.  相似文献   

Cattle are a major reservoir for Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O157 (STEC O157) and harbor multiple genetic subtypes that do not all associate with human disease. STEC O157 evolved from an E. coli O55:H7 progenitor; however, a lack of genome sequence has hindered investigations on the divergence of human- and/or cattle-associated subtypes. Our goals were to 1) identify nucleotide polymorphisms for STEC O157 genetic subtype detection, 2) determine the phylogeny of STEC O157 genetic subtypes using polymorphism-derived genotypes and a phage insertion typing system, and 3) compare polymorphism-derived genotypes identified in this study with pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), the current gold standard for evaluating STEC O157 diversity. Using 762 nucleotide polymorphisms that were originally identified through whole-genome sequencing of 189 STEC O157 human- and cattle-isolated strains, we genotyped a collection of 426 STEC O157 strains. Concatenated polymorphism alleles defined 175 genotypes that were tagged by a minimal set of 138 polymorphisms. Eight major lineages of STEC O157 were identified, of which cattle are a reservoir for seven. Two lineages regularly harbored by cattle accounted for the majority of human disease in this study, whereas another was rarely represented in humans and may have evolved toward reduced human virulence. Notably, cattle are not a known reservoir for E. coli O55:H7 or STEC O157:H(-) (the first lineage to diverge within the STEC O157 serogroup), which both cause human disease. This result calls into question how cattle may have originally acquired STEC O157. The polymorphism-derived genotypes identified in this study did not surpass PFGE diversity assessed by BlnI and XbaI digestions in a subset of 93 strains. However, our results show that they are highly effective in assessing the evolutionary relatedness of epidemiologically unrelated STEC O157 genetic subtypes, including those associated with the cattle reservoir and human disease.  相似文献   

Thirty-six enteropathogenic Escherichia coli strains isolated from Cuban pigs with diarrhea were serotyped and screened by PCR for the presence of virulence genes. The 36 isolates belonged to 11 O serogroups and 14 O:H serotypes, with 53% of the isolates belonging to only two serotypes: O141:H- (13 isolates) and O157:H19 (6 isolates). Genes coding for STb, STa, VT2e, and LT toxins were identified in 69, 61, 53, and 6% of the isolates, respectively. The most prevalent fimbrial adhesin was F18, detected in 22 (61%) isolates. The gene encoding F6 (P987) colonization factor was identified in three (8%) isolates. None of the 36 isolates assayed contained genes encoding F4 (K88), F5 (K99), or F41. The seropathotype O141:H-:STa/STb/VT2e/F18 (13 isolates) was the most frequently detected, followed by O157:H19:VT2e/F18 (5 isolates). A genetic diversity study, carried out by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) of 24 representative isolates, revealed 21 distinct restriction patterns clustered in 18 groups (I-XVIII). Isolates of the same serotype were placed together in a dendrogram, but isolates of serotype O157:H19 showed a high degree of polymorphism. The results of this study demonstrate the presence in Cuba of different clusters among one of the most prevalent serotypes isolated from pigs with diarrhea. Further experiments are needed to determine whether some of these clusters have appeared recently; if so, their evolution, as well as their possible association with pathogenicity in farms should be studied.  相似文献   

Many enzymes or fluorescent proteins produced in Escherichia coli are enzymatically active or fluorescent respectively when deposited as inclusion bodies. The occurrence of insoluble but functional protein species with native-like secondary structure indicates that solubility and conformational quality of recombinant proteins are not coincident parameters, and suggests that both properties can be engineered independently. We have here proven this principle by producing elevated yields of a highly fluorescent but insoluble green fluorescent protein (GFP) in a DnaK- background, and further enhancing its solubility through adjusting the growth temperature and GFP gene expression rate. The success of such a two-step approach confirms the independent control of solubility and conformational quality, advocates for new routes towards high quality protein production and intriguingly, proves that high protein yields dramatically compromise the conformational quality of soluble versions.  相似文献   

A colicin plasmid in Escherichia coli strain B177 isolated from a septicemic calf was characterized. The colicin type was identified as ColV by using reference ColV producers. The colicin plasmid was labeled with transposon Tn903 and subjected to conjugation. The transconjugants examined suggest that the colicin plasmid confers serum resistance. There was no difference in siderophore utilization ability between the transconjugants and host strain SF800. Bioassay for siderophore suggests that the colicin plasmid specifies the production of iron-chelating compounds available for the host strain.  相似文献   

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