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The evolutionary processes that result in reliable links between male signals and fighting capacity have received a great deal of attention, but the proximate mechanisms underlying such connections remain understudied. We studied a large sample of male green anole lizards (Anolis carolinensis) to determine whether testosterone or corticosterone predicted dewlap size and/or bite-force capacity, as dewlap size is known to be a reliable predictor of bite-force capacity in territorial males. We also examined whether these relationships were consistent between previously described body size classes ("lightweights" and "heavyweights"). Heavyweights had 50% higher testosterone concentrations than lightweights during the breeding season, suggesting a mechanism for the disproportionately larger heads and dewlaps and higher bite-forces of heavyweights. Plasma testosterone concentrations were positively correlated with dewlap size and bite-force performance in lightweights (but not heavyweights) but only because of mutual intercorrelation of all three variables with body size. We suggest two possibilities for the relationship between testosterone levels and body size: (1) testosterone promotes growth in this species or (2) smaller sexually mature males are unable to compete with larger males such that the benefits of elevated testosterone do not outweigh the costs. Corticosterone levels did not differ between the male morphs, and lightweights, but not heavyweights, showed an inverse relationship between testosterone levels and corticosterone levels. Our results suggest that testosterone is important for traits related to dominance in adult male green anoles and may influence the ability to compete with rivals via fighting ability or through the use of signals. 相似文献
We describe morphological variation (scalation and coloration) observed among eight individuals of the Panamanian lizard species Anolis casildae. This variation was not observed in the holotype and aids in identification of this recently described species (originally described on the basis of a single, male specimen). This species occurs only in the Reserva Forestal Fortuna (Chiriquí Province) and the adjacent Bosque Protector Palo Seco (Bocas del Toro Province) in western Panama. Anolis casildae can be distinguished from all other Panamanian anole species via six features: (1) two enlarged superciliary scales (the first larger than the second); (2) an anterior nasal scale in contact with the rostral scale or separated from the rostral by one scale; (3) 6-8 sublabial scales to the center of the eye; (4) 3-4 scales between the supraobital semicircles; (5) unique coloration (4-6 oblique brown bands interspersed by blue-outlined yellow patches; dewlap is a dirty cream color with broad yellow scale rows irregularly interspersed with smaller emerald green scales) and (6) A. casildae occurs from 1,050 to 1,400 m in the Cordillera Central. We also compare our natural history observations of A. casildae to a similar large anole, A. frenatus, a species which we believe A. casildae to be closely related. 相似文献
Anolis lizards are important models in studies of ecology and evolution. Here we describe 13 polymorphic microsatellites for use in population screening in the St Lucia anole, Anolis luciae, that can be used as a natural replicate to Anolis roquet on Martinique to study processes involved in population differentiation and speciation. Genotyping of 32 individuals using M13 tails and FAM-labelled universal M13 primers showed that all loci were polymorphic with high genetic diversity, averaging at 16.8 alleles per locus. Genotypic frequencies conformed to Hardy-Weinberg expectations, and there were no instances of linkage disequilibrium between loci. 相似文献
This study provides a morphometric data set of body segments that are biomechanically relevant for locomotion in two ecomorphs of adult male anoles, namely, the trunk‐ground Anolis sagrei and the trunk‐crown Anolis carolinensis. For each species, 10 segments were characterized, and for each segment, length, mass, location of the center of mass, and radius of gyration were measured or calculated, respectively. The radii of gyration were computed from the moments of inertia by using the double swing pendulum method. The trunk‐ground A. sagrei has relatively longer and stockier hindlimbs and forelimbs with smaller body than A. carolinensis. These differences between the two ecomorphs demonstrated a clear relationship between morphology and performance, particularly in the context of predator avoidance behavior, such as running or jumping in A. sagrei and crypsis in A. carolinensis. Our results provide new perspectives on the mechanism of adaptive radiation as the limbs of the two species appear to scale via linear factors and, therefore, may also provide explanations for the mechanism of evolutionary changes of structures within an ecological context. J. Morphol., 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 相似文献
Sixty-two brown anoles, Anolis sagrei, from Oahu, Hawaii were examined for helminths. Anolis sagrei was introduced to Hawaii, presumably from the Caribbean. Two species of trematodes, Mesocoelium monas and Platynosomum fastosum, 3 species of nematodes, Atractis scelopori, Physaloptera squamatae, and Physocephalus sp., 1 acanthocephalan, Acanthocephalus bufonis, and 1 pentastome, Raillietiellafrenatus, were found. Atractis scelopori and P. squamatae, previously unknown in Hawaii, are widely distributed in the Caribbean and were most likely transported to Hawaii with the introduced anoles. Mesocoelium monas, P. fastosum, Physocephalus sp., A. bufonis, and R. frenatus have been previously reported from Hawaiian herptiles; A. sagrei most likely acquired infections of these parasites from Hawaiian populations. This study indicates that helminths can be transported with their introduced hosts and become established in the colonized areas and that introduced lizards may quickly acquire species of previously established helminthes. 相似文献
Montuelle SJ Daghfous G Bels VL 《Journal of experimental zoology. Part A, Ecological genetics and physiology》2008,309(9):563-567
Squamates are well-known models for studying to examine locomotor and feeding behaviors in tetrapods, but studies that integrate both behavioral activities remain scarce. Anolis lizards are a classical lineage to study the evolutionary relationships between locomotor behavior and complex structural features of the habitat. Here, we analyzed prey-capture behavior in one representative arboreal predator, Anolis carolinensis, to demonstrate the functional links between locomotor strategies and the kinematics of feeding. A. carolinensis uses two strategies to catch living insects on perches: Head-Up Capture and Jump Capture. In both cases, lizards use lingual prehension to capture the prey and the kinematic patterns of the trophic apparatus are not significantly influenced by the selected strategies. Therefore, to capture one prey type, movements of the trophic structures are highly fixed and A. carolinensis modulates the locomotor pattern to exploit the environment. Predation behavior in A. carolinensis integrates two different behavioral patterns: locomotor plasticity of prey-approach and biomechanical stereotypy of tongue prehension to successfully capture the prey. 相似文献
Since its introduction ten years ago, Anolis sagrei has spread over much of Grand Cayman and is now more common in some habitats than the native anole, A. conspersus. Interspecific differences in body size, perch height, and microclimatic preference may have facilitated the colonization. Nonetheless, competition may be occurring between the species; comparisons with studies of habitat use prior to the arrival of A. sagrei indicate that in open habitats, where A. sagrei is now abundant, A. conspersus perches higher, but in closed habitats, where A. sagrei is absent, no change in perch height is evident. Review of data concerning 23 Anolis introductions indicates that the presence or absence of an ecologically similar native species may be an important determinant of colonization success or failure. 相似文献
Lailvaux SP Herrel A Vanhooydonck B Meyers JJ Irschick DJ 《Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society》2004,271(1556):2501-2508
The evolution of alternative male phenotypes is probably driven by male-male competition for access to reproductive females, but few studies have examined whether whole-organism performance capacities differ between male morphs, and if so whether any such differences affect fighting ability. We show how ontogenetic changes in performance and morphology have given rise to two distinct life-stage male morphs exhibiting different fighting tactics within the green anole lizard (Anolis carolinensis). Field studies show a bimodal distribution of adult males within a single population: larger 'heavyweight' males have relatively large heads and high bite forces for their size, whereas smaller 'lightweight' males have smaller heads and lower bite forces. In staged fights between size-matched heavyweight males, males with greater biting ability won more frequently, whereas in lightweight fights, males with greater jumping velocity and acceleration won more often. Because growth in reptiles is indeterminate, and the anole males examined are sexually mature, we propose that the heavyweight morph arose through selection against males with small heads and poor bite forces at the lightweight-heavyweight size transition. Our findings imply that one may not be able to predict male fighting success (and hence potential mating success) by examining aspects of male 'quality' at only one life stage. 相似文献
We describe a new species of Anolis from the southeastern slopes of the Andes of Ecuador, province of Zamora-Chinchipe, Parque Nacional Podocarpus. It belongs to (1) the aequatorialis species-group by being of moderate to large size with narrow toe lamellae, and (2) the eulaemus sub-group by having a typical Anolis digit, in which the distal lamellae of phalanx II distinctly overlap the proximal scales of phalanx I. The new species is most similar morphologically to Anolis fitchi but differs from it mainly by having a dewlap with longitudinal rows of 2-5 granular, minute scales separated by naked skin (longitudinal rows of one or two keeled, large scales separated by naked skin in Anolis fitchi) and a vertically shorter dewlap (longer dewlap in Anolis fitchi). 相似文献
Anita Malhotra Roger S. Thorpe 《Biological journal of the Linnean Society. Linnean Society of London》1997,60(1):53-72
The anole fauna of the Lesser Antilles is depauperate in relation to that of the Greater Antilles, where complex communities characterized by adaptive specialization and convergent structure are present. Much of this adaptation is the result of changes in body size and shape, probably as a result of interspecific competition. Here we present data on variation in size and shape within a solitary Lesser Antillean species occupying an ecologically heterogenous island, and test the hypothesis that natural selection for varying environmental conditions is the cause of this variation. Univariate (analysis of variance), bivariate (analysis of covariance) and multivariate (multiple-group principal component analysis, canonical variate analysis) analysis showed that there is considerable geographic variation in size and shape within Anolis oculatus on Dominica. Partial Mantel tests rejected the null hypothesis of no association between size and shape and environmental variation. The possible proximate and evolutionary mechanisms responsible for these patterns are discussed. Despite these overall associations, a considerable amount of variation in shape appears to be unrelated to environmental variation. 相似文献
John H. Harris 《Oecologia》1986,68(3):417-421
Summary I studied diet in relation to microhabitat use in two desert rodents:Microdipodops megacephalus, the dark kangaroo mouse, andPeromyscus maniculatus, the deer mouse. Contrary to expectation, both species ate primarily arthropods, which were most abundant near shrubs.Peromyscus used the area near shrubs, in contrast toMicrodipodops, which used open microhabitat. As a consequence, the diet ofPeromyscus was narrower and more concentrated on abundant prey types than that ofMicrodipodops. Thus microhabitat segregation, which is frequently reported for desert rodents, is related to a diet-breadth difference between these rodents. The use of open microhabitat and low density resources byMicrodipodops, when compared with the large bipedalDipodomys and small quadrupedalPerognatus, suggests that bipedal locomotion in desert rodents is related to use of open microhabitat, and that body size is related to density of food resources. 相似文献
《Animal behaviour》1988,36(5):1518-1524
The pattern of use of the hemipenes, the two independently functioning intromittent organs of squamate reptiles, was investigated in the male brown anole, Anolis sagrei. Males demonstrated a significant tendency to use the left and right hemipenes alternately when mated daily for 7 days with different females. The duration of copulation differed significantly among males and was independent of the hemipenis used. Hemipenis use was also examined in two successive copulations separated by different time intervals. After an intercopulatory interval of up to 3 h, males showed a significant tendency to alternate in the use of their hemipenes. This trend was still present following an intercopulatory interval of 24–26 h, but was not detectable following an interval of 72–74 h. Thus, alternation of hemipenis use in male brown anoles declines as the interval between copulations increases, suggesting that males adjust their copulatory posture in relation to the length of the intercopulatory interval. 相似文献
Steroids present in egg yolk have been shown to vary as a resultof numerous social and environmental influences and to produceboth positive and negative phenotypic outcomes in offspring.In the present study, we examined how quality of the diet affectsplasma and yolk steroids in the green anole (Anolis carolinensis),a lizard species with genotypic sex determination. We documentedthe effects of body condition on plasma testosterone (T) andcorticosterone (CORT)—steroids with frequently opposingeffects—in breeding females and on the T and CORT contentof their eggs. We chose to manipulate body condition via dietbecause resource availability is a relevant, fluctuating variablein the environment to which females can be expected to respond.Field-collected females were housed in the laboratory and kepton either a reduced, standard, or enhanced diet (differing innutritional quality and/or quantity) for ten weeks. Althoughfemales did not differ in body condition at the beginning ofthe study, we found these diet regimes effective in producingfemales that differed in condition by the end of the study.Females on diets of enhanced quality were in better condition,produced more, but not heavier, eggs, and had higher plasmaT concentrations than did females on a standard diet or oneof reduced quality. There was also a significant positive relationshipbetween laying sequence of eggs and yolk T for females on dietsof enhanced quality, but not for the females on diets of standardor reduced quality. There were no effects of quality of dieton CORT in plasma or yolk, but yolk T and yolk CORT exhibiteda strong positive correlation irrespective of treatment. Femaleson diets of reduced quality did not differ from females on standarddiets either with respect to reproductive output or to endocrineprofiles, in spite of being in worse body condition. These resultsdemonstrate that females body condition, physiology,and reproductive output can be manipulated by quality of diet,and that changes in deposition of yolk steroids in responseto diet may be minimal. 相似文献
T. G. SHREEVE 《Ecological Entomology》1990,15(2):201-213
Abstract. 1. Microhabitat use and background matching by adult Hipparchia semele (L.) in a coastal sand dune site in south Wales were studied during the flight period of 1986.
2. Microhabitat use by both sexes is related to temperature and activity. When settling substrates are cool, typically during the early morning, most individuals are located on the warmest basking substrate, lichen patches. After a period of warming, males perch to locate mates on exposed areas of sand where there is a large field of view and where they are visually apparent. Egg-laying females tend to settle on lichen patches throughout the day.
3. Overall, females are maximally visually cryptic when settled on lichen patches with unexposed forewings. Male crypsis on lichen is less effective, but greater on most other substrates, than that of females. It is argued that individuals match lichen patches because this substrate is used when they are most liable to detection and capture by vertebrate predators. Male crypsis is probably a compromise between maximizing protection on lichen patches and requirements for resemblance to other substrates.
4. The underside hindwing phenotype does not match sand. Background matching to this substrate is probably not important because it tends to be used when individuals are active and can effectively use secondary defence mechanisms.
5. It is suggested that the apical eyespot and orange patch on the forewing underside have a dual role in secondary defence, acting as a startling and deflective device, being exposed by disturbed individuals and by those engaged in activities which may disrupt the visual crypsis afforded by the hindwing underside. 相似文献
2. Microhabitat use by both sexes is related to temperature and activity. When settling substrates are cool, typically during the early morning, most individuals are located on the warmest basking substrate, lichen patches. After a period of warming, males perch to locate mates on exposed areas of sand where there is a large field of view and where they are visually apparent. Egg-laying females tend to settle on lichen patches throughout the day.
3. Overall, females are maximally visually cryptic when settled on lichen patches with unexposed forewings. Male crypsis on lichen is less effective, but greater on most other substrates, than that of females. It is argued that individuals match lichen patches because this substrate is used when they are most liable to detection and capture by vertebrate predators. Male crypsis is probably a compromise between maximizing protection on lichen patches and requirements for resemblance to other substrates.
4. The underside hindwing phenotype does not match sand. Background matching to this substrate is probably not important because it tends to be used when individuals are active and can effectively use secondary defence mechanisms.
5. It is suggested that the apical eyespot and orange patch on the forewing underside have a dual role in secondary defence, acting as a startling and deflective device, being exposed by disturbed individuals and by those engaged in activities which may disrupt the visual crypsis afforded by the hindwing underside. 相似文献
Understanding the factors that influence patterns of ectoparasite infestation within wildlife populations involves knowledge of the mechanisms that influence host infestation. For ectoparasitic ticks, knowing where ticks might occur in the off-host environment and how they locate their hosts is essential to understanding patterns of ectoparasite infestation. The tuatara tick (Amblyomma sphenodonti) parasitises the tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus) on Stephens Island, New?Zealand. We completed a series of laboratory microcosm experiments to examine daily activity patterns, microhabitat preferences and host-seeking behaviour by Amblyomma sphenodonti. Firstly, to determine the diel activity pattern of ticks, we observed the behaviour of ticks every 2?h over a 48-h period. We then tested the preferences of ticks for soil moisture, soil texture and shade by offering different pairs of substrate conditions. Last, to determine what cues ticks used to locate their hosts, we tested the response of ticks to filter paper infused with host scent or excrement. Ticks were most active at night. They also showed a significant preference for moister, coarser and shaded substrates 12 h after the start of the experiment. Ticks did not show an immediate response to either of the two host stimuli, but after 12 h showed a significant preference for host scent and avoided host excreta. We suggest that the microhabitat preferences of ticks reflect conditions within host refuges (burrows), and that the delayed response to host odour suggests ticks could use host scent to identify substrates frequented by hosts. 相似文献