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J. P. Bakker 《Plant Ecology》1985,62(1-3):391-398
Grazing an abandoned salt marsh causes retrogressive succession, since mid salt-marsh communities change into lower salt-marsh communities. Grazing and mowing are compared in detail. Both management practices enhance species diversity in an abandoned salt marsh. This can be attributed to the removal of litter. The finding that lower salt-marsh species appear more with grazing than with mowing or abandoning is not related to a higher soil salinity as compared to mowing or abandoning, but probably to locally baring of the soil by grazing animals. Only species of pioneer or unstable environments seem to have a persistent seed bank, for other species seed dispersal seems to be a limiting factor for their establishment.Nomenclature follows Heukels & van Ooststroom (1977) for species; Westhoff & den Held (1969) for syntaxa.Mrs R. Rusthoven analyzed the soil samples, Mr E. Leeuwinga drawed the figures, and Mrs J. O'Brien corrected the English text.  相似文献   

Flooding can be an important control of nitrogen (N) biogeochemistry in wetland ecosystems. In North American prairie marshes, spring flooding is a dominant feature of the physical environment that increases emergent plant production and could influence N cycling. I investigated how spring flooding affects N availability and plant N utilization in whitetop (Scolochloa festucacea) marshes in Manitoba, Canada by comparing experimentally spring-flooded marsh inside an impoundment with adjacent nonflooded marsh. The spring-flooded marsh had net N mineralization rates up to 4 times greater than nonflooded marsh. Total growing season net N mineralization was 124 kg N ha–1 in the spring-flooded marsh compared with 62 kg N ha–1 in the nonflooded marsh. Summer water level drawdown in the spring-flooded marsh decreased net N mineralization rates. Net nitrification rates increased in the nonflooded marsh following a lowering of the water table during mid summer. Growing season net nitrification was 33 kg N ha–1 in the nonflooded marsh but < 1 kg N ha–1 in the spring-flooded marsh. Added NO3 –1 induced nitrate reductase (NRA) activity in whitetop grown in pot culture. Field-collected plants showed higher NRA in the nonflooded marsh. Nitrate comprised 40% of total plant N uptake in the nonflooded marsh but <1% of total N uptake in the spring-flooded marsh. Higher plant N demand caused by higher whitetop production in the spring-flooded marsh approximately balanced greater net N mineralization. A close association between the presence of spring flooding and net N mineralization and net nitrification rates indicated that modifications to prairie marshes that change the pattern of spring inundation will lead to rapid and significant changes in marsh N cycling patterns.  相似文献   

Flooding periods can be one of the most important factors influencing nitrogen (N) biogeochemical processes in wetlands ecosystem. We conducted a field study using in situ incubation method to investigate the seasonal dynamics of soil net N mineralization in three coastal salt marshes (Suaeda salsa) with different flooding periods (i.e., short-term (STF), seasonal (SF), and tidal (TF) flooding wetland) in the Yellow River Delta. Selected soil inorganic N pools (ammonium, nitrate and inorganic N) and N transformation (mineralization, nitrification and ammonification) rates in the top 0–10 cm soils were repeatedly quantified from April to October. Clear seasonal patterns in inorganic N pools and transformation rates were observed in accord with the seasonal variations of temperature and moisture. Generally, higher levels of soil inorganic nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen (NH4+-N) and nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) occurred in the early-growing season (April), and NH4+-N contents got a small accumulative peak in midsummer (September). The lower rates (negative) of net mineralization (Rmin), nitrification (Rnit) and ammonification (Ramm) were observed in the early-growing season (April–June) and fall (September–October), whereas higher values (positive) in midsummer (August–September). Flooding had a significant influence on inorganic N pools (except for NH4+-N) and transformation rates (p < 0.05). Rmin values in SF wetland were significantly higher in the August-September period than those in other incubation periods. Rnit values in TF wetland exhibited a small variation and the highest value occured in the June–August period. The results of principal component analysis showed that soil samples were clearly divided into two groups before and after flow-sediment regulation. After flooding events, the Rmin and Ramm values generally increased in the three wetlands, whereas a significant decrease in Rnit values was observed in SF wetland (p < 0.05), thus the differences in NO3-N among these wetlands were eliminated. These results suggested that seasonal variations in temperature and moisture are important factors influencing inorganic N pools and transformation rates.  相似文献   

The relation between decomposition rates and soil salinity and moisture conditions in tidal marshes of the Westerschelde estuary was investigated. In the first part of the study, these soil factors were experimentally manipulated in field plots which were either screened from rainwater or which received an additional weekly supply of freshwater from April to September 1989. These treatments had no clear effect on soil salinities and moisture conditions in a low marsh site. Decomposition rates of Spartina anglica leaves (kept in litterbags in the plots) also did not differ between treatments. In screened plots of a middle marsh site, decomposition rate of Elymus pycnanthus leaves decreased significantly. The effect of the experimental treatments on soil moisture content was variable, but comparatively high soil salinity values (up to 61.3) were consistently found in these plots. It is suggested that the elevated salinity levels induced the decrease in decomposition rate.In the second part of the study, cellulolytic decomposition, measured by loss of tensile strength of strips of cotton test cloth, was investigated in relation to a non-manipulated range of soil salinities (3.8–24.2), by exposing the strips in a series of tidal marshes along the salt gradient of the Westerschelde estuary. No correlation between decomposition rate and soil salinity was found. In addition, no relation was found between decomposition rate and soil water content. The results of both parts of this study lead us to the hypothesis that rate limitation of decomposition in estuarine tidal marsh soils is found at high soil salinities only.  相似文献   

Predictions of how salt marsh primary production and carbon storage will respond to environmental change can be improved through detailed datasets documenting responses to real‐world environmental variation. To address a shortage of detailed studies of natural variation, we examined drivers of Spartina alterniflora stem allometry and productivity in seven marshes across three regions in southern Louisiana. Live‐stem allometry varied spatially and seasonally, generally with short stems weighing more (and tall stems weighing less) in the summer and fall, differences that persist even after correcting for flowering. Strong predictive relationships exist between allometry parameters representing emergent stem mass and mass accumulation rates, suggesting that S. alterniflora populations navigate a trade‐off between larger mass at emergence and faster rates of biomass accumulation. Aboveground production and belowground production were calculated using five and four approaches, respectively. End‐of‐season aboveground biomass was a poor proxy for increment‐based production measures. Aboveground production (Smalley) ranged from 390 to 3,350 g m?2 year?1 across all marshes and years. Belowground production (max–min) was on average three times higher than aboveground; total production ranged from 1,400 to 8,500 g m?2 year?1. Above‐ and belowground production were both positively correlated with dissolved nutrient concentrations and negatively correlated to salinity. Synthesis: Interannual variation in water quality is sufficient to drive above‐ and belowground productivity. The positive relationship between nutrients and belowground production indicates that inputs of nutrients and freshwater may increase salt marsh carbon storage and ecosystem resilience to sea level rise.  相似文献   

Question: How do meteorological variations at seasonal, interannual scales differentially affect the canopy dynamics of four contrasting landscape units within a region? Location: Flooding Pampa, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 5000 km2. Central point: 35°15′S, 57°45′W. Methods: We used a 19‐year series of the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) derived from NOAA‐AVHRR PAL (Pathfinder AVHRR Land) images and meteorological data provided by a nearby weather station. The NDVI was used as surrogate of canopy photosynthetic status. The relationship between annually integrated NDVI and meteorological conditions was explored by stepwise multiple regressions for each defined unit. PC A was performed to compare units and growing seasons on a multivariate basis. Results: Mean seasonal NDVI curve was similarly shaped among landscapes. However, the absolute values differed widely. There was high interannual variation so that the mean seasonal pattern was seldom observed in any particular year. Annually integrated NDVI of all landscapes was negatively associated with summer temperature and positively with previous year precipitation. It was also directly related with current year winter precipitation in two landscapes and with summer precipitation in the others. NDVI response to September and March precipitation accounted for some of the differences in interannual variation among landscapes. Conclusions: Our results revealed a strong intra‐regional variation of canopy dynamics, closely linked to landscape (vegetation‐soil) and water availability (mainly in summer and during the previous year). These links may be used to predict forage production rates for livestock.  相似文献   

Nutrient limitation and plant species composition in temperate salt marshes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Addition of inorganic nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in a factorial design in two ungrazed Wadden-Sea salt marshes at low and high elevations showed that nitrogen was the limiting nutrient. No effects of nutrient addition were detected in the 1st year, probably due to a considerable rainfall deficit during the growing season. In the 2nd year, which was more humid, only nitrogen addition caused significant effects in both the low salt marsh dominated by Puccinellia maritima and the high marsh dominated by Festuca rubra. No two-way or three-way interactions with phosphorus or potassium were found. In the low marsh, nitrogen addition had a negative effect on the biomass of Puccinellia, but a positive effect on the biomass of Suaeda maritima and on the total above-ground biomass. Puccinellia was replaced by Suaeda after nitrogen addition, due to shading. In the high salt marsh, no significant effects of fertilizer application on total above-ground biomass were found, due to the weak response of the dominant species Festuca rubra, which accounted for 95% of total biomass. The biomass of Spergularia maritima increased, however, as a response to nitrogen addition.The shoot length of Festuca was positively affected by nitrogen fertilization. It is suggested that stands of Festuca reached maximal biomass at the study site without fertilization and that its growth was probably limited by self-shading. Received: 22 September 1996 / Accepted: 5 April 1997  相似文献   

We investigated the roles of flooding, salinity, and plant competition in creating a bimodal zonation pattern of the marsh dominant annual plant, Suaeda salsa, along coastal topographic gradients on the Pacific coast of northern China. In two consecutive years, we manipulated salinity and flooding, salinity, and competition for S. salsa seedlings that had been transplanted into the mudflat, the high marsh, and the upland, respectively. S. salsa plants that had been transplanted into the mudflat were completely eliminated in the non-elevated treatments whereas they performed much better in the 10 cm elevated treatments, regardless of salinity treatments. Although the performance of S. salsa transplanted into the high marsh did not differ between the fresh (watered) and the salt (control) treatments, S. salsa seedling emergence in the high marsh was nearly completely inhibited in the salt treatments. In contrast, a large number of S. salsa seedlings did emerge in the fresh treatments. S. salsa transplanted into the upland performed well when neighbors were removed, whereas it appeared to be strongly suppressed when neighbors were present. These data indicated that flooding, salinity, and competition all played a role in determining the zonation pattern of S. salsa. Furthermore, the importance of salinity was found to vary with life-history stage. Based on the results from these field manipulative experiments, we suggest that the marsh plant zonation paradigm may hold true for plant distributions along landscape-scale topographic gradients from mudflats to uplands in general. The relative importance of flooding, salinity, and competition, however, may vary at different elevations within a site and between sites. Handling editor: Pierluigi Viaroli  相似文献   

Summary Tidal flooding is widely believed to be an important determinant of marsh plant distributions but has rarely been tested in the field. In New England the marsh elder Iva frutescens often dominates the terrestrial border of salt marshes and we examined its flood tolerance and distribution patterns. Marsh elders only occur at elevations where their roots are not subject to prolonged water table flooding. Consequently they are found on the terrestrial border of marshes and at lower elevations associated with drainage ditches and locally elevated surfaces. Marsh elders transplanted to elevations lower than they normally occur died within a year with or without neighbors and greenhouse tests revealed that I. frutescens is much less tolerant of flooded soil conditions than plants found at lower marsh elevations. We also manipulated the water table level of field plots and found that increasing or decreasing water table drainage led to enhanced and diminished I. frutescens performance, respectively. Our results demonstrate the importance of water table dynamics in generating spatial patterns in marsh plant communities and provide further evidence that supports the hypothesis that the seaward distributional limits of marsh plant populations are generally dictated by physical processes.  相似文献   

苏干湖湿地土壤全盐含量空间异质性及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
康满萍  赵成章  白雪 《生态学报》2021,41(6):2282-2291
土壤盐分的空间异质性是影响湿地植被格局形成和演变的主要因素之一,对于认识内陆盐沼湿地盐分的空间分布及其对环境的响应机制具有重要意义。利用经典统计学、地统计学和Kriging插值等方法研究了苏干湖盐沼湿地浅层剖面0-50 cm土层全盐含量的空间异质性与地下水位埋深、植被覆盖度间的相互作用关系。结果表明:(1)苏干湖湿地0-10 cm、10-30 cm和30-50 cm土层的全盐含量均值分别为204.41、18.62、15.89 g/kg;(2)土壤全盐含量随着土层深度的增加变异性由强变弱,随机空间变异和总异质性程度由高变低,受结构性因素的影响具有强烈的空间相关性,且变程值介于5.2-8.49 km,0-10 cm、10-30 cm全盐含量具有各向异性特征,而30-50 cm的各向异性比接近于1,表现为各向同性;(3)各层土壤全盐含量具有较强的空间异质性,高、低值中心呈斑状镶嵌分布,土壤全盐含量与地下水埋深间呈正相关,与植被覆盖度间呈极显著负相关(P<0.01)。苏干湖内陆盐沼湿地土壤全盐含量空间异质性主要受植被覆盖度的影响,而地下水埋深的变化增加了其空间变异的复杂性,体现了内陆盐沼湿地土壤理化空间系统的复杂性和非均质性。  相似文献   

Benthic foraminiferal assemblages in subrecent deposits are commonly used to reconstruct past sea level. Interpretations are generally made by comparison with either modern dead or total (live plus dead) assemblages. In both cases there will have been post-mortem changes that have differentially affected preservation. It is therefore important to establish the primary ecological controls by analysis of the living assemblages. We have determined the spatial and temporal variability of intertidal benthic foraminifera in the surface (0–1 cm) sediments from a time series survey of 31 sampling stations at Cowpen Marsh, for a period of 12 months. We counted 112,067 live foraminifera assigned to 28 species. The fauna was dominated by two agglutinated species (Jadammina macrescens and Trochammina inflata) on the high and middle marshes, and three calcareous species (Elphidium williamsoni, Haynesina germanica and Quinqueloculina spp.) on the low marsh and tidal flat.The standing crop of the whole intertidal zone, including the high, middle, low marsh and tidal flat habitats, and the individual species varied both temporally and spatially. The standing crop of the intertidal zone as a whole was greatest in the summer months and showed a positive correlation with elevation. The standing crops of the high and middle marshes showed similar temporal variation with peaks in summer and autumn and a trough in winter. The low marsh showed numerous peaks and troughs of standing crop during the year, whereas the tidal flat showed a single peak in summer. The standing crops of Jadammina macrescens and Trochammina inflata on the high and middle marshes peaked from April to May and August to October with troughs in winter. These agglutinated species showed a strong correlation with elevation. Haynesina germanica peaked in May to August and November to January on the low marsh, whereas on the tidal flat there was a single peak in July. The standing crops of E. williamsoni on the low marsh and tidal flat were relatively high in June and May, and July, respectively. Quinqueloculina spp. peaked in May to July on the low marsh and July on the tidal flat. The species was also found in the middle marsh from July to May and high marsh from September to November. Haynesina germanica showed a strong negative correlation with elevation, whereas the other two dominant calcareous species demonstrated weak negative correlations with both elevation and salinity.Reconstructing former sea level depends primarily on the recognition of high and middle marsh assemblages and in this study these are shown to be strongly controlled by elevation rather than salinity. Caution may be needed in interpreting low marsh and tidal flat data as salinity plays a more important role here.  相似文献   

Abstract. Above‐ground Net Primary Production (ANPP) is the main determinant of forage availability and hence of stocking density. A tool to track the seasonal and interannual changes in ANPP at the paddock level will be very important for livestock management. We studied the relationship between field ANPP data and the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) for rangelands of the Flooding Pampa of Argentina using spectral data provided by sensors on board of two satellites: NOAA/AVHRR and Landsat TM. The relationship between NDVI and ANPP was linear both for data derived from NOAA/AVHRR and Landsat TM. Changes in ANPP accounted for a large proportion of the temporal and spatial variation of NDVI: 71% of NOAA/AVHRR data and 74% of Landsat TM data. By inverting these models, ANPP may be inferred from NDVI data at a seasonal and paddock scale. NOAA/AVHRR data captured better the seasonal variation in ANPP and were less sensitive to local variations than Landsat TM data. In contrast, Landsat TM data were more sensitive to inter‐site differences in primary production, except for the winter months. Thus, combining information from these two sources offers a good alternative for monitoring rangeland production at high temporal and spatial resolution.  相似文献   

Patterns and dynamics of the salt marsh vegetation that surrounds many of the salt lake systems of arid/semi-arid Australia are poorly known. Lake Austin is a very large salt lake with extensive areas of fringing salt marsh; it is located in the arid Yilgarn Region of Western Australia. In this study, the changes in this vegetation over a 4-year period (1998–2002), during which both a major flooding event and addition of hypersaline groundwater from a nearby mining operation occurred, are reported. The monitoring program, based on Before-After-Control-Impact (BACI) principles, was designed to detect impacts of discharging hypersaline water into the lake; however, the flooding event, the result of above average rainfall in early 2000, complicated the results. The rains of 2000 and subsequent inundation of the vegetation immediately fringing the lake bed and major inlet channels resulted in dramatic changes to the species composition of annual and short-lived species and growth of perennial species. Flooding resulted in substantial death and damage to perennial shrubs (particularly Halosarcia fimbriata) due most likely to a combination of several weeks/months of inundation and smothering by macroalgae and Ruppia, with smaller plants and those closer to the lake bed impacted upon to a greater degree. Seed germination and recruitment of new Halosarcia plants was substantial as floodwaters receded with the majority of these seedlings surviving some 2 years after flooding despite the severe drought that followed the flood. Growth rates of seedlings differed substantially and were linked to subtle differences in micro-topography. Recruitment following flooding was also demonstrated in in vitro experiments involving inundated soil cores, provided water was relatively non-saline (conductivity <30 mS cm−1). A conceptual model is proposed to explain changes in fringing vegetation in response to frequency, depth, period and salinity of flooding in relation to micro-topography. Despite the profound effect of flooding, impacts of discharge were identified, with changes in topsoil pH and salinity greater in areas closer to the discharge than those further away. Impacts on vegetation characteristics were not detected. Guest Editors: J. John & B. Timms Salt Lake Research: Biodiversity and Conservation—Selected papers from the 9th Conference of the International Society for Salt Lake Research  相似文献   

水文气候影响下黄河三角洲土壤盐分时空动态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,黄河三角洲在水文气候和人类活动影响下的土壤盐渍化问题日益突出。本研究以东营市河口区、垦利区、东营区和利津县为研究区,选取1985—2018年间20期Landsat系列影像,利用数值回归校正法进行影像光谱一致性转换,在此基础上运用偏最小二乘回归法构建土壤盐分定量反演模型;根据最佳盐分预测模型反演的研究区土壤盐分含量数据,分析土壤盐分(SC)时空变化特征,并探讨水文气候因素的影响。结果表明: 选用10个敏感光谱指数构建的土壤盐分反演模型的预测精度较高,其建模决定系数(R2)、均方根误差(RMSE)为0.769、1.125,验证R2、RMSE和相对分析误差(RPD)分别为0.752、1.203、2.08。利用2016年土壤盐分数据进行反演精度检验,实测值与反演值的R2为0.7279。该模型对1985—2018年20期影像进行土壤盐分反演的结果异常值在10%以内。研究期间,区域平均盐分含量总体呈先上升后下降的趋势,最低的年份为1985年(3.14 g·kg-1),最高的年份为1995年(5.86 g·kg-1)。空间变化上,研究区重度盐渍土和盐土面积减少,轻、中度盐渍土面积显著增加(66.6%),盐渍土总面积呈扩大趋势。水文气候条件对土壤盐分的影响具有一定滞后性。气温对土壤盐分积累有促进作用,前半年和前1年的平均气温与含盐量均显著相关,R分别为0.507和0.538;土壤含盐量与区域降水量的相关性不显著,受前季黄河径流量的影响最大,R达-0.543。  相似文献   

Based on periodic soil salinity measurements direct gradient analysis procedures were used to relate the performance and distribution of mangrove swamp species to salinity gradients. Variations in soil salinity were due to distance from the coast, tidal incursions and freshwater inputs. All overstorey species showed statistically significant negative correlations with salinity while most groundlayer species were positively correlated with the same factor. Based on ecological group classification, no species was found to occur on the highest values of soil salinity. There were overlapping range of occurrences and ecological optima for most species along the gradients.  相似文献   

Aboveground net primary production (ANPP) by the dominant macrophyte and plant community composition are related to the changing hydrologic environment and to salinity in the southern Everglades, FL, USA. We present a new non-destructive ANPP technique that is applicable to any continuously growing herbaceous system. Data from 16 sites, collected from 1998 to 2004, were used to investigate how hydrology and salinity controlled sawgrass (Cladium jamaicense Crantz.) ANPP. Sawgrass live biomass showed little seasonal variation and annual means ranged from 89 to 639 gdw m−2. Mortality rates were 20–35% of live biomass per 2 month sampling interval, for biomass turnover rates of 1.3–2.5 per year. Production by C. jamaicense was manifest primarily as biomass turnover, not as biomass accumulation. Rates typically ranged from 300 to 750 gdw m−2 year−1, but exceeded 1000 gdw m−2 year−1 at one site and were as high as 750 gdw m−2 year−1 at estuarine ecotone sites. Production was negatively related to mean annual water depth, hydroperiod, and to a variable combining the two (depth-days). As water depths and hydroperiods increased in our southern Everglades study area, sawgrass ANPP declined. Because a primary restoration goal is to increase water depths and hydroperiods for some regions of the Everglades, we investigated how the plant community responded to this decline in sawgrass ANPP. Spikerush (Eleocharis sp.) was the next most prominent component of this community at our sites, and 39% of the variability in sawgrass ANPP was explained by a negative relationship with mean annual water depth, hydroperiod, and Eleocharis sp. density the following year. Sawgrass ANPP at estuarine ecotone sites responded negatively to salinity, and rates of production were slow to recover after high salinity years. Our results suggest that ecologists, managers, and the public should not necessarily interpret a decline in sawgrass that may result from hydrologic restoration as a negative phenomenon.  相似文献   

Eight years (1994–2001) of field data and a biogeochemical process model, BIOME-BGC, were used to examine effects of local topography and inter-annual climatic variability on soil physical (i.e., soil moisture and temperature) and biogeochemical (i.e., organic matter content, soil respiration, and leaf litter production) variables in a temperate hardwood forest in Korea. The field data were collected from adjacent south-facing (S) and north-facing (N) slopes, respectively, to examine effects of local topography, and were utilized to validate predictability according to BIOME-BGC which was applied to model unmeasured hydro-ecological processes [i.e., evapotranspiration, net primary production (NPP), and net ecosystem exchange of carbon]. Our field-data analyses indicated that soil-related variables including soil temperature, water content, organic matter, soil respiration, and floor leaf litter store significantly differed between the S and N slopes, while leaf litter production did not differ as significantly as the soil-related variables. The BIOME-BGC predictions showed good agreement with the mean field data aggregated across the slopes. Our simulation results and field observations indicated that the inter-annual variations of leaf litter production and maximum leaf area index were best explained by precipitation, both at a 1-year lag, while variation in annual NPP was well correlated with precipitation without a temporal lag. Our results imply that: (1) local topography needs to be explicitly considered in ecosystem studies as a forcing function generating spatial heterogeneity in soil physical and biogeochemical variables within a rugged landscape, and (2) water limits vegetation productivity in our study forest, in spite of a relatively high annual precipitation rate (1,579 mm year–1).  相似文献   

The response of bacterial growth to phytoplankton production and planktonic respiration (RESP) variation was examined over different stations and dates in the shallow estuarine system Ria de Aveiro. The temporal and spatial profiles of bacterial productivity (2.7-744.2mg Cm(-3)d(-1)) did not coincide with those of primary production (PP) (0.2-19.1 g Cm(-3)d(-1)) and RESP (0.1-8.2 g Cm(-3) d(-1)). The bacterioplankton production/PP ratio varied differently, depending on the season and location. The heterotrophic zones, with the lowest values of PP, exhibited the most intense bacterial secondary production. Moreover, the variation of PP in the system was rather small when compared with that of bacterial secondary production. These suggest that, in a large extension of the lagoon and throughout the year, bacterioplankton growth is largely dependent on non-phytoplanktonic carbon sources. Benthic PP and/or allochtonous organic matter from land have a fundamental role in the dynamics of the planktonic compartment of the estuarine system.  相似文献   

Although salinity in many ecosystems such as salt marshes can be extremely high, an asymmetry in salinity range between experimental studies (relatively narrow) and field conditions (potentially broad) has strongly affected current understanding of plant salinity tolerance. To improve understanding, it is thus important to examine plant tolerances over a broad range of salinities and identify potential tolerance thresholds. We examine tolerances of two widely distributed marsh plants, Suaeda salsa and Salicornia europaea, to salinities ranging from 0 to 100 g/kg, and determine survival, above‐ and belowground biomass after 8 weeks of salinity treatment. Both species, Sa. europaea in particular, have much broader salinity tolerances than other plants previously examined, (2) plant survival, above‐ and belowground biomass have remarkably different responses to salinity, and (3) there is a nonlinear, threshold response of S. salsa to salinity, above which S. salsa survivorship drastically decreases. These results provide multiple important insights. Our study suggests that the potential for using these halophytes to revegetate and restore salt‐affected land may be greater than previously thought, and highlights the importance of studying multiple plant responses. Importantly, our study calls for a better integration of thresholds into understanding plant salinity tolerances and their applications.  相似文献   

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