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All atom molecular dynamics simulations of the 18-residue beta-hairpin antimicrobial peptide protegrin-1 (PG-1, RGGRLCYCRRRFCVCVGR-NH(2)) in a fully hydrated dilauroylphosphatidylcholine (DLPC) lipid bilayer have been implemented. The goal of the reported work is to investigate the structure of the peptide in a membrane environment (previously solved only in solution [R.L. Fahrner, T. Dieckmann, S.S.L. Harwig, R.I. Lehrer, D. Eisenberg, J. Feigon, Solution structure of protegrin-1, a broad-spectrum antimicrobial peptide from porcine leukocytes. Chemistry and Biology, 3 (1996) 543-550]), and to delineate specific peptide-membrane interactions which are responsible for the peptide's membrane binding properties. A novel, previously unknown, "kick" shaped conformation of the peptide was detected, where a bend at the C-terminal beta-strand of the peptide caused the peptide backbone at residues 16-18 to extend perpendicular to the beta-hairpin plane. This bend was driven by a highly persistent hydrogen-bond between the polar peptide side-chain of TYR7 and the unshielded backbone carbonyl oxygen atom of GLY17. The H-bond formation relieves the unfavorable free energy of insertion of polar groups into the hydrophobic membrane core. PG-1 was anchored to the membrane by strong electrostatic binding of the protonated N-terminus of the peptide to the lipid head group phosphate anions. The orientation of the peptide in the membrane, and its influence on bilayer structural and dynamic properties are in excellent agreement with solid state NMR measurements [S. Yamaguchi, T. Hong, A. Waring, R.I. Lehrer, M. Hong, Solid-State NMR Investigations of Peptide-Lipid Interaction and Orientation of a b-Sheet Antimicrobial Peptide, Protegrin, Biochemistry, 41 (2002) 9852-9862]. Importantly, two simulations which started from different initial orientations of the peptide converged to the same final equilibrium orientation of the peptide relative to the bilayer. The kick-shaped conformation was observed only in one of the two simulations.  相似文献   

The influenza M2 protein forms a drug-targeted tetrameric proton channel to mediate virus uncoating, and carries out membrane scission to enable virus release. While the proton channel function of M2 has been extensively studied, the mechanism by which M2 catalyzes membrane scission is still not well understood. Previous fluorescence and electron microscopy studies indicated that M2 tetramers concentrate at the neck of the budding virus in the host plasma membrane. However, molecular evidence for this clustering is scarce. Here, we use 19F solid-state NMR to investigate M2 clustering in phospholipid bilayers. By mixing equimolar amounts of 4F-Phe47 labeled M2 peptide and CF3-Phe47 labeled M2 peptide and measuring F-CF3 cross peaks in 2D 19F19F correlation spectra, we show that M2 tetramers form nanometer-scale clusters in lipid bilayers. This clustering is stronger in cholesterol-containing membranes and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) membranes than in cholesterol-free phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylglycerol membranes. The observed correlation peaks indicate that Phe47 sidechains from different tetramers are less than ~2 nm apart. 1H19F correlation peaks between lipid chain protons and fluorinated Phe47 indicate that Phe47 is more deeply inserted into the lipid bilayer in the presence of cholesterol than in its absence, suggesting that Phe47 preferentially interacts with cholesterol. Static 31P NMR spectra indicate that M2 induces negative Gaussian curvature in the PE membrane. These results suggest that M2 tetramers cluster at cholesterol- and PE-rich regions of cell membranes to cause membrane curvature, which in turn can facilitate membrane scission in the last step of virus budding and release.  相似文献   

Buffy JJ  McCormick MJ  Wi S  Waring A  Lehrer RI  Hong M 《Biochemistry》2004,43(30):9800-9812
RTD-1 is a cyclic beta-hairpin antimicrobial peptide isolated from rhesus macaque leukocytes. Using (31)P, (2)H, (13)C, and (15)N solid-state NMR, we investigated the interaction of RTD-1 with lipid bilayers of different compositions. (31)P and (2)H NMR of uniaxially oriented membranes provided valuable information about how RTD-1 affects the static and dynamic disorder of the bilayer. Toward phosphatidylcholine (PC) bilayers, RTD-1 causes moderate orientational disorder independent of the bilayer thickness, suggesting that RTD-1 binds to the surface of PC bilayers without perturbing its hydrophobic core. Addition of cholesterol to the POPC membrane does not affect the orientational disorder. In contrast, binding of RTD-1 to anionic bilayers containing PC and phosphatidylglycerol lipids induces much greater orientational disorder without affecting the dynamic disorder of the membrane. These correlate with the selectivity of RTD-1 for anionic bacterial membranes as opposed to cholesterol-rich zwitterionic mammalian membranes. Line shape simulations indicate that RTD-1 induces the formation of micrometer-diameter lipid cylinders in anionic membranes. The curvature stress induced by RTD-1 may underlie the antimicrobial activity of RTD-1. (13)C and (15)N anisotropic chemical shifts of RTD-1 in oriented PC bilayers indicate that the peptide adopts a distribution of orientations relative to the magnetic field. This is most likely due to a small fraction of lipid cylinders that change the RTD-1 orientation with respect to the magnetic field. Membrane-bound RTD-1 exhibits narrow line widths in magic-angle spinning spectra, but the sideband intensities indicate rigid-limit anisotropies. These suggest that RTD-1 has a well-defined secondary structure and is likely aggregated in the membrane. These structural and dynamical features of RTD-1 differ significantly from those of PG-1, a related beta-hairpin antimicrobial peptide.  相似文献   

The orientation and dynamics of an 18-residue antimicrobial peptide, ovispirin, has been investigated using solid-state NMR spectroscopy. Ovispirin is a cathelicidin-like model peptide (NH(2)-KNLRRIIRKIIHIIKKYG-COOH) with potent, broad-spectrum bactericidal activity. (15)N NMR spectra of oriented ovispirin reconstituted into synthetic phospholipids show that the helical peptide is predominantly oriented in the plane of the lipid bilayer, except for a small portion of the helix, possibly at the C-terminus, which deviates from the surface orientation. This suggests differential insertion of the peptide backbone into the lipid bilayer. (15)N spectra of both oriented and unoriented peptides show a reduced (15)N chemical shift anisotropy at room temperature compared with that of rigid proteins, indicating that the peptide undergoes uniaxial rotational diffusion around the bilayer normal with correlation times shorter than 10(-4) s. This motion is frozen below the gel-to-liquid crystalline transition temperature of the lipids. Ovispirin interacts strongly with the lipid bilayer, as manifested by the significantly reduced (2)H quadrupolar splittings of perdeuterated palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylcholine acyl chains upon peptide binding. Therefore, ovispirin is a curved helix residing in the membrane-water interface that executes rapid uniaxial rotation. These structural and dynamic features are important for understanding the antimicrobial function of this peptide.  相似文献   

The membrane-bound conformation of a cell-penetrating peptide, penetratin, is investigated using solid-state NMR spectroscopy. The 13C chemical shifts of 13C, 15N-labeled residues in the peptide indicate a reversible conformational change from β-sheet at low temperature to coil-like at high temperature. This conformational change occurs for all residues examined between positions 3 and 13, at peptide/lipid molar ratios of 1:15 and 1:30, in membranes with 25-50% anionic lipids, and in both saturated DMPC/DMPG (1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylchloline/1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylglycerol) membranes and unsaturated POPC/POPG (1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine/1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylglycerol) membranes. Thus, it is an intrinsic property of penetratin. The coil state of the peptide has C-H order parameters of 0.23-0.52 for Cα and Cβ sites, indicating that the peptide backbone is unstructured. Moreover, chemical shift anisotropy lineshapes are uniaxially averaged, suggesting that the peptide backbone undergoes uniaxial rotation around the bilayer normal. These observations suggest that the dynamic state of penetratin at high temperature is a structured turn instead of an isotropic random coil. The thermodynamic parameters of this sheet-turn transition are extracted and compared to other membrane peptides reported to exhibit conformational changes. We suggest that the function of this turn conformation may be to reduce hydrophobic interactions with the lipid chains and facilitate penetratin translocation across the bilayer without causing permanent membrane damage.  相似文献   

The membrane location of the local anesthetics (LA) lidocaine, dibucaine, tetracaine, and procaine hydrochloride as well as their influence on phospholipid bilayers were studied by 31P and 1H magic-angle spinning (MAS) NMR spectroscopy. The 31P NMR spectra of the LA/lipid preparations confirmed that the overall bilayer structure of the membrane remained preserved. The relation between the molecular structure of the LAs and their membrane localization and orientation was investigated quantitatively using induced chemical shifts, nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy, and paramagnetic relaxation rates. All three methods revealed an average location of the aromatic rings of all LAs in the lipid-water interface of the membrane, with small differences between the individual LAs depending on their molecular properties. While lidocaine is placed in the upper chain/glycerol region of the membrane, for dibucaine and procaine the maximum of the distribution are slightly shifted into the glycerol region. Finally for tetracaine the aromatic ring is placed closest to the aqueous phase in the glycerol/headgroup region of the membrane. The hydrophobic side chains of the LA molecules dibucaine and tetracaine were located deeper in the membrane and showed an orientation towards the hydrocarbon core. In contrast the side chains of lidocaine and procaine are oriented towards the aqueous phase.  相似文献   

Weiss TM  Yang L  Ding L  Waring AJ  Lehrer RI  Huang HW 《Biochemistry》2002,41(31):10070-10076
RTD-1 is a recently discovered cyclic peptide that, like other well-studied antimicrobial peptides, appears to bind to the lipid matrix of cell membrane in the initial stage of activity. We studied the states of RTD-1 bound to lipid bilayers by two methods: oriented circular dichroism and X-ray diffraction. RTD-1 shows two physically distinct bound states in lipid bilayers like magainins, protegrins, alamethicin, and melittin that were previously studied. However, the nature of transition between the two states is different for RTD-1 as compared with the aforementioned peptides. In one of the two states, RTD-1 is oriented with its backbone ring parallel to the plane of the bilayer. Only in this state RTD-1 induces membrane thinning. But the effect of membrane thinning is much weaker than all other peptides, suggesting that the mechanism of RTD-1 may be different from the other peptides.  相似文献   

The depth of insertion of an antimicrobial peptide, protegrin-1 (PG-1), in lipid bilayers is investigated using solid-state NMR. Paramagnetic Mn(2+) ions bind to the surface of lipid bilayers and induce distance-dependent dipolar relaxation of nuclear spins. By comparing the signal dephasing of the peptide with that of the lipids, whose segmental depths of insertion are known, we determined the depths of several residues of PG-1 in 1,2 dilauryl-sn-glycero-3-phosphotidylcholine (DLPC) bilayers. We found that residues G2 at the N-terminus and F12 at the beta-turn of the peptide reside near the membrane surface, whereas L5 and V16 are embedded in the acyl chain region. The depths increase in the order of G2 < F12 < L5 < V16. These intensity-dephasing results are confirmed by direct measurement of the paramagnetically enhanced (13)C transverse relaxation rates. The relative depths indicate that PG-1 is tilted from the bilayer normal, which is consistent with independent solid-state NMR measurements of PG-1 orientation in the same lipids (Yamaguchi et al., 2001). They also indicate that PG-1 is fully immersed in the lipid bilayer. However, a quantitative mismatch between the bilayer thickness and PG-1 length suggests a local thinning of the DLPC bilayer by 8-10 A. The depth sensitivity of this Mn(2+) dephasing technique is tunable with the Mn(2+) concentration to focus on different regions of the lipid bilayer.  相似文献   

The orientation of a beta-sheet membrane peptide in lipid bilayers is determined, for the first time, using two-dimensional (2D) (15)N solid-state NMR. Retrocyclin-2 is a disulfide-stabilized cyclic beta-hairpin peptide with antibacterial and antiviral activities. We used 2D separated local field spectroscopy correlating (15)N-(1)H dipolar coupling with (15)N chemical shift to determine the orientation of multiply (15)N-labeled retrocyclin-2 in uniaxially aligned phosphocholine bilayers. Calculated 2D spectra exhibit characteristic resonance patterns that are sensitive to both the tilt of the beta-strand axis and the rotation of the beta-sheet plane from the bilayer normal and that yield resonance assignment without the need for singly labeled samples. Retrocyclin-2 adopts a transmembrane orientation in dilauroylphosphatidylcholine bilayers, with the strand axis tilted at 20 degrees +/- 10 degrees from the bilayer normal, but changes to a more in-plane orientation in thicker 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidyl-choline (POPC) bilayers with a tilt angle of 65 degrees +/- 15 degrees . These indicate that hydrophobic mismatch regulates the peptide orientation. The 2D spectra are sensitive not only to the peptide orientation but also to its backbone (phi, psi) angles. Neither a bent hairpin conformation, which is populated in solution, nor an ideal beta-hairpin with uniform (phi, psi) angles and coplanar strands, agrees with the experimental spectrum. Thus, membrane binding orders the retrocyclin conformation by reducing the beta-sheet curvature but does not make it ideal. (31)P NMR spectra of lipid bilayers with different compositions indicate that retrocyclin-2 selectively disrupts the orientational order of anionic membranes while leaving zwitteronic membranes intact. These structural results provide insights into the mechanism of action of this beta-hairpin antimicrobial peptide.  相似文献   

Protegrins (PG) are important in defending host tissues, preventing infection via an attack on the membrane surface of invading microorganisms. Protegrins have powerful antibiotic abilities, but the molecular-level mechanisms underlying the interactions of their beta-sheet motifs with the membrane are not known. Protegrin-1 (PG-1) is composed of 18 amino acids with a high content of basic residues and two disulfide bonds. Here we focused on the stability of PG-1 at the amphipathic interface in lipid bilayers and on the details of the peptide-membrane interactions. We simulated all-atom models of the PG-1 monomer with explicit water and lipid bilayers composed of both homogeneous POPC (palmitoyl-oleyl-phosphatidylcholine) lipids and a mixture of POPC/POPG (palmitoyl-oleyl-phosphatidylglycerol) (4:1) lipids. We observed that local thinning of the lipid bilayers mediated by the peptide is enhanced in the lipid bilayer containing POPG, consistent with experimental results of selective membrane targeting. The beta-hairpin motif of PG-1 is conserved in both lipid settings, whereas it is highly bent in aqueous solution. The conformational dynamics of PG-1, especially the highly charged beta-hairpin turn region, are found to be mostly responsible for disturbing the membrane. Even though the eventual membrane disruption requires PG-1 oligomers, our simulations clearly show the first step of the monomeric effects. The thinning effects in the bilayer should relate to pore/channel formation in the lipid bilayer and thus be responsible for further defects in the membrane caused by oligomer.  相似文献   

Nanodiscs are an example of discoidal nanoscale self-assembled lipid/protein particles similar to nascent high-density lipoproteins, which reduce the risk of coronary artery disease. The major protein component of high-density lipoproteins is human apolipoprotein A-I, and the corresponding protein component of Nanodiscs is membrane scaffold protein 1 (MSP1), a 200-residue lipid-binding domain of human apolipoprotein A-I. Here we present magic-angle spinning (MAS) solid-state NMR studies of uniformly (13)C,(15)N-labeled MSP1 in polyethylene glycol precipitated Nanodiscs. Two-dimensional MAS (13)C-(13)C correlation spectra show excellent microscopic order of MSP1 in precipitated Nanodiscs. Secondary isotropic chemical shifts throughout the protein are consistent with a predominantly helical structure. Moreover, the backbone conformations of prolines derived from their (13)C chemical shifts are consistent with the molecular belt model but not the picket fence model of lipid-bound MSP1. Overall comparison of experimental spectra and (13)C chemical shifts predicted from several structural models also favors the belt model. Our study thus supports the belt model of Nanodisc structure and demonstrates the utility of MAS NMR to study the structure of high molecular weight lipid-protein complexes.  相似文献   

The membrane location of the local anesthetics (LA) lidocaine, dibucaine, tetracaine, and procaine hydrochloride as well as their influence on phospholipid bilayers were studied by (31)P and (1)H magic-angle spinning (MAS) NMR spectroscopy. The (31)P NMR spectra of the LA/lipid preparations confirmed that the overall bilayer structure of the membrane remained preserved. The relation between the molecular structure of the LAs and their membrane localization and orientation was investigated quantitatively using induced chemical shifts, nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy, and paramagnetic relaxation rates. All three methods revealed an average location of the aromatic rings of all LAs in the lipid-water interface of the membrane, with small differences between the individual LAs depending on their molecular properties. While lidocaine is placed in the upper chain/glycerol region of the membrane, for dibucaine and procaine the maximum of the distribution are slightly shifted into the glycerol region. Finally for tetracaine the aromatic ring is placed closest to the aqueous phase in the glycerol/headgroup region of the membrane. The hydrophobic side chains of the LA molecules dibucaine and tetracaine were located deeper in the membrane and showed an orientation towards the hydrocarbon core. In contrast the side chains of lidocaine and procaine are oriented towards the aqueous phase.  相似文献   

PG-1 adopts a dimeric structure in dodecylphosphocholine (DPC) micelles, and a channel is formed by the association of several dimers but the molecular mechanisms of the membrane damage by non-α-helical peptides are still unknown. The formation of the PG-1 dimer is important for pore formation in the lipid bilayer, since the dimer can be regarded as the primary unit for assembly into the ordered aggregates. It was supposed that only 12 residues (RGGRL-CYCRR-RFCVC-V) are needed to endow protegrin molecules with strong antibacterial activity and that at least four additional residues are needed to add potent antifungal properties. Thus, the 16-residue protegrin (PG-2) represents the minimal structure needed for broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity encompassing bacteria and fungi. As the peptide conformation and peptide-to-membrane binding properties are very sensitive to single amino acid substitutions, the solution structure of PG-2 in solution and in a membrane mimicking environment are crucial. In order to find evidence if the oligomerization state of PG-1 in a lipid environment will be the same or not for another protegrins, we investigate in the present work the PG-2 NMR solution structure in the presence of perdeuterated DPC micelles. The NMR study reported in the present work indicates that PG-2 form a well-defined structure (PDB: 2MUH) composed of a two-stranded antiparallel β-sheet when it binds to DPC micelles.  相似文献   

Mani R  Buffy JJ  Waring AJ  Lehrer RI  Hong M 《Biochemistry》2004,43(43):13839-13848
The interaction of a beta-hairpin antimicrobial peptide, protegrin-1 (PG-1), with various lipid membranes is investigated by (31)P, (2)H, and (13)C solid-state NMR. Mixed lipid bilayers containing anionic lipids and cholesterol are used to mimic the bacterial and mammalian cell membranes, respectively. (31)P and (2)H spectra of macroscopically oriented samples show that PG-1 induces the formation of an isotropic phase in anionic bilayers containing phosphatidylglycerol. Two-dimensional (31)P exchange experiments indicate that these isotropic lipids are significantly separate from the residual oriented lamellar bilayers, ruling out toroidal pores as the cause for the isotropic signal. (1)H spin diffusion experiments show that PG-1 is not exclusively bound to the isotropic phase but is also present in the residual oriented lamellar bilayers. This dynamic and morphological heterogeneity of the anionic membranes induced by PG-1 is supported by the fact that (13)C T(2) relaxation times measured under cross polarization and direct polarization conditions differ significantly. In contrast to the anionic membrane, the zwitterionic phosphatidylcholine (PC) membrane does not form an isotropic phase in the presence of PG-1 but shows significant orientational disorder. The addition of cholesterol to the PC bilayer significantly reduces this orientational disorder. The (13)C T(2) relaxation times of the PC lipids in the presence of both cholesterol and PG-1 suggest that the peptide may decrease the dynamic heterogeneity of the cholesterol-containing membrane. The observed selective interaction of PG-1 with different lipid membranes is consistent with its biological function and may be caused by its strong cationic and amphipathic structure.  相似文献   

Summary A three-dimensional 1H chemical shift/1H-15N dipolar coupling/15N chemical shift correlation spectrum was obtained on a sample of specifically 15N-labeled magainin peptides oriented in lipid bilayers between glass plates in a flat-coil probe. The spectrum showed complete resolution of the resonances from two labeled amide sites in all three dimensions. The three orientationally dependent frequencies associated with each resonance enabled the orientation of the peptide planes to be determined relative to the direction of the applied magnetic field. These results demonstrate the feasibility of multiple-pulse spectroscopy in a flat-coil probe, the ability to measure three spectral parameters from each site in a single experiment, and the potential for resolving among many labeled sites in oriented membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Doherty T  Waring AJ  Hong M 《Biochemistry》2006,45(44):13323-13330
The conformation and membrane topology of the disulfide-stabilized antimicrobial peptide tachyplesin I (TP) in lipid bilayers are determined by solid-state NMR spectroscopy. The backbone (phi and psi) torsion angles of Val(6) are found to be -133 degrees and 142 degrees , respectively, and the Val(6) CO-Phe(8) H(N) distance is 4.6 A. These constrain the middle of the N-terminal strand to a relatively ideal antiparallel beta-sheet conformation. In contrast, the phi angle of Gly(10) is +/-85 degrees , consistent with a beta-turn conformation. Thus, TP adopts a beta-hairpin conformation with straight strands, similar to its structure in aqueous solution but different from a recently reported structure in DPC micelles where bending of the two beta-strands was observed. The Val(6) and Gly(10) CO groups are both 6.8 A from the lipid (31)P, while the Val(6) side chain is in (1)H spin diffusion contact with the lipid acyl chains. These results suggest that TP is immersed in the glycerol backbone region of the membrane and is oriented roughly parallel to the plane of the membrane. This depth of insertion and orientation differs from those of the analogous beta-sheet antimicrobial peptide protegrin-1 and suggest the importance of structural amphiphilicity in determining the location and orientation of membrane peptides in lipid bilayers.  相似文献   

Solid-state NMR (ssNMR) offers insight into the formation of protein complexes and ligand binding for a large range of molecular sizes and binding affinities. Recent instrumental and methodological progress has enabled novel possibilities for using multi-dimensional ssNMR to study molecular 3D structures and interactions in noncrystalline systems. Two-dimensional ssNMR correlation experiments were applied to study ligand binding in globular and membrane proteins and have enabled the investigation of molecular interfaces in the context of protein folding and aggregation. In lipid bilayers, a versatile set of ssNMR experiments has been developed to study molecular structure, topology and complex formation in a functional environment.  相似文献   

Sarcolipin (SLN), a 31 amino acid integral membrane protein, regulates SERCA1a and SERCA2a, two isoforms of the sarco(endo)plasmic Ca-ATPase, by lowering their apparent Ca(2+) affinity and thereby enabling muscle relaxation. SLN is expressed in both fast-twitch and slow-twitch muscle fibers with significant expression levels also found in the cardiac muscle. SLN shares approximately 30% identity with the transmembrane domain of phospholamban (PLN), and recent solution NMR studies carried out in detergent micelles indicate that the two polypeptides bind to SERCA in a similar manner. Previous 1D solid-state NMR experiments on selectively (15)N-labeled sites showed that SLN crosses the lipid bilayer with an orientation nearly parallel to the bilayer normal. With a view toward the characterization of SLN structure and its interactions with both lipids and SERCA, herein we report our initial structural and topological assignments of SLN in mechanically oriented DOPC/DOPE lipid bilayers as mapped by 2D (15)N PISEMA experiments. The PISEMA spectra obtained on uniformly (15)N-labeled protein as well as (15)N-Leu, (15)N-Ile and (15)N-Val map the secondary structure of SLN and, simultaneously, reveal that SLN exists in two distinct topologies. Both the major and the minor populations assume an orientation with the helix axis tilted by approximately 23 degrees with respect to the lipid bilayer normal, but vary in the rotation angle about the helix axis by approximately 5 degrees . The existence of the multiple populations in model membranes may be a significant requirement for SLN interaction with SERCA.  相似文献   

The antimicrobial arenicin peptides are cationic amphipathic sequences that strongly interact with membranes. Through a cystine ring closure a cyclic β-sheet structure is formed in aqueous solution, which persists when interacting with model membranes. In order to investigate the conformation, interactions, dynamics, and topology of their bilayer-associated states, arenicin 1 and 2 were prepared by chemical solid-phase peptide synthesis or by bacterial overexpression, labeled selectively or uniformly with (15)N, reconstituted into oriented membranes, and investigated by proton-decoupled (31)P and (15)N solid-state NMR spectroscopy. Whereas the (31)P NMR spectra indicate that the peptide induces orientational disorder at the level of the phospholipid head groups, the (15)N chemical shift spectra agree well with a regular β-sheet conformation such as the one observed in micellar environments. In contrast, the data do not fit the twisted β-sheet structure found in aqueous buffer. Furthermore, the chemical shift distribution is indicative of considerable conformational and/or topological heterogeneity when at the same time the (15)N NMR spectra exclude alignments of the peptide where the β-sheet lies side ways on the membrane surface. The ensemble of experimental constraints, the amphipathic character of the peptide, and in particular the distribution of the six arginine residues are in agreement with a boatlike dimer structure, similar or related to the one observed in micellar solution, that floats on the membrane surface with the possibility to oligomerize into higher order structures and/or to insert in a transmembrane fashion.  相似文献   

The cationic peptide tritrpticin (VRRFPWWWPFLRR, Trp3) has a broad action spectrum, acting against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, as well as some fungi, while also displaying hemolytic activity. We have studied the behavior of Trp3 in planar lipid bilayers (or black lipid membrane - BLM) and were able to demonstrate its ion channel-like activity. Channel-like activity was observed in negatively charged azolectin BLM as a sudden appearance of discrete current fluctuations upon application of a constant voltage across the membrane. Trp3 formed large conductance channels (500-2000 pS) both at positive and negative potentials. In azolectin bilayers, the predominant ion-channel activity was characterized by very regular and discrete current steps (corresponding to openings) of uniform amplitude, which exhibited relatively long residence times (of the order of seconds). Occasionally, multiple conductance steps were observed, indicating the simultaneous presence of more than one open pore. In bilayers of zwitterionic diphytanoylphosphatidyl choline (DPhPC) Trp3 also showed ion-channel activity, but in a much less frequent and less prominent way. Studies of ion selectivity indicated that Trp3 forms a cation-selective channel. These results should contribute to the understanding of the molecular interactions and mechanism of action of Trp3 in lipid bilayers and biological membranes.  相似文献   

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