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A comprehensive account of wavelength discrimination and colour saturation discrimination is given in terms of optimum probabilistic signal detection. The theory is a logical deduction from statistical estimation theory of the visual estimate of the spectral parameters of the stimulus. In place of geometrical concepts associated with colour-space geometry, stimulus discriminability is determined by optimum decision rules given by likelihood ratio tests on statistics that are postulated for the trichromatic responses. The classical line element theory and its formulations are deduced to be discriminability measures between signals. The different mathematical forms of classical theory are shown to correspond to different statistical constraints.  相似文献   

The dramatic colours of biological communication signals raise questions about how animals perceive suprathreshold colour differences, and there are long-standing questions about colour preferences and colour categorization by non-human species. This study investigates preferences of foraging poultry chicks (Gallus gallus) as they peck at coloured objects. Work on colour recognition often deals with responses to monochromatic lights and how animals divide the spectrum. We used complementary colours, where the intermediate is grey, and related the chicks' choices to three models of the factors that may affect the attractiveness. Two models assume that attractiveness is determined by a metric based on the colour discrimination threshold either (i) by chromatic contrast against the background or (ii) relative to an internal standard. An alternative third model is that categorization is important. We tested newly hatched and 9-day-old chicks with four pairs of (avian) complementary colours, which were orange, blue, red and green for humans. Chromatic contrast was more relevant to newly hatched chicks than to 9-day-old birds, but in neither case could contrast alone account for preferences; especially for orange over blue. For older chicks, there is evidence for categorization of complementary colours, with a boundary at grey.  相似文献   

The innate preferences of inexperienced bumble bees, Bombus terrestris, for floral colour stimuli were studied using artificial flowers. The artificial flowers provided a colour pattern and consisted of a star-shaped corolla and of central colour patches similar to the nectar guide of natural flowers. The innate choice behaviour was assessed in terms of the number of approach flights from some distance towards the artificial flowers and the percentage of approach flights terminating in antennal contact with the floral guide. The colours of the floral guide, the corolla and the background were varied. It was shown that the innate flower colour preference in bumble bees has two components. 1. The frequency of approaches from a distance is correlated with the colour difference between the corolla and the background against which it is presented. If the corolla colour was constant but its background colour varied, the relative attractiveness of the corolla increased with its colour difference to the background. The colour difference assessment underlying this behaviour on a perceptual basis can be attained by means of colour opponent coding, a system well-established in Hymenoptera. 2. The frequency of antennal contacts with the floral guides relative to that of approach flights cannot be accounted for by colour opponent coding alone. Whether the approach flights are interrupted, or whether they end in an antennal contact with the nectar guide is strongly dependent on the direction (sign) of the colour difference, not only its magnitude. The choice behaviour requires a unique perceptual dimension, possibly that of colour saturation or that of hue perception comparable to components of colour perception in humans.  相似文献   

Members of the billfish family are highly visual predatory teleosts inhabiting the open ocean. Little is known about their visual abilities in detail, but past studies have indicated that these fishes were likely to be monochromats. This study, however, presents evidence of two anatomically distinct cone types in billfish. The cells are arranged in a regular mosaic pattern of single and twin cones as in many fishes, and this arrangement suggests that the different cone types also show different spectral sensitivity, which is the basis for colour vision. First measurements using microspectrophotometry (MSP) revealed a peak absorption of the rod pigment at 484 nm, indicating that MSP, despite technical difficulties, will be a decisive tool in proving colour vision in these offshore fishes. When hunting, billfish such as the sailfish flash bright blue bars on their sides. This colour reflects largely in ultraviolet (UV) light at 350 nm as revealed by spectrophotometric measurements. Billfish lenses block light of wavelengths below 400 nm, presumably rendering the animal blind to the UV component of its own body colour. Interestingly, at least two prey species of billfish have lenses transmitting light in the UV waveband and are therefore likely to perceive a large fraction of the UV peak found in the blue bar of the sailfish. The possible biological significance of this finding is discussed.  相似文献   

Cows of the Lowland Black-and-White breed were studied by the method of discrimination conditioning according to the differentiation of seven colours in Oswald's scale (yellow no. 2, pink no. 5, red no. 7, violet no. 12, blue no. 15, green no. 21 and yellowish-green no. 23) from 16 shades of grey in Hering's scale. The high percentage of choices made leads to the conclusion that cows see colours as distinct entities. It was found from the percentage of positive reactions obtained to a given colour that a sequence exists in the cows' differentiation of colours. In connection with this the relativelability to distinguish the different colours listed above was established and estimated statistically (by t-test). Emphasis has also been laid on ethological variations with respect to differences in temperament and social status of the cows and the result of colour differentiation learning.  相似文献   

Colour vision allows animals to reliably distinguish differences in the distributions of spectral energies reaching the eye. Although not universal, a capacity for colour vision is sufficiently widespread across the animal kingdom to provide prima facie evidence of its importance as a tool for analysing and interpreting the visual environment. The basic biological mechanisms on which vertebrate colour vision ultimately rests, the cone opsin genes and the photopigments they specify, are highly conserved. Within that constraint, however, the utilization of these basic elements varies in striking ways in that they appear, disappear and emerge in altered form during the course of evolution. These changes, along with other alterations in the visual system, have led to profound variations in the nature and salience of colour vision among the vertebrates. This article concerns the evolution of colour vision among the mammals, viewing that process in the context of relevant biological mechanisms, of variations in mammalian colour vision, and of the utility of colour vision.  相似文献   

Colour vision in diurnal and nocturnal hawkmoths   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Diurnal and nocturnal hawkmoths (Sphingidae, Lepidoptera) havethree spectral types of receptor sensitive to ultraviolet, blueand green light. As avid flower visitors and pollinators, theyuse olfactory and visual cues to find and recognise flowers.Moths of the diurnal species Macroglossum stellatarum and thenocturnal species Deilephila elpenor, Hyles lineata and Hylesgallii use and learn the colour of flowers. Nocturnal speciescan discriminate flowers at starlight intensities when humansand honeybees are colour-blind. M. stellatarum can use achromatic,intensity-related cues if colour cues are absent, and this isprobably also true for D. elpenor. Both species can recognisecolours even under a changed illumination colour.  相似文献   

Results are reported of a preliminary survey of colour vision changes in fifteen patients with central serous retinopathy. Colour vision was monitored with the HRR plates, 100-hue test and Nagel anomaloscope. In those patients revealing an acquired dyschromatopsia the defect had a tritan-like response. However, diagnosis is made difficult because of the positively correlated trend between 100-hue error score and visual acuity.  相似文献   

Many birds see in the ultraviolet (300–400 nm), but there is limited evidence for colour communication (signalling by spectral shape independently of brightness) in this ''hidden'' waveband. Such data are critical for the understanding of extravagant plumage colours, some of which show considerable UV reflectance. We investigated UV colour vision in female social responses to the male UV/violet ornament in bluethroats, Luscinia s. svecica. In an outdoor aviary at the breeding grounds, 16 females were each presented with a unique pair of males of equal age. In UVR (UV reduction) males, sunblock chemicals reduced only the UV reflectance and thereby the spectral shape (colour) of the throat ornament. In NR (neutral reduction) males, an achromatic pigment in the same base solvent (preen gland fat) was used for a corresponding but uniform brightness reduction. Both colour and brightness effects were invisible to human eyes, and were monitored by spectrometry. In 13 of the 16 trials, the female associated most with the NR male, a preference that implies that UV colour vision is used in mate choice by female bluethroats. Reflectance differences between one-year-old and older males were significant only in UV, suggestive of a UV colour cue in age-related mate preferences.  相似文献   

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