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The EP2 gene codes for at least nine message variants that are all specifically expressed in the epididymis. These variants putatively encode small secretory proteins that differ in their N- and C-termini, resulting in proteins that can have little or no sequence similarity to each other. We have isolated and sequenced the human EP2 gene to determine the molecular origin of these variants. The EP2 gene has two promoters, eight exons, and seven introns. Exons 3 and 6 encode protein sequences homologous to beta-defensins, a family of antimicrobial peptides. This sequence homology and the arrangement of promoters and defensin-encoding exons suggest that the EP2 gene originated from two ancestral beta-defensin genes arranged in tandem, each contributing a promoter and two exons encoding a leader sequence and a defensin peptide. The proposed evolutionary relationship between the EP2 gene and defensin genes is supported by the observation that the EP2 gene is located on chromosome 8p23 near the defensin gene cluster and is separated by 100 kilobases or less from DEFB2, the gene for beta-defensin-2. While the EP2 gene transcribes beta-defensin-like message variants, most of the known message variants code for nondefensin proteins or proteins containing only a partial defensin peptide sequence. We suggest that, during its evolution, the EP2 gene has acquired new functions that may be important for sperm maturation and/or storage in the epididymis.  相似文献   

Cellular retinol binding protein II (CRBP II) is an abundant, 134-residue protein present in the small intestinal epithelium. It is thought to participate in the uptake and/or intracellular metabolism of vitamin A. We have isolated and sequenced the rat CRBP II gene. Its four exons span 0.65 kilobases and are interrupted by three introns with an aggregate length of 19.5 kilobases. Southern blot hybridization analysis indicated that this gene is highly conserved in rats, mice, and humans. CRBP II belongs to a protein family that contains eight known members. Computer-assisted comparative sequence analyses indicated that a region of internal homology spans its first two exons and that oligopeptide domains specified by these first two exons exhibit significant homology to all other family members as well as to a portion of the all-trans-retinol binding domain that has previously been defined in serum retinol binding protein. The CRBP II gene was mapped in mice using recombinant inbred strains and restriction fragment length polymorphisms. It is located on chromosome 9 within 5.3 centimorgans of the phosphoglucomutase-3 locus and is closely linked (within 3.0 centimorgans) to the gene specifying a highly homologous intracellular retinol binding protein known as CRBP. Mouse-human somatic cell hybrids were used to determine that both the CRBP and CRBP II genes are located on human chromosome 3.  相似文献   

The genes for two protamines (PRM1 and PRM2) and for two transition proteins (TNP1 and TNP2) have been characterized in several mammalian species. In the human, boar, and bull, the genes for PRM1, PRM2, and TNP2 are closely linked over a stretch of DNA 13-15 kb long. Although similar data are not yet available for the mouse and rat, our results suggest that the three genes are similarly linked in these species. The gene for TNP1 in all species studied is located on another chromosome.  相似文献   

Beta-lactoglobulin is the major whey protein in the milk of ruminants and is expressed in the mammary gland during pregnancy and lactation. Here we describe the isolation and characterization of genomic clones encoding ovine beta-lactoglobulin. Two very similar but non-identical, types of beta-lactoglobulin clone were obtained. DNA sequence analysis of one of these showed that the gene is 4900 bases long and contains seven exons. It codes for a protein of 180 amino acid residues, containing an 18-residue signal peptide, within exons I to VI; exon VII is non-coding. We show that the genes encoding serum retinol binding protein, major urinary protein, alpha-1-acid glycoprotein and apolipoprotein D have a similar organization of exons and introns to beta-lactoglobulin. In particular, a comparison between beta-lactoglobulin and retinol binding protein shows that both genes encode equivalent elements of three-dimensional protein structure within analogous exons. These proteins are all members of a large, diverse family of secretory proteins, many of which function in binding small hydrophobic molecules.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone encoding a small cysteine and serine-rich basic protein has been isolated from a mouse testis cDNA library. This cDNA clone encodes the mouse homologue of a protein involved in the initial phases of condensation of chromatin during spermiogenesis in rats, TP2, based on similarities in the sequence of the carboxyl terminus, composition, molecular weight, and electrophoretic mobility. Mouse TP2 can be divided into a highly basic domain comprising about one-third of the polypeptide chain at the carboxyl terminus and a much less basic domain comprising the remaining two-thirds at the amino terminus. The 5' end of the mouse TP2 mRNA contains two in-phase initiation codons both of which may be used generating two polypeptides which differ in length at the amino terminus. Southern blots demonstrate that there is a single copy of the TP2 gene in the mouse genome and Northern blots demonstrate that the polyadenylated TP2 mRNA is present at high and essentially equal levels in early and late haploid cells, and that it is virtually absent from meiotic cells.  相似文献   

Two genes encoding ferritin-like protein, designated afnA and afnB, were identified in the upstream region of actX on the Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans chromosomal DNA. The actX has been reported to be a regulatory gene homologous to the Escherichia coli fnr, which controls the growth and virulence of A. actinomycetemcomitans under anaerobic conditions. The afnB located 340 bp-upstream from the actX, and the afnA located just 15 bp-upstream from afnB. The afnA and afnB encoded 161 and 165 amino acid residues, respectively, which were similar to ferritin-like proteins of other microorganisms. Western immunoblotting using rabbit antiserum against E. coli ferritin showed these two proteins, which are reactive with the serum with 19-kDa molecular masses, are produced from A. actinomycetemcomitans. The N-terminal amino acid sequences of the two proteins were consequent with those deduced from afnA and afnB. Northern hybridization revealed that the afnA and afnB constituted a bicistronic operon and the accumulation of afnA and afnB mRNA was upregulated under aerobic conditions. These findings suggested that the operon was regulated by the presence of oxygen. The two ferritin-like proteins may have important roles in the adaptation of A. actinomycetemcomitans to oxidative environmental changes.  相似文献   

The nuclei of spermatozoa in all mammals examined so far contain P1 protamine. A second protamine variant, protamine P2, has to date been isolated only from human and murine spermatozoa where it represents the major fraction of basic nuclear protein. In order to elucidate the reason for this unusual distribution of the protamine variants among mammals we have investigated the expression of protamine P2 in boar and bull. It can be shown that also in these species protamine 2 is transcribed and translated on low levels. Various mutational events though have altered the primary structure of the protein: In boar, a deletion of 8 aminoacids has removed a sequence motif from the amino-terminus of the molecule, which highly probable is of functional relevance. The bovine sequence, as a consequence of numerous point mutations has accumulated neutral and hydrophobic aminoacids which reduce the affinity of the protamine 2 to DNA.  相似文献   

Trefoil proteins contain a conserved domain of distinctive structure. Three human trefoil proteins have been described to date of which the human spasmolytic polypeptide (hSP) and pNR-2/pS2 proteins have a similar pattern of expression in normal tissues. The genes encoding these two proteins were isolated from a human DNA library. Preliminary experiments suggested that some recombinants contained both genes. Southern hybridisation showed that all the recombinants were derived from a single stretch of DNA spanning 45 kb and suggested that the hSP gene was located downstream of the pNR-2/pS2 gene. Further experiments demonstrated that the two genes are transcribed in the same direction and that the distance between the 3′ end of the pNR-2/pS2 gene and the 5′ end of the hSP gene is 12.5 kb. The close linkage of these two genes is evidence that they have evolved by gene duplication and that their similar pattern of expression in normal tissues could result from the retention of common regulatory elements. Received: 3 June 1996 / Revised: 13 September 1996  相似文献   

To understand the role of chromatin structure in the expression of the mouse protamine 1, protamine 2, and transition protein 2 genes during spermatogenesis, we have examined the genomic organization of this cluster of ``haploid-specific' genes. As seen in the human genome, protamine 2, transition protein 2, and approximately 2.8 kb of a CpG island, hereafter called CpG island-dTP2, were clustered in a small region. Methylation analyses of this region have demonstrated that i) unlike most other tissue-specific genes, the protamine 1, protamine 2, and transition protein 2 genes were located in a large methylated domain in round spermatids, the cell type where they are transcribed, ii) the protamine 1 gene was only partially methylated in somatic cells and in testes from 7-day-old mice, and iii) the approximately 2 kb upstream and downstream of the CpG island-dTP2 were only partially methylated in somatic tissues. DNase I analysis revealed the presence of at least five strong DNase I hypersensitive sites over the CpG island-dTP2 in somatic tissues, but not in germ cells, and sequence analysis indicated that the CpG island-dTP2 is homologous to a CpG island located approximately 10.6 kb downstream of the human transition protein 2 gene. Although the nature of a CpG island-dTP2 and the function of a CpG island-dTP2-containing somatic tissue-specific DNase I hypersensitive sites in close proximity to the germ cell-specific gene cluster are unclear, the ``open' chromatin structure of the CpG island-dTP2 may be responsible for the partial methylation pattern of the flanking sequences including the transition protein 2 gene in somatic tissues. Received: 6 September 1996 / Accepted: 14 January 1997  相似文献   

Following elongation of spermatids in mammals, the histones are replaced by a set of basic nuclear transition proteins; in the rat there are four, named TP1-TP4. Of these, TP1 and TP2 are well characterized. Here we report the purification to homogeneity of TP4 from rat spermatids. It is a low molecular mass (about 13-20 kDa) basic protein with arginine and lysine constituting 24 mol % and histidine 2.2 mol %. Its 25 N-terminal amino acids were sequenced, and no sequence homologies with any known protein were found. Polyclonal antibodies raised against it in rabbit did not cross-react with other transition proteins, protamines, or histones. The presence of TP4 during sperm development was monitored by cell separation studies. No TP4 was detected in round spermatids, and along with TP1 and TP2, it is present in step 13-15 spermatids and its amount decreased in steps 16-19. Trace amounts of TP4 were also detected in epididymal sperm. A possible role for TP4 in spermatid and sperm chromatin structure is discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Protein kinase C (PKC) has attracted considerable attention over the past decade, primarily because of its presumed role in cellular growth control and tumourigenesis. Mammalian cells express at least 10 different isozymes of PKC; it is this complexity that has made elucidating the precise functions of PKC: so difficult. The identification of PKC homologues in organisms such as Drosophila, Xenopus, Dictyostelium, Aplysia and Caenorhabditis indicates that the enzyme is evolutionarily conserved, and this has stimulated our search for counterparts in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, in which powerful genetic analyses can be used. To date, only one PKC homologue, PKC1, has been identified in yeast and no biochemical activity has been definitively ascribed to the encoded protein. This, and the inability to identify other PKC homologues in yeast by DNA hybridization, has led to doubts about the existence of PKC isozymes in yeast. We have taken the approach of screening yeast expression libraries with anti-PKC antibodies in an attempt to identify further homologues. RESULTS: We have identified a novel PKC isozyme, Pkc2p, encoded by the gene PKC2. We report here the sequence of PKC2 and a comparison showing its similarity to other PKCs. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that all known PKC genes, including PKC2, originated from a common ancestor. Disruption of the PKC2 protein-coding region, deleting the entire catalytic domain of the encoded enzyme, is not lethal to yeast growing on rich media. However, the pkc2 mutant, unlike wild-type strains, fails to grow on minimal media containing limited concentrations of amino acids. This implicates Pkc2p in the response of yeast cells to amino-acid starvation. CONCLUSION: We have shown that yeast cells do express more than one PKC isozyme, by identifying and characterizing a novel PKC gene PKC2, the product of which may be involved in the cellular response to amino-acid starvation.  相似文献   

From the experimental results of three independent methods: (1) indirect immunofluorescence employing monospecific anti-seminalplasmin-IgGs, (2) cell-free translation of poly(A)+ RNA from seminal vesicle and testicular tissue, as well as (3) Northern analysis of poly(A)+ RNA of the latter tissues with a synthetic seminalplasmin-specific antisense DNA probe, it is concluded that the biosynthesis of seminalplasmin occurs in seminal vesicles but not in testis.  相似文献   

A cDNA library derived from poly(A)+RNA of bull seminal vesicle tissue was screened with synthetic DNA probes specific for seminalplasmin (SAP), the major basic protein of bull semen. From a number of positive clones, pBSV12, containing a 577-bp insert, was identified and sequenced. The derived amino acid sequence comprises the known amino acid sequence of SAP with an amino terminal representing a putative signal sequence; at the carboxyl terminus the sequence contains an additional lysine residue. Present experimental data do not distinguish between two potential SAP precursor molecules, each starting with a methionine residue and differing by 10 amino acid residues in the leader peptide. Comparative Northern analysis reveals a SAP-specific mRNA of 700 bp, which lacks RNA from bovine testis as well as from seminal vesicle tissue of a bull calf; hence, expression of the SAP gene appears to be under androgen and/or developmental control. Southern analysis indicates that one gene appears to specify SAP. SAP-like DNA sequences were detected in ovine and porcine genomic DNA.  相似文献   

Mammalian spermiogenesis is characterized by a unique chromatin-remodeling process in which histones are replaced by transition protein 1 (TP1), TP2, and TP4, which are further replaced by protamines. We showed previously that the import of TP2 into the haploid spermatid nucleus requires the components of cytosol and ATP. We have now carried out a detailed analysis to characterize the molecular components underlying the nuclear translocation of TP2. Real-time PCR analysis of the expression of different importins in testicular germ cells revealed that importin-4 and importin-beta3 are significantly up-regulated in tetraploid and haploid germ cells. We carried out physical interaction studies as well as an in vitro nuclear transport assay using recombinant TP2 and the nuclear localization signal of TP2 (TP2(NLS)) fused to glutathione S-transferase in digitonin-permeabilized, haploid, round spermatids and identified importin-4 to be involved in the import of TP2. A three-dimensional model of the importin-4 protein was generated using the crystal structure of importin-beta1 as the template. Molecular docking simulations of TP2(NLS) with the importin-4 structure led to the identification of a TP2(NLS) binding pocket spanning the three helices (helices 21 to 23) of importin-4, which was experimentally confirmed by in vitro interaction and import studies with different deletion mutants of importin-4. In contrast to TP2, TP1 import was accomplished through a passive diffusion process.  相似文献   

PS2 is one of two major proteins detected in the culture media of various Corynebacterium glutamicum strains. The coding and promoter regions of the cspB gene encoding PS2 were cloned in lambda gt11 using polyclonal antibodies raised against PS2 for screening. Expression of the cspB gene in Escherichia coli led to the production of a major anti-PS2 labelled peptide of 63 000 Da, corresponding presumably to the mature form of PS2. It was detected in the cytoplasm, periplasm and surrounding medium of E. coli. Three other slower migrating bands of 65000, 68 000 and 72 000 Da were detected. The largest one probably corresponds to the precursor form of PS2 in E. coli. Analysis of the nucleotide sequence revealed an open reading frame (ORF) of 1533 nucleotides. The deduced 510-amino-acid polypeptide had a calculated molecular mass of 55 426 Da. According to the predicted amino acid sequence, PS2 is synthesized with a W-terminal segment of 30-amino-acid residues reminiscent of eukaryotic and prokaryotic signal pep-tides, and a hydrophobic domain of 21 residues near the C-terminus. Although no significant homologies were found with other proteins, it appears that some characteristics and the amino acid composition of PS2 share several common features with surface-layer proteins. The cspB gene was then disrupted in C. glutamicum by gene replacement. Freeze-etching electron microscopy performed on the wild-type strain indicated that the cell wall of C. glutamicum is covered with an ordered surface of proteins (surface layer, S-layer) which is in very close contact with other cell-wall components. These structures are absent from the cspB-disrupted strain but are present after reintroduction of the cspB gene on a plasmid into this mutant. Thus we demonstrate that the Slayer protein is the product of the cspB gene.  相似文献   

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