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An understanding of cetacean distribution is necessary to gain insights into crucial ecological processes for species conservation management. However, cetacean habitat preference and distribution in the northern Savu Sea, Indonesia, are still poorly understood. We use maximum entropy modeling with five environmental predictors to describe habitat preference and distribution of seven cetacean species in the northern Savu Sea. Our study confirms that static predictors are the most important variables in explaining habitat preferences of seven cetacean species in the northern Savu Sea. Seasonally, each cetacean species has a different environmental preference. Globicephala macrorhynchus prefers the open nearshore areas adjacent to deep waters. Stenella attenuata is associated with nearshore habitats and higher productivity areas. Stenella longirostris prefers nearshore habitat during coastal upwelling events. Tursiops truncatus prefers nearshore sheltered habitat. Grampus griseus habitats are highly related to depth and steep gradients around the isobaths of 200–1,000 m. Feresa attenuata are associated with deep waters and cooler sea temperature. Pseudorca crassidens prefers protective bays with productive waters. This study provides important information for reviewing marine spatial plans of the northern Savu Sea, specifically on managing species fisheries interaction, optimizing surveillance, and regulating marine traffic.  相似文献   

Recruitment in marine fishes is regulated largely by the demographic changes that occur during the early life stages; therefore, a thorough understanding of early life stages is essential for predicting recruitment variability in fishes. Japanese sea bass (JSB), Lateolabrax japonicus, is a coastal marine fish distributed in East Asian coastal waters, and is regarded as highly important for commercial and recreational fisheries, for marine and brackish water aquaculture as well as for stock enhancement. JSB is a typical estuarine dependent temperate fish, which spawns in shelf areas and coastal embayments and the larvae and juveniles are dispersed and transported into shallow nearshore habitats and estuaries where they spend the early life. In this paper, we provide insight into the early life history and ecology of JSB through a revision of the available information and using the data we obtained from a relatively long-term research. We review and discuss the distribution and habitat use, food and feeding, age and growth, mortality and recruitment of larval and juvenile JSB in coastal waters around Japan. We extend our discussions in all available dimensions: habitat-specific, ontogenetic, and spatio-temporal, and highlight the importance of nursery habitats. We also discuss the implications of early life history for recruitment of JSB as well as the possible effects of climate change. At the end, we point out potential areas for future research.  相似文献   

The establishment and growth of Nereocystis luetkeana communities are limited by many environmental and biotic factors. Temperature, light quantity and quality, turbidity, salinity, wave motion, and competition for space and light all determine where populations of this annual kelp will establish and persist from season to season. Like much of the nearshore marine vegetation in Puget Sound and the San Juan Archipelago, Nereocystis is negatively impacted by anthropogenic disturbances, such as shoreline development and sediment loading from terrestrial erosion. These events can alter or eliminate optimal habitat and conditions that support adult populations, as well as interfere with the development of the microscopic life stages. Various techniques to establish a Nereocystis bed in the northern waters of Washington, USA are examined and will serve as a model for future restoration efforts. Techniques being investigated are as follows: 1) out‐planting Nereocystis during different seasons; 2) out‐planting at different stages of maturity, i.e., zoospore and microscopic sporophyte (0.5–1.0 mm blade length) from cultures; 3) out‐planting directly on natural substratum versus at elevated positions; 4) transplanting juveniles (10 cm stipe length); and, 5) seeding natural substratum with out‐planted sori (sporophylls), bypassing the lab culturing phase. Results of this study will help define the optimal restoration procedure, including environmental parameters, for Nereocystis in order to aid coastal managers in the implementation of nearshore restoration projects. Preliminary results will be presented.  相似文献   

The ontogenetic change in turbiditaxis (i.e. attraction to turbid waters) was examined in the larvae and juveniles of Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus by testing three levels of turbidity (0, 20 and 100 ppm of kaolin). Larvae of 12, 20 and 30 mm standard length (LS) exhibited turbiditaxis to both 20 and 100 ppm of kaolin, whereas 6 mm LS larvae and 45 mm LS juveniles did not exhibit any turbiditaxis. Turbiditaxis might explain the ontogenetic habitat shift from coastal to offshore waters reported for this species.  相似文献   

This study aimed to describe the ecological distribution and the effects of environmental factor oscillation on the life cycle of Penaeus schmitti along the coastal area of Cananéia, southern São Paulo state, Brazil. Shrimp and environmental factors were sampled monthly from July 2012 to May 2014 at seven sampling stations covering both estuarine and marine environments, using a shrimp fishing boat. A total of 273 juveniles and 829 adults were sampled, and there were significant differences in body size (carapace length – CL) throughout the seasons (ANOVA). Smaller animals were observed in the summers of 2013 and 2014 and at sites closer to the coast, which are under estuarine influence. Adults were observed mostly in autumn and in deeper regions. We detected a positive relationship between the abundance of juveniles and the bottom water temperature and between the abundance of adults and the water salinity (canonical correspondence analysis). The presence of smaller individuals in the estuarine environment demonstrates the importance of the estuaries in this species’ ontogeny, mainly concerning their protection, since this environment has physical (depth) and physiological (salinity) barriers to their predators. Furthermore, we could clearly observe the plasticity of juveniles in relation to environmental factors. In contrast, adults were less tolerant to the variation in environmental factors, mainly water salinity, which was a limiting factor of their distribution. Seasonal differences in body size could be directly associated to this species’ life cycle and characterized by trophic and reproductive migratory activities between the estuarine and oceanic regions.  相似文献   

Corallivorous gastropods of the genus Drupella are known for population outbreaks throughout the Indo-Pacific region. Despite their potential to destroy wide areas of coral reef, prey preferences have never been analyzed with respect to prey availability, and juvenile ecology and food selectivity remain largely unknown. Here, the influence of water depth, coral abundance, colony shape, prey species, and intraspecific attraction among snails on distribution patterns, prey selection, and microhabitat use of D. cornus was studied in the northern Red Sea. Special emphasis was put on ontogenetic differences. The snails were most abundant in the shallowest reef zone (1 m depth). Adults were associated with several substrates and coral growth forms, whereas juveniles were highly cryptic and restricted to live branching corals. The genus Acropora was significantly preferred over other acroporid and pocilloporid corals. As revealed by resource selection ratios, Acropora acuminata was preferred by juveniles, A. selago by adults. In aquarium experiments, intraspecific attraction was high among both life stages. Overall, significant differences in juvenile and adult microhabitat and prey use suggest that juveniles have more specific habitat requirements, and indicate ecological impacts on coral communities different from that of adults. Prey preferences seem to depend on both coral genus and colony shape. Acropora corals provide the best combination of food and shelter and therefore determine distribution patterns of D. cornus.  相似文献   

Antarctic notothenioid fishes show wide adaptive morphological radiation, linked to habitat preferences and food composition. However, direct comparisons of phenotypic variability and feeding habits are still lacking, particularly in stages inhabiting nearshore areas. To assess these relationships, we collected juveniles and adults of the most common benthic species inhabiting shallow waters off the South Shetland Islands within a similar size range, the plunderfish Harpagifer antarcticus, the black rockcod Notothenia coriiceps, and the marbled rockcod Notothenia rossii. Individual size ranges varied from 44.0 to 98.9 mm standard length (LS) (H. antarcticus), from 95.8 to 109.3 mm LS (N. coriiceps), and from 63.0 to 113.0 mm LS (N. rossii). Notothenioid fish showed different morphospace variability, being larger for H. antarcticus than the other Notothenia species and associated with the position of the posterior end of the operculum, along with the location and relative size of the eye. The evolutionary allometry was low, but the static allometry was much higher, especially for H. antarcticus and N. rossii. The diet was mainly carnivorous, consisting of amphipods and euphausiids. Macroalgae were scarce or totally absent in the gut contents of all species. Only H. antarcticus showed an increase in the prey number and ingested prey volume with fish size. Finally, there was a significant covariation between shape changes and LS in all species (allometric effects), however, not with prey composition, probably due to the small size range or ontogenetic stage and the relative similarity (or lack of contrast) in the benthic environment that they utilized.  相似文献   

The establishment and growth of Nereocystis luetkeana communities are limited by many environmental and biotic factors. Temperature, light quantity and quality, turbidity, salinity, wave motion, and competition for space and light all determine where populations of this annual kelp will establish and persist from season to season. Like much of the nearshore marine vegetation in Puget Sound and the San Juan Archipelago, Nereocystis is negatively impacted by anthropogenic disturbances, such as shoreline development and sediment loading from terrestrial erosion. These events can alter or eliminate optimal habitat and conditions that support adult populations, as well as interfere with the development of the microscopic life stages. Various techniques to establish a Nereocystis bed in the northern waters of Washington, USA are examined and will serve as a model for future restoration efforts. Techniques being investigated are as follows: 1) out-planting Nereocystis during different seasons; 2) out-planting at different stages of maturity, i.e., zoospore and microscopic sporophyte (0.5–1.0 mm blade length) from cultures; 3) out-planting directly on natural substratum versus at elevated positions; 4) transplanting juveniles (10 cm stipe length); and, 5) seeding natural substratum with out-planted sori (sporophylls), bypassing the lab culturing phase. Results of this study will help define the optimal restoration procedure, including environmental parameters, for Nereocystis in order to aid coastal managers in the implementation of nearshore restoration projects. Preliminary results will be presented.  相似文献   

The prevalence of major habitat shifts in tropical fishes between juvenile and adult stages (ontogenetic shifts) in one of the northernmost coral reefs in the world (Kudaka Island, Japan) is given. The comparative analysis of spatial distribution of juveniles v . adults highlighted four ontogenetic patterns: no change in habitat use between juveniles and adults (five species), a decrease in the number of habitats used by adults compared to juveniles (three species), an increase in the number of habitats used during the adult stage (four species) and use of nursery areas by juveniles followed by extensive movements to different adult habitats (three species). The comparative analysis of fish distribution over time ( i.e. during three consecutive settlement months) showed that 84% of species had temporal consistency in ontogenetic patterns of habitat use.  相似文献   

Buoyancy measurements and depth of capture were taken on 70 individuals of Dissostichus mawsoni collected from the Southern Scotia Arc and McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, to examine the effect of age on buoyancy and habitat use. Standard lengths (SL) ranged from 10.4 to 138.0 cm. Juveniles were not buoyant (heavy in water), whereas adults were neutrally buoyant. The slope of the relationship between buoyancy and SL was significantly negative for juveniles (individuals less than 81 cm SL), but there was no significant relationship for adults (individuals greater than 81 cm SL). These results demonstrate an ontogenetic shift in buoyancy. For juveniles, depth of capture and SL had a significantly positive relationship. As individuals reach adulthood they achieve neutral buoyancy and appear to use deeper water habitats. This interpretation is supported by a significant positive correlation between buoyancy and depth of capture for juveniles. Changes in buoyancy with maturation of juveniles may also be associated with a shift in habitat use. Juveniles appear to exploit benthic habitats, whereas adults use the entire water column over deeper water. Given the differences in prey species available in these habitats and based on our results, we predict that diets of juveniles and adults should differ significantly. We also hypothesize that accumulation of lipid deposits from the diet during maturation of juveniles may account for the ontogenetic shift in buoyancy and allow neutral buoyancy to be achieved in adulthood.  相似文献   

The most common goatfishes in Hawai‘i, Mulloidichthys flavolineatus and M. vanicolensis, comprise a unique resource due to their cultural, ecological and biological significance. These species exhibit pulse-type recruitment to nearshore areas during the summer months. Such pulses of juvenile fishes provide prey for pelagic and nearshore fishes and support a popular directed fishery. However, limited scientific information exists on juvenile stages of these fishes, known locally as oama, despite their contribution to coastal ecology and the extensive nearshore fisheries. Here we resolve growth rates, habitat preferences, hatching dates, size and age structure, as well as fishing catch rates based on new recruits in 2014 and 2015. We sampled 257 M. flavolineatus and 204 M. vanicolensis to compare ecological and fisheries characteristics between species and years. Both show strong habitat segregation, with M. vanicolensis found almost exclusively on hard and M. flavolineatus on soft substrates. Oama recruited in anomalously high numbers in 2014, a trend reflected in a higher catch per unit effort. In contrast, 2015 recruits grew faster, were heavier on average and hatched later than during 2014. Both species have calculated hatch dates in March to July, with M. vanicolensis hatching earlier, recruiting earlier and being consistently larger than M. flavolineatus. This baseline information regarding recruitment and early life-history characteristics can enhance management for other data-limited species that comprise a substantial component of nearshore fisheries in Hawai‘i.  相似文献   

Synopsis The ways in which the distributions of six species of whiting (Sillaginidae) in the coastal marine waters of south-western Australia are related to the type of substrate (bare sand vs. seagrass), degree of exposure of habitat, water depth and body size have been investigated. Whiting in near shore waters (< 1.5 m) were sampled using a fine-meshed seine net, while those in shallow (5–15 m) and deep (20–35 m) waters of the inner continental shelf were sampled with a trawl net. Shallow nearshore waters are shown to provide nursery habitats for five of the six whiting species. In these waters, Sillaginodes punctata, Sillago burrus, Sillago schomburgkii and Sillago vittata mainly occur in protected areas, while Sillago bassensis predominantly occupies areas that are more exposed to wave and swell activity. The first three of these species also use estuaries as nursery areas. In nearshore waters, whiting were captured almost exclusively over bare sand, rather than in interpersed beds of the seagrass Posidonia spp., presumably reflecting the fact that the dense canopies produced by the wide blades of Posidonia spp. must inhibit penetration by the benthic whiting species. As 0 + S. punctata increase in size, they tend to move offshore during the day and inshore at night. Many mature representatives of S. schomburgkii are present in nearshore areas, whereas the other four species move offshore into inner-shelf waters as they increase in length. Sillago burrus and S. vittata remain in shallow inner-shelf waters, whereas the larger S. bassensis subsequently migrate into deeper inner-shelf waters. Large Sillago bassensis thus co-occurs with Sillago robusta, which is mainly found in those deeper waters, but does not reach as large a size. The larger S. punctata occupy areas near reefs which could not be sampled by trawl netting. There are thus interspecific differences in (i) the times of recruitment of the 0 + age class into nearshore areas, (ii) the types of habitat occupied during juvenile and adult life, and (iii) the degree to which fish move into more offshore waters as they increase in length, and one species is restricted to deeper waters. The resultant partial segregation among habitats of the coastal waters of south-western Australia by different size groups of these relatively abundant whiting species presumably reduces the potential for intra- and interspecific competition amongst these species.  相似文献   

The habitat associations of species are vital in determining an organism’s vulnerability to environmental and anthropogenic stress. In the marine environment, post-settlement processes such as ontogenetic shifts in habitat use can affect this vulnerability by subjecting a species to differing biological and environmental conditions at various life stages. This study documents the habitat associations of adult and juvenile butterflyfishes on an inshore reef of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) to investigate if ontogenetic shifts in habitat use occur, and if such shifts relate to the trophic ecologies of species. Coral-feeding species displayed highly concordant distributions among adults and juveniles. In contrast, adults and juveniles of species with wider dietary selectivities (generalists) displayed significantly different distributions across reef zones. Juvenile generalist feeders were limited to the shallow, patchy areas of the reef flat whilst adult conspecifics displayed comparatively wide distributions. Butterflyfishes with a heavy reliance on corals for food appear to settle preferentially in areas with high abundances of adult conspecifics, which may partially explain why coral specialists are more vulnerable to localized depletion events. In contrast, generalist species utilize distinct habitats as adults and juveniles, suggesting that generalist butterflyfishes expand their ranges and are therefore subjected to changing environmental conditions as they reach adulthood.  相似文献   

We surveyed fish distribution in three lagoons and adjacent forereefs in the British Virgin Islands recording about 28,000 fish from 40 families and 118 species. Canonical correspondence indicated that rock, sand, fleshy algae, gorgonians, mangroves and live hard coral were the most important habitat types influencing fish assemblage composition. About 47% of fishes occurring at more than 10 stations displayed evidence of ontogenetic partitioning between reefs and lagoons but post-settlement ontogenetic life history strategies were quite varied depending on the species. For example Chaetodon striatus juveniles occurred exclusively in lagoons and all sexually mature adults were found on reefs. Some differences were less pronounced as seen in Halichoeres bivittatus where individuals of all sizes occurred on reefs and lagoons, but when analysed it was found that reefs had larger individuals than lagoons. Some species, such as Acanthurus bahianus, were primarily reef species whose juveniles also used lagoon habitats while others, such as Gerres cinereus, were generally lagoon species whose adults occasionally moved onto reefs. Even with all this variation in life-history strategies, all the species that exhibited bay-reef partitioning used the lagoons as juveniles then moved onto reefs as adults and not vice versa, supporting the hypothesis that bays are important nursery areas for reef-dwelling fishes. These results show that a detailed review of the natural life-history strategies and habitat requirements are required before making further generalisations about the role of near-shore habitat types as nurseries for reef fishes. This is especially important given the rapid changes in tropical near-shore habitats around the world.  相似文献   

Argyrosomus japonicus is a member of the family Sciaenidae, which are commonly known as drums and croakers. A. japonicus occurs in estuarine and nearshore Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean waters surrounding Australia, Africa, India, Pakistan, China, Korea and Japan. The biology of A. japonicus is relatively well studied in South Africa, and more recently studied in Australia, but no information is readily available from other areas of its distributional range. The early life history distribution of A. japonicus may differ among regions, with their distribution in estuaries linked to salinity, turbidity, freshwater flows and depth of water. Studies in South Africa and Australia found that juvenile fish grow rapidly, attaining 35 cm TL in 1 year and 87–90 cm TL in 5 years. Sexual maturity also differs among regions and is attained at 2–3 years of age and >50 cm in eastern Australia, 5–6 years of age and >80 cm TL in western Australia and southern Africa. The maximum reported length and age of A. japonicus is 175 cm and 42 years, respectively. Spawning most likely occurs in nearshore coastal waters although there is evidence to suggest that it may also occur in the lower reaches of estuaries. Time of spawning varies among geographic localities and is probably linked to water temperature and oceanography. Juvenile fish (<2 years) appear to be relatively sedentary, but sub‐adults and adults can move relatively long distances (>200 km) and such movements may be linked to pre‐spawning migrations. A. japonicus is important in many recreational and commercial fisheries, but like other sciaenids, is prone to overfishing. It is classified as recruitment overfished in South Africa and overfished in eastern Australia. Although much research has been done to minimize the capture of juveniles in Australian prawn‐trawl fisheries, greater protection of spawners and improved fishing practices to enhance survival of discarded juveniles, particularly from prawn trawling, may be required. An aquaculture industry is developing for A. japonicus in Australia and preliminary research on the impacts and success of re‐stocking wild populations has begun in an attempt to arrest the apparent decline in populations.  相似文献   

Summary The early life history of Pleuragramma antarcticum off the Antarctic Peninsula is described from extensive material collected during four expeditions between 1975/76 and 1982 by means of an RMT 1+8. Postlarvae occurred frequently on the northern continental shelf in February and March except during the 1977/78 season when they were almost absent. Abundance varied mainly between 1.8 and 14.7 postlarvae per 103 m3 with maxima between 32.6 and 143.3 per 103 m3. Juveniles were less abundant with 0.1–4.9 and maxima between 9.8 and 28.3 per 103 m3, but formed a consistent, predominant proportion (83–97%) of the pelagic juvenile fish fauna throughout the years of the study. They were distributed over the whole Bransfield Strait and adjacent waters in the top 200 m. Postlarvae and juveniles showed different patterns of vertical distribution; more than 70% of postlarvae occurred in the top 135 m of the water column whereas 83% of juveniles were encountered between 70 and 200 m with increasing abundance towards the lower depth. Three length groups were identified corresponding to age groups 0, 1, and 2. Hatching was estimated to occur in December. Postlarval distribution patterns and the prevailing transport of water masses suggest that coastal waters south of the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula and in the north-eastern Bellingshausen Sea are probable spawning areas. The Bransfield Strait and adjacent waters represent nursery grounds for the early stages of P. antarcticum from these sites.  相似文献   

The feeding ecology of Mustelus schmitti was studied based on analysis of stomach contents of 525 specimens collected from three research cruises carried out during October 2008 to March 2009 on the Argentinean continental shelf (34o45??S?C41oS). Generalized Linear Models were used to test the effects of Geographic location, Total Length, Sex and Maturity stage on the diet. The most commonly occurring major prey groups differed between Geographic locations. In Río de la Plata (RLP) deep M. schmitti feed on Crustaceans, Fish and Polychaetes, whereas Crustaceans, Polychaetes and Fishes were the main prey in RLP coast, Rincón (RIN) coast and RIN deep, respectively. Moreover, models showed dietary shift related to total length in each Geographic location. In coastal nursery areas Polychaetes decreased and Fishes increased in importance as M. schmitti grew in size; while Crustaceans increased in importance from small to medium size, and then decreased in the large specimens. Deeper areas also show dietary changes related to growth. The trophic level of M. schmitti showed lower values in coastal Geographic locations (3.48?C3.53) than in deeper Geographic locations (3.56?C3.77). The higher trophic role in deeper communities could be related to the size of M. schmitti which increases with depth. Finally, total vacuity index was 2.47 (the lowest in the literature) indicating an intense and continuous feeding activity of the species.  相似文献   

Synopsis The coastal fish assemblages of Wemindji, eastern James Bay, were studied in 1987 and 1988 to describe seasonal utilization of the Maquatua River estuary and the adjacent coastal waters by marine and anadromous fishes. Fish diversity was low (11 sp.) and experimental gill net catches were highly variable between sites in the estuary and coastal waters, and also seasonally at a given site. During summer, the estuarine fishes were numerically dominated by two marine species, the fourhorn sculpin,Myoxocephalus quadricornis, and the slender eelblenny,Lumpenus fabricii, and also by juvenile cisco,Coregonus artedii, and juvenile lake whitefish,C. clupeaformis. In coastal waters, three marine species were abundant: the shorthorn sculpin,M. scorpius, the arctic sculpin,M. scorpioides and the Greenland cod.Gadus ogac. In contrast with the estuary, large (> 270 mm) cisco and lake whitefish were abundant in coastal waters indicating extensive movements of these species in James Bay during the summer. Distribution patterns were influenced by a combination of physical conditions (salinity and temperature) and biological characteristics (habitat choice, migration and reproduction) depending on the season.  相似文献   

Seasonal freshwater discharge was important for defining habitat utilization by different ontogenetic phases of Stellifer brasiliensis and Stellifer stellifer along the estuarine ecocline. The middle estuary was important as a nursery and feeding ground for young‐of‐the‐year, and a feeding ground for sub‐adults and adults of both species. These species are zoobenthivorous, but during their life cycle and between different habitats and seasons, their trophic guild can change to opportunist and zooplanktivore. During the late rainy season in the lower estuary, all phases of both species, except juveniles of S. brasiliensis and adults of S. stellifer, showed a niche overlap indicating similarity in prey utilization. The diet composition was qualitatively similar, showing an evident niche overlap of intra and interspecific competition among the Stellifer spp. Although the niches of these species appeared to significantly overlap, some resource partitioning patterns were apparent. The niche overlap was significantly reduced due to the seasonal difference in habitat use and prey consumption along the ecocline of the estuary by different ontogenetic phases. The ingestion of blue nylon fragments by both species was observed and quantified.  相似文献   

Ecological specialization is common on coral reefs and almost certainly contributes to the high diversity of fishes and invertebrates associated with reefs. Here, the recruitment pathway of an endemic Gulf of California fish, the Browncheek Blenny, Acanthemblemaria crockeri (Teleostei: Chaenopsidae), which specializes as an adult on vacant invertebrate tests or tubes, is reported. Like most reef fishes, Browncheek Blennies have a planktonic larval stage that leaves the reef and later settles on suitable habitat as a fully developed juvenile. These blennies follow a clear, “two-step” recruitment pathway, however, and do not reside in invertebrate tests until reaching an adult body size. Individual juveniles and adults were observed for 3 min intervals in order to develop average time budgets for this species. Members of both sexes and all post-settlement life-history stages were included in the analysis. The difference in habitat use by post-settlement juveniles and adults is striking; the average juvenile spends none of its time inside a test, and the average large adult spends all of its time inside a test. Using data on intermediate-sized individuals, the behavioral change associated with invading a test was determined to be size-cued, and it occurs between 20 and 30 mm standard length. Changes in feeding and predator avoidance behaviors are also associated with the ontogenetic shift from life in the open to life in a shelter. Addition of artificial shelters demonstrated the essential role of access to this specialized resource in the population regulation of adults but not juveniles of these blennies.  相似文献   

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