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There is increasing interest in the diving behavior of marine mammals. However, identifying foraging among recorded dives often requires several assumptions. The simultaneous acquisition of images of the prey encountered, together with records of diving behavior will allow researchers to more fully investigate the nature of subsurface behavior. We tested a novel digital camera linked to a time-depth recorder on Antarctic fur seals ( Arctocephalus gazella ). During the austral summer 2000–2001, this system was deployed on six lactating female fur seals at Bird Island, South Georgia, each for a single foraging trip. The camera was triggered at depths greater than 10 m. Five deployments recorded still images (640 × 480 pixels) at 3-sec intervals (total 8,288 images), the other recorded movie images at 0.2-sec intervals (total 7,598 frames). Memory limitation (64 MB) restricted sampling to approximately 1.5 d of 5–7 d foraging trips. An average of 8.5% of still pictures (2.4%-11.6%) showed krill ( Euphausia sulperba ) distinctly, while at least half the images in each deployment were empty, the remainder containing blurred or indistinct prey. In one deployment krill images were recorded within 2.5 h (16 km, assuming 1.8 m/sec travel speed) of leaving the beach. Five of the six deployments also showed other fur seals foraging in conjunction with the study animal. This system is likely to generate exciting new avenues for interpretation of diving behavior.  相似文献   

Homing rates and initial orientations after release from different directions were investigated in the solitary bee Dasypoda altercator. Homing rates and the proportion of individuals returning on the day of release declined with distance, implying that homing from greater distances is not based solely on the use of landmarks. A long duration of return (often not on the same day) and high efficiency of homing (four bees out of 10 returned from a 4 km distance over the lake), as well as an increase in average return speed ? 10 m/min) with distance of bees homing on the same day suggest that homing is also not based upon radial scatter as the sole tactic. This is supported by the observation that the initial orientations of the bees were not equally probable. Departures towards the sun greatly exceeded those away from the sun and the bees also tended to depart in cardinal geographical (or geomagnetic) directions, preferring meridional directions (especially southward) to parallel ones (of which east was preferred). Departure directions did not depend on wind direction but did depend, to some extent, on the landscape features of release sites. However, bees neither tended to depart in the direction of the nest, nor did homing success correlate with the direction of departure in relation to that of the nest.  相似文献   

Our aim was to describe the free-ranging diving pattern and to determine the location of foraging of pregnant female southern elephant seals, Mirounga leonina , from Peninsula Valdes, Argentina. This colony is unusual in two respects: it is removed from deep water by a broad shallow shelf (345–630 km wide), and colony numbers have been increasing in recent years in contrast to numbers from other southern hemisphere colonies that are stable or in decline. Microprocessor controlled, geolocation-time-depth recorders were deployed on four females, recording a total of 15,836 dives (270 dive days) during the period February to April, 1992. Departing seals crossed the continental shelf quickly (54–5–62–1 h) and did not show signs of foraging until reaching deep water, due east of the colony in the South Atlantic Ocean. Diving was virtually continuous (93% of the time underwater) with overall mean (±S.D.) rates of 2.5±0.2 dives/h, mean dive durations of 22.8 ± 7.1 min (maximum dive duration = 79 min) with 1.6±0.6min surface intervals between dives, and dive depths of 431±193m (maximum dive depth = 1,072 m). The diving pattern of females from Patagonia is similar to that of seals from colonies where numbers are decreasing (Macquarie stock) or are stable (South Georgia Island). Our subjects did not, however, feed in or south of the Antarctic Polar Front, or in cold waters along the Antarctic coast, where seals from declining or stable colonies forage.  相似文献   

We tested a satellite Platform Transmitter Terminal (PTT) in the laboratory (on a float and on captive seals) and on a free-ranging harbor seal in the Southern California Bight to investigate the utility of satellite telemetry in documenting seals'at-sea behavior and movements. We used records from a microprocessor-based time-depth recorder (TDR) to interpret location and diving records from the PTT. For the free-ranging harbor seal, we obtained at least one uplink during 70% (while the seal was at sea) to 82% (while she was ashore) of satellite passes and at least one location each day. Of 62 locations determined by Service Argos for the free-ranging seal, 20 were verified from TDR records to have been at sea; these indicated that the seal may have ranged up to 48 km from the haul-out site, although most locations were within 5 km. The accuracies of locations calculated when the seal was at sea (±15 km) were substantially less than when it was ashore (±1.5 km), thus limiting at-sea tracking of seals by satellite to rather gross movements. Fewer transmissions were detected and locations calculated when the seal was actively diving than when it was swimming near the surface as it departed from or returned to the haul-out site. Consequently, average dive durations indicated by the PTT were substantially shorter than those calculated from TDR records. Documentation of foraging areas and detailed at-sea movements using satellite technology may not be possible for pinnipeds unless PTT-transmission rates are increased substantially from the 1 per 45 set maximum rate now permitted by Service Argos.  相似文献   

Satellite-linked tags were attached to 49 subadult and adult harbor seals captured in Prince William Sound (PWS), Alaska, and their movements were monitored during 1992–1997. Seals were tracked for a total of 5,517 seal-days and were located on about 80% of the days that tags transmitted. Most locations were in or near PWS, but some juvenile seals moved 300–500 km east and west into the Gulf of Alaska. While several seals travelled to 50–100 km offshore, virtually all locations were in water <200 m deep. Overall, juvenile seals moved more than adults and had larger home ranges. Movements were significantly affected by month, and age by month and sex by month interactions. In all months, mean distances between successively used haulouts were <10 km for adults and <20 km for juveniles. Mean monthly home ranges varied from <100 km2 to >1,500 km2, and were smallest during June-July. Mean haul-out to at-sea distance was 5–10 km for adults and generally 10–25 km for juveniles. Satellite-linked tags provided an effective means of monitoring and describing the full range of harbor seal movements in this region, with the exception of late summer when tags were shed during the molt.  相似文献   

J. P. Croxall    D. R. Briggs    A. Kato    Y. Naito    Y. Watanuki    T. D. Williams 《Journal of Zoology》1993,230(1):31-47
The pattern and characteristics of diving in two female macaroni penguins Eudyptes chrysolophus was studied, during the brooding period, using continuous-recording time-depth recorders, for a total of I8 days (15 consecutive days) during which the depth, duration and timing of 4876 dives were recorded. Diving in the first 11 days was exclusively diurnal, averaging 244 dives on trips lasting 12 hours. Near the end of the brooding period trips were longer and included diving at night. About half of all trips (except those involving continuous night-time diving) was spent in diving and dive rate averaged 14–25 dives per hour (42 per hour at night). The duration of day time dives varied between trips, and averaged 1.4–1.7 min, with a subsequent surface interval of 0.5–0.9 min. Dive duration was significantly directly related to depth, the latter accounting for 53% of the variation. The average depths of daytime dives were 20–35 m (maximum depth 11 5 m). Dives at night were shorter (average duration 0.9 min) and much shallower (maximum 11 m); depth accounted for only 6% of the variation in duration. Estimates of potential prey capture rates (3–5 krill per dive; one krill every 17–20 s) are made. Daily weight changes in chicks were directly related to number of dives, but not to foraging trip duration nor time spent diving. Of the other species at the same site which live by diving to catch krill, gentoo penguins forage exclusively diurnally, making longer. deeper dives; Antarctic fur seals, which dive to similar depths as macaroni penguins, do so mainly at night.  相似文献   

Foraging and predation risk are often separated at rookeries of marine central place foragers, thus offering an opportunity to gain insight into how predator‐avoidance shapes the behavior of prey. Here we compare the behavior of Cape fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus) at two island rookeries with and without white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) predations, and assess seal behavior in relation to marked spatiotemporal variation in risk at the high‐risk site (Seal Island, South Africa). Our results show that seal behavior at the two sites is comparatively similar in summer, when predation risk is low at both sites, but not in winter. Compared to seals at the “low‐risk” site, seals at Seal Island avoided deep‐water habitat around the island at high risk times and restricted their use of this habitat in favor of safe, shallow waters when engaging in social and thermoregulatory behaviors. Seals increased their frequency of jostling, porpoising, and diving when moving through the danger zone and seals in groups were safer than single individuals. Overall, our results suggest that seal behavior around the high‐risk site is strongly affected by predation risk, and show this rookery to be an excellent predator‐prey system at which to evaluate long‐standing ecological hypotheses.  相似文献   

The population of Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii) in the southern Weddell Sea is in a unique position on the continental shelf edge, with vast shelf waters to the south, and deep Southern Ocean to the north. We describe sex‐related differences in the winter distribution of this population, from data collected by 20 conductivity‐temperature‐depth satellite relay data loggers deployed in February 2011 at the end of the annual molt. The regional daily speed was calculated, and a state‐space model was used to estimate behavioral states to positions along individuals’ tracks. GLMMs estimated that males and smaller individuals, diving in shallower water, traveled less far per day of deployment (males 14.6 ± 2.26 km/d, females 18.9 ± 2.42 km/d), and males were estimated to dive in shallower water (males 604 ± 382 m, females 1,875 ± 1,458 m). Males and smaller individuals were also estimated to be more resident; males spent an average 83.4% ± 7.7% of their time in a resident behavioral state, compared to females at 74.1% ± 7.1%. This evidence that male and female Weddell seals in the southern Weddell Sea are adopting different strategies has not been shown elsewhere along their circumpolar distribution.  相似文献   

Over the past 24 yr, 8,596 Steller sea lion ( Eumetopias jubatus ) pups were branded on their natal rookeries throughout Alaska with the objectives of determining survival rates, recruitment, movements, and site fidelity. Our objectives here were to examine the extent of dispersal of Steller sea lions away from their natal rookeries, movements between stocks, and degree of natal rookery fidelity. Pups (<1 yr old) usually remained within 500 km of their natal rookery. Branded juveniles dispersed widely and were resighted at distances up to 1,785 km from their natal rookeries. Adults generally remained within 500 km of their natal rookeries. No interchange of breeding animals between the ES (eastern stock) and WS (western stock) was observed. Although natal rookery fidelity was prevalent, 33% of the 12 observations of females branded in the WS during 1987–1988 and 19% of the 29 observations of females branded in the ES during 1994–1995 were observed with newly born pups at sites other than their natal rookeries. Steller sea lions generally conformed to the metapopulation concept as depicted by Hanski and Simberloff (1997), with local breeding populations (rookeries) and movements among these local populations having the potential of affecting local dynamics.  相似文献   

Satellite-linked depth recorders (SDRs) were attached to 47 harbor seals in Prince William Sound, Alaska, during 1992–1996. Parameters describing diving effort, diving focus, and focal depth (depth bin to which diving was focused) were calculated from binned data on maximum dive depth and time spent at depth, and analyzed using repeated-measures mixed models. This analysis method accounted for individual variability, temporal autocorrelation, and the binned nature of SDR data, which are often ignored using standard statistical techniques. Results indicated that diving effort remained steady from September to April, when seals spent 68%-75% of their overall time in the water. Time spent in the water declined to 60% in May and to about 40% in July. Seals spent the most time in the water at night and the least in the morning. The diving of all seals in all months was highly focused. Overall, diving was focused to one depth bin approximately 75% of the time. Diving was more focused for females than for males and subadults. Focal dive depth was deepest in winter and shallowest during May-July. Focal depth and diving focus varied by region. Collinearity between month and region in the focal depth model suggests that seals move in winter to regions where prey are found deeper in the water column. Variations in diving behavior presumably result from combinations of regional bathymetry, seasonal cycles in type or depth distribution of prey, and seal life-cycle events such as reproduction and molting.  相似文献   

We monitored movements and haul-out patterns of four ringed seals Phoca hispida , off Northwest Greenland between 5 June and 31 October 1988 using the Argos Data Collection and Location System When the seals were hauled out on fast ice their locations were accurately determined, but when they were at sea, few accurate locations were obtained, evidently because these seals spent little time at the surface between dives The seals remained within the fjord where they were tagged, and hauled out often to early July Thereafter, as fast-ice disappeared, they dispersed widely and spent less time hauled out Time of day had no significant effect on haul-out patterns Haul-out periods declined significantly from June to August and increased in September-October Satellite contact with one seal was lost after 16 d while the seal was still in the fjord in late June One seal travelled over 200 km southwest and was located 4 July in offshore waters of Smith Sound 30 d after instrumentation Another seal moved southeast along the Greenland coast where contact was lost after 49 d on 23 July The fourth seal moved north along the Greenland coast, hauled out regularly on ice, and returned south along the coast in late September and October after 181 d of contact with the satellite  相似文献   

空气污染作为一种有害的环境因素,对人类及动物的生理、心理均有影响.在鸟类中,信鸽(Columba livia)是研究空气污染影响的理想模型.为探究空气污染的行为学效应,通过收集并筛选2018和2019年成都市信鸽协会春秋两个季节举办的64场赛事共285羽参赛5场及以上的信鸽不同空距等级下的归巢速度,利用混合线性模型分析...  相似文献   

We used small microprocessor-based, time-depth recorders to document the diving patterns of six adult male northern elephant seals ( Mirounga angustirostris ) from San Miguel Island, California. The recorders stored measurements of hydrostatic pressure every 30 or 60 set while the seals were at sea for 107 to 145 d in spring and early summer; collectively, over 36,000 dives were recorded. Seals dove continually while at sea, most often to depths of 350–450 m although two seals had secondary modes at about 700–800 m; maximum depths for two seals of 1,333 m and 1,529 m are the deepest yet measured for air-breathing vertebrates. Seals were submerged about 86% of the time they were at sea, rarely spending more than 5 min at the surface between dives; 99% of all post-dive surface intervals were shorter than 10 min. Dives averaged 21–24 min, the longest was 77 min. The uninterrupted patterns of long dives punctuated by brief surface periods suggest that most if not all dives were well within these seals'aerobic limits. Dives of bulls were, on average, about 18% longer than those published earlier for cows, evidently because of the substantially greater body mass of bulls and allometric scaling of dive endurance. Dive depths and dive durations varied seasonally; depths were greatest in spring, durations greatest in early summer. During each season dives were deepest during the day and shallowest at night except for the sixth seal whose consistently shallow dives (50–150 m) in spring were independent of time of day. Prey remains recovered by lavage from seals'stomachs were primarily of vertically migrating, epi- and meso-pelagic squid. The die1 patterns in dive depths suggest that five seals dove to and foraged in the offshore mesopelagic zone, pursuing those vertically migrating prey. The sixth seal behaved similarly in early spring and early summer but may have foraged in nearshore epibenthic habitats in spring.  相似文献   

Homing movements of displaced stream-dwelling brown trout   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In April and May of 1993, 12 of 14 brown trout (202–288 mm), tagged with radio transmitters and displaced over 800–3600 m in a natural river system, returned to the areas from which they were captured. Homing was generally directed and rapid (up to 1·22 body lengths s−1 against the flow). Homing commenced within 65 min of displacement for four of five trout displaced downstream, and within 4 days for those displaced above the confluence of a home tributary burn with the main stem of the river.  相似文献   

Between 1975 and 1998, 3,571 gray and 630 harbor seal pups were tagged along the Norwegian coast, and 259 (7%) gray and 80 (13%) harbor seal tags were returned. Incidental mortality, mainly in bottom-set nets, accounted for the majority of deaths (79% in gray and 48% in harbor seals, respectively). Seals were most vulnerable to incidental mortality in fishing gear during the first three months after birth, but high incidental mortality prevailed during the first 8–10 mo. Gray seals dispersed more widely (mean distance: 120 km) than harbor seals (mean distance: 69 km). Both species dispersed most widely during the two first months after tagging. The maximum distance moved was 739 km for gray and 463 km for harbor seals. Strong fidelity for their place of birth was observed in adult gray seals during breeding season. No significant difference in incidental mortality was detected between the areas of tagging. However, for 37 harbor seals tagged in a 724 km nature reserve no returns were reported.  相似文献   

The haeniatological and rheological characteristics of blood from seven marine mammal species have been examined to determine the relationship between increased haematocrit. which is correlated with the ability to increase aerobic dive limits. and blood viscosity. The species examined reflect adaptations to a variety of marine niches ranging from coastal to pelagic to iceedge environments. and exhibit a wide range of diving behaviours. Average haematocrits ranged from43–45% in bottlenose dolphins. killer whales and California sea lions to more than 60% in the deeper diving species (beluga whales and northern elephant seals). Whole blood viscosity () increased exponentially with haematocrit (= 0.96*e0-0335*Hct). representin a two-fold increase from 4.1 cP for killer whale blood to 8.9 cP for northern elephant seal. There was no apparent compensatory mechanism to reduce viscosity at any shear rate. The optimal haematocrit for oxygen transport was calculated to be40–50% for all species tested. The species with lower haematocrits were within optimal values for oxygen transport. while the two species with the highest haematocrits (beluga whales and northern elephant seals) were above predicted optimal oxygen transport values. On the basis of comparisons of the diving behaviour of these seven species, we suggest that marine mammal species with the greatest adaptation for increased oxygen stores via increased haematocrit have the capacity for deep, long-duration dives, but a limited oxygen transport capacity. We predict that this compromise precludes fast sustainable swimming behaviour in these species.  相似文献   

The distribution and diving behaviour of 16 adult harp seals (Pagophilus groenlandicus) from the Greenland Sea stock were studied in 1993 and 1999, using satellite-linked dive recorders (SDRs). The seals remained near the pack-ice edge in the Greenland Sea between breeding and moulting (April/May 1993; 6F) and during the first 7 weeks after moulting (June/July, 1999; 4F, 6M), there diving to depths of <100 m. In mid-July 1999, seven out of eight seals with active SDRs migrated into the Barents Sea, there diving to <400 m and sharing feeding grounds with the Barents Sea harp seal stock. Between September and December, six of these seals joined the eighth seal in the Denmark Strait until March 2000, there diving to depths of 100–400 m. Overall, dives were significantly deeper in the day and in winter than at night and in summer, with some regional differences. Harp seals are considered pack-ice-associated seals, but our tagged seals spent a considerable proportion of their time in open water, their distribution largely overlapping with that of capelin (Mallotus villosus).  相似文献   

We investigated the dispersal, recruitment and migratory behaviour of the hawksbill sea turtle ( Eretmochelys imbricata ), among different life-history stages and demographic segments of the large hawksbill turtle aggregation at Mona Island, Puerto Rico. There were significant differences in both mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotype diversity and haplotype frequencies among the adult males, females and juveniles examined, but little evidence for temporal heterogeneity within these same groups sampled across years. Consistent with previous studies and the hypothesis of strong natal homing, there were striking mtDNA haplotype differences between nesting females on Mona Island and nesting females in other major Caribbean rookeries. Breeding males also showed strong, albeit weaker, genetic evidence of natal homing. Overall, Bayesian mixed-stock analysis suggests that Mona Island was the natal rookery for 79% (65–94%) of males in the aggregation. In contrast, the Mona Island rookery accounted for only a small subset of the new juvenile recruits to the foraging grounds or in the population of older juvenile hawksbills turtles on Mona. Instead, both new recruits and the older juvenile hawksbill turtles on Mona more likely recruited from other Caribbean rookeries, suggesting that a mechanism besides natal homing must be influencing recruitment to feeding habitats. The difference in the apparent degree of natal homing behaviour among the different life-history stages of hawksbill turtles at Mona Island underscores the complexity of the species' life-history dynamics and highlights the need for both local and regional conservation efforts.  相似文献   

Coho Salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch show fidelity to natal spawning watersheds. Fine-scale homing, however, within rivers is not well understood. Interior Fraser Coho (IFC) salmon eggs were incubated at known spawning locations in the Coldwater River, two main stem sites and one-off channel pond site, providing otolith reference data for comparison to otolith signatures for returning adults using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Elemental ratios for Ba:Ca and Sr:Ca in otoliths of juvenile O. kisutch differed significantly among the spawning locations examined. Juvenile otolith data were used to conduct a linear discriminant analysis to assess fine-scale homing in adults. Juvenile data were all assigned to the location where they had been incubated, producing a robust data set used to compare adult otoliths and define natal locations based on elemental signatures in otoliths of adult spawners. Homing and straying were apparent at the reach level; 57.1% of adults returned to their natal spawning locations, while 42.9% strayed to other spawning sites within the Coldwater River. Straying to novel incubation sites at the reach scale demonstrated plasticity in homing within a watershed.  相似文献   

Blood metabolites and urea kinetics were determined in starveling elephant seal pups to assess the transition to stage III fasting in this fasting-adapted species. Five postmolt and two premolt starvelings, denned as having a mass <50 kg, were studied until death or departure to sea. Premolt starvelings died on the rookery while postmolt starvelings departed to sea. Increased mass loss and a significant inverse relationship between mass and the ratio of blood urea nitrogen to creatinine suggested that premolt starvelings had enrered stage III starvation prior to death while urea kinetics suggested that postmolt pups engaged stage III starvation prior to departure. The mean rate of protein catabolism was estimated at 19.4 g/d for departing starvelings, twice the absolute rate and about four times the mass-specific rate estimated in healthy weanlings after eight weeks of fasting. Three starvelings stranded after departure, possibly as a result of thermoregulatory challenges and inefficient dive behavior. Entrance into stage III fasting interrupts the development of diving in emaciated pups (<50 kg) suggesting that an increased rate of protein catabolism might be linked to the cue to forage. This biochemical trigger is possibly different than the cue to feed in healthy weanlings, which depart the rookery with substantial fat stores.  相似文献   

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