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Infants from three populations of squirel monkeys with different pelage, behaviour patterns and physiological patterns emitted two forms of isolation peeps. Offspring from Peruvian and Bolivian stock produced isolation peeps previously described as belonging to ‘Roman Arch’ monkeys, whereas the Guyanese population produced isolation peeps previously described as belonging to ‘Gothic Arch’ monkeys. Playbacks of isolation peeps from, infants of each population to groups of adult monkeys revealed a population specificity in the response to infant calls. Peruvian, and Bolivian adults responded with increased activity, decreased huddling and increased approach to the speaker only when isolation peeps of Peruvian and Bolivian infants were broadcast. Guyanese adult monkeys showed similar responses to the isolation peeps of Guyanese infants. These are the first reported data indicating that the long-recognized vocal differences in squirrel monkey populations are responded to differentially. The results also support a major taxonomic division between the Gothic Arch and Roman Arch populations with the other morphological and physiological differences within these populations reflecting secondary divisions.  相似文献   

Calls were recorded from eggs, chicks and juveniles of the Aldabra White-throated rail Dryolimnas cuvieri aldabranus. A sonagraphic analysis was made of these calls, their behavioural contexts described and probable functions suggested. Three calls, the twitter, tiuu and contented peep were produced by chicks in the egg. All three calls may be derived from the basic peep first recorded some 36 hours before hatching. Shortly after hatching two more calls, the distress call and the alarm call, can be elicited from the rail chicks. Contented peeps and twitters are restricted to the repertoire of young rails. Song was first heard from wild rail chicks at the age of ten days and may develop from the contented peep. Three adult calls, the 'mp yeah, 'mptiuu and 'mpclick appear at the age of three months and six months later the adult vocal repertoire is completed by the appearance of 'mps, toks, purrs and nest-defence squeals. With the exception of the 'mp, all adult calls can be derived from the vocalizations of chicks and juveniles.  相似文献   

In habitats in which multiple species are prey to the same predators, individuals can greatly benefit from recognizing information regarding predators that is provided by other species. Past studies have demonstrated that various mammals respond to familiar heterospecific alarm calls, but whether acoustic similarity to a familiar call can prompt a mammal's recognition of an unfamiliar call has yet to be shown. We presented alarm calls to free‐ranging eastern gray squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) and recorded behavioral changes in vigilance and antipredatory response. Playbacks included alarm calls of a sympatric bird (American robin, Turdus migratorius), an allopatric bird with a call structure similar to that of the robin (common blackbird, Turdus merula), and an allopatric bird with a distinct call structure (New Holland honeyeater, Phylidonyris novaehollandiae). Squirrels responded significantly more frequently to squirrel alarm calls (positive control) than to robin song (negative control) or honeyeater calls. Squirrel response to robin and blackbird alarm calls was statistically similar to their response to squirrel alarm calls, indicating that squirrels responded to those alarm calls as if they provided information about the presence of predators. However, squirrel response to robin song was not statistically different from response to any of the other avian calls, including the robin and blackbird alarms, suggesting that squirrels neither respond to blackbird alarms as if they clearly signify danger, nor as if they clearly do not signify danger, perhaps reflecting some ambiguity in interpretation of the calls. These results suggest that squirrel responses to alarm calls are generally based on call familiarity, but that acoustic similarity of an unfamiliar allopatric call to a familiar call also can elicit antipredator behavior. The lack of response to honeyeater alarm calls also supports the hypothesis that call recognition by gray squirrels is dependent on familiarity, rather than simply detection of an acoustic feature common to alarm calls across a variety of avian species.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1986,34(6):1640-1658
Observations and playback experiments were used to study the development of grunts and alarm calls among free-ranging vervet monkeys. Results indicate that the production of vocalizations, their use in appropriate circumstances, and the response to the vocalizations of others emerge gradually during an individual's first 4 years. Particularly in the case of grunts, different acoustic components develop at different rates. Immatures respond appropriately to the calls of others before they produce appropriate vocalizations themselves. Finally, immature vocal development may be aided by cues received from adults. If an infant gives an alarm call to a genuine predator (as opposed to a non-predator), adults respond more strongly. When infants hear a playback of an alarm, they are more likely to respond appropriately if they first look at an adult.  相似文献   

Six infant squirrel monkeys were reared in social isolation. They responded differentially to playbacks of two species-specific alarm calls. The reaction to the alarm peep, the warning call to bird predators, was a prompt flight to the mother surrogate and essentially resembled the respective behavior of mother-reared infants. The responses to yapping, the alarm call to terrestrial predators, were less clear-cut and habituated soon. However, when yapping was played back in connection with the presentation of a reference object, both subjects tested in this way clearly avoided the object and preferred contact with the mother surrogate while they thoroughly explored an object presented with a control tone. From this it can be concluded that the perception of both alarm calls is innate. In addition, the method of behavior-contingent playback of vocalizations simulates the learning process by which the visual perception of terrestrial predators of the habitat is acquired.  相似文献   

Juvenile Richardson's ground squirrels (RGS; Spermophilus richardsonii) communicate response urgency by modulating the rate of syllable production in repetitive alarm calls, although longer call bouts do not promote more pronounced or longer‐lasting (tonic) vigilance in juvenile call recipients. We exposed free‐living adult RGS to playbacks of alarm calls differing in rate and length to determine whether adult receivers respond to the same alarm parameters as juveniles. Adult squirrels did not respond differentially to differences in call rate or length, suggesting that adult RGS do not attend to call rate as do juveniles. This difference in response may be attributable to a developmental change in the perceptual mechanisms by which individuals extract information regarding response urgency, but could also be a product of adult receivers devaluing information encoded in alarm calls emitted by relatively inexperienced juvenile signalers.  相似文献   

Play by young squirrel monkeys (Saimiri boliviensis) may put them and other troop members at risk for predation because youngsters are noisy, separated from adults, and not vigilant when at play. In a study using separated groups of adults and 1-year-old juveniles caged outdoors, we found that adult female squirrel monkeys become more vigilant during periods of spontaneous play among juveniles. This behavioral response could be obtained with auditory cues (play vocalizations) alone. Five times as much vigilance activity was directed toward an area from which threat or disturbance was likely to come as was directed toward the juveniles themselves. These results suggest both an adaptive, compensatory increase in adult vigilance during play and a function for play vocalizations. Additional functions for play vocalizations remain to be investigated.  相似文献   

Animal semantic communication has received considerable theoretical and empirical attention because of its relevance to human language. Advances have been made by studies of alarm-call behaviour in nonhumans. In monkeys, for example, there is evidence that recipients have a fairly sophisticated understanding of a call's meaning; that is, the predator type usually associated with a certain alarm call. Little is known, however, about the mental mechanisms that drive call production in nonhuman primates. In some nonprimate species, it has been found that signallers do not respond to a predator's physical features but instead seem to respond to its relative threat or direction of attack. In these species, therefore, alarm calls do not denote different predator categories but simply reflect different types or levels of danger. Because different predator categories typically impose different types and degrees of threat it is entirely possible that nonhuman primates also respond to threat rather than a predator's category. This study examined how wild Diana monkeys, Cercopithecus diana, of the Ta? forest, Ivory Coast, label predation events. By altering playback stimuli and the position of a concealed speaker, I investigated whether Diana monkeys respond with acoustically different alarm calls depending on a predator's (1) distance (close versus far), (2) elevation (above versus below), or (3) category (eagle versus leopard). Analysis of male and female alarm-call behaviour showed that Diana monkeys consistently responded to predator category regardless of immediate threat or direction of attack. Data further suggested that, in addition to predator category, monkeys' alarm calls might also convey information about the predator's distance. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Many mammal and bird species respond to predator encounters with alarm vocalizations that generate risk‐appropriate responses in listeners. Two conceptual frameworks are typically applied to the information encoded in alarm calls and to associated anti‐predator behaviors. ‘Functionally referential’ alarm systems encode nominal classes or categories of risk in distinct call types that refer to distinct predation‐risk situations. ‘Risk‐based’ alarms encode graded or ranked threat‐levels by varying the production patterns of the same call types as the urgency of predation threat changes. Recent work suggests that viewing alarm‐response interactions as either referential or risk‐based may oversimplify how animals use information in decision‐making. Specifically, we explore whether graded alarm cues may be useful in classifying risks, supporting a referential decision‐making framework. We presented predator (hawk, owl, cat, snake) and control treatments to captive adult tufted titmice Baeolophus bicolor and recorded their vocalizations, which included ‘chick‐a‐dee’ mobbing calls (composed of chick and D notes), ‘seet’ notes, two types of contact notes (‘chip’, ‘chink’), and song. No single call type was uniquely associated with any treatment and the majority of acoustic measures varied significantly among treatments (46 of 60). The strongest models (ANOVA and classification tree analysis) grouped hawk with cat and owl, and control with snake, and were based on the number or proportion of a) chick and D notes per chick‐a‐dee call, b) chip versus chink notes produced following treatment exposure, and c) the frequency metrics of other note types. We conclude that (1) the predation‐threat information available in complex titmouse alarm calls was largely encoded in graded acoustic measures that were (2) numerous and variable across treatments and (3) could be used singly or in combinations for either ranking or classification of threats. We call attention to the potential use of mixed threat identification strategies, where risk‐based signal information may be used in referential decision‐making contexts.  相似文献   

Juvenile California ground squirrel responses to adult alarm calls and juvenile alarm calling may be modified during development to achieve adult form. Adult conspecific chatter and whistle alarm calls were played back to juvenile and adult ground squirrels at an agricultural field site. In response to chatter playbacks, adults spent more time visually orienting to the environment and less time out of view and in covered habitats than juveniles; the converse was true in response to whistle playbacks. To test the evocativeness of juvenile calling, a subset of adult subjects received juvenile chatter and whistle playbacks. Adults spent less time out of view to juvenile call types than to adult calls, and showed more similar responses to juvenile chatters and whistles than to adult chatters and whistles. Age differences in the ground squirrel's alarm call system may reflect adjustments to changing risks during development.  相似文献   

Responses of six squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus) mothers to playback of a single call type, the “isolation peep,” made by their own infants were tested after mothers and infants had been separated for more than a week. The playback tapes were edited from tapes containing mixed vocal material recorded when infants and mothers could see but not touch each other. Mothers showed recognition of their own infants compared to other familiar infants by increases in four measures of proximity to the speaker. These data provide evidence that maternal recognition of infants by means of acoustic cues is possible when the test stimuli consist of examples of a single call type with demonstrated individuality.  相似文献   

In this study, I revise three aspects of the socioecology of woolly monkeys (genus Lagothrix) that might give us a better understanding of the patterns found in this species: (1) the association between temporal variation in fruit abundance and diet, activity, and ranging patterns; (2) the individual trade-offs associated with living in small or large groups, and (3) the relationship between social dominance and foraging success. Using behavioral and ecological data collected during 3 years in Tinigua Park, Colombia, I found that woolly monkeys tend to avoid open-degraded forests, where fruit production is generally lower than it is in mature forests. Diet and activity budgets were highly associated with temporal patterns of fruit production. Daily path length was positively correlated with group size and monthly fruit abundance, and negatively correlated with habitat quality. I found differences in activity budgets and the diet preferences of different age/sex classes. For example, adult males rest more and juveniles play more than other classes. Juveniles and adult females without infants look for arthropods more often than adult males and females with young infants, who showed the highest frequencies of fruit feeding. Dominant adult males were not consistently the most efficient foragers on fruits according to two different indexes. Most of these results are consistent with the expectations from strong intra-group competition for resources. However, females with infants received benefits during feeding similar to those of dominant adult males, which may be mediated by differential aggression from males to other group members (juveniles and females without infants).  相似文献   

A troop of wild talapoins in Cameroon had 70 members including all age-sex classes. Observed between the birth season and the next mating season, it was habitually divided into subgroups. Subgroups most commonly observed were (1) adult and large juvenile males: (2) adult females with infants, small juveniles, and large juvenile females; (3) medium sized juveniles with a single adult male. Adult females and adult males were rarely sighted together and never seen to interact. From observations of caged groups, predictions are made about the changes in this organization which might be expected during the breeding season. A possible parallel with the ecologically similar squirrel monkey is suggested.  相似文献   

The aunting behavior in a captive group of 22 squirrel monkeys containing three infants was done in terms of the age/sex classification of those animals involved. The time course of the aunting phenomena and the type and intensity of the interactions between the mothers and the aunts were recorded. Males as well as females were observed to ascertain if the babysitters were sex specific. Observations were gathered before, during, and after a particular threat to any monkey who was carrying an infant. Three categories of protective behavior (protect, retreat, and nothing) were tabulated. The results indicated that most aunting and protection occurred between infant ages 2-1/2-5 weeks when the infants were growing rapidly but not as yet socially self-sufficient. Mothers protected infants the most against juveniles, then subadult males, and least against other adult females. Subadult males were occasionally observed to carry and protect older infants. Aunting behavior was discussed in terms of the selective pressures by which it may have evolved.  相似文献   

Adult female squirrel monkeys (genus Saimiri) that are socially familiar often exchange the chuck vocalization, which differs acoustically across individuals. We used behavioral observations, vocalization playback experiments, and analysis of the acoustic properties of vocalizations to investigate the effect of caller identity and acoustic structure on vocal response to playback chucks in two all-female social groups (n=10 females). Females were most likely to respond with a chuck to the playback chucks of their closely affiliated partners compared to those of nonaffiliated group members. This shows for the first time that the chuck stimulus alone is sufficient to elicit a chuck response from a female's affiliated partner. Additionally, females responded with a chuck mostly to familiar playback chucks from their own group and least to playbacks of silent controls. Unfamiliar playback chucks from the same species and a different squirrel monkey species elicited chuck responses intermediate between familiar chucks and silent controls. Post-hoc discriminant function analyses provide preliminary evidence that females are most likely to respond to unfamiliar chucks when those chucks are close in acoustic structure to familiar chucks from their own social group. These results provide a provisional explanation for error in the squirrel monkey signal processing system, in which unfamiliar chucks never heard before nevertheless elicit a chuck response if they are similar in acoustic structure to familiar group chucks.  相似文献   

Animal alarm calls can encode information about a predator''s category, size, distance or threat level. In non-human primates, alarm calls typically refer to broad classes of disturbances, in some instances to specific predators. Here, we present the results of a field experiment with a New World primate, the black-fronted titi monkey (Callicebus nigrifrons), designed to explore the information conveyed by their alarm call system. Adults produced sequences consisting of two main alarm call types that conveyed, in different parts of the utterance, information about a predator''s type and location. In particular, sequence compositions differed depending on whether the predator was a mammalian carnivore or a raptor, and whether it was detected in a tree or on the ground. This is the first demonstration of a sequence-based alarm call system in a non-human animal that has the capacity to encode both location and type of predatory threat.  相似文献   

We studied the development of infant baboons' (Papio cynocephalus ursinus) responses to conspecific 'barks' in a free-ranging population in the Okavango Delta, Botswana. These barks grade from tonal, harmonically rich calls into calls with a more noisy, harsh structure. Typically, tonal variants are given when the signaller is at risk of losing contact with the group or a particular individual ('contact barks'), whereas harsh variants are given in response to predators ('alarm barks'). We conducted focal observations and playback experiments in which we presented variants of barks recorded from resident adult females. By six months of age, infants reliably discriminated between typical alarm and contact barks and they responded more strongly to intermediate alarm calls than to typical contact barks. Infants of six months and older also recognized their mothers by voice. The ability to discriminate between different call variants developed with increasing age. At two and a half months of age, infants failed to respond at all, whereas at four months they responded irrespective of the call type that was presented. At six months, infants showed adult-like responses by responding strongly to alarm barks but ignoring contact barks. We concluded that infants gradually learn to attach the appropriate meaning to alarm and contact barks.  相似文献   

Limited information is available regarding the acoustic communication of Antillean manatees, however, studies have shown that other manatee taxa produce vocalizations as a method of individual recognition and communication. Here, the acoustic signals of 15 Antillean manatees in captivity were recorded, aiming to (1) describe their acoustic repertoire, (2) investigate the influence of sex and age on vocalization, and (3) examine manatee responses to call playback. Six acoustic signals ranging in mean fundamental frequencies from 0.64 kHz to 5.23 kHz were identified: squeaks and screeches were common to adult males, adult females, and juveniles; trills were common to adult males and females; whines were specific to males; creaks were specific to females; and rubbing was specific to juveniles. The structure of squeak vocalizations was significantly different between age and sex classes and screech structure was significantly different between age classes. Squeaks and screeches produced by juveniles had higher frequencies of maximum energy when compared to those produced by adult males and females. A significant increase in the vocalization rate following vocalization playbacks was found for all three age/sex groups. Our results introduce the potential of using acoustic signals in identifying and noninvasively monitoring manatees in the wild in Brazil.  相似文献   

Sympatric species derive benefits by attending to information conveyed by heterospecifics. Our previous finding of reduced vigilance among jackdaws and lesser kestrels residing in mixed‐species colonies suggested a reliance on interspecific communication of information regarding predatory threats. To test for interspecific communication of threat, we first determined whether jackdaw and lesser kestrel call structure varied with perceived threat. In this call production phase of our study, free‐living birds in mixed‐species colonies were presented with models representing a potential nest predator (European magpie) or with non‐threatening stimuli (wood pigeon or wooden dowel) in proximity to nests. We recorded and subsequently analysed those calls to determine if any temporal or frequency‐related call parameters differed by model type. In a second, perceptual phase of our study, we tested whether receivers perceive threat‐related variation in both conspecific and heterospecific call structure by playing back call exemplars recorded in response to the predator model or to innocuous control stimuli, to determine whether free‐living jackdaws or lesser kestrels respond differentially to playbacks of the different call types. We detected differences in vocalizations of both jackdaws and lesser kestrels relative to the model type presented, with more broadband (lesser kestrel) or noisy calls (jackdaws) in response to magpie versus innocuous model types. We also detected differential behavioural responses to call playbacks, with both jackdaws and lesser kestrels increasing vigilance and alarm calling in response to magpie‐elicited jackdaw calls, but not to other call types. Taken together, our results suggest that jackdaw, but not lesser kestrel vocalizations, communicate enhanced threat associated with European magpies as possible nest predators. This interspecific alarm communication benefits both jackdaws and lesser kestrels, and, at least in part, explains asymmetric responses of jackdaws and lesser kestrels to magpies attending mixed‐species colonies in nature.  相似文献   

A population of about 200 squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) living in a seminatural environment at the Monkey Jungle in Goulds, Florida, were studied to determine the composition of the population and the basic pattern of its social structure. The social associations of 95 tagged individuals were recorded over a period of three years to determine the basic social organization of the population. The monkeys lived in one group of male juveniles and three female-centered groups with peripheral male subgroups. In spite of the homogeneity of the environment, the groups utilized different foraging strategies which was reflected in differences in the mean weight of adult females. Although females changed subgroup affiliation, they remained within the same large group. Males, however, rarely changed subgroups, but the subgroups frequently changed their group affiliation.  相似文献   

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