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During the past year, studies on the centrioles and basal bodies of animal and algal cells, and the spindle pole bodies of yeast and other fungi, have added significantly to our knowledge of how these cell organelles form and how they function in initiating microtubule assembly throughout the cell cycle. Most of these studies have used antibodies to identify proteins within and around these organelles and, in some cases, to disrupt their ability to nucleate microtubules. Genetic methods have been used to identify specific proteins, including a new member of the tubulin superfamily, involved in the function and replication of spindle pole bodies and centrioles.  相似文献   

We have localized a fraction of the enzyme, purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP), to the centrioles and basal bodies of mammalian, avian, and protozoan cells. Two completely independent methods were used, one based on the ultrastructural cytochemistry of the enzyme activity and one based on immunofluorescence microscopy using an antibody raised in rabbit against purified human PNP. PNP catalyzes the reversible conversion of purine nucleosides and inorganic phosphate to the corresponding purine bases and ribose-1-phosphate. Its partial localization to centrioles and basal bodies raises the possibility that purine compounds are involved in centriole replication and/or in the regulation of microtubule assembly in vivo. No centriolar PNP could be detected in primary skin fibroblast from two infants with severe immunodeficiency disease associated with the absence of soluble PNP. This raises the possibility that defects in centriole function may contribute to the impaired division and maturation of T lymphoid precursor in this inherited disorder. Initially, the immunofluorescence analyses were complicated by a residual centriole-binding antibody that persisted in immunoglobulins from immune animals after complete removal of anti-PNP by affinity chromatography. Binding was abolished by exposure of cells to sodium periodate, indicating that this (and possibly other) "spontaneous" anticentriole antibodies in rabbit serum may be directed against carbohydrates.  相似文献   

Specific steroid antibodies, by the immunofluorescence technique, regularly reveal fluorescent centrioles and cilia-bearing basal bodies in target and nontarget cells. Although the precise identity of the immunoreactive steroid substance has not yet been established, it seems noteworthy that exogenous steroids can be vitally concentrated by centrioles, perhaps by exchange with steroids already present at this level. This unexpected localization suggests that steroids may affect cell growth and differentiation in some way different from the two-step receptor mechanism.  相似文献   

Ciliogenesis is regulated by context-dependent cellular cues, including some transduced through appendage-like structures on ciliary basal bodies called transition fibers and basal feet. However, the molecular basis for this regulation is not fully understood. The Odf2 gene product, ODF2/cenexin, is essential for both ciliogenesis and the formation of the distal and subdistal appendages on centrioles, which become basal bodies. We examined the effects of Odf2 deletion constructs on ciliogenesis in Odf2-knockout F9 cells. Electron microscopy revealed that ciliogenesis and transition fiber formation required the ODF2/cenexin fragment containing amino acids (aa) 188–806, whereas basal foot formation required aa 1–59 and 188–806. These sequences also formed distal and subdistal appendages, respectively, indicating that the centriole appendages are molecularly analogous to those on basal bodies. We used the differential formation of appendages by Odf2 deletion constructs to study the incorporation and function of molecules associated with each appendage type. We found that transition fibers and distal appendages were required for ciliogenesis and subdistal appendages stabilized the centrosomal microtubules.  相似文献   

Chromatin distribution was visualized in living cells with the selective DNA fluorochrome Hoechst 33342. This dye was shown to be non-toxic on the rat kangaroo PTO cell line by measuring the labelled cell growth rate. The aim of this work was firstly to visualize chromatin distribution without fixation or dehydration and secondly to demonstrate that quantitative determination of DNA content was possible under these non-toxic labelling conditions. During interphase, condensed, decondensed and thin network chromatin configurations were visualized. In nucleolar regions the fluorochrome revealed well-defined chromocentres. During mitosis, fluorescent chromosome banding was observed in vital conditions and chromocentres on fixed chromosomes. Chromatin segregation was visualized after micronucleation, which induced chromosomal set distribution in individual micronuclei. By this means, we demonstrated that the chromocentres observed in interphase nuclei were part of nuclear organizer region (NOR)-bearing chromosomes. This vital staining of chromatin was shown to be compatible with the quantitative determination of DNA content, both in living PTO cells and in isolated nuclei.  相似文献   

Various species of cervid deer are the preferred hosts for adult, black-legged ticks (Ixodes scapularis and Ixodes pacificus) in the United States. Although frequently exposed to the agent of Lyme disease (Borrelia burgdorferi), these animals, for the most part, are incompetent as transmission reservoirs. We examined the borreliacidal activity of normal and B. burgdorferi-immune sera from sika deer (Cervus nippon) maintained in a laboratory setting and compared it to that of similar sera from reservoir-competent mice and rabbits. All normal deer sera (NDS) tested killed > 90% of B. burgdorferi cells. In contrast, normal mouse and rabbit sera killed < or = 22% of the Borrelia. Anti-B. burgdorferi antibodies could not be detected in any normal sera by indirect fluorescent antibody assay (IFA). Sera collected from deer 6 wk after exposure to B. burgdorferi by tick feeding exhibited IFA titers of 1:256, whereas sera from mice and rabbits similarly exposed had titers of > 1:1,024. Heat treatment (56 C, 30 min) of NDS reduced borreliacidal activity, with < 20% of the B. burgdorferi cells killed, suggesting complement-mediated killing. The chelators EGTA and EDTA were used to block the classical or both the classical and alternative complement pathways, respectively. Addition of 10 mM EGTA to NDS had a negligible effect on borreliacidal activity, with > 90% of the cells killed. Addition of 10 mM EDTA reduced the killing to approximately 30%, whereas the addition of Mg2+ (10 mM) restored borreliacidal activity to NDS. The addition of zymosan A, an activator of the alternative pathway, increased the survival of B. burgdorferi cells to approximately 80% in NDS. These data suggest that the alternative complement activation pathway plays a major role in the borreliacidal activity of NDS. Additionally, 10 mM EGTA had almost no effect on the killing activity of B. burgdorferi-exposed deer sera, suggesting that the classical pathway is not involved in Borrelia killing, even in sera from B. burgdorferi-exposed deer.  相似文献   

Rootletin, a major structural component of the ciliary rootlet, is located at the basal bodies and centrosomes in ciliated and nonciliated cells, respectively. Here we investigated its potential role in the linkage of basal bodies/centrioles and the mechanism involved in such linkages. We show that rootletin interacts with C-Nap1, a protein restricted at the ends of centrioles and functioning in centrosome cohesion in interphase cells. Their interaction in vivo is supported by their colocalization at the basal bodies/centrioles and coordinated association with the centrioles during the cell cycle. Ultrastructural examinations demonstrate that rootletin fibers connect the basal bodies in ciliated cells and are present both at the ends of and in between the pair of centrioles in nonciliated cells. The latter finding stands in contrast with C-Nap1, which is present only at the ends of the centrioles. Transient expression of C-Nap1 fragments dissociated rootletin fibers from the centrioles, resulting in centrosome separation in interphase. Overexpression of rootletin in cells caused multinucleation, micronucleation, and irregularity of nuclear shape and size, indicative of defects in chromosome separation. These data suggest that rootletin may function as a physical linker between the pair of basal bodies/centrioles by binding to C-Nap1.  相似文献   

Zebrafish and medaka have become popular models for studying skeletal development because of high fecundity, shorter generation period, and transparency of fish embryo. The first step to study skeletal development is visualizing bone and cartilage. Live animal staining with fluorescent calcein have several advantages over the standard skeletal staining protocol by using alizarin red and alcian blue for bone and cartilage. However, there is no detailed study examining skeletal development of live marine fish larvae by calcein staining. Here we applied calcein staining to examine skeletal development in red sea bream larvae. In addition, green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter zebrafish was employed to trace lineage analysis of intervertebral disk cells in live fish larvae. Calcein staining of red sea bream larvae successfully visualized development of craniofacial skeletons as well as urinary calculus. Histochemical detection of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity revealed that abnormal segmentation of notochord induced by RA during vertebral development in zebrafish. Immunohistochemistry clearly revealed that GFP‐positive cells in intervertebral space was nucleus polposus like cell in twhh‐GFP transgenic zebrafish. It was demonstrated usefulness of calcein and ALP staining and twhh‐GFP transgenic zebrafish for studying skeletal development in live fish larvae.  相似文献   

Preparations of centrioles from bovine spleen were incubated in solutions of NaCl, MgCl2, HCl, NaOH, EDTA and heparin. Their effects on the centrioles were studied by electron microscopy of ultrathin sections. It was found that the microtubules of centriolar cylinders gradually disintegrate at a higher than physiological ionic strength and at a pH value lower than 3.5 and higher than 8.5. After microtubule extraction, a closely apposed rim or sheath of dense centriolar matrix remains which has the same dimensions of length and width as the original centriole. Some other centriolar structures, including the pericentriolar satellites and certain structures in the cylinders (hub) are also preserved. The basal bodies of fish spermatozoa revealed similar structures, including the centriolar rim and hub, after microtubule extraction. Thus, the microtubule triplets are not involved in maintaining the structure of the centriolar cylinder; this role is rather carried out by amorphous material--the matrix, surrounding the microtubules.  相似文献   

Light microscopy following silver staining of spermatocytes of German and Madagascar hissing cockroaches demonstrated: (1) the localization of a kinetochore in each autosomal synaptonemal complex during pachytene, and (2) visualization of centrioles in different stages of meiotic prophase. The presence of a hairpin-like twist and the nucleolus organizer region in the X-chromosome was observed only in the German cockroach.On leave from the Kunming Institute of Zoology, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Peoples Republic of China  相似文献   

Nonspecific staining was detected in immunocytochemical procedures on the porcine hypothalamus with rabbit antisera, irrespective of the antigen specificity of the sera, in magnocellular neurons of the paraventricular (PVN) and supraoptic nuclei (SON), and in the vasopressin- and oxytocin-containing nucleus (VON). The present study was designed to test the hypothesis that this staining is mediated by the Fc portion of rabbit immunoglobulins. Rabbit antisera against neuropeptides localized predominantly outside the PVN, SON, and VON were employed in combination with different detection methods. The intensity of the nonspecific staining varied depending on the antiserum and persisted after pre-absorption of the antisera with their homologous peptides. Nonspecific staining and antigen-specific staining were differentially affected by the method of tissue fixation. The nonspecific staining could be prevented by preincubation of the antisera with proteins A and G, which left the antigen-specific staining intact, whereas additional preabsorption with homologous peptide abolished all staining. These observations suggest that the Fc region of IgGs is indeed involved in the nonspecific staining. On press-blots of homogenates from SON tissue subjected to isoelectric focusing, one band in the low-pH region was found with all antisera. Pre-incubation of the antisera with protein A abolished the staining of this band but did not affect staining of antigen-specific bands. Pre-incubation with proteins A and G is proposed as a routine control to check for nonspecific staining mediated by the Fc region of IgGs in immunocytochemical procedures, particularly those that employ rabbit sera in porcine brain.  相似文献   

It is believed that in most animals only the paternal centrosome provides the division poles for mitosis in zygotes. This paternal inheritance of the centrosomes depends on the selective loss of the maternal centrosome. In order to understand the mechanism of centrosome inheritance, the behavior of all maternal centrosomes/centrioles was investigated throughout the meiotic and mitotic cycles by using starfish eggs that had polar body (PB) formation suppressed. In starfish oocytes, the centrioles do not duplicate during meiosis II. Hence, each centrosome of the meiosis II spindle has only one centriole, whereas in meiosis I, each has a pair of centrioles. When two pairs of meiosis I centrioles were retained in the cytoplasm of oocytes by complete suppression of PB extrusion, they separated into four single centrioles in meiosis II. However, after completion of the meiotic process, only two of the four single centrioles were found in addition to the pronucleus. When the two single centrioles of a meiosis II spindle were retained in the oocyte cytoplasm by suppressing the extrusion of the second PB, only one centriole was found with the pronucleus after the completion of the meiotic process. When these PB-suppressed eggs were artificially activated to drive the mitotic cycles, all the surviving single centrioles duplicated repeatedly to form pairs of centrioles, which could organize mitotic spindles. These results indicate that the maternal centrioles are not equivalent in their intrinsic stability and reproductive capacity. The centrosomes with the reproductive centrioles are selectively cast off into the PBs, resulting in the mature egg inheriting a nonreproductive centriole, which would degrade shortly after the completion of meiosis.  相似文献   

Protein detection on SDS gels or on 2-D gels must combine several features, such as sensitivity, homogeneity from one protein to another, speed, low cost, and user-friendliness. For some applications, it is also interesting to have a nonfixing stain, so that proteins can be mobilized from the gel for further use (electroelution, blotting). We show here that coelectrophoretic staining by fluorophores of the oxacarbocyanine family, and especially diheptyloxacarbocyanine, offers several positive features. The sensitivity is intermediate between the one of colloidal CBB and the one of fluorescent ruthenium complexes. Detection is achieved within 1 h after the end of the electrophoretic process and does not use any fixing or toxic agent. The fluorescent SDS-carbocyanine-protein complexes can be detected either with a laser scanner with an excitation wavelength of 488 nm or with a UV table operating at 302 nm. Excellent sequence coverage in subsequent MS analysis of proteolytic peptides is also achieved with this detection method.  相似文献   

Fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled antibody reagents (conjugates) were prepared to one strain of each of the three subspecies of Bacteroides melaninogenicus: B. melaninogenicus subsp. melaninogenicus, B. melaninogenicus subsp. asaccharolyticus, and B. melaninogenicus subsp. intermedius. These three conjugates were specific; thus, they provided a new serological classification of B. melaninogenicus. The three serogroups were designated A, B, and C. Most test strains (98%) isolated from human clinical specimens were assigned to a specific serogroup by immunofluorescence, and the serogroup of these test strains corroborated the biochemical characterization of the three subspecies of B. melaninogenicus. The conjugates failed to cross-react with other anaerobes or aerobes tested. This fluorescent antibody technique provided a more rapid classification of the three subspecies of B. melaninogenicus than did conventional biochemical methods.  相似文献   

Prolamellar bodies (PLBs) isolated from etiolated wheat seedlings were studied with the use of atomic force microscopy (AFM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and fluorescence spectroscopy. With AFM, PLBs were seen as spherical structures about 1–2 μm in diameter, more elastic than mica and poly-l-lysine substrate. TEM analyses confirmed that PLBs of wheat leaf etioplasts also had an average diameter of appr. 1 μm. Illumination induced the photoreduction of photoactive protochlorophyllide (Pchlide), i.e. Pchlide bound to protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase, which was shown in fluorescence spectra. The photoreduction was followed by the disruption of PLB structures, which started with the enlargement of PLB spheres and then their fragmentation into small balls as seen with AFM. Light-induced vesicle formation and the outgrowth of lamellar (pro)thylakoid membranes on the PLB surface were also confirmed by TEM analyses, and resulted in the apparent enlargement of the PLB diameter. The blue-shift of the fluorescence emission maximum of chlorophyllide observed for PLBs at room temperature after Pchlide photoreduction was completed within 25 min. However, structural changes in PLBs were still observed after the completion of the blue-shift. The incubation of PLBs in darkness with HgCl2 also resulted in PLB enlargement and a loosening of their structure. AFM provides a unique opportunity to observe PLBs at a physiological temperature without the necessity of fixation.  相似文献   

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