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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Data on blood flow regulation, renal filtration, and urine output in salt-sensitive Dahl S rats fed on high-salt (hypertensive) and low-salt (prehypertensive) diets and salt-resistant Dahl R rats fed on high-salt diets were analyzed using a mathematical model of renal blood flow regulation, glomerular filtration, and solute transport in a nephron. RESULTS: The mechanism of pressure-diuresis and pressure-natriuresis that emerges from simulation of the integrated systems is that relatively small increases in glomerular filtration that follow from increases in renal arterial pressure cause relatively large increases in urine and sodium output. Furthermore, analysis reveals the minimal differences between the experimental cases necessary to explain the observed data. It is determined that differences in renal afferent and efferent arterial resistance are able to explain all of the qualitative differences in observed flows, filtration rates, and glomerular pressure as well as the differences in the pressure-natriuresis and pressure-diuresis relationships in the three groups. The model is able to satisfactorily explain data from all three groups without varying parameters associated with glomerular filtration or solute transport in the nephron component of the model. CONCLUSIONS: Thus the differences between the experimental groups are explained solely in terms of difference in blood flow regulation. This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that, if a shift in the pressure-natriuresis relationship is the primary cause of elevated arterial pressure in the Dahl S rat, then alternation in how renal afferent and efferent arterial resistances are regulated represents the primary cause of chronic hypertension in the Dahl S rat.  相似文献   

Li Q  He RR 《生理学报》2001,53(5):355-360
在麻醉Dahl盐敏感型(DS)高血压大鼠和Dahl盐抵抗型(DR)正常血压大鼠,研究了静注胍丁胺(agmatine,AGM)对血流动力学的影响.结果显示(1)静注AGM(1,10,20mg/kg)可剂量依赖性地降低DS和DR大鼠的HR,MAP,LVP,±LVdp/dtmax,CI和TPRI.在DS高血压大鼠,MAP,LVP,±LVdp/dtmax和TPRI较DR正常血压大鼠下降幅度要大;而HR和CI在两种大鼠下降幅度无差异.需特别提出的是,DS高血压大鼠在静注高剂量AGM(20mg/kg)后,各项血流动力学指标出现先降低而后升高的现象,这一结果在DR正常血压大鼠并未出现.(2)预先静注咪唑啉受体(IR)和α2-肾上腺素能受体阻断剂(α2-AR)idazoxan(2.5mg/kg)可部分阻抑AGM的血流动力学效应.(3)预先静注α2-肾上腺素能受体阻断剂yohimbine(4mg/kg)同样可部分阻抑AGM的效应.(4)预先静注咪唑啉受体(I1)和α2-肾上腺素能受体阻断剂efaroxan(2.5mg/kg)则完全阻断AGM的血流动力学效应.以上结果表明,AGM可显著降低麻醉DR和DS大鼠的HR,MAP,LVP,±LVdp/dtmax,CI和TPRI;此效应似主要由I1-IR所介导,并有I2-IR和α2-AR参与.  相似文献   

Na+/K+-ATPase (EC is an important membrane-bound enzyme. In this paper, kinetic studies on Na+/K+-ATPase were carried out under mimetic physiological conditions. By using microcalorimeter, a thermokinetic method was employed for the first time. Compared with other methods, it provided accurate measurements of not only thermodynamic data (deltarHm) but also the kinetic data (Km and Vmax). At 310.15K and pH 7.4, the molar reaction enthalpy (deltarHm) was measured as -40.514 +/- 0.9kJmol(-1). The Michaelis constant (Km) was determined to be 0.479 +/- 0.020 mM and consistent with literature data. The reliability of the thermokinetic method was further confirmed by colorimetric studies. Furthermore, a simple and reliable kinetic procedure was presented for ascertaining the true substrate for Na+/K+-ATPase and determining the effect of free ATP. Results showed that the MgATP complex was the real substrate with a Km value of about 0.5mM and free ATP was a competitive inhibitor with a Ki value of 0.253 mM.  相似文献   

The pharmacological properties of various isolated smooth muscle preparations from the Dahl strain of hypertensive rats were studied. The Dahl salt-sensitive (DS) rat was allowed to develop hypertension by increasing the dietary sodium from 0.4 to 4.0 or 8.0%. The Dahl salt-resistant (DR) rat remained normotensive on the same diet. The preparations studied were the thoracic aorta, tail artery, portal vein, anococcygeus, and the perfused mesenteric bed. The noradrenaline mean effective doses (ED50) either in the absence or presence of cocaine, were similar for tissues obtained from hypertensive DS or normotensive DR. The reactivities of the isolated perfused mesenteric preparation to noradrenaline, serotonin, and phenylephrine were similar in DS and DR. The ED50 for the relaxing effects of papaverine in noradrenaline-precontracted aorta was similar for tissues from DS and DR and the profile for the washout of noradrenaline-precontracted aorta with Krebs (with or without papaverine) was also similar in DS and DR. The results of this study were compared with similar studies performed using other models of hypertension. It is concluded that vascular changes are unlikely to play a major role in the etiology of hypertension in the Dahl rat model of essential hypertension.  相似文献   

Genomic libraries in lambda EMBL4 phage were constructed from both inbred Dahl salt-hypertension-sensitive (S) and inbred Dahl salt-hypertension-resistant (R) rats. Overlapping clones containing the renin genes were isolated from these libraries by screening with a renin cDNA probe. Clones were characterized by a combination of restriction mapping and Southern blot analysis. The results showed that the S-rat renin gene is remarkably different from the R-rat renin gene. The major differences are 1) a 1.2-kilobase (kb) insertion in the first intron of the S-gene which accounts for most of the restriction fragment length polymorphisms found in the renin genes between S and R strains, such as those generated with Bg/II [2.7 kb (S)/1.5 kb (R)], EcoRI [6.4 kb (S)/5.2 kb (R)], and HindIII [9.6 kb (S)/8.4 kb (R)]; 2) an additional HindIII site located at the 3' end of the R-gene which accounts for another HindIII restriction fragment length polymorphisms [25 kb (S)/22 kb, 3.4 kb (R)]; 3) two SmaI sites at the 5' flanking region of the first exon of the S-gene, whereas there is only one SmaI site in the corresponding region of the R-gene; and 4) three AvaI sites in the first intron of the S-gene in contrast to two AvaI sites in the same region of the R-gene These differences in the renin genes of Dahl rats might affect renin gene expression, which could account for the known strain differences in plasma and tissue renin activities. These structural studies provide a basis for genetic investigation into the relationship of the renin gene to blood pressure in Dahl rats.  相似文献   

Steroids, intracellular sodium levels, and Na+/K+-ATPase regulation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In outer medullary kidney tubules, both specific mineralocorticoid, and specific glucocorticoid Na+/K+-ATPase activation in vitro were inhibitable by amiloride, an inhibitor of a number of Na+-transporting mechanisms (Bentley, P.J. (1968) J. Physiol. (Lond.) 195, 317-330; Kinsella, J. L., and Aronson, P. S. (1980) Am. J. Physiol. 238, F461-F469). In addition, dexamethasone raised, whereas amiloride reduced, intracellular Na+ levels. These observations are consistent with the possibility that the steroidal responses are mediated by changes in intracellular Na+ ion activity. However, when intracellular Na+ levels were increased by the incubation of tubule segments in medium containing ouabain (10(-4) M), no Na+/K+-ATPase activation was observed, over incubation periods of up to 6 h. As mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid effects are maximal within 2 h (Rayson, B.M., and Lowther, S.O. (1984) Am. J. Physiol. 246, F656-F662), these results suggest that the Na+ ion per se does not mediate the steroidal effects observed, directly. Incubation of tubule segments in medium containing 10(-4) M ouabain, at 37 degrees C, for longer periods (18 h), however, did indeed increase Na+/K+-ATPase activity, markedly. Thus, a potential homeostatic mechanism was demonstrable, where a chronic increase in intracellular Na+ level, measured after 2-4 h of treatment, resulted in an increase in Na+/K+-ATPase activity, such that the intracellular Na+ level was restored after 18-20 h of incubation to one not significantly different from the control value. This mechanism, however, appears to be clearly distinguishable from that which mediates steroidal Na+/K+-ATPase activation.  相似文献   

Isozymes of the Na+/K+-ATPase   总被引:51,自引:0,他引:51  

Captopril has been reported to inhibit ouabain-sensitive Na+/K+-ATPase activity in erythrocyte membrane fragments. We investigated the effect of captopril on two physiological measures of Na+/K+ pump activity: 22Na+ efflux from human erythrocytes and K+-induced relaxation of rat tail artery segments. Captopril inhibited 22Na+ efflux from erythrocytes in a concentration-dependent fashion, with 50% inhibition of total 22Na+ efflux at a concentration of 4.8 X 10(-3) M. The inhibition produced by captopril (5 X 10(-3) M) and ouabain (10(-4) M) was not greater than that produced by ouabain alone (65.3 vs. 66.9%, respectively), and captopril inhibited 50% of ouabain-sensitive 22Na+ efflux at a concentration of 2.0 X 10(-3) M. Inhibition by captopril of ouabain-sensitive 22Na efflux was not explained by changes in intracellular sodium concentration, inhibition of angiotensin-converting enzyme or a sulfhydryl effect. Utilizing rat tail arteries pre-contracted with norepinephrine (NE) or serotonin (5HT) in K+-free solutions, we demonstrated dose-related inhibition of K+-induced relaxation by captopril (10(-6) to 10(-4) M). Concentrations above 10(-4) M did not significantly inhibit K+-induced relaxation but did decrease contractile responses to NE, although not to 5HT. Inhibition of K+-induced relaxation by captopril was not affected by saralasin, teprotide or indomethacin. We conclude that captopril can inhibit membrane Na+/K+-ATPase in intact red blood cells and vascular smooth muscle cells. The mechanism of pump suppression is uncertain, but inhibition of ATPase should be considered when high concentrations of captopril are employed in physiological studies.  相似文献   

A method is described for studying the coupling ratio of the Na+/K+ pump, i.e., the ratio of pump-mediated fluxes of Na+ and K+, in a reconstituted system. The method is based on the comparison of the pump-generated current with the rate of K+ transport. Na+/K+-ATPase from kidney is incorporated into the membrane of artificial lipid vesicles; ATPase molecules with outward-oriented ATP-binding site are activated by addition of ATP to the medium. Using oxonol VI as a potential-sensitive dye for measuring transmembrane voltage, the pump current is determined from the change of voltage with time t. In a second set of experiments, the membrane is made selectively K+-permeable by addition of valinomycin, so that the membrane voltage U is equal to the Nernst potential of K+. Under this condition, dU/dt reflects the change of intravesicular K+ concentration and thus the flux of K+. Values of the Na+/K+ coupling ratio determined in this way are close to 1.5 in the experimental range (10-75 mM) of extravesicular (cytoplasmic) Na+ concentrations.  相似文献   

A long period of experimental work has led to the conclusion that Na+/K(+)-ATPase is the enzymatic version of the Na+/K+ pump. This enzymatic system is in charge of various important cell functions. Among them cationic equilibrium and recovering of resting membrane potential in neurons is relevant. A tetrameric ensemble of peptides conform the system known as alpha and beta subunits. The alpha subunit is subdivided in alpha 1, alpha 2 and alpha 3, according to different location and properties. Regulatory factors intrinsic to the Na+/K(+)-ATPase system are: ATP, Na+ and Mg2+ concentrations inside the cell, and K+ outside. The enzyme activity is also regulated by extrinsic factors like some hormones (insulin and thyroxine). Induction of gene expression or post-translational modifications of the preexisting pool of the enzyme are the basic mechanisms of regulation proposed. Other extrinsic factors that seem to regulate the enzyme activity are some neurotransmitters. Among them the most extensively studied are catecholamines, mainly norepinephrine (NE) and lately serotonin (5-HT). The mechanism suggested for NE activation of the enzyme seems to involve specific receptors or a non-specific chelating action related to the catechol group that would relieve the inhibition by divalent cations. Another possibility is that NE removes an endogenous inhibitory factor present in the cytoplasm. The Na+/K(+)-ATPase is activated also by 5-HT. In vivo pharmacological and nutriological manipulations of brain 5-HT are accompanied by parallel responses of Na+/K(+)-ATPase activity. Serotonin agonists do activate the enzyme and antagonists neutralize the activation. In vitro there is a different dose dependent activation, according to the brain region. The mechanism involved seems to implicate a specific receptor system. Serotonin-Na+/K(+)-ATPase interaction in the rat brain is probably of functional relevance because it disappears in amygdaloid kindling. Also it seems to influence the ionic regulation of the pigment transport mechanism in crayfish photoreceptors. In relation to other neurotransmitters, a weak response to histamine was observed with acetylcholine, GABA and glutamic acid, the results were negative.  相似文献   

The calcium antagonist, nifedipine, was intravenously administered in a cumulative fashion, from 0.5 to 12 mg/kg, to Dahl salt-sensitive (DS) and Dahl salt-resistant (DR) rats which had been maintained on a high (8.0%) or low (0.4%) salt (NaCl) diet. We observed, compared with the DR rats, dose-related and significant (P less than 0.001) falls in the systolic (SBP) (72 +/- 3 and 60 +/- 9%, respectively) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) (67 +/- 2 and 62 +/- 6%) o the DS rats maintained either on the low (0.4%) or high (8.0%) salt diets. In contrast, nifedipine therapy comparatively produced only moderate changes in the SBP and DBP of the DR rats (36 +/- 12, 27 +/- 9, 31 +/- 10, and 30 +/- 11%, respectively). We hypothesize that this differential sensitivity of the DS and DR rats to the hypotensive action of nifedipine may reflect a significantly more important role for a high resting Ca2+ influx, through nifedipine sensitive channels, in the maintenance of the blood pressure of the DS rat.  相似文献   

Two K+ ATP channel blockers, 5-hydroxydecanoate (5-HD) and glyburide, are often used to study cross-talk between Na+/K+-ATPase and these channels. The aim of this work was to characterize the effects of these blockers on purified Na+/K+-ATPase as an aid to appropriate use of these drugs in studies on this cross-talk. In contrast to known dual effects (activating and inhibitory) of other fatty acids on Na+/K+-ATPase, 5-HD only inhibited the enzyme at concentrations exceeding those that block mitochondrial K+ ATP channels. 5-HD did not affect the ouabain sensitivity of Na+/K+-ATPase. Glyburide had both activating and inhibitory effects on Na+/K+-ATPase at concentrations used to block plasma membrane K+ ATP channels. The findings justify the use of 5-HD as specific mitochondrial channel blocker in studies on the relation of this channel to Na+/K+-ATPase, but question the use of glyburide as a specific blocker of plasma membrane K+ ATP channels, when the relation of this channel to Na+/K+-ATPase is being studied.  相似文献   

The linear pentadecapeptide gramicidin A forms an ion channel in the lipid bilayer to selectively transport monovalent cations. Nevertheless, we have surprisingly found that gramicidin A directly inhibits mammalian Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase. Gramicidin A inhibited ATP hydrolysis by Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase from porcine cerebral cortex at the IC(50) value of 8.1 microM, while gramicidin S was approximately fivefold less active. The synthetic gramicidin A analog lacking N-terminal formylation and C-terminal ethanolamine exhibited a weaker inhibitory effect on the ATP-hydrolyzing activity of Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase than gramicidin A, indicating that these end modifications are necessary for gramicidin A to inhibit Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase activity. Moreover, Lineweaver-Burk analysis showed that gramicidin A exhibits a mixed type of inhibition. In addition to the most well-studied ionophore activity, our present study has disclosed a novel biological function of gramicidin A as a direct inhibitor of mammalian Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase activity.  相似文献   

Thallium binding to native and radiation-inactivated Na+/K+-ATPase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The number of high-affinity K+-binding sites on purified Na+/K+-ATPase from pig kidney outer medulla has been assessed by measurement of equilibrium binding of thallous thallium, Tl+, under conditions (low ionic strength, absence of Na+ and Tris+) where the enzyme is in the E2-form. Na+/K+-ATPase has two identical Tl+ sites per ADP site, and the dissociation constant varies between 2 and 9 microM. These values are identical to those for Tl+ occlusion found previously by us, indicating that all high-affinity binding leads to occlusion. The specific binding was obtained after subtraction of a separately characterized unspecific adsorption of Tl+ to the enzyme preparations. Radiation inactivation leads to formation of modified peptides having two Tl+-binding sites with positive cooperativity, the second site-dissociation constant approximating that for the native sites. The radiation inactivation size (RIS) for total, specific Tl+ binding is 71 kDa, and the RIS for Tl+ binding with original affinity is approx. 190 kDa, equal to that of Na+/K+-ATPase activity and to that for Tl+ occlusion with native affinity. This latter RIS value confirms our recent theory that in situ the two catalytic peptides of Na+/K+-ATPase are closely associated. The 71 kDa value obtained for total Tl+ sites is equal to that for total binding of ATP and ADP and it is clearly smaller than the molecular mass of one catalytic subunit (112 kDa). The Tl+-binding experiments reported thus supports the notion that radiation inactivation of Na+/K+-ATPase is a stepwise rather than an all or none process.  相似文献   

Vitamin D metabolism in the Dahl salt-sensitive (S) rat, a model of salt-induced hypertension, differs from that in the Dahl salt-resistant (R) rat. We have tested the hypothesis that differences in vitamin D metabolism would render the Dahl S rat more susceptible than the Dahl R rat to the effects of a space flight model. Dahl female rats were tail suspended (hind limb unloaded) for 28 days, while fed a low salt (3 g/kg sodium chloride) diet. Plasma 25-OHD concentrations of S rats were significantly lower than that of R rats. Plasma 1,25-(OH)2D concentration was 50% lower in unloaded than in loaded S rats, but was unaffected in unloaded R rats. The left soleus muscle weight and breaking strength of the left femur (torsion test) were 50% and 25% lower in unloaded than in loaded S and R rats. The mineral content of the left femur, however, was significantly lower (by 11%) only in unloaded S rats. We conclude that female S rats are more vulnerable than female R rats to decreases in plasma 1,25-(OH)2D concentration and femur mineral content during hind limb unloading, but equally vulnerable to muscle atrophy and reduced breaking strength of the femur.  相似文献   

Tissue-distinct interactions of theNa+-K+-ATPasewith Na+ andK+, independent ofisoform-specific properties, were reported previously (A. G. Therien,N. B. Nestor, W. J. Ball, and R. Blostein. J. Biol.Chem. 271: 7104-7112, 1996). In this paper, wedescribe a detailed analysis of tissue-specific kinetics particularlyrelevant to regulation of pump activity by intracellularK+, namelyK+ inhibition at cytoplasmicNa+ sites. Our results show thatthe order of susceptibilities of 1 pumps of various rat tissuestoK+/Na+antagonism, represented by the ratio of the apparent affinity forNa+ binding at cytoplasmicactivation sites in the absence ofK+ to the affinity constant forK+ as a competitive inhibitor ofNa+ binding at cytoplasmic sites,is red blood cell < axolemma  rat1-transfected HeLa cells < small intestine < kidney < heart. In addition, we havecarried out an extensive analysis of the kinetics ofK+ binding and occlusion to thecytoplasmic cation binding site and find that, for most tissues, thereis a relationship between the rate ofK+ binding/occlusion and theapparent affinity for K+ as acompetitive inhibitor of Na+activation, the order for both parameters being heart  kidney > small intestine  rat1-transfected HeLa cells. Thenotion that modulations in cytoplasmicK+/Na+antagonism are a potential mode of pump regulation is underscored byevidence of its reversibility. Thus the relatively highK+/Na+antagonism characteristic of kidney pumps was reduced when rat kidneymicrosomal membranes were fused into the dog red blood cell.


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