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Children’s ideas concerning natural phenomena often differ from those of scientists, and these ideas are termed as alternative conceptions. The prevalence of alternative conceptions is highest among young children who possess less experience with the natural world as compared with adults. Children’s ideas about micro-organisms are of special importance, because an improved awareness of them may reduce risk of contamination by pathogenic infection. We investigate in this paper how individual differences in vulnerability to disease influence expressions of conceptions regarding micro-organisms amongst kindergarten children. More disease-vulnerable children drew smaller micro-organisms and used darker colours when drawing them compared to their healthier counterparts. The children’s drawings were not influenced by gender differences. Interviews showed that all the children knew that micro-organisms are somewhere in the human body and that their placement in all probability reflects their own experiences with disease. Perhaps surprisingly, hands were one of the least frequently cited sources of micro-organisms which may reflect low awareness on the part of children regarding threats from potentially pathogenic bacteria. These results support the universality of children’s conceptions regarding micro-organisms and suggest further implications both for teaching and research regarding children’s conceptions.  相似文献   

A probability model for the number of complete conceptions (that is, live births) taking into account foetal wastages, occurring in a couple during a specified period of time (T0, T0+T) is developed assuming that the data was collected starting a long time after marriage. A method of estimating some of the underlying parameters is given. The model is applied to data obtained in a Varanasi Survey in 1969–70.  相似文献   

In all probability, every consulting psychologist is familiar with the feeling of frustration that arises when one attempts to describe and explain the course of a specific consultative process with even a minimum of scientific rigor. Drawing on existing conceptions of personality, consciousness, and communications for this purpose resembles trying to draw water with a sieve. The problem lies not in the breadth or narrowness of our knowledge, but in the fact that no adequately formed method of thinking has been developed. This problem, which has steadily been more acutely perceived since publication of the brilliant methodological works of A.A. Puzyrei [17] and A.M. Etkind [25] revealing radical differences between the type of thinking evident in "natural science" and the type of thinking used in "psychotechnics," has crystallized into the concrete task of constructing psychotechnical concepts for different types of psychological practice.  相似文献   

Annual rhythm of human reproduction: II. Environmental correlations   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Annual rhythms of human conception rates (based on a worldwide selection of statistics) were correlated with photoperiod, monthly averages of daily hours of sunshine, minimum and maximum temperature, and humidity. Our results show for the first time on a global scale that photoperiod, as shown for many animals, may also influence the physiology of human reproduction. At higher latitudes, where changes in daylength are pronounced, a steep increase in human conceptions coincides with the vernal equinox. Temperature also appears to be a major influencing factor. Conception rates are above the annual mean at temperatures between 5 degrees and 20 degrees C, and temperature extremes decrease the probability of conceptions. In regions with cold winters and moderate summers, the number of conceptions correlates positively with temperature; close to the equator, where winters are more moderate than the hot summers, this correlation is negative. Regions with both hot summers and cold winters tend to have a bimodal conception rhythm. The influence of photoperiod is dominant before 1930, whereas the impact of temperature dominates in later years. With industrialization, people are increasingly shielded from both photoperiod (by indoor work) and temperature (by heating and air conditioning), which may explain the deseasonalization of the human conception rhythm. Photoperiod and temperature and the specific changes in their impact can account for several features of the annual human conception rhythm: latitude dependence, waveform, phase and amplitude, and their specific changes over time.  相似文献   

In the theoretical structure of new home economics models, human fertility decisions are taken so as to maximize satisfaction provided to the parents by the presence and well-being of their children and by other competing commodities. Nevertheless, the concept of utility of children fails to specify why parents benefit from the presence and well-being of their progeny. In this study, fertility choices are analyzed from an evolutionary perspective. Parents are thus expected to adopt a lifetime fertility schedule `that maximizes fitness, defined here as the product of quantity with quality of offspring. Quality refers to the probability that reproduction occurs in the next generation, a variable that is thought to depend on the amount of resources allocated by the parents to the progeny. Using multiperiod dynamic models of fertility, it is shown that an increase in wealth and income reduces time to first conceptions and increases total conceptions. However, the relationship between offspring number and income is not always positive as changes in child quality also occur. Uncertainty about future economic status favors more conservative fertility schedules. Qualitative predictions of the models are generally supported by available evidence, although much work remains to be done to estimate the models quantitatively.  相似文献   

Based on conceptions and assumptions concerning the blood oxygenation process, some fundamental quantitative relations for red blood corpuscle oxygenation and blood oxygenation kinetics are presented. A distribution function is introduced expressing the probability density for the occurrence of a red blood cell with a specific oxygen content. By means of a kinetic equation deduced the distribution function is connected with spatial distribution of oxygen pressure and with blood flow rate. For the given initial conditions the kinetic equation is solved for a one-dimensional case, and this solution is applied to a generalized oxygenator in a stationary case. The generalized oxygenator presents a system of through-flow elements in which blood flows and contacts oxygen. Each of the through-flow elements is characterized by length, blood flow rate, probability of red blood corpuscle entry and by a quantity depending on oxygen pressure. Results obtained for the generalized oxygenator are then applied to a disc oxygenator with certain presumptions concerning blood oxygen saturation at the system's output expressed in dependence on geometry and performance conditions. Stress is laid upon the influence of blood flow in the oxygenator, on oxygenation; and two extreme cases are compared—series and parallel types of disc oxygenator.  相似文献   

A prevalent hypothesis concerning the cause of the rise in aneuploid conceptions with maternal age is that the changes that accompany normal ovarian aging increase the rate of meiotic errors in the oocyte. Biological aging of the ovary is accompanied by a decline in both the total oocyte pool and the number of antral follicles maturing per cycle, as well as changes in the levels of circulating reproductive hormones. The biological aging hypothesis predicts that aneuploidy rates should be higher in women with a prematurely reduced oocyte pool, and that women with trisomic conceptions should show signs of earlier ovarian aging than women of the same chronological age without trisomic conceptions. Comprehensive studies of aneuploidy in groups of women with known causes of premature ovarian failure remain to be done, though anecdotal evidence does suggest increased rates of pregnancy loss and aneuploidy. Smoking, which is a well-documented cause of earlier ovarian aging, is not associated with an increase in aneuploid conceptions. Evidence from women with unilateral ovariectomies is inconsistent. Support for the biological aging hypothesis was provided by one study showing that menopause occurred about a year earlier in women with a trisomic spontaneous abortion compared to women with chromosomally normal conceptions. Associations between high FSH and pregnancies with Down syndrome and chromosomally abnormal spontaneous abortions have also been reported. However, the most direct test of the hypothesis, which compared antral follicle counts and hormonal levels in women with trisomic pregnancies and those with chromosomally normal pregnancies, failed to find a difference in the expected direction. A prospective study of FSH levels in women with subfertility also failed to find an association with the rate of pregnancy loss. The bulk of evidence thus suggests that, if the processes of biological aging are indeed related to aneuploidy, they probably involve factors other than those measured by oocyte or antral follicle pool size and reproductive hormone levels.  相似文献   

Any realistic model of human fertility should encompass the distributions and interactions of three time intervals a fecund married woman may experience repeatedly in her childbearing period: (1) waiting time for a conception, (2) gestation period, and (3) period of postpartum amenorrhea. Perrin & Sheps (1964) presented a model in which human reproduction is viewed as a Markov renewal process with a finite number of states. Das Gupta (1973b) presented a general probability model of fertility along the lines suggested by Perrin & Sheps which removes two limitations of their model. First, it does not assume that the distributions of durations of stay in the fertility states are independent of each other. Second, it allows us to study the effect of breast-feeding on demographic characteristics, such as interval between live births or birth rate. Results derived in Das Gupta (1973b) include the distributions of time intervals and the exact probabilities of different states at a particular time. The present paper includes additional results pertaining to the same general model, such as the distribution of number of conceptions in a fixed period of time, the distribution of time needed for a fixed number of conceptions, pregnancy rate and fertility rate, and the distribution of the time elapsed since last live birth. The general results are applied to specific models to obtain some known results.  相似文献   

If two-parent care has different consequences for the reproductive success of sons and daughters, then natural selection may favour adjustment of the sex ratio at birth according to circumstances that forecast later family structure. In humans, this partnership-status hypothesis predicts fewer sons among extra-pair conceptions, but the rival 'attractiveness' hypothesis predicts more sons among extra-pair conceptions, and the 'fixed-phenotype' hypothesis predicts a constant probability of having a son, regardless of partnership status. In a sample of 86 436 human births pooled from five US population-based surveys, I found 51.5% male births reported by respondents who were living with a spouse or partner before the child's conception or birth, and 49.9% male births reported by respondents who were not (chi(2)=16.77 d.f.=1 p<0.0001). The effect was not explained by paternal bias against daughters, by parental age, education, income, ethnicity or by year of observation, and was larger when comparisons were made between siblings. To my knowledge, this is the first direct evidence for conditional adjustment of the sex ratio at birth in humans, and could explain the recent decline in the sex ratio at birth in some developed countries.  相似文献   


U.S. vital registration data on live births and data on abortions and ectopic pregnancies from a national hospital discharge survey were used to examine the seasonality of conceptions and the influence the conception pattern has on the monthly incidence of abortions and ectopic pregnancies. We found that in the United States conceptions follow a consistent seasonal pattern with the peak in November and December. However, when the pattern for conceptions is controlled, the monthly variation for abortions and ectopic pregnancies is not significant. Therefore, we find no monthly excess for any of these outcomes of pregnancy over that expected as a consequence of the seasonality of conception. We suggest the monthly variation for the number of each of these pregnancy outcomes will best be explained when the seasonal variation in conceptions is understood.  相似文献   

Data obtained from the literature on the annual pattern of human conceptions and plasma melatonin at high latitudes indicated that simple annual rhythms do not exist. Instead, prominent semiannual rhythms are found, with equinoctial troughs and solsticial peaks. A prominent semiannual environmental event is the magnetic disturbance induced by the solar wind. The semiannual magnetic disturbances are worldwide, but most pronounced in the auroral zones where the corpuscular radiation enters the atmosphere. Magnetic indices that predominantly reflect these events were obtained from the literature and correlated with the melatonin and conception data. Significant and inverse correlations were found for Inuit conceptions and the melatonin data. The correlations obtained for 48 contiguous states of the United States indicated that only the extreme northern states exhibited this relationship. These data were compared with a previous correlational study in the United States which established that sunshine was correlated with conceptions in the middle latitude and southern states. An hypothesis of dual control by electromagnetic and magnetic energies is proposed: melatonin is a progonadal hormone in humans controlled by both factors, depending on their relative strength. Other studies are reviewed regarding the possible factors involved in determining the annual pattern of human conceptions. Demographic studies of geographic variation in temporal patterns of conceptions, with particular regard to variations of the magnetic fields on the earth's surface, may provide some insight into the efficacy of these different factors.  相似文献   

In this article we present a synthesis of the research affecting pupils' conceptions of photosynthesis and plant nutrition. The main false conceptions of the pupils identi?ed in this literature review are: that green plants ?nd their food in the soil; that water and mineral salts are suf?cient to the growth of a plant; the role of chlorophyll, where the transformation of luminous energy into chemical energy is never evoked; and air as a source of matter, which is never underlined. Secondly, we are going to see that several of these false conceptions have been developed during history. For example, the famous philosopher Aristotle (384–322 BC) thought that plants receive their food from the soil already elaborated. Several centuries later, the physician and chemist Van Helmont (1677–1644) added more precision to Aristotle’s conception while claiming that plants use only water for their growth. Finally, we will see that the analysis of the false theories developed during history will permit in a context of teaching to valorize the false conceptions of the pupils. Indeed, the history of sciences could incite a teacher to valorize his pupils’ false conceptions while considering them as an indication of difficulties that deserve particular pedagogical and didactic tools. The false conceptions constructed by the pupils don’t have to be ignored in a teaching context because they obey particular reasoning rules, sometimes similar to those that once guided some scientific steps. This view, drawing on false conceptions developed during history, gives a dynamic and human picture of the science very distant from the one sometimes carried on by dogmatic teaching.  相似文献   

Introduction: Although the seasonality of human births has been known for nearly 175 years, it has not been adequately explained. Societal and environmental reasons have often been cited as the reasons for seasonality. Since increased light is known to initiate reproduction in many animals, photoperiod, light intensity and melatonin are likely variables related to this phenomenon. This retrospective study demonstrates a logical connection between these factors and human conceptions. Methodology: Seasonality data were extracted from previous studies. Daily cloud cover amounts were utilized as indices for environmental light intensity. Variables were evaluated by Pearsonian r. Discussion: Results were evaluated and discussed in a series of 11 sub-studies involving environmental light intensity and the seasonality of human births. Conclusion: Human birth seasonality may be primarily influenced by environmental light intensity with photoperiod in a secondary role. This result is supported by significant r-values for US and Europe, a logical link between US, Canadian, Indian, European, and Hong Kong conceptions as well as the concurrent transition of conceptions and cloud cover. Israeli conceptions, however, contradict US and European patterns.  相似文献   

Any realistic model of human fertility should encompass the distributions and interactions of three time intervals a fecund married woman may experience repeatedly in her childbearing period: (1) waiting time for a conception, (2) gestation period, and (3) period of postpartum amenorrhea. Perrin &; Sheps (1964) presented a model in which human reproduction is viewed as a Markov renewal process with a finite number of states. Das Gupta (1973b) presented a general probability model of fertility along the lines suggested by Perrin &; Sheps which removes two limitations of their model. First, it does not assume that the distributions of durations of stay in the fertility states are independent of each other. Second, it allows us to study the effect of breast-feeding on demographic characteristics, such as interval between live births or birth rate. Results derived in Das Gupta (1973b) include the distributions of time intervals and the exact probabilities of different states at a particular time. The present paper includes additional results pertaining to the same general model, such as the distribution of number of conceptions in a fixed period of time, the distribution of time needed for a fixed number of conceptions, pregnancy rate and fertility rate, and the distribution of the time elapsed since last live birth. The general results are applied to specific models to obtain some known results.  相似文献   

In recent years, human genetic research has developed rapidly, and the cost of sequencing and computational technology continues to decline. This research has also been pushed forward by a major organizational innovation: the development of large, open-access databases of human gene sequences or biospecimens known as community resource projects. This article describes a challenge for the governance of these projects: conceptions of population vary significantly across organizational contexts. This makes it difficult to manage risk appropriately, as measures intended to address hazards to one kind of population may be inadequate for others. Unstable conceptions of population may also make it difficult to identify the stakeholders interested in the governance of these projects. This argument is developed by examining two cases, the International HapMap Project and 1000 Genomes Project, which make use of at least six distinct conceptions of population in different organizational segments.  相似文献   

Individuals with trisomy 21 have an increased risk of developing leukemia and premature dementia. They also have a higher rate of telomere loss. The aim of the study was to compare telomere length and the hTERC gene copy number, which encodes the telomerase RNA subunit, in amniocytes of trisomy 21 conceptions and normal pregnancies. A quantitative fluorescence-in-situ protocol (Q-FISH) was used to compare telomere length in amniocytes cultured from 11 trisomy 21 conceptions and from 14 normal pregnancies. Quantification was conducted using novel computer software. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was used to assess the percentage of cells with additional copies of hTERC. We found that the immunofluorescence intensity, which represents telomere length, was significantly lower in amniocytes from trisomy 21 conceptions compared to the control group. The trisomy 21 group had a higher number of cells with additional copies of hTERC. This observation could be one of the cytogenetic parameters that represent a state of genetic instability and might play a role in the pathomechanism of typical features of Down syndrome, such as dementia and malignancy.  相似文献   

This research investigates the effect of sun exposure on fertility, with a special focus on how its effects and consequences for birth outcomes may differ by race. Sun exposure is a key mechanism for obtaining Vitamin D, but this process is inhibited by skin pigmentation. Vitamin D has been linked to male and female fertility and risk of miscarriage, and Vitamin D deficiency is more prevalent among blacks than whites. Using 1989–2004 individual live births data from the Natality Detail Files, county-level, monthly conceptions are estimated as a function of monthly solar insolation, temperature and humidity, as well as month, time and location fixed effects and controls. Insolation has positive, statistically significant effects on fertility for both non-Hispanic blacks and whites, but the effects are stronger and the pattern of effect different for black mothers than white mothers. Poisson estimates from the main model suggest that a 1 kWh increase in average daily insolation in the conception month – approximately the difference in sunshine experienced in the typical September vs. October – increases non-Hispanic black conceptions by 1% and non-Hispanic white conceptions by 0.6%. Allowing insolation's effect to differ by maternal characteristic suggests that the racial differences are not being driven by differences in socioeconomic status (SES). Models that allow for more complicated timing of insolation's effect further suggest that insolation pushes black (white) conceptions into the unfavorable (favorable) season of birth. These estimated effects and our decomposition analyses suggest that insolation – and the implied Vitamin D deficiency underlying its effect–helps explain why black conceptions are more likely to display a seasonal pattern that is disadvantageous to birth outcomes.  相似文献   

In this paper there are shown chemical and physical methods of euthanasia of vertebrate animals. All methods are divided into three categories: A) Acceptable methods of euthanasia, B) methods acceptable only for unconscious animals, C) methods that are not acceptable for euthanasia. The acceptability or non-acceptability of the method is determined by ethic or aesthetic conceptions and also by conceptions of the personnel safety and the environment. There is provided a table of acceptable methods of euthanasia. Recommendations of working group of the Federation of Laboratory Animal Science Association (FELASA) were taken into consideration in this paper. The survey can be useful for the experimenters and personnel concerned with laboratory animals.  相似文献   

The concept of energy serves biologists as a powerful analytical model to describe phenomena that occurs in the natural world. Due to the concept’s relevance, educational standards of different countries identify energy as a core idea for the teaching and learning of biology and other science subjects. However, previous research on students’ energy understanding has mostly focused on physics contexts. This cross-sectional study extends insight to the field by providing a systematic analysis of students’ (N = 30, grades 5, 7, 9, 11) conceptions about energy in biological contexts. In order to connect the findings to previous research, the study analyses conceptions about four energy aspects that are regarded as central for understanding the concept in different disciplinary contexts, i.e. (1) energy forms/sources, (2) transfer/transformation, (3) degradation/dissipation and (4) energy conservation. The findings identify substantial changes in students’ conceptions about energy between the different grade levels, but also highlight conceptions that students consistently employed across age groups. The results are discussed in the light of previous research on students’ progressing energy understanding and the connection of their energy understanding across different disciplinary contexts. Lastly, the article provides implications for the further development of energy teaching in biological contexts.  相似文献   

A total of 2,828,068 State of Texas singleton conceptions, estimated from the date of the first day of the last menstrual period, were assessed for annual periodicity by multiple-component (1-yr fundamental plus the 6- and 3-month harmonics) Cosinor analysis. An annual pattern (p < 0.001) of conception was detected with a December peak, end of July-beginning of August trough and modest amplitude (total peak-to-trough variation) equal to 13.3% of the yearly mean. Annual patterns (p < 0.005) of generally comparable peak and trough times were also documented for conceptions categorized by maternal marital status, age, ethnicity, years of education, birthplace, and county (Texas-Mexico border vs. non-border) of residence. The amplitude, a measure of the prominence of the annual pattern, varied by race (two-fold greater for non-Hispanic Blacks and Hispanics than non-Hispanic Whites), age (50-60% greater for the 19-year-old and younger group than the 20-29 and 30-44-year-old groups) and maternal education (two-fold greater for those with 0-8 than 13 or more years of schooling). Annual patterns (p < 0.001) in conceptions, generally with December peak and end of July-beginning of August trough, were also detected for neonatal variables categorized by birth weight, birth order, gestational age, and gender. The amplitude of the annual pattern in conceptions varied directly with gestational age and inversely with birth weight class.  相似文献   

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