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Kane  J 《Journal of plankton research》1999,21(6):1043-1064
The annual cycle of abundance and the monthly distributions of the copepod Centropages typicus are described for US Northeast Continental Shelf waters from samples collected on broadscale plankton surveys during 1977-87. High numbers of the copepod were captured throughout the region during the autumn months in weak south-north and onshore-offshore abundance gradients. The highest individual station densities were found near the mouth of the major estuaries and the heaviest broad-scale concentrations were usually located where bottom depth ranged from 20 to 39 m. Numbers declined throughout the ecosystem after winter arrived, less so in the southern half of the region where C.typicus abundance remained high year round in nearshore and midshelf waters between New York City and Chesapeake Bay. The copepod's abundance fell to much lower levels further north in the Georges Bank and Gulf of Maine subareas, and disappeared entirely from shelf waters in the northernmost offshore region until summer. Interannual abundance variability was substantial, but no long-term trend was detected. Analyses of samples collected from 1988 to 1996 on Georges Bank during early autumn indicate that abundance levels of C.typicus have been high here in the 1990s, completely recovered from low density values measured there in 1986 and 1987. Temperature and food availability were found to be the key factors that determine the copepod's distribution and annual abundance cycle. Mean abundance was high throughout the ecosystem where surface temperature was >9C and in regions where annual mean chlorophyll levels exceeded 1 mg m-3. The copepod's abundance appeared to be independent from variation in water column salinity.   相似文献   

Juvenile growth and development rates for Metridia pacifica,one of the dominant larger copepods in the subarctic Pacific,were investigated from March through October of 2001–2004in the northern Gulf of Alaska. The relationship between prosomelength (PL, µm) and dry weight (DW, µg) was determined:log10 DW = 3.29 x log10 PL – 8.75. The stage durationsof copepodites ranged from 3 to 52.5 days but were 8–15days under optimal condition. Seasonally, growth rates increasedfrom March to October and typically ranged between 0.004 and0.285 day–1, averaging 0.114 ± 0.007 day–1(mean ± SE). After standardization to 5°C (Q10 of2.7), growth rates averaged 0.083 ± 0.005 day–1and were significantly correlated to chlorophyll a, with saturatedgrowth rates of 0.149 day–1 for C1–C3, 0.102 day–1for C4–C5 and 0.136 day–1 for all stages combined.Measured juvenile growth rates were comparable with specificegg production rates in this species. The comparisons of ourrates in this study with those predicted by the global modelsof copepod growth rates suggested that further refinement ofthese models is required.  相似文献   

All freshwater calanoids in southern Africa belong to the family Diaptomidae of which there are two subfamilies, the Paradiaptominae (Lovenula, Paradiaptomus and Metadiaptomus) and Diaptominae (Tropodiaptomus and Thermodiaptomus). The Paradiaptominae are endemic to Africa, while the Diaptominae have one endemic African genus Thermodiaptomus, and the other genus Tropodiaptomus, occurs in other parts of the world as well as Africa. Knowledge of distribution of the Diaptomidae has been hampered by incomplete taxonomic knowledge and lack of co-ordination of available information. Distribution patterns of 19 described species and 11 new species confirm that the majority of species have a limited distribution, and that the Paradiaptominae are arid-adapted and belong to temporary pool communities. Six species are endemic to coastal pans and vleis of the western and southern Cape Province. Only those species with a wider distribution have been recorded as colonising man-made lakes. The four Lovenula species are predators and often co-exist with a Metadiaptomus species as prey. Synapomorphies of widely separated species of the Paradiaptominae, provide interesting insights into how their evolution may have been governed by vicariance, dispersal and palaeoenvironments of the African continent.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown the value of complementing standard taxonomy with genetic analyses to reveal cryptic diversity and to aid in the understanding of patterns of evolution. We surveyed variation in the COI mitochondrial gene in members of the three genera of centropagid copepods from the inland waters in Argentina. In general, we found a close association between molecular and morphological systematics in this group. Similar to findings for marine calanoids, genetic distances within Boeckella species were modest (< 4%), while distances among morphospecies were much larger (> 11%). Parabroteas is currently monotypic, although we detected cryptic genetic diversity, with two lineages showing 5.5% divergence. In contrast, Karukinka was not a valid genus, apparently representing an interesting and atavistic offshoot of B. poppei , a result reinforcing the value of considering both morphological and molecular evidence. Moreover, we used combined genetic and morphological information, analysed with maximum likelihood methods, to evaluate the common assumption that evolution tends to proceed via the loss of structures in crustaceans. Although analysis of other taxa and character types is required to evaluate fully the reduction hypothesis, our results suggest that structures may be gained readily as well as lost.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 90 , 279–292.  相似文献   

This study investigated the spatial and temporal patterns of abundance of four substratum-associated species of Gobiidae on a heterogeneous reef flat comprised of four distinct habitat zones, and examined microhabitat use within each zone. Asterropteryx semipunctatus had the widest distribution and was the most abundant species in each habitat zone, followed by Amblygobius bynoensis , Valenciennea muralis and Amblygobius phalaena . Significant temporal and spatial differences in mean density were evident. The highest density of A. semipunctatus (312 individuals 10 m–2) was recorded in a habitat zone dominated by algal-covered rubble, whereas A. bynoensis and V. muralis were most abundant (mean summer density 5·5–5·8 individuals 10 m–2) in habitats containing both sand and hard substrata. In contrast, A. phalaena was uncommon (mean density ≤ 0·4 individuals 10 m–2) in all four habitat zones. Significant seasonal differences in abundance were due to the large influx of recruits in summer. Ontogenetic shifts in habitat use were not evident at either the macrohabitat ( i.e. among habitat zones) or microhabitat scale ( i.e. substratum use within zones). At the microhabitat scale, V. muralis consistently exhibited a strong positive association with sand and was rarely associated with hard substrata. In contrast, the two Amblygobius species were commonly associated with both sand and hard substrata, but patterns of microhabitat use differed among habitat zones. Substratum composition at the microhabitat scale may influence spatial patterns of abundance at larger spatial scales by providing essential resources and, or influencing carrying capacity and predation risk.  相似文献   

The order Calanoida includes some of the most successful planktonic groups in both marine and freshwater environments. Due to the morphological complexity of the taxonomic characters in this group, subdivision and phylogenies have been complex and problematic. This study establishes a multi-gene molecular phylogeny of the calanoid copepods based upon small (18S) and large (28S) subunits of nuclear ribosomal RNA genes and mitochondrial encoded cytochrome b and cytochrome c oxidase subunit-I genes, including 29 families from 7 superfamilies of the order. This analysis is more comprehensive than earlier studies in terms of number of families, range of molecular markers, and breadth of taxonomic levels resolved. Patterns of divergence of ribosomal RNA genes are shown to be significantly heterogeneous among superfamilies, providing a likely explanation for disparate results of previous studies. The multi-gene phylogeny recovers a monophyletic Calanoida, as well as the superfamilies Augaptiloidea, Centropagoidea, Bathypontioidea, Eucalanoidea, Spinocalanoidea and Clausocalanoidea. The phylogeny largely agrees with previously-published morphological phylogenies, including e.g., enlargement of the Bathypontioidea to include the Fosshageniidae.  相似文献   

Vertical net hauls were taken at thirteen stations between latitude6008'N – 6120'N and longitude 0304'E – 0700'Ein late November 1980. Size and activity characteristics ofCalanus finmarchicus and Metridia longa were studied. Significantdifferences were noted between C. finmarchicus from differentstations. Average body length, dry weight, protein and lipidcontents, gonad development, and ainylase and trypsin activitiesvaried but average gut fullness and trypsin/amylase ratio appearedconstant. M. longa from different stations showed significantdifferences in average body length, dry weight, protein content,amylase and trypsin activities and gut fullness, but there wereno apparent variations in lipid content and trypsin/ainylaseratio. Those animals inhabiting the most seaward station tendedto show the most specific local charactenstics. M. longa hadconsistently lower lipid proportion with higher gut fullnessand digestive-enzyme activities than C. finmarchicus. The resultstherefore indicate that C. finmarchicus had assumed a winterstate of low activity with dependence on stored energy, whileM. longo relied more upon utilization of available food.  相似文献   

Edward J. Maly 《Oecologia》1984,62(2):173-181
Two calanoid copepod genera, Boeckella and Calamoecia have broadly similar geographic distributions in Australia but Boeckella is more common than Calamoecia. A field survey and literature search indicate that Boeckella is usually the first calanoid to colonize newly formed bodies of water, and Boeckella is more common in temporary pools and in high altitude environments. Boeckella usually produces larger clutches than Calamoecia, increasing its probability of establishment in lakes and ponds; calculations indicate that Boeckella's probability of establishment is far greater than that of Calamoecia. That Calamoecia is common on the North Island of New Zealand may be due to the presence of planktivorous fish; small species are more likely to survive in such environments. Calamoecia clutches may be able to move more often and farther than those of Boeckella but Calamoecia remains rare because its probability of establishment is low. Boeckella may be able to survive temporary pool environments not only because it can produce larger clutches, but also because many species in this genus are highly pigmented, and as such can survive brightly lighted environments. Patterns of abundance of North American diaptomids appear to be consistent with factors affecting those of Australian and New Zealand centropagids.  相似文献   

The Paradiaptominae, a subfamily of the large Diaptomidae family, is a small group of freshwater calanoids of which 24 species in four genera have been described. They are endemic to Africa with the exception of four species, Metadiaptomus asiaticus (Asia and Mongolia), M. gauthieri (Africa and Madagascar), Paradiaptomus greeni (India and Sri Lanka) and Neolovenula alluaudi (Canary Islands, North Africa, Baltic and Mediterranean countries). The North African species Metadiaptomus chevreuxi extends its range into Iraq and Iran. The Paradiaptominae are widely distributed in semi-permanent water bodies in the drier areas of Africa although most individual species have a restricted distribution. Only a few species have the ability to colonise permanent waters and these species are usually located at higher altitudes. The Paradiaptominae have not been recorded from the wet equatorial lowland areas of Africa. It seems likely that they are Gondwanian in origin as evidenced by their distribution (Africa, Madagascar, India and Sri Lanka). Neolovenula alluaudi (Mediterranean) shares morphological characters tenuously linked to the other species in the group and may either have a different origin or have branched off at an early stage in evolution of the group.  相似文献   

The developmental stages and increase in length of Acartia bifilosa,a dominant planktonic copepod in Kyeonggi Bay, Yellow Sea, Korea,were investigated in a laboratory. Adults laid eggs at a rateof 2.5 eggs day–1 female–1 and up to 97% of eggshatched. The eggs were 92 µm in diameter and larger thanthe eggs of other Acartia species. The body segmentation wasrecognizable at the fifth nauplius stage and sex distinctionwas possible at the fourth copepodite stage. Thesix naupliusstages took -7.5 days and the five copepodite stages -8.5 days.Sexually mature males and females appeared at the 16th day,and by the 20th day the adults laid eggs that hatched and grewsuccessfully into the nauplius stages. The detailed morphologicalcharacteristics of each developmental stage are presented anddiscussed in relation to A.dausi.  相似文献   

Summary Fourteen species of the genus Euchaeta (Copepoda: Calanoida) were encountered during two cruises undertaken around South Georgia during November–December 1981 (Summer) and July–August 1983 (Winter). All 14 species were present in summer but only nine in winter. The distribution of the majority of species centered on the mesopelagic (500–1000 m) and bathypelagic (1000–2000 m) depth horizons. During both cruises, four species, Euchaeta Antarctica, E. biloba, E. rasa and E. farrani were numerically dominant. Although all four species had a wide depth distribution, E. Antarctica and E. biloba had distributions centered around the 250–500 m (epi-mesopelagic) and mesopelagic depth horizons. E. rasa was most abundant in the mesopelagic whereas E. farrani, the largest species encountered, was centered on the mesopelagic and bathypelagic depth horizons. Two species, E. Antarctica and E. biloba commonly occurred in the surface 250 m, the former being far more abundant especially over the shelf and shelf break areas, with a high abundance of copepodite stages IV and V being present in summer and adults in winter.  相似文献   

Uye  Shin-ichi 《Hydrobiologia》1988,(1):285-293
The calanoid copepod Calanus sinicus was reared in the laboratory under excess food conditions, and its development and growth rates were measured at various temperatures. Egg development time (DH, days) was dependent on temperature (T °C), and was expressed as DH = 55.3 (T + 0.7)–1.44. Post-embryonic development followed the equiproportional rule. The stage duration was short in NI and NII, but compensatingly longer in NIII. Between NIV and CII, it was nearly isochronal, and beyond CII, it tended to increase gradually. The time from egg to adult was expressed as DCVI = 1258 (T + 0.7)–1.44. The specific growth rate was also temperature-dependent and highest from CI to CIII, intermediate from NII to CI and from CIII to CV, and lowest from CV to CVI. The growth rates of C. sinicus are higher than those of co-occurring small copepods such as Paracalanus, Acartia and Microsetella.  相似文献   

Dittmann  Sabine 《Hydrobiologia》1998,383(1-3):41-47
The distribution of Platyhelminthes was surveyed along two transects in tidal flats of the northeast coast of Queensland, Australia, in May 1990 and September 1991. Species numbers and densities as well as individual abundances and diversity increased from the high towards the low intertidal in relation to sediment composition. Along this gradient, platyhelminth assemblages of low intertidal sandflats, muddy sandflats and mudflats were distinguished with multivariate analyses. The distribution pattern was affected by the sediment parameter, and also by interactions with macrofauna. Sampling and analysis of the platyhelminth assemblage in tidal flats of Hinchinbrook Channel over time (November 1988 to October 1991) revealed annual and interannual variation, but no seasonality. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The female reproductive cycles of the calanoid copepod Copidodiaptomus numidicus and the cyclopoid Acanthocyclops robustus were characterized by periodic changes in the oviducts. Females oscillated between a gravid and a non-gravid condition, and the whole cycle was strongly dependent on temperature. In both species, the maturation of new oocytes took place when the old egg sacs were still being carried, thus ensuring a rapid clutch succession. The embryonic and post-embryonic development duration of C.numidicus and A.robustus was investigated at five and four different temperatures, respectively. Embryonic development time was related to oviductal cycle duration at each temperature to estimate the minimum amount of non-ovigerous females expected under non-limiting mate and food conditions. Copidodiaptomus numidicus females spent 35-19% of the cycle without carrying eggs at 7-20C. Acanthocyclops robustus females spent 31-33% of the cycle without carrying eggs at the same temperature interval. Both naupliar and copepodid durations were inverse functions of temperature with nauplii developing at a faster rate than copepodids. In general, A.robustus showed reproductive advantage over C.numidicus due to a faster oviductal cycle and shorter embryonic and post-embryonic development times. However, the influence of food quality may be crucial. Acanthocyclops robustus copepodid development may lengthen well beyond the corresponding development stages of C.numidicus when growing only on algae. This retardation of development affects especially the later development stages of the cyclopoid.   相似文献   

The temporal and spatial patterns of rat abundance variations were studied, and which factors might affect these patterns in poultry farms. Forty-eight poultry farms were sampled from spring 1999 to winter 2001 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Environmental variables of farms, meteorological variables and distances among farms were registered to evaluate a possible association with rat abundance estimated by trap success. Rattus norvegicus was the dominant rat species in the study area. Rat abundance did not vary temporally and there was reproduction at all times. Trap success was more similar among neighboured farms than among farms further apart. Contrary to the abundance of other small rodents, rat abundance was not significantly related to farm characteristics. The lack of coincidence between rats and other small rodents suggests the existence of a differential response of rats to environmental factors of the poultry farms.  相似文献   

1. The calanoid copepods, Boeckella triarticulata Sars and Boeckella hamata Brehm, are major components of the freshwater zooplankton of New Zealand. It was not known whether these copepods ingest rotifers, nor whether the inclusion of rotifers in their diets might improve their fitness. The present study aimed to identify rotifer taxa which are eaten by each copepod species, and to examine the fitness consequences of the inclusion of one species of rotifer in the diet of B. triarticulata .
2. In feeding experiments using natural rotifer assemblages, both species of copepod ingested the rotifer Anuraeopsis fissa (0.4–4% of daily carbon intake), and B. triarticulata also ingested Polyarthra dolichoptera (6–30% of daily carbon intake) and Keratella cochlearis tecta (1% of daily carbon intake).
3. The contribution of rotifers to the fitness of adult female B. triarticulata was assessed by comparing survival and reproduction among five diets that contained varying densities of algae ( Cryptomonas sp.) and/or Polyarthra dolichoptera (4 μg C L−1). Boeckella triarticulata produced fewer clutches on a rotifer-only diet than on a solely algal diet, and addition of rotifers to a threshold algal diet did not affect copepod fitness relative to the solely algal diets. The present results suggest that Polyarthra at 4 μg C L−1 is not a high-quality food for B. triarticulata .  相似文献   

The distribution of a group of fish and macroinvertebrates (n = 52) resident in the US Northeast Shelf large marine ecosystem were characterized with species distribution models (SDM), which in turn were used to estimate occurrence and biomass center of gravity (COG). The SDMs were fit using random forest machine learning and were informed with a range of physical and biological variables. The estimated probability of occurrence and biomass from the models provided the weightings to determine depth, distance to the coast, and along‐shelf distance COG. The COGs of occupancy and biomass habitat tended to be separated by distances averaging 50 km, which approximates half of the minor axis of the subject ecosystem. During the study period (1978–2018), the biomass COG has tended to shift to further offshore positions whereas occupancy habitat has stayed at a regular spacing from the coastline. Both habitat types have shifted their along‐shelf distances, indicating a general movement to higher latitude or to the Northeast for this ecosystem. However, biomass tended to occur at lower latitudes in the spring and higher latitude in the fall in a response to seasonal conditions. Distribution of habitat in relation to depth reveals a divergence in response with occupancy habitat shallowing over time and biomass habitat distributing in progressively deeper water. These results suggest that climate forced change in distribution will differentially affect occurrence and biomass of marine taxa, which will likely affect the organization of ecosystems and the manner in which human populations utilize marine resources.  相似文献   

A study was conducted in the 2001 growing season to examine the relative abundance, dispersion and distribution of the potato leafhopper (Empoasca fabae) among trees of 24 red maple (Acer rubrum) clonal selections. Yellow sticky traps hung from the trees were used to estimate the relative number of aerial potato leafhoppers among trees, starting on 1 May 2001 and stopping on 4 September 2001. More insects were collected from the east side of the plot than from the other sides in May, but no differences were significant late in the season. Few leafhoppers were collected during May, but the number of leafhoppers collected on traps rapidly increased and peaked during June. Afterwards, populations decreased and just a few individuals were trapped late in the season. Overall, significantly more leafhoppers were caught on traps hanging from trees of clone 56026 and 55410 than on trees of the other clones. Dispersion of the potato leafhopper changed from being aggregated in May, to being random in August, and also differed among the different clones. Populations tended to aggregate with increases in population numbers. Positive significant autocorrelations were detected at short distances in May, suggesting an aggregated spatial pattern early in the season. Yet, different autocorrelation patterns were detected within each block later in the season. Our results indicate that management practices could be developed to minimise pesticide use by targeting smaller areas with the highest populations at the right time of the season.  相似文献   

Yolk formation in the oocytes of the free-living, marine copepod, Labidocera aestiva (order Calanoida) involves both autosynthetic and heterosynthetic processes. Three morphologically distinct forms of endogenous yolk are produced in the early vitellogenic stages. Type 1 yolk spheres are formed by the accumulation and fusion of dense granules within vesicular and lamellar cisternae of endoplasmic reticulum. A granular form of type 1 yolk, in which the dense granules within the cisternae of endoplasmic reticulum do not fuse, appears to be synthesized by the combined activity of endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complexes. Type 2 yolk bodies subsequently appear in the ooplasm but their formation could not be attributed to any particular oocytic organelle. In the advanced stages of vitellogenesis, a single narrow layer of follicle cells becomes more developed and forms extensive interdigitations with the oocytes. Extra-oocytic yolk precursors appear to pass from the hemolymph into the follicle cells and subsequently into the oocytes via micropinocytosis. Pinocytotic vesicles fuse in the cortical ooplasm to form heterosynthetically derived type 3 yolk bodies.  相似文献   

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