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Phosphorylation-dependent protein-protein interactions provide the mechanism for a large number of intracellular signal transduction pathways. One of the goals of signal transduction research is to understand more precisely the nature of these phosphorylation-dependent interactions. Here, we report a novel strategy based on quantitative proteomics that allows for the rapid analysis of peptide-protein interactions with more than one phosphorylation site involved. The phosphorylation of two tyrosine residues, Y342 and Y346, within the linker B region of the protein-tyrosine kinase Syk is important for optimal signaling from the B cell receptor for antigen. We employed four amino-specific, isobaric reagents to differentially label proteins interacting in vitro with four Syk peptides containing none, one, or two phosphates on tyrosine residues Y342 and Y346, respectively. In total, 76 proteins were identified and quantified, 11 of which were dependent on the phosphorylation of individual tyrosine residues. One of the proteins, peroxiredoxin 1, preferably bound to phosphorylated Y346, which was further verified by Western blotting results. Thus, we demonstrate that the use of 4-fold multiplexing allows for relative protein measurements simultaneously for the identification of interacting proteins dependent on the phosphorylation of specific residues.  相似文献   

Fas ligand (FasL) binds Fas (CD95) to induce apoptosis or activate other signaling pathways. In addition, FasL transduces bidirectional or 'reverse signals'. The intracellular domain of FasL contains consensus sequences for phosphorylation and an extended proline rich region, which regulate its surface expression through undetermined mechanism(s). Here, we used a proteomics approach to identify novel FasL interacting proteins in Schwann cells to investigate signaling through and trafficking of this protein in the nervous system. We identified two novel FasL interacting proteins, sorting nexin 18 and adaptin beta, as well as two proteins previously identified as FasL interacting proteins in T cells, PACSIN2 and PACSIN3. These proteins are all associated with endocytosis and trafficking, highlighting the tight regulation of cell surface expression of FasL in the nervous system.  相似文献   

Protein-protein interactions often involve secondary structural elements, such as helices. Protein-protein interactions within the Bcl-2 family are mediated by the helical BH3 domain of proapoptotic family members, such as Bad, Bak, Bax, or Bid. Here, we report that two 5-residue fragments located at the N- and C-termini of the 16-residue BH3 domain of Bad, respectively, serve as affinity-enhancing motifs (AEMs) for the BH3 domain. When added to the BH3 domain derived from other proapoptotic proteins such as Bak, Bax, or Bid, these AEMs significantly increased the Bcl-2-binding affinity of these BH3 peptides by promoting the helical structure. This finding may point to a new strategy for studying and mimicking helical peptide-protein interactions involved in apoptosis.  相似文献   

Quantitative mass spectrometry (MS) in combination with affinity purification approaches allows for an unbiased study of protein-protein and peptide-protein interactions. In shotgun approaches that are based on proteolytic digestion of complex protein mixtures followed by two-dimensional liquid-phase chromatography, the separation effort prior to MS analysis is focused on tryptic peptides. Here we developed an improved offline 2-D liquid chromatography-MS/MS approach for the identification and quantification of binding proteins utilizing reversed-phase capillary columns with acidic acetonitrile-containing eluents in both chromatographic dimensions. A specific fractionation scheme was applied in order to obtain samples with evenly distributed peptides and to fully utilize the separation space in the second dimension nanoLC-MS/MS. We report peptide-protein interaction studies to identify phosphorylation-dependent binding partners of the T cell adapter protein ADAP. The results of the SILAC-based pull-down experiments show this approach is well suited for distinguishing phosphorylation-specific interactions from unspecific binding events. The data provide further evidence that phosphorylated Tyr 595 of ADAP may serve as a direct binding site for the SH2 domains of the T cell proteins SLP76 and NCK. From a technical point of view we provide a detailed protocol for an offline 2-D RP-RP LC-MS/MS method that offers a robust and time-saving alternative for quantitative interactome analysis.  相似文献   

The established protocol for DNase I footprinting has been modified to allow multiple parallel reactions to be rapidly performed in 96-well microtitre plates. By scrutinizing every aspect of the traditional method and making appropriate modifications it has been possible to considerably reduce the time, risk of sample loss and complexity of footprinting, whilst dramatically increasing the yield of data (30-fold). A semi-automated analysis system has also been developed to present footprinting data as an estimate of the binding affinity of each tested compound to any base pair in the assessed DNA sequence, giving an intuitive 'one compound-one line' scheme. Here, we demonstrate the screening capabilities of the 96-well assay and the subsequent data analysis using a series of six pyrrolobenzodiazepine-polypyrrole compounds and human Topoisomerase II alpha promoter DNA. The dramatic increase in throughput, quantified data and decreased handling time allow, for the first time, DNase I footprinting to be used as a screening tool to assess DNA-binding agents.  相似文献   

This protocol presents the peptide incorporation of environment-sensitive fluorophores derived from the dimethylaminophthalimide family. The procedure utilizes anhydride precursors of 4-dimethylaminophthalimide (4-DMAP) or 6-dimethylaminonaphthalimide (6-DMN), whose syntheses are described in a related protocol from these authors. In this protocol, the fluorophores are directly incorporated after solid-phase peptide synthesis (SPPS) via on-resin derivatization of peptides prepared using commercially available diamino acids, which are Alloc-protected on the side-chain amino group. The time required to complete the procedure depends on the size and number of peptides targeted. As an alternative to this approach, the corresponding fluorescent amino acids can be obtained in an Fmoc-protected form for convenient use as building blocks in SPPS. This option is described in a related protocol by these authors.  相似文献   

Class I phosphoinositide 3-kinases exert important cellular effects through their two primary lipid products, phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate and phosphatidylinositol 3,4-bisphosphate (PtdIns(3,4)P(2)). As few molecular targets for PtdIns(3,4)P(2) have yet been identified, a screen for PI 3-kinase-responsive proteins that is selective for these is described. This features a tertiary approach incorporating a unique, primary recruitment of target proteins in intact cells to membranes selectively enriched in PtdIns(3,4)P(2). A secondary purification of these proteins, optimized using tandem pleckstrin homology domain containing protein-1 (TAPP-1), an established PtdIns(3,4)P(2) selective ligand, yields a fraction enriched in proteins of potentially similar lipid binding character that are identified by liquid chromatography-tandem MS. Thirdly, this approach is coupled to stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture using differential isotope labeling of cells stimulated in the absence and presence of the PI 3-kinase inhibitor wortmannin. This provides a ratio-metric readout that distinguishes authentically responsive components from copurifying background proteins. Enriched fractions thus obtained from astrocytoma cells revealed a subset of proteins that exhibited ratios indicative of their initial, cellular responsiveness to PI 3-kinase activation. The inclusion among these of tandem pleckstrin homology domain containing protein-1, three isoforms of Akt, switch associated protein-70, early endosome antigen-1 and of additional proteins expressing recognized lipid binding domains demonstrates the utility of this strategy and lends credibility to the novel candidate proteins identified. The latter encompass a broad set of proteins that include the gene product of TBC1D2A, a putative Rab guanine nucleotide triphosphatase activating protein (GAP) and IQ motif containing GAP1, a potential tumor promoter. A sequence comparison of the former protein indicates the presence of a pleckstrin homology domain whose lipid binding character remains to be established. IQ motif containing GAP1 lacks known lipid interacting components and a preliminary analysis here indicates that this may exemplify a novel class of atypical phosphoinositide (aPI) binding domain.  相似文献   

N type calcium channels (CaV2.2) play a key role in the gating of transmitter release at presynaptic nerve terminals. These channels are generally regarded as parts of a multimolecular complex that can modulate their open probability and ensure their location near the vesicle docking and fusion sites. However, the proteins that comprise this component remain poorly characterized. We have carried out the first open screen of presynaptic CaV2.2 complex members by an antibody-mediated capture of the channel from purified rat brain synaptosome lysate followed by mass spectroscopy. 589 unique peptides resulted in a high confidence match of 104 total proteins and 40 synaptosome proteome proteins. This screen identified several known CaV2.2 interacting proteins including syntaxin 1, VAMP, protein phosphatase 2A, G(O alpha), G beta and spectrin and also a number of novel proteins, including clathrin, adaptin, dynamin, dynein, NSF and actin. The unexpected proteins were classified within a number of functional classes that include exocytosis, endocytosis, cytoplasmic matrix, modulators, chaperones, and cell-signaling molecules and this list was contrasted to previous reports that catalogue the synaptosome proteome. The failure to detect any postsynaptic density proteins suggests that the channel itself does not exhibit stable trans-synaptic attachments. Our results suggest that the channel is anchored to a cytoplasmic matrix related to the previously described particle web.  相似文献   

This protocol presents the synthesis and peptide incorporation of environment-sensitive fluorescent amino acids derived from the dimethylamino-phthalimide family. The procedure uses anhydride precursors of 4-dimethylaminophthalimide (4-DMAP) or 6-dimethylaminonaphthalimide (6-DMN), whose syntheses are described in a related protocol by these authors. In this study, the corresponding fluorescent amino acids can be readily obtained in Fmoc-protected form for convenient use as building blocks in solid phase peptide synthesis (SPPS). The time required to complete the procedure depends on the size and the number of peptides targeted. Alternatively, the chromophores can be incorporated directly after SPPS via on-resin derivatization of peptides, which is an option described in a related protocol by these authors.  相似文献   

Peptide-protein docking is challenging due to the considerable conformational freedom of the peptide. CAPRI rounds 38-45 included two peptide-protein interactions, both characterized by a peptide forming an additional beta strand of a beta sheet in the receptor. Using the Rosetta FlexPepDock peptide docking protocol we generated top-performing, high-accuracy models for targets 134 and 135, involving an interaction between a peptide derived from L-MAG with DLC8. In addition, we were able to generate the only medium-accuracy models for a particularly challenging target, T121. In contrast to the classical peptide-mediated interaction, in which receptor side chains contact both peptide backbone and side chains, beta-sheet complementation involves a major contribution to binding by hydrogen bonds between main chain atoms. To establish how binding affinity and specificity are established in this special class of peptide-protein interactions, we extracted PeptiDBeta, a benchmark of solved structures of different protein domains that are bound by peptides via beta-sheet complementation, and tested our protocol for global peptide-docking PIPER-FlexPepDock on this dataset. We find that the beta-strand part of the peptide is sufficient to generate approximate and even high resolution models of many interactions, but inclusion of adjacent motif residues often provides additional information necessary to achieve high resolution model quality.  相似文献   



The asymmetric segregation of determinants during cell division is a fundamental mechanism for generating cell fate diversity during development. In Drosophila, neural precursors (neuroblasts) divide in a stem cell-like manner generating a larger apical neuroblast and a smaller basal ganglion mother cell. The cell fate determinant Prospero and its adapter protein Miranda are asymmetrically localized to the basal cortex of the dividing neuroblast and segregated into the GMC upon cytokinesis. Previous screens to identify components of the asymmetric division machinery have concentrated on embryonic phenotypes. However, such screens are reaching saturation and are limited in that the maternal contribution of many genes can mask the effects of zygotic loss of function, and other approaches will be necessary to identify further genes involved in neuroblast asymmetric division.


We have performed a genetic screen in the third instar larval brain using the basal localization of Miranda as a marker for neuroblast asymmetry. In addition to the examination of pupal lethal mutations, we have employed the MARCM (Mosaic Analysis with a Repressible Cell Marker) system to generate postembryonic clones of mutations with an early lethal phase. We have screened a total of 2,300 mutagenized chromosomes and isolated alleles affecting cell fate, the localization of basal determinants or the orientation of the mitotic spindle. We have also identified a number of complementation groups exhibiting defects in cell cycle progression and cytokinesis, including both novel genes and new alleles of known components of these processes.


We have identified four mutations which affect the process of neuroblast asymmetric division. One of these, mapping to the imaginal discs arrested locus, suggests a novel role for the anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) in the targeting of determinants to the basal cortex. The identification and analysis of the remaining mutations will further advance our understanding of the process of asymmetric cell division. We have also isolated a number of mutations affecting cell division which will complement the functional genomics approaches to this process being employed by other laboratories. Taken together, these results demonstrate the value of mosaic screens in the identification of genes involved in neuroblast division.  相似文献   

Increasing numbers of target protein structures available for computational studies makes the structure-based screening paradigm more attractive for initial hit indentification. We have developed a novel in silico screening methodology incorporating Molecular Mechanics (MM)/implicit solvent methods to evaluate binding free energies and applied this technology to the identification of inhibitors of the TLR4/MD-2 interaction.  相似文献   

Host-pathogen interactions reflect the balance of host defenses and pathogen virulence mechanisms. Advances in proteomic technologies now afford opportunities to compare protein content between complex biologic systems ranging from cells to animals and clinical samples. Thus, it is now possible to characterize host-pathogen interactions from a global proteomic view. Most reports to date focus on cataloging protein content of pathogens and identifying virulence-associated proteins or proteomic alterations in host response. A more in-depth understanding of host-pathogen interactions has the potential to improve our mechanistic understanding of pathogenicity and virulence, thereby defining novel therapeutic and vaccine targets. In addition, proteomic characterization of the host response can provide pathogen-specific host biomarkers for rapid pathogen detection and characterization, as well as for early and specific detection of infectious diseases. A review of host-pathogen interactions focusing on proteomic analyses of both pathogen and host will be presented. Relevant genomic studies and host model systems will be also be discussed.  相似文献   

Calcineurin is a eukaryotic protein phosphatase important for many signalling and developmental processes in cells. Inhibitors of this enzyme are used clinically and there is interest in identifying novel inhibitors for therapeutic applications. This report describes a high-throughput assay that can be used to screen natural or chemical libraries of compounds to identify new calcineurin inhibitors. The microtitre plate assay is based on a yeast reporter strain and was validated with known inhibitors and tested in a pilot screen of bacterial extracts.  相似文献   

Rao S  Yuan M  Zuo X  Su W  Zhang F  Huang K  Lin M  Ding Y 《PloS one》2011,6(10):e26435


The rapid advance in large-scale SNP-chip technologies offers us great opportunities in elucidating the genetic basis of complex diseases. Methods for large-scale interactions analysis have been under development from several sources. Due to several difficult issues (e.g., sparseness of data in high dimensions and low replication or validation rate), development of fast, powerful and robust methods for detecting various forms of gene-gene interactions continues to be a challenging task.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In this article, we have developed an evolution-based method to search for genome-wide epistasis in a case-control design. From an evolutionary perspective, we view that human diseases originate from ancient mutations and consider that the underlying genetic variants play a role in differentiating human population into the healthy and the diseased. Based on this concept, traditional evolutionary measure, fixation index (Fst) for two unlinked loci, which measures the genetic distance between populations, should be able to reveal the responsible genetic interplays for disease traits. To validate our proposal, we first investigated the theoretical distribution of Fst by using extensive simulations. Then, we explored its power for detecting gene-gene interactions via SNP markers, and compared it with the conventional Pearson Chi-square test, mutual information based test and linkage disequilibrium based test under several disease models. The proposed evolution-based method outperformed these compared methods in dominant and additive models, no matter what the disease allele frequencies were. However, its performance was relatively poor in a recessive model. Finally, we applied the proposed evolution-based method to analysis of a published dataset. Our results showed that the P value of the Fst -based statistic is smaller than those obtained by the LD-based statistic or Poisson regression models.


With rapidly growing large-scale genetic association studies, the proposed evolution-based method can be a promising tool in the identification of epistatic effects.  相似文献   

A genetic screen identifies novel non-compatible loxP sites   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
The ability of the Cre/lox system to make precise genomic modifications is a tremendous accomplishment. However, recombination between cis-linked heterospecific lox sites limits the use of Cre- mediated exchange of DNA to systems where genetic selection can be applied. To circumvent this problem we carried out a genetic screen designed to identify novel mutant spacer-containing lox sites displaying enhanced incompatibility with the canonical loxP site. One of the mutant sites recovered appears to be completely stable in HEK293 cells constitutively expressing Cre recombinase and supports recombinase-mediated cassette exchange (RMCE) in bacteria and mammalian cell culture. By preventing undesirable recombination, these novel lox sites could improve the efficiency of in vivo gene transfer.  相似文献   

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