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脂质体介导转染法的原理与应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
脂质体是磷脂分散在水中时形成的脂质双分子层 ,又称为人工生物膜。最初 ,人们只是运用脂质体模拟生物膜 ,研究膜的构造及功能 ,从而发现了膜的融合及内吞作用 ,因而可用作外源物质进入细胞的载体。相对于电穿孔法和磷酸钙共沉淀转染法 ,脂质体介导转染法简便易行 ,成本适中 ,具有较高的转染率和较小的细胞毒性。1 .脂质体的组成和制备1 .1 组成脂质体的脂类  现有的商业化脂质体均为阳离子脂类与中性脂类的复合体 ,如LipofectAMINE、Lipofectin等 ,中性脂类多为二油酰磷脂酰乙醇胺 (DOPE)。其中 ,阳离子脂类…  相似文献   

In the procedure for cationic liposome-mediated transfection, the cationic lipid is usually mixed with a "helper lipid" to increase its transfection potency. The importance of helper lipids, including dioleoylphosphatidylcholine (DOPC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (dioleoyl PE), DO was examined. Freeze-fracture electron microscopy of DNA:cationic complexes containing the pSV-beta-GAL plasmid DNA, the cationic lipid dioleoyl trimethylammonium propane, and these helper lipids showed that the most efficient mixtures were aggregates of ensheathed DNA and fused liposomes. PE-containing complexes aggregated rapidly when added to culture media containing polyanions, whereas PC-containing complexes did not. However, more granules of PC-containing complexes were formed on cell surfaces after the complexes were added to Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells in transfection media. Pronase treatment inhibited transfection, whereas dilute poly-L-lysine enhanced transfection, indicating that the attachment of DNA:liposome complexes to cell surfaces was mediated by electrostatic interaction. Fluorescence spectroscopy studies confirmed that more PC-containing complexes than PE-containing complexes were associated with CHO cells, and that more PC-containing complexes were located in a low pH environment (likely to be within endosomes) with time. Cytochalasin-B had a stronger inhibitory effect on PC-containing liposome-mediated than on PE-containing liposome-mediated transfection. Confocal microscopic recording of the fluorescently label lipid and DNA uptake process indicated that many granules of DNA:cationic liposome complexes were internalized as a whole, whereas some DNA aggregates were left out on the cell surfaces after liposomes of the complexes fused with the plasma membranes. For CHO cells, endocytosis seems to be the main uptake pathway of DNA:cationic liposome complexes. More PC-containing granules than PE-containing granules were formed on cell surfaces by cytoskeleton-directed membrane motion, after their respective DNA:liposome complexes attached to cell surfaces by electrostatic means. Formation of granules on the cell surface facilitated and/or triggered endocytosis. Fusion between cationic liposomes and the cell membrane played a secondary role in determining transfection efficiency.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the potential of using cationic polyethylenimine (PEI) to deliver green fluorescent protein (GFP) to protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii. PEI/DNA polyplexes were formed using branched PEI and pEGFP-N1 plasmid with various N/P ratios that ranged from 5 to 50. With the increment of N/P ratio, the average size of formed PEI/DNA polyplexes determined by dynamic light scattering analysis decreased from 306 to 203nm, while the surface charge of polyplexes obtained by zeta potential measurements increased from 20.2 to 36.7mV. Gene transfection efficiency modulated by N/P ratio was determined, indicating PEI/DNA polyplexes were capable of transfecting parasites. The maximal GFP expression was observed 8h post-transfection using N/P ratio of 30. To demonstrate the infectivity and potential use of GFP-expressing T. gondii, transfected parasites were inoculated to the monolayer of human foreskin fibroblast (HFF) cells. GFP-expressing tachyzoites were observed in intracellular milieu of the infected HFF cells one day after the infection. After 12-day culture, the bradyzoites expressing GFP within cysts were clearly visualized extracellularly. Our results revealed that PEI can be harnessed as an effective and inexpensive reagent to construct GFP-expressing T. gondii which has potential uses such as the study of interconversion stages and antimicrobial drug screening.  相似文献   

为了提高聚乙烯亚胺(Polythylenimine,PEI)类载体对肿瘤细胞的靶向性同时降低其细胞毒性,先用1800DaPEI制备了交联低分子量PEI,然后将人转铁蛋白与之偶联,得到了新型肿瘤靶向性人转铁蛋白偶联交联聚乙烯亚胺基因载体(TCP)。对所得的TCP的理化特性经行了表征,并检测了其细胞毒性。采用TCP介导pGL-3和pEGFP分别对293T、HepG2和Hela细胞系进行体外转染实验。结果表明:TCP是一种低毒高效的基因载体,在肿瘤细胞中的转染效率显著增强,因为其二硫键可在细胞内还原降解,而且通过偶联的转铁蛋白配体与肿瘤细胞表达的转铁蛋白受体间的相互作用,可增强该载体对肿瘤细胞的转染效率和靶向性。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess human β-defensin-2 (hBD-2) gene transfection in human bladder epithelial cells and its therapeutic efficacy in a rat urinary tract infection (UTI) model via liposome mediated gene transfer. A large amount of hBD2 production (36.5 ± 3.2 ng/10(6) cells) was demonstrated in transfected cells' supernatants. In addition, a detectable amount of hBD-2 was identified in rats' urine (4.77 ± 1.4 ng/mL) by ELISA. Expression of the transgene hBD-2 in transfected cells and rats' bladders was also confirmed by RT-PCR and Western blotting. Immunohistochemistry revealed that the transgene hBD-2 expressed in the entire epithelial layer of the transduced bladders. Numbers of bacterial colony-forming units in urine and bladders from hBD2 gene treated UTI rats were significantly lower than those from the UTI rats administered PBS at 24, 36, and 72 hr after infection (P < 0.05). In addition, in vivo expression of hBD-2 reduced mucosal damage, interstitial edema and inflammatory cell infiltration in UTI animals. The results indicate that successful inhibition of UTI progression can be produced by hBD2 gene therapy. The liposome-mediated hBD2 plasmid DNA transfection system appears to be a promising method for antimicrobial gene therapy of UTI.  相似文献   

Studies on epithelial cells often require the transient expression of exogenous proteins in polarized epithelial cells. However, the major limitation of this approach has been the difficulty of obtaining transient gene expression in polarized epithelial cell cultures. We report here on the application of a polyethylenimine (PEI)/DNA/adenovirus system for efficient transient gene expression in mammary epithelial cells. Based on luciferase assay and FACScan analysis the PEI/DNA/adenovirus system is shown to be an effective and simple method for transfecting epithelial cells.  相似文献   

All the standard in vitro lipofection has been routinely performed in serum-free medium as the transfection activity of liposome/DNA complexes is sensitive to the presence of serum. In this study, we have demonstrated that lipid-rich serum lipoprotein included in the transfection medium strongly inhibited the transfection activity of DC-chol liposome/DNA complexes in five different cell types (CHO, 293, A2780CP, A431 and SKBR3). The levels of inhibition by serum lipoprotein were rather greater than those by serum and varied with cell types. However, this inhibition was completely abolished by delipidation of serum. Thus, delipidated serum can be included in the transfection medium. The complexes formed in the presence of serum (zeta=-18.2+/-1.07 mV), delipidated serum (zeta=-19.6+/-0.54 mV), IgG (zeta=-21.6+/-1.92 mV) or serum lipoprotein (zeta=-10.5+/-2.33 mV) were as much negatively charged as those in serum-free medium (zeta=-21.3+/-1.60 mV). The results suggest that the inhibition of liposome-mediated transfection by serum was not associated with charges of serum proteins but with lipids or lipid-associated proteins present in serum.  相似文献   

Using a simple mathematical model of microorganism inactivation by the combined effect of two agents it was shown that repair processes lead to the synergistic increase of the damage. The latter is due to the additional nonlinearity between the response (inactivation rate constant) and the parameters of the intensity of the damage to the bioobject.  相似文献   

The efficiency of gene transfection mediated by nonviral vectors is limited because of nonoptimal intracellular trafficking of transfecting DNA. Most nonviral vectors deliver transfecting DNA into a cell through endocytosis. However, poor escape from endocytic vesicles and inefficient transport of DNA into the nucleus often limits a success of gene transfection. Photochemical transfection is a new method, based on light-induced permeabilisation of endocytic vesicles, liberating transfecting DNA into the cytosol, concurrently increasing the chances for DNA to enter the nucleus.The aim of this study was to investigate the role of the cell cycle for the efficiency of photochemical transfection. It was demonstrated that in asynchronous human colon carcinoma HCT 116 cells photochemical treatment increased the transfection mediated by the nonviral vectors, the cationic polypeptide polylysine and the cationic lipid N-(2-aminoethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-2,3-bis(tetradecyloxy)-1-propanaminium bromide/dioleoylphosphatidylethanolamine (beta AE-DMRIE/DOPE), by 30- and 2.5-fold, respectively. In aphidicolin-synchronised cells, photochemical transfection mediated by polylysine was dependent on the cell cycle: transfection level was 4-fold higher when illumination, inducing photochemical reactions, was performed during the G2/M phase as compared to the G1/early-S phase. The cell cycle influence on photochemical transfection mediated by beta AE-DMRIE/DOPE was very low: only 20% difference between G2/M and the G1/S phase was observed. We suggest that transgenes, photochemically liberated close/during mitosis, perhaps have the highest opportunity to enter the nucleus and be expressed. However, the dependence of photochemical transfection on the cell cycle might be partially disguised by various factors induced by photochemical treatment.  相似文献   

Polyplex-mediated gene therapy is a promising alternative to viral gene therapy. One challenge to these synthetic carriers is reduced transfection efficiencies in vivo compared to those achieved in vitro. Many of the intracellular barriers to gene delivery have been elucidated, but similar quantification of extracellular barriers to gene delivery remains a need. In this study, the unpackaging of polyplexes by serum proteins, soluble glycosaminoglycans, and an extracellular matrix extract was demonstrated by a YOYO-1 fluorescence quenching assay. Additionally, exposing polyplexes to serum or proteoglycans before in vitro transfection caused decreased cellular uptake of DNA. Lastly, PEI polyplexes and PEGylated PEI polyplexes were injected into the portal vein of mice, and the intrahepatic distributions of labeled DNA and polymer were assessed by confocal microscopy. PEI polyplexes delivered DNA to the liver, but extensive vector unpackaging was observed, with PEI primarily colocalized with the extracellular matrix. PEGylated polyplexes mediated less DNA delivery to the liver, possibly due to premature vector unpackaging in the blood. Through this work, both the blood and the extracellular matrix have been determined to be significant extracellular barriers to polyplex-mediated in vivo gene delivery to the liver.  相似文献   

The amphiphilic α-helical peptide, Td3717, is a bi-functional synthetic peptide that acts as both a polycation for DNA binding and a ligand for targeted delivery to tumor cells. Td3717 forms a stable complex with plasmid DNA, and the complex maintained high transfection efficiency after storage at 4 °C for six months and after four freeze/thaw cycles. During the storage and freeze/thaw cycling, the particle size of the DNA/Td3717 complex remained less than 100 nm. The size of the complex is an important factor for its internalization into cells via the endocytosis pathway; therefore, the stability of the particles will strongly contribute to high transfection efficiencies after storage and repeated freezing/thawing.  相似文献   

Liposomes containing the expression vector pRSVneo coding for neomycin phosphotransferase-II were used for a gene transfer into rat liver cells in vivo. After intravenous application of liposomes to male Wistar-rats, non-integrated vector DNA was detected by blot-hybridisation in isolated nuclei of hepatocytes. Presence of messenger RNA specific for the transferred construct was demonstrated by Northern analyses of poly(A)+RNA. The biological activity of the neomycin phosphotransferase-II gene and its enzyme could be demonstrated in hepatocytes for at least 7d post injection. Liposome-mediated gene transfer into adult animals is discussed as a model system to study the expression and fate of transferred genes in adult rat hepatocytes under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

About the role of protamine in transfection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

We have studied the liposome-mediated delivery of methotrexate-gamma-aspartate to five cell lines. The sensitivity of the cells to encapsulated drug varies widely in accordance with their ability to take up the liposomes. CV1-P cells can be 150-times more sensitive to encapsulated methotrexate-gamma-aspartate than to free drug, while AKR/J SL2 cells are only twice as sensitive to the encapsulated drug. Negatively-charged liposomes are much more efficient for delivery than are neutral liposomes, and cholesterol is an essential component of the liposome membrane for optimal drug delivery. The optimal liposome size for drug delivery is 0.1 micron, although the amount of cell-associated lipid is the same for all liposome sizes. The effect of the encapsulated drug is inhibited by NH4Cl, suggesting an endocytic mechanism for delivery. The potency of the encapsulated drug is not affected by wide variations in the drug: lipid ratio.  相似文献   

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