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1. Medulla interneurons of the optic lobe of P. americana were studied to determine their spectral properties. These neurons exhibited tonic firing which changed with monochromatic broadfield illumination of the ipsilateral eye. The response patterns of these neurons were analyzed by inferring their relation to the ultraviolet (UV) and green (G) photoreceptor groups of the eye. Their anatomy was described after injection of Lucifer yellow. 2. Broadband neurons received either excitatory or inhibitory input from both UV and G receptors. These neurons were not strictly sensitive to luminosity levels and had large cell bodies in the central rind of the medulla and wide dendritic arbors in the medulla neuropil. 3. Narrow band neurons received input from predominantly one receptor type. Their spectral sensitivity curves were more finely tuned than those of the primary receptors presumably due to neural interactions within the optic lobe. 4. Color opponent neurons were inhibited by UV and excited by G inputs in their sustained response. Under certain conditions, some of these neurons also showed G inhibition. These neurons suggested the presence of a subsystem involved in color vision. 5. Broadband, narrow band and color opponent properties were seen in some single neurons when tested over a 5-6 log unit range of intensity. The responses of some of these neurons changed when stimulus duration was increased. These findings indicated that functional classification for these neurons was dependent on stimulus intensity and duration. 6. Polarizational sensitivity was tested in preliminary experiments. Two neurons responded to the movement and direction of polarized light.  相似文献   

The circadian systems of different insect groups are summarized and compared. Emphasis is placed on the anatomical identification and characterization of circadian pacemakers, as well as on their entrainment, coupling, and output pathways. Cockroaches, crickets, beetles, and flies possess bilaterally organized pacemakers in the optic lobes that appear to be located in the accessory medulla, a small neuropil between the medulla and the lobula. Neurons that are immunoreactive for the peptide pigment-dispersing hormone (PDH) arborize in the accessory medulla and appear to be important components of the optic lobe pacemakers. The neuronal architecture of the accessory medulla with associated PDH-immunoreactive neurons is best characterized in cockroaches, while the molecular machinery of rhythm generation is best understood in fruit flies. One essential component of the circadian clock is the period protein (PER), which colocalizes with PDH in about half of the fruit fly's presumptive pacemaker neurons. PER is also found in the presumptive pacemaker neurons of beetles and moths, but appears to have different functions in these insects. In moths, the pacemakers are situated in the central brain and are closely associated with neuroendocrine functions. In the other insects, neurons associated with neuroendocrine functions also appear to be closely coupled to the optic lobe pacemakers. Some crickets and flies seem to possess central brain pacemakers in addition to their optic lobe pacemakers. With respect to neuronal organization, the circadian systems of insects show striking similarities to the vertebrate circadian system. (Chronobiology International, 15(6), 567-594, 1998)  相似文献   

Summary Evidence presented in this paper indicates that a robust circadian rhythm in the frequency of neural activity can be recorded from the central nervous system of intact cockroaches, Leucophaea maderae. This rhythmicity was abolished by optic lobe removal. Spontaneous neural activity was then used as an assay to demonstrate that the optic lobe is able to generate circadian oscillations in vitro. These results provide direct evidence that the cockroach optic lobe is a self-sustained circadian oscillator capable of generating daily rhythms in the absence of neural or hormonal communications with the rest of the organism.Abbreviations CNS central nervous system - DD constant dark - LD light/dark cycle - SCN suprachiasmatic nucleus - ZT Zeitgeber time  相似文献   

Earlier studies from our laboratory have shown that the frequency selectivity of neurons in the frog inferior colliculus is direction dependent. The goal of this study was to test the hypotheses that gamma-aminobutyric acid or GABA (but not glycine)-mediated synaptic inhibition was responsible for the direction-dependence in frequency tuning, and that GABA acted through creation of binaural inhibition. We performed single unit recordings and investigated the unit's free-field frequency tuning, and/or the unit's response to the interaural level differences (under dichotic stimulation), before and during local applications of antagonists specific to gamma-aminobutyric acid a and glycine receptors. Our results showed that application of bicuculline produced a broadening of free-field frequency tuning, and differential changes in free-field frequency tuning depending on sound direction, i.e., more pronounced at azimuths at which the unit exhibited narrower frequency tuning under the pre-drug condition, thereby typically abolishing direction dependence in tuning. Application of strychnine produced no change in frequency tuning. The results from dichotic stimulation further revealed that bicuculline typically elevated and/or flattened the unit's interaural-level-difference response function, indicating a reduction in the strength of binaural inhibition. Our study provides evidence that gamma-aminobutyric acid-mediated binaural inhibition is important for direction dependence in frequency tuning. Accepted: 24 July 1998  相似文献   

The effect of repetition of sensory stimuli was studied on the responses of mechanoreceptive interneurons in the optic tract of the crayfish (Procambarus bouvieri (Ortmann)). The number of spikes recorded from a given unit gradually decreased during a train of stimuli. The decrease showed a negative exponential time course, with a curvature dependent upon the frequency of stimulation, the intensity of stimuli, and the hour of the day. Habituation is selective for the intensity and rate of stimulation, and the particular spot of receptive field stimulated. Locomotor excitation results in a dimminution of the rate of decay. The effect of a single train of stimuli when leading to pronounced habituation may persist for periods longer than 24 hr.  相似文献   

Summary The nature of the circadian rhythms of the optic lamina-medulla compound eye complex was examined in male crickets Gryllus bimaculatus by recording the multiple unit activity from the optic lobe in situ and in vitro. In most in situ preparations, the neural activity of the complex was higher during the subjective night than during the subjective day, both under constant light and dark. The same pattern was also obtained from nymphal crickets, suggesting that the properties of the pacemaker are common to both nymphs and adults. In a few cases, both diurnal and nocturnal increments in the activity were simultaneously observed, indicating there are two neuronal groups conveying different circadian information. The circadian rhythm was also demonstrated in the optic lobes in vitro, providing evidence that the optic lobe contains the circadian pacemaker that is capable of generating the rhythmicity without any neural or humoral factors from the rest of the animal.Abbreviations DD constant darkness - JST Japanese standard time - LD light to dark cycle - LL constant light  相似文献   

The medulla bilateral neurons (MBNs) in the cricket brain directly connect two optic lobes and have been suggested to be involved in mutual coupling between the bilateral optic lobe circadian pacemakers. Single unit analysis with intracellular recording and staining with Lucifer Yellow was carried out to reveal morphology and physiology of the MBNs. Neurons having a receptive field in the rostral part of the compound eye showed greater response and a higher sensitivity to light than those having receptive fields in the ventro-caudal or dorsal portions. The MBN showed diurnal change in their responsiveness to light; the light-induced response in the night was about 1.3, 5 and 2 times of that in the day in MBN-1s, -3s and -4s, respectively. These results suggest that the MBNs mainly encode the temporal information by the magnitude of light-induced responses. The differences in magnitude of light-induced responses and of daily change in photo-responsiveness among MBNs may suggest that each group of MBNs plays different functional role in visual and/or circadian systems.  相似文献   

The bilaterally paired optic lobe pacemakers of the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus are mutually coupled. In the present study we recorded the neural activity conveyed from the brain toward the optic lobe with a suction electrode to examine the coupling signals. The results demonstrated that the brain efferents to the optic lobe encode the circadian information: Both in constant light (LL) and constant darkness (DD), the neural activity of brain efferents showed a clear circadian rhythm with a nocturnal peak. Since the rhythm survived the severance of the contralateral optic nerve but disappeared when the contralateral optic lobe was removed, it is apparent that the rhythm originates from the contralateral optic lobe. The amplitude of the rhythm was greater in LL than in DD, suggesting that light affects the amplitude of the rhythm. This was confirmed by the fact that the light-induced response was under circadian control, being greater during the subjective night. These data suggest that the bilaterally paired optic lobe pacemakers exchange circadian information as well as light information. The data are also consistent with the results of previous behavioral experiment.Abbreviations DD constant darkness - LD light dark cycle - LL constant light  相似文献   

Nonspiking local interneurons in the terminal abdominal ganglion of the crayfish Procambarus clarkii receive inhibitory inputs from mainly glutamatergic spiking local interneurons and GABAergic nonspiking interneurons. In this study, the inhibitory responses of nonspiking interneurons to local application of glutamate and GABA into the neuropil were compared. Glutamate and GABA injection mediated the hyperpolarization of the nonspiking interneurons with an increase in membrane conductance. The glutamate-mediated membrane hyperpolarization was reversed by injection of 1 or 2 nA hyperpolarizing current. By contrast, more than 3 nA hyperpolarizing current was frequently necessary to reverse the GABA-mediated hyperpolarization. Bath application of a chloride channel blocker, 50 microM picrotoxin (PTX), reduced the glutamate-mediated hyperpolarization, but had no effect on the GABA-mediated hyperpolarization. The GABA-mediated hyperpolarization was not consistently affected by bath application of low chloride solution. These results suggest that the glutamate-mediated inhibition was related to the gating of a Cl(-) conductance, while the GABA-mediated inhibition was not. Electrical stimulation of sensory afferents innervating the exopodite elicited ipsps in uropod opener motor neurons. These sensory-evoked ipsps were also PTX-insensitive, suggesting GABAergic nonspiking interneurons could be the predominant premotor elements in organizing the uropod motor control system.  相似文献   

The morphology of visual interneurons in the tiger beetle larva was identified after recording their responses. Stained neurons were designated as either medulla or protocerebral neurons according to the location of their cell bodies. Medulla neurons were further subdivided into three groups. Afferent medulla neurons extended processes distally in the medulla neuropil and a single axon to the brain through the optic nerve. They received their main input from stemmata on the ipsilateral side. Two distance-sensitive neurons, near-by sensitive and far-sensitive neurons, were also identified. Atypical medulla neurons extended their neurites distally in the medulla and proximally to the brain, as afferent medulla neurons, but their input patterns and the shapes of their spikes differed from afferent neurons. Protocerebral neurons sent a single axon to the medulla neuropil. They spread collateral branches in the posterior region of the protocerebrum on its way to the medulla neuropil. They received main input from stemmata on the contralateral side. Medulla intrinsic neurons did not extend an axon to the brain, and received either bilateral or contralateral stemmata input only. The input patterns and discharge patterns of medulla neurons are discussed with reference to their morphology.  相似文献   

The effect of repetition of sensory stimuli was studied on the responses of mechanoreceptive interneurons in the optic tract of the crayfish (Procambarus bouvieri (Ortmann)). The number of spikes recorded from a given unit gradually decreased during a train of stimuli. The decrease showed a negative exponential time course, with a curvature dependent upon the frequency of stimulation, the intensity of stimuli, and the hour of the day. Habituation is selective for the intensity and rate of stimulation, and the particular spot of receptive field stimulated. Locomotor excitation results in a dimminution of the rate of decay. The effect of a single train of stimuli when leading to pronounced habituation may persist for periods longer than 24 hr.  相似文献   

Summary We describe the structures and physiological properties of thirteen kinds of local interneurons in the swimmeret system of the crayfish,Pacifastacus leniusculus. Eight are unilateral, with processes confined to one side of the midline (Figs. 1, 2); five are bilateral, with processes on both sides of the ganglion (Fig. 6). All have most of their branches in the lateral neuropils. All of the unilateral local interneurons were nonspiking; two of the bilateral interneurons generate action potentials. Three kinds of unilateral interneurons could reset the bursting rhythm or could initiate bursting in quiescent nerve cords. Four others drove tonic firing of motor neurons. Four kinds of bilateral interneurons were premotor, and could affect the period and phase of both pattern generators in their ganglion. One unilateral and one bilateral interneuron were sensory interneurons. At least one bilateral interneuron received input from both pattern generators.Different premotor local interneurons function either in pattern generation, or in hemisegmental coordination of groups of motor neurons, or in bilateral synchronization of the ganglionic pairs of local pattern-generators for the swimmerets.Abbreviations G1. ganglion 1. - LN lateral neuropil - MT miniscule tract  相似文献   

We made intracellular recordings from the photoreceptors of the polarisation-sensitive dorsal rim area of the cricket compound eye combined with dye marking. By measuring visual field sizes and optical axes in different parts of the dorsal rim area, we assessed the optical properties of the ommatidia. Due to the large angular sensitivities (median about 20°) and the high sampling frequency (about 1 per degree), the visual fields overlap extensively, such that a given portion of the sky is viewed simultaneously by a large number of ommatidia. By comparing the dye markings in the retina and in the optic lobe, the axon projections of the retinula cells were examined. Receptors R1, R2, R5 and R6 project to the lamina, whereas R7 projects to the medulla. The microvilli orientation of the two projection types differ by 90° indicating the two analyser channels that give antagonistic input to polarisation-sensitive interneurons. Using the retinal marking pattern as an indicator for the quality of the intracellular recordings, the polarisation sensitivity of the photoreceptors was re-examined. The polarisation sensitivity of recordings from dye-coupled cells was much lower (median: 4.5) than that of recordings in which only one cell was marked (median: 9.8), indicating that artefactual electrical coupling between photoreceptors can significantly deteriorate polarisation sensitivity. The physiological value of polarisation sensitivity in the cricket dorsal rim area is thus typically about 10. Accepted: 4 November 1999  相似文献   

The present study was performed to examine the effects of acute ethanol exposure on N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-induced responses and the development of acute tolerance in rat rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) in vivo and in vitro. Repeated microinjections of NMDA (0.14 nmol) into the RVLM every 30 min caused reproducible increases in mean arterial pressure in urethane-anesthetized rats weighing 325–350 g. Intravenous injections of ethanol (0.16 or 0.32 g, 1 ml) inhibited NMDA-induced pressor effects in a blood-concentration-dependent and reversible manner. The inhibitory effect of ethanol was reduced over time during continuous infusion of ethanol or on the second injection 3.5 h after prior injection of a higher dose of ethanol (0.32 g). A high dose of ethanol (0.32 g) had no significant effects on-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid,-aminobutyric acid and glycine-induced changes in blood pressure. In vitro studies showed that ethanol (10–100 mM) dose-dependently inhibited inward currents elicited by pressure ejection of NMDA (10 mM) in RVLM neurons of neonatal brainstem slice preparations. When the superfusion time of ethanol (100 mM) was increased to 50 min, its inhibitory effect decreased gradually after 30–40 min in 60% of RVLM neurons examined. These data suggested that ethanol inhibition and subsequent tolerance development is associated with changed sensitivity to NMDA in the RVLM, which may play important roles in the ethanol regulation of cardiovascular function.  相似文献   

Intracellular recordings were made from the major neurites of local interneurons in the moth antennal lobe. Antennal nerve stimulation evoked 3 patterns of postsynaptic activity: (i) a short-latency compound excitatory postsynaptic potential that, based on electrical stimulation of the antennal nerve and stimulation of the antenna with odors, represents a monosynaptic input from olfactory afferent axons (71 out of 86 neurons), (ii) a delayed activation of firing in response to both electrical- and odor-driven input (11 neurons), and (iii) a delayed membrane hyperpolarization in response to antennal nerve input (4 neurons).Simultaneous intracellular recordings from a local interneuron with short-latency responses and a projection (output) neuron revealed unidirectional synaptic interactions between these two cell types. In 20% of the 30 pairs studied, spontaneous and current-induced spiking activity in a local interneuron correlated with hyperpolarization and suppression of firing in a projection neuron. No evidence for recurrent or feedback inhibition of projection neurons was found. Furthermore, suppression of firing in an inhibitory local interneuron led to an increase in firing in the normally quiescent projection neuron, suggesting that a disinhibitory pathway may mediate excitation in projection neurons. This is the first direct evidence of an inhibitory role for local interneurons in olfactory information processing in insects. Through different types of multisynaptic interactions with projection neurons, local interneurons help to generate and shape the output from olfactory glomeruli in the antennal lobe.Abbreviations AL antennal lobe - EPSP excitatory postsynaptic potential - GABA -aminobutyric acid - IPSP inhibitory postsynaptic potential - LN local interneuron - MGC macroglomerular complex - OB olfactory bulb - PN projection neuron - TES N-tris[hydroxymethyl]methyl-2-aminoethane-sulfonic acid  相似文献   

扬子鳄胚胎中脑视叶的组织发生   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
观察了16例不同时间扬子鳄胚胎中脑视叶的组织发生过程。胚胎孵育第6d,三个脑泡明显;孵育第9~10d,中脑泡可分细胞层和边缘层或纤维层,中脑水管未形成;孵育第18d,视叶隆起于中脑背侧,中脑水管形成,视叶分三层;孵育第24d,视叶分5层;孵育第34d,视叶分化为6层;孵育第51d,视叶分化为8层,与初生扬子鳄中脑视叶分层相同。  相似文献   

用光学显微镜对北草蜥(Takydromus septentrionalis)中脑视叶组织学结构进行了观察。视叶分为背侧的顶盖和腹侧的被盖,两者无明显界限。顶盖处灰质和白质交替排列。由表及里,可分为分子层、外灰质层、浅白质层、中灰质层、中白质层、深灰质层、深白质层和室管膜层。被盖处细胞层次不明显。在视叶的前部有横行的纤维将左右视叶联系起来。左右视叶室与中脑水管以及两视叶间的纵沟在视叶的中、后部相通。同时将北草蜥的中脑与其它低等脊椎动物进行了比较,推测北草蜥在进化上处于较低等地位。  相似文献   

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