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Sapling communities in Amazonian white-water forests   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aim Structure and floristic composition of forest regeneration (trees between 1 and 10 cm diameter at breast height (d.b.h), ≥ 1 m growth height) was described in three forest types of Amazonian white‐water forests (várzea), in order to analyse whether floristic composition of saplings is related to the successional stage of the forests, whether it differs in comparision with the mature flora, and if there exists a zonation of sapling species along the gradients of flooding and irradiation. Location Mamirauá Sustainable Development Reserve, Western Brazilian Amazon. Methods The investigated forests were of the low and the high várzea type, on an annual average flooded around 4 and 1 months, respectively. The two low‐várzea forests belonged to the secondary and to the late‐successional stage, the high‐várzea forest also to the late‐successional stage. A total of 24 circular sample plots covering 1885 m2 were installed. They were nested within three rectangular 1 ha permanent sample plots where individuals ≥ 10 cm d.b.h. were formerly inventoried. Average inundation and radiation [relative photosynthetically active radiation (rPAR)] at the forest floor was recorded in all inventoried plots. The Mean spatial Distribution Center (MDC; Ebdon, 1998 ) for all sapling species was calculated. Sapling species were grouped into associations with respect to their light‐demand and their location along the flood‐level gradient. Results Average flood height and average rPAR at the forest floor was highest in the secondary stage of the low várzea and lowest in the high‐várzea forest. Overall average density and basal area of the saplings averaged 2250 individuals and 2.3 m2 ha?1 in the secondary stage, 2330 individuals and 2.6 m2 ha?1 in the late‐successional stage of the low várzea and 5000 individuals and 4.8 m2 ha?1 in the high várzea. In all forest types, species richness of saplings was lower than species richness of trees ≥ 10 cm d.b.h., and amounted to 25 species in the secondary stage, to 35 species in the late‐successional stage of the low várzea and to 88 species in the high‐várzea forest. The amount of ‘immigrants’ ( Bazzaz, 1991 ) at the sapling level increased with proceeding forest succession and amounted to 24 and 29% in the low várzea and to 31% in the high várzea. Sapling species distribution, species richness and individual density was linked to both, the gradient of flooding and the gradient of irradiation. Species richness and individual density was highest in the high várzea and decreased with increasing influence of flooding. The high várzea was predominated by pronounced shade‐tolerant sapling species, whereas in the low várzea occured both, light demanding and shade‐tolerant species groups. Main conclusions Influence of flooding seems to be the main factor triggering species composition and structure of sapling communities in várzea forests. Proceeding forest succession reduces the impact of flooding because of the biogenical induced silting up of the forested sites. However, forest succession also alters forest architecture of the overstory and such the light conditions at the sapling level. Therefore, radiation is an important factor influencing species composition of sapling communities in várzea forests.  相似文献   

Eggs of the tambaqui Colossoma macropomum were incubated at 28 and 31) C. Somitogenesis started shortly after the formation of the neural plate and notochord. New somites were added at the rate of one every 13 min at 28) C and one every 11 min at 31) C. Myogenesis started in the most rostral myotomes at the 9-somite stage and proceeded in a caudal direction. Mononuclear myotubes with the morphological characteristic of muscle pioneer cells were observed lateral to the notochord. The majority of myotubes were formed from the fusion of 3–6 spindle-shaped myoblasts. Myofibril synthesis started soon after cell fusion at the periphery of myotubes. Close membrane contacts and 'gap'-type junctions were observed between myotubes, immature muscle fibres and at the inter-somite boundary, suggesting that the cells were electrically coupled. Embryos exhibited rhythmic movements at the 20-somite stage, and hatched at the 29–30-somite stage 15–18 h post-fertilisation (PFT) at 28° C and 11 h PFT at 31° C. Larvae hatched at a comparatively early stage of development prior to the completion of somitogenesis and the formation of eye pigment, pectoral fins and jaws. The myotomes comprised a single superficial layer of well-differentiated muscle fibres which contained abundant mitochondria, overlying an inner core of myotubes (presumptive white muscle layer). Differentiation and growth during the larval stages was extremely rapid, and the juvenile stage was reached after little more than 6 days at 28° C.  相似文献   

The standing crop and distribution of fish within the floating meadow habitat of Lago Mamirauá, an upper Amazonian floodplain lake, were studied during December 1993 when the water was rising and had just begun to enter the forest. The ichthyofauna was dominated by six groups, the Anostomidae, Gymnotiformes, Erythrinidae, Serrasalmidae, Synbranchidae and Cichlidae. For anchored meadow, total wet weight was estimated as 312 kg ha -1 and total number as 90 400 individuals ha-1. This biomass estimate was probably below the annual maximum because some fish had already dispersed into the forest, but, the number of individuals was close to the annual maximum because of the recent arrival of juvenile Serrasalmidae and Cichlidae. For drifting islands of meadow fish biomass and density were estimated as 192kg ha-1 and 12 700 individuals ha-1 respectively. The Synbranchidae, Gymnotiformes and Erythrinidae avoided drifting meadow. In comparison, the Cichlidae and Anostomidae, while favouring marginal, anchored meadow, were frequently dispersed by drifting islands. The Siluriformes were unique in favouring drifting over anchored meadow. For this group the observed down-stream drift may be a seasonal migration to the main river channels. Juvenile fish avoided drifting islands, presumably to avoid being flushed from the lakes. Their abundance was lowest at the mouth of the lake. The generally abundant Serrasalmus spp. juveniles were absent from meadow at the mouth of the lake.  相似文献   

Detritivory in two Amazonian fish species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In floodplain lakes of Central Amazon, the siluriform Liposarcus pardalis and the characiform Prochilodus nigricans consumed detritus with different compositions. Most of the diet of L. pardalis and P. nigricans was made of amorphous organic matter. The food ingested by L. pardalis had relatively higher organic matter (OM) (35–55%) and crude protein (10–19%) than that found in P. nigricans stomachs (10–20% and 2–5%, respectively). Both fish ingested higher quantities of OM and crude protein during the high-water season. The differences between the two species seem to be related to their ability to select different detrital components. Striking differences were also found in the digestibility rate of OM and protein between the two species. Prochilodus nigricans assimilated only 2·3% of its intake compared with 24% in L. pardalis .  相似文献   

1. Two enclosure experiments were carried out in Laguna Bufeos, a neotropical várzea lake located in the floodplain of River Ichilo (Bolivia). The experiments aimed (i) to assess the relative importance of bottom‐up and top‐down control on the plankton community, (ii) to assess the relative impact of direct and indirect effects of planktivorous fish on the zooplankton, and (iii) to attempt to identify the mechanisms responsible for these effects. 2. During the first experiment, bottom‐up control seemed to dominate the planktonic food web. Compared with fishless enclosures, oxygen concentrations, chlorophyll a levels and the population densities of all cladoceran zooplankton taxa increased in enclosures with fish. Birth rates of Moina minuta, the dominant taxon, were substantially higher in the presence than in the absence of fish, whereas death rates did not differ between treatments. These results are the first to suggest that the positive effects of fish on crustacean zooplankton via effects on nutrient cycling and the enhancement of primary production can compensate for losses because of fish‐related mortality. 3. During the second experiment, the direction of control appeared to vary between trophic levels: the phytoplankton appeared to be bottom‐up controlled whereas the zooplankton was mainly top‐down controlled. Chlorophyll a concentrations were enhanced by both fish and nutrient additions. The majority of the zooplankton taxa were reduced by the presence of fish. Birth rates of most cladoceran taxa did not differ between treatments, whereas death rates were higher in the enclosures with fish than in the fishless enclosures. Bosminopsis deitersi reached higher densities in the presence of fish, probably because of a release from predation by Chaoborus. 4. We convincingly showed strong deviations from trophic cascade‐based expectations, supporting the idea that trophic cascades may be weak in tropical lakes.  相似文献   

Because most species in an ecological assemblage are rare, much of the species richness we value is due to taxa with few individuals or a restricted distribution. It has been apparent since the time of ecological pioneers such as Bates and Darwin that tropical systems have disproportionately large numbers of rare species, yet the distribution and abundance patterns of these species remain largely unknown. Here, we examine the diversity of freshwater fish in a series of lakes in the Amazonian várzea, and relate relative abundance, both as numbers of individuals and as biomass, to the occurrence of species in space and time. We find a bimodal relationship of occurrence that distinguishes temporally and spatially persistent species from those that are infrequent in both space and time. Logistic regression reveals that information on occurrence helps distinguish those species that are rare in this locality but abundant elsewhere, from those that are rare throughout the region. These results form a link between different approaches used to evaluate commonness and rarity. In doing so, they provide a tool for identifying species of high conservation priority in poorly documented but species rich localities.  相似文献   

The world's richest freshwater fish community thrives in gradients of contrasting environments in Amazonia, ranging from ion‐poor acidic black waters, to ion‐rich circumneutral white waters. These hydrochemical gradients structure Amazonian fish assemblages via ecological speciation events. Fish bacterial communities contain an important genetic heritage essential for their hosts' survival and are also involved in adaptive divergence via niche adaptation processes, but the extent to which they evolve in response to hydrochemical gradients in Amazonia is unknown. Here we investigated bacterial communities (gut and skin mucus) of two ecologically and phylogenetically divergent host species (Mesonauta festivus and Serrasalmus rhombeus) distributed throughout these hydrochemical gradients. The goal was to characterize intra‐ and interspecific Amazonian fish microbiome variations across multiple scales. Using a 16S metabarcoding approach, we investigated the microbiota of 43 wild M. festivus, 32 S. rhombeus and seven water samples, collected at seven sampling sites encompassing both water colours. Taxonomical structures of bacterial communities from both host species were significantly correlated to the environmental continua of magnesium, sodium, dissolved organic carbon, calcium, dissolved O2, pH, potassium, hardness and chloride. Analysis of discriminating features in community structures across multiple scales demonstrated intra‐ and interspecific structural parallelisms in the response to the hydrochemical gradients. Together, these parallelisms suggest the action of selection on bacterial community structures along Amazonian hydrochemical gradients. Functional approaches along with reciprocal transplant experiments will provide further insights on the potential contribution of Amazonian fish microbiomes in host adaptation and ecological speciation events.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA) sequences of the marbled hatchetfish Carnegiella strigata, an ornamental fish exported from the Negro River, was examined to determine its genetic diversity and population structure in blackwater rivers (Negro and Uatumã Rivers) in the central Amazon. Analyses of a 646 bp fragment of the ATPase 6/8 mtDNA gene revealed two monophyletic lineages of C. strigata with considerable genetic distance between them (10–12%), suggesting that these lineages should not be considered a single stock. Furthermore, there were strong differences in the geographical distribution of the lineages. These results indicate a past association between drainages of the Negro and Uatumã Rivers. They also suggest that, in the Negro River, its main tributary, the Branco River, may act as a geographical barrier and potentially an ecological barrier between populations of the middle and lower portions of the river.  相似文献   

Transport of larval fish in the Amazon   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In the Amazon near Manaus, larvae of Characiformes, Clupeiformes, Tetraodontiformes, Pleuronectiformes, Gymnotiformes, Belonidae and Sciaenidae were sampled in the river during most of the year, except in June and July, when the water level was at its maximum. Characiformes, Tetraodontiformes and Siluriformes were found in the ichthyoplankton mostly during the rising waters, but Clupeiformes and Sciaenidae drifted in the river almost all year around. Egg abundance was extremely low, suggesting that they do not drift or have a very short residence time. Two types of larval drift seemed to occur: a rising water drift and a lowering water drift. Characiformes, Tetraodontiformes and some Clupeiformes drifted mostly during the rising waters and were more abundant near the banks. Their strategy seemed to be a passive dispersion towards the floodplain with the flood pulse. The high densities near the banks optimized their chances of reaching a floodplain inlet. The groups that drifted during the lowering waters showed an alternative strategy. They were flushed from the floodplain lakes and may have stayed in the main river channel for a few months before returning to the floodplain. Predation in the lakes during the period when water level decline was probably the force behind this drift.  相似文献   

Road building can lead to significant deleterious impacts on biodiversity, varying from direct road-kill mortality and direct habitat loss associated with road construction, to more subtle indirect impacts from edge effects and fragmentation. However, little work has been done to evaluate the specific effects of road networks and biodiversity loss beyond the more generalized effects of habitat loss. Here, we compared forest bird species richness and composition in the municipalities of Santarém and Belterra in Pará state, eastern Brazilian Amazon, with a road network metric called ‘roadless volume (RV)’ at the scale of small hydrological catchments (averaging 3721 ha). We found a significant positive relationship between RV and both forest bird richness and the average number of unique species (species represented by a single record) recorded at each site. Forest bird community composition was also significantly affected by RV. Moreover, there was no significant correlation between RV and forest cover, suggesting that road networks may impact biodiversity independently of changes in forest cover. However, variance partitioning analysis indicated that RV has partially independent and therefore additive effects, suggesting that RV and forest cover are best used in a complementary manner to investigate changes in biodiversity. Road impacts on avian species richness and composition independent of habitat loss may result from road-dependent habitat disturbance and fragmentation effects that are not captured by total percentage habitat cover, such as selective logging, fire, hunting, traffic disturbance, edge effects and road-induced fragmentation.  相似文献   

Laboratory mate choice experiments have confirmed species status for cichlid fish in the African Great Lakes that differ in colour and little else. Colour differences between allopatric populations of the South American cichlid genus Apistogramma are known for many species, yet the status of such populations has not been previously tested. Analysis of the genetic relationships and mate choice characteristics of populations previously described as Apistogramma caetei from eastern Amazonia indicates genetic differentiation into at least three allopatric lineages, which also show strong prezygotic isolation through female mate choice, confirming them as Biological species. If future studies confirm that this result is indicative of a general trend, the species richness of the South American cichlid fishes may presently be seriously underestimated.  相似文献   

Results of a study of the fish community of the leaf litter banks in the lower reaches of the Taruma-Mirim, a small central Amazonian stream is presented. The Taruma-Mirim is an acidic, blackwater, forest stream which flows through igapo forest and enters the Rio Negro close to Manaus. The commonly held view that these blackwaters hold an impoverished ichthyofauna is challenged. The studied litter banks hold about 20 species of fish, all of which were found to live within distinct subregions of the habitat. Average fish density was about 100 individuals m−2. Absolute population sizes were found to be remarkably small; within a 200 m2 area the most abundant species had a population size of about 104 and the least abundant <102 individuals. It is argued that high species richness linked to specialized habitat requirements and small population size indicates considerable population stability. The factors leading to the evolution of such species richness are discussed.  相似文献   

Water depth in the Amazon basin can differ by more than 11 m between low and high water periods in the annual cycle. When the water is high, the forest streams inundate the surrounding low-lying forest creating vast lakes. Where the water originates from the forest it is rich in humic acids and low in dissolved nutrients. Such waters are termed blackwaters. Igapó is the specialized inundation forest of blackwater regions. Until recently it was generally held that the blackwater fauna was impoverished and of low biomass. However, recent studies have shown that these waters hold a specialized fauna living within and upon allochthonous input from the forest. Within submerged litter banks a diverse ichthyofauna forming dense local populations has been found.
Information on the spatial organization, population density and food web of this fauna will be presented. It is argued that this community is highly vulnerable to deforestation and its long-term future can only be assured if the forest is conserved. This is not to suggest that these fish are not adaptable to disturbance as the community has evolved to live with changing water levels and the loss of submerged wood and leaf-litter habitat. It is a remarkable example of a climax community exhibiting high diversity and low total population sizes within a variable habitat. Its conservation is of economic importance to the local human population whose diet includes a high proportion of fish.  相似文献   

This study compared the structure of metazoan parasite communities in two populations of Leporinus friderici from two rivers of the Amazon River system in Brazil. Jainus leporini, Urocleidoides paradoxus, Urocleidoides sp., Tereancistrum parvus, Tereancistrum sp., Clinostomum marginatum, Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) inopinatus, Contracaecum sp., Octospiniferoides incognita and Ergasilus sp. were found in both hosts. There were differences in species richness of parasites, Shannon index and the evenness between both host populations, because the parasite community showed a similarity of only 33%. Parasites of both host populations had an aggregated dispersion. Host size also contributes to the differences between the populations of hosts investigated, and the feeding habit contributes to the occurrence of endoparasites in L. friderici, an intermediate host for these parasites. The existence of variation in infracommunity and community of parasites for the same host species from different localities indicates the presence of an uneven distribution in terms of species and density of parasites, which are intermediate hosts, and some of them constitute food items for L. friderici in the localities surveyed.  相似文献   

Environmental conditions on higher latitude coral reefs can be extremely variable, and may structure fish communities in ways not previously observed in the more stable, low latitude locations where communities have usually been studied. Temporal changes in fish community structure were examined in an intensive two-year study of the reef fishes of Hanalei Bay, Kauai, Hawaii. Hanalei Bay is directly exposed to winter swells with high surf, as well as frequent heavy winter rainfall and high river discharge. Twenty-two transects (25 × 5 m) were established in a wide variety of habitats and censused monthly (N = 1052 censuses). Over 121 000 sightings of individuals from 150 species were made during the study. Seasonal patterns in number of species, number of individuals, species diversity, and evenness were observed, with winter values usually lowest. Values of these ensemble variables tended to be higher at deeper sites and at sites with greater habitat complexity. Surf height and degree of wave exposure were negatively correlated with several measures of community organization. Groups of fishes with different levels of spatial mobility tended to occupy depths consistent with their various abilities to respond to events of heavy weather. The rank abundance of fish taxa tended to be more stable seasonally at sites with less exposure to high wave energy. These seasonal effects may suggest some type of short-range movement from more exposed and monotypic habitats to locations that are deeper or otherwise provide refuge from seasonally heavy seas.  相似文献   

The one‐lined pencilfish Nannostomus unifasciatus is a small fish from the flooded forests of the Amazon basin. Pencilfish are popular in aquaria and are used as ornamental fishery resource by riverine communities from central Amazonia. Here we report a set of nine microsatellite loci for N. unifasciatus. Number of alleles and heterozygosity per locus in a sample of 30 pencilfish ranged from 4 to 19 and from 0.39 to 0.86, respectively. These markers will prove useful to investigate population genetic structure, identify conservation units, and to conduct phylogeographical reconstructions in pencilfish from the flooded forests of Amazonia.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding was used in the identification of 89 commercially important freshwater and marine fish species found in Turkish ichthyofauna. A total of 1765 DNA barcodes using a 654‐bp‐long fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene were generated for 89 commercially important freshwater and marine fish species found in Turkish ichthyofauna. These species belong to 70 genera, 40 families and 19 orders from class Actinopterygii, and all were associated with a distinct DNA barcode. Nine and 12 of the COI barcode clusters represent the first species records submitted to the BOLD and GenBank databases, respectively. All COI barcodes (except sequences of first species records) were matched with reference sequences of expected species, according to morphological identification. Average nucleotide frequencies of the data set were calculated as T = 29.7%, C = 28.2%, A = 23.6% and G = 18.6%. Average pairwise genetic distance among individuals were estimated as 0.32%, 9.62%, 17,90% and 22.40% for conspecific, congeneric, confamilial and within order, respectively. Kimura 2‐parameter genetic distance values were found to increase with taxonomic level. For most of the species analysed in our data set, there is a barcoding gap, and an overlap in the barcoding gap exists for only two genera. Neighbour‐joining trees were drawn based on DNA barcodes and all the specimens clustered in agreement with their taxonomic classification at species level. Results of this study supported DNA barcoding as an efficient molecular tool for a better monitoring, conservation and management of fisheries.  相似文献   

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